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Daily routine: in the morning

I wake up at 6 am.

I press the snooze button twice before I turn my alarm off.

I get up around 6:30 am.

I make my bed.

I take a shower.

I get dressed.

I do my hair and makeup.

I brush my teeth.

I make breakfast.

I eat/have breakfast.

I drink a cup of coffee/tea.

I read the newspaper.

I check my social media.

I check my emails.

I walk my dog.

I go to the gym.

I go to work/school.

I work from home.

I wait for the bus.

I drive to work/school.
I take a taxi/an Uber/the bus/the subway/the tram.

My mom/dad/husband/wife gives me a ride to work/school.

I answer my emails.

I attend meetings.

I have a snack around 10 am.

I have lunch at home/at the cafeteria/on the go.

I go home and make lunch.

I wash/do the dishes.

I put the dishes away.

I take a nap after lunch.

Read about the daily routine of a student: Joanna’s morning routine

Here is one way to describe your daily routine using simple present tense:

Hi! My name is Joanna, I’m 24 and I live in Oslo, Norway. I usually wake up
at 7 am, but I get up only half an hour later. Then, I take a shower and get
dressed. After that I do my hair and makeup and then make my bed. I hate
making my bed, but I like the feeling of completing that first task right after
waking up. I don’t have breakfast, but I always drink a cup of coffee. Then I
wait for the bus to take me to college. While I’m on the bus, I check my social
media and my emails.

Let’s practice writing about our own routine. Write a my daily

routine paragraph in English. You should aim to write 10 sentences about your
daily routine, okay?
Daily routine: in the evening

I buy groceries after work.

I get home from work/college/school at 5 pm.

I clean up the house.

I make dinner.

I order dinner.

I take out the trash after dinner.

I feed my dog/cat.

I take my medication.

I take a warm bath.

I brush my teeth.

I put on my pajamas.

I plan the next day.

I check the weather.

I watch Netflix.

I listen to music.

I read a book before bed.

I lock the doors.

I take off my makeup.

I set the alarm clock.
I charge my phone.

I put my phone away.

I meditate.

I turn off the lights.

I go to bed.

I fall asleep.

I sleepwalk.

Exercise: Brandon’s evening routine

Hi! My name is Brandon, I’m 36 and I live in San Francisco. I work as a

marketing director. I’m married and I have one son, Charlie, and two cats. I
usually finish work around 6 pm. Then, I go to the supermarket to buy
groceries. I get home around 7 pm and then I make dinner. My wife loves
pasta, so that’s something I make quite often. After having dinner, I wash the
dishes and my wife feeds our cats, Milk, and Honey. Then, I take a shower.
After that, I brush my teeth and put on my pajamas. I usually watch an
episode of my favorite sitcom before bed. Then, I check the locks of the house,
set my alarm clock, and put my phone away to charge. I tuck my son in and
then I go to bed. I fall asleep shortly after my wife turns off the lights.

Now, write 10 lines using some of my daily routine sentences. What do you do?
Do you plan the next day? Do you meditate?
Daily Routine English Sentences

 I wake up at 6 am every day.

 I brush my teeth and wash my face.
 I take a shower every morning.
 I get dressed for work.
 I eat breakfast at 7 am.
 I check my email and messages.
 I leave for work at 8 am.
 I arrive at work at 9 am.
 I start my workday by checking my to-do list.
 I have a meeting at 10 am.
 I work on my projects until lunchtime.
 I have lunch at 12 pm.
 I take a break and go for a walk.
 I return to work at 1 pm.
 I have more meetings in the afternoon.
 I finish my workday at 5 pm.
 I commute home from work.
 I arrive home at 6 pm.
 I change out of my work clothes.
 I make dinner for myself.
 I watch TV or read a book.
 I go to bed at 10 pm.
 I set my alarm for the next day.
 I listen to music on my commute to work.
 I drink coffee every morning.
 I take my dog for a walk.
 I meditate for 10 minutes.
 I stretch before starting my day.
 I pack my lunch for work.
 I call my family to check in.
 I write in my journal before bed.
 I read the news every morning.
 I water my plants.
 I clean my apartment on weekends.
 I exercise three times a week.
 I listen to a podcast during my commute.
 I use a planner to stay organized.
 I make my bed every morning.
 I take a nap on weekends.
 I catch up on my favorite TV shows on weekends.
 I do laundry once a week.
 I listen to an audiobook before bed.
 I go grocery shopping on weekends.
 I prepare meals for the week on Sundays.
 I call a friend to catch up.
 I take a bubble bath to relax.
 I watch a movie on Friday nights.
 I write a to-do list for the next day.
 I take vitamins and supplements.
 I enjoy a cup of tea before bed.
Phrases To Talk About Your Daily Routine

 I have a morning meeting at 9 AM.

 I do laundry and clean the house on Sundays.
 Breakfast is essential for me, so I always eat something in the morning.
 I take a short break to stretch and relax.
 When I get home, I cook dinner.
 After my shower, I get dressed for work/school.
 I finish work/school around 5 PM.
 I take my dog for a walk in the evening.
 The first thing I do is brush my teeth.
 I often go out for brunch with friends on Sundays.
 I wash my face and apply moisturizer.
 I watch some TV or read a book to unwind.
 I run errands on my way home.
 I commute to work/school by car/bus/train.
 I go to the gym three times a week after work.
 Lunchtime is around 12 PM, so I grab a bite to eat.
 I listen to music or a podcast during my commute.
 When I arrive, I greet my coworkers/classmates.
 On weekends, I like to sleep in.
 I meal prep for the week ahead on Sunday afternoons.
 I aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
 Saturday mornings are when I do my grocery shopping.
 I brush my teeth and floss.
 I start my workday with a to-do list.
 I make a list of goals for the week on Sunday evenings.
 I like to indulge in a hobby, like painting or playing an instrument, in the
 I usually read a few pages of a book before falling asleep.
 I check my social media before bed.
 I catch up on my favorite TV shows on Friday nights.
 I plan fun activities or outings with my family on weekends.
 I make a cup of coffee to start my day.
 I have another short break in the afternoon to recharge.
 I take a quick shower to wake up.
 In the afternoon, I focus on my tasks and projects.
 I try to spend some quality time with my family.
 I check my emails and messages as soon as I’m at my desk.
 I get into my pajamas and crawl into bed.
 I hit the snooze button a couple of times before getting out of bed.

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