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� Admission Tech

'lfllll : �o� -" 't -��
13. �'-<!ll!�i�'ffll �1-
A.;rn� 'Ulll ffl
B.'111'1 �� <llfll
(MCQ11ll�) 14. '�'Ulll"lm�C<l<l'-<!ll!<!l�-�'41ll�1li'l�I-
[�\!)��mtt'llll���t'll��<!I�· A.'ll�l<IP'I B.�
;��"'111A"ffl�'lt�J] C. 'Ulll'll'I D. 'Ulllm
15. ·�· � ll�>mi-� �1-
-.n�� A.H � B.�+%1/
01. "m'-C"I�" ���'I WI!·
C. �
D.,i� �'"
16. '��WC"!--·

�,Nill 'l.•U�leii �� -
02. ·�· <tt1�mm'f'!-<!1�-<!lltll ��- C.��11 D.�
A.1l1'i1ll c'l�rlil B. 1l1'i1ll Clrnllh Answer: I.B 2.B 3. B 4.C 5. D 6.D 7. C 8.C 9.C
C.�'l!§t D.1Tillfll� 10.B I I.B 12.A 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. A
03. 'A bolt from the blue'- <!ll 'fllt� �t� � �1- General English
A. 1Ri � \!)\!) ;ii a.M·n M� 1'@� l. Choose the sentence with the correct 1iunctuation.
C.'1119!1C'I �� Ii� D.�l Cl1!\tl!l �� A. My aunt who lives in Sylhet, is a doctor.
04. �11· "!00 ,,,u�n,. B. My aunt, who lives in Sylhet, is a doctor.
ti'lWfll" B.t� C. My aunt, who lives in Sylhet is, doctor.
C.� D.�'!i D. My aunt, who lives in Sylhet is a doctor.
05. -�.. �� ��� � �� ,ir,i � 2. Change into reported form: She said to me, 'Why
�C'ltll�- don't you come on Monday?'
A.� B.� A. She told me to not go on Monday.
C.-t� D... B. She said me why did not she go on Monday.
06. 'll!All����1lllt'l'-��G'l�fl- C. She asked me why I did not go on Monday.
A. �9,,1 B.� D. She asked me not to go that day.
c. � D.W"f� 3. Coleridge's poem "The Rime of the Ancient
07. �'1l�- Mariner" is a-
� B.�ffet A. lyric B.sonnet
C.��"J D.� C. ode D. ballad
08. '<1>�' 'I� ���i- 4. The poet WiUiam Blake has compared the
A. � B.� schoolboy to-
C. iffll"l'S� D.l!f'1'8� A. a prisoner B. a great scholar
09. '!'OJ'$� -tic"t �'Ill���- C. a caged bird D. a brave warrior
A. "!'fl B.��- 5. In the sentence, 'The rescuers snatched the
C. Oi?lf'tll D.�-ill� children from a perfect storm'; the bold-faced
10. ''8 � � �1 � mi 'i!IMI? mi 'i!IMI 'lllf'lltl"!t>tt1 phrase means-
�� �. � ofl'G��· � ffl�- A. gusty wind B. the worst situation
A. �qjt9fral B.• C. grave illness D. a great challenge o.m 6. The word 'Emancipation' means-
11. � WII-Qil�, �. �I <!I ffl�' - � Wll-clitll �1- A. advocate B.liberation
A. ('l!l[ilfOO( B.ilfqC'tll C.engage D. portrait
C.� D.>!_'R� Fill in the ga1is (7-8):
12. �Ni(IC>tll <!l+$J<l 'l1'li! �R �'8 � <lim 7. We have not been given unpdate on the
m1$Jffl"li��� patient's condition.
A.�eii,,1 B.�-�W A.some B.none
c.�� C. any D.much
D. fff#i

f Admission Tech
� Admission Tech

8. There is a liberation sculpture - Arts building 04. ·�· =lli1 C'I "'� � roar ,,..,-�
of the University of Dhaka. ('Refugee' problelm is more closely related to)­
A. before 8. in front of
C. beside D. at the back A. ""'"1%1¾ (UNDP)
9. 'People lauded Mandela's humanity, kindness 8. �t"""'Wi"' (UNFPA)
and dignity'. Io this sentgence, the present form C. �"""'�-mr� (UNHCR)
of the bold-faced word is- D. ��"" (TUCN)
A. laudc 8. led
D. laud 05. 'lt(;ffel Ulloilu<ol41<'1• 'l,"1� ,i:ca,t (The fundamental
C. lead
10. The word 'Diaspora' is related to- base of the Bengali nationalism is)-
A. appearance 8. concentration A. "'1.,M�I (regionalism)
C. entrance D. migration B. 11>1 (religion)
11. Choose the best interrogative form of: 'Everyone C. "lltaf.ilf<il (politics)
hates acid-throwing.'
A. Do anyone like acid-throwing? D. ..,I'll <l ,;,� (language and culture)
B. Is there anyone who can hate acid-throwing? 06. 'll�"ll<'it"AI "ltfi;lfl'! .!f'ill'l ,:,fii� "l'l"lt"' "� (The
C. Who docs accept acid-throwing? only woman member of the Constitution Drafting
D. Docs anyone like acid-throwing? Committee of Bangladesh was)-
12, An elected member can take the decision. The bold­ A. "'1t-llll111 ('l'fll (Anwara Begum)
faced word is used as a/an- B. 'l)i,111 -I>! (Suliak Kamal)
A. verb B. adverb
C. conjunction D. adjective C. � "'lt(<!Ml al'[ill (Sycda Sajcda Chowdhury)
13. Choose the correct spelling from the following. D. �-"-�- •�t "'1<>lll � (U.A.B Razia Aktcr Banu)
A. Assurance B. Asurrance 07. � '11 G'!t"lll "l("I (Greenland is a prt of)--
C. Assurrancc D. Assu.rrcncc A. 1<>llii! (USA) ., 8. '(Denmark)
14. The synonym of the wo,·d 'Original' is- C. am"lltl (Russia) D. '!lWCl! (Norway)
A. amusing 8. artificial 08. �"11<.'it"lll '11 "f.!I �..t w.. 'It'! "'tll m (The
C. true D. accumulate
ethnic minority o Ban'lli'des who do not 1.ive in
15. 'Shubho ate four pieces of Hilsha fish at dinner.' Sylhet is)-
The passive form of the sentence is - .,y ·
A. 'l11>rn1 (Khasia) _ 8. '1IJI (Patra)
A. Four pieces of Hilsha fish at dinner were ate by C. -ef<l,ffe (Monipuri' D. "ll!'�Jt (Tanchangya)
�- At dinner f<;,ur piCCC$ QfHilsha fish Shu\>hQ ate. 09. -att>t • 'i"I'" ,i. '11.'1 I{"' (The 'Blue-economy' is
C. F��r !,� ��� ofHilsha fish were eating by Shubho mainly ,·elated to}--
, A. ��"i (climate) B. ,� (agriculture)
D. At dinner four pieces ofHilsha fi. h we e eaten by ...C. 'tlll�f<il (gco-politics) D. 'l',!I (ocean)
16. Orpheu's parents were-
10. Q.t•'lt-'1![ffli• """,t'" "" (- is not included in
A. Apollo and Muse Calliope -.. Hotspot technology}-
B. Jupiter and Athena A. C'<iji1!<1 ,:,;i;, (Cellular phone) B. <l11fl->1tl (\ViFi)
C. Hercules and Athena C. 'G111l 'lll'll (Wimax) D. "l'!"lvfit (NFC)
D. Venus and Apollo 11. 'llf.'l!tllt"ll! >!<l'I '1� � "1ll1'I (The duration of
Answer : I. B 2.C 3. D 4.C 5. B 6.B .C 8. 8 9.D the Seventh Five-year plan of Bangladesh is}-
10.D I 1.D 12. D 13. A 14. C 15.D 16. A A. '>,O)O-'>,O)Q (2010-2015)
�tfl;j"<t � General Knowledge B. '>,O)(HO'>,O (2015-2020)
C. '>,o'>,o-'>,o-xa (2020-2025)
01. 'll�"llt'lt"lll 11!1'"'11 �� f.itn C'l<lt"II mtt< (The D. '>,O)�-'>,O'>,O (2016-2020)
followings are in the national emblem of
Bangladesh) 12. �l{'lifo;f,J"'-..,fii;"'{6;;/f,r,fu,rm,91fill>f1'r"1'm'!(The
A. 'ff'!, '11'1, 'N'f'IT (paddy, betel leaf,water lily) Liberation War film titled Chitra nodir pare is
B. "1'l, '!ff;, 'N'f'!l (paddy,jutc,water lily) directed by)-
C. "1'l, 'If'!, '1� (paddy, betel leaf.jute)
D. �.'11'1, •n'ft'IT (jute, betel leaf, water lily)
02. -l!ll �'11im 'Ill (- is not an element of dimate}-
ll. �'l.'I =
A. ��,(Nasir Uddin Yusuf)
(Shabidul Alam)
C. ,o�ll "1Fli1C"ll"f (Tanvir Mokammcl)
A. Ol'l (Cloud) B. 'l',!iQ!tl!> (Humidit) D. � 'l1Wi (Tracque Masud)
C. ,rrt (Air) D. "10\01 (Humidity) 13. ,nl!ffel 1ll11ioit � 'l'l1f =1 (The Charter of Freedom
03. SDG-.ii,1 'l,'Rli'f �I (The full form of SDG is)­ for the Bengali nation is)-
A. Successive Developmental Goals A. i;l1 lflft (Six point)
8. Successful Development Goals B. .ii•tm11 lflll1 (Eleven point)
C. Substantial Developmental Goals C. � '11m '51'!� (7"' March speech)
D. Sustainable Developmental Goals D. xl <fl1I (21 point)


f Admission Tech
� Admission Tech

14. � "I-.$ "'l'f ;i<fll<f ,w,t (One of the majo,· 2 4. �'JPR "'IIFff •f-1,n ITT<S-1' � ('Shikha
causes of monetary inflation is)- Chiranton', a symbol of the liberation war is
A. i!�'fl'r-1 (production) located at)-
B. "N�lf.i (import) A. om ,:,,.;,, (Dhaka Cantonment)
B. <f!Oil'J:tll (Gazipur)
C. �<11f.l (export) C. ,sCO'J;f:11 (Hchcrpur)
D. W• C'll'll'I � (increasing supply of money) D. C'll�l<l� �JfC'I (Suhrawardy Uddyan)
IS. '>.o)l> 'llt'TII �'! �Ill ·c:rm � 'IJ�:1\r;,i�· f.t� 25. ,n�o,111 t1i1G"l-fimttlil ,t<(IT 'l"i?i �� � (The
'<'I ('Player of the Toui·namen' in the World Cup first anti-Bl'itish a1·med resistance movement in
Cricket 2019 was)- Bengal is)-
A. Clot� "1'11 (Rohil Sharma) A. Pl'IT� RC!!I� (Sepony Mutiny)
B. � "II'! �'ff'! (Shakib Al Hasan) B. 1>mi-'l;mlli �(Fakir and Sannyasi Rebellion)
C. C'l" 1%r� ( Ben Stokes) C. ��(Indigo Revolt)
D. ,.,., �1'11ir-Pf'l (Ken Williamson) D. V-<ltlloil "111:'lf"l'l (Faraizi Movement)
26. '>.o)lr '!It'll "II� cate<l"I '.Ill= c<m� mfim '{ll1'1 "l'lt­
16. 'lll(ill '1�11' "'� l(t'II (The highest law of the state is)- ( l n 2018, the Nobel Peace P.-ize has been
A. ,ffef,I l"te&'li 1!Tll (The highest law of the state is) awarded to Nadia Murad and-)
B. 'lll'l'llii � (The governmental decree) A. r,sf.<,t � (Denis Mukwegc)
C. 'IT��""� (The constitutional law) B. t'SR1 �'ll!ll5 (Donna Strickland)
D. �·11>1far<1 �>WI (The administrative regulations) C. "J:lll'i 'ff'lcill'I (Juan Santos)
17. •,m C'l,ttt:1-lil>lm;, � C'l�U;:i�. � C'l'llvl "'l'IV'l'­ D. � l>rolt'II (Liu Xiaobo)
27. �t'I � � l!1'l'I � '(m' R1 t �'Ill:"'
C'l "llt"lf'ltml cm<rm ('Where knowledge is limited,
intellect is inert, freedom is impossible'- is the � "'"' (The highest ,·anked countrr in the
world, as per the human dev lopment mdex of
slogan of)- UN,is -)
A...r,n "'11:'ll"l'l (Language Movement) A. >J:� (Sweden) 8..�- · • (United Kingdom)
B. ��, "1C"ll'I, (Education Movement) C. "11<lt1l (Norway) D-'-flim'[< (Singapore)
C. � � _, (Movement for rfrcedom ofin1cllec1) 2 8. �1f,i,J '(1-1 •,m,n.n• � ()"he historical place
D. <1<1a11lJ �,..,r., (People's Theatre Movement 'Karbala' is situatc,1:iit)-
18. ''J:"lr>r.1' '111!<!$ '161<(1! 'l'!Wol 'JC'J (The concept 'Good A. "1<ol\l (Qatar) ,<§t B. �•R (Iran)
Governancf was first introduced l;,y)- , C. ftllso (Kuwait) D. UFJ (Iraq)
l'\.!li�nitcd Nations) 8. "1-rofo (SNDP) Answer· : 1,8 2. B 3.D 4.C 5.D 6. D 7. 8 8.D 9. D I0.
C. f.=� (World Bank) D. "1l"l'l"I (IMF) A 11 D 12.C 13. A 14. D 15. D 16. C 17. C 18.C 19.D
19. �-(111'5-"I '11t:"f.ll'I �-"111 'l�<IJT �1 (T e number of 20A 21.C 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26.A 27.C 28D
functional keys used in a keyboard is)- (fil�'l5!�"1)
A. ):.@(9) B. )o!G (10) "f'rll: So fiif.w <j_<nll'I: 8<!
C. ))@(II) D. HID(l2) <ft�'l>ft
20. t1itll= .fl<(IT ��Pl��"' �1'1tlf I. �� � <ll'I� f.\tR .fl:/Gt"!Fll ('r'-11) m '!1<3: '>..<!XS=)o
(The first public museum of Britain is founded in 11<111l �I� 'Ill I '51 Rl'<>•lfil '!Clllll1<3 ()f "1'1" 'l'llC'it 'If I
the Uni,•ersity of)- ,•�e<>1mr C<><>tll �"' �w"' <11"'>lln,s "''"' sol� ,,.,,"1
A. '51'1"1�(Oxford) �., � "11 '*'""1mr ;ion, � �� � , "' �.
B. <>J� (Cambridge) ffl '11Cll "1V1 .r"I�, �'111 mr .. 1 C'm1 '!if.t �
C. ,ma� (Manchester) � '>'t!l'J C'l>WI "' m&�C'IC'f I � 'fl"t'l 'fll'I '111, �'"'

21. ·=·
D. 'ltiliWll (Birmingham)
'10,1.'5 C'IAITV mfl-'.(1l't'lll-� ('Gender' is
defined as-difference between male and female)-
C<,7'! RI 'f!A(so·G 'Inf 'URI? so1t" RI �'ot C'!"!lttll.?
'f(ffl� �I('>�(<raf(>l.;J, "I "'"11�1 "1'1'<, '1if<S �<11
�. 'URI l'afo!l,"tfii 'l.1ir"i,- <3C'l1 ('01 "Ir;,,,,, t;fh "1(�
� (biological) 8. � (social) ""1, "lC'l'<' �so I ffl C<��,:il sol(<> R' ¥ ""1c<I '11�1
C. ?<lf.i-.< (sexual) D. ,'Jal>!'<' (mental)
,.,ia,, 'IC'l 'IC<l �? �a:i, "'""'1 - "<'t1 m'Gr C"N­
�m � ""'1 �-� s,;f'I I f«:11 (ll��ctlr �t1' �
22. �-lr �1.. "!1'61G C'!t"tlt "I-.$ 'll'l111<f ?alr!W) lW1I .m � <l'II �� "I� �,�1'6 Clft'I flmt � <>R'!f3: "1
'l'lil: (A common feature of the E-8 countries is <JC1C'ltl
that they all are)- �) � c,o,! 'l'IC'<> � ,:l\ C'lf"1cal 'W�I
A. "1-lirn "1"1 (Asian countries) W<>1t: �or� C'-01!! '<'It"' �""1• ""'-.r• -.<<11 � !!'Clltl! ,
B. �co11ihi "1"1 (European countries) """"1 � '11il � � '5IRI � �"""""' �T,;t I )1,�)
C. 9ffiiw1 'i."'l<Jl';il ('i"I(Environment polluting countries) 'lll:'l >i<li>I �l'li1111 <!ll:'it'lll �1i"1ll ,lW1! 'lla:J f.;r­
D. �:it,i C'i'I (Developing countries) >it>:F<J "1lll�ill f.\t!l M"11'1 <!IR·<!'IR 'If� 'It'�� - "'l
23. 'fP!ffe,,� <tf<imtlflf � ,w,1 (The helpline of >!l'f) �Ill! 'Rlll CM<!<tl � � (0'°"1 I '5IRI ;tf.i;=
resisting child marriage is)- "'� lf.t-<> "'11 �" ('I 2M• "'� C<fl"f:ihi Coe<f�<f .,,.
B. )°" (I 03 ) i!'lt1 � '!IF!1l 'il'i C'l• '5IRI ' 'I'!! � I isioi'!'l' ''1(,J
A. )01> (I 09) ,��1 ml C'l, �on, C,07'! '!'IC'<> � 'IC'>'il Ch"1C'l' C<lilllc-ll
C. 1,1,1, (999) D. '°""" (333)

f Admission Tech
� Admission Tech

<1) "':tCl<o.c'i '!I'!� '<ifil', "[<II!>'- 'l<l 'ir,; "!lf<.<>1f.l ,i1f(:it.. $!> 4. '!!'Ill '11!'1 'R: )xa=a
'l'Oll:'I'• t.,·lll 'ifi!.,f,n, ,,i� '!� =; �? '!>C<fr<-1= "'di! 1r:il'!fll('fll >il'OI '!>C"lm � C'!M ,
,:.,,11, "'� '!ITI;<> <ifil, �"' "f<l ij)i) ('l,r(<R <n�t'fil �C\ONlil<ll'l'l�-��.
$!> R1'lll, 1!1'1, �,... 'l<ffil �� '!� ,m, , "'1'l!t'RI '1'11 ,:s:fq;i1�= G11,n,11 G1M•n'ftllC'f1:I ��,�PU ��RI �1 C',:,m � 1
'1',Srot"lf 131�,pf R'5il ""11 "lllllt'lll l'R'I·� io9RI, "Ill! .,,c,,1 \t1JC4iq - >il�lt=Gi4 '{61JC<l]q qem1 41'41 i;!;f%i6I
"I� 'l<l&OO 'f'l'M.,fl!-,r -.,r,r('I '11i!l"f '51$1� "'Ill "1'1-1- '""'llli! = ""'"""""-''•,,..mar� lt'J �- C'r'J<lll '<>Cll 1
="1<!'SA"1tl; 'l1it'3 =��
·�fll '11'3" <ll'!t-�1'r <ll'1'l '11'3" '1'"1 � 'll�
"51<1'!�- ..� '!Ill
'l'l'r"�• -..r11t<f '!l'l'J �&��I lff1f -'!'>l'l!f'u >fl•r,r<f "lsf
General English
Write a paragraph by analyzing the significance
or Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's
'!�- - �� ll1'1, C"l'l<>"'sf � ffl I Historic Speech or 7" March 1971. 10
<1 ) ill�, .ii>.;;:si\l ,,,-c,1 f1mi .\ii ..r,<'frl! C>J "'Cll� ,· Answc,·· The his1oric 7" March Speech of
�"1�"fll�? Bangabandhu is a speech delivered by the founding
�., fll,r;i, .ii� Cll't,1� '1!t'l f,m, ..,c,,� "1 <ro!(lo" father of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, at the
io�• "1�"f>J '!'1� .ii'<_ c,f'o_:!�fu '1''1'4 ��I.. �,II• '>C<1 then Ramna Racecourse ground (now Suhrawardy
<>lC<O' <ll.,,.., �Nffil '1<!l ('i'IICll/! I '1l! �f;.ot'I' Udyan) in Dhaka to a gathering of over twenty
thousand people on 7 March 197 I. It was the core

"'� <>ffC6'i! I <lllli'I) 'I'� '1--' "1SC"fl! l'illlril 'fl!(lo .ill:J (� inspiration of our liberation war. During the speech,
QI <ll- �l'lffil C<fl'll'I' ,rn <ll<!S c-,,i; ,n� Bangabandhu declared in a thunderous voice that
���dl'!. "'1'llll1 ,,.,,., "!ml lo� "The struggle, 1his time, is for our freedom; the
� "1�"fll "� ffltl< I fight, this time, is for our independence." It was
delivered during a period of escalating tensions
'l)�'�'R'C'lll·'!tll�-"1'1'=111'l I between East (now Bangladesh) and West Pakistan.
io<>'!I: w�'f,4 Cifl!'lC<lliJfll <ll'!'.,-1 .,,fi;,•"1'1, ""1Titll• !.ll'('I; Pakistani military rulers refused to transfer the
C'lla;t• 1 f.i� �,. "ll'lltll >r�rlil. ��� power to Bangabandhu, whose pan)' Awami League
- mfiiw>'IT<f-�rm � m i.�, �<f gained the majorit)' by "'inning I 6 , .. f the I 69 seats
�� <ll- <> • I 00('1'$$ � allotted 10 East Pakistan and a , a1ority of the 313
'R'"'f"l C<flll l>l'l "' . $i>•r�1 "liJ)rl,n f.\cer• "'"' •<! seats in 1hc National Assem y in the general
�� f.t(Jl(!tI cJBI 4>BIC'i CillC<5ill "IC'$ QR� '='ll "'fl� I ';(�lt election of 1970. The Bangalccs were already in
io'ltl!ll =�1 c<IJca> "'1'll<1 .,i'ilr 'l'IC<> "!ml C>J, Cll'o.s�� destitute due to the eco� mic favoritism practiced
·c,r,i �"'I ,ffil,tll1!li1l> �,:,'<'Cl!� I by the West PakistancP,'ulcrs for 23 years. The
2. "l'Pf'!�'IJNJl'l'll: ''l.=a speech ·nspircd them to prepare for a war of
'!')'afaJM�='lil�'f!J,"1�1' inde�ndence amid widespread repons of anned
,t.,11, �·'Ii i�� <t'ilr< ,m,s "!fe'I .'3 � vcli mobilisation by West Pakistan. The Bangladesh
Liberation War began 18 days later, when the
... ,'J.'"'""' "J"'" lo"'"''"'''" """
,rn "'1'>Jll! � "1 'lilll> ,;;ffi "'"" <RC'O "IRI'<> 'l1 Pakistan Anny launched Operation Searchlight
"Ill! <!llf,lJ � G!f0 � � "Ill!'<> • I '511'1•1 >Jf'! C'f1'I "'against Bengali civilians, intellectuals, students and
.,i...,_�?-,.l'!'!l�C'lll! "1W! "1'1C'f '"IC'fil lffl'I \?(.'1 politicians. On 30 October 20 I 7, UNESCO
l5ll1 -<f � <ll,tt'll �'l<f"� "1'lll\l � vt1l f.i I 'l'I recognized the speech as a part of world's
illtll illtll � '!'!i � "'"" 131< "'"' �'"1; 'l,'IJC'l1�. ,. documentary heritage.
'11P.l'Q'filil ....,111Tl "''I>"° <flC<i "If• .ii<l·c>11 "'i'llll! '('Ii"• vd), 6. Fill in each gap of the following passage with
appropriate word (s) from the basket given
'<>l'o_C\Ol��t'l�,��('R'l?q�'f!J"1� I
'l1"""1rr,!l 11'11(!( >Rl'I C"<''<>l'l >Rl'I - ;o;r,;, below: lxS=S
"l""1 "Im!� 'IW!>i"11, lt'J l'!11f.i"l'11<11' pollutes discharges waste free toxic
m: lll4i0,!� �� �� ifJRl, �tGl'll i��"I I �,,:i-01 �Jill, dumped since paid back because of

wl'l 1lf'l1 ,m,i, .,i� 'll1'l'I =��

� ili<f'll'<>I � 'fa <lll.<llta C'lil >R"1 �
<t'I C>< ..,. va "'ITT'
'Gl'llll I ,,,,,., .,;j� � '13 'lll'lt'(4 ",s,m "Ill! � 'lt"il
Dhaka city - the bounty of the river Buriganga by
sucking life out of it. According to newspaper repon,
the Buriganga is dying -pollution. Huge quantities of
lltif:.r�Wflij .!l�t �1'11 � I - chemicals are - into the river every day. The city
3. ��""' a
Kuaka1a is one of the unique tourist spots in - about 4500 tons of solid waste every day and most
Bangladesh. It allows a visitor to watch both the of it is directly released into this river.
sunrise and the sunset from the beach and that Am= paid back, because of, toxic, dumped,
perhaps makes Kuakata one of the world's most discharges.
attTactive beaches. Tbe long and wide bcacb at 7. Make sentence with each of the following words:
Kakata has a typical natural setting. It is also a holy lxS=S
land for several religious communities. Each year Heritage, Empowcnncnt, Hospitality, Fascination,
thousands of devotees come here to attend various Integrate.
festivals. Answer·
\i:<>11: � "1�'11l:'IC•lll <Wll'<>'ll ""'31 <!l'>fi; "l'l'IJ '($;i
Heritage= Sun. darba .ns is a world's heritage.
ll.1il I ,iifj; � ,f- ,� ?>r<O\o C�C'> 'l):'11'i� 'J:'1'1<; io..ll")! C'i'lr< Empowerment= Woman empowerment is very
� "'� .ii�t .,iit �"' 'tllli:t,<' RC� <:JHJ.,,i "'�
�"' "'Ill C\Olt'I I �l'i'Wtll � <ll'!t "1"f<l< ?>r<Jt<>• <ll'!>io needed for Bangladesh.
>fl'ffilq � 'l'llil 11C11C'< I dlf'u f<fa:I � >f"OjliJC1111 """jo Hospitality = They were glad by their hospitality.
'IR<ll '!_RI��· ,0"11'< � 'O'<> � io�>,� ('11<1 liit<!l Fascination= Fascination is a thing which c.,n be d.inger.
\!I�� Integrate= We should integrate all the notes.

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