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Community Empowerment of Ngingit Village, Tumpang District, Malang

Article Number : Regency through Suweg Processed Products in the Framework of Raising
400-1522-2-SM the Existence of Local Food Ingredients Towards a Food Self-Sufficiency
Received :
Accepted :
2022-12-13 Mochammad Yosi Pratiknoi1*, Ani Budi Astuti2, Yasma Aziza Ul Akrimah3,
Published : Endryana Seftyaningtyas4, Siva Nur Alvia5, and Bayu Hangga Trio Eko Putro6
Volume : 08
Issue : 02 1Mathematics, 2Statistics, 3Physics, 4Geophysical
Engineering, 5 Mathematics,
Mounth, Year 6Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
December 2022
pp.1524-1531 Brawijaya, Malang


The problem of food is something that needs to be considered because it will have an impact on all
aspects of the line of life. One of the breakthroughs made to overcome food problems is the Food
Self-Sufficiency Movement, namely maintaining food security with several steps. One of the
programs that support food self-sufficiency is KAMPA (“Gerakan Mandiri Pangan”/ Food
Independece). The purpose of the KAMPA is to provide training to the community on how to process
local food ingredients to make the best possible use of them to meet their nutritional needs. In
addition, CAMPA aims to raise the value of local food ingredients that are still minimal in their use,
one of which is the Suweg plant.This food independent activity was carried out in Ngingit Village in
partnership with PKK. The training was carried out by processing suweg into several preparations
such as cookies, noodles, meatballs and cereals. The method used in this research is Participatory
Action Research (PAR) where the active role of the community is needed for program sustainability.
The results of this program are in the form of several preparations that can be made by partners
and can be developed for the formation of MSMEs so that in the long term food self-sufficiency can
be formed in the region, especially the Ngingit area.

Participatory Action Research (PAR), Suweg, Self-Sufficiency in Food.

INTRODUCTION Food diversification is one way that can be

done to overcome the problem of food security.
Problems regarding food are crucial because
Based on Presidential Regulation number 22 of
they will have an impact on various sectors such
2009 concerning food diversification, each
as health to public welfare. One way that can be
region is expected to be able to develop a food
done to overcome food problems is through
diversity implementation program to implement
strengthening the concept of food self-
food diversification [4]. One area that has the
sufficiency in the community [6]. Food self-
potential for local food ingredients is Ngingit
sufficiency is an effort to meet the food needs of
Village. Ngingit village is one of the villages in
a country's own. According to the World Food
Malang Regency with an area of 80,620 m2 of
and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food self-
rice fields, a residential area of 89,910 m2, and
sufficiency includes four dimensions, namely (i)
an area of 196,670 m2 of fields. Based on the
food availability, (ii) population reach or access
latest data, the population of the village is 4861
to food, (iii) stability of availability and reserves of
people with a livelihood as farmers and seller.
food needs (iv) proper utilization of local food [2]

Journal Of Innovation And Applied Technology
Volume 08, Number 02, 2022
e-ISSN:2477-7951 - p-ISSN:2502-4973

There are several potential rice substitutes in Ngingit Village consists of 30 members and
that are commonly found, namely cassava, corn, several cadres. The majority of PKK members
and suweg. Suweg is one of Indonesia's plant work as food resources. The availability of food
diversity which belongs to the taro family resources in the form of suweg is not balanced
(Araceae). This plant has great potential as an with community knowledge about processing
alternative food ingredient because of some of its methods. Based on a survey conducted, as
contents such as alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, many as 14% of PKK members did not know
proteins, amino acids, sterols, terpenoids, about suweg tubers at all, 82% knew how to
carbohydrates, fats, and oils. In addition, Suweg process suweg only in the form of steamed
also has a high starch content, which is 18.44% preparations, the remaining 4% made it into
with a high amyloprotein content, which is 75.5% several preparations. This shows that the
[3]. In addition, the Suweg plant has several community is still minimally utilizing the suweg
benefits of traditional medicines for anemia, plant to be processed.
bronchitis, asthma, dysentery, as well as being a The KAMPA program provides training in the
medicine for venomous snake bites [1]. form of processing suweg tubers into flour which
However, the suweg plant is still rarely used is then processed into several types of food that
because it contains calcium oxalate which is are in great demand including Cookies, Noodles,
quite high, causing itching. Special treatment is Cereals, and Meatballs. The KAMPA program
needed to reduce the itching caused when aims to provide information on how to process
consuming suweg, one of which is by processing suweg into various processed products that are
Suweg tubers into flour. Suweg has prospects to of interest to the public from early childhood to
be developed into flour through direct processing the elderly and the sustainability of the program
of tubers or starch extraction. Suweg has is expected to be able to shift some of the wheat
properties of 24.5% and high amylopectin 75.5% flour foodstuffs that are difficult to obtain due to
[7]. the climate crisis and global security.
The existence of regional potential that has
not been utilized optimally requires a program to MATERIALS AND METHODS
develop the potential of local food ingredients This study uses the Participatory Action
and community empowerment to strengthen Research (PAR) method, which is community
regional food security. Therefore, a KAMPA service that involves the active role of the
(“Gerakan Mandiri Pangan”/ Food community in its implementation. PAR consists
Independence) program was created, namely of 4 aspects, namely planning (planning), action
community empowerment based on the use of (acting), observation (observing), and reflection
local food ingredients to achieve food self- (reflecting).
sufficiency in villages. Community empowerment Community service carried out includes
is basically a social change strategy carried out socialization, research and mentoring. The
to meet the needs of the community in which in activity begins with researching the condition of
the process the community gets learning so that the community by establishing a baseline from
they can independently make efforts to improve the partner community (PKK Desa Ngingit) for
the quality of life [5]. The context of community further determination of solutions to existing
empowerment in this case is carried out in problems. Then after knowing the right solution,
Ngingit Village, Tumpang District, Malang socialization is carried out to the community
Regency. The group of PKK (Family Welfare where the community is encouraged to carry out
Empowerment) women has the potential to be several solutions offered to continue to be
empowered because they have adequate developed. The purpose of using the PAR
human resources and the availability of the main method is to encourage transformative action or
ingredient, namely suweg plant. The PKK group

Community Empowerment of Ngingit Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency through Suweg Processed Products in the
Framework of Raising the Existence of Local Food Ingredients Towards a Food Self-Sufficiency Village 1525
Journal Of Innovation And Applied Technology
Volume 08, Number 02, 2022
e-ISSN:2477-7951 - p-ISSN:2502-4973

change, in this case including social and problems, a solution was made, namely the
economic change. Ngingit Village community empowerment
This research was conducted from June program through processing local food
2022 to August 2022. This research was ingredients to get to the Food Self-Sufficiency
conducted in Ngingit Village, Tumpang District, Village.
Malang Regency, East Java Province. The Local food processing training was conducted
subjects of this study were members of the PKK to empower the community because of the
Ngingit Village with a total of 30 people. potential of local food ingredients such as Suweg
The procedure for implementing the service plants. The empowerment process takes a short
program is carried out as follows. time so it is hoped that it can be carried out in a
1. The planning stage includes preparing raw sustainable manner based on the level of
materials in the form of suweg, tools and independence of the Ngingit Village PKK
materials, socialization materials and members. Empowerment is carried out in several
guidelines needed when conducting stages including:
programs in the form of video tutorials for a. Socialization and training on processing of
making and modules for partners (PKK Suweg into several processors
members). The socialization was carried out five times
2. Implementation of the program which includes with details of the first socialization
five parts, namely the first stage of socializing regarding the introduction of the CAMPA
the CAMPA program to PKK members of program. The second socialization was
Ngingit Village, the second, namely how to about making Suweg flour and training on
make suweg flour and training on how to Suweg cultivation, the third social was
cultivate Suweg, the third is training in making training to make meatballs and cookies, the
Suweg Cookies, Suweg meatballs and how to fourth training was about making cereals
package them. The fourth part is training on and noodles from suweg flour, and the last
the manufacture of cereals and suweg day was socialization about product
noodles by way of packaging, and the last is marketing. The program socialization will be
training on the marketing of training products. held on July 7, 2022, from 08.30 WIB to
3. Observations are carried out by observing 12.00 WIB at the Ngingit Village Hall.
during the implementation of the training Activities are carried out offline while still
program and socialization. observing the Covid-19 health protocols.
4. Evaluation is done by evaluating the results of The socialization activity was attended by 30
the training based on the observations that PKK members consisting of three hamlets
have been made to determine the follow-up namely Krajan, Alasgede, Glendangan
that needs to be done in the training. hamlets. This outreach activity was attended
by Mrs. Liana as the village head of Ngingit
The research process was carried out in
several stages, namely collecting information
from the community through interviews and
direct surveys, obtained several formulations of
the problem, namely (a) Lack of community skills
regarding how to process suweg tubers, (b) Low
insight on food security and the concept of food
self-sufficiency, (c) PKK members have
Figure 1. Implementation of Program
minimally held training and empowerment
activities, (d) There are several problems
regarding food. Departing from the existing

Community Empowerment of Ngingit Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency through Suweg Processed Products in the
Framework of Raising the Existence of Local Food Ingredients Towards a Food Self-Sufficiency Village 1526
Journal Of Innovation And Applied Technology
Volume 08, Number 02, 2022
e-ISSN:2477-7951 - p-ISSN:2502-4973

After outreach to the community, several

results were obtained regarding the level of
public knowledge of the suweg plant and its
function as a substitute for staple food.

Figure 2. People participate in socialization

Table 1. Post Test of CAMPA Program Socialization Activities

Questions ST/BT/TT

Are you interested in cultivating Suweg plants? 25/6/0

After knowing the content and benefits of suweg, are you 27/3/0
interested in consuming suweg-based preparations?

Are you interested in making preparations from suweg? 28/2/0

Are you interested in selling suweg-based preparations? 20/10/0

After you participated in the socialization, did you know 14/15/1

more about suweg tubers well?

How well do you understand that suweg can be processed 15/14/1

into various preparations properly?
Source: Questionnaire
ST: Very Interested
BT: Interested
TT: Not Interested
SB: Very Good
B: Good
T: Bad
was carried out by dividing into 2 groups,
From the data obtained regarding public namely the cultivator group and the flour
knowledge about the Suweg plant, it shows processing group. The steps for processing
that by conducting socialization of the CAMPA Suweg into flour are, first, the suweg is peeled
program, it can increase public knowledge clean, then the suweg is cut into several
about the content, benefits, and some pieces with sizes adjusted to the container so
preparations that can be made with Suweg that the suweg can be well submerged, then
ingredients. In addition, members of the the suweg is soaked in salt water for 1 hour.
Ngingit Village PKK became interested in After soaking, the suweg is grated into a
processing suweg in the surrounding smaller size and then dried in the sun or in the
environment into several processed products oven at low temperature. Suweg which has
and marketing them. been dried is ground and sieved with a 60
b. The second socialization regarding the mesh.
procedure for processing Suweg into flour.
The second socialization activity was
attended by 17 PKK members. The activity
will be held on July 13, 2022 at 09.30-12.00
WIB at the Ngingit Village Hall. The activity

Community Empowerment of Ngingit Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency through Suweg Processed Products in the
Framework of Raising the Existence of Local Food Ingredients Towards a Food Self-Sufficiency Village 1527
Journal Of Innovation And Applied Technology
Volume 08, Number 02, 2022
e-ISSN:2477-7951 - p-ISSN:2502-4973

Based on the results of the post-test

questionnaire conducted, it was found that the
majority of PKK members from Ngingit Village
were interested in switching to using suweg
flour as the raw material for making meatballs
and cookies as a substitute for some other
flours such as wheat flour and sago flour. This
is one step in the realization of a food self-
sufficiency program in which the community is
Figure 3. Suweg Flour Yield independent to use local potential into potential
food ingredients.
c. The third socialization stage is about the d. The next training is training on making
socialization of making Bakso Suweg and processed cereals and Suweg noodles. This
Cookies Suweg. The socialization activity was activity was attended by 12 people and was
carried out at the Ngingit Village Hall on July held on July 27, 2022. The results of this
20, 2022, which was attended by 17 PKK training activity were about the community's
members. Each stage of the manufacture of ability to process suweg flour that has been
processed products is explained to each made into processed noodles and cereals.
member of the PKK and an evaluation of the longer time and the quality of the processed
program is carried out. Data regarding the products can be maintained.
evaluation of program socialization can be To support the sustainability and
shown as follows: development of programs by the community,
marketing training is also carried out, both
Table 2. Post Test Socialization Activities for
Making Suweg Cookies and Suweg Noodles marketing through e-commerce or conventional
marketing. The training was conducted on
Questions ST/BT/TT
August 10, 2022, attended by 21 people and
Are you interested in 15/2/0 several village officials. In this activity, the
creating suweg flour into community is given briefings and marketing
other preparations?
methods that invite many consumers.
After knowing the content 15/2/0 In addition to training in the manufacture of
and benefits of suweg, will processed products with local food ingredients in
you switch to using suweg the form of suweg, to support the development
flour to be processed into
meatballs and cookies? and sustainability of the program, quality testing
of the processed products is carried out. The test
Are you interested in 16/1/0 is carried out by testing the nutritional content
practicing making
meatballs and cookies from (Nutrition Fact) which is carried out at the
suweg independently? Laboratory of Quality and Food Safety Testing,
Universitas Brawijaya. Some of the content
Are you interested in 10/7/0
testing results include.
selling processed
meatballs and cookies
made from suweg?
Source: Questionnaire
ST: Very Interested
BT: Interested
TT: Not Interested

Community Empowerment of Ngingit Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency through Suweg Processed Products in the
Framework of Raising the Existence of Local Food Ingredients Towards a Food Self-Sufficiency Village 1528
Journal Of Innovation And Applied Technology
Volume 08, Number 02, 2022
e-ISSN:2477-7951 - p-ISSN:2502-4973

Table 3. Some of the Content Testing Results of Suweg Products

Cookies Suweg

Parameter Nutrition Facts

Serving Size:100 g
Calories: 561 kkal
Calories from Fat: 311 kkal

Weight % RDA*

Total Fat 34,55 g 47,99

Protein 3,82 g 7,07

Total Carbohydrate 58,68 g 18,22

Moisture 1,76 g -

Ash 1,19 g -

Sereal Suweg

Parameter Nutrition Facts

Serving Sizi: 100 g

Calories: 384 kkal
Calories from Fat: 8 kkal

Weight % RDA*

Total Fat 0.87 g 1,21

Protein 3,00 g 5,56

Total Carbohydrate 90,92 g 288,24

Moisture 3,32 g -

Ash 1,89 g -

Mie Suweg

Parameter Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 100 g

Calories: 126 kkal
Calories from Fat: 6 kkal

Weight % RDA*

Total Fat 0,67 g 0,93

Protein 3,55 g 6,57

Total Carbohydrate 26,85 g 8,34

Moisture 68,64 g -

Ash 0,29 g -

Bakso Suweg

Parameter Nutrition Facts

*Percent Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) based on a 2.150 Calorie Diet

Community Empowerment of Ngingit Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency through Suweg Processed Products in the
Framework of Raising the Existence of Local Food Ingredients Towards a Food Self-Sufficiency Village 1529
Journal Of Innovation And Applied Technology
Volume 08, Number 02, 2022
e-ISSN:2477-7951 - p-ISSN:2502-4973

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produced are in the form of derivative Aplikasi Umbi Suweg
products from suweg flour processing (Amorphophallus campanulatus)
including Cookies, Meatballs, Noodles and Sebagai Alternatif Penurun Gula
Cereals. In addition, the community pays Darah Pada Penderita Diabetes
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more attention to the potential of the region
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Framework of Raising the Existence of Local Food Ingredients Towards a Food Self-Sufficiency Village 1530
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Community Empowerment of Ngingit Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency through Suweg Processed Products in the
Framework of Raising the Existence of Local Food Ingredients Towards a Food Self-Sufficiency Village 1531

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