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Researchers :



It consists of seven sections namely: Introduction or Rationale; Statement of the Problem or

Purpose and Objectives; Statement of Null Hypotheses; Scope and Limitations; Significance of the Study;
and Definition of Terms and Review of Related Literature and Studies

Introduction or Rationale

Many countries are now improving their infrastructure, designing smart cities, and committing to
numerous construction projects. The usage of natural resources in the construction sector is significant.
However, there is more pressure on construction companies to minimize their environmental impact as a
result of growing worries about climate change and the limited nature of these resources.

The basic standards for a construction nowadays are shifting due to changes in the building
codes. In terms of embedded energy consumption and building energy requirements, technological
advancements are also opening up new opportunities. Using sustainable construction practices has
significant obstacles, but it also has many advantages.

Sustainability in architecture refers to with numerous issues, including design. Designing

structures with as minimal of an influence on the environment as possible is known as sustainable
architecture. It lessens the harmful impacts of construction on the environment while also promoting the
health of the building's residents. Resources, energy use, price, and the environment, are woven together
with the goal of forming a useful structure that satisfies the needs of without jeopardizing the capacity of
the future to meet their resource needs across generations.

For the Earth's environment to remain stable, sustainable development is crucial. The primary
goal of sustainable development is to maintain natural resources and use them sparingly in order to
prevent the destruction of our mother earth.

As with many advancements in sustainable the development of living architecture coincides with
a necessity really good. Population increase is an urgent problem, this restricts the usage of energy and
building materials, such as well as room. This compels designers to reconsider their design in terms of
how it affects various systems, therefore increasing the difficulty of developing sustainable architecture
can be challenging.



This chapter includes pertinent writings, research, and synthesis that served as the basis for the
investigation into the Importance of sustainable architecture in building and technology. To promote
clarity and understanding, the discussions were organized thematically.

As stated by Grover (2018), Sustainable architectural practice in the United Kingdom is

characterized by the contrasting approaches of participatory/low-tech design and technical/performance-
orientated design. This research suggests there may be approaches beyond mainstream architectural
validation, such as greater engagement with innovative technologies for smaller firms and stronger
participatory approaches for those involved in high-performance and technical design. The correlation
between practice size and design approach suggests that individual sustainable strategy is as much
contingent on circumstance, context, and project type as political or moral outlooks.

As stated by Ayarka et al., (2022), the study identified educating stakeholders on the benefits of
green buildings, engaging personnel with green building background, and setting sustainable priorities
and goals as key strategies to mitigate the challenges faced by project management teams in sustainable
building processes. However, it did not consider competencies and technological maturity, which could
have enhanced the findings and implications.

“Sustainable Design Strategy optimizing green architecture path based on Sustainability” as

stated by Mohammed (2021), the strategy is based on an environmentally sustainable basis for optimizing
the path of green architecture rating systems based on comprehensive or integrated sustainability to
generate, employ sustainable concepts, and support the activation process of rating systems. It involves
understanding and outlining the basics and ideologies adopted to crystallize sustainable environmental
design by addressing and analyzing the concept of environment and sustainability and its aspects. The
strategy also aims to evaluate projects or architectural designs and diagnose the design approaches
adopted and based on a green environmental basis to be sustainable. This type of strategy can help
designers take advantage of the opportunities of its activation and use in the design process and the
construction industry in general.

According to Li et al (2022)., The research identified 14 technologies with the potential for the
building construction industry to achieve more sustainable planning, construction, operation, and
demolition. These technologies can be achieved through three sub-objectives: minimizing waste and
negative environmental impacts, maintaining low energy and resource consumption, and maximizing
safety and efficiency in the full life cycle of building construction. Empirical analysis reveals that the
contribution of advances in technologies to sustainability is mainly indirect and secondary, mostly to
safety management and efficiency improvement, thereby preventing unnecessary loss or redundancy.
Modular, robotics, wireless and sensors are the representative technologies on this track, while
photovoltaic technology is the most often involved at the design stage.

Yu et al (2022)., prove that Architects consider external factors such as technologies, regulations,
budget and clients to be the most important for sustainable design practices. They also refer to the term
'design thinking' when considering sustainable design, and hold negative attitudes towards their own
digital tools. Additionally, they discuss the need for software training and believe that upskilling would
not always add value to their practice. Finally, they are satisfied with the current digital design
environments for supporting sustainable principles.

“Vision and Methodology to Support Sustainable Architecture through Building Technology in

the Digital Era”, stated by Shahda (2018), the study suggests that building technology can play a
significant role in promoting sustainable architecture in the digital era. By using digital tools and
integrating building technology with sustainable design principles, architects and designers can create
buildings that are more efficient, environmentally sustainable, and economically viable. The findings of
this study can inform future efforts to promote the integration of building technology with sustainable
architecture practices.

According to Elhassan (2023), The research revealed that natural ventilation in building design
significantly reduces the need for artificial cooling systems, resulting in lower energy consumption and
cost savings. The study also found that natural ventilation can improve indoor air quality and thermal
comfort, resulting in a more comfortable and healthier living environment for building occupants.

The research further highlighted the importance of considering climatic and environmental
conditions in the design of sustainable buildings. The study demonstrated that natural ventilation is a
viable and effective strategy for reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainability in hot dry

The implications of the study are that incorporating natural ventilation in building design can
contribute to the development of sustainable architecture practices and promote environmental
sustainability. The research can inform the development of building codes and regulations that promote
natural ventilation strategies and encourage the adoption of sustainable architecture design practices in the
construction industry.

Overall, the study emphasizes the importance of sustainable architecture design practices in
promoting environmental sustainability, improving the quality of life for building occupants, and
contributing to sustainable development in hot dry climates.

According to Wang et al. (2022), The findings suggest that green buildings can be an effective
way to achieve sustainable development goals, emphasizing the need for policymakers to incentivize the
adoption of green building practices to promote sustainable development. The study's economic impact
findings show that green buildings can create jobs, increase property values, and reduce energy costs,
resulting in cost savings for businesses and individuals. On the other hand, the study's social impact
findings show that green buildings can improve the health and well-being of occupants, provide
community spaces, and promote social cohesion. Finally, the study's environmental impact findings
highlight those green buildings can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water resources, and
minimize waste generation. Overall, the study emphasizes the importance of green buildings in achieving
sustainable development goals and the need for policymakers to incentivize their adoption while
educating the public about the benefits of green buildings to increase demand for sustainable buildings.

Zwain and Bahauddin (2017), explained that the study's findings have implications for the
sustainable design of historic buildings in Malaysia and other parts of the world. The research highlights
the potential for sustainable architectural design practices to contribute to cultural heritage preservation
and sustainable development, by promoting the adaptive reuse of historic buildings and the use of local
building materials and passive design strategies.

The study also emphasizes the importance of stakeholder engagement and user satisfaction in
sustainable architectural design, which can help to ensure that buildings meet the needs and preferences
of their occupants and stakeholders.

Overall, the study contributes to the development of sustainable architectural practices that
prioritize cultural heritage preservation, adaptive reuse, and passive design strategies. The research can
inform the design of sustainable buildings that contribute to environmental sustainability, economic
sustainability, and social sustainability, while also preserving cultural heritage and enhancing the user

Ali (2017), claimed that the research identifies various sustainable design strategies and
technologies that can be used to create energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings, including
the use of passive design strategies, renewable energy sources, and sustainable materials.

The study also highlights the potential benefits of green buildings, including reduced energy
costs, improved indoor air quality, and reduced environmental impact. The research suggests that green
building and technology can play a crucial role in promoting sustainability in the built environment and
can contribute to the development of more sustainable and resilient cities.

The findings of the study have important implications for architectural practice, highlighting the
need for architects to integrate sustainable design strategies and technologies into their projects. The
research emphasizes the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing among architects, builders,
and other stakeholders to promote sustainable design and innovation in architecture.

Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the role of green building and technology in
architecture and highlights the potential benefits of sustainable design strategies and technologies. The
research can inform the development of sustainable design practices in architectural practice and can
contribute to the development of more sustainable and resilient cities.

Badawy (2022), Finds that passive design strategies, sustainable materials, and natural elements
are key components of sustainable architectural design. Active design strategies, such as renewable
energy sources and building automation, can further improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse
gas emissions. Collaboration among stakeholders is also essential for sustainable architectural design. The
study suggests that sustainable architectural design can contribute to environmental, social, and economic
sustainability by reducing energy consumption, improving building performance, and promoting healthy
indoor environments. The study's findings emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration
and stakeholder engagement in sustainable architectural design and can inform future research and
practice in this field.

Kulkarni (2022), The study identifies a range of sustainability assessment tools that can be used
to evaluate sustainable architectural design. These tools measure sustainability performance based on a
variety of criteria, such as energy efficiency, resource conservation, and social impact. The study
concludes that a comprehensive and integrated approach to sustainability assessment is necessary for
evaluating sustainable architectural design.

The study's implications suggest that sustainable architectural design should be evaluated based
on a variety of criteria, including environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Sustainability

assessment tools can help designers and stakeholders evaluate the sustainability performance of a building
design and identify opportunities for improvement. Additionally, the study highlights the need for
interdisciplinary collaboration and stakeholder engagement in sustainable architectural design to ensure
that sustainability goals are met throughout the building lifecycle.

Kalkhoran and Shenava (2022), the study emphasizes the need for ongoing research and
innovation in sustainable architectural design and new energy technologies. The study suggests that
continued advancements in technology and design can lead to even greater energy efficiency and
sustainability in buildings.

The implications of the study suggest that the integration of new energy technologies in
sustainable architectural design can contribute to environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
Sustainable architectural design can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, promote
healthy indoor environments, and create comfortable living and working spaces. Additionally, sustainable
architectural design can promote economic sustainability by reducing energy costs and improving
building performance.

In conclusion, the study "New energies in sustainable architecture" provides a comprehensive

overview of the current state of sustainable architectural design and new energy technologies. The study's
findings can inform future research and practice in sustainable architectural design and the integration of
new energy technologies, with potential benefits for the environment, society, and the economy.

Mohammadian and Shahbazi (2018) In conclusion, the study provides evidence of the significant
impact of sustainable architecture principles on the design of residential buildings. The use of sustainable
architecture principles in the design of the Qazvin Pardis Complex improved the overall quality of life for
residents and promoted environmental sustainability. The study's findings highlight the importance of
integrating sustainable architecture principles into building design and can inform the development of
building codes and regulations that promote sustainable architecture practices. The study's findings can
also serve as a basis for further research into the impact of sustainable architecture on building design and
human well-being.

Grover et al (2018)., The study also identified several barriers to sustainable design in
architectural practice, including cost, client demands, lack of knowledge and expertise, and a lack of
collaboration and knowledge sharing among architectural practices.

The findings of the study have implications for the development of strategic approaches to
sustainable design in architectural practice in the United Kingdom. The research highlights the
importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing among architectural practices to overcome barriers to
sustainable design and promote the use of sustainability assessment tools.

The study also emphasizes the need for architectural practices to develop their knowledge and
expertise in sustainable design and to educate clients on the benefits of sustainable design strategies. This
can help to increase the demand for sustainable design and promote the use of sustainable materials and
passive design strategies.

Overall, the study contributes to the development of strategic approaches to sustainable design in
architectural practice in the United Kingdom, and can inform the development of sustainable design
practices in other parts of the world.

“Design Engineering Implementing Sustainable Architecture Design Strategies Impacts of Built

Environment”, as stated by Wafi (2022), The implications of the study are that the implementation of
sustainable architecture design strategies is essential for promoting sustainable development and reducing
the environmental impact of buildings. The research can inform the development of building codes and
regulations that promote sustainable architecture practices and encourage the adoption of sustainable
architecture design strategies in the construction industry.

The study's findings can also serve as a basis for further research into the economic, social, and
environmental impacts of sustainable architecture design strategies on the built environment. Overall, the
study highlights the importance of sustainable architecture design strategies in promoting environmental
sustainability, improving the quality of life for building occupants, and contributing to sustainable

According to Lami and Mecca (2020), from “Assessing Social Sustainability for Achieving
Sustainable Architecture”, The implications of the study are that sustainable architecture practices should
prioritize social sustainability and consider the needs and perspectives of building occupants,
stakeholders, and the surrounding community. The research can inform the development of sustainable
architecture design practices that prioritize social sustainability and contribute to community
development, cultural heritage preservation, and the promotion of health and well-being.

The study also emphasizes the importance of stakeholder engagement in sustainable architecture
projects and highlights the benefits of involving building occupants, stakeholders, and the surrounding
community in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of sustainable buildings.

Overall, the study contributes to the development of sustainable architecture practices that
prioritize social sustainability and promote community development, cultural heritage preservation, and
the health and well-being of building occupants and the surrounding community.

Amoozad et al. (2018), The study identified 15 key factors of sustainable architecture, including
environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, social sustainability, energy efficiency, material
efficiency, indoor environmental quality, user satisfaction, and stakeholder engagement.

The study also found that stakeholder engagement is the most important factor for achieving
sustainable architecture, followed by indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency. The study's
results can inform the development of sustainable architecture design practices that prioritize stakeholder
engagement, indoor environmental quality, and energy efficiency.

The implications of the study are that sustainable architecture practices should prioritize
stakeholder engagement and consider the needs and perspectives of building occupants and stakeholders.
The research can inform the development of sustainable architecture design practices that contribute to
environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and social sustainability.

Overall, the study contributes to the development of sustainable architecture practices that
prioritize stakeholder engagement, indoor environmental quality, and energy efficiency. The research can
inform the development of sustainable architecture design practices that contribute to environmental
sustainability, economic sustainability, and social sustainability.

Zengin and Yamacli (2022), The study highlights the importance of passive design strategies,
such as orientation, shading, and ventilation, as well as active design strategies, such as the use of
renewable energy sources and building automation technologies, in achieving sustainable building design.
The study's implications suggest that sustainable architectural design is essential in the context of global
warming and climate change. Sustainable buildings can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas
emissions, promote healthy indoor environments, and create comfortable living and working spaces.
Furthermore, sustainable architectural design can contribute to economic sustainability by reducing
energy costs and improving building performance. The study emphasizes the importance of stakeholder
engagement and interdisciplinary collaboration in achieving sustainable building design. Architects,
engineers, contractors, and building occupants should work together to integrate sustainable design
strategies and ensure that sustainability goals are met throughout the building lifecycle.

Astari et al. (2022), finds that research in sustainable architectural design is increasingly focusing
on environmental sustainability, particularly energy efficiency and resource conservation. There is also
growing attention to social sustainability, including indoor environmental quality and user satisfaction.
However, economic sustainability is not as well-represented in the literature.

The study also finds that interdisciplinary collaboration and stakeholder engagement are crucial
for achieving sustainable architectural design goals. The analysis shows that research studies that involve
collaboration among architects, engineers, and building occupants tend to result in more successful
sustainable design outcomes.

Furthermore, the study identifies differences in sustainable architectural design approaches and
methods based on geographical regions and climatic conditions. For instance, in hot and arid climates,
strategies for reducing solar heat gain and increasing ventilation are more prevalent, while in cold
climates, insulation and energy-efficient heating systems are more commonly used.

The study's implications suggest that sustainable architectural design should consider the
environmental, social, and economic impacts of building design and construction. Collaboration among
stakeholders is necessary to integrate sustainable design strategies and ensure that sustainability goals are
met throughout the building lifecycle. Additionally, the study highlights the need for more research on
economic sustainability in sustainable architectural design.

Morales et al. (2022), The approach emphasizes proper recycling practices, which can reduce the
environmental impact of building construction and demolition by minimizing waste and lowering carbon
emissions. Integrating renewable energy sources into building design can also improve energy efficiency,
reduce energy consumption, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Housing automation can optimize the
use of resources, leading to improved energy efficiency and reduced energy consumption.

In addition to the environmental benefits, the approach can contribute to social sustainability by
promoting healthy indoor environments and providing comfortable living spaces for building occupants.

Finally, the approach can promote economic sustainability by reducing energy costs and improving
energy efficiency.

Overall, the proposed approach has the potential to reduce the environmental impact of buildings
while improving the well-being and comfort of building occupants. By emphasizing proper recycling,
renewable energy integration, and housing automation, sustainable architecture can contribute to
environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The findings of the study suggest that this approach
has the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact of buildings while promoting healthy
and sustainable living spaces.

Synthesis or Relevance of the Reviewed Related Literature to the Present Study

The study of Grover (2018), Li et al (2022), Yu et al (2022), Shahda (2018), Ali (2017)
and Kalkhoran and Shenava (2022) are connected to the study insofar as they demonstrate the
value of technology or its contribution to sustainability. that technological and architectural
developments may result in buildings with even higher levels of sustainability and energy
efficiency. Also, the use of sustainable design principles and technological advancements in
architecture demonstrates their potential advantages.

While the studies of Zwain and Bahauddin (2017) and Badawy (2022) demonstrate
several sustainable architectural approaches. One was proposed by encouraging the adaptive
reuse of old structures, the use of local building supplies, and passive design principles. Reduce
the need for new construction by reusing historic structures. The other asserts that essential
elements of sustainable architectural design include natural elements, sustainable materials, and
passive design techniques.

The studies of Wang et al (2022), Wafi (2022), Mohammadian and Shohbazi (2018) and
Morales et al (2022 their study shows on how to reduce environmental impacts by emphasizing
proper recycling, renewable energy integration, and housing automation, sustainable architecture
can contribute to environmental, social, and economic sustainability.

Ayarka et al (2022), Mohammed (2021), Elhassan (2023), Kulkarni (2022), Grover et al

(2018), Lami and Mecca (2020), Amoozad et. Al (2018), Zengin & Yamacli (2022), Astari et.
Al. (2022), Due to the fact that they focused mostly on the significance of sustainable
architecture, their research was pretty similar to this one. The reduction of environmental effect,
the significance and advantages of sustainable design in building and to the environment, as well
as the factors that influence sustainable planning, are at the center of all of them.

In conclusion all the studies are quite similar to this study because their main topics was
about sustainable architecture, on how to achieve a sustainable design and to minimize the
impacts on the environment by not delaying the development on the construction field.

Statement of the Problem or Research Objectives


This research project sought to investigate the challenges and opportunities associated with
implementing sustainable architecture practices and will develop recommendations for creating eco-
friendly buildings and technologies that promote environmental sustainability and sustainable
development. The research project sought to answer the following:

1. What are the most effective ways to promote sustainable architecture and to overcome the barriers that
prevent widespread adoption of these practices.?

2. What is the importance of knowing and having knowledge about sustainable architecture?

3.What are the environmental, social, and economic benefits of sustainable architecture in building and

4. How can sustainable architecture be incorporated into building and technology design and construction
processes to promote environmental sustainability and sustainable development?

5. What are the best practices that can show sustainability in a building or architecture and technology
design construction.?

6. Does sustainability in a building significantly seen from architecture in this period of time?

Statement of the Null Hypotheses

The following Hypotheses were tested:

1. There is no significant effective ways to promote sustainable architecture and to overcome the barriers
that prevent widespread adoption of these practices

2. There is no importance of knowing and having knowledge about sustainable architecture.

3. There is no significant benefits of sustainable architecture in building and technology to the

environmental, social, and economic.

4. There is no processes to promote environmental sustainability and sustainable development on

sustainable architecture to be incorporated into building and technology design and construction

5. There is no best practices that can show sustainability in a building or architecture and technology
design construction.

6. There is no significant sustainability seen in building from architecture in this period of time.

Theoretical/ Analytical Framework

Figure 1: Analytical Framework of the importance of sustainable architecture in building and


Independent Variable: Dependent Variable: Outcome:

 Building design  Importance of  Conclusion
 Minimizing Sustainable
greenhouse gas Architecture in
building and
 energy efficiency
 passive design
 sustainable materials

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are significant and beneficial not just to the students and architects but
also to everyone inside the construction world. To promote the importance of sustainable designs in
corporate with technology. To show the positive effects of constructing with the help of sustainable
architecture and technology in development. To show on everyone

Students. The results of this study will be a big help to the students because they can learn to
understand on how important sustainable architecture in building and technology. This can help to come
up with better solutions in designing and to know to minimize harmful effect on the environment.

Architects. The results of this study will help the architects to have broader understanding on
sustainable design. And also help them understand that their role in contributing in the development. And
to let them know to always consider sustainable design in planning, because it is better and can have
positive effects t the environment. This study might help to know more on sustainable planning.

Construction firms. The study will give them knowledge on the effects and importance of
sustainable planning in building and technology. This might help them to have better planning and usage
of technology to minimize the impact on the environment by having sustainable designs. It can help them
also to realize that a better planning and design has a positive effect to the environment.

Scope and Limitation/ Scope, Delimitation and Limitation



The research study entitled "The Importance of Sustainable Architecture" will focus on the concept of
sustainable architecture, its benefits, and its impact on the environment. The study will cover the basic
principles of sustainable architecture, including the use of renewable resources, the reduction of energy
consumption, and the minimization of waste. It will also discuss the different sustainable architectural
designs and their application in various building types.


The research study on the importance of sustainable architecture has the following limitations:

Geographical limitation: The study will only focus on sustainable architecture practices in selected
regions or countries due to the differences in building regulations and sustainability standards worldwide.

Time limitation: The study will only consider the most recent sustainable architectural practices,
materials, and technologies available before the knowledge cutoff in 2015.

Resource limitation: The study will only use reliable and credible sources for the data and information
used in the research.

Building types limitation: The study will only cover the sustainable architectural practices applicable to
commercial and residential building types, excluding other building types like industrial and
infrastructure buildings.

Technical limitation: The study will not cover in-depth technical aspects of sustainable architecture such
as engineering and structural design considerations.

Definition of Terms

Architecture - the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated
with construction. The practice of architecture is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive
requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends.

Building and Technology = he art or business of assembling materials into a structure” and
“practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area; a manner of accomplishing a
task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge

Green Architecture -philosophy of architecture that advocates sustainable energy sources, the
conservation of energy, the reuse and safety of building materials, and the siting of a building with
consideration of its impact on the environment.

Sustainable Architecture - designing and constructing buildings and infrastructure in order to

support their positive environmental impact, with the objectives of achieving energy efficiency,
durability, favourable effects on health, comfort and safety, and an improved live quality for

Sustainability - avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.


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