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Paragraph 1

Years ago, the Somali Ministry of Education discovered that its

Baccalaureate exams had been “leaked” on social networks just a few hours
before the exams were to be administered. At the same time, media received
a copy of the mathematics exam, which turned out to be the same exam that
was posted online. The Ministry of Education has announced its decision to
retest all students in the experimental and technological sciences
department who took the mathematics exam.

Paragraph 2

Pedagogical researchers affirmed that as the exams were leaked,

“educational and national efforts were ineffective and failed to achieve
the ultimate goals. Thus, we moved one step backward instead of forward,
because of the unplanned and improvised policies and measures associated
with the preparation and implementation of this exam.

Paragraph 3

The Somali Forum for Students (SFS) holds the Ministry of Education
responsible for the leak which runs afoul of the principle of equal
opportunities for students.” The SFS called for the Minister of Education
to open an urgent judicial investigation to find whoever was responsible
for the leak.

Paragraph 4

The leak of the mathematics exam hours before it was to take place is a
serious indicator of the weak moral standards in our society. Thus, the
Ministry of Education must investigate, in collaboration with the police,
those responsible for this scandal and bring them to justice. Those who
leaked the exam do not want the best for our students or our society.
Instead, they want to implant collapsed educational values in our students
and future. Some parties promote Machiavelli’s quote, “the end justifies
the means,” by consecrating inertia in society. The fake results that our
students get because of the exam leak will bring to life generations that
would follow the same path. Further, fraud and forgery will become a
normal and legitimate social behavior as this phenomenon grows, and will
produce a weak and dependent generation, who make no effort to succeed,
who wait instead for someone to easily and unethically achieve s uccess.

1) Tick  the right option.(1 mark)
The text is…
 A newspaper article 
 An extract from a book 
 A web article 
Fill in the table with information from the text. (3 marks)

Leaked exam

subject stream Ministry’s decision

mathematics experimental and retest all students

For each of the following statements, pick out ONE detail showing that it
is false. (2marks)
a. The author is satisfied with preparation and implementation of the bac
Thus, we moved one step backward instead of forward,
b. Exam leakers want to help the students succeed.(par.4)
They want to implant collapsed educational values in our students and

Read paragraph 3 and 4 and list three drawbacks related to exam leaks. (3
a) the leak which runs afoul of the principle of equal opportunities for
b) fake results
c) weak and dependent generation

Complete the following paragraph with 2 words from the paragraphs

indicated (2marks)
No one knows the reason why the Ministry of Education's measures to
safeguard the BAC exams were ineffective (par.2). Some students reportedly
received the exam questions hours (par.4) before the exam.

What do the words underlined in the text refer to? (2marks)

They (par.4) refers to those who leak the exam.
This phenomenon (par.4) refers to the exam leak

What does the following word mean? Tick  the right option (1mark)
“inertia” (paragraph 4) nearly means
a. Laziness  b. stealing  c. illiteracy

Give a personal and justified answer to the following question. (1mark)

Machiavelli said: “the end justifies the means” Do you share the same
attitude? Why or Why not?
I ___________________________ this attitude because ______________________
1. Truancy is a bad practice that has become widespread among students
today. Use the notes below to write a 5-line paragraph in which you
account for this trend. (5 marks)

Causes effects
 giving in to peer pressure to  wastage of learning time
skip school.  dropping out of school
 being behind on schoolwork  not graduating


Virtual learning has become like a breeze of fresh air for all, those who
found it difficult to relate to the concept of classroom teaching”
In reaction to the quote, you decided to write a 12-line email about the
benefits of online learning. (10marks)

Put the bracketed words in the right tense and /or form. (3marks)

First issued in 1901, the Nobel Prize is one of the highest honors a
person can receive in their lifetime. The Nobel Prize [found] was founded
by Swedish engineer, inventor, and [chemistry]chemist Alfred Nobel, whose
will established the Nobel Foundation and directed that the prizes be
awarded [annual] annually "to those who, during the preceding year,
[confer] conferring the greatest benefit to humankind." Nobel further
instructed that "no consideration [give] be given to nationality, but that
the prize be awarded to the [worthy] worthiest person, whether or not they
are Scandinavian."

Fill in the blanks with 7 words from the following list. (3.5 marks)

gain ; pushed ; flexible ; drain ; also ; equal ; even though ;

privileged; incentives
Some call women leaving the workforce in order to balance work and family
life “opting out.” Social scientists who study workplace culture say it’s
more like they were “pushed out” because workplaces require long,
demanding hours of face time and see flexible or part-time work as almost
a sign of weakness. Economist Sylvia Ann Hewlett, of the Center for Talent
Innovation, who studies the phenomenon, calls it a “hidden brain drain”
that not only hurts women, keeping them down or out of the workforce. It
also hurts men by tying them to work even though more, particularly
younger men, say what they also want is to spend more time with their
children and be equal partners at home. The phenomenon, Hewlett argues,
hurts businesses, families and the economy. “It’s important to note that,
whether pulled or pushed; only a relatively privileged group of women have
the option of not working.” Said Sylvia.

Circle the correct option. (3.5 marks)

Agnes Stevens, a former schoolteacher, founded School on Wheels to help

homeless children stay in school by giving them tutors, [backpacks;
packages; subjects] and other support services. Stevens formed School on
Wheels in 1993 after 30 years of teaching elementary school. In two
decades it has grown from a one-woman operation to a nationally recognized
program with 1,800 [volunteer; paid; useless] tutors serving 3,000 homeless
students. The tutors come from all [walks ; talks ; folks] of life and go
wherever homeless children are, from shelters and skid row hotels to
doughnut shops, libraries and foster homes. The program provides [based;
basic; basically] necessities, including bus tokens and classroom
[supplies; difficulties; contributions] and helps with enrollment and the
transferring of academic records. It also has an 800 phone number that
[enables; lets; allows] students keep in touch with the group [despite;
thanks to; unlike] being constantly uprooted.

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