Reflective Account CA2 Brief

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Reflective account

CA2 Brief

Submitted By
Nithin Raj R
Table of Contents

1, INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………..3
2, NEW VENTURE DEVELOPMENT………………………………………………………3
3, SALES AND MARKETING………………………………………………………………..4
4, ENTERPRISE AND OPERATION………………………………………………………..5
5, CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION………………………………………………………6
6, PROJECT MANAGEMENT………………………………………………………………7
8, CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………………...9


In this project, I will examine how different modules have influenced my knowledge of
innovation, business, and sustainability as I look back on my experience as a BSc
Engineering Entrepreneur student. This course is similar to an exciting combination of
engineering expertise with the spirit of adventure that characterizes entrepreneurship. It is
intended to provide us with the creative and strategic thinking required to succeed in the
commercial world, in addition to the technical engineering abilities. In this program, I got
a lot of interesting topics. We'll discover how to take fantastic ideas and convert them
into profitable companies, how to solve challenges creatively, how to become experts at
selling and marketing, and even how to manage projects effectively. Not only that, but
we'll also go into sustainability and learn how to develop companies that are beneficial to
the environment in addition to being successful. I'll discuss the topics I have learned and
talk about the positive things, the difficulties, and the lessons I've discovered. It's similar
to narrating a tale about my educational career and how these teachings could benefit me
in the future. The course modules include
➢ New Venture Development
➢ Sales and Marketing
➢ Enterprise and operations
➢ Creativity and innovation
➢ Project management
➢ Entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainability.
The following paragraph should mention how this modules impact to my knowledge ,overall
challenges and outcomes during the course.


1, How did this module become effective?

In this module New Venture Development, I thoroughly examined the whole process of
transforming an idea into a profitable firm. Idea generation, mind mapping, Budget
techniques, and execution were all addressed in this module. Through a combination of
classroom instruction and hands-on practice, I was able to better understand the particulars
of starting a new business.

2,My Role :

I played a crucial role in creating a new innovative idea into the product through this module.I
developed a Smart wallet tracking system. Initially, it was only a concept,but I learned a lot of
ideas throughout this course and I applied this module lesson to practicals to form a good
product. Eventually, I learned how to design and execute projects with a systemic approach.

3,Success and challenges:

I successfully created a new product to the tech market,it will me a good solution for a problem.
My detailed study I demonstrated original problem involved during product idea and find the
solution for that . I created budget plan and initial feasibility report . I had faced many
challenges to create the feasibility study , but by discussing with my faculty made that challenge
into a solution .

4, Alternative approaches:

Initially I designed my product with more features and functionality, but when I consider about
budget line , I changed my design into simpler and cost effective .moreover i have an alternative
plan to change the design accordingly .

5,Learning Outcomes :

I explored variety of people through online survey for the understanding of audience about the
product. It was made me a turning point to sell my product into the market.

6, Future Applications:

The lesson I learned from this module will definitely help me to start up a firm and how it runs
to the market , Legal procedures like patents etc.


1, How did this module become effective ?

In this module Sales and Marketing , success was defined by the ability to use customer
behavior, and implement effective sales techniques to sell my product to market. I conducted
the survey and questionaires to identify the customer behavior and I understand the need of
marketing technique in this field .

2, My Role:

I explored varies studies to the sales marketing and I keep an eye to focus on youths and elderly
people to sell my product. I conducted a data collection and evaluated the data for the better
marketing plan .

3, Success and Challenges :

I made a good customer feedback about my product , by analysing the survey report we can
identify the target people by age group, location, gender and so on . Moreover their feedback
made me to think creatively to design my product by their views and expectations .

4, Alternative Approaches:

I am planning to do a unique marketing strategy to sell my product global. My current

marketing plan is to campaign in colleges, collaborate with celebrities, awarness camp etc.

5, Learning Outcomes:

I learned that marketing a product should have to focus on target market , customer behaviour
, marketing trends .

6, Future Application:

I will find great use for the sales and marketing information I have acquired in the future. I now
have the skills necessary to effectively communicate with clients, close deals, and manage
online marketing for my product , enabling it to succeed in a competitive market.


1, How did this module become effective ?

This module is really helpful with lot of interesting and entertainment factor . Mind mapping
with planning a concept is the best technique .i created a video to understand the value of the
product in market and explained the idea . SWOT analysis in this section explained to evaluate
the strength and weakness of the product and it used to create the feasibility study about my

2, My Role :

I created mind mapping to understand my planning into a concept stage ,moreover, I created
an advertising video of explain the need of product and I also prepared a feasibility report for
my product.

3, Successes and challenges

I made a wonderful product idea video for my product, and made a good design for the product
by Autocad and Revit software. The main challenge I faced is to make output from the budget


1, How did this module become effective ?

In this module I learned a lot of important learning how to think more creative and innovative
way . By learning this module everyone can improve their creative thought, problem-solving,
and the creation of innovative business concepts. These creative components gave the course
a practical twist, encouraging students to tackle problems with original ideas and cultivating
an entrepreneurial attitude that is essential for creating and launching creative endeavors.

2, My Role :

I actively participated in brainstorming sessions, offering new insights into the process of
problem-solving, and I was instrumental in creating creative solutions for the range of problems
the course posed. My participation in group projects and activities demonstrated my capacity
for creative thought, encouraging an entrepreneurial attitude compatible with the course's
dynamic and creative nature.

3,Success and Challenges :

Applications of original ideas and inventive problem-solving were successful in this module,
resulting in the creation of original projects and valuable contributions to team performance.
Lecture practiced design thinking toolbox and imagination techniques for creative thinking
,that was the best part of this module . The main challenge I faced during the journey is to
prepare case study report.

4, Alternative approaches:

To establish a full understanding, we should have to more deep into the topic by searching
internet ,interviews or ted talks of design thinking toolbox .

5, Learn Outcomes :

I completely improved my problem solving skill, also obtained an in-depth knowledge of the
entrepreneurial process. Additionally, the course developed a strategic attitude that is essential
for managing the ever-changing environment of entrepreneurship by teaching adaptation in the
face of uncertainty. Participants also gained the information and abilities required to create and
propose creative projects in practical settings.

6, Future Application :

I plan to implement the Design Thinking methodology in my next projects to prioritize user
demands in the solution. My approach to business innovation will be guided by the lessons
learned from this module .


1, How did this module become effective ?

Project management module offered an organized framework for organizing, carrying out, and
managing creative businesses. It promoted to productive teamwork, risk management, and the
effective use of resources. Through the actual application of project management concepts, I
gained meaningful learning outcomes and acquired skills to successfully complete a project in
a systemic way .

2. My role :

I participated in learning about project management, and I became aware of the significance of
the project manager. I gained knowledge on how to integrate all the project's components,
create timelines to keep things moving along, control expenses to stay under budget, guarantee
quality in whatever we do, and manage the purchase of project materials.

3, Success and Challenges :

I successfully made project progress report and risk assessment method statement , So that a
project manager can easily the current stage of the project . The greatest challenges is to finish
the project in the scheduled timeline and maintain the cost in the overall budget.

4, Future applications :

Proficiency in risk management, effective team cooperation, and uncertainty navigation will
be highly important in business. I understand how the project should have to organize and
schedule each task into systemic order.


1, , How did this module become effective ?

This module is filled with the intersection of sustainability and business. Mostly we are learning
case studies, Company policies to carbon scenario, green house reduction etc. we
understanding how companies connect with sustainability through networking events and
entrepreneurship competitions. The course ensures that we are well-prepared to negotiate the
obstacles and contribute to the changing environment of sustainable entrepreneurship by
encouraging a global perspective on sustainability and ongoing assessment.

2, My Role:

In this module, I learned case studies of different companies by comparing it with Ireland's
carbon scenario strategies. I prepared a carbon scenario report for the Ecocem sustainability

3, Success and challenges:

The creation of eco-friendly products, the development of sustainable business models, or the
formulation of social impact initiatives are possibly examples of successes in this field.
Potential obstacles might have included clearing regulatory obstacles, striking a balance
between sustainability objectives and economic feasibility, and educating customers of the
benefits of sustainable practices.

4, Learning Outcomes:

I deeply learned an advanced understanding of how sustainability and entrepreneurship

interact. They could have gained knowledge on how to evaluate the life cycle of goods, find
chances for sustainable innovation, and incorporate social and environmental factors into
business decisions.

5, Future Applications :

The skills and information learned in this module have many uses. I can implement these ideas
in a variety of capacities, such as creating eco-friendly enterprises, integrating sustainable
practices into already-existing firms, or supporting corporate social responsibility programs.


In conclusion, in this course I studied project management, creativity and innovation, sales and
marketing, sustainability, New venture development, Enterprise and operation. I can now take
concepts and put them into reality, comprehend what customers want, come up with original
solutions to challenges, oversee projects effectively, and create environmentally friendly
enterprises. these abilities will come in very handy in the future, facilitating the management
of many responsibilities and the creation of environmentally conscious and intelligent

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