Magnetism 1 Per Page

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1. The magnetic field at an instant is given by B=

(3𝒊̂+4𝒋̂)T in a region where a charged particle has an
acceleration of 𝒂 ⃗ = (𝒙𝒊̂ + 𝟐𝒋̂)𝒎/𝒔𝟐 . Find x.


(1) If a proton is moving with constant velocity, what
can we say about the electric field in that region?

(i) There will be no electric field in the region

(ii) There will definitely be an electric field in the region
(iii) Cannot say

(2) If a proton is moving with constant velocity, what

can we say about the magnetic field in the region

(i) There will be no magnetic field in the region

(ii) There will definitely be a magnetic field in the
(iii) Cannot say

(3) If the proton initially has its velocity perpendicular

to the non-zero magnetic field in the region, can it
maintain constant velocity?


3. A positively charged particle q enters a region of

constant magnetic field B with a velocity v0 at an angle
of θ as shown in the figure. Find the time it spends in
the region if θ=900


4. A charge q of mass m is thrown horizontally with a

velocity v0 parallel to an infinite sheet of charge
density −σ at a vertical distance H meters from the
plate. What is the horizontal distance from the point of
throw to the point at which it strikes the plate?


5. A particle of mass 𝒎 ⃗⃗⃗ and charge q is at rest at the origin

and constant ⃗⃗⃗
𝑬 ⃗𝑩
⃗ fields fill space along the z-axis and x-
axis respectively. Find the maximum z-coordinate of the
charge, while it is moving under the influence of the
two fields.


6. A positively charged particle of mass m and

charge q enters a region of uniform magnetic
field B with a velocity v0 at a point x .It moves in a
circle of radius R and exits the region at a point y.


7. In a mass spectroscopy experiment, a sample of ionized

carbon which is a combination of C14 and C12 is taken.
The ions are accelerated from rest by an applied voltage
of 104V, as shown. Once these ions enter the magnetic
field chamber, they bend and strike the detectors.
Find the value of the magnetic field if the C14 ions hit
one of the detectors D1, and C12 ions hit the other
detector D2. The distance between the two detectors
is 100μ/m. Assume the charge of an electron
is 1.6×10−19C,, and the mass of a proton
is 1.66×10−27kg.


8. Six rods, each of mass mm and length a, are used to

make a three dimensioned rigid frame as shown. The
connected rods are perpendicular to each other. The
rods are kept in a region of uniform magnetic
field ⃗𝑩
⃗ pointing inwards, perpendicular to the vertical
face. A constant current i flows through the rods ad
shown. What is the angular velocity of this body when
it reaches stable equilibrium?


9. A rigid object is formed by 2 semi-circular arcs of

mass M and radius a each, connected by two rods, each
of mass M and length 2a. Assume the magnetic field is
pointing outwards, perpendicular to the plane in which
the object lies. The current i flows in the direction as
shown. Find the angular velocity of the object.


10. A flexible wire loop has a current of 4mA. It is

placed in a uniform magnetic field, B=2×10-3 T. The field
is perpendicular to the loop and the loop becomes a
circle of radius 1m when placed in the magnetic field.
Find the tension in the wire loop assuming the wire is


11. A rectangular wire loop 5m×3m is hung from one

end of a balance such that the bottom 2m is in a
uniform magnetic field B as shown. When the
current ii is flipped, the balance pointer shifts and
additional 15 grams has to be added to the other side to
restore the balance pointer. Find the magnetic field, B


12. A mass spectrometer is shown in the diagram. An

ion is accelerated from rest between two parallel plates
by a potential difference V applied between them. Once
the ion enters the magnetic field chamber it bends and
strikes the detector at a distance d from the point of
entry. If an ionised atom X with a positive charge
of 1.6×10-19 C hits the detector at a
distance d=0.6m when B= 3 ×10-3 T and V=1.7Volts ,
find the atom X. Assume u =1.66×10−27kg.


13. There is a rectangular coil of 10 turns and

dimensions 20cm × 5cm. The coil is hinged on the short
side and is free to rotate about a horizontal axis. When
the coil carries current of 0.2A and is placed in uniform
vertical magnetic field of 2 mT, it remains at rest
making an angle of 370 with the vertical. Find the mass
of the coil assuming the wire is uniform.


14. A uniform plastic cylinder of mass 2kg and

length 0.5m has 20 turns of a light wire wrapped around
its middle such that the wire forms a rectangular coil
with its plane containing the cylinder's central axis. The
cylinder is placed on a wedge inclined at 370 to the
horizontal such that the coil plane is parallel to the
inclined plane. If the coil carries a current of 0.2A, find
the vertical magnetic field B, that must be applied to
maintain the cylinder at rest.


15. A non-conducting sphere has mass π kg and

diameter 1m. A flat, compact coil of wire with five turns
is wrapped tightly around it, with each turn concentric
with the sphere. The sphere is placed on an inclined
plane that slopes downward to the left (see adjacent
figure), making an angle θ with the horizontal so that
the coil is parallel to the inclined plane. A uniform
magnetic field of 1 T vertically upward exists in the
region of the sphere. What current in the coil will enable
the sphere to rest in equilibrium on the inclined
plane?(take g=10m/s2 )


16. A rod of mass kg and radius 1 inch rests on two
parallel rails as shown in the figure. The rails are 12.5
cm apart and 49 cm long. The rod carries a current
of I=2A in the direction shown and rolls along the rails
without slipping. A uniform magnetic field of
magnitude 0.16T is directed perpendicular to the rod
and the rails. If it starts from rest, what is the speed of
the rod as it leaves the rails?


17. An ion of charge q and mass m is accelerated from

rest by a potential difference V. It is then deflected by a
uniform magnetic field (perpendicular to the ion’s
velocity) into a semicircle of radius r. Now another ion
of charge Q=4q and mass M is accelerated through the
same potential difference and deflected by the same
magnetic field into a semicircle of radius R=3r.What is
the ratio of the masses of the ions (M/m)?


18. A charged particle of mass 1g is moving at a speed

of 10000m/s. Suddenly, a uniform magnetic field of
magnitude 0.2mT in a direction perpendicular to the
particle’s velocity is turned on and then turned off after
a time interval of 1s. During this time interval, the
magnitude and direction of the velocity of the particle
undergoes a negligible change, but the particle moves by
a distance of 0.2m in a direction perpendicular to the
velocity. Find the charge on the particle.

19. Consider the system as shown in the figure.

A 100cm horizontal wire of mass 100g is placed between
two thin, vertical conductors. A uniform magnetic field
acts perpendicular to the page. The wire is free to move
vertically without friction on the two vertical
conductors. When a 2A current is directed as shown in
the figure, the horizontal wire moves upward at
constant velocity in the presence of gravity. Find the
magnitude of the minimum magnetic field required to
move the wire at constant speed.(Take g=10m/s2)


20. A metal rod having a mass per unit

length α carries a current I. The rod hangs from two
wires in a uniform vertical magnetic field as shown in
the figure. The wires make an angle θ with the vertical
when in equilibrium. Determine the magnitude of the
magnetic field.


21. A 1nC positive charge of mass 1μkg moving in the

plane of the page has a kinetic energy of 2μJ. A
magnetic field of magnitude B=1T is directed into the
page. The positive charge enters the magnetic field with
its velocity vector at an angle θ = 300 to the linear
boundary of the field as shown in the figure. Find x, the


distance from the point of entry to the point of exit,

where the positive charge leaves the field.

22. An infinitely long wire carrying a current 10A is

bent at a right angle as shown in the figure. Determine
the magnitude of the magnetic field at point P, located a
distance 1 mm from the bent corner of the wire.


23. A long, straight wire carries a current I=2A. A right-

angle bend is made in the middle of the wire. The bend
forms an arc of a circle of radius r=(4+π) as shown in the


figure. Determine the magnitude of the magnetic field

at point P, the center of the arc.

24. Three protons A,B,C enter a region of uniform

magnetic field of B=1 mT. All the three protons are
initially moving with the same speed of 105 m/s in the


same plane. Proton A's velocity makes an angle of 600

with proton B's velocity and 900 with proton C
′s velocity. (Assume Earth’s magnetic field can be
neglected and mp=1.67×10−27kg). If proton A moves
undeflected, then

25. Three protons A,B,C enter a region of uniform

magnetic field of B=1mT. All the three protons are
initially moving with the same speed of 105m/s in the


same plane. Proton AA's velocity makes an angle of 600

with proton B's velocity and 900 with proton C's
velocity. If proton A moves undeflected, find the radius
of proton C's path. (Assume earth’s magnetic field can
be neglected and mp =1.67×10−27kg )

26. Three particles A,B,C enter a region of uniform

magnetic field with velocities 5×105 m/s,6×105
m/s and 8×105 m/s . Particle A has charge q and
mass M and takes 0.4 seconds to complete a circle and


reach its starting point again. If particle B has

charge 3q and mass 3M and particle C has charge 2q and
mass M, then:

27. In a mass spectrometer, a negative ion released

from rest is accelerated by a battery of emf Vo
=100 volts. The ion enters a magnetic field of B=0.2 T.
If it strikes the detector at a distance of d=10 cm from


its entry point. If the ion has charge of e, find the

mass of the ion in terms of u.

28. In a mass spectrometer, a negative ion released

from rest is accelerated by a battery of emf Vo
=100 volts and enters a magnetic field of B=0.2 T. If Li-6
and Li-9 were ionized with one electron charge and


released from the source, find the distance between the

points they strike the detector. (Take √𝟑 = 1.733
=1.73 and √𝟐 =1.41)

29. A square of side 2m is placed in a uniform

magnetic field B = 2T pointing inwards, perpendicular to
the plane of the square. Equal current of i=3.0A are


flowing in the directions shown. Find the magnitude of

the net magnetic force in the loop. [Take √𝟐 =1.41]

30. Four identical conducting rods of mass M and

length L form a rigid square. There is a current i in the


directions shown. Find the maximum angular velocity of

the square.

31. Find the magnetic field at O for the figure shown. A

current i flows in the loop.


32. A square frame PQRS of side length a carries a

current i as shown. Find the magnetic field pointing


inwards, perpendicular to the plane of the square, at a

point which is at a distance a from the side PQ.


33. A wire PQ of mass 10g is at rest on two parallel

metal rails. The separation between the rails is 4.9cm. A
magnetic field of 0.80T is applied perpendicular to the
plane of the rails, directed downwards. The resistance of
the circuit is slowly decreased. When the resistance
decreases to below 20Ω, the wire PQ begins to slide on
the rails. Calculate the coefficient of friction between
the wire and the rails.


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