Sand Control in Uncosolidated Formation

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Yogyakarta, 3- 5 O ktober 2001


B. Kuncoro, B. Ulumuddin, & S. Palar

Unocal Indonesia Company


Unocal Indonesia has several producing fields with unconsolidated reservoirs. These reservoirs present a challenge in producing
oil and gas while controlling the sand production. Several methods have been tried with mixed results.
This paper will highlight the recent practices in sand control in Unocal Indonesia. The practices include expandable sand screen,
through-tubing gravel pack, horizontal well screen, plastic consolidation, etc. It will share Unocal experiences in the recent sand

1. INTRODUCTION 2.1. Onset of water production.

Most fields in Unocal Operation offshore East Kalimantan There are 4 reasons on why sand production are worsened by
produce from Pliocene to middle Miocene-age Mahakam increasing water production 4) :
delta sediment in which the reservoir rock is unconsolidated. a. Capillary pressure holding sand grains are lost due to
These sandstones consist of loose, fine to coarse, quartz grains producing water.
and dispersed clay. From widespread producing experience in b. Flow frictional significantly increases due to more than
the deltaic environment, it is known that some wells produce one phase flow.
sand and others do not. Also many wells, which produced oil c. High pressure gradient at the sandface due to higher flow
or gas with no sand initially, start to produce large quantity of rate for a desired net production.
sand when water production begins. This experience is d. Water may dissolve cementing materials between sand
perhaps not surprising as sand control in the oil industry has grains.
been a big issue for many years.
It is true that most of the East Kalimantan wells which
In developing sand control methods, either mechanical or produce sand are preceded by the onset of water production.
chemical method have been used. Mechanical method deals However, it is noted that in some wells, no water production
with the design of screens, slotted liners and placement of was noted prior to the sand up. Therefore, other factors such
gravel packs. Technology today introduces expandable screen as the ones listed below might contribute to the causes.
completions for enhancing productivity. Chemical method
deals with the plastic/ resin system, and techniques of 2.2. Unconsolidated formation.
applying them.
The cementation of a sandstone is typically a secondary
Gravel packing was a blanket practice for controlling sand geological process and as a general rule, older sediments tend
production since the mid 70’s in Unocal Indonesia producing to be more consolidated than newer sediments. This indicates
area of the Y field, because many of the unconsolidated that sand production is likely from shallow, geologically
reservoirs were sanding up, cutting up tubular and surface younger sedimentary formations such as the Low Resistive
equipment. Recent practices in sand control are also Sequence in S Field or the Shallow and Deltaic Sequence in A
considered in most of offshore’s wells, including the Field.
conventional, monobores and horizontal wells. Unocal has
tried many horizontal completions in East Kalimantan Unconsolidated formation refers to a formation in a fluid
utilizing wire-wrapped screen. Recent technique of state. Grain to grain contacts are rare. Any attempt to produce
Expandable Sand Screen (ESS) has also been tried for open formation fluid can result in production of large amounts of
and cased hole wells. Five wells have implemented the Thru- sand with fluid. Poorly consolidated sandstone formations
Tubing Gravel pack (TTGP) in low-pressure single reservoir. usually have a compressive strength that is less than 1000
One well has tried a sand consolidation using resin-coated psi3).
2.3. Reduction of pore pressure.
Some reservoirs are believed to aid in the support of
The solid material which is produced from a well consists of overburden. Lowering the reservoir pressure creates an
formation fines and load bearing sand1). The fines production, increasing amount of stress on the formation sand itself.
which can not normally be prevented, is preferred over the Continuing reduction of reservoir pressure may cause the
production of load bearing sand. Sand production will create a overburden to subside and crush a poorly consolidated
problem if the surface equipment can not handle it, if the sand formation and result in sand production and serious casing
blocks the tubing, or if the sand production detrimentally alter damage.
the formation (i.e. collapsed formation).
Some well-known causes of sand production are listed below: As most reservoirs in this sequence are not supported by
strong water drive, their pressures are declining quite fast with
time and production. For example, some reservoirs in the

IATM I 2001- 08
Sand Control for Unconsolidated Reservoirs B. Kuncoro, B. Ulumudin, S. Palar

shallow sequences of the S field had been depleted to 3-4 ppg In S field, several wells, completed without sand control
EMW and prove to sand production. (gravel pack) have been continuously producing sand (0-1%)
for several years without sand-up. This can be attributed to the
2.3. High production rates. flow ability to transport most of the produced sand out of the
The high production rate imposes excessive stresses on
unconsolidated formations. If the stress exceeds the formation However, sand production can seriously damage the reservoir
strength, sand production will commence. Increasing the rock around the wellbore (i.e. collapse) and restress the
production rate is usually done for a high water cut well, in reservoir during sand control application might reduce the
order to maintain a desired rate of oil production. permeability around the wellbore. Therefore, the best time to
apply sand control, if needed, is right at the beginning
It is empirically experienced in some East Kalimantan wells together with the initial well design.
that a threshold rate for sand production can be noted. Above
the said rate, sand will be produced. However, most of the 4. TYPES OF SAND CONTROL
time, as the rate is below the economic rate, the wells have to
endure with the sand production to be economic. There are many types of sand control, which are:

Some authors7,8) discussed the presence of sand arches around 4.1. Mechanical Retention:
each perforation in the casing. An arch is a hemispherical cap
of interlocking sand grains that is stable at constant drawdown A good example of this type of sand control is gravel pack.
and flow rate, preventing sand movement2). Initial arch size Formation sands are restrained from entering the wellbore.
was found to be a function of initial producing rate. The initial The underlying principle for the mechanical retention is to
arch size increases with increasing initial production rate. retain a certain portion of the formation material to prevent
Larger arches were resulted from higher flow rates. Changes the remainder from entering the wellbore1). Mechanical
in flow rate or production shut in may result in collapse of the retention uses screen and man-made sand to control formation
arch, causing sand to be produced until a new arch form. sand.

It is also possible to relate sonic and density log data to 4.2. Plastic Consolidation:
estimate the maximum sand-free production rate from each
arch9). Arch faces must remain in place if no sand production The basic idea is to cement the formation sand with some
is to occur. chemical such as epoxies, etc. The chemical is injected to
cover an area of several feet around the wellbore. Porosities
3. THE MECHANISM OF SAND PRODUCTION and permeabilities of the area around the wellbore will be
reduced once it is subjected to plastic consolidation.
The mechanisms of sand production are either grain by grain
attrition or small masses of sand breaking away10). Veeken et 4.3. Combination:
al5) divides the types of sand production into three types:
Transient sand production, continuous sand production and This type uses gravel pack as well as the plastic consolidation.
catastrophic sand production. Resin-coated gravel pack is the good example of this
combination type.
3.1. Transient Sand Production:
This refers to a sand concentration declining with time
under constant well production conditions. This is 5.1. Horizontal Well Screen
usually observed during clean-up flow after perforating,
choke change, and water breakthrough. Horizontal wells became popular to develop the shallow
reservoirs in most of Unocal’s fields in East Kalimantan as
3.2. Continuous Sand Production: drilling costs significantly reduce with experience. As sand
control is required in weakly consolidated to unconsolidated
The tolerated sand cut level depends on operational sandstones, open hole screens have been the primary
constraints with regard to erosion, sand disposal, etc. completion method over the years. More than 50 horizontal11)
wells in Unocal Indonesia have been completed with wire-
3.3. Catastrophic Sand Production: wrapped screen without a gravel pack.

Events where a high rate of sand influx causes the well The benefits of horizontal screen completions are as follows:
to suddenly die. • A field: enlarging drainage, reducing drawdown of gas
delivery and improving recovery of thin oil under gas cap
For the transient and continuous sand production, some of the and water support.
continuously produced sand settles inside the wellbore and • S field: managing a strong bottom/ edge water to reduce
increases the hold-up depth. However, it will take time for coning and improving the sweep efficiency.
sand-up to occur due to less sand production, especially if the • Y field: enlarging reservoir drainage with viscous oil.
majority of the sand is transported to the surface. If all the
• M field: increasing recovery and reducing pressure
sand can be carried out of the wellbore, no sand-up will occur
and no sand control is required, provided that the surface
facilities can handle and process the sand production.

IATM I 2001- 08
Sand Control for Unconsolidated Reservoirs B. Kuncoro, B. Ulumudin, S. Palar

Typically, the wells were drilled from offshore platforms recommended to recover the remaining oil in the 55-9
across the highest part of the target reservoir. A real time log reservoir.
was used to determine where the casing landing point, from This technique utilizes coil tubing to foam wash sand across
which a lateral section has to be placed. An open hole of 500- the perforation. As the hole has been cleaned across
1000 feet interval length11) with wire-wrapped screen is found perforation, re-perforation with 12-18 SPF (shots per foot) big
cost-effective application in maximizing contact to formation. hole guns is conducted. A 3½-inch bridge plug is set at least
Eliminating gravel pack and minimizing screen-hole annulus 10-ft below bottom perforation to properly place the pack-off
prevent hole collapse as well as reduce formation damage. In screen BHA (bottom hole assembly). Wire-wrapped screen of
general, the wire-wrapped screen completion was chosen as to 12-20 gravel size is installed. Figure-3 shows an example of
filter formation fine from the produced fluid, with the pack-off method for TTGP applied.
assumption that formation material is continually being
deposited on the outer surface. In order for the screen to Production history afterward shows a stabilizing rate of 600
function properly, it must provide high-sustained flow rates BOPD, 45% BSW, GOR 500-2000 for 8 months.
without being eroded. Performance history is shown in Figure-4.

The screen is manufactured by wrapping a triangular shaped Unocal has used pack-off screen (single and dual screen)
(keystone) wire into a section usually referred to as a jacket method for three wells. Results from the method vary and
which the keystone shape minimizes plugging. The jacket can depend upon how sand stability had been damaged by well
be welded to a pipe base containing 70-140 holes per foot production over time. In general, TTGP in monobore wells
which serves as a structural support and provides filtration. applied seems to give a better sand control, as being cost
The slot opening can also be wrapped to a specified width, effective and increasing recovery, particularly in pressure
which is typically –0.002 to +0.001 inch15). Figure-1 shows a depleting oil reservoirs.
typical wire-wrapped screen after Penberthy. Figure-2 shows
a horizontal well completion with wire-wrapped screen. Vent screen case (dual screen)
This technique was tried in three wells completed in the 7-
Field experiences around Unocal’s field area using wire- inch casing of the unconsolidated Deltaic sandstones. One of
wrapped screen completion for horizontal open hole have them was completed in October 1998, produced for less than
been mixed. The success and failure seem to be related to the 3 months before stopping production due to sand up.
quality of the formation, the screen completion procedures
and the way the well is brought on production (Table-1). The last well test recorded in January 1999 was 96 BOPD, 17
Since the screen functions as a filter, completion procedures % BS&W, GOR 208 on gas lift. An inexpensive vent screen
become critical issues, as it tends to plug. Drilling fluid and sand control method was recommended to recover the
hole size selection for screen completion presumably might remaining marginal oil from the 54-0 sand, which can not be
have been responsible for some failure (i.e. no production). economically justified using conventional gravel pack.
The other factors are probably water blocking, immediate
plugging, depleted pressure, or mechanical problems. The procedure is the same as in the previous method. It starts
by foam washing sand to below perforation internals and re-
A more common experience has been that initial production is perforating with 12-18 SPF of big-hole guns. After setting 7-
good, but later screen plugging or erosion (screen cut) may inch MPBT (Mechanical Plug-back Tool) at some distance
prematurely sand-up the well. However, most wire-wrapped below perforation intervals, this technique uses a small OD
completions have been successful to mitigate sand problems through-tubing screen (strata-coil). The screen is placed to
in unconsolidated reservoirs. cover the perforation zone with approximately 5-ft overlap on
top and bottom. A 60-ft blank pipe section is placed above
5.2. Thru-Tubing Gravel Pack (TTGP) with a 10-ft vent screen on top of blank pipe.

TTGP completions accomplish sand control by placing a This double screen assembly is then placed on bottom
down-hole filter (screen) across the perforated intervals. This utilizing coil tubing and set across the perforations in the
filter forms when the gravel pack sand filters out the lower section. As the BHA has been properly placed, the
formation sand and the screen filters out the gravel sand12). In predetermined volumes of sand (slurry) is then pumped down
monobore or slim hole wells, screen is put in place by coiled the coil tubing and around the double screen leaving about
tubing unit. 100-ft of sand fill above the vent. The slurry is re-stressed by
pumping from the annulus to pack around the lower section of
There are two TTGP methods tried in A field. The pack off the assembly. As screen out pressure is observed, the excess
method and the vent screen method basically pack perforation sand is removed from around the upper (vent) screen section.
tunnel and place gravel across it inside the 1.9-inch screen. The well is then produced directly through the lower screen,
This gravel will form a flow barrier to stop fine sand up the blank pipe and out the vent screen.
movement of unconsolidated sand.
Coil tubing uses nitrogen to displace the completion fluid
Pack-off case from the well bore. Figure-5 shows the vent screen method
A well was re-drilled and completed as a monobore producer for TTGP. The well could produce back with the same rate as
in the 55-9 sand where the 3½-inch tubing is cemented and before. Figure-6 shows the production performance TTGP
perforated. The peak production was 1367 BOPD, 10% BSW, using the vent method.
GOR 1975 in April 2000. Afterward the well had been This method appears to be not satisfactory when applied in 7-
declining rapidly to 419 BOPD, 44% BSW, in 7 months inch wellbore compared with the 3½-in. monobore hole. Out
before being shut-in due to sand-up. Sand control is of the three 7-inch wellbores, only one is considered as good

IATM I 2001- 08
Sand Control for Unconsolidated Reservoirs B. Kuncoro, B. Ulumudin, S. Palar

producer. This well has given a constant oil production rate will be transiently produced until a stable bridge of the larger
for more than one year. grains is established on the filter. For non-uniform sand
distribution, a long tile of fines and poor sorting would not
5.3. Plastic Consolidation allow a stable bridge to be formed. Pre-packing of the
perforations is recommended for such applications. Big-hole
As the reservoir pressure depletes, sand production becomes a perforating charges are recommended for all cased hole ESS
problem to deplete reserves in a well with larger production installation in order to maximize the available screen inflow
casing (i.e. 9-5/8 inch). Plastic consolidation offers another area.
alternate for restoring and enhancing the desire productivity.
This method basically is a technique of stopping sand Openhole applications have a different set of considerations
production by artificially bonding the formation sand grains because there is no casing, and no hydraulic isolation.
near the wellbore perforations into consolidated mass. Fundamentally, by eliminating the annulus, ESS avoids the
Because the treatment is designed to function on formation wellbore collapse phenomenon seen with stand-alone screen
sand, this method is usually limited to a zone of 10-20 feet designs which leads to poor near-wellbore sand sorting,
perforated intervals. 13) reduce effective permeability and hence productivity loss.

Unocal has tried the resin consolidation treatment in one well An in-gauge hole section is important in order to maximize
of the Shallow sequence of the A field. The well sanded up the benefits of eliminating the annulus with ESS. Therefore,
while producing oil. Sand consolidation technique utilizing this should be considered as an objective of the drilling
coiled tubing for through-tubing workover and rigless program and appropriate steps are required to achieve this.
completion was chosen as an inexpensive option to recover Clean up of the filter-cake is also an important consideration
the remaining oil. Figure-7 shows the resin consolidation for openhole installations. However, this is dependent on the
treatment. The resin treatment in a well of the A field could drilling fluid used.
deliver approximately 400 BOPD initially from 10 feet thick
intervals of the shallow unconsolidated reservoir, 7-inch cased Unocal Indonesia has tried to use ESS in seven wells at three
hole well. It was then no longer produced as sand coated different fields. The first batch installation was installed in the
found breaking and sanded up again. Y field for two wells, while the second batch in the A field for
two wells and followed with third batch in the S field with
5.4. Expandable Sand Screen (ESS) two wells. From these seven installations, four were
completed in the open hole, while the other three in the cased
The Expandable Sand Screen is a sand screen that is specially hole. The summary of the ESS application is shown in the
designed to be expanded in the wellbore in order to fit the Table-2. In term of sand control, the application of ESS in the
wellbore diameter. The purpose of this expansion is to open-hole seemingly has better result compared to the cased-
eliminate the annulus between the wellbore and the screen hole.
that generally could not be handled by the conventional sand
screen. Reservoir quality, pre-packing job and perforation density
contribute to success or failure of this completion, either in
The ESS consists of 3 simple elements: expandable based the cased-hole or open-hole ESS application. For instance, the
pipe, filtration media and expandable protective shroud. failure of ESS installation in the cased hole is more likely due
Figure-8 shows an Expandable Sand Screen Construction. to no pre-packing job on the perforation tunnel. The pre-
The ESS base pipe is a robust Expandable Slotted Tube (EST) packing job in this reservoir is probably needed prior to
which is capable of expanding up to 60% in diameter. The expanding of the ESS. In another case, even though the
base expandable slotted tube provides a large inflow area for reservoir quality is good (φ = 28%) but the reservoir pressure
the produced fluids. Typically inflow areas for expandable was severely depleted.
EST are 30-60 % depending on the expandable diameter of
the ESS 18). The ESS-2, ESS-1 and ESS-4 wells are the examples of the
success case of ESS application in the open hole. The reasons
The medium filter is attached to the base pipe using a process can be explained as follows:
that ensures the integrity and uniformity of the sand exclusion
apertures. The filter media overlap each other along the length • Good screen sizing for those three wells (230 micron weave
of the base pipe. These overlaps accommodate the increase in for ESS-2 and ESS-1 and 150 micron weave for ESS-4
circumference during expansion yet remains sand tight. wells)
• Have good reservoir quality (based on log interpretation)
The outer protective shroud ensures the filter medium is not • No major loss circulation problem during drilling operation
damaged when running the screen in hole. It also acts as the
encapsulating layer, ensuring the filter media are tightly The failure case occurred in ESS-3 well. The well has a low
sandwiched together following expansion. productivity and produces with trace sands. The major loss
circulation problem coupled with its low reservoir quality
Applications probably the contributing factor this failure.
The ESS can be installed either in cased hole or open hole
applications. In the cased hole application we have to 6. CONCLUSIONS
consider pre-packing the perforations tunnels. This depends
on reservoir sand distribution data. If the sand grain • There is no particular sand control method that can work
distribution is highly uniform, the pre-packing of perforations for all types of unconsolidated reservoirs. Experience with
is not generally recommended, because smaller grains of sand

IATM I 2001- 08
Sand Control for Unconsolidated Reservoirs B. Kuncoro, B. Ulumudin, S. Palar

the same type of reservoirs in the same field proves to be 15. Penberthy, W.L. :”Sand Control Completion Options
useful in the selection of sand control method. for Horizontal Wells in Soft Formations ”, Petroleum
• We can not shy away from using new technology despite Engineer International, February 1999, p. 49-54.
steep learning curve in the beginning. Applying new sand
control technology will broaden up our knowledge portfolio 16. Soepyan, F., Palar, S., Kuntjoro, B.: “Sand Control in
of sand control methods. This will help in selecting a Balikpapan Bay Fields ”, IPA, 26th Annual Convention,
particular fit for a particular reservoir. May 1998, p. 97-107.
• Need to talk about the design, the systematic planning,
implementation, and evaluation, the “batch” approach, etc. 17. Zimmerman, J.C., Sargent, T.L., Coats, A., Clawson, G.:
“Applied High-Pressure Coiled-Tubing Technology
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1. Penberthy, W.L. and Shaughnessy, C.M.: “Sand
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7. Tippie, D.B. and Kohlhaas, C.A.: “Effect of Flow Rate

on Stability of Unconsolidated Producing Sands ”, SPE
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8. Hall, C.D. and Harrisberger, W.H.: “Stability of Sand

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9. Stein, N. et. al.: “Estimating Maximum Sand-Free

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10. Otis Corporation: ”Sand Control Handbook”, Dallas,


11. Vo, D.T., Waryan, S., Dharmawan, A., Susilo, R.H.,

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64385, October 2000.

12. Freiman, O.L., and Johnson, K.J. :”Use of The Dual-

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13. Slimhole/ Monobore Technology Guidelines, Unocal

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p. 54-60.

IATM I 2001- 08
Sand Control for Unconsolidated Reservoirs B. Kuncoro, B. Ulumudin, S. Palar

ESS Installation In Unocal Indonesia-Balikpapan

A typical wire wrapped screen design
and performance is shown
An example Pack-off production after TTGP

Horizontal well completion with Wire-wrapped screen

Vent screen method for TTGP.

IATM I 2001- 08
Sand Control for Unconsolidated Reservoirs B. Kuncoro, B. Ulumudin, S. Palar

An example production performance TTGP
with Vent method

Pack-off Method for TTGP

resin-coated sand

Expandable Sand Screen Construction.
Resin Consolidation in wellbore

IATM I 2001- 08

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