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Hello everyone, here is a speech about the importance of teachers in our

In today’s world, where technology keeps growing and AI is becoming
more importance, we’re discussing whether regular schooling is better
than learning online. I strongly believe that no one can take the place of
a teacher. A teacher does a lot more then just telling us things. They help
us grow n our minds and hearts. They show us the way to learn and
become smarter and better people. They make us disciplined, king, and
good at thinking. Unlike AI, a teacher can change how they teach to help
each of us learn better. This makes everyone feel included and

Teachers are like mentors, not just in school but also in how we feel.
They make us want to dream, ask questions, and try out best. They teach
us things that aren’t in books, like how to be good people and how to
deal with the hard parts of life. While AI can give us lots of information
quickly, it can’t give us the caring and personal help that a good teacher
can. Like few of my teachers from my old school, they used to explain
everything with love and care. AI doesn’t have feelings and can’t explain
us every single thing, but a teacher can.

We shouldn’t forget how much a teacher can change the future. We

should see and respect how much they help out minds and hearts.
Teachers are very important because they make us want to know more
and they help us become the leaders and smart people of tomorrow.

Thank You

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