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and easy chapter of reasoning
"Classification is one of the most important
are askedfrom this chapter."
test. In the entrance examinations, 3-5 questions


into a class or group on
Classification involves putting various objects/things
certain common properties and then find out the
odd object/thing from the group.
letters and numerals. în these questions,
In this chapter, the questions are based on words,
of which one does not belong to the group.
four elements are given, out

The candidate is required to find the 'odd one.

Classification may be broadly divided into the following four types
(i) Number Classification
(i) Word Classification
(ii) Letter Classification
(iv) Mixed Classification

Word Classification
en in which all the words except one are
four words i
In word classification, a group of
manner. The candidates has to identify
the odd word
related to one another in a particular
the word classification is generally
that does not to the group. The relationship among
based on the following.
Antonym of words
Synonym ofwords
EXAMPLE1 Choose the odd word. (c) Scooter (d) Jeep
(b) Bus
(a) Car
four wheelers.
Answer (C) All except 'Scooter' are

Number Classilication
the numbers or group of numbers. The
therc is a similarity among
In number classification, ot numbers which docs not belong to the
odd number or group
candidate has to identify the
based on the following similarities.
The number classification is generally
Square and of a number
square root
Cube and cube root of a
Even and odd number

Prime number
Divisibility test ofa number
EXAAAMLE 2 Choose the number which is
from others. difference
(a) 25

( ) l6
(d) Except 18, all others are
numbers (5)= 25, (3) = 9, (4) = 16square of
(b) 9
(d) 18
There areseveral types of QUESTIONS5
classification in different questions that can be asked on
discussed below. categories. Some of the types are
etter Classitication
In letter classification,
ser classi there is a
Type 1 Choosing the Odd Word/Letter/
theletters in the
similarity or pattern Letter's Group/Number
a1ong group and the candidate In this type of
w identily the pattern and; select the has problems, four
not follow
the comm
one which
does numbers are
given. They words/letters/letters group/
pattern in the group. The the odd one. You have some common features except
ationship amongithe letters is based are
required to find the 'odd
on the one out.
following EXAMPLE 5 Find the odd word.
Position of letters (a) Square
(c) Rectangle (b) Sphere
Vowel and consonant
Solution (b) All (d) Circle
Reverse order of letters except sphere are two
dimensional figures. -

Addition or Multiplication of position EXAMPLE

(a) 1444
6 Find the number which is
different from others.
EKAMPLE3 Choose the odd one. (c) 85900 (b) 1553
(a) LNJ
(b) RTP Solution (b) All (d) 1984
(c) NPK
except '1553' are even
(d) FHD EXAMPLE 7Choose the odd one.
Solution (c) As,
(a) MTF
(b) SLE
(c) RKD
Solution (a) Here, the letter's (d) UNG
groups follow below pattern.
9 12

FH D 18 11

early,letters group NPK follows
ence. NPK does not belong to thedifferent pattern from others.
Except MTE, all
others follow similar
group. pattern. So, letters
Mixed Classification group MTF is different from
Tixed classification the combination of both Type 2 Choosing the Odd Pair of
and numbers
are given as
the Numbers Words/
tnts i.e.
letters and numbers
elements. All the
In this
follow a certain type of questions, different
on pattern but one element classified on the pairs o words numbers are
at Common pattern. does not basis of some common
folow like names, features
places, uses, situations, origin,
operations etc.
ofndidatehas EXAMPLE8 Choose the odd pair.
to find
s out the odd element
ern can pattern.
on the
(a) Broad : Wide
(b) Light : Heavy
be based on pos (c) Tiny: Small (d) Big: Large
inEnglish alphabet. positional values of Solution (b) Light is antonym of heavy. But in
other pairs. words are

C3 the odd one.
EXAMPLE9 Choose the odd pair
T9 (b) H8 (a) 21 24
Phtin nHere, (c) 14: 16
(b) 28 32
Here (d) N14 (d) 54 62
So. T19 i positional value of the given 287.14
odd one, letettersof s Solution (d) Here, 2 , nd 4
since the 24 8
positional value 32 8 16
Clearly 54:62 is ditterent from others
8 62 31
Direetions (Q Nos 1-20) Inthe following questions three out of
the four alternatives are same in a certain way and so form a
group. Pind the odd one that does not heong to the group.
15. (a) TPLI
(c) RNJF
(b) YUQM
(d) sOKJ
16. (a) MORV
(b) CEHL
1. (a) Huge (b) Tiny (c) CENT
(d) JLOS
(c) Heavy (d) Small 17. (a) dcba
2. (a) Ring
(b) zyxw
(b Tyre c) srpq (d) hgfe
(c) Plate (d) Bangle 18. (a) DACB (b) EBCD
3. (a) Shimla (b) Ooty (c) SPOR (d) XUVW
(c) Darjeeling (d) Agra 19. (a) HKI (b) UXV
4. (a) Swimming (b) Sailling (c) CFD
c) Diving (d) MQN
(d) Driving 20. (a) BdEg
5. (a) Blackmail (b) PrSu
(b) Smuggling (c) KmNp
(c) Snobbery (d) TwXz
(d) Forgery
Directions (Q. Nos 21-25) In each of
6. (a) Rigveda
(b) Yajurveda the
four pairs of words are given out of these following
(c) Atharveda (d) Ayurveda does not bear the common words Dai
7. (a) Carpenter relationship which best h
(b) Goldsmith are required to find that odd pair. bear. Y
(c) Blacksmith (d) Driver 21. (a) Death: Disease (b) Milk: Butter
8. (a) 68 (b) 85 (c) Grape : Wine (d) Water : Oxygen
(c) 153 (d) 174 22. (a) Oil: Lamp (b) Water : Tap
9. (a) 240 (b) 304
(c) 272
(c) Oxygen: Life (d) Power : Machine
(d) 210
23. (a) Circle: Arc (b) Line: Dot
10. (a) (29,31)
(b) (47, 49) (c) Hexagon : Angle
(c) (5,7) (d) (11, 13)
(d) Square Line
24. (a) Hard: Soft
11. (a) 14, 17, 23 (b) Pointed: Blunt
(b) 19, 22, 28 (c) Sweet: Sour
(c) 17, 20, 26 (d) 21, 23, 30 (d) Long- High
25. (a) Petrol - Car
12. (a) 4867 (b) Electricity Television
(b) 5555

(c) Ink - Pen

(c) 6243 (d) 6655 (d) Dust -Vaccum Cleaner
13. (a) 1625 Directions (Q. Nos 26-28) Choose the odd
(b) 3649 in each of the following numbers pairlgroup
(c) 6481 (d) 5025 questions.
14. (a) 46, 57 26. (a) 80-9 (b) 64-8
(b) 38, 49 (c) 36-6 (d) 4
(c) 41, 52 27. (a) 1-1 (b) 9-729
(d) 64, 73 (c) 7-343 (d) 1-100
28. (a) 547-563
(b) 71-55 (c) 517-523 (d) 248-231

d 4
11d 7 d 8
21 22 b
d14 d15 C
16 17 18
c24 d25 26
a27 d28
a 19 d 20 d

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