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New Laboratory Equipment for Study

of Reflective Cracking in Asphalt Overlays

Juan Gallego and Jorge N. Prieto

One of the current road maintenance problems continues to be the produced the following contributions and formed the starting point
appearance of reflective cracks in asphalt overlays. It would be of real for the process of developing the new test procedure:
benefit if laboratory equipment were available during the design stage
to allow the best solution to be selected for site laying. A new piece of lab- • Reflective cracks appear over cracks and joints existing in the
oratory equipment is reported on for the process known as the wheel layer below as a result of shear and tensile stresses in the asphalt
reflective cracking (WRC) test based on the traditional wheel-tracking overlay induced by traffic loading, changes in temperature, subgrades
device. The WRC apparatus allows the chief failure mechanisms lead- made of expansive soils, moisture changes, and discontinuities
ing to the phenomenon of reflective cracks to be simulated in the labo- (cracks and joints). These factors give rise to horizontal and verti-
ratory. Initial results obtained with it on several overlay sections are cal movements in the joints and cracks, creating high stresses in the
consistent with the current Spanish experience in full-scale test sections. overlay (3).
The WRC test can also be of help to researchers in this field since it • Loads from the passage of vehicles produce two types of move-
enables test parameters to be varied for the purpose of carrying out sen- ment in cracks and joints, which in turn cause two types of stress in
sitivity studies. In addition, it allows the loss of structural capacity and
the asphalt overlay—shear stress (Figure 1a and c) and flexural stress
the shape of the cracks to be monitored beyond the mere comparison
(Figure 1b) (4).
between different overlay sections.
• Drops in temperature cause cracks and joints to open up, giv-
ing rise to tractive stresses in the asphalt overlay (Figure 1d) (4). In
Reflective cracking continues to be one of the major factors con- addition, low temperatures increase the rigidity of asphalt mixes,
tributing to the deterioration of asphalt overlays placed over cracked reducing their strain capacity and making them more susceptible to
or jointed pavements. The problem has been studied from different reflective cracking.
approaches such as the use of numerical modeling methods, creation • Several tests were developed for the laboratory study of the
of mechanistic models, and laboratory and field experimentation. phenomenon of reflective cracking in asphalts. Some only simulate
In laboratory research—the category to which this study belongs— traffic load, others only the thermal tractions generated by tem-
different devices have been developed and laboratory installations perature changes, but few simultaneously simulate traffic load and
set up that use equipment originally designed for other types of tests. thermal tractions (4).
One of the most often-cited tests in the technical literature for study- • To simulate vehicle load, some tests use dynamic equipment
ing reflective cracks in asphalt overlays is the trial developed in the producing cyclic loads, whereas others, like the wheel-tracking test,
Autun Laboratory in France (1). use moving loads.
The Polytechnic University of Madrid in Spain is currently engaged
in research on developing a laboratory test to measure the reflective
cracking strength of asphalt mixes and the efficiency of antireflec- TEST DEVELOPMENT PROCESS
tion systems to counteract this phenomenon. Since the system is based
on a wheel-tracking test device (2), the new test procedure has been It is difficult and can be costly in a laboratory test to represent the
termed the wheel reflective cracking (WRC) test. actual conditions to which a material in service is exposed; therefore
One of the research aims pursued was that the test be useful, not only the real conditions have to be simplified. In the laboratory, the material
in academic research but also in laboratories testing road materials is subjected to a deterioration process over a short period, which pro-
for studies related to the selection of materials, the design of asphalt vokes the accelerated action of the factors and distress mechanisms
mixes, and the study of systems to counteract reflective cracking for to study the way they affect the behavior of the material.
road maintenance projects. ASTM E 632-82 (1996) warns of the difficulty of developing
The research began by reviewing various technical publications aging tests on materials with a view to estimating their performance
referring to different research studies on reflective cracking, which over extended periods of service on account of the numerous factors
involved and the difficulty in reproducing them adequately.
In any event, tests for studying the behavior of materials can be
Transport Department, Civil Engineering School, Polytechnic University of Madrid, classed into two groups (5): behavior-related tests and behavior-based
ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, C/ Profesor Aranguren s/n, 28040, Madrid, tests.
Spain. In behavior-related tests, test conditions are not directly corre-
lated with expected conditions in service and only provide an ap-
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 1970, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, proximation for assessing the behavior of the materials. This type
D.C., 2006, pp. 215–222. of test measures the relative efficiency among different materials

216 Transportation Research Record 1970

• Changes in temperature are critical in reflective cracking when

T a drop in temperature is involved. Contractions occur in the cracked
layer that translate into horizontal movements that widen the open-
ing in cracks and joints. This process gives rise to high stresses in the
asphalt of the overlay and to horizontal strain, which facilitate the
(a) (b) (c) (d) appearance of reflective cracking.
• Deflection in the pavement structure produces an increase in
FIGURE 1 Movements in joints and cracks causing the horizontal strains and stresses on the bottom plane of the bitu-
(a, c) shear stress, (b) flexural stress, and (d ) tractive minous layer, which has the added effect of causing the cracks to
stress (4).
open up.

or combinations of materials. It is not easy to set up a correlation Generally speaking, in practice these distress mechanisms occur si-
allowing laboratory results to be extrapolated in order to obtain multaneously, generating interactions that increase their deteriorating
an estimation of useful service life. These tests are used to assess capacity and accelerate the reflective cracking process.
whether one product is better than another or whether it meets certain
requirements. Stage 3. Definition of Systems for Simulating
Behavior-based tests are representative of the field performance Mechanisms Causing Distress
of the material. These tests simulate service conditions, reproducing
the factors causing distress in degrees of severity that are similar to The simulation systems used for incorporating the distress mecha-
the real situation. When these tests include combined factors and nisms into the test were defined in line with the possibilities provided
appropriate levels to achieve service conditions successfully, they by the wheel-tracking device. Some systems for simulating the dis-
can provide an adequate evaluation of behavior and the following tress mechanisms were the end result of an iterative and progressive
types of information: process during which different options were tried until a configura-
tion was obtained for the apparatus that allowed the deterioration
• Identification of products likely to perform well in service and factors identified to be simultaneously incorporated.
• Estimation of the likely effective life of a product before it Figures 2 and 3 show a diagram and a photograph, respectively,
requires the application of maintenance or substitution work. of the equipment developed. The following simulation systems
were used.
In line with the foregoing definitions, the WRC test can be classified
as a behavior-related test.
Low Temperatures
The WRC test was developed by using a four-stage process, defined
by taking into account some of the criteria in ASTM E 632-82: To simulate the low-temperature distress mechanism, the base tem-
perature chosen for running the test was 5°C ± 1°C. Before the test
1. Identification of the factors facilitating distress, was run, the specimen was left at a temperature of 5°C for a period
2. Identification of the possible mechanisms causing distress, of at least 10 h. In some published research, the tests were run at
3. Definition of the systems for simulating the mechanisms causing temperatures of 20°C and 25°C. In the Autun trial the tests were run
distress, and at a temperature of 5°C. In the Roads Laboratory at the Polytech-
4. Definition of the failure criterion. nic University of Madrid a chamber was fitted so that the tempera-
ture could be set in an interval between 0 and 20°C. Even though the
Stage 1. Identification of Factors base temperature for running the test was defined as 5°C ± 1°C, for
Facilitating Distress research purposes it could be of interest to run the tests at different
After a study of the factors involved in the phenomenon of reflective
cracking, those considered most important and capable of laboratory Relative Movements Between Crack Borders
simulation were found to be
As can be seen in Figures 2 and 3, the WRC test comprises a support-
• Low temperatures, ing system and the different elements simulating distress mechanisms.
• Relative vertical movement between crack borders, The supporting system consists of four trapezoidal frames and two
• Temperature changes, and chassis. Each chassis is supported at one end by the trapezoidal frames
• Deflection in the pavement structure. by means of a horizontal shaft allowing it to rock, and at the other
end it rests on a rocker that simulates the relative vertical movement
Stage 2. Identification of Possible Mechanisms between the borders of the crack or the pavement joint.
Causing Distress Both chassis are set 10 mm apart, a distance simulating the joint
or crack in the deteriorated pavement on which the asphalt overlay
The processes through which the distress factors act and cause is installed.
deterioration in the specimen are roughly as follows: Figure 4 shows a diagram of the mechanism simulating the rela-
tive vertical movement and a photograph of the device that was
• Low temperatures increase the modulus of elasticity of the built. When the position of the load is symmetrical to the crack, the
asphalt mix and thereby decrease its strain capacity. vertical displacements of the borders (theoretically) are equal, and
• Relative vertical movement between crack borders generates deflection is present but not relative vertical movement in the borders
shear stress in the asphalt mix. of the crack.
Gallego and Prieto 217

FIGURE 2 Schematic representation of WRC test.

FIGURE 3 WRC equipment.


Condition of Condition of
symmetric load asymmetric load


FIGURE 4 Mechanism simulating relative vertical movement.

218 Transportation Research Record 1970

When the load is asymmetrical to the center of the crack, it gen- tions would occur during the test capable of bringing the specimen to
erates a downward movement on the most-loaded side of the rocker failure through pure bending. In addition to preventing failure through
and consequently an upward movement on the least-loaded side. deflection, this criterion was also consistent with practice, since it is an
In the tests run, it was observed that as long as the specimen sec- acknowledged fact that building asphalt overlays over pavements with
tion located over the crack possessed sufficient strength and struc- high deflections is not an economically viable alternative and that it is
tural capacity to transmit load to the unloaded side of the crack, the necessary, before the overlay is installed, to carry out whatever work
relative vertical movements were very small. However, when the is required to lower the magnitude of the deflections.
specimen became debilitated by the action of horizontal displace- In the tests carried out, two superimposed rubber blocks were
ment, deflection, and applications of load, the relative vertical used, each 5 mm thick and with a hardness of 63 on the Shore D
movements increased. scale. (Rubber hardness is measured on the Shore D scale, running
from 0 to 95.) For the test conditions, these rubber blocks produced
a maximum deflection of approximately 0.2 mm.
Changes in Temperature At the start of the test, deflection may be lower because the spec-
imen possesses greater structural strength, but as the test evolves and
The temperature-change distress mechanism was simulated with a
the specimen weakens under the action of the different distress
system of sliding plates. The specimen was attached with a synthetic
mechanisms, deflection gradually increases.
adhesive to two plates (Figure 5), and it was then placed inside the
apparatus and screwed down tightly. During the test, one of the
plates remained immobile, and the other was displaced horizontally
by the action of the tractive force applied to one end. The method Stage 4. Definition of Failure Criterion
was chosen to simulate the progressive widening of the crack as a To define the failure criterion for the specimen, marking the end of
result of temperature changes, which caused the concrete pavement the test, the following parameters are options:
slabs to contract and made joints and cracks open up.
The sliding plate was set up so that it could move in the direction • Vertical length of the crack, determined by visual observation;
of the tractive force and cause the crack to gradually open wider but • Vertical displacement or deflection, measured at one of the bor-
could not undergo any vertical or side movement. ders of the crack in the supporting layer or the cracked layer; and
The tractive force was applied with a computer-controlled micro- • Relative vertical movement between the borders of the crack
motor (Figure 6), which allowed tractive speeds to be applied that or joint in the cracked layer.
ranged from 50 µm/s to 0.001 µm/s and total displacements of up to
10 mm, so that a wide range of temperature changes could be simulated, The vertical length of the crack was used as the failure criterion in
a useful feature for the simulation of different weather conditions. several of the research projects consulted. In the tests carried out in the
course of research reported on here, it was observed that in some cases
Deflection a hairline crack propagated throughout the specimen thickness in the
lateral planes, but it did not appear on the surface of the specimen nor
Another of the distress mechanisms at work in the phenomenon of did it affect its structural capacity to any significant degree. This find-
reflective cracking is deflection. In the WRC test, deflection was ing indicates that in certain cases a crack can appear on the surface of
simulated by placement of a prism-shaped rubber block under the the lateral planes of the specimen without significantly affecting the
rocker support (Figure 4). As a result, independent of the effect of specimen’s capacity for transmitting load between the borders of the
the rocker in the center of the specimen, a vertical displacement crack. As a result, the specimen cannot be considered to have reached
occurs caused by the strain in the rubber block. This equipment the failure point. It was also observed that in a few cases the crack did
allows different magnitudes of deflection to be simulated by vary- not propagate in a uniform way on the two sides of the specimen.
ing the hardness or thickness of the rubber blocks used, to which end In accordance with the observations made, the practice of mea-
different heights of rocker support are available. suring crack propagation by visual observation was not considered
It was decided that in the new test the deflection would be a con- an objective criterion for determining specimen failure. Because
trolled and limited parameter to prevent the possibility that large deflec- deflection was a limited parameter during the test because of the rub-
ber blocks on which the rocker rested, this parameter was similarly
rejected as an appropriate criterion for judging specimen failure.
In the different tests run during the development of the new test-
ing procedure, it was observed that relative vertical movement does
constitute an objective indicator of the structural state of the speci-
men (of its capacity for transmitting load between the edges of a fis-
sure) and it was therefore chosen as the criterion for determining the
moment of failure of the specimen and the end of the test.
In the WRC test, a specimen was deemed to have reached fail-
ure when the relative vertical displacement between crack borders
reached 0.2 mm. In the tests run, it was observed that when the rel-
Sliding plate Fixed plate ative vertical displacement reached this value, the crack had already
extended throughout the thickness of the specimen and the move-
ment between the two parts of the specimen located on each side
of the crack could readily be seen. It may happen that the two parts
FIGURE 5 Specimen in plates of adherence. continue to be joined and resist greater relative vertical displace-
Gallego and Prieto 219

FIGURE 6 Computer-controlled micromotor.

ments without the specimen’s actually breaking up, but its capac- were made with the same gradation of aggregates to diminish the
ity to transmit load between the edges of the fissure is poor. This sources of dispersed results. Equally, all three overlays had the same
behavior pattern was also observed in tests run with maximum binder content, namely, 5.75% of the weight of aggregates.
deflections of 0.1 mm and with a single rubber block in place. Overlays 1 and 2 were produced without a geosynthetic; Overlay 1
During the course of running a WRC test, the 0.2-mm value for was made with a 60–70 penetration hydrocarbon binder and Overlay
relative vertical movement lasts for a brief time—a few minutes— 2 with a bm-3c hydrocarbon binder, a polymer-modified asphalt.
since this is a transition value between lower values, indicating that Overlay 3 had a geosynthetic installed and was also made of a bm-3c
the specimen still possesses structural capacity and extremely higher hydrocarbon binder. The specimens were 7.5 cm wide.
values, indicating failure of the specimen.

Specimen Production
The specimens used in the test were cut from specimens measuring
With the equipment designed and set up, several tests were run to 305 × 305 × 60 mm, which were produced following the procedure
allow its performance to be classified and the basic conditions to be used for the wheel-tracking test (2), the only exception being that a
set for running tests designed to measure the reflective cracking 10-mm thick bituminous base course was laid first (Figure 7a). A
strength of asphalt overlays. tack coat was subsequently applied with an emulsion in the amount
An experimental study was carried out to evaluate the sensitivity indicated in Table 1 for each overlay.
and coherence of the WRC test. Tests were run on three asphalt over- For Overlay 3, after the emulsion was applied and uniformly dis-
lays with different compositions and assumed to have different reflec- tributed, the geosynthetic was installed in a way that allowed it to
tive cracking strengths (Table 1). Two asphalt overlays were tested: absorb the emulsion before it broke down (Figure 7b). All three
one without a geosynthetic and one with geosynthetic. All overlays overlays were allowed the time required for the emulsion to break
down, after which the asphalt mix was laid and compacted.
During the process of making Overlay 3, the location of the re-
TABLE 1 Specifications for Overlays Tested inforcement filaments of the geosynthetic was indicated so that
when the specimen was cut, the filaments would be evenly dis-
Specification Overlay 1 Overlay 2 Overlay 3 tributed in the cross section. Figure 8 shows the specimen used in
the WRC test.
Gradation of aggregates F-10a F-10a F-10a
Binder type P 60/70 bm-3c bm-3c
Geosynthetic: tensile — — 100
strengthb (kN/m) Test Conditions
Quantity of asphalt in 0.2 0.2 1.2
The specimens were tested in the following conditions:
the interface (kg/m2)
Depth of asphalt mix (mm) 49 48 51
• Temperature: 5°C,
aF-10 corresponds to a gap-graded mix. • Crack or joint opening speed: 600 µm/h, and
The strength values refer to the glass filament reinforcement. • Maximum deflection: 0.2 mm.
220 Transportation Research Record 1970

a) b)

FIGURE 7 Specimen production: (a) 10-mm-thick bituminous base course and (b) installation of geosynthetic.

Before testing, the specimens were left for 10 h in a chilled cham- affects the results. When a test was restarted, the specimen was seen
ber at a temperature of 5°C. During the test, this same temperature to recover structural capacity, and deflection and relative vertical
was maintained in the test chamber. movement were lower than the levels recorded before the test was sus-
With the specimen placed in the apparatus and before the start of pended. In other research work on reflective cracking, the observation
the test, a horizontal tractive displacement of 200 µm was applied to was also made that suspending the test altered the results (6).
eliminate any possible slack. The test was then put in motion by the
application of the load with the moving wheel and the horizontal
tractive displacement at the indicated speed. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS
During the course of the test, the deflection and the relative verti-
cal movement were measured. The process of reflective cracking was The result of the test developed in this research project is the time
also monitored by visual observation, not for the purpose of quanti- required for a relative vertical movement of 0.2 mm to occur between
fying its progression but to check that the test was running normally. crack borders. The results for the three overlays tested, given as the
The tests were considered to have ended when the relative vertical average of two specimens’ time to failure, are as follows:
movement between the edges of the crack reached a value of 0.2 mm.
The WRC test should be carried out in a continuous manner. In the Overlay 1 Overlay 2 Overlay 3
tests run as part of this research, it was observed that any suspension Time to failure (min) 280 315 480

Base Geosynthetic

FIGURE 8 Specimen used in WRC test.

Gallego and Prieto 221

600 of hydrocarbon binder. For the test conditions, the geosynthetic

increased the time to failure of the asphalt mix made with bm-3c
500 binder by 50%.

400 An analysis of the photographs shown in Figure 10 produces the


following comments:
• In Specimen 1, containing 60–70 penetration hydrocarbon
200 binder, one single reflective crack occurred with small ramifica-
tions alongside (Figure 10a). The part of the specimen suffering
100 strain was limited to an area very close to the strip of reflective
0 • Likewise, in Specimen 2, containing bm-3c hydrocarbon binder,
a single reflective crack occurred. More ramifications were present
FIGURE 9 Average time to failure of overlays. but did not develop sufficiently to form another crack (Figure 10b).
The area of strain in this specimen is wider than that in Specimen 1,
attributable to the fact that the specimen possesses a greater strain
capacity at the test temperature owing to the characteristics of the
polymer-modified binder.
Figure 9 shows a comparison of the times elapsed for each overlay,
• In Specimen 3, containing bm-3c hydrocarbon binder and a geo-
and Figure 10 shows the lateral plane of the specimens to demon-
synthetic, the area of strain in the specimen spread over a larger region
strate the way in which the crack propagates until it is reflected on the
and two cracks formed with multiple ramifications (Figure 10c). The
surface and produces failure in the specimen.
presence of the geosynthetic helped to distribute the stresses over
The results obtained warrant the following comments.
a greater length of the specimen, reducing the magnitude of the
unitary strains and increasing the time to failure of the specimen.
• The relative strength of each overlay with respect to reflective
cracking is in line with expected results for the materials used to
make the specimens and with the experience acquired with these CONCLUSIONS
materials when installed on roads in service.
• Of the overlays without geosynthetic, Overlay 2, made of bm-3c The following conclusions can be drawn from the work and results
hydrocarbon binder, was stronger. This result was to be expected since described in this paper:
bm-3c hydrocarbon binder is of better quality than the conventional
binder with a 60–70 penetration. 1. The WRC device enables simultaneous laboratory simulation
• The overlay with the geosynthetic had 1.5 times better strength of the mechanisms causing distress leading to reflective cracking,
than Overlay 2. These two overlays were made from the same type namely, rigidity of the asphalt mix at low temperatures, horizontal

FIGURE 10 Lateral plane of specimens showing crack propagation: (a) Specimen 1, single reflective crack; (b) Specimen 2, single crack with
ramifications; and (c) Specimen 3, two cracks with multiple ramifications.
222 Transportation Research Record 1970

movements owing to contraction in cracked or jointed layers as a REFERENCES

result of changes in temperature (increased opening up of cracks or
joints), differential vertical movement between the borders of cracks 1. Vanelstraete, A., A. De Bondt, and L. Courard. Characterisation of Over-
or joints, and deflection in the pavement structure. lay Systems. In Prevention of Reflective Cracking in Pavements, RILEM
Report 18, International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for
2. The results of the WRC test applied to different overlays have
Materials and Structures (RILEM), Paris, 1997, pp. 61–83.
shown adequate consistency with the current Spanish experience in 2. Methods of Test for the Determination of Wheel Tracking Rate and
full-scale test sections. Depth. BS 598-110. British Standards Institution, London, 1998.
3. For the test conditions, the overlay with the geosynthetic 3. Amini, F. Potential Applications of Paving Fabrics to Reduce Reflec-
had 1.5 times better strength than the same overlay without the tive Cracking. Publication FHWA/MS-DOT-RD-05-174. FHWA, U.S.
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4. Francken, L., A. Vanelstraete, and A. De Bondt. Modelling and Structural
4. The new test is a tool that will help road maintenance engineers Design of Overlay Systems. In Prevention of Reflective Cracking in
to make decisions on the most suitable materials and alternatives for Pavements, RILEM Report 18, RILEM, Paris, 1997, pp. 84–103.
asphalt overlays with respect to controlling the phenomenon of re- 5. Masson, J. F., and M. A. Lacasse. Considerations for Performance-
flective cracking. It is also a useful tool in research linked to the same Based Specifications for Bituminous Crack Sealants. In Flexible Pave-
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1809, Trans-
portation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.,
The research reported here was sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of 2002, pp. 184 –190.
Education and Science. The authors thank all who provided valuable
help in this study. The Geosynthetics Committee sponsored publication of this paper.

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