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* Bow Training – ability to use bows and crossbows

* Shot – shoots ranged weapon
* Vampire Arrows – initial damage plus DOT
* Joint Blow – physical damage that reduces target’s speed
* Blood Arrow – personal health reduction with ranged weapon damage increase
* Throat Attack – physical damage that stops spell casting
* Wrist Attack – decreases damage inflicted by target


* Shadowface – main hand damage with bleed

* Throw – throws projectile
* Blind Stab – main hand damage with blind
* Projectile Training – equip projectile
* Offhand Training – 1H equip in off hand
* Agile – dodge rate increase


* Holy Strike – main hand damage that adds light seal

* Punishment – holy damage that activates light seal, additional damage per seal
* Disarmament – main hand damage plus target armor reduction
* Shield of Atonement – shield attack that prevents enemies from using common attacks
* Enhanced Armor – percentage armor increase
* Defensive Skill – block rate increase


* Slash – main hand damage with a chance to bleed

* Enraged – fury (rage) increase
* Whirlwind – hits multiple targets with main hand
* Berserk – party attack power increase with a decrease in defense
* Equip Axe – equip 1H axes
* Defensive Formation – party defense increase with a decrease in offense power


* Fireball – a basic fire spell doing fire damage

* Lightning – a basic lightning spell with a chance to stun
* Wisdom – intelligence stat increase
* Intensification – buff that increases next attack damage
* Silence – silences target


* Instant Heal – heal with short cast time

* Rising Tide – a basic water spell doing water damage
* Regenerate – instant cast HOT
* Holy Aura – damage reduction bubble
* Magic Barrier – party magical defensive increase
* Blessing of Rain – party water resistance increase

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