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Technology for Teaching & Learning 2 – Technology in

Secondary Language Education

Teacher’s Guide Module #7

Name: _ Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:

Lesson title: ICT Integrated Lesson Plan Materials:

Activity sheets, pens and paper.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, I
should be able to: References:
Drexel University School of Education. (2000) How to write a
1. create your own technology integration lesson lesson plan as a student teacher. Retrieved from:
plan using the steps; and
2. evaluate the created lesson plan. Comat, H (2011) Technology Integration Lesson Planning for
Teachers in 4 Easy Steps. Retrieved from:

Complete three things. Make a to-do list and only put three things on it.
PRODUCTIVITY TIP Cross each one out when you finish. Think of three more things, make a
list, and cross them out. Make sure that each item is small enough that you
can easily finish it. Breakdown large items into three small tasks and see
what you have achieved each day. Keep your goals in site and celebrate
your accomplishments!

1) Introduction (2 mins)
In the previous module, you learned the following:

Developers of TECH-PACK model:

Punya Mishra & Matthew Koehler

Module 4 gave you essential aspects on TECH-PACK which is a framework for integrating technology in
Education. In this module, the topic is also related to use of technology but it is specifically more on the lesson
plan and the lesson planning with ICT integration.

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Technology for Teaching & Learning 2 – Technology in
Secondary Language Education
Teacher’s Guide Module #7

Name: _ Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:

To begin, let us find out what you might have known about the concepts to be discussed in this module. Kindly
answer the following questions below and write it in column 1:
2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)
What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)
1. What should a teacher consider in
planning a lesson?
2. What materials should a teacher
need for the lesson to be successful?
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)
What is a lesson plan? A lesson plan is a
teacher’s daily guide for what students need to
learn, how it will be taught, and how learning will
be measured. Lesson plans help teachers be
more effective in the classroom by providing a
detailed outline to follow each class period.
(Stauffer, 2019) An effective lesson plan
demonstrates how a teacher creates objectives for
his or her students and measures how those
objectives are mastered. Creating a lesson plan
begins with aligning standards to your curriculum
and then narrowing the focus to determine which
objectives you want your students to meet within a
Image source:
specific unit of study.
Strong lesson plans are the foundation of an efficient classroom environment for both the teacher and
the students. Lesson plans contain several components that can fit into one of three categories: What
am I teaching? How am I going to teach it? How will I assess what the students have learned?
(, 2000). Moreover, with the turn of the 21st century teaching and learning, the lesson plan
and lesson planning has also evolved. It is not only aligned with the core standards of the curriculum
but it is also giving due consideration to the context of the 21st century learners. The teaching and
learning nowadays is always paired with new technologies. Thus, the direction for lesson planning is
accommodating these technologies as well. Lesson planning is crucial when using ICT’s. Like for
example, where little planning has occurred, research shows that student work is often unfocused and
can result in lower attainment. With this, the need to understand technology integration lesson planning
is a vital concern for the teachers and the future teachers. On the next page is an e-article written by
Hella Comat in 2011 about technology integration lesson planning.

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Technology for Teaching & Learning 2 – Technology in
Secondary Language Education
Teacher’s Guide Module #7

Name: _ Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:

Technology Integration Lesson Planning for Teachers in 4 Easy Steps

by Hella Camat

Technology integration is an important way to create meaningful

learning experiences. Lesson planning for teachers can be
overwhelming when incorporating the use of computers in activities.
In this article, the process for integrating technology is outlined in
four easy steps.

Technology Integration Lesson Planning Process

When designing computer-based activities, give consideration to how technology can be used to
acquire, organize, demonstrate, and communicate information. The planning process for technology
integration is similar to planning a curriculum unit. The main differences are HOW the students acquire
the knowledge and skills, HOW they demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills, and HOW
learning will be assessed or evaluated. These differences have a major influence on the structure of a
lesson plan as they incorporate the use of the computer.
In addition to the skills and knowledge that must be taught as part of the curriculum, consideration must
also be given to the technology skills students need to learn. Often teachers assume that the students
will figure it out on their own. However, this can waste instructional time. It is a good idea to plan ahead,
so that the time in the computer lab is well spent.

Step 1 Examine Curriculum Documents select the topic identify learning objectives within a
Step 2 Determine Knowledge and Skills determine students’ background knowledge and
existing technology skills decide how students will acquire new knowledge and skills
gather resources required to achieve instructional goals
Step 3 Select a Technology Product to Apply Learning choose a technology-based product for
students to create outline the content it will contain select the software program(s)
needed list the technology skills required to complete the task
Step 4 Select a Method of Assessment and Criteria for Evaluation determine the method of
assessment set the criteria to evaluate the technology product with a focus upon content,
quality of information, layout and design, and technology skills demonstrated

Technology Integration Sample: Lesson Planning for Teachers

Imagine you are planning an endangered species unit.

Step 1 Examine Curriculum Documents

As part of this unit, your students must investigate how animals have adapted to their environment and
analyze the effects of human activities on habitats. You decide that you are going to integrate
technology to achieve these aims.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Technology for Teaching & Learning 2 – Technology in
Secondary Language Education
Teacher’s Guide Module #7

Name: _ Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:

Step 2 Determine Knowledge and Skills: One of your first considerations is what your students already
know about the computer. They need to have basic computer skills. For example, they need to know
how to use the keyboard and mouse, login to the computer, open and close programs, and save files. If
your students do not possess these skills, you will need to teach them.

Another consideration is what your students know about endangered species and what they still need
to learn. You may decide that in addition to books, your students will use the Internet to research.
However, they may not have the skills to use the Internet. Perhaps students have never used a web
browser or search engine. This means that you will need to teach these skills as well.

Step 3 Select a Technology Product: You decide your students will write a brief report about their
animal using a word processing program. The report will include facts and pictures. Again, your
students may not possess the technology skills necessary to complete this task, so you will need to
teach them.
Step 4 Select a Method of Assessment and Criteria for Evaluation: Upon completion of the report, you
will evaluate the work. Consider a method of assessment and criteria for evaluation. When selecting
the criteria, decide if you plan to evaluate only the content and design of the report or if you will also
include the application of technology skills.

Lesson planning for teachers involving technology integration can be simple. Planning ahead is the key
to success.

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

A. Following the Steps: Plan out your language lesson plan with technology integration following the 4
steps. Refer to the mentioned sample above.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Technology for Teaching & Learning 2 – Technology in
Secondary Language Education
Teacher’s Guide Module #7

Name: _ Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:

B. Activity 3.2 – Your Feedback: Answer the following questions as a discussion guide for your
feedback. Write your answer on the space below.
1) Is it difficult to plan the lesson you made?
2) Do you think your lesson plan is easy to follow?
3) Do you think your chosen tech tools will support your goals?

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

It is now time to review and summarize what is learned in this module. Kindly go back to your answers in
activity 1 in the “What I know” column. Then after thinking of what you learned today, write your answers
on the 3rd column to the same questions (2nd column) based on what you now know.
What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)
1. How do you think should
teachers integrate technology in a
language classroom?
2. Do you think language teachers
are able to effectively use

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Technology for Teaching & Learning 2 – Technology in
Secondary Language Education
Teacher’s Guide Module #7

Name: _ Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:
4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)
Multiple choices – Circle the letter of your answer.
1. Which is a teacher’s daily guide for what students need to learn, how it will be taught, and how
learning will be measured?
a. educational technologies c. lesson plan
b. objectives d. class management
2. What does an effective lesson plan demonstrate?
a. it demonstrates how a teacher creates objectives for his or her students
b. it measures how the objectives are mastered
c. both a & b
d. none of the above
3. Creating a lesson plan begins with
a. aligning standards to your curriculum
b. considering the kinds of students you have
c. looking into the resources that is available
d. researching for appropriate technologies
4. All are lesson plan component categories EXCEPT
a. What am I teaching?
b. How am I going to teach it?
c. How will I assess what the students have learned?
d. What are the technologies appropriate for the lesson?
5. When designing computer-based activities, give consideration to how technology can be used to
a. acquire & organize c. communicate information
b. demonstrate d. all of the above
6. The planning process for technology integration is similar to
a. planning a curriculum unit c. planning for objectives
b. planning for the lesson d. none of the above
7. The following are the main differences in the process for technology integration EXCEPT
a. HOW the students acquire the knowledge and skills
b. HOW they demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills
c. HOW the tools aid in the learning process
d. HOW learning will be assessed or evaluated
8. The said differences in the process of technology integration have a major influence on what aspect
of the lesson plan?
a. the learning c. the plan itself
b. the structure d. the goals
9. What must be considered other than the skills and knowledge that must be taught as part of the
a. the technology skills students need to learn
b. the attainment of the learning goals
c. the kind of assessment to be given
d. none of the above
10. In what step is selecting a technology product to apply to the learning in the plan?
a. step 1 b. step 2 c. step 3 d. step 4

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Technology for Teaching & Learning 2 – Technology in
Secondary Language Education
Teacher’s Guide Module #7

Name: _ Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:

1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Here are some guide questions intended to give you a better understanding of this lesson.
a. What other competencies must the students have to use any educational technology?
b. Will the use of the technology help all students think and learn more deeply?

Just a quick reminder, please don’t forget to mark your place now in the work tracker below, so you will
be able to personally monitor how much work you have accomplished and at the same time, how
much work there is left to do.

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Below are the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) which you might have in mind to ask.
1. How will this tech empower students to control their own learning?
One of the goals of great learning environments should always be the empowerment of students. Does the
technology help them ask and pursue their beautiful questions or is it limiting students? Turning a worksheet
into a Google Doc isn’t empowering students unless the goal is to help them become more facile with Google
Docs and even so aren’t there better ways to do that?

2. How long will this tech be relevant and supported?

The speed at which technology evolves is staggering and while it’s not likely that your devices or tools will be
outdated in a lesson or even a school year there are instances where resources go away unexpectedly.
More likely is not having the tech support in the event of problems or needed updates either internally or
externally. To add to that, some districts block web traffic that you might have counted on.


This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Technology for Teaching & Learning 2 – Technology in
Secondary Language Education
Teacher’s Guide Module #7

Name: _ Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:


**For Activity 3.1 and 3.2, outputs may vary and each completed task will be given 10 points..


1. c 6. a
2. c 7. c
3. a 8. b
4. d 9. a
5. d 10. c

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