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Roourse Structure kaa section-wise Weightage section A Reading Skills: 40 (Periods vestoneeg®. 8 Writing Skits with Grammar Se Lj zeae c Literature Textbooks and ec poset. ae ae accaa ea neem? | OM Section A Reading ‘Skills 20 Marks peng comprehension through unseen Fensn3e + iscursive passage of wor a 7 passom sf 400-450 words. (lo marks) I coaserbased passage (with visual NDA sgotisica ta, chart tc) of 200-250 WORSE (10 marks crotaltangth of two passages be 600-700 words) choice avestions/ lec Ye Cane 2) short Answer Questions COE a ds wl be asked 23255 Dustin ronan A nanagement this time 1a month that som the given sentence from the 30 English Language and Literature Clas, 3. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words. ‘come A.A calm mind can help you tackle the direst stress. Elaborate with reference to Midnight Visitor’ B. Though Max was very cunning, still he was but ‘alittle spy’ before Ausable. Explajy Knowledge Assessment Chapter 4 : A Question of Trust 1. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. ae every yei ear he planned carefully just what he would A. So, he robbed a safe every year. Each year he planned carefully stole enough to last for twelve months and secretly bought the books he loved thro an agent (What did ‘he’ plan carefully every year? Gi) State true or false None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement ~ He was an exp locksmith, (a) A hypothesis - a proposed explanation for a phenomenon is taken for granted or assumed to be true (©) A hyperbole - exaggerated statements or claim (®) An assumption - something not meant to be taken literally (@) A premise - a proposition that forms the basis of an argument (iii), What was ‘he’ Passionate about and how did ‘he’ satisfy his passion? (iv) Which word would correctly substitute ‘thoughtfully’, in the given sentence. the extract? Hidushi arranged all the books thoughtfully so that she could find them easily later time. B.-A small dog was lying in the kitchen. It stirred, made a noise and moved its ta friendly way. All right, Sherry,’ Horace said as he passed. All you had todo tokeep Quiet was to call them by their right names and show them love @_In which house is the kitchen referred to located? (ii) What is the name of the dog mentioned in the above extract? (ii) How did the dog and Horace greet each other? What tact did Horace apply (iv) Which word would correctly substitute ‘moved’, in the given sentence fro1 extract? 2. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each, ©‘ Question of Trust’ isa story about the robbery of the robber. Expound, (ii) Did the lady in red keep her promise? Give reasons for your answer, (iii) When and why did the woman in red say, ‘Society must be protected from meni Doesn't it sound ironical? (iv) Why was Horace Danby sure that his robbery at Shotover Grange would be a one? : (v) Describe the safe at Shotover Grange. 3. Answer the following question in 100-120 words. Pe you think that there are certain situations in which you can be excused | Uisne.iestly? Elaborate with reference to ‘A Question of Trust.’ He broke open boxes and wrappers and fitted himself out with shoes, an overcoat and a wide-brimmed hat, he bec visible person. Why does the author state “he became a fully dressed and a (ii) Where was he? iii) Why did "he’ come to the place where he was in? asatee (iv) Which word would correctly substitute ‘completely’, in the given ser the extract? The PM was completely aware of the shortcomings of his government. |. He pretended, however, that he was expecting a cheque to arrive at any 1 Shortly afterwards a curious episode occured. Very early in the mort clergyman and his wife were awakened by noises in the study. Creeping do they heard the chink of money being taken from the clergyman's desk. (What is the ‘curious episode’ referred to in the extract? (ii) Why did they creep downstairs? ) To whom did Griffin pretend that he was expecting a cheque soon? (iv) Which word would correctly substitute the phrase ‘looking forward, sentence from the extract? Shamshu looking forward to meeting his old friends at the reunion. vette Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each. ~ (i) What did the Halls see in the scientist's room? (ii) How did the visible man become invisible at the village of Ipi then? (iii) Griffin a lawless man. Discuss. ey ‘How did Griffin become a homeless wanderer rere the, two boys in Lon 2. Answer the following ser the James R Wong, Worn how it could hay ‘odels of molecules t0 shove nog «ne following extracts and aris ne is college roommat Fright and his cole s vctures and constructing: pi or they arr wrote eet ichard Ebrighterada is class of 1510. - @ How did Richard Ebright graduate Gi) State true or false. ee Oe one of the terms (a)(€) can be applied to 1 spectacular student a (2) Atypateis-a proposed explanation fora phenomenon | (An asamption something hat sak for ranted or sromed O81 (2) Alnperole-exgprned tater or clas not means 4 fd) A premise - a proposition that forms the basis of an te ii) oe was written by Ebright and his friend? Where was it publi a (iv) Which word would correctly substitute ‘making’, in the given sentence from extract? ’ My friend, Rahul, was busy making a 3D-wallpaper when I went to see him, B. “Richard would always give that extra effort,” Mr Weiherer said. What pleased me here was this person who put in three or four hours at night doing debate reseg besides doing all his research with butterflies and his other interests.” ‘Richard was competitive, statement ~ Ebright Mr Weiherer continued, ‘but not in a bad sense explained, “Richard wasn't interested in winning for winning’s sake or winning to Brize. Rather, he was winning because he wanted to do the best job he could, For Fight reasons, he wants to be the best () Why did Mr Weiherer call Richard a true winner? (i) Why did Mr. Weiherer think that Richard (iii) Who was Mr. Weiherer? (iv) Which phrase w: extract? Vishal made extra efforts t was a hard-worker? What praise did he shower on Richard? ould correctly substitute ‘devoted’ in the given sentence from ‘0 succeed in the competi questions in 40.. nts and tion. 50 words each, @ Which experime Bovey oF AMY ‘Read the following extract i acts and answer the questions th i follow. ‘4. She was not convinced. 'No’, she repli fave a shabby ait in the mide of mer nee there is nothis dst of rich women’. othing more humiliating Then her husband cried out,,""How en Forestier and ask her to lend you her jennet® ate! Go nu her je - and Pibeieraiy nee an {i State true or false. She said. “I had not thought ofthat.” None of the terms (a)-(d) can be mmoney-minded woman, Sanibepat (a) A hypothesis - a proposed explanati explanation for a pheno ii eruption - something that is ska eae tis taken for granted or asrumed erste cxgpersicd mene eee aon (@ A premise - a propo penis Gi) Why did she need the jewels? (ii) To what did Mme Liosel reply by (iv) Which word would, correctly subs extract? The old man said a prayer before breathing his last. B. No, Iam Matilda Loisel’. Herfriend uttered a cry of astonishment, ‘Oh! plied to the statement ~ Matilda was a ‘ion that forms the basis of an argument ying ‘No’? ute , in the given sentence from the My poor Matilda! How you have changed!” "es, have had some hard days since I saw you; and some miserable ones-andal because of you...” () Why did Matilda have ‘some hard days”? (ii) What change had come Matilda? ‘hard days’? (ii) Why did Matilda say that her friend is responsible for the hin the given sentence from the extrac (iv) Which word would correctly replace ‘tou Pranutan had a tough time after losing her job. ! the following questions in 40-50 words each, (i) How did the Loisel couple replace the necklace? . Describe the twist at the end of the story ‘The Necklace’ - What would Matilda often dream of? val Why was Madame Loisel sad as the day of the ball app’ do to make her happy? vile. the instances from the text that show that Loisel loved his: . ched? What did her jions that mnswer the quest 3 und answer the Ge isper, “So shameless! SO} igan tow ing extracts a inderstruck. The guests bet 1. Read the followi |A. Ramlal was thu! less.” waht, are you crazy?” shouted Ramla: some regard for our izzat” f (i) Why was Ramlal ‘thunderstruck’ i 1c or false, ; eet ae terms (a)(d) can be applied to the statement ~ Bhol Iharriage because Bishamber had demanded dowry: for a phenomenon (a) A hypothesis a proposed explanation for a pl (b) An assumption - something that is taken for granted or assum bole - exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken liters Yon want to disgrace your fat 1ed to be true fe) Abyp® {d) A premise - proposition that forms the basis of an argument (iii) What had Bholi done to make the guests react in this manner? (iv) Which word would correctly replace ‘mad’, in the given sentence fr extract? “4 Vinayak acted in a mad manner by throwing articles at his boss. q@ B, Bholi was seven years old when Mangla was married. The same year a pri « {or girls was opened in their village. The Tehsildar Sahib came to perform its ceremony. He said to Ramlal, ‘As a revenue official you are the representati 5 government in the village and so you must set an example to the villagers.” () When did the Tehsilder come to Bholi's Village? (ii) Which kind of example must be set by Ramlal as per the Tehsildar? (iii) Why did the Tehsildar came to Ramlal’s village? ‘ (iv) How was this event significant for Bholi? 2. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each. (i) What made Bholi s ae ad ioli feel that school was a better place than home? __ feeds. Why? Gil) Why was Sulekha nicknamed Bholi? Wh nts accepted Bishamber’s marriage proposal for their 0 'y did she start stammering? mlal’s wife was? 3. Answer the following question in 100-120 words, Knowledge Assessment f Chapter 9 : The Book that Saved the Earth — 1. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. A. Omega: Well, Oop? Ws (vil j Tota: Well, Oop? (Oop coughs. Omega and Tota pound him on the back) Think-Tank: Was it not delicious, s ergeant Oop :(saluting) That is "Iwas not delicious. I don't know how the can get those sandwiches down without water, They're dry as Martian dust. — Noodle: Sir, sit. Great and Mighty Think-Tank. I beg your pardon, but an in a bit of data floated into my mind about those sandwiches. + Think-Tank: It can’t be worth much, but go ahead. Give us your trifling bit of data, (i) Why did Oop coughed? 2 (ii) State true or false. 1 None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — referred to in the extract are actually books. {a) A hypothesis - a proposed explanation for a phenomenon # fee oma? that is taken for granted or assumed to be true (c) A hyperbole - exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally (@) A premise -a proposition that forms the basis of an argument (Gil) What is the “trifling bit of data’ that floated into Noodle’s mind? (&) Which word would correctly substitute ‘unimportant’ in the gi the extract? ‘The couple fought over unimportant issues. : Listen to them? Tota and Oop: (To each other, puzzled): vivo T: Crea ad voids offending Think caer th ‘manage to do that? ‘Tank assumes that the Earthlings are ii) How did one old book of nursery rhymes save the Earth from a tar (iv) What difficulty do the crew of the space probe face on Earth? — (v) Mention any two points of differences between Earthlings and M century. 3. Answer the following question in 100-120 words. The play, ‘The Book That Saved the Earth’ conveys the misunderstanding of cultural differences between various confusion and conflict. Based on your reading of the play, and conflicts can be checked so that peace and harmony i vivo T2 eG ZI LATEST CBSE SAMPLE PAPER English Language and Literature Issued by Central Board of Secondary Education Instructions Time : 3 hrs Max, Marks : 80 -minute prior reading time allotted for @ a 2. The Question Paper contains Four se Reading Skils, Writing Sills, Grammar and Literature Textbook, 3. Attempt questions based on nstructions for each pa @ Section A: Reading Skills Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages 1 Read the following text (10) 1. Asahigh school student, studying poctry can be a rollercoaster ride. This journey is punctuated by Moments of profound appreciation for simpler pieces and intermittent frustration with more complex works. Let's be real here - some poems are just plain confusing and no amount of re-reading seems to help decipher the intended meaning, The puzzlement that results from such instances can be both vexing and demotivating. If solving a riddle is what was intended, then Playing Sudoku is a better option. One is led to ponder if obscurity was the goal. 2. Conversely, some pieces resonate with the reader's soul. stirring feelings of warmth, happiness and connection to the world. Often, these compositions centre on themes that are universally ‘understood, such as love, nature or faith, Being able to actually understand what the poet is trying to say can feel like a little victory and is a welcome relief after grappling with more perplexing Poetry 3. Then there are poems that are emotionally charged; the ones that make the reader curl up in a ball and cry or jump up and down with joy. One is let in awe of the poet's ability to convey emotion through words. Let’s not forget the downright weird poems. These are the ones that defy ‘categorisation and leave the reader to their own devices in attempting to interpret meaning, The juthor’s use of figurative language and unconventional imagery can create a sense of bewilderment that is either intriguing or off-putting. Regardless, the reader can appreciate the ‘uniqueness of the work. j * Despite the wide range of emotions and reactions that come with studying poetry, it can be a ; ~ Tewarding pursuit. Not only does reading poetry allow one to appreciate the artistic beauty of the ‘Written word but also enables one to develop crucial critical thinking and analytical skills. The Process of unlocking a poem’s ‘™eaning can feel like cracking a code or solving a puzzle but the sense of accomplishment deri derived from mastering a c ratifying. Finally impressing an English enon Source of pride and validation. ” 5. Overall, st veal studying ose the a of mined snes yun going to get. But wheter is complex, emodonal, simple os there's aay something to be ged om the exper. et poets out thee forming us laugh or serach ou ens an he Creed Answer the follosing questions ase on the passage abons €. (i) Which ofthe following statements best describes the author's attinade poetry? (a) Finds poetry tobe a frustrating and meaningless endeavor {b) Believes that the emotional rollercoaster of studying poetry 8 not worth the efor {c) Reengnses the challenges of sting pct bu as acknowledges the reward i (a) eats tha petty sto obscure and abstract forthe average person to appreciate. (i) What is the tone ofthe writer in the given lines from Paragraph (1)? Rationalls response in about 40 words. solving a riddles what was intended then paying obscurity was the goal (ii) Complete the sentence appropriately ‘The author's use of vivid imagery inthe paragraph (3), such as “curl upin a balla Tai "jump up and down with joy”, greatly affects the reader becaUse « are opposites ofeach other. rom the st sudoku isa better option. One sled tp (iv) The passage includes some words that below, identify two sets of antonyms. (b) Deciphering and interpreting (4) Simple and challenging (a) Intriguing and off-putting (c) Appreciate and applaud (e) Emotions and feclings (v) Complete the sentence appropriately hhor’s tone becomes more neutral and objective when dis to other types of poetry Because «ane» + ‘examine, in about 40 words, how studying) We can say that the aut weird poems, compared (vi) Based on the reading of the passage, ‘can be like exploring a new city. (vit) What isthe message conveyed by Hina’s experience, the following case? to analyse a poem for her assignment and finally feels pride, once she understands ‘ 1 poetry should engage with it ry a rewarding pursuit. Hina spends hours tryin: ‘of accomplishment and (a) only those with natural talent fo dnncagsrs abv 98 ior sagen Mowe Renae 2. No. Vorical garcons 1 2 3 4 5 6 fi? 8 | ra Kt 12 13 4 succeed Latest Sample Paper 0a Read the following text, 1. Reduction n edveton nce ra has a Denwemn concrete structures are looking oe cto One of the was oo I "long for vars ays ea te urge metho fearing we gue nd roe wal Vata aa oe as rc gin na ver pain apa oe ring thee on the ground different discipline reer at image of concrete ant see tht atcha engineer) totes inset cont an neat pee ene total are inca se hvala tse ale a se deel. Getaeat ee ental problems. People squeezed ical gardens and Sctermind fed on hess Rea ue a repared for residents of varied age grt Troma muon cy Taeghen Table 1, displays these responses. sd age groups {rom of a metropolitan city The given Table ‘Table 1 - Total number of participants : 400, Survey statements St0NB'Y| agroo | Nourral [Disagree SONNY | 4 agree Gree disagree: = improve qualy of fe of poopie in urvan areas | 191 reduce noise pollution 128 increase air quality -indoors and outdoors | 172 reduce energy and water consumption __ positively impact global worming have a relaxing and calming effe tai sok tft a OD Eres evo ee Song acorovenra® | piss ae 2S Se er ‘are inconvenient indoors _ fees con be appiedin very C2 eve atntoralott® are among the distract divers : A ial to transform urban veaedged una veri) Barden has ne Ppl explore the impact of 5. The study ack systainable aes and man wel BNE Spaces into sre ronment al ae pa sane ering he eral garde ain vertical garde! | Answer the following questions, base on the passage (i) Complete the following analogy appropriately, based Paragraphs 1 and 2, it ‘We ean say that the situation of people living in concrete: fish living in a fishbowl and the need for vertical gardens to the fishbowl because (ii) Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in understanding of Paragraph 2. The statement that, urban spaces have become more closely connecte natural surroundings through the incorporation of nature and gardens and green walls, is a . (facvopinion) because it is a Judgement objective detail). i) Justify the following, in about 40 words, tle While the survey results suggest that vertical gardens may be effective in improving in urban areas, further research and evaluation may be necessary to fully effectiveness and potential drawhacks, (iv) Based on the survey results, wi install vertical gardens, address? In Table 1, the statement 3, “ outdoors,” received the most net ich two concems should a city Ww) ‘Vertical gardens increase air quality - "utral responses from participants, with 51 indicating a ncutral stance. State any one inference that can be drawn fro (Wi) Select the option “that correctly displays what ‘intertwined? (Reference-Paragraph 2) O54 eb ww) wy » (b) Only (i) (a) Gi), (iv) and () () Only (i) (4) Gi) and «wy (vil) Infer one benefit and one drawback of vertical gardening, in such as community gardens or parks. (Answerit (vii) Which of the following is the main takeaway from met passage? VivO T2@ resiGa 3. complete ANY TEN of twelve of (i) Fill in the blank by portion of a letter, 2 You Dear Sir eSireg This is with ref os ference to commit tical the nominations f sal recommendation eae go Committce’sletterof Clive (ii) Read th Set ab ii) le given sentence from, orn fe aay ( : ; 4) correction in the sentence, “1M Teview article, i This delightful recipe must keep your hunger pangs at bay with its of ie flavour. thee Q) Use the given format for your response, ¥ ma fe Error Correction bie ssi + an iii) Abhi an 1 een: lot thie oie qQ Is your best friend helping you in this venture? hifies (iv) Read the dialogue between Shabnam and her mentor, Sara regarding her a internship programme i Sara: Why did you choose to participate in this intemship programme? Shabnam: Ah! 1am convinced this programme has the potential to enban cem correct option to complete the reporting ofthe above dalonys in that internship pro jae convinced that programme had the Select the Sara asked Shabnam exclaimed that she Wé abilities. (a) why to choose to participate (c) why he had chosen (0 participate (v) Fill the blan! issued circular bY Accopy of the plan is “all Team Leaders for Identify the error and eC ‘s enclosed and vi) vivo T2 neainas All Tsering’s peers tothe mune sch cbs. shareunigh mre of resident volunteers Neen? the local ecosystem, oT ™Pemena _g As Armaan Khan, the Schoo} a 1 \ rove tat nga a tan pan Write a letter to the Editor “sO who have recently relocat eee ; ited toa: ‘ion in pi share the importance and credibility ofan eane execute it along with possible activites oesammeat _ Tsering, of Class X, is con ca , ss X, testing for the post school. J aiess a ——\ suthigny 7 /ropsns Woks naive // peers hard to. “ in their arse cals goals / £ ater Zrctoves L One tor all and all for one have been asked 10 a ania “these traits, to either support or 0} ical paragraph, by ‘selecting ser the es ven exacts and ansver ’ ieee uit hal pork : hin noes of a ‘ay ator dracon ina gret ‘Ana would see (encand fe) A ie of here Nee peal _ wild ‘also bring about the end sf the world | t -aker’s alignment wil ee “i's use of language in these lines ir ice, suggest? hose who favour ice, rnrmeaker’s atid towards dest (0) Dismissive (a) Respectful aoe ees (iv) Comment on the poet {i) In what way does the language used in this poem challenge traditional ideas of w poetry should be? : cw eto describe the fog in the p ii) What is the significance ofthe use of the word “lite” to describe t BF isi ics his td enced cond tte ovat noe 24 et OR Answer in about 40 words. (iti) Complete the sentence with the appropriate option. The lines from the poem tell that the city is G (a) billy (0) coastal (0) industrial (d) under-developed (iv) Identify the type of imagery used in the lines of the poem 8. Ansiver ANY FOUR of the following five (i) Justify the opinion that the tra questions, in about 40-50 words, 4x3 ditional baker and his bread play a significai cultural and social fabric of Goan society. (Glimpses of India) 38 Ta (hy How does a Nom use Mineinagery and metaphorical language in A Tiger inthe to effectively depict the contin ppression, ¢ i Peete de mincment and oppression, experienced by the captive role int (iti) Explain how the des sadness within Lencho, in A Leter io Gad? ee Oi Be Dale a Refer to the given lines, from the text Nota leaf remained on the trees. The ¢ Plants. Lnchos soul was filed with sadnes Yt 0904. The lowers were gone from df tiv) Kitty was a ‘Uusted friend to Anne. (*) How does Ogden Nash's the indivig Tale of Custard Drago individuals should conform 10 societal epee m, challenge the notion

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