Lift Off Vocabulary List Levels 1-6

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Lift Off Vocabulary List

Lift Off 1 SBWB

Word Part of Speech Picture (MOE to add)
acacia (tree) noun
Africa noun
always adverb
ancient adjective
asleep adjective (never before noun)
assistant (shop assistant) noun
autumn noun
badge noun
beautiful (as in weather) adjective
better (as in not ill anymore) adjective
blouse noun
boating noun
camcorder noun
camera noun
capital (city) noun
catch (as in ‘catch a bus’) verb
children noun
closed (as in ‘shop’s closed’) adjective
cloudy adjective
coat noun
cold adjective
corridor noun
cousin noun
date (as in ‘7th of January’) noun
daughter noun
delicious adjective
dentist noun
different adjective
director noun
do (as in ‘do homework’ verb
doctor noun
dry adjective
DVD player noun
early adjective
Egypt/ Egyptian noun
exam noun
famous adjective
fantastic adjective
fat adjective
fifth number
finish verb
first number
follow (as in ‘follow me’) verb
fork noun
fourth number
front gates noun
garlic noun
great (as in ‘very good/nice’) adjective
grow verb
happy adjective
headache noun
Hi! interjection (informal)
help verb
hold verb
holiday noun
hot adjective
hungry adjective
important adjective
interesting adjective
international adjective
jeans noun
knife noun
late adjective
leaves noun
library noun
look verb
lost (as in ‘I’m lost’) adjectives
love (= like very much – not verb
mall (shopping mall) noun
map noun
mark (= score in a test) noun
meet verb
menu noun
midday noun
midnight noun
milk noun
million number
miss (=I miss you) verb
mobile phone noun
modern adjective
money noun
month noun
mountain noun
museum noun
mushroom noun
never adverb
nurse noun
office noun
often adverb
olive noun
onion noun
open (= the shop’s open) adjective
outside adjective / adverb
pepper (as in ‘green pepper’) noun
Pharaoh noun
photograph noun
picnic noun
policeman noun
popular adjective
potato noun
present (=gift) noun
pyramid noun
reception (as in ‘room/ office’) noun
recipe noun
remember verb
river noun
round (circular) adjective
sad adjective
scarf noun
Scotland noun
scruffy adjective
season noun
second noun
shine verb
sickbay noun
sign noun
sixth number
skirt noun
smart adjective
smell verb
snow verb
soldier noun
sometimes adverb
spoon noun
spring (season) noun
square noun
stairs noun
start verb
stomach ache noun
study (as in ‘room’) noun
take (as in ‘take photograph’) verb
take (as in ‘take the road to … ’) verb
talk verb
taste verb
television noun
thin adjective
third number
thirsty adjective
thousand number
tie (as in ‘necktie’) noun
tired adjective
tomorrow adverb
toothache noun
top (= first in exam) noun
train (= transport) noun
TV noun
twin noun
uniform noun
university noun
upstairs adverb
usually adverb
valley noun
waiter noun
Wales noun
watch (as in ‘wristwatch’) noun
watch verb
weather noun
weekend noun
well (as in ‘not ill’) adjective
wet adjective
winter noun
wrong adjective
year noun
yesterday adverb
Lift Off 2 SBWB
Word Part of Speech Picture (MOE to add)
abbreviation noun
art noun
assembly noun
Auntie noun
Australia noun
baby noun
baker noun
banana noun
bank noun
beach noun
beauty noun
believe very
bell noun
best friend noun
big day noun
book verb
bored adjective
born adjective
borrow verb
brave adjective
bright adjective
café noun
cage noun
calendar noun
camel noun
carpenter noun
castle noun
change noun
clever adjective
click verb
coach noun
coin noun
cold adjective
comfortable adjective
continue verb
countries noun
cumin noun
cut verb
deep adjective
degrees noun
depart verb
dictionary noun
die verb
die out verb
discover verb
dish noun
edge noun
elephant noun
endangered adjective
European adjective
excited adjective
exciting adjective
explore verb
farmer noun
fill in verb
first name noun
flat adjective
flight noun
foggy adjective
foreign adjective
forest noun
forever adverb
form noun
fortnight noun
France noun
free adjective
French adjective
friendly adjective
fruity adjective
Germany noun
German adjective
get lost verb
get ready verb
giraffe noun
goal noun
good idea noun
Grandma noun
Grandpa noun
grass noun
grill verb
guest noun
guide book noun
head (teacher) noun
hippo noun
hobby noun
hope verb
hotel noun
housewife noun
hunt verb
husband noun
internet noun
island noun
Italian adjective
Italy noun
jacket potato noun
jam noun
kilogram / kilo / kg noun
Lake District noun
lamb noun
late for phrasal verb
leather verb
lend verb
loaf noun
look forward to phrasal verb
lots of adverb
low adjective
lunchtime noun
marmalade noun
married adjective
match noun
maths noun
medicine noun
metre noun
miss verb
monitor noun
Moroccan adjective
Morocco noun
mouse noun
nervous adjective
news noun
note noun
notes noun
older adjective
P.E noun
packet noun
paints noun
party noun
pepper noun
percent (%) noun
permission noun
photocopy noun
phrase book noun
pilot noun
pineapple noun
plan noun
playground noun
plug verb
Poland noun
policewoman noun
Polish adjective
polite adjective
population noun
Post Office noun
postman noun
pound (£) noun
primary school noun
programme noun
quarter noun
quiet adjective
raincoat noun
referee noun
remain verb
return verb
rhino noun
ruler noun
rules noun
safe adjective
sail verb
sale noun
salt noun
sandwich noun
save verb
scared adjective
school trip noun
score verb
Scotsman noun
seat belt noun
secret noun
sensible umbrella noun
sheep noun
shop assistant noun
size noun
skewer noun
snake noun
sneeze verb
Spain noun
Spanish adjective
special adjective
spinach noun
sport noun
stay verb
study verb
suitable adjective
Sultan noun
supermarket noun
surgery noun
surname noun
surprise noun
sweater noun
talk noun
technology noun
temperature noun
text verb
the Middle East noun
tiger noun
tourist noun
traditional adjective
useful adjective
vet noun
Viking noun
waiter noun
wall noun
warm adjective
waterproof adjective
webcam noun
whatever adverb
wild adjective
woolly adjective
world noun
world-famous adjective
zoo noun
Lift Off 3 SBWB
Word Part of Speech Picture (MOE to add)
accident noun
activity noun
agriculture noun
ambulance noun
amount noun
anybody pronoun
around preposition
ash noun
award verb
baker noun
bakery noun
bandage noun
bank (for recycling) noun
bee noun
bin noun
bird of prey noun
blond adjective
blow verb
break (a leg) verb
break-in noun
Briton noun
bruise noun
building noun
bumpy adjective
burglar noun
burn verb
café noun
calmly adverb
see captain noun
carbon dioxide CO2 noun
catch (bird) verb
catch (fire) verb
clean verb
clearly adverb
climate noun
close adjective
coal noun
conserve verb
cool adjective
crewman noun
crowded adjective
dark adjective
definitely adverb
description noun
desert noun
destroy verb
development noun
diary noun
direction noun
Director of Studies noun
disappear verb
drill (fire drill) noun
drought noun
duck noun
Earth noun
electricity noun
Embassy noun
energy (heat, light etc.) noun
enjoy verb
equipment noun
erupt verb
escape verb
essay noun
establish verb
exit noun
expert noun
explain verb
fault noun
feed verb
finally adverb
fire noun
flat adjective
flood noun
fridge noun
funny (odd) adjective
gas noun
glass (uncount) noun
glasses (spectacles) noun
gold noun
ground noun
halfway through adverb
Hawk Conservancy noun
headline noun
heat noun
heat verb
honey noun
huge adjective
hurt verb
image noun
immediately adverb
intelligent adjective
inventor noun
investigate verb
Japan noun
jet lag noun
kid noun
kite (fly a) noun
knock noun
lamp noun
level (of English) noun
lid noun
lifeboat noun
lifestyle noun
limited adjective
liquid noun
Londoner adjective
made of phrasal verb
major adjective
man-made adjective
Master’s Degree noun
matters noun
midsummer noun
mobile (phone) noun
Mount noun
mysterious adjective
mystery noun
naturally adverb
nobody pronoun
observatory noun
oil noun
open-topped (bus) adjective
optics noun
oven noun
oversleep verb
palace noun
panic verb
parallel adjective
parrot noun
pet shop noun
petrol noun
pick up (an object) phrasal verb
planet noun
plastic noun
plate (photographic plate) noun
pole noun
police station noun
position noun
pour verb
prehistoric adjective
publish verb
rabbit noun
ray (of light) noun
recycle verb
religious adjective
reporter noun
reward noun
rhyme noun
rot noun
rubbish noun
scissors noun
serious adjective
ship noun
shout verb
sightseeing verb
ski verb
snack noun
spaceship noun
spare time noun
statement (police statement) noun
steering wheel noun
stewardess noun
strange adjective
studio (radio studio) noun
surname noun
tap noun
tonne noun
torch noun
towards preposition
trade noun
traditional adjective
trouble (in trouble) noun
turn off phrasal verb
type noun
university noun
upside down adjective
valuable adjective
verse noun
visa noun
volcano noun
waste verb
way noun
web page noun
weigh verb
wound up (excited) adjective
Lift Off 4 SBWB
Word Part of Speech Picture (MOE to add)
abroad adverb
advantage noun
adventure noun
afraid adjective
age noun
air-conditioner noun
airport noun
alms noun
alone adjective
ankle noun
annoyed adjective
appearance noun
argue verb
at the moment phrase of moment
backpack noun
balloon noun
battery noun
before preposition
biography noun
boil noun
boil verb
bones noun
boots noun
bowling verb
brush noun
businessman noun
butcher noun
call noun
calorie noun
Canadian adjective
century noun
character noun
check verb
check-in verb
cheetah noun
chest (box) noun
choice noun
comic (book) noun
comment noun
competition noun
confident adjective
consonants noun
cover noun
danger noun
decision noun
dense adjective
department noun
describe verb
description noun
diet noun
disadvantage noun
dislike verb
dislike noun
diving verb
drown verb
duty noun
e-book reader noun
efficiency noun
enough adverb
eruption noun
even adjective
excellent adjective
exhibition noun
experiment noun
face verb
facilities noun
facility noun
fair (colour) adjective
faith noun
fashionable adjective
fast verb
fasting verb
fisherman noun
fit adjective
fitness noun
fix verb
flame noun
float verb
folk noun
fond adjective
forecast noun
foul verb
freeze verb
frequently adverb
fresh adjective
friendship noun
full adjective
fun noun
funny (amusing) adjective
generous adjective
get off (e.g. a bus) phrasal verb
get on (e.g. plane); instructions phrasal verb
god noun
good value adjective
government noun
graph noun
habit noun
half noun
half-term noun
hardworking adjective
health noun
healthy adjective
heavy adjective
height noun
helmet noun
helpful adjective
hill noun
hope verb
horn noun
housework noun
how far phrase of far
ice noun
ill adjective
in case phrase of case
information noun
injure verb
injury noun
insect noun
invitation noun
Japanese adjective
jet noun
journey noun
kind adjective
kind noun
koala bear noun
land noun
laugh verb
lazy adjective
leak noun
link verb
locker noun
look after phrasal verb
look for phrasal verb
lose verb
luggage noun
Malaysia noun
married adjective
mat noun
measure noun
mechanic noun
memory noun
message noun
metal noun
mix verb
motorbike noun
nearly adverb
necklace noun
nervous adjective
nine number
noisy adjective
novel noun
object noun
once adverb
only adverb
oryx noun
overweight adjective
pack verb
panel noun
parent noun
passenger noun
past adjective
pasta noun
paste noun
patient noun
peel verb
percentage noun
pilgrim noun
pilgrimage noun
pillar noun
pipe noun
plan verb
point noun
poor adjective
possible adjective
practise verb
pray verb
prayer noun
prefer verb
prepared adjective
prize noun
probable adjective
profession noun
prophet noun
protect verb
protein noun
quarter noun
questionnaire noun
race noun
railway noun
rarely adverb
reach verb
ready adjective
refusal noun
refuse verb
regularly adverb
replace verb
rest verb
review noun
rink noun
route noun
salary noun
sauce noun
scooter noun
service (room service) noun
sharp adjective
ship noun
signal noun
silver noun
sink verb
skating verb
slip verb
smoke noun
solar adjective
speed noun
spice noun
staff noun
standard adjective
step verb
straight adjective
strong adjective
successful adjective
such as phrase
sword noun
tasty adjective
teapot noun
teenage adjective
tent noun
terminal noun
third number
toothache noun
torch noun
tower noun
town noun
tractor noun
train verb
turbine noun
turn down phrasal verb
twice adverb
untidy noun
untidy adjective
until preposition
vowels noun
wasteful adjective
water verb
waterproof noun
wave noun
weigh verb
weight noun
wide adjective
width noun
wildlife noun
winner noun
without preposition
wooden adjective
worried adjective
worry verb
young adjective
zero number
Lift Off 5 SBWB
Word Part of Speech Picture (MOE to add)
academy noun
achiever noun
across preposition
address noun
adventurous adjective
advice noun
afford verb
against preposition
along preposition
although conjunction
aluminium noun
ambassador noun
ankle noun
annoying adjective
Argentina noun
arrange verb
as well as phrase
atmosphere noun
average adjective
background adjective
barrel noun
beans noun
beat (win) verb
become verb
below preposition
billion number
boxing verb
brain noun
break down phrasal verb
brick noun
bridge noun
calligraphy noun
calm adjective
camp noun
capital noun
cell noun
champion noun
chief noun
circuit noun
clear adjective
collapse verb
collect verb
collection noun
communicate verb
company noun
complex adjective
complicated adjective
compulsory adjective
concrete noun
condition noun
connect verb
consider verb
construct verb
contact verb
convert verb
cost noun
cost verb
crowd noun
culture noun
deal with phrasal verb
death noun
decide verb
design verb
develop verb
diabetes noun
difficulty noun
diplomat noun
dirty adjective
disabled adjective
discovery noun
discuss verb
disease noun
distance noun
double verb
dream noun
dream verb
during preposition
Ecuador noun
edit verb
edition noun
educational adjective
electrical adjective
emotion noun
energetic adjective
enjoyable adjective
expectancy noun
experience noun
expression noun
extraordinary adjective
fact noun
factory noun
fall over phrasal verb
fat noun
favourable adjective
feeling noun
fight (fought) verb
formal adjective
frightened adjective
furniture noun
futurologist noun
galaxy noun
gap noun
general adjective
generation noun
get on (a bus) phrasal verb
get rid of phrasal verb
give (someone) a lift phrase
glove noun
goods noun
great grandparents noun
hate noun
hate verb
healthcare noun
heart noun
heirlooms noun
hero noun
hostel noun
however adverb
icy adjective
ignore verb
immediately adverb
improve verb
increase verb
India noun
industry noun
insect noun
intermediate adjective
jealous adjective
jungle noun
junk food noun
keep in touch phrase
kimono noun
landfill noun
lap noun
leather noun
lie (on something) verb
lonely adjective
madam noun
manage (succeed) verb
marry verb
material noun
mean adjective
medal noun
medical adjective
meeting noun
memory noun
mental adjective
mine verb
minus preposition
model noun
movement noun
mud noun
narrow adjective
negative adjective
nerve noun
nomadic adjective
notice noun
nuts (food) noun
offer verb
official noun
on the other hand phrase
organ noun
overseas noun
own verb
Pakistan noun
parking space noun
particular adjective
peaceful adjective
peas noun
physical adjective
podcast noun
Pole noun
positive adjective
practice noun
prediction noun
prefer verb
prepare verb
print verb
profile noun
pronounce verb
proofread verb
protective adjective
protein noun
punctuate verb
purse noun
put away phrasal verb
raise verb
rapid adjective
ravine noun
reason noun
recently adjective
record noun
relax verb
remote adjective
repair verb
reply verb
request noun
resource noun
result noun
roundabout noun
satellite noun
scout noun
set out phrasal verb
shelf noun
simple adjective
situation noun
ski verb
smile verb
smoking verb
solution noun
sound noun
sound verb
specialist noun
spend (time) verb
sportsman noun
stamp noun
steal verb
steel noun
stranger noun
suggest verb
sunshade noun
surprised adjective
survival noun
swap verb
switch on/off phrasal verb
system noun
technician noun
tell off phrasal verb
texting verb
theatre noun
through preposition
tone noun
topic noun
trouble noun
trouble verb
turn verb
turning noun
unfavourable adjective
vegetables noun
Venezuela noun
viewer noun
visitor noun
vitamin noun
voice noun
washing up verb
wave verb
weak adjective
website noun
whole grains noun
x-ray noun
Yemeni adjective
youth noun
Lift Off 6 SBWB
Word Part of Speech Picture (MOE to add)
achieve verb
adopt verb
adult noun
advertise verb
advertisement noun
alarm noun
ambition noun
analyse verb
announce verb
apartment noun
apology noun
as (when) conjunction
as soon as phrase
aspirin noun
astronaut noun
attractive adjective
authority noun
base verb
beggar noun
biology noun
blog noun
board verb
bottle verb
bottom noun
bring up phrasal verb
broadcast verb
bulb (electric) noun
calligrapher noun
carpet noun
carve verb
cause noun
causeway noun
celebrate verb
cement noun
certain (sure) adjective
championship noun
channel (TV) noun
cheque noun
clinic noun
cloak noun
coach noun
coast noun
comment noun
compress verb
conclusion noun
container noun
contribution noun
control verb
craft verb
craftsman noun
crash verb
crescent adjective
cultural adjective
culture noun
customers noun
cyclist noun
damage verb
damage noun
damaged adjective
dawn noun
décor noun
decorate verb
degree noun
depart verb
detect verb
determined adjective
device noun
discount noun
dishonest adjective
distant adjective
district noun
dive noun
dive verb
doctorate noun
drill verb
DVD noun
eBay noun
entry noun
equal adjective
equip verb
evaporate verb
examine verb
expedition noun
explanation noun
explored adjective
export verb
express adjective
express noun
extremely adverb
factual adjective
faith noun
fast noun
fee noun
female adjective
festival noun
flow verb
forward noun
foul noun
foul verb
furthermore adverb
give up phrasal verb
goalkeeper noun
goods noun
head for phrasal verb
herd noun
hit verb
honest adjective
humanitarian noun
individual noun
inhabitant noun
injection noun
insincere adjective
instead of adverb
instruction noun
irrigate verb
islander noun
item noun
journalist noun
label noun
laboratory noun
lack noun
lens noun
lift noun
lightning noun
live adjective
locate verb
male adjective
mammal noun
manufacture verb
mark (trace) noun
match (fire) noun
mathematics noun
microphone noun
migrate verb
mineral noun
moreover adverb
motor noun
natural adjective
navigation noun
neighbour noun
nest noun
nil noun
obey verb
object noun
observe verb
ocean noun
offer verb
Olympic noun
once adverb
ordinary adjective
organisation noun
original adjective
orphanage noun
over (finished) adjective
Pacific noun
pastime noun
path noun
patience noun
performer noun
personally adverb
platform noun
plough noun
possibility noun
potter noun
present verb
pressure noun
printing press noun
product noun
progress verb
promise verb
proofreader noun
pump verb
purpose noun
puzzle noun
raise (money) verb
range noun
receiver noun
record verb
recover verb
reduce verb
re-equip verb
referee noun
refine verb
release verb
remote (machine) noun
report verb
report noun
reporter noun
responsibility noun
re-train verb
rock noun
row noun
scales (machine) noun
screen noun
search verb
second-hand adjective
secretary noun
section noun
self-control noun
separate verb
separate adjective
servant noun
sew verb
share verb
shopping mall noun
shoulder noun
sign verb
similar adjective
sincere adjective
single adjective
sink noun
site noun
skill noun
sledge noun
soap noun
soccer noun
society noun
soil noun
source noun
specialist noun
statue noun
sticky tape noun
store noun
storm noun
stream noun
submarine noun
suffer verb
sunset noun
supporter noun
surface noun
survive verb
tablet noun
tactics noun
tag noun
tailor noun
take place phrasal verb
takeaway noun
task noun
team noun
teamwork noun
term noun
terrible adjective
Thailand noun
threat noun
timekeeper noun
together adjective
top noun
transfer verb
transmit verb
transmitter noun
transport verb
trap verb
travellers noun
treatment noun
truck noun
underground adjective
United States noun
unless conjunction
useful adjective
vaccination noun
volcanic adjective
voyage noun
warning noun
Wi-Fi noun
wish noun
wolf noun
x-ray noun
zoom verb

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