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Student Name: Anto Raphel

Student Id:D00264034
Stage: Complete Student Checklist:
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Continuous Assessment
Cover Sheet

Student Name: Anto Raphel Student Number: D00264034

Programme: BSc Engineering Entrepreneurship

Module: Sales and Marketing

Due Date:24-11-2023 No. Pages:

Lecturer(s) Name: Annemarie Mcgahon

Assignment No. and/or Description/Topic: Mode of Submission:

Softcopy 

DECLARATION: I declare that:

 This work is entirely my own, and no part of it has been copied from any other person’s words or ideas, except as
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SIGNATURE……………………Anto Raphel………………………………..………………… DATE………24-11-2023………..…………

Lecturer’s Comments:

Provisional Mark : _____ Lecturers Signature : _______________________________ Date: _______________

Work submitted late will be subject to penalties in accordance with the DkIT Continuous Assessment Policy
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................. 2

Pestle Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2

Background and Problem Statement........................................................................................2

Product Description..................................................................................................................3

Market Analysis........................................................................................................................ 3

Design Considerations and Usability........................................................................................4

Sustainability and Environmental Impact.................................................................................5

Economic Analysis.................................................................................................................... 6

Conclusion and Recommendations..........................................................................................7


The home appliance sector is experiencing a major shift as sustainability becomes an

absolute necessity in today's world. Products that claim to be eco-friendly and efficient with
energy are becoming more popular among consumers. This study delves into the novel idea
of a clothes drying rack that is tied to a water filled radiator. It is a sustainable household
appliance specifically built for areas like Ireland, where the climate can be somewhat
unpredictable. Clothes drying in these climes is especially difficult because conventional
methods are either inefficient or not very reliable (Mukherjee, 2023). This report's objective
is to evaluate the practicality of this device, which aspires to provide an eco-friendly and
power-saving substitute for standard electric dryers. An eco-friendly and practical answer to
the problem of unpredictable weather making even the most basic duty of drying clothes
more difficult is proposed by this invention, which uses water-filled radiators to generate

Secondary research using PESTLE analysis


Energy Efficiency Regulations: Government policies pointed toward advancing energy-

proficient appliances could emphatically affect the market for this product.

Environmental Legislation: Stricter laws on fossil fuel byproducts and energy utilization
might increment demand for eco-accommodating home appliances like this drying rack.

Trade and Tariff Policies: Global trade policies could influence the import/send out elements
of the product, particularly assuming that it's made or sold in various nations.


Energy Prices: Increasing expenses of power can make energy-productive appliances more
appealing, possibly expanding the market for this drying rack.

Economic Circumstances: The by and large economic climate, including factors like purchaser
spending power and economic strength, can impact the demand for domestic devices.
Market Growth: The potential for growth in the home appliance area, affected by economic
trends and buyer ways of managing money.


Sustainability Awareness: Developing buyer awareness and worry about environmental

issues can drive demand for eco-accommodating products.

Way of life Trends: Trends towards more modest residing spaces and moderate ways of life
could build the allure of room saving and productive home appliances.

Demographic Changes: Changing family sytheses and ways of life can influence the market
for home appliances, including drying arrangements.


Innovation in Appliance Market: Technological headways in the home appliance area could
prompt new, more proficient drying arrangements, affecting the market for this product.

Smart Home Trends: The rising ubiquity of smart home frameworks could impact buyer
assumptions for appliance highlights and joining abilities.


Product Safety Standards: Consistence with public and global safety standards for home
appliances is significant.

Intellectual Property Laws: Safeguarding the plan and innovation of the product through
licenses to forestall impersonation and keep an upper hand.


Climate Change and Energy Use: Expanding center around lessening family energy utilization
as a component of more extensive endeavors to battle climate change.

Resource Efficiency: The environmental effect of the materials and assembling processes
utilized for the product, and the potential for reusing or economical obtaining.

This PESTLE investigation gives a system to understanding the different outer elements that
could impact the market for the water-filled garments drying rack. It features the
significance of thinking about a great many components, from political and legal regulations
to social trends and environmental worries, in evaluating the product's possible
achievement and market strategy.

Background and Problem Statement

The unpredictable weather in Ireland makes it difficult to dry garments due to the frequent
rainfall and varied temperatures. In such weather, many people resort to using electric
dryers instead of the time-honored technique of hanging clothes outdoors to dry. Despite
their effectiveness, these dryers require a lot of energy and produce a lot of carbon dioxide.
Not only does this kind of appliance use increase pollution and other environmental
problems, but it also drives up energy bills and puts a heavy financial burden on customers.

A demand for eco-friendly appliances has emerged alongside the rise in popularity of more
sustainable lifestyle choices. Despite their convenience, electric dryers fail to adequately
address this issue, necessitating a change towards creative methods that can lessen the
impact of Ireland's unpredictable weather. It is critical to create eco-friendly home
appliances that are energy efficient and don't use a lot of power (Tandon, 2023). These
solutions address the climate crisis in drying garments and align with the worldwide trend of
reducing energy consumption (Thampi, 2021). The suggested water-filled radiator-attached
clothes drying rack could be a game-changer for how people do their laundry at home by
providing a novel solution to these problems. The product's viability, consumer acceptability,
and place in the larger movement towards sustainable living are all investigated in this

Product Description

This invention is a cleverly built clothes drying rack that attaches to regular household
radiators and uses the heat from the radiators to dry the clothing inside. This device is
composed of a set of racks that may be fastened directly to the radiator; for the sake of
portability and efficiency, they can also be detached. When the water is heated in the
radiator, it forms a warm atmosphere that dries garments faster than air drying at room

Thanks to its clever design, this heat source can be used for two purposes at once. The
radiator's original purpose has been doubled; it can now also dry clothes in addition to
heating the space. You won't need an extra energy source to dry your clothing properly
because the heat waves from the radiator will dry it. When space is at a premium and
outdoor drying is not an option due to weather, this solves the typical issue of drying indoors
in unpredictable conditions (Langston, 2019).

In stark contrast to the enormous energy requirements of electric dryers, this product can
hook onto already heating systems, thus no extra energy is needed for the drying process.
With its retractable design, it also eliminates the need for a freestanding dryer to
permanently occupy space; it may be utilised as needed. This device brings a new level of
sustainability to household chores by offering an eco-friendly substitute for conventional
drying methods. It's perfect for people who are concerned about their energy consumption
and want to make a difference (Shearer, 2019).

Market Analysis

A interesting glimpse into the prospective market for the clothes drying rack that is hooked
to a radiator and filled with water is revealed by the poll results. According to the data, the
respondents come from all walks of life, including students residing in studio apartments in
the city and working professionals residing in suburban homes. This diversity exemplifies a
large pool of prospective buyers, including eco-conscious people seeking less expensive and
less harmful alternatives to conventional clothes drying techniques.

Evidence suggests a substantial consumer demand in places like Ireland, where the weather
is notoriously unpredictable and makes outside drying of clothing a real challenge. The
radiator-attached rack accommodates current consumer habits by allowing air drying, which
is a popular choice, and it reduces reliance on weather conditions. More and more people
are becoming environmentally conscious and want to live in a way that doesn't harm the
environment. This is adding to the product's allure.

Customers with an interest in both the environment and the bottom line are considered part
of the target market. People of all ages will likely be part of the demography, but their
common interest in sustainable practises will bring them together. For example, there are
young folks who are trying to find ways to save space in their little apartments, families who
are trying to find ways to dry a lot of clothes without spending a fortune on energy, and
seniors who are searching for easy drying solutions.

As a bonus, the study does indeed contain replies from people outside of Ireland, such as
those from the UK and India, suggesting a more global market. Regardless of whether the
product is more suited to the Irish environment or not, its benefits are acknowledged
worldwide for indoor drying purposes (Bressanelli et al., 2020).

The product is more relevant than ever before thanks to the latest sustainability trends.
There is a perfect opportunity for home appliances that provide energy efficiency and lower
utility bills, given the current climate of rising energy prices and growing environmental
consciousness among customers. Sourcing this need, the drying rack that attaches to
radiators is now a formidable foe in the eco-friendly household appliance market. In a
market where demand for environmentally friendly products is on the rise, the product's
energy-saving function has received overwhelmingly positive feedback, according to the poll

Design Considerations and Usability

Interviewees' thoughts and feelings about the drying rack that attaches to the radiator had a
significant impact on its development. A lightweight yet durable frame that can be quickly
fastened and disengaged from the radiator is one of the most important characteristics that
have arisen from the comments. Important for people living in smaller homes or
apartments, this feature lets you tuck the device away when it's not in use, making it more
space efficient.

Customers have made it clear that they want a rack with a modular system that can be
changed to fit various room layouts and radiator sizes, therefore design adaptability is key.
There is a range of rack sizes to choose from, so you can dry everything from little loads to
the laundry demands of an entire family.

Another important consideration is the design's ease of installation. Users prefer a design
that doesn't need tools or permanent fixtures, since it allows them to keep their radiators
and walls intact. User preferences for long-term use and the requirement for heat-
conducting materials that are safe from burns informed the rack's material selection

As part of the usability test, the product needs to work well in many types of homes, from
small apartments in cities to large houses in the suburbs and rural areas. To make sure the
drying rack serves its purpose while still looking good, the design should be adaptable
enough to work with both modern and classic home decor.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

By providing an alternative to drying methods that are energy-intensive, the clothes-drying

rack that is attached to a radiator offers substantial environmental benefits. One major
benefit to the environment is the reduction of energy use. Instead of using extra electric
heating elements, which are commonly seen in conventional dryers, the rack makes use of
the heat output from an already operating radiator. In addition to being an effective use of
energy, this dual-purpose device lowers household energy consumption, which in turn
reduces carbon emissions from power generation, especially when that power comes from
non-renewable sources (Locke, 2021).

When compared to conventional electric dryers, which are notoriously bad for the
environment, this product stands out as a sustainable alternative. The electric dryer uses a
lot of power to heat up, but the rack with the radiator on it makes use of the heat that's
already there, so it's more energy efficient. Because a large portion of Ireland's power comes
from fossil fuels, cutting back on dryer use can help reduce that country's reliance on those

Sustainable product design concepts, which centre on minimising waste and maximising
longevity, are harmonious with the radiator-attached rack's design. On the other hand,
conventional drying methods can add to electronic waste and typically have shorter

Looking at it from a broader angle, the increasing popularity of items like the rack that
attaches to radiators shows that people are looking for ways to live more sustainably. The
device helps both individual families and the larger movement for environmental
stewardship by offering a workable solution that is in line with ecological principles of
lowering energy use and carbon footprints. The importance and relevance of sustainable
household appliances will only grow as more and more people become aware of the need to
act against climate change.

Economic Analysis

Users' capacity to save money on electricity costs and the overall cost of the water-filled
radiator with attached clothes drying rack are the primary foci of the economic analysis.
While traditional electric dryers are convenient, they are notoriously energy hungry and a
major contributor to monthly power expenses. On the other hand, the rack that attaches to
radiators uses the heat from the radiators already in place, thus it provides a drying solution
without the need for more electricity.

Using an electric dryer can significantly raise a household's electricity bill, particularly during
the winter months when drying needs are higher. Users can sidestep these expenses by
utilising the drying rack that is attached to the radiator. In addition to the financial benefits,
reducing energy consumption can also result in fewer carbon tax implications, if relevant.

The product's success in the market is highly dependent on its affordability. So that it may be
bought by many, the drying rack should have materials and a design that are both affordable
and of good quality. It is important to provide cost-effective energy savings and
environmental benefits as compared to other drying processes.

The product is economically appealing because it lasts a long time and requires little
maintenance. Compared to electric dryers, which can break down and need repairs at some
point, a radiator-attached drying rack made of high-quality materials is more likely to last
longer and require less maintenance, resulting in lower overall costs for the user.

After reviewing the data, it seems that the clothes drying rack that hooks up to the radiator
could be a cost-effective and convenient choice for clients. As a sustainable home drying
solution, it is appealing due of its long-term durability, low maintenance needs, and ability to
save electricity expenditures.
Conclusion and Recommendations

In locations where the weather is unpredictable, a clothes drying rack attached to a radiator
is said to be the best option. This innovative unit satisfies the requirements of the Irish
climate by offering significant energy savings and environmental benefits compared to
traditional electric dryers. There appears to be a need for eco-friendly and energy-efficient
home appliances, since customer satisfaction is high.

The development of products should priorities affordability, flexibility to various home

situations, and user-friendly design. Efforts to promote the rack should centre on the
positive impact it has on the environment and the money saved by eco-conscious individuals
and families. Partnerships with green projects have the potential to raise brand awareness.

Possible improvements to boost drying capacity, the practicality of producing on a bigger

scale, and the product's long-term durability should all be investigated further. Additional
market prospects may be uncovered if market research is extended to encompass additional
areas with comparable weather. In today's eco-conscious market, sustainable home
appliances are becoming increasingly important, and this product is proof of that.

Bressanelli, G. et al. (2020) ‘Towards circular economy in the household appliance industry:
An overview of cases’, Resources, 9(11), p. 128. doi:10.3390/resources9110128.

Langston, A. (2019) Should you dry clothes on a radiator?, Should You Dry Clothes on a
Radiator? | Heating Advice | Available at: (Accessed: 21
November 2023).

Locke, J. (2021) Internet of things, environmental sustainability, and the circular economy,
Digi International. Available at:
environmental-sustainability (Accessed: 21 November 2023).

Mukherjee, D. (2023) Resilience and innovation to drive the growth of cooling appliances in
India - et retail, Available at:
growth-of-cooling-appliances-in-india/102345526 (Accessed: 21 November 2023).

Shearer, P. (2019) Drying clothes on a radiator, Drying Clothes on a Radiator | Only Radiators.
Available at:
radiator (Accessed: 21 November 2023).

Tandon, S. (2023) Unstable weather patterns upend cos’ best-laid plans, mint. Available at:
laid-plans-11685467961516.html (Accessed: 21 November 2023).

Thampi, J. (2021) Can sustainable, net-zero homes improve our wellbeing, and that of the
planet?, Schneider Electric Blog. Available at:
sustainable-net-zero-homes-improve-our-wellbeing-and-that-of-the-planet/ (Accessed: 21
November 2023).

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