Objective of Print Culture CL 10

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(A) Multiple Choice Questions : a2. an. -option. (e) China (MB Europe. w= OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS ux: (1 Mark Each) The paper was invented in ... - Select the Correct Answer from the given (a) India (b) England (d) France Ans. .(c) The earliest kind of print technolo: ‘developed ees Tee ands 3. What is calligraphy ? [CBSE Sept. 2010) ICBSE Sept. 201 2] (a) The art of beautiful and stylish writing (a) China (b) India () A type of building (c) Germany (d) France (c) A type of writing used during neolithic a . (a) (4) A type of writing used in Egypt Ans. (a) eres among the followi, rs Pan around ICBSE Sept. 2011, 2012, 2020 (py) @ 7 Which Is the oldest printed book of Japan? ‘c8SE Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2020 Compt] (a) Bible (8) Diamond Sutra (o Mahabharata (d) Ukiyo ps 0) {4 Who developed the first printing press ? ICBSE Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012} (o) Johann Gutenberg (b) Issac Newton {c) Marco Polo (d) Newcomen be (0) 21 Which was the first book printed by Johann ICBSE Sept. 2010] Gutenberg ? (a) The Koran (b) The Bible [o) Diamond Sutra (d) Ramcharitmanas ts. (6) ch Who wrote 95 Theses ? (a) Martin Luther (b) Johann Gutenberg () JV. Schley (d) Charles Dickens 4. (c) {8 Who sald, “Printing is the ultimate aift of God ond the greatest one.” ICBSE Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012] (a) Charles Dickens (b) J-V. Schely {c) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Martin Luther wi books Id by travelling rn Id by tran Pocket size books that “(es SE Sept. 2020] (e) Chapbook (b) ‘Cheapbook (¢) Dictionary (d) Almanac (a) a en’? Who were called naar one 2020 (D)) (2) Book seller (>) Paper seller (¢) Workers of printing Press (d) Seller of ‘penny chap books (@ nz, 213, a4. as. a6. a7. 18. Which one among the following Is an ancient name of Tokyo? [CBSE Sept. 2010] (6) Osaka (6) Nagano (@) Edo (d) Gita C) Which of the following is an Enlightenment thinker whose writings are sald to have created conditions for a revolution In France? [CBSE Sept. 2010] (a) Louise Sebastin Mercier (b) Rousseau (c) Mennochio {d) Gutenberg (b) By the mid 19th century, perfected the power driven cylindrical Press. [CBSE Sept. 2010] (a) Johann Gutenberg (b) S. Richard {e) Richard MHoe — (d) Vivian Richard - (e) Who authored ‘Gitagovinda' ? (2) Jayadeva (b) Mahatma Gandhi {c). Munshi Premchand (d) Chandu Menon co) ‘The Book, ‘Chote Aur Bade Ka Sawal’ wrote about : ICBSE Sept: 2010] (a) the link between caste and class exploitation (b) the injustices ofthe caste system (c) restrictions on the vernacular press (d):ill treatment of widows (a) Which of the following is the meaning of ‘Biliotheque Bleue’? [CBSE Sept. 20102012] (b) Low price books (a) An author (d) None of these (¢) Monuments (b) ‘The printing was first introduced-in-Indin- by which one of the following ?: [CBSE Sept<2010, 2031; 2012] (a) East India Companyrofficials (b) Indian reformers (c) Portuguese missionaries (d) Arabic traders - (c) Sas 2.18. Who wrote ‘Amar Jiban’ 2 (2) Rokeya Hossein (b) Keiashbashini Debi (€) Tarabai Shinde (d) Rashsundari Debi Ans. (d) (920. Who was the author of ‘Gulamgir’ a book on caste Injustices ? (CBSE 2010} (a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy : (b) Mahatma Gandhi (c) Jyotiba Phule (d) BR. Ambedkar Ans. (c) 921. Which one of the following was published by Raja Ram Mohan Roy?) ICBSE 2020 (D)) (a) Sambad Keumudi (b) Shamsul Akbar (6) Punjab Kesi —(d) Chandrika Ans. (a) 0.22. Who printed the first Tamil book? (a) The Protestant Priests (b) The Catholic Priests (c) Uemas (d) None of the above Ans. (b) 2.23. Who among the following was associated with the newspaper ‘Kesar!’ ? (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Subhas Chandra Bose (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) AO. Hume Ans. (c) 2.24. The circulation of handuritten manuscripts remained limited because: [CBSE 2010] Or Why was reading of manuscript not easy In India? Choose the appropriate reason from the following options : ICBSE 2020 (D)} (a) they were fragile and awakward to handle (5) they could not be carried around (C) they could not be read easily (d) all the above ‘Ans. (d) 2.25. Which of the following was a book showing links between caste and class exploitation?” (a) Gulamaiti (b) Amar Jiban a Istri Dharm Vichar (d) Chhote Aur Bade Ka Ans. (a) 1.26. When did the frst printing press com, India? (CBSE. 201 ni (a) In the middle of the 16th century (b) In the middle of the 17th century {c) In the middle of the 18th century (d) In the middle of the 19th century G2F, Who among the following was against ty Catholic Church ? ICBSE 2011) (a) Martin Luther (6) Gutenberg (c) daidev (d) John Augustine 5. (a) O28. Who among the following published inj, Kesri’ ? a (BSE 2020 0) (a) Balgangadhar Tilak (6) Mahatma Gandh, (c) Bhagat Singh (a) BR. Ambedkar Ans. (a) (8) Assertion & Reasoning Based Questions : For question numbers 1 to 4 two statements are given one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (f), (ti), (li) and (io) as given below : (). Both A and R are true and R is the comect explanation of the assertion. (i) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of the assertion, (li) A is true but R is false, Al land written manuscripts could ot is er increasing demand for books uring the 13* century in Europe. ason: With the growing demand for books, ‘Wood block printing, ‘gradually became more and ‘more popular, Ans. (i) 02. Assertion: The Roman Church began !0 Tose.” & index of prohibited books from * India had a very rich and of anuscripts in various language HSctipts were produced by usitd | assertion: In 1878, the | of fas passed in Europe, ‘Vemacular Press Act | reason: It provided the government wit ae ports nd acer th cis ya () i io Arrange the following in correct sequence : /., @ Printing of Bibl y oF Gutenberg. by dohane (i) Print introduced in Indi: } Catholic priests, “1 € 7 ctactacns | (i) Introduction of woodblock printi | Europe by Marco Polo. ae i |v) Introduction of hand _printi technology into Japan by the Buddhist ! missionaries. | ans. (iv) (i), (i), (ii) 2 () James Augusts Hickey began to edit ! Bengal Gazette. | (i) Era of Manuscripts. (ii) Vernacular Press Act. (io) Print came to India. tos. (tC), (0, (i (0) Match the following items in column Awith those in column B and choose the correct answer from the options given below : 01 Column Al ColumaB () Amar diban | (a) dyotiba Phule (i) Gulamgiri (b) Martin Luther (it) Ninety Five Theses | (c) Jayadeva : (iv) Gitagovinda (d) Rashsundari Debi @ @—(@) G6) (a —(@ (ivb-(o) ®) (i) -(¢) Ga) - (a) i) - ©) (iv () (©) (i) =(c) Gi) - (a) (it) -() eat ©) () — (a) (i) ~ (6) CH) - (2) EO fy aa [Column A Column B () Martin Luther , ,_.| @) Printed Bible (i) Johann Guttenberg | (b) China iy Diamtid Sutra, | (Ninety ve TH liv) Paper [depen Ans. (e) at. Ans. a2. a3, F). Qu. (A) (i) = (a) i) = (6) (i. = (@) Co) (0) ®) (i) = (a) (a) ~ (a) (ai) - (b) (iv) ~ (0) (©) (i) = (0) (il) — (a) (it) - (a) (iv) ~ (©) ©) (i) = (a) (i -(&) (a) - (a) (ie) -() {c) Correct the following statements and rewrite : " Marco Polo wrote 95 Theses criticising practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. Martin Luther wrote 95 Theses criticising practices and rituals of the Roman Catholi Church. The printing ‘press first through Buddhist priests century. ‘The printing press first came to India through Portuguese missionaries in the mid 164 century. Johann Gutenberg had perfected the power driven cylindrical press by the mid 19 century. came to India in the mid 16 .. Richard M. Hoe. of New York had perfected the power driven cylindrical press by the mid 19" century. Fill in the Blanks = in Germany spent years Compiling traditional folk tales gathered from peasants. Grimm Brothers The printing press first came to Goa with missionaries. published the Sambad Kaumudi. . Raja Ram Mohan Roy. During early 19‘ century in north India were deeply anxious about the ‘of Muslim dynasties. Ulama Buddhist missionaries from. China introduced hand-printing technology into.. around A.D. 768-770. | [CBSE (D) 2020] Japan By 1448, Gutenberg perfected the system of printing. The first book he printed was [CBSE (D) 2020) (G) aa. a2, as. Read the information and write a single term The art of beautiful and stylish writing is known as. usually sung or recited. Ballad tm Question Bank cos Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 or 2 Marks each) . eS Name any two countries where the Q.19, What was print revolution ? earliest kind of print technology was developed. () China” (i) Japan Define calligraphy. ‘The art of beautiful and stylish writing is known as calligraphy. Who was the major producer of printed material in China ? For what purpose this material was used ? The Imperial State in China was the major Producer of printed material. The textbooks were used by the students appearing for civil service examination. When and by whom was hand printing technology introduced in Japan ? ICBSE 2014, 2015, 2019 (D)} Buddhist missionaries from China introduced hand printing technology into Japan around AD 768-770. Which is the oldest book to be printed in Japan ? The oldest Japanese book, printed in AD 868, is the Buddhist Diamond Sutra, containing six sheets of text and woodcut illustrations. Which material was used to print pictures in Japan? Playing cards, textiles and paper money was ‘used to print pictures. Who were scribes ? Scribes were skilled persons who used to write manuscript for the publishers. Who developed the first printing press ? [CBSE 2015] Johann Guttenberg of Germany - 1430, What were ballads ? [CBSE 2014) A historical account ot folktale in verse, usually sung or recited. (it) Korea a3. Ans. as. Ans. An: an. a2. Ans. a3. Ans. . Who said, cribe pocket size oe ed oy traveling pedlare, In France. These were printed on p, quality paper and bound In cheap (i covers. Bibliotheque Bleu It was a revolution which not only reduced the cost of production of books but also changed their relationship with information and knowledge. It influenced popular perceptions and people started looking the world ina different way. What is manuscript ? Manuscript is a handwritten material. Who was Martin Luther ? He was a protestant reformer who favoured printing What was Protestant Reformation ? It was a 16th century movement to reform the Catholic Church dominated ‘by Rome. What were ‘Biliotheque Bleue’ ? These are low priced small books printed in France. These were printed on poor quay Paper and bound mn cheap blue covers. iat was the basic. object Fine Tas, the basic, objective of Nines ng basic objective of the Ninety Five Tes to criticise many of tices and rit of the Roman. Cathal ae a “Printin, the ime God ond he rete oe semen ICBSE 2010, 11, 12) Martin Luther. What were Chap booki ? (CBSE 2014] These pocket size books that were sold travelling pedlars called chapmen. Thest Became popular from the time of the 16 century print revolution ‘The Printing press is. the most powerfil engine of progress a non Is the force that wil swoop he neteen aah” ‘sweep despotism aa Who sald these words > astien Mercier, Louise Seb:

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