BFTB Bulgaria

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# Bulgarian Events

add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_factions
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_imro
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris
add_namespace = bftb_bulgarian_claims
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_italian_influence
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_uranium_mining_concessions
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_political_leaders
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence
add_namespace = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies

#### ## ## ######## ######## ######## ## ## ### ## ########

### ###### ######## #### ####### ## ## ######
## ### ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##
## #### ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ###### ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######
## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## #### ######### ## ##
######### ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ##
## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ##
#### ## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######## ##
## ## ###### ## #### ####### ## ## ######


country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.01

hidden = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
random_list = {
10 = {
modifier = {
add = 30
NOT = { has_country_flag =
BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag }
modifier = {
add = 10
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_popularity = 25 compare
= greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 20
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_popularity = 50 compare
= greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 30
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_popularity = 75 compare
= greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.5
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.25
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.15
modifier = {
add = -30
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_loyalty = 75 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -20
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_loyalty = 50 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -10
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_loyalty = 25 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -30
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag value > 2 }
modifier = {
add = -10
has_completed_focus = BUL_dissolve_the_military_union
modifier = {
add = -10
has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_repressed_flag
modifier = {
add = -20
has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_leaders_imprisoned_flag
modifier = {
add = -20
has_country_flag = BUL_raided_zveno_supporters_flag

country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.10 days = 15

random_days = 10 }
90 = {
#Do nothing


country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.02

hidden = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
random_list = {
10 = {
modifier = {
add = 30
NOT = { has_country_flag =
BUL_bs_dissident_event_flag }
modifier = {
add = 10
check_variable = { BUL_bs_popularity = 25 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 20
check_variable = { BUL_bs_popularity = 50 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 30
check_variable = { BUL_bs_popularity = 75 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.5
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.25
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.15
modifier = {
add = 10
has_completed_focus = BUL_crush_the_communists
modifier = {
add = -30
check_variable = { BUL_bs_loyalty = 75 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -20
check_variable = { BUL_bs_loyalty = 50 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -10
check_variable = { BUL_bs_loyalty = 25 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -30
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_bs_dissident_event_flag value > 2 }
modifier = {
add = -10
OR = {
has_completed_focus =
has_completed_focus = BUL_form_a_popular_bloc
has_completed_focus = BUL_freedom_of_press
modifier = {
add = -10
has_country_flag = BUL_bs_repressed_flag
modifier = {
add = -20
has_country_flag = BUL_bs_leaders_imprisoned_flag
modifier = {
add = -20
has_country_flag = BUL_raided_bs_supporters_flag

country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.20 days = 15

random_days = 10 }
90 = {
#Do nothing


country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.03

hidden = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
random_list = {
10 = {
modifier = {
add = 30
NOT = { has_country_flag =
BUL_bzns_dissident_event_flag }
modifier = {
add = 10
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_popularity = 25 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 20
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_popularity = 50 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 30
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_popularity = 75 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.5
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.25
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.15
modifier = {
add = -30
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_loyalty = 75 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -20
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_loyalty = 50 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -10
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_loyalty = 25 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -30
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_bzns_dissident_event_flag value > 2 }
modifier = {
add = -10
OR = {
has_completed_focus = BUL_democratic_principles
has_completed_focus =
has_completed_focus = BUL_freedom_of_press
modifier = {
add = -10
has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_repressed_flag
modifier = {
add = -20
has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_leaders_imprisoned_flag
modifier = {
add = -20
has_country_flag = BUL_raided_bzns_supporters_flag

country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.30 days = 15

random_days = 10 }
90 = {
#Do nothing


country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.04

hidden = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
random_list = {
10 = {
modifier = {
add = 30
NOT = { has_country_flag =
BUL_nsm_dissident_event_flag }
modifier = {
add = 10
check_variable = { BUL_nsm_popularity = 25 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 20
check_variable = { BUL_nsm_popularity = 50 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 30
check_variable = { BUL_nsm_popularity = 75 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.5
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.25
modifier = {
add = 10
has_stability < 0.15
modifier = {
add = -10
has_completed_focus = BUL_appoint_communist_ministers
modifier = {
add = -30
check_variable = { BUL_nsm_loyalty = 75 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -20
check_variable = { BUL_nsm_loyalty = 50 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -10
check_variable = { BUL_nsm_loyalty = 25 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -30
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_nsm_dissident_event_flag value > 2 }
modifier = {
add = -10
has_completed_focus =
modifier = {
add = -10
has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_repressed_flag
modifier = {
add = -20
has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_leaders_imprisoned_flag
modifier = {
add = -20
has_country_flag = BUL_raided_nsm_supporters_flag

country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.40 days = 15

random_days = 10 }
90 = {
#Do nothing


country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.05

hidden = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
random_list = {
10 = {
modifier = {
add = 30
has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag
modifier = {
add = 30
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag value > 1 }
modifier = {
add = 40
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag value > 2 }
modifier = {
add = 80
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag value > 3 }
modifier = {
add = 20
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_popularity = 25 compare
= greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 30
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_popularity = 50 compare
= greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 40
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_popularity = 75 compare
= greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = 20
has_completed_focus = BUL_dissolve_the_military_union
modifier = {
add = 20
has_stability < 0.5
modifier = {
add = 25
has_stability < 0.25
modifier = {
add = 30
has_stability < 0.15
modifier = {
add = -30
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_loyalty = 75 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -15
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_loyalty = 50 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -5
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_loyalty = 25 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
modifier = {
add = -10
has_completed_focus = BUL_cooperate_with_the_zveno
modifier = {
add = -10
has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_repressed_flag
modifier = {
add = -10
has_country_flag =
modifier = {
add = -20
has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_leaders_imprisoned_flag
modifier = {
add = -20
has_country_flag = BUL_raided_zveno_supporters_flag
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.12 days = 15
random_days = 10 }
90 = {
#Do nothing

#Dissident Event ZVENO - Military members conspiring

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.10
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.10.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.10.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_military_parade_vidin

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
original_tag = BUL
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_destroyed_flag }
#Zveno is not destroyed
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_legalized_flag }
#Zveno is not legalized
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag }
#Zveno has not trigger dissident event recently
has_country_flag = { flag = BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag days >
365 }
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_repressed_flag }
#Zveno members have not been repressed recently
has_country_flag = { flag = BUL_zveno_repressed_flag days > 720 }
NOT = { has_active_mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup }
#Zveno coup mission is not ongoing
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_coup_flag }
#Zveno CW has not started
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_popularity = 5 compare =
greater_than_or_equals } #Zveno has some popularity
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_loyalty = 50 compare = less_than_or_equals
} #Zveno has low loyalty
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_fatherland_front_formed_flag }
#Fatherland Front has not formed or has being defeated
has_country_flag = BUL_ff_destroyed_flag

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag
modify_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag value = 1 }
else = {
set_country_flag = BUL_zveno_dissident_event_flag
set_country_flag = BUL_zveno_dissident_event_not_addressed_flag
random_unit_leader = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_trait = trait_BUL_tsar_loyalist }
NOT = { has_trait = trait_BUL_ff_sympathizer }
add_unit_leader_trait = trait_BUL_zveno_member

option = { #Investigate further

name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.10.a

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 5
is_historical_focus_on = yes

add_war_support = -0.05
add_political_power = -50
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.11 days = 30 random_days
= 15 } #Event leading to discovering the conspirators and removing a Zveno

if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_decision = BUL_opression_repress_zveno }
unlock_decision_tooltip = BUL_opression_repress_zveno
custom_effect_tooltip = BUL_zveno_dissidents_tt

option = { #Do nothing

name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.10.b

ai_chance = {
base = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes #Don't want a CW on historical

if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_decision = BUL_opression_repress_zveno }
unlock_decision_tooltip = BUL_opression_repress_zveno
custom_effect_tooltip = BUL_zveno_dissidents_tt

#Dissident Event ZVENO - Conspirators exposed

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.11
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.11.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.11.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_officers_burgas

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag =
modify_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_zveno_conspirators_exposed_flag value = 1 }
else = {
set_country_flag = BUL_zveno_conspirators_exposed_flag
random_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_trait = trait_BUL_zveno_member
set_unit_leader_flag = BUL_zveno_conspirator_flag
BUL = { set_variable = { BUL_zveno_conspirator = PREV } }

option = { #Imprison Conspirator

name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.11.a

#A general is removed
random_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_unit_leader_flag = BUL_zveno_conspirator_flag
retire = yes
custom_effect_tooltip = BUL_exposed_zveno_conspirator_tt

option = { #Do nothing

name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.11.b

hidden_effect = {
#A general is removed
random_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_unit_leader_flag = BUL_zveno_conspirator_flag
clr_unit_leader_flag = BUL_zveno_conspirator_flag

#Dissident Event ZVENO - Impending coup

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.12
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.12.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.12.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_military_planning

is_triggered_only = yes
trigger = {
original_tag = BUL
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_legalized_flag }
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_repressed_flag }
#Zveno members have not been repressed recently
has_country_flag = { flag = BUL_zveno_repressed_flag days > 365 }
NOT = { has_active_mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup }
#Zveno coup mission is not ongoing
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_coup_flag }
#Zveno CW has not started
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_popularity = 5 compare =
greater_than_or_equals } #Zveno has some popularity
check_variable = { BUL_zveno_loyalty = 50 compare = less_than_or_equals
} #Zveno has low loyalty
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_fatherland_front_formed_flag }
#Fatherland Front has not formed or has being defeated
has_country_flag = BUL_ff_destroyed_flag

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
set_country_flag = BUL_impending_zveno_coup_flag

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.12.a

effect_tooltip = {
activate_mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup

#Dissident Event BS - Workers Strike

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.20
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.20.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.20.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_strike

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
original_tag = BUL
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_legalized_flag }
check_variable = { BUL_bs_popularity = 5 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { BUL_bs_loyalty = 50 compare = less_than_or_equals }
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_dissident_event_flag }
has_country_flag = { flag = BUL_bs_dissident_event_flag days >
365 }
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_repressed_flag }
#BS members have not been repressed recently
has_country_flag = { flag = BUL_bs_repressed_flag days > 720 }

immediate = {
set_country_flag = BUL_bs_dissident_event_flag
set_country_flag = BUL_bs_dissident_event_not_addressed_flag

option = { #Do not employ violence

name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.20.a

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 5
is_historical_focus_on = yes

BUL_bs_medium_popularity_increase_effect = yes
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.05
add_timed_idea = { idea = BUL_worker_strikes days = 120 }

if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_decision = BUL_opression_repress_bs }
unlock_decision_tooltip = BUL_opression_repress_bs
option = { #Employ violence
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.20.b

BUL_bs_low_popularity_increase_effect = yes
add_stability = -0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.05
add_timed_idea = { idea = BUL_worker_strikes days = 15 }

custom_effect_tooltip = BUL_bs_strikes_no_violence_tt

country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.21 hours = 8 random_hours

= 4 }

hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
20 = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
industrial_complex > 0
set_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_civ_factory_flag value = 1 }
ROOT = { set_variable =
{ BUL_damaged_civs_state = PREV } }
20 = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
industrial_complex > 1
set_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_civ_factory_flag value = 2 }
ROOT = { set_variable =
{ BUL_damaged_civs_state = PREV } }
20 = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
industrial_complex > 2
set_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_civ_factory_flag value = 3 }
ROOT = { set_variable =
{ BUL_damaged_civs_state = PREV } }
if = {
limit = {
communism > 0.3
if = {
limit = {
any_owned_state = {
arms_factory > 1
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
arms_factory > 1
set_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_military_factory_flag value = 2 }
ROOT = { set_variable =
{ BUL_damaged_mils_state = PREV } }
else = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
arms_factory > 0
set_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_military_factory_flag value = 1 }
ROOT = { set_variable =
{ BUL_damaged_mils_state = PREV } }
if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { BUL_bs_popularity = 50 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_state_flag =
has_state_flag =
set_state_flag = BUL_damaged_infrastructre_flag
ROOT = { set_variable =
{ BUL_damaged_infrastructure_state = PREV } }

if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_decision = BUL_opression_repress_bs }
unlock_decision_tooltip = BUL_opression_repress_bs

#Dissident Event BS - Workers Strikes Outcome

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.21
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.21.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.21.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_damaged_civ_factory_flag
if = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_civ_factory_flag value = 1 }
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1
else_if = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_civ_factory_flag value = 2 }
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1
else = {
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1

if = {
limit = {
any_owned_state = {
has_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_military_factory_flag value = 1 }
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag =
damage_building = {
type = arms_factory
damage = 1
else_if = {
limit = {
any_owned_state = {
has_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_military_factory_flag value = 2 }
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag =
damage_building = {
type = arms_factory
damage = 0.75
damage_building = {
type = arms_factory
damage = 0.5
if = {
limit = {
any_owned_state = {
has_state_flag = BUL_damaged_infrastructre_flag
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_damaged_infrastructre_flag
damage_building = {
type = infrastructure
damage = 2

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.21.a

effect_tooltip = {
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_damaged_civ_factory_flag
if = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_civ_factory_flag value = 1 }
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1
else_if = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_damaged_civ_factory_flag value = 2 }
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1
else = {
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1
damage_building = {
type = industrial_complex
damage = 1

if = {
limit = {
any_owned_state = {
has_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_military_factory_damaged_flag value = 1 }
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag =
damage_building = {
type = arms_factory
damage = 1
else_if = {
limit = {
any_owned_state = {
has_state_flag = { flag =
BUL_military_factory_damaged_flag value = 2 }
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag =
damage_building = {
type = arms_factory
damage = 0.75
damage_building = {
type = arms_factory
damage = 0.5
if = {
limit = {
any_owned_state = {
has_state_flag = BUL_damaged_infrastructre_flag
random_owned_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_damaged_infrastructre_flag
damage_building = {
type = infrastructure
damage = 2

#Dissident Event BZNS - Agrarian Support Rising in the Countryside

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.30
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.30.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.30.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_making_bricks_for_school

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
original_tag = BUL
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_legalized_flag }
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_popularity = 5 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_loyalty = 50 compare =
less_than_or_equals }
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_dissident_event_flag }
has_country_flag = { flag = BUL_bzns_dissident_event_flag days >
365 }
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_repressed_flag }
#BZNS members have not been repressed recently
has_country_flag = { flag = BUL_bzns_repressed_flag days > 720 }

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
if = {
limit = { has_country_flag =
BUL_bzns_dissident_event_flag }
clr_country_flag = BUL_bzns_dissident_event_flag
set_country_flag = BUL_bzns_dissident_event_flag
set_country_flag = BUL_bzns_dissident_event_not_addressed_flag

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.30.a

add_stability = -0.05
add_war_support = -0.1
add_popularity = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = 0.05

if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_decision = BUL_opression_repress_bzns }
unlock_decision_tooltip = BUL_opression_repress_bzns

#Flavor Event BZNS - Agrarian Support splits!

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.31
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.31.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.31.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rally2

trigger = {
has_dlc = "Battle for the Bosporus"
original_tag = BUL
date > 1938.1.1
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_integrated_flag }
OR = {
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_popularity = 30 compare =
less_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_popularity = 70 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 365
modifier = {
factor = 0.75
check_variable = { BUL_bzns_loyalty = 15 compare =
less_than_or_equals }

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.31.a

BUL_bzns_high_popularity_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_bzns_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes
add_political_power = 50
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.05

#Dissident Event NSM - March on Turnovo (March on "X" afterwards)

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.40
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.40.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.40.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_fascists_posing

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
original_tag = BUL
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_legalized_flag }
check_variable = { BUL_nsm_popularity = 5 compare =
greater_than_or_equals }
check_variable = { BUL_nsm_loyalty = 50 compare = less_than_or_equals }
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_dissident_event_flag }
has_country_flag = { flag = BUL_nsm_dissident_event_flag days >
365 }
OR = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_repressed_flag }
#NSM members have not been repressed recently
has_country_flag = { flag = BUL_nsm_repressed_flag days > 720 }

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
if = {
limit = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_dissident_event_flag }
clr_country_flag = BUL_nsm_dissident_event_flag
set_country_flag = BUL_nsm_dissident_event_flag
set_country_flag = BUL_nsm_dissident_event_not_addressed_flag

option = { #Allow them

name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.40.a

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 5
is_historical_focus_on = yes

BUL_nsm_high_popularity_increase_effect = yes
add_war_support = 0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = 0.1

if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_decision = BUL_opression_repress_nsm }
unlock_decision_tooltip = BUL_opression_repress_nsm
hidden_effect = {#Randomize next location
BUL_get_random_bulgarian_destination_march = yes

option = { #Repress demonstrators

name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.40.b

BUL_nsm_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_nsm_low_popularity_decrease_effect = yes
add_stability = -0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = 0.05

if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_decision = BUL_opression_repress_nsm }
unlock_decision_tooltip = BUL_opression_repress_nsm
hidden_effect = {#Randomize next location
BUL_get_random_bulgarian_destination_march = yes

# Zveno Repression - Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.50
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.50.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.50.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gathering_protest

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.50.a

BUL_zveno_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_zveno_low_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.05

#Add days to Zveno Coup timer if active

if = {
limit = {
has_active_mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup
add_days_mission_timeout = {
mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup
days = BUL_zveno_coup_timer_delay_high

# Zveno Repression - Extra Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.51
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.51.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.51.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gathering_protest

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.51.a

BUL_zveno_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_zveno_medium_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.05
add_political_power = 50

#Add days to Zveno Coup timer if active

if = {
limit = {
has_active_mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup
add_days_mission_timeout = {
mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup
days = BUL_zveno_coup_timer_delay_high

# Zveno Repression - Failure

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.52
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.52.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.52.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.52.a

BUL_zveno_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.1
# Zveno Imprison Leaders - Success
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.53
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.53.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.53.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_military

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.53.a

BUL_zveno_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_zveno_high_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_political_power = 50

#Add days to Zveno Coup timer if active

if = {
limit = {
has_active_mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup
add_days_mission_timeout = {
mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup
days = BUL_zveno_coup_timer_delay_high

# Zveno Imprison Leaders - Failure

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.54
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.54.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.54.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_military_parade_vidin

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.54.a

BUL_zveno_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_zveno_medium_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

#Add days to Zveno Coup timer if active

if = {
limit = {
has_active_mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup
add_days_mission_timeout = {
mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup
days = BUL_zveno_coup_timer_delay_medium

# Zveno Imprison Leaders - Backfired

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.55
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.55.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.55.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.55.a

BUL_zveno_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.1

#Add days to Zveno Coup timer if active

if = {
limit = {
has_active_mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup
add_days_mission_timeout = {
mission = BUL_impending_zveno_coup
days = BUL_zveno_coup_timer_delay_low

# Broad Socialists Repression - Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.60
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.60.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.60.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gathering_protest

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.60.a

BUL_bs_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_bs_low_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.05

# Broad Socialists Repression - Extra Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.61
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.61.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.61.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gathering_protest

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.61.a
BUL_bs_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_bs_medium_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.05
add_political_power = 50

# Broad Socialists Repression - Failure

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.62
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.62.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.62.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.62.a

BUL_bs_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.1

# Broad Socialists Imprison Leaders - Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.63
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.63.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.63.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_military

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.63.a

BUL_bs_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_bs_high_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_political_power = 50

# Broad Socialists Imprison Leaders - Failure

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.64
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.64.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.64.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_military_parade_vidin

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.64.a

BUL_bs_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_bs_medium_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

# Broad Socialists Imprison Leaders - Backfired

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.65
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.65.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.65.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.65.a

BUL_bs_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.1

# Agrarian Union Repression - Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.70
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.70.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.70.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gathering_protest

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.70.a

BUL_bzns_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_bzns_low_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.05

# Agrarian Union Repression - Extra Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.71
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.71.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.71.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gathering_protest

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.71.a

BUL_bzns_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_bzns_medium_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.05
add_political_power = 50
# Agrarian Union Repression - Failure
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.72
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.72.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.72.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.72.a

BUL_bzns_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.1

# Agrarian Union Imprison Leaders - Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.73
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.73.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.73.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_military

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.73.a

BUL_bzns_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_bzns_high_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_political_power = 50

# Agrarian Union Imprison Leaders - Failure

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.74
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.74.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.74.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_military_parade_vidin

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.74.a

BUL_bzns_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_bzns_medium_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

# Agrarian Union Imprison Leaders - Backfired

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.75
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.75.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.75.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.75.a

BUL_bzns_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.1

# National Social Movement Repression - Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.80
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.80.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.80.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gathering_protest

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.80.a

BUL_nsm_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_nsm_low_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.05

# National Social Movement Repression - Extra Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.81
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.81.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.81.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gathering_protest

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.81.a

BUL_nsm_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_nsm_medium_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.05
add_political_power = 50

# National Social Movement Repression - Failure

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.82
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.82.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.82.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.82.a

BUL_nsm_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.1

# National Social Movement Imprison Leaders - Success

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.83
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.83.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.83.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_military

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.83.a

BUL_nsm_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_nsm_high_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

add_political_power = 50

# National Social Movement Imprison Leaders - Failure

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.84
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.84.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.84.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_military_parade_vidin

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.84.a

BUL_nsm_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
BUL_nsm_medium_popularity_decrease_effect = yes

# National Social Movement Imprison Leaders - Backfired

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.85
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.85.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.85.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_riot

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.85.a
BUL_nsm_low_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

add_stability = -0.1

# Integrated Faction - ZVENO

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.17
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.17.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.17.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_with_muraviev

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.17.a

add_political_power = 120
add_stability = 0.1
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_integrated_flag }
BUL_bs_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_integrated_flag }
BUL_bzns_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_integrated_flag }
BUL_nsm_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

# Integrated Faction - BS
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.27
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.27.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.27.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_with_muraviev

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.27.a

add_political_power = 120
add_stability = 0.1
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_integrated_flag }
BUL_zveno_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_integrated_flag }
BUL_bzns_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_integrated_flag }
BUL_nsm_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

# Integrated Faction - BZNS

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.37
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.37.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.37.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_with_muraviev

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.37.a

add_political_power = 120
add_stability = 0.1
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_integrated_flag }
BUL_zveno_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_integrated_flag }
BUL_bs_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_integrated_flag }
BUL_nsm_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

# Integrated Faction - NSM

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.47
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.47.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.47.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_with_muraviev

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.47.a

add_political_power = 120
add_stability = 0.1
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_integrated_flag }
BUL_zveno_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_integrated_flag }
BUL_bs_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_integrated_flag }
BUL_bzns_medium_loyalty_decrease_effect = yes

# Destroyed Faction - ZVENO

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.19
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.19.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.19.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_military_parade_vidin

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.19.a

add_political_power = 120
add_stability = 0.1
if = {
limit = {
has_idea = BUL_zveno_ns
remove_ideas = BUL_zveno_ns
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_integrated_flag }
BUL_bs_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_integrated_flag }
BUL_bzns_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_integrated_flag }
BUL_nsm_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes

# Destroyed Faction - BS
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.29
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.29.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.29.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_military_parade_vidin

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.29.a

add_political_power = 120
add_stability = 0.1
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_integrated_flag }
BUL_zveno_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_integrated_flag }
BUL_bzns_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_integrated_flag }
BUL_nsm_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes

# Destroyed Faction - BZNS

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.39
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.39.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.39.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_military_parade_vidin

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.39.a

add_political_power = 120
add_stability = 0.1
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_integrated_flag }
BUL_zveno_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_integrated_flag }
BUL_bs_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_integrated_flag }
BUL_nsm_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes

# Destroyed Faction - NSM

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_factions.49
title = bftb_bulgaria_factions.49.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_factions.49.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_military_parade_vidin

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_factions.49.a

add_political_power = 120
add_stability = 0.1
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_zveno_integrated_flag }
BUL_zveno_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bs_integrated_flag }
BUL_bs_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_destroyed_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_bzns_integrated_flag }
BUL_bzns_low_loyalty_increase_effect = yes

#### ## ## ######## #######

## ### ### ## ## ## ##
## #### #### ## ## ## ##
## ## ### ## ######## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ##
#### ## ## ## ## #######

#The IMRO is back! - Event for YUG and GRE (or whoever occupy Macedonian states)
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_imro.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_imro.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_imro.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_troops_macedonia

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_imro.1.a

effect_tooltip = {
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
BUL_is_macedonian_state = yes
is_controlled_by = ROOT
remove_core_of = controller
start_resistance = BUL
unlock_decision_tooltip = BUL_repress_imro_foreign
unlock_decision_tooltip = BUL_destroy_imro_foreign
#IMRO spreads Bulgarian sentiment - Event for YUG and GRE (or whoever occupy
Macedonian states)
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_imro.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_imro.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_imro.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_albanian_partisans

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_imro.2.a

effect_tooltip = {
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
BUL_is_macedonian_state = yes
is_controlled_by = ROOT
add_dynamic_modifier = { modifier =
widespread_bulgarian_sentiment_01 }

######## ###### ### ######## ######## ####### ######## #### ######

#### #### ####
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ##
## ###### ## ## ######## ######## ## ## ######## ## ######
## ## ##
## ## ######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ##
## ###### ## ## ## ## ######## ####### ## ## #### ######
#### #### ####

#Tsar Boris visits a town

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.1.t
desc = {
text = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.1.desc_success
trigger = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_a_royal_visit_extra_success_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_a_royal_visit_failure_flag }
desc = {
text = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.1.desc_extra_success
trigger = {
has_country_flag = BUL_a_royal_visit_extra_success_flag
desc = {
text = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.1.desc_failure
trigger = {
has_country_flag = BUL_a_royal_visit_failure_flag

picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_tour

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.1.a

trigger = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_a_royal_visit_extra_success_flag }
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_a_royal_visit_failure_flag }

add_stability = 0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = 0.05
hidden_effect = { #Randomize next location
BUL_get_random_bulgarian_destination_royal_visit = yes

option = { #Extra success

name = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.1.b

trigger = {
has_country_flag = BUL_a_royal_visit_extra_success_flag

add_stability = 0.1
add_popularity = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = 0.1
clr_country_flag = BUL_a_royal_visit_extra_success_flag
hidden_effect = { #Randomize next location
BUL_get_random_bulgarian_destination_royal_visit = yes
option = { #Failure
name = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.1.c

trigger = {
has_country_flag = BUL_a_royal_visit_failure_flag

add_stability = -0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = -0.05
clr_country_flag = BUL_a_royal_visit_failure_flag
hidden_effect = { #Randomize next location
BUL_get_random_bulgarian_destination_royal_visit = yes

#Tsar Boris has died. Form a temporary government

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_death

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_tsar_boris_is_dead_flag }

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
set_variable = { BUL_date_of_tsars_death = }
set_country_flag = BUL_tsar_boris_is_dead_flag
unlock_national_focus = BUL_plot_against_boris

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.2.a

trigger = {

if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = BUL_foreign_support_for_regicide_flag
add_stability = -0.05
else = {
add_stability = -0.15

if = {
limit = {
has_idea = BUL_tsar_boris_positive_01
remove_ideas = BUL_tsar_boris_positive_01
else_if = {
limit = {
has_idea = BUL_tsar_boris_positive_02
remove_ideas = BUL_tsar_boris_positive_02
else_if = {
limit = {
has_idea = BUL_tsar_boris_positive_03
remove_ideas = BUL_tsar_boris_positive_03
else_if = {
limit = {
has_idea = BUL_tsar_boris_negative_01
remove_ideas = BUL_tsar_boris_negative_01
else_if = {
limit = {
has_idea = BUL_tsar_boris_negative_02
remove_ideas = BUL_tsar_boris_negative_02

effect_tooltip = {
unlock_national_focus = BUL_plot_against_boris

if = {
limit = {
has_government = neutrality
kill_country_leader = yes
if = {
limit = { has_idea = BUL_georgi_ivanov_kyoseivanov }
BUL_georgi_ivanov_kyoseivanov = {
promote_character = { ideology = moderatism }
add_country_leader_trait = no_designated_regency
else = {
BUL_bogdan_filov = {
promote_character = { ideology = centrism }
add_country_leader_trait = no_designated_regency

hidden_effect = {
every_other_country = {
news_event = { id = bftb_news.3 hours = 4 }

#Form a Regency Council

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_prince_simeon
is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Pro-Fascist Regency Council

name = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.3.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 5
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 5
is_in_faction_with = GER
GER = { has_government = fascism }

trigger = {
OR = {
has_government = fascism
AND = {
has_government = neutrality
OR = {
is_in_faction = no
AND = {
any_allied_country = {
is_major = yes
has_government = fascism
AND = {
is_faction_leader = yes
NOT = {
any_allied_country = {
is_major = yes
OR = {
has_government =
has_government =

add_popularity = {
ideology = fascism
popularity = 0.1

if = {
limit = {
has_government = fascism
if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_hristo_lukov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = fascism_ideology
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
else_if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_aleksandar_tsankov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = gen_nazism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
else = {
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = fascism_ideology
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
else = {
if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_bogdan_filov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = fascism_ideology
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
promote_character = {
character = BUL_georgi_ivanov_kyoseivanov
ideology = moderatism
else_if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_georgi_ivanov_kyoseivanov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = fascism_ideology
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
promote_character = {
character = BUL_bogdan_filov
ideology = centrism
else = {
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = fascism_ideology
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_government = fascism }
set_politics = {
ruling_party = fascism
election_frequency = 48
elections_allowed = no

option = { #Pro-Democratic Regency Council

name = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.3.b

ai_chance = {
base = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_in_faction_with = GER
GER = { has_government = fascism }

trigger = {
OR = {
has_government = democratic
AND = {
has_government = neutrality
OR = {
is_in_faction = no
AND = {
any_allied_country = {
is_major = yes
has_government = democratic
AND = {
is_faction_leader = yes
NOT = {
any_allied_country = {
is_major = yes
has_government = fascism

add_popularity = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = 0.1
if = {
limit = {
has_government = democratic
if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_nikola_mushanov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
else = {
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
else = {
if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_bogdan_filov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
promote_character = {
character = BUL_georgi_ivanov_kyoseivanov
ideology = moderatism
else_if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_georgi_ivanov_kyoseivanov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
promote_character = {
character = BUL_bogdan_filov
ideology = centrism
else = {
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_government = democratic }
set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
election_frequency = 48
elections_allowed = no

option = { #Independent Regency Council

name = bftb_bulgaria_tsar_boris.3.c

ai_chance = {
base = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_in_faction_with = GER
GER = { has_government = fascism }

add_popularity = {
ideology = neutrality
popularity = 0.1

if = {
limit = {
has_government = fascism
if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_hristo_lukov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
hidden_effect = {
retire_ideology_leader = fascism
else_if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_aleksandar_tsankov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
hidden_effect = {
retire_ideology_leader = fascism
else = {
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = despotism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
else_if = {
limit = {
has_government = democratic
if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_nikola_mushanov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = centrism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
hidden_effect = {
retire_ideology_leader = democratic
else = {
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = centrism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
else = {
if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_bogdan_filov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = centrism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
else_if = {
limit = {
has_country_leader = {
character = BUL_georgi_ivanov_kyoseivanov
ruling_only = yes
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = moderatism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
else = {
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_regency_council
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = moderatism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_government = neutrality }
set_politics = {
ruling_party = neutrality
election_frequency = 48
elections_allowed = no

######## ### ######## ## ## ######## ######## ## ### ##

## ######## ######## ######## ####### ## ## ########
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ##
###### ## ## ## ######### ###### ######## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ###### ######## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######### ##
#### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ######## ## ## ######## ## ## ##
## ######## ## ## ## ####### ## ## ##

#The Fatherland Front has formed

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front.1.t

# Desc when formed by the player

desc = {
text = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front.1.desc_positive
trigger = {
has_completed_focus = BUL_the_fatherland_front

# Desc when NOT formed by the player

desc = {
text = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front.1.desc_negative
trigger = {
NOT = { has_completed_focus = BUL_the_fatherland_front }

picture = GFX_report_event_bul_partisans_plovdiv

is_triggered_only = yes #on_weekly_BUL handles this

fire_only_once = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_the_fatherland_front }
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.2
set_country_flag = BUL_fatherland_front_formed_flag

option = { #When formed by the player

name = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front.1.a

trigger = {
has_completed_focus = BUL_the_fatherland_front
add_political_power = 70
add_ideas = BUL_fatherland_front_positive

option = { #When NOT formed by the player

name = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front.1.b

trigger = {
NOT = { has_completed_focus = BUL_the_fatherland_front }
effect_tooltip = {
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.2
set_party_name = {
ideology = communism
long_name = BUL_fatherland_front_party_long
name = BUL_fatherland_front_party
add_ideas = BUL_fatherland_front_negative
activate_mission_tooltip = BUL_ff_impending_coup_mission
random_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_id = 1203 #Hadzhipetkov
add_unit_leader_trait = trait_BUL_ff_sympathizer

random_list = {
50 = {
random_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_id = 1202 #Popov
add_unit_leader_trait = trait_BUL_ff_sympathizer
50 = {
random_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_id = 1211 #Dotsev
add_unit_leader_trait = trait_BUL_ff_sympathizer

#The Fatherland Front coup

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_troops_partisans_boat

is_triggered_only = yes #on_weekly_BUL handles this

fire_only_once = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
set_global_flag = BUL_fatherland_front_coup_flag
set_country_flag = BUL_ff_civil_war_flag
BUL_start_ff_civil_war = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_fatherland_front.2.a

effect_tooltip = {
start_civil_war = {
ideology = communism

######## ######## ### ######## ## ## ### ## ## ######## ##

## ########
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ### ### ## ###
## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ## ## #### #### ## ####
## ##
######## ###### ## ## ######## ## ### ## ## ## ## ### ## ###### ## ##
## ##
## ## ## ######### ## ## ## ## ######### ## ## ## ##
#### ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
### ##
## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######## ##
## ##

#Negotiate Bulgarian Rearmament - Event for ENG

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.1.a

ai_chance = {
base = 1
modifier = {
factor = 100
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 100
BUL = {
is_in_faction_with = GER
NOT = {
GER = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
modifier = { #Support IMRO is not cool bro
factor = 10
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_support_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #Your coop with IMRO is just too much
factor = 10
BUL = { has_idea = BUL_imro_05 }
modifier = {
factor = 5
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

BUL = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.2 hours = 16

random_hours = 8 } }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.1_refuse_tt

option = { #Demands NAP with (at least) one balkan nation

name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 5
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

BUL = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.3 hours = 16

random_hours = 8 } }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.1_nap_tt

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.1.c

ai_chance = {
base = 1
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 75
modifier = {
factor = 100
BUL = {
OR = {
AND = {
has_war_with = GER
NOT = { GER = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT
} }
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
modifier = { #We like that you condemn IMRO
factor = 10
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_condemn_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #You have tried
factor = 10
BUL = {
NOT = {
has_idea = BUL_imro_01
has_idea = BUL_imro_04
has_idea = BUL_imro_05
modifier = { #You have good relations with your neighbors, we
like that
factor = 1.5
BUL = {
OR = {
has_completed_focus =
has_completed_focus =
modifier = { #You approached us, we like that
factor = 1.5
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_approach_the_united_kingdom }
modifier = { #You are becoming yet another capitalist country, we
like that
factor = 1.5
has_government = democratic
BUL = { has_completed_focus = BUL_democratic_principles
modifier = { #You think like us, we like that
factor = 5
BUL = { has_government = ROOT }

BUL = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.6 hours = 16

random_hours = 8 } }
effect_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Arms Against Tyranny"
BUL = { remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions_aat }
else = {
BUL = { remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions }

#Negotiate Bulgarian Rearmament - ENG refuses (Event for BUL)

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.2.a


#Negotiate Bulgarian Rearmament - ENG demands NAP with a Balkan nation (Event for
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
set_country_flag = BUL_uk_demands_nap_with_balkan_nation_flag

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.3.a

custom_effect_tooltip = BUL_uk_demands_nap_with_balkan_nation_tt

#Negotiate Bulgarian Rearmament - BUL has NAP (event for BUL)

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.4
title = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.4.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.4.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.4.a

effect_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Arms Against Tyranny"
remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions_aat
else = {
remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions

#Negotiate Bulgarian Rearmament - BUL has NAP (event for ENG)

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.5
title = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.5.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.5.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes
option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.5.a

effect_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Arms Against Tyranny"
remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions_aat
else = {
remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions

#Negotiate Bulgarian Rearmament - ENG accepts (Event for BUL)

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.6
title = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.6.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.6.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.6.a

if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Arms Against Tyranny"
remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions_aat
else = {
remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions
clr_country_flag = BUL_rearmament_flag

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_lifted_arms_restrictions

#Pressure for Bulgarian Rearmament - Event for ENG

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.7
title = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.7.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.7.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.7.a
ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < 50
modifier = {
factor = 5
NOT = { has_government = BUL }
modifier = {
factor = 10
BUL = { has_completed_focus = BUL_bulgarian_irredentism }
modifier = {
factor = 100
BUL = {
OR = {
has_war_with = ENG
AND = {
is_in_faction = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
modifier = { #Support IMRO is not cool bro
factor = 10
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_support_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #Your coop with IMRO is just too much
factor = 15
BUL = { has_idea = BUL_imro_05 }
modifier = {
factor = 5
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

effect_tooltip = {
BUL = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_refused_to_lift_arms_restrictions

BUL = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.8 hours = 8

random_hours = 4 } }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.1_refuse_tt

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.7.b

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 0
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 25
modifier = {
factor = 100
BUL = {
OR = {
AND = {
has_war_with = GER
NOT = { GER = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT
} }
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
modifier = {
factor = 50
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
any_country = {
has_war_with = BUL
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
modifier = { #We like that you condemn IMRO
factor = 10
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_condemn_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #You have tried
factor = 10
BUL = {
NOT = { has_idea = BUL_imro_01 }
NOT = { has_idea = BUL_imro_04 }
NOT = { has_idea = BUL_imro_05 }
modifier = { #You have good relations with your neighbors, we
like that
factor = 1.5
BUL = {
OR = {
has_completed_focus =
has_completed_focus =
modifier = { #You approached us, we like that
factor = 1.5
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_approach_the_united_kingdom }
modifier = { #You are becoming yet another capitalist country, we
like that
factor = 1.5
has_government = democratic
BUL = { has_completed_focus = BUL_democratic_principles
modifier = { #You think like us, we like that
factor = 7
BUL = { has_government = ROOT }

hidden_effect = {
BUL = { set_country_flag = BUL_uk_gives_in_to_pressure_flag }
BUL = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.6 hours = 8
random_hours = 4 } }
effect_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Arms Against Tyranny"
BUL = { remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions_aat }
else = {
BUL = { remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions }
BUL = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_lifted_arms_restrictions
#Pressure for Bulgarian Rearmament - ENG refuses (Event for BUL)
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.8
title = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.8.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.8.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.8.a

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_refused_to_lift_arms_restrictions
clr_country_flag = BUL_rearmament_negotiations_ongoing_flag

#Bulgaria Refuses Army Restrictions - Event for ENG

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.9
title = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.9.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.9.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.9.a

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 5
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 100
BUL = {
OR = {
has_war_with = GER
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
modifier = { #You have good relations with your neighbors, we
like that
factor = 1.5
BUL = {
OR = {
has_completed_focus =
has_completed_focus =
modifier = { #You approached us, we like that
factor = 1.5
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_approach_the_united_kingdom }
modifier = { #You are becoming yet another capitalist country, we
like that
factor = 1.5
has_government = democratic
BUL = { has_completed_focus = BUL_democratic_principles
modifier = { #You think like us, we like that
factor = 1.5
BUL = { has_government = ROOT }

effect_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Arms Against Tyranny"
BUL = { remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions_aat }
else = {
BUL = { remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions }

option = { #Take action

name = bftb_bulgaria_rearmament.9.b

ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 100
any_allied_country = {
has_war_with = BUL

trigger = {
BUL = {
is_in_faction = yes

effect_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Arms Against Tyranny"
BUL = { remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions_aat }
else = {
BUL = { remove_ideas = BUL_army_restrictions }
add_political_power = -75
create_wargoal = {
type = topple_government
target = BUL

## ## ### ######## #### ####### ## ## ### ## ####

######## ### ######## #### ####### ## ##
### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ### ##
#### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## #### ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## #### ######### ## ## ## ## ## #### ######### ## ## ##
######### ## ## ## ## ## ####
## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###
## ## ## ## ## #### ####### ## ## ## ## ######## ####
######## ## ## ## #### ####### ## ##

#Bulgaria has nationalized foreign factories and subsidiaries - Event for

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_factory

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Do Nothing

name = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.1.a

ai_chance = {
factor = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
OR = {
has_government = fascism
has_government = democratic
modifier = {
factor = 10
FROM = {
has_government = ROOT
modifier = {
factor = 2
surrender_progress > 0.5
modifier = {
factor = 0.1
FROM = {
is_enemy_ideology = yes

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_seized_our_bulgarian_subsidiaries

log = "[ROOT.GetNameDef] does NOTHING"


option = { #Embargo
name = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.1.b

ai_chance = {
factor = 100
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_war = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_government = communism
FROM = {
has_government = communism
modifier = {
add = 10
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 2
modifier = {
add = 30
OR = {
AND = {
tag = GER
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_german_industrial_investments > 2 }
AND = {
tag = ENG
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_british_industrial_investments > 2 }
AND = {
tag = SOV
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_soviet_industrial_investments > 2 }
modifier = {
add = 20
OR = {
AND = {
tag = GER
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_german_industrial_investments > 5 }
AND = {
tag = ENG
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_british_industrial_investments > 5 }
AND = {
tag = SOV
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_soviet_industrial_investments > 5 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
AND = {
tag = ENG
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
AND = {
tag = GER
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

set_country_flag = BUL_country_has_embargoed_bulgaria_flag

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_seized_our_bulgarian_subsidiaries

if = {
limit = {
is_faction_leader = yes
every_country = {
limit = {
OR = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
is_subject_of = ROOT
NOT = { tag = FROM }
NOT = { has_country_flag =
BUL_industrial_investments_in_bulgaria_flag }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = embargo
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = PREV
modifier = embargo
else = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = embargo
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = embargo
FROM = {
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.2 hours = 12
random_hours = 12 }

log = "[ROOT.GetNameDef] does EMBARGO"


option = { #Wargoal (and embargo)

name = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.1.c

trigger = {
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }

ai_chance = {
factor = 10
modifier = {
factor = 5
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 2
modifier = {
factor = 10
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 3
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_war = yes
has_stability < 0.4
has_war_support < 0.4
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
AND = {
tag = GER
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_german_industrial_investments < 3 }
AND = {
tag = ENG
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_british_industrial_investments < 3 }
AND = {
tag = SOV
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_soviet_industrial_investments < 3 }
modifier = {
factor = 5
OR = {
AND = {
tag = GER
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_german_industrial_investments > 5 }
AND = {
tag = ENG
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_british_industrial_investments > 5 }
AND = {
tag = SOV
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_soviet_industrial_investments > 5 }
modifier = {
factor = 2.5
AND = {
tag = ENG
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0.25
AND = {
tag = GER
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

set_country_flag = BUL_country_has_embargoed_bulgaria_flag
add_stability = -0.1
add_war_support = -0.1

create_wargoal = {
type = puppet_wargoal_focus
target = FROM

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_seized_our_bulgarian_subsidiaries

if = {
limit = {
is_faction_leader = yes
every_country = {
limit = {
OR = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
is_subject_of = ROOT
NOT = { tag = FROM }
NOT = { has_country_flag =
BUL_industrial_investments_in_bulgaria_flag }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = embargo
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = PREV
modifier = embargo
else = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = embargo
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = embargo
FROM = {
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.2 hours = 12
random_hours = 12 }

option = { #Kick from Faction (and embargo)

name = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.1.d

trigger = {
is_in_faction_with = FROM
is_faction_leader = yes

ai_chance = {
factor = 80
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_war_together_with = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 0
surrender_progress > 0.7
modifier = {
add = 30
OR = {
AND = {
tag = GER
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_german_industrial_investments > 2 }
AND = {
tag = ENG
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_british_industrial_investments > 2 }
AND = {
tag = SOV
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_soviet_industrial_investments > 2 }
modifier = {
add = 20
OR = {
AND = {
tag = GER
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_german_industrial_investments > 5 }
AND = {
tag = ENG
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_british_industrial_investments > 5 }
AND = {
tag = SOV
check_variable =
{ FROM.BUL_soviet_industrial_investments > 5 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
AND = {
tag = ENG
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
AND = {
tag = GER
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

set_country_flag = BUL_country_has_embargoed_bulgaria_flag

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_seized_our_bulgarian_subsidiaries

every_country = {
limit = {
OR = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
is_subject_of = ROOT
NOT = { tag = FROM }
NOT = { has_country_flag =
BUL_industrial_investments_in_bulgaria_flag }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = embargo
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = PREV
modifier = embargo
remove_from_faction = FROM
FROM = {
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.3 hours = 12
random_hours = 12 }

log = "[ROOT.GetNameDef] does KICK"

# Bulgaria is under embargo - Event for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_merchant_ship_01

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.2.a

if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag =
BUL_stability_hit_by_embargo_flag }
add_stability = -0.05
set_country_flag = BUL_stability_hit_by_embargo_flag

# Bulgaria has been kicked from faction - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_nationalization.3.a

if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag =
BUL_stability_hit_by_embargo_flag }
add_stability = -0.05

####### ######## ## ## ######## ########

## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ######### ###### ########
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
####### ## ## ## ######## ## ##

#Bulgaria grants exploitation rights to an ally

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_uranium_mining_concessions.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_uranium_mining_concessions.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_uranium_mining_concessions.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_uranium_mining_concessions.1.a

effect_tooltip = {
add_ideas = BUL_buhovo_uranium_mines
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_granted_uranium_mining_rights
BUL = {
remove_ideas = BUL_buhovo_uranium_mines
add_ideas = BUL_uranium_concession_agreement_ns

### ## ## #### ###### ######## ## ## ######## ## ## ########

## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ##
## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ##
## ## ### ## ###### ###### ## ## ###### ## ## ## ##
######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ##
## ##
## ## ## ## #### ###### ######## ### ######## ## ## ##

#Bulgaria wants to get their claims warranted - Event for GER

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.1
title = bftb_bulgarian_claims.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgarian_claims.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #YES
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.1.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 5
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = {
is_in_faction = no
modifier = {
factor = 20
BUL = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
modifier = {
factor = 100
BUL = {
has_country_flag = { flag = BUL_german_influence_flag
value > 3 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
ENG = {
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 50
modifier = {
factor = 0.25
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_approach_the_united_kingdom }
modifier = {
factor = 0
BUL = {
is_in_faction = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
modifier = {
factor = 5
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_historical_bulgarian_claim_flag
controller = {
OR = {
tag = GER
AND = {
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = GER }
NOT = { tag = BUL }
set_state_flag = BUL_bulgarian_claim_warranted_flag
add_dynamic_modifier = { modifier =
bulgarian_territorial_expansion_arranged }
effect_tooltip = {
BUL = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = GER
modifier = BUL_bulgarian_claims_recognized
BUL = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.2 hours = 16
random_hours = 8 } }

set_global_flag = BUL_germany_recognizes_bulgarian_claims_flag
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgarian_claims.1.a_tt

option = { #NOPE
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10

effect_tooltip = {
BUL = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = GER
modifier = BUL_bulgarian_claims_not_recognized
BUL = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.3 hours = 16
random_hours = 8 } }

#Germany recognizes Bulgarian claims in the Balkans - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.2
title = bftb_bulgarian_claims.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgarian_claims.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_with_hitler

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.2.a

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = GER
modifier = BUL_bulgarian_claims_recognized
effect_tooltip = {
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_historical_bulgarian_claim_flag
controller = {
OR = {
tag = GER
AND = {
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = GER }
NOT = { tag = BUL }
add_dynamic_modifier = { modifier =
bulgarian_territorial_expansion_arranged }
custom_effect_tooltip = BUL_germany_recognizes_our_claim_tt

if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = BUL_german_influence_flag
modify_country_flag = { flag = BUL_german_influence_flag value =
1 }
else = {
set_country_flag = { flag = BUL_german_influence_flag value = 1 }

#Germany does not recognize Bulgarian claims in the Balkans - Event for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.3
title = bftb_bulgarian_claims.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgarian_claims.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.3.a

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = GER
modifier = BUL_bulgarian_claims_not_recognized

#Germany transferred Bulgaria's claimed states - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.4
title = bftb_bulgarian_claims.4.t
desc = bftb_bulgarian_claims.4.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_imro_chieftain

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
GER = { country_event = bftb_bulgarian_claims.5 }

if = {
limit = {
any_state = {
OR = {
is_controlled_by = GER
controller = {
is_in_faction_with = GER
NOT = { tag = BUL }
NOT = { owns_state = PREV } #Not owner
(it should be actually occupating the state -> Also prevents the issue in YUG with
IMRO removing the core)
NOT = { PREV = { is_core_of = PREV } }
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_bulgarian_claim_warranted_flag
OR = {
is_controlled_by = GER
controller = {
is_in_faction_with = GER
NOT = { tag = BUL }
NOT = { owns_state = PREV } #Not owner
(it should be actually occupating the state -> Also prevents the issue in YUG with
IMRO removing the core)
NOT = { PREV = { is_core_of = PREV } }
controller = { country_event = bftb_bulgarian_claims.6 }
remove_dynamic_modifier = { modifier =
bulgarian_territorial_expansion_arranged }

option = {
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.4.a

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = GER
modifier = BUL_honored_bulgarian_claims

every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_bulgarian_claim_warranted_flag
OR = {
is_controlled_by = GER
controller = {
is_in_faction_with = GER
NOT = { tag = BUL }
BUL = {
transfer_state = PREV
hidden_effect = {
set_state_controller = PREV

#Germany transferred Bulgaria's claimed states - Event for GER

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.5
title = bftb_bulgarian_claims.5.t
desc = bftb_bulgarian_claims.5.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_troops_dobrudja

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.5.a

effect_tooltip = {
BUL = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = GER
modifier = BUL_honored_bulgarian_claims
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_bulgarian_claim_warranted_flag
OR = {
is_controlled_by = GER
controller = {
is_in_faction_with = GER
BUL = { set_state_controller = PREV }

#Germany transferred Bulgaria's claimed states - Event for any allied controller of
transferred states
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.6
title = bftb_bulgarian_claims.6.t
desc = bftb_bulgarian_claims.6.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_troops_dobrudja

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.6.a

effect_tooltip = {
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_bulgarian_claim_warranted_flag
is_controlled_by = ROOT
BUL = { set_state_controller = PREV }

#Bulgaria asks for control over Balkan state - Event for controller of the state
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.7
title = bftb_bulgarian_claims.7.t
desc = bftb_bulgarian_claims.7.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #ACCEPT
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.7.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_war = yes
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_major = no
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_manpower < 49999
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_manpower < 9999
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_equipment = {
infantry_equipment < 99
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value > 49
modifier = {
factor = 5
AND = {
tag = GER
is_historical_focus_on = yes
FROM.FROM = { is_core_of = YUG }
modifier = {
factor = 5
FROM.FROM = { is_claimed_by = BUL }
modifier = {
factor = 100
OR = {
is_core_of = BUL
has_state_flag =
has_state_flag =
modifier = {
factor = 5
AND = {
tag = GER
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

add_political_power = 25
#FROM.FROM is the state targeted by the decision
FROM = {
transfer_state = FROM.FROM
set_state_controller = FROM.FROM
country_event = bftb_bulgarian_claims.8

option = { #REFUSE
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.7.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_major = yes
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
BUL = { is_ai = yes }
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_manpower > 99999
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_manpower > 199999
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < -49

FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgarian_claims.9 }


#Country accepts Bulgarian control over state - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.8
title = bftb_bulgarian_claims.8.t
desc = bftb_bulgarian_claims.8.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_troops_dobrudja

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.8.a

effect_tooltip = {
#FROM.FROM is the state targeted by the decision
transfer_state = FROM.FROM
set_state_controller = FROM.FROM

#Country rejects Bulgarian control over state - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgarian_claims.9
title = bftb_bulgarian_claims.9.t
desc = bftb_bulgarian_claims.9.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write
is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgarian_claims.9.a


#Germany offers to donate aircraft - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_with_hitler

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.1.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 100
is_historical_focus_on = yes

set_country_flag = BUL_german_aircraft_donation_flag

GER = {
if = {
limit = { NOT = { has_dlc = "By Blood Alone" } }
send_equipment = {
type = fighter_equipment_1
amount = 12
target = ROOT
else = {
send_equipment = {
type = small_plane_airframe
amount = 12
target = ROOT
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = BUL_german_influence_flag
modify_country_flag = { flag = BUL_german_influence_flag value =
1 }
else = {
set_country_flag = { flag = BUL_german_influence_flag value = 1 }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = GER
modifier = BUL_donated_aircraft
GER = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.2 hours =
2 random_hours = 1 } }

option = { #Reject
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes

GER = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.3 hours =

2 random_hours = 1 } }

#Bulgaria accepts our donation - Event for GER

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_with_hitler

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.2.a

effect_tooltip = {
BUL = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = GER
modifier = BUL_donated_aircraft
send_equipment = {
type = small_plane_airframe
amount = 12
target = ROOT

#Bulgaria rejects our donation - Event for GER

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.3.a

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_donation

#Germany demands we replace Kyoseyvanov - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.4
title = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.4.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.4.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.4.a

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 10
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 10
is_in_faction_with = GER
modifier = {
factor = 100
has_government = GER

add_political_power = 50
remove_ideas = BUL_georgi_ivanov_kyoseivanov
add_ideas = BUL_bogdan_filov
GER = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_complied_with_our_demands
modify_country_flag = { flag = BUL_german_influence_flag value = 1 }

GER = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.5 hours =

2 random_hours = 1 } }

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.4.b

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes

GER = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_demands
GER = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.6 hours =
2 random_hours = 1 } }

#Bulgaria accepts to replace Kyoseyvanov - Event for GER

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.5
title = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.5.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.5.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.5.a

effect_tooltip = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_complied_with_our_demands
BUL = {
add_political_power = 50
remove_ideas = BUL_georgi_ivanov_kyoseivanov
add_ideas = BUL_bogdan_filov

#Bulgaria refuses to replace Kyoseyvanov - Event for GER

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.6
title = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.6.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.6.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2
is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.6.a

effect_tooltip = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_demands

#Germany demands military access - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.7
title = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.7.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.7.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_german_troops

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.7.a

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 10
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 100
is_in_faction_with = GER
modifier = {
factor = 5
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

effect_tooltip = {
give_military_access = GER
GER = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_complied_with_our_demands
modify_country_flag = { flag = BUL_german_influence_flag value = 1 }

GER = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.8 hours =

2 random_hours = 1 } }

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.7.b

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes

GER = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_demands
GER = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.9 hours =
2 random_hours = 1 } }

#Bulgaria grants us military access - Event for GER

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.8
title = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.8.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.8.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_german_troops

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.8.a

BUL = { give_military_access = GER }

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_complied_with_our_demands

#Bulgaria refuses to grant us military access - Event for GER

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.9
title = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.9.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.9.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.9.a
effect_tooltip = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_demands
#OPTION TO CREATE A WARGOAL ON BUL (AI will never choose this)
# option = { #Unacceptable
# name = bftb_bulgaria_german_influence.9.b
# trigger = {
# any_country = {
# OR = {
# tag = GER
# is_in_faction_with = GER
# }
# is_neighbor_of = BUL
# }
# }
# effect_tooltip = {
# add_opinion_modifier = {
# target = BUL
# modifier = BUL_rejected_our_demands
# }
# }
# add_political_power = -100
# create_wargoal = {
# type = annex_everything
# target = BUL
# }
# }

#BUL wants a Research Agreement with ITA - Event for ITA

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_italian_influence.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_italian_influence.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_italian_influence.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_german_troops

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_italian_influence.1.a

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 10
is_historical_focus_on = yes
modifier = {
factor = 10
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_government = FROM
add_to_tech_sharing_group = BUL_italian_research
BUL = { add_to_tech_sharing_group = BUL_italian_research }
add_political_power = 75

hidden_effect = {
news_event = { id = bftb_news.12 hours = 8 random_hours = 4 }

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_italian_influence.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 0
is_historical_focus_on = yes

######## ## ## ######## ###### ## ## ### ###### ########

######## ####### ## ## #### ######## ## ## ######## ## ## ########
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ### ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ## #### ## ##
######## ## ## ######## ## ######### ## ## ###### ######
###### ## ## ## ## ## ######## ## ### ## ###### ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######### ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ##
## ####### ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ###### ########
######## ##### ## ####### #### ## ## ## ######## ## ## ##

#Purchase Artillery
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_artillery

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Artillery
name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.1.a
ai_chance = {
base = 15
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = artillery_equipment
ratio < 0.76

set_variable = { BUL_artillery_type = token:artillery_equipment }

custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.1.a_tt

option = { #Anti-Air
name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = anti_air_equipment
ratio < 0.76

trigger = {
var:BUL_artillery_seller = {
has_tech = interwar_antiair

set_variable = { BUL_artillery_type = token:anti_air_equipment }

custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.1.b_tt

option = { #Anti-Tank
name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.1.c

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = anti_tank_equipment
ratio < 0.76

trigger = {
var:BUL_artillery_seller = {
has_tech = interwar_antitank
set_variable = { BUL_artillery_type = token:anti_tank_equipment }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.1.c_tt

#Purchase Military Vehicles

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_truck

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Motorized
name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.2.a

ai_chance = {
base = 15
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = motorized_equipment
ratio < 0.76

set_variable = { BUL_vehicle_type = token:motorized_equipment }

var:BUL_military_vehicles_seller = { set_country_flag =
BUL_producing_motorized_for_bulgaria_flag } #Used for different amounts of
equipment based on type
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.2.a_tt

option = { #Mechanized
name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.2.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = mechanized_equipment
ratio < 0.76

trigger = {
var:BUL_military_vehicles_seller = {
has_tech = mechanised_infantry

set_variable = { BUL_vehicle_type = token:mechanized_equipment }

var:BUL_military_vehicles_seller = { set_country_flag =
BUL_producing_mechanized_for_bulgaria_flag }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.2.b_tt

option = { #Armored Cars

name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.2.c

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = armored_car_equipment
ratio < 0.76

trigger = {
var:BUL_military_vehicles_seller = {
has_tech = armored_car1

set_variable = { BUL_vehicle_type = token:armored_car_equipment }

var:BUL_military_vehicles_seller = { set_country_flag =
BUL_producing_armored_car_for_bulgaria_flag }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.2.c_tt

#Purchase Armor
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_tank_factory

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Light Tank

name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.3.a

ai_chance = {
base = 15
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = light_tank_chassis
ratio < 0.76

set_variable = { BUL_armor_type = token:light_tank_chassis }

var:BUL_armor_seller = { set_country_flag =
BUL_producing_light_armor_for_bulgaria_flag }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.3.a_tt
option = { #Medium Tank
name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.3.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = medium_tank_chassis
ratio < 0.76

trigger = {
var:BUL_armor_seller = {
OR = {
has_tech = basic_medium_tank
has_tech = basic_medium_tank_chassis

set_variable = { BUL_armor_type = token:medium_tank_chassis }

var:BUL_armor_seller = { set_country_flag =
BUL_producing_medium_armor_for_bulgaria_flag }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.3.b_tt

option = { #Heavy Tank

name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.3.c

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = heavy_tank_chassis
ratio < 0.76

trigger = {
var:BUL_armor_seller = {
has_tech = basic_heavy_tank

set_variable = { BUL_armor_type = token:heavy_tank_chassis }

var:BUL_armor_seller = { set_country_flag =
BUL_producing_heavy_armor_for_bulgaria_flag }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.3.c_tt

#Purchase Aircraft
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.4
title = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.4.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.4.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_aircraft_repairs

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Fighters
name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.4.a

ai_chance = {
base = 15
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = small_plane_airframe
ratio < 0.76

set_variable = { BUL_aircraft_type = token:small_plane_airframe }

var:BUL_aircraft_seller = { set_country_flag =
BUL_producing_fighters_for_bulgaria_flag }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.4.a_tt

option = { #Naval Bombers

name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.4.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = small_plane_naval_bomber_airframe
ratio < 0.76

trigger = {
var:BUL_aircraft_seller = {
has_tech = naval_bomber1 #this won't work for BBA, because
we can not guarantee that the sender country has a naval bomber design

set_variable = { BUL_aircraft_type =
token:small_plane_naval_bomber_airframe }
var:BUL_aircraft_seller = { set_country_flag =
BUL_producing_naval_bombers_for_bulgaria_flag }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.4.b_tt

option = { #Tactical Bombers

name = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.4.c

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
stockpile_ratio = {
archetype = medium_plane_airframe
ratio < 0.76

trigger = {
var:BUL_aircraft_seller = {
OR = {
has_tech = early_bomber
has_tech = iw_medium_airframe

set_variable = { BUL_aircraft_type = token:medium_plane_airframe }

var:BUL_aircraft_seller = { set_country_flag =
BUL_producing_tactical_bombers_for_bulgaria_flag }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.4.c_tt

#BUL wants to purchase our ships - Event for Majors influencing BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.5
title = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.5.t
desc = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_sailors_in_working_rig

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Accept
name = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.1.a

ai_chance = {
base = 99
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_opinion = { target = BUL value < 0 }
has_civil_war = yes
has_capitulated = yes
is_subject = yes
surrender_progress > 0.4
any_other_country = {
is_major = yes
has_war_with = PREV

custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.5.a_tt
BUL = {
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.6 hours
= 1 }
option = { #Reject
name = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 1
modifier = {
factor = 99
has_war = yes

BUL = {
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.7 hours
= 1 }
set_country_flag = {
flag = BUL_ships_purchase_rejected_flag
value = 1
days = 180

#Purchase Ships - FROM has accepted - Event for BUL (Choose type of ships)
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.6
title = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.2.t
desc = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_sailors_in_working_rig

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #3 Submarines
name = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.2.a

ai_chance = {
base = 15

trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
FROM = { has_tech = early_ship_hull_submarine }
AND = {
NOT = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
FROM = { has_tech = early_submarine }

FROM = { set_country_flag = BUL_building_submarines_flag }

custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.6.a_tt

option = { #2 Destroyers
name = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.2.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10

trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
FROM = { has_tech = early_ship_hull_light }
AND = {
NOT = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
FROM = { has_tech = early_destroyer }

FROM = { set_country_flag = BUL_building_destroyers_flag }

custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.6.b_tt

option = { #1 Light Cruiser

name = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.2.c

ai_chance = {
base = 5

trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
FROM = { has_tech = early_ship_hull_cruiser }
AND = {
NOT = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
FROM = { has_tech = early_light_cruiser }

FROM = { set_country_flag = BUL_building_light_cruiser_flag }

custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.6.c_tt

#Purchase Ships - FROM has declined our offer - Event for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.7
title = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.3.t
desc = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_sailors_in_working_rig

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.3.a

#Purchase Ships - Submarines ready - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.8
title = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.8.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.8.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ast_navy

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.4.a

custom_effect_tooltip = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.4.a_tt
hidden_effect = {
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 600 } # 3 x 200MP/SS
if = {
limit = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
if = {
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech =
advanced_ship_hull_submarine }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Slava Class"
type = ship_hull_submarine_4
name_group = BUL_SS_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot =
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
rear_1_custom_slot =
front_1_custom_slot =
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_4
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_4
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_4
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL3
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech =
improved_ship_hull_submarine }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Slava Class"
type = ship_hull_submarine_3
name_group = BUL_SS_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot =
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
rear_1_custom_slot =
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_3
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_3
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_3
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL2
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech =
basic_ship_hull_submarine }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Slava Class"
type = ship_hull_submarine_2
name_group = BUL_SS_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot =
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
rear_1_custom_slot =
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_2
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_2
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_2
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL1
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech =
early_ship_hull_submarine }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Slava Class"
type = ship_hull_submarine_1
name_group = BUL_SS_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot =
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_1
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_1
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_1
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else = { #Fallback
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Slava Class"
type = ship_hull_submarine_1
name_group = BUL_SS_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot =
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_1
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = ROOT }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_1
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = ROOT }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_submarine_1
equipment_variant = "Slava Class" creator = ROOT }
else = { #NO MTG
if = { #LVL4
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = advanced_submarine }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Slava Class"
type = submarine_4
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 3
sub_torpedo_upgrade = 3
sub_stealth_upgrade = 3
sub_engine_upgrade = 2
create_ship = { type = submarine_4 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = submarine_4 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = submarine_4 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL3
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = improved_submarine }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Slava Class"
type = submarine_3
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 2
sub_torpedo_upgrade = 3
sub_stealth_upgrade = 2
sub_engine_upgrade = 2
create_ship = { type = submarine_3 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = submarine_3 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = submarine_3 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL2
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = basic_submarine }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Slava Class"
type = submarine_2
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 2
sub_torpedo_upgrade = 2
sub_stealth_upgrade = 2
sub_engine_upgrade = 1
create_ship = { type = submarine_2 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = submarine_2 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = submarine_2 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL1
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = early_submarine }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Slava Class"
type = submarine_1
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 1
sub_torpedo_upgrade = 1
sub_stealth_upgrade = 1
sub_engine_upgrade = 0
create_ship = { type = submarine_1 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = submarine_1 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = submarine_1 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else = { #Fallback (assuming BUL has at least early tech)
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Slava Class"
type = submarine_1
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 1
sub_torpedo_upgrade = 1
sub_stealth_upgrade = 1
sub_engine_upgrade = 0
create_ship = { type = submarine_1 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = ROOT }
create_ship = { type = submarine_1 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = ROOT }
create_ship = { type = submarine_1 equipment_variant
= "Slava Class" creator = ROOT }


#Purchase Ships - Destroyers ready - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.9
title = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.9.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.9.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ast_navy

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.4.a

custom_effect_tooltip = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.5.a_tt

if = {
limit = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
if = { #LVL 4
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = advanced_ship_hull_light }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 1000 } # 2 x 500MP/DD
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Drazki Class"
type = ship_hull_light_4
name_group = BUL_DD_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot =
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot =
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_mine_layer_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_1
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_light_4 equipment_variant
= "Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_light_4 equipment_variant
= "Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 3
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = improved_ship_hull_light }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 800 } # 2 x 400MP/DD
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Drazki Class"
type = ship_hull_light_3
name_group = BUL_DD_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot =
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot =
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_mine_layer_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_1
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_light_3 equipment_variant
= "Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_light_3 equipment_variant
= "Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 2
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = basic_ship_hull_light }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 650 } # 2 x 325MP/DD
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Drazki Class"
type = ship_hull_light_2
name_group = BUL_DD_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot =
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot =
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_mine_layer_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_1
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_light_2 equipment_variant
= "Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_light_2 equipment_variant
= "Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 1
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = early_ship_hull_light }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 500 } # 2 x 250MP/DD
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Drazki Class"
type = ship_hull_light_1
name_group = BUL_DD_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot =
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot =
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_mine_layer_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_1
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_light_1 equipment_variant
= "Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_light_1 equipment_variant
= "Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else = { #Fallback (assuming BUL has at least early tech)
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 500 } # 2 x 250MP/DD
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Drazki Class"
type = ship_hull_light_1
name_group = BUL_DD_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = light_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_mine_layer_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_1
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_light_1 equipment_variant
= "Drazki Class" creator = ROOT }
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_light_1 equipment_variant
= "Drazki Class" creator = ROOT }
else = { #NO MTG
if = { #LVL 4
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = advanced_destroyer }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 1000 } # 2 x 500MP/DD
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Drazki Class"
type = destroyer_4
upgrades = {
ship_torpedo_upgrade = 4
destroyer_engine_upgrade = 2
ship_ASW_upgrade = 3
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 3
create_ship = { type = destroyer_4 equipment_variant =
"Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = destroyer_4 equipment_variant =
"Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 3
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = improved_destroyer }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 800 } # 2 x 400MP/DD
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Drazki Class"
type = destroyer_3
upgrades = {
ship_torpedo_upgrade = 3
destroyer_engine_upgrade = 2
ship_ASW_upgrade = 2
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 3
create_ship = { type = destroyer_3 equipment_variant =
"Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = destroyer_3 equipment_variant =
"Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 2
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = basic_destroyer }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 650 } # 2 x 325MP/DD
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Drazki Class"
type = destroyer_2
upgrades = {
ship_torpedo_upgrade = 2
destroyer_engine_upgrade = 1
ship_ASW_upgrade = 2
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 3
create_ship = { type = destroyer_2 equipment_variant =
"Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = destroyer_2 equipment_variant =
"Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 1
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = early_destroyer }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 500 } # 2 x 250MP/DD
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Drazki Class"
type = destroyer_1
upgrades = {
ship_torpedo_upgrade = 1
destroyer_engine_upgrade = 1
ship_ASW_upgrade = 2
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 2
create_ship = { type = destroyer_1 equipment_variant =
"Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
create_ship = { type = destroyer_1 equipment_variant =
"Drazki Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else = { #Fallback (assuming BUL has at least early tech)
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 500 } # 2 x 250MP/DD
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Drazki Class"
type = destroyer_1
upgrades = {
ship_torpedo_upgrade = 1
destroyer_engine_upgrade = 1
ship_ASW_upgrade = 2
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 2
create_ship = { type = destroyer_1 equipment_variant =
"Drazki Class" creator = ROOT }
create_ship = { type = destroyer_1 equipment_variant =
"Drazki Class" creator = ROOT }

#Purchase Ships - Light Cruiser ready - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.10
title = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.10.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_equipment_purchases.10.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_ast_navy

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.4.a

custom_effect_tooltip = lar_portugal_purchase_ships.6.a_tt

if = {
limit = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
if = { #LVL 4
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = advanced_ship_hull_cruiser }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 1400 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Sofia Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_4
name_group = BUL_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot =
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot =
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
fixed_ship_armor_slot = empty
front_1_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot =
rear_1_custom_slot =
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_cruiser_4
equipment_variant = "Sofia Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 3
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = improved_ship_hull_cruiser }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 1200 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Sofia Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_3
name_group = BUL_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot =
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot =
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
fixed_ship_armor_slot = empty
front_1_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot =
rear_1_custom_slot =
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_cruiser_3
equipment_variant = "Sofia Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 2
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = basic_ship_hull_cruiser }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 800 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Sofia Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_2
name_group = BUL_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot =
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot =
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
fixed_ship_armor_slot = empty
front_1_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot =
rear_1_custom_slot =
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_cruiser_2
equipment_variant = "Sofia Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 1
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = early_ship_hull_cruiser }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 600 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Sofia Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
name_group = BUL_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot =
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot =
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot =
fixed_ship_armor_slot = empty
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot =
rear_1_custom_slot =
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
equipment_variant = "Sofia Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else = { #Fallback (assuming BUL has at least early tech)
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 600 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Sofia Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
name_group = BUL_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot =
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_2
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_armor_slot = empty
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_airplane_launcher_1
rear_1_custom_slot =
create_ship = { type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
equipment_variant = "Sofia Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else = { #NO MTG
if = { #LVL 4
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = advanced_light_cruiser }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 1140 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Sofia Class"
type = light_cruiser_4
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 4
ship_engine_upgrade = 3
ship_gun_upgrade = 4
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 3
create_ship = { type = light_cruiser_4 equipment_variant =
"Sofia Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 3
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = improved_light_cruiser }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 960 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Sofia Class"
type = light_cruiser_3
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 3
ship_engine_upgrade = 2
ship_gun_upgrade = 3
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 3
create_ship = { type = light_cruiser_3 equipment_variant =
"Sofia Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 2
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = basic_light_cruiser }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 800 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Sofia Class"
type = light_cruiser_2
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 2
ship_engine_upgrade = 2
ship_gun_upgrade = 2
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 2
create_ship = { type = light_cruiser_2 equipment_variant =
"Sofia Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else_if = { #LVL 1
limit = {
FROM.FROM = { has_tech = early_light_cruiser }
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 600 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Sofia Class"
type = light_cruiser_1
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 2
ship_engine_upgrade = 2
ship_gun_upgrade = 1
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 1
create_ship = { type = light_cruiser_1 equipment_variant =
"Sofia Class" creator = FROM.FROM }
else = { #Fallback (assuming BUL has at least early tech)
hidden_effect = { add_manpower = 600 }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Sofia Class"
type = light_cruiser_1
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 2
ship_engine_upgrade = 2
ship_gun_upgrade = 1
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 1
create_ship = { type = light_cruiser_1 equipment_variant =
"Sofia Class" creator = FROM.FROM }

###### ###### ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ##
###### ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ##
###### ###### ### ###

#SCW is over - Bulgarian volunteers aiding the Spanish Republic are back - Event
for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_no_pasaran

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers.1.a

trigger = {
country_exists = SPD

custom_effect_tooltip = available_chief_of_airforce
show_ideas_tooltip = BUL_zachari_zachariev

if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { BUL_spanish_tag_aided = FROM }
army_experience = 50
air_experience = 25
else = {
army_experience = 25
air_experience = 15

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers.1.b

trigger = {
NOT = { country_exists = SPD }

custom_effect_tooltip = available_chief_of_airforce
show_ideas_tooltip = BUL_zachari_zachariev
if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { BUL_spanish_tag_aided = FROM }
army_experience = 50
air_experience = 25
else = {
army_experience = 25
air_experience = 15

#SCW is over - Bulgarian volunteers aiding the Spanish Nationalists are back -
Event for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_spr_army_of_africa

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
13 = {
set_variable = { BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 1 }
13 = {
set_variable = { BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 2 }
13 = {
set_variable = { BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 3 }
#Hill Fighter
13 = {
set_variable = { BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 4 }
#Urban Assault Specialist
13 = {
set_variable = { BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 5 }
13 = {
set_variable = { BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 6 }

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers.2.a
trigger = {
country_exists = SPA

if = {
limit = {
any_unit_leader = {
has_unit_leader_flag = BUL_scw_promotion_flag
random_unit_leader = {
limit = {
has_unit_leader_flag = BUL_scw_promotion_flag
promote_leader = yes
add_skill_level = 1
add_attack = 1
add_defense = 1
add_planning = 1

if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable = { var =
BUL_trait_gained_during_scw value = 1 compare = equals } }
add_unit_leader_trait = commando
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 2 } }
add_unit_leader_trait = trait_mountaineer
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 3 } }
add_unit_leader_trait = hill_fighter
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 4 } }
add_unit_leader_trait = urban_assault_specialist
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 5 } }
add_unit_leader_trait = trickster
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 6 } }
add_unit_leader_trait = organizer
else = {
if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable = { var =
BUL_trait_gained_during_scw value = 1 compare = equals } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { commando }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 2 } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { trait_mountaineer }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 3 } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { hill_fighter }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 4 } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { urban_assault_specialist }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 5 } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { trickster }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 6 } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { organizer }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
clear_variable = BUL_trait_gained_during_scw
if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { BUL_spanish_tag_aided = FROM }
army_experience = 50
else = {
army_experience = 25

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_scw_volunteers.2.b

trigger = {
NOT = { country_exists = SPA }

if = {
limit = {
any_unit_leader = {
is_field_marshal = no
is_assigned = no
random_unit_leader = {
limit = {
is_field_marshal = no
is_assigned = no
promote_leader = yes
add_skill_level = 1

if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable = { var =
BUL_trait_gained_during_scw value = 1 compare = equals } }
add_unit_leader_trait = commando
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 2 } }
add_unit_leader_trait = trait_mountaineer
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 3 } }
add_unit_leader_trait = hill_fighter
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 4 } }
add_unit_leader_trait = urban_assault_specialist
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 5 } }
add_unit_leader_trait = trickster
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 6 } }
add_unit_leader_trait = organizer
else = {
if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable = { var =
BUL_trait_gained_during_scw value = 1 compare = equals } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { commando }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 2 } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { trait_mountaineer }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 3 } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { hill_fighter }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 4 } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { urban_assault_specialist }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 5 } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { trickster }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
else_if = {
limit = {
BUL = { check_variable =
{ BUL_trait_gained_during_scw = 6 } }
add_corps_commander_role = {
character = BUL_nikola_nakov
traits = { organizer }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2
clear_variable = BUL_trait_gained_during_scw
if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { BUL_spanish_tag_aided = FROM }
army_experience = 50
else = {
army_experience = 25

###### ####### ## ## #### ######## ######## #### ## ## ######## ##

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## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##
## ## ## ### ## ## ## ##
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## ## ## #### ## ## ##
###### ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ###### ##
## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ######
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ##
## ## ## ## #### ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ##
## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##
###### ####### ### #### ######## ## #### ## ## ##
######## ####### ######## ## ## ###### ########

# Treaty of Mutual Assistance - BUL wants a NA and guarantee with SOV - Event for
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_dimitrov_with_stalin

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.1.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = {
is_in_faction = no
modifier = {
factor = 100
BUL = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 50
modifier = {
factor = 0.7
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_treaty_of_perpetual_friendship }
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < -50

give_guarantee = FROM
diplomatic_relation = {
country = FROM
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
FROM = {
hidden_effect = {
country_event = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.2
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = SOV
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
every_country = {
limit = {
OR = {
tag = ENG
tag = FRA
tag = GER
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = SOV }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_approached_the_ussr

hidden_effect = {
news_event = { id = bftb_news.13 hours = 8 random_hours = 4 }

option = { #Reject
name = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 100
BUL = {
is_in_faction = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < 0

FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_proposal

# Treaty of Mutual Assistance - SOV accepts - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_dimitrov_with_stalin

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.2.a

effect_tooltip = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
FROM = {
hidden_effect = {
country_event = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.3
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
give_guarantee = ROOT
diplomatic_relation = {
country = ROOT
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
every_country = {
limit = {
OR = {
tag = ENG
tag = FRA
tag = GER
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_approached_the_ussr

# Treaty of Mutual Assistance - SOV rejects our proposal - Event for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_stalin_02

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.3.a

effect_tooltip = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_proposal

# Carry the Revolution Abroad - Join Faction or Wargoal - Event for Balkan
communist independent nations
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.4
title = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.4.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.4.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_ff_troops_panzer

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.4.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = {
is_in_faction_with = SOV
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 50
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_condemn_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = {
factor = 5
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio < 1
modifier = {
factor = 10
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio < 0.5
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < -50

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_balkan_communism
hidden_effect = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_balkan_communism_trade
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_balkan_communism
hidden_effect = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_balkan_communism_trade
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.5
hours = 2 }
BUL_remove_balkan_opinion_modifiers = yes
random_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = FROM
is_faction_leader = yes
add_to_faction = ROOT

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.4.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 5
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_support_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = {
factor = 2
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio > 1
modifier = {
factor = 10
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio > 2

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_threatening_neighbor
FROM = {
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = ROOT
expire = 180
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.6
hours = 2 }

# Carry the Revolution Abroad - Country Accepts - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.5
title = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.5.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.5.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_communists_cheer

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.5.a

effect_tooltip = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_balkan_communism
hidden_effect = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_balkan_communism_trade
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_balkan_communism
hidden_effect = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_balkan_communism_trade
random_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
is_faction_leader = yes
add_to_faction = FROM

# Carry the Revolution Abroad - Country Refuses - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.6
title = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.6.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.6.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_read_write

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_soviet_influence.6.a

effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_threatening_neighbor
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = FROM
expire = 180
## ## ## ## ###### ####### ###### ## ### ## ## ####
### ## ## #### ## ## ######## ## ## ## ######## ## ##
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###### ########

# Treaty of Perpetual Friendship - BUL wants a NA with YUG - Event for YUG
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_ff_troops_yugoslavia

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.1.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 50
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_condemn_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #You have tried
factor = 5
BUL = {
NOT = {
has_idea = BUL_imro_01
has_idea = BUL_imro_04
has_idea = BUL_imro_05
modifier = {
factor = 2
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio < 1
modifier = {
factor = 5
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio < 0.5
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < -50

set_country_flag = BUL_ongoing_balkan_project_flag

every_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_claimed_by = FROM
remove_claim_by = FROM
diplomatic_relation = {
country = FROM
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
BUL_remove_balkan_opinion_modifiers = yes

add_ideas = BUL_balkan_federation_project_propaganda
FROM = { add_ideas = BUL_balkan_federation_project_propaganda }

every_country = {
limit = {
BUL_country_can_influence_bulgaria = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_approached_yugoslavia
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.2 }
news_event = { id = bftb_news.14 hours = 8 random_hours = 4 }

option = { #Reject
name = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 5
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_support_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #Your coop with IMRO is just too much
factor = 10
BUL = { has_idea = BUL_imro_05 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio > 2

FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_proposal
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.3 }

# Treaty of Perpetual Friendship - YUG accepts - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_communists_cheer

is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.2.a

effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
every_owned_state = {
limit = {
is_claimed_by = ROOT
remove_claim_by = ROOT
diplomatic_relation = {
country = ROOT
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us

add_ideas = BUL_balkan_federation_project_propaganda
FROM = { add_ideas = BUL_balkan_federation_project_propaganda }

every_country = {
limit = {
BUL_country_can_influence_bulgaria = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_approached_yugoslavia

# Treaty of Perpetual Friendship - YUG rejects our proposal - Event for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1
is_triggered_only = yes

fire_only_once = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_yugoslavian_influence.3.a

effect_tooltip = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_proposal

######## ### ## ## ## ### ## ## ######## ########

######## ######## ######## ### ######## #### ####### ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ##
######## ## ## ## ##### ## ## ## ## ## ###### ###### ##
## ###### ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ######### ## ## ## ######### ## #### ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ######### ## ## ## ## ## ####
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###
######## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ########
######## ######## ## ## ## ## ## #### ####### ## ##

#Bulgarian Balkan Federation Project Ready - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_soviet_army_sofia

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.1.a

custom_effect_tooltip =

#Bulgarian Balkan Federation Project Ready - Event for YUG

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rally

is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.2.a

add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.1

#Bulgarian Propaganda for Balkan Federation - Event for Balkan Countries

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_rally

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.3.a

add_timed_idea = {
idea = BUL_balkan_federation_project_propaganda
days = 180

#Bulgaria destabilizes country - Event for Balkan Countries

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.4
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.4.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.4.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_troops_partisans_boat

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = worrying

add_stability = -0.05
add_popularity = {
ideology = communism
popularity = 0.1

#Unification of the Balkans - Event for Balkan Allies

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.5
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.5.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.5.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_troops_dobrudja

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Accept (and get annexed)

name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.5.a

ai_chance = {
factor = 11
modifier = {
factor = 2
threat > 69
modifier = {
factor = 2
FROM = { is_faction_leader = yes }
modifier = {
factor = 2
FROM = { has_government = ROOT }
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value > 50
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value > 99
modifier = {
factor = 5
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 0.8
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 0.4
modifier = {
factor = 10
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 0.1
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_neighbor_of = BUL
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_opinion_modifier = BUL_territorial_arbitration
modifier = { #We like that you condemn IMRO
factor = 2
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_condemn_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #You have tried
factor = 5
BUL = {
NOT = {
has_idea = BUL_imro_01
has_idea = BUL_imro_04
has_idea = BUL_imro_05

custom_effect_tooltip = GAME_OVER_TT
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.6
hours = 6 random_hours = 6 } }

# option = { #Handle issues first (then get annexed) - AI only

# name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.5.b
# trigger = {
# is_ai = yes
# NOT = {
# has_government = fascism
# }
# }
# ai_chance = {
# factor = 11
# modifier = {
# factor = 2
# threat < 50
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 6
# FROM = { is_faction_leader = no }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 2
# FROM = { has_government = ROOT }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 2
# has_opinion = {
# target = FROM
# value < 50
# }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 2
# has_opinion = {
# target = FROM
# value < 15
# }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 5
# strength_ratio = {
# tag = FROM
# ratio < 0.4
# }
# strength_ratio = {
# tag = FROM
# ratio > 0.1
# }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 10
# has_opinion_modifier = BUL_territorial_arbitration
# }
# modifier = { #We like that you condemn IMRO
# factor = 2
# BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_condemn_macedonian_organizations }
# }
# modifier = { #You have tried
# factor = 2
# BUL = {
# NOT = {
# has_idea = BUL_imro_01
# has_idea = BUL_imro_04
# has_idea = BUL_imro_05
# }
# }
# }
# }
# random_list = {
# 13 = { #Requests Industrial Aid
# modifier = {
# factor = 10
# ic_ratio = {
# tag = BUL
# ratio < 0.5
# }
# }
# FROM = {
# country_event = { id =
bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.7 hours = 6 random_hours = 6 }
# }
# }
# 11 = { #Requests Economic Aid for Infrastructure
# modifier = {
# factor = 10
# any_owned_state = {
# is_in_home_area = yes
# is_on_continent = europe
# any_neighbor_state = {
# is_controlled_by = BUL
# }
# }
# }
# FROM = {
# country_event = { id =
bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.8 hours = 6 random_hours = 6 }
# }
# }
# 13 = { #Requests Military Aid
# modifier = {
# factor = 10
# strength_ratio = {
# tag = FROM
# ratio < 0.5
# }
# }
# FROM = {
# country_event = { id =
bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.9 hours = 6 random_hours = 6 }
# }
# }
# }
# custom_effect_tooltip = GAME_OVER_TT
# }

option = { #Puppet - Player only

name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.5.c

trigger = {
is_ai = no

effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
puppet = ROOT
if = {
limit = {
is_in_faction = no
FROM = { is_in_faction = yes }
FROM = { add_to_faction = ROOT }
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = { id =
bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.10 hours = 6 random_hours = 6 } }

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.5.d

ai_chance = {
factor = 11
modifier = {
factor = 6
FROM = { is_faction_leader = no }
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { has_government = FROM }
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 50
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < -50
modifier = {
factor = 2
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 1
modifier = {
factor = 10
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 2

effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_refused_unification
custom_effect_tooltip =
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = { id =
bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.11 hours = 6 random_hours = 6 } }

#Unification of the Balkans - Country Accepts - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.6
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.6.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.6.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_soviet_army_sofia

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.6.a
BUL_join_wars_of_from = yes

FROM = {
every_unit_leader = {
set_nationality = BUL
annex_country = { target = FROM transfer_troops = yes }

custom_effect_tooltip = germany.126.warning

#Unification of the Balkans - Country Requests Industrial Aid before annexation -

Event for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.7
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.7.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.7.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_factory

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.7.a

activate_targeted_decision = { target = FROM decision =

BUL_balkan_federation_industrial_aid }

#Unification of the Balkans - Country Requests Economic Aid before annexation -

Event for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.8
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.8.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.8.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_hitler_handshake

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.8.a

activate_targeted_decision = { target = FROM decision =

BUL_balkan_federation_economic_aid }

#Unification of the Balkans - Country Requests Military Aid before annexation -

Event for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.9
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.9.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.9.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_ff_troops_yugoslavia

is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.9.a

activate_targeted_decision = { target = FROM decision =

BUL_balkan_federation_military_aid }

#Unification of the Balkans - Country requests limited freedom (aka puppet) - Event
for BUL
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.10
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.10.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.10.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.10.a

BUL_join_wars_of_from = yes

puppet = FROM
BUL_remove_balkan_opinion_modifiers = yes
set_autonomy = { target = FROM autonomy_state = autonomy_dominion }
if = {
limit = {
FROM = { is_in_faction = no }
random_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = BUL
is_faction_leader = yes
add_to_faction = FROM

custom_effect_tooltip = germany.126.warning

#Unification of the Balkans - Country Refuses - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.11
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.11.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.11.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gre_balkan_pact

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Do nothing

name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.11.a

ai_chance = {
factor = 10
modifier = {
factor = 10
FROM = { is_faction_leader = no }
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_ai = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 10
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 1

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_refused_unification

option = { #Kick from faction

name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.11.b

trigger = {
is_faction_leader = yes

ai_chance = {
factor = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 50
modifier = {
factor = 2
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 0.7
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_refused_unification
remove_from_faction = FROM
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_kicked_us_from_faction

hidden_effect = { #ROOT & FROM are not happy with each other's actions
add_ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = FROM
value = -100

add_ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = FROM
value = -100
FROM = {
add_ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = ROOT
value = -100

add_ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = ROOT
value = -100

option = { #Kick and Wargoal

name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.11.c

trigger = {
is_faction_leader = yes

ai_chance = {
factor = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 25
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 50
modifier = {
factor = 5
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 1.5

add_political_power = -120
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_refused_unification
remove_from_faction = FROM
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = FROM
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_kicked_us_from_faction

hidden_effect = { #ROOT & FROM are mad at each other

add_ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = FROM
value = -200

add_ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = FROM
value = -200
FROM = {
add_ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = ROOT
value = -200

add_ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = ROOT
value = -200
#Recover Italian Territories - Event for ITA
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.12
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.12.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.12.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_military

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.12.a

ai_chance = {
factor = 10
modifier = {
factor = 10
FROM = { is_faction_leader = no }
modifier = {
factor = 100
is_in_faction_with = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value > 90
modifier = {
factor = 10
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 1
modifier = {
factor = 2
FROM = { has_completed_focus = BUL_cooperation_with_italy }
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_war_with = FROM
any_allied_country = {
has_war_with = FROM

every_controlled_state = { # Any Italian-controlled states in the

Balkans get transferred
limit = {
BUL_is_balkan_state = yes
hidden_effect = {
if = { # Prio BUL always, if possible
limit = {
is_core_of = BUL
country_exists = BUL
BUL = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = { #Initial Balkan countries are prioritized
before releasables
limit = {
is_core_of = YUG
country_exists = YUG
YUG = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = {
limit = {
is_core_of = GRE
country_exists = GRE
GRE = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ROM
country_exists = ROM
ROM = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = {
limit = {
is_core_of = ALB
country_exists = ALB
ALB = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = {
limit = {
is_core_of = TUR
country_exists = TUR
TUR = {
transfer_state = PREV
else_if = { # Check for releasables
limit = {
any_country = {
BUL_is_balkan_nation = yes
exists = yes
PREV = { is_core_of = THIS }
random_country = {
limit = {
BUL_is_balkan_nation = yes
exists = yes
PREV = { is_core_of = THIS }
transfer_state = PREV
else = { # Fallback is BUL
BUL = {
transfer_state = PREV
set_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
custom_effect_tooltip =
if = {
limit = {
any_country = {
BUL_is_balkan_nation = yes
any_controlled_state = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
NOT = { original_tag = BUL }
every_country = {
limit = {
BUL_is_balkan_nation = yes
any_controlled_state = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
NOT = { original_tag = BUL }
country_event = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.14
FROM = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.13
hours = 2 } }

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.12.b

ai_chance = {
factor = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 50
modifier = {
factor = 20
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 1
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_war = no
modifier = {
factor = 5
is_faction_leader = yes

FROM = { country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.15

hours = 2 } }
custom_effect_tooltip = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.12.b_tt
effect_tooltip = {
every_controlled_state = { # Bulgaria gets a claim on any
Italian-controlled states in the Balkans
limit = {
BUL_is_balkan_state = yes
add_claim_by = FROM
FROM = {
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = ROOT

#Recover Italian Territories - ITA Accepts - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.13
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.13.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.13.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_italian_equipment

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.13.a

effect_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
any_controlled_state = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
custom_effect_tooltip = BUL_italy_yields_states_to_root_tt
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
if = {
limit = {
any_state = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
NOT = { is_controlled_by = ROOT }
custom_effect_tooltip =
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
NOT = { is_controlled_by = ROOT }
hidden_effect = {
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
clr_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag

#Recover Italian Territories - ITA transfers state - Event for other Balkan
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.14
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.14.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.14.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_soviet_army_sofia

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.14.a

effect_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
any_controlled_state = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
custom_effect_tooltip = BUL_italy_yields_states_to_root_tt
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
if = {
limit = {
any_state = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
NOT = { is_controlled_by = ROOT }
custom_effect_tooltip =
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_italy_yields_state_flag
NOT = { is_controlled_by = ROOT }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = BUL
modifier = BUL_territorial_arbitration

#Recover Italian Territories - ITA refuses - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.15
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.15.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.15.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_ff_troops_panzer

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Wargoal
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.15.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 100
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 2
modifier = {
factor = 2
alliance_strength_ratio > 1.5
FROM = {
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
BUL_is_balkan_state = yes
add_claim_by = ROOT
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = FROM

option = { # Do Nothing
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.15.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10

#Demand Turkish Territories - Event for TUR

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.16
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.16.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.16.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_military

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Yield
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.16.a

ai_chance = {
factor = 10
modifier = {
factor = 10
FROM = { is_faction_leader = no }
modifier = {
factor = 100
is_in_faction_with = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value > 90
modifier = {
factor = 10
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 1
modifier = {
factor = 2
FROM = { has_government = FROM }
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_war_with = FROM
any_allied_country = {
has_war_with = FROM

effect_tooltip = {
custom_effect_tooltip =
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
BUL_is_balkan_state = yes
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.17
hours = 4 random_hours = 4 }

option = { # Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.16.b

ai_chance = {
factor = 20
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 50
modifier = {
factor = 20
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 1
modifier = {
factor = 10
has_war = no
modifier = {
factor = 100
is_faction_leader = yes

effect_tooltip = {
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
BUL_is_balkan_state = yes
add_claim_by = FROM
FROM = {
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = ROOT
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
country_event = { id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.18
hours = 4 random_hours = 4 }

#Demand Turkish Territories - Turkey accepts - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.17
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.17.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.17.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_soviet_army_sofia

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.17.a

effect_tooltip = {
custom_effect_tooltip =
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
BUL_is_balkan_state = yes
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
BUL_is_balkan_state = yes
ROOT = {
transfer_state = PREV
hidden_effect = {
set_state_controller = PREV

#Demand Turkish Territories - Turkey refuses - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.18
title = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.18.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.18.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_ff_troops_panzer

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_balkan_federation.18.a

TUR = {
every_controlled_state = {
limit = {
BUL_is_balkan_state = yes
add_claim_by = ROOT
create_wargoal = {
type = annex_everything
target = FROM

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## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ##
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## ######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
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## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ##
## ## ## ## ######## ####### ## ## ## ##
######## ######## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######

#Ultimatum to join faction - Event for Balkan nation

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_military

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { # Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.1.a

ai_chance = {
base = 20
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_fate_of_the_balkans_government_influenced_flag value > 4 }
modifier = {
factor = 4
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_fate_of_the_balkans_government_influenced_flag value > 3 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_fate_of_the_balkans_government_influenced_flag value > 2 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_fate_of_the_balkans_government_influenced_flag value > 1 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
has_country_flag = { flag =
BUL_fate_of_the_balkans_government_influenced_flag value > 0 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value > 50
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_neighbor_of = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 2
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 1
modifier = {
factor = 10
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 0.5
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio > 2

FROM = {
hidden_effect = {
country_event = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.2
effect_tooltip = {
add_to_faction = ROOT
hidden_effect = {
random_other_country = {
limit = {
is_in_faction_with = ROOT
is_faction_leader = yes
country_event = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.10

option = { # Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_government = communism
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_government = democratic
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 50
modifier = {
factor = 10
is_in_faction = yes
modifier = {
factor = 5
is_major = yes

hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.3 }
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
create_wargoal = {
type = puppet_wargoal_focus
target = ROOT

#Country accepts to join - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_military

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.2.a

add_to_faction = FROM
FROM = { BUL_remove_balkan_opinion_modifiers = yes }

#Country refuses invitation - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_finnish_letter

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.3.a

create_wargoal = {
type = puppet_wargoal_focus
target = FROM

#Bulgaria demands territory - Event for Bulgarian puppets

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.4
title = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.4.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.4.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_finnish_letter

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.4.a

add_political_power = 50
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
transfer_state = FROM.FROM
hidden_effect = {
set_state_controller = FROM.FROM
add_autonomy_score = {
value = 300
localization =
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.5 }

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.4.b

ai_chance = {
factor = 0

add_stability = -0.1
add_war_support = -0.05
add_political_power = -100
effect_tooltip = {
add_claim_by = FROM
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.6 }

#Puppet transfers territory - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.5
title = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.5.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.5.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_finnish_letter

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.5.a

transfer_state = FROM.FROM.FROM
hidden_effect = {
set_state_controller = FROM.FROM.FROM
FROM = {
add_autonomy_score = {
value = 300
localization =

#Puppet refuses to transfer territory - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.6
title = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.6.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.6.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_finnish_letter

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.6.a

add_claim_by = ROOT

#Bulgaria demands submission of an ally - Event for Bulgarian allies

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.7
title = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.7.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.7.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_finnish_letter

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.7.a

ai_chance = {
base = 15
add_political_power = 150
add_stability = 0.1
effect_tooltip = {
FROM = {
puppet = ROOT
remove_wargoal = {
target = ROOT
type = all
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.8 }

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.7.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 0.5

add_stability = -0.1
add_political_power = -150
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.9 }

#Ally submits to BUL - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.8
title = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.8.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.8.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_finnish_letter

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.8.a

BUL_join_wars_of_from = yes
puppet = FROM
remove_wargoal = {
target = FROM
type = all

FROM = { BUL_remove_balkan_opinion_modifiers = yes }

custom_effect_tooltip = germany.126.warning

#Ally refuses to become a Bulgarian puppet - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.9
title = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.9.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.9.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_finnish_letter

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.9.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10

custom_effect_tooltip =

option = {
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.9.b

ai_chance = {
base = 0

remove_from_faction = FROM

#Bulgaria has pressured an ally to join their faction - Event for faction leader
whose ally has join BUL's faction
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.10
title = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.10.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.10.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_finnish_letter

is_triggered_only = yes

#immediate = {
# hidden_effect = { log = "FROM.FROM is [FROM.FROM.GetName]"}

option = {#Wargoal
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.10.a
ai_chance = {
base = 1
modifier = {
factor = 20
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio > 2
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = FROM
value < 50
modifier = { #Support IMRO is not cool bro
factor = 2
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_support_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #Your coop with IMRO is just too much
factor = 2
BUL = { has_idea = BUL_imro_05 }
modifier = {
factor = 5
AND = {
tag = ENG
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

create_wargoal = {
type = puppet_wargoal_focus
target = BUL

option = {#Nothing
name = bftb_bulgaria_fate_of_the_balkans.10.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
strength_ratio = {
tag = FROM
ratio < 1
modifier = { #We like that you condemn IMRO
factor = 2
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_condemn_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #You have tried
factor = 5
BUL = {
NOT = {
has_idea = BUL_imro_01
has_idea = BUL_imro_04
has_idea = BUL_imro_05

######## ####### ## #### ######## #### ###### ### ## ##

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## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
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## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ####### ######## #### ## #### ###### ## ## ########
######## ######## ## ## ######## ######## ## ## ######

#The murder of Hristo Lukov

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_political_leaders.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_political_leaders.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_political_leaders.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_funeral

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 3
modifier = {
factor = 300
has_government = fascism
modifier = {
factor = 100
has_stability > 0.5
modifier = {
factor = 100
has_stability > 0.75
modifier = {
factor = 10
communism < 0.05
modifier = {
factor = 100
communism < 0.01
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_country_flag = BUL_fatherland_front_formed_flag
NOT = { has_country_flag = BUL_ff_destroyed_flag }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_government = communism

trigger = {
has_dlc = "Battle for the Bosporus"
original_tag = BUL
has_country_leader = { character = BUL_hristo_lukov ruling_only = no }
date > 1943.02.10

fire_only_once = yes

option = {#Get a new UBNL leader

name = bftb_bulgaria_political_leaders.1.a

trigger = {
has_government = fascism

kill_ideology_leader = fascism

option = {#Get Aleksandar Tsankov as leader

name = bftb_bulgaria_political_leaders.1.b

trigger = {
has_country_flag = BUL_nsm_integrated_flag
has_government = fascism

kill_ideology_leader = fascism
set_party_name = {
ideology = fascism
long_name = BUL_national_social_movement_party_long
name = BUL_national_social_movement_party
add_country_leader_role = {
character = BUL_aleksandar_tsankov
country_leader = {
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = nazism
traits = {
promote_leader = yes

option = {#Commie
name = bftb_bulgaria_political_leaders.1.c
trigger = {
has_government = communism

kill_ideology_leader = fascism

option = {#Other ideologies

name = bftb_bulgaria_political_leaders.1.d

trigger = {
OR = {
has_government = democratic
has_government = neutrality

kill_ideology_leader = fascism

###### ######## ######## ######## ## ## #### ## ## ######## ##

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## ## ## ### ## ## ## ##
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## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##
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####### ######## ## ## ###### ########

#Bulgaria asks GRE for a NA pact - Event for GRE

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_with_muraviev

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.1.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 50
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_condemn_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #You have tried
factor = 5
BUL = {
NOT = {
has_idea = BUL_imro_01
has_idea = BUL_imro_04
has_idea = BUL_imro_05
modifier = {
factor = 2
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio < 1
modifier = {
factor = 5
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio < 0.5
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < -50

add_political_power = 75

diplomatic_relation = {
country = FROM
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
BUL_remove_balkan_opinion_modifiers = yes

every_country = {
limit = {
BUL_country_can_influence_bulgaria = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_approached_greece
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.2 }
news_event = { id = bftb_news.15 hours = 8 random_hours = 4 }

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 5
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 5
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_support_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #Your coop with IMRO is just too much
factor = 10
BUL = { has_idea = BUL_imro_05 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
strength_ratio = {
tag = BUL
ratio > 2

FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_proposal
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.3 }

#GRE accepts NA with BUL - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gre_cabinet_meeting

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.2.a

effect_tooltip = {
diplomatic_relation = {
country = FROM
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
every_country = {
limit = {
BUL_country_can_influence_bulgaria = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_approached_greece

#GRE declines NA with BUL - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_gre_balkan_pact

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_greek_influence.3.a

effect_tooltip = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_proposal

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#Bulgaria asks ENG for a NA pact - Event for ENG

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty1

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.1.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 0
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 50
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_condemn_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #You have tried
factor = 2
BUL = {
NOT = {
has_idea = BUL_imro_01
has_idea = BUL_imro_04
has_idea = BUL_imro_05
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < -50

add_political_power = 75
diplomatic_relation = {
country = FROM
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
give_guarantee = FROM
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
every_country = {
limit = {
BUL_country_can_influence_bulgaria = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_approached_the_uk
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.2 }
news_event = { id = bftb_news.16 hours = 8 random_hours = 4 }

option = { #Only NA
name = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.1.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 5
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < 15
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value > 50
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < -50
modifier = {
factor = 10
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

add_political_power = 25
diplomatic_relation = {
country = FROM
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
every_country = {
limit = {
BUL_country_can_influence_bulgaria = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_approached_the_uk
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.3 }
news_event = { id = bftb_news.16 hours = 8 random_hours = 4 }

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.1.c

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_opinion = {
target = BUL
value < 0
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_support_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #Your coop with IMRO is just too much
factor = 5
BUL = { has_idea = BUL_imro_05 }
modifier = {
factor = 5
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_proposal
hidden_effect = {
FROM = { country_event = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.4 }

#ENG accepts Guaranteeing BUL (and NA) - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.2.a

effect_tooltip = {
diplomatic_relation = {
country = FROM
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
FROM = { give_guarantee = ROOT }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
every_country = {
limit = {
BUL_country_can_influence_bulgaria = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_approached_greece

#ENG accepts NA with BUL - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.3.a

effect_tooltip = {
diplomatic_relation = {
country = FROM
relation = non_aggression_pact
active = yes
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
FROM = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_strengthened_relations_with_us
every_country = {
limit = {
BUL_country_can_influence_bulgaria = yes
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = ROOT }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = FROM }
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_approached_greece

#ENG declines NA with BUL - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.4
title = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.4.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.4.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_british_influence.4.a

effect_tooltip = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = FROM
modifier = BUL_rejected_our_proposal

######## ######## ## ## ####### ###### ######## ### ######## ####

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#BUL Guarantees Country - Event for Balkan Nations

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.1
title = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.1.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.1.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_military_parade_vidin

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.1.a

FROM = { give_guarantee = ROOT }


#Balkan Confederation - BUL has made an industrial investement in the country -

Event for Balkan Nations
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.2
title = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.2.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.2.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_officers_burgas

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.2.a

add_popularity = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = 0.1
random_owned_controlled_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_industrial_investement_target
add_extra_state_shared_building_slots = 1
add_building_construction = {
type = industrial_complex
level = 1
instant_build = yes

#Balkan Confederation - Bulgarian capitalists are lobbying the government - Event

for Balkan Nations
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.3
title = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.3.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.3.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_with_muraviev

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.3.a

add_popularity = {
ideology = democratic
popularity = 0.05
add_timed_idea = {
idea = BUL_bulgarian_capital_injection
days = 120

#Assert our Claims - Bulgaria asks to core controlled historical claims and bring
back any Bulgarian initial state controlled by an ally - Event for ENG
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.4
title = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.4.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.4.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_boris_with_muraviev

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Accept
name = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.4.a

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = {
any_war_score > 5
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = {
any_war_score > 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = {
any_war_score > 15
modifier = {
factor = 5
BUL = {
any_war_score > 20
modifier = {
factor = 10
BUL = {
any_war_score > 30
modifier = {
factor = 10
BUL = {
any_war_score > 50
modifier = {
factor = 5
BUL = {
casualties > 10000
modifier = {
factor = 10
BUL = {
casualties > 100000
modifier = { #We like that you condemn IMRO
factor = 2
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_condemn_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #You have tried
factor = 5
BUL = {
NOT = {
has_idea = BUL_imro_01
has_idea = BUL_imro_04
has_idea = BUL_imro_05

effect_tooltip = {
custom_effect_tooltip =
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_initial_bulgarian_state_flag
NOT = { is_controlled_by = BUL }
controller = {
is_in_faction_with = BUL
has_full_control_of_state = PREV
controller = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ENG
modifier = BUL_territorial_arbitration_negative
BUL = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ENG
modifier = BUL_territorial_arbitration

option = { #Refuse
name = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.4.b

ai_chance = {
base = 10
modifier = {
factor = 2
BUL = {
any_war_score < 5
modifier = {
factor = 300
BUL = {
any_war_score < 1
modifier = {
factor = 100
BUL = {
casualties < 1000
modifier = { #Support IMRO is not cool bro
factor = 10
BUL = { has_completed_focus =
BUL_support_macedonian_organizations }
modifier = { #Your coop with IMRO is just too much
factor = 10
BUL = { has_idea = BUL_imro_05 }
modifier = {
factor = 10
BUL_has_some_sort_of_bogdan_filov = yes

BUL = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ROOT
modifier = BUL_bulgarian_claims_not_recognized

#Assert our Claims - ENG Accepts - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.5
title = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.5.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.5.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty3

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.5.a

custom_effect_tooltip =
every_state = {
limit = {
has_state_flag = BUL_initial_bulgarian_state_flag
NOT = { is_controlled_by = BUL }
controller = {
is_in_faction_with = BUL
has_full_control_of_state = PREV
hidden_effect = {
BUL = {
transfer_state = PREV
set_state_controller = PREV

#Assert our Claims - ENG Refuses - Event for BUL

country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.6
title = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.6.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.6.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_generic_sign_treaty2

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.6.a

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ENG
modifier = BUL_bulgarian_claims_not_recognized

#Assert our Claims - Transferred formerly Bulgarian states to BUL - Event for
allies controlling any Bulgarian initial state
country_event = {
id = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.7
title = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.7.t
desc = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.7.desc
picture = GFX_report_event_bul_troops_dobrudja

is_triggered_only = yes

option = { #Ok
name = bftb_bulgaria_democratic_international_policies.7.a

add_opinion_modifier = {
target = ENG
modifier = BUL_territorial_arbitration_negative

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