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Writing : Th benefits of traveling

Use the following notes to write correct sentences

1- It – be – say – life without – travel – be – live -a cage.
2- We – be -not -live -, we – be- keep – alive.
3- In fact, - travel – have got – numerous -benefit.
4- It -be -both -entertain -educative.
5- First, it -be -escape – the – day -routine.
6- It -be – opportunity – destress – we -because -we -be -exhausted -due -studies -work.
7- When – visit – other -country , -we – less anxious -better mood.
8- It -be -high -benefit – our -physic -mind- emotion – health.
9- As someone -say –“travel – be – therapy”
10- Travel – around -world -help -we – learn – new – things.
11- For example, we – learn – language , connect – the local people.
12- When we -be – holiday, we – be – open – new – culture – customs – people.
13- Travel – can teach – we – more – university course .
14- Be – abroad – help – we – be – responsible – solve – we – problems – ourselves.
15- Saint Austine once – say “ the world – be – book – and those – do not travel, read
only a page.”
Writing 2 The Benefits of Space Tourism
1- Opinion – split – topic – space tourism.
2- There – in favour – those – against.
3- No doubt – space torism – hotly debated issues – modern days.
4- There – split opinions – concern – space tourism. There – in favour – against.
5- Personally, - believe – unique experience.
6- It – be – as William Mc Cool – say “ it – beyond – imagine.
7- It – worth – take – risk .
8- If – ask – me, - would say – it – true – space tourism – waste – money – energy –
but – has also – benefits.
9- Start with – space travel – increase – knowledge – outer space – our planet.
10- People – go – space – enjoy – moments – weightlessness – a unique experience.
11- Rare experience – zero gravity – not – something – do – everyday.
12- Think – time – go – beyond – boundaries.
13- Werner Von Braun – once said “ Man – belongs wherever – wants – go .
14- In fact, - look – earth – space – just breath- taking.
15- Apart from this, expert – argue – important – humans – spread beyond – planet
order – ensure future survival.
16- Should not – focus – positive side – things.
17- Think – should – positive – life.
18- Personal view, - go – space – exciting experience.
19- It – an exciting experience – see – planet – above – rivers – shores – continents
and have – glimpse – universe.
20- After all, - people – free – do – whatever – like – their money.
21- With regard – above arguments, - I could -say – space travel – one – the double -
sided – issue. We – look – it -different angles.
22- It is as one – the experts – say – that we should “free man – the chains – gravity
tie him – this planet.
1- There – split opinions – concern – space tourism. There – in favour – against.
2- If – ask – would say – despite – have – benefits – the same time – disadvantages.
3- Start with, - people argue – waste – money – time – energy.
4- What – am – trying – say – be – that – we – spend – huge amount – money –
solving – urgent problems – earth.
5- We – build – hospital – school – home – create – job – opportunity.
6- Apart – this, - some people assert – be – costly – experience.
7- That – be – say – billionaire – afford – go – space.

Language (12marks)
1- Provide the right tense or form of the bracketed words/verbs (4marks)

People argue that we shouldn’t group pupils in grades by age, but we should focus on their
abilities. Should children as young as three, four and five be (teach) ______________________by
ability? Grouping children like this in nursery school, Reception and Years 1 and 2 is (increase)
____________________________ common across England, according to a report by University
College London's Institute of Education. The study raises concerns about the impact of teaching by
ability on pupils'(confide) _________________________ and aspirations. But while some are
(criticize) _________________________ of the practice, others say it works well. Mother-of-two Elisa
(feel) _________________________ let down when she found out her son had been grouped by
ability - into a lower group - from Reception. "It was like he'd been branded - 'you belong to the
lower group and you'll never move up to the (high) ________________________ group', "she said. "I
couldn't understand why some of the mums were so (push) _________________________ with their
children, it was because they wanted to make sure they were in the advanced group”. " Children
develop at different times, so to say at five or six that's what you are, you're not as smart as everyone
else and you belong to a certain group and you're stuck with it is just not fair - you're (condemn)
________________________________those children to stay at that stage rather than pushing them
on."Elisa says the experience made her son doubt himself."He called himself not as intelligent as the
other children; he wasn't as clever as so-and-so. He found it hard with his selfesteem, I think."

2- Fill in the blanks with words from the list. There are 2 extra words. (4marks):

merely--because—challenging --opportunity--tackled—schooling--obstacle—potential—on—

Are you considering furthering your education but you think you’re too old for school? Many would-
be students over age 35 see age as an ____________________________to continuing their
educations, but some have _________________________it to prove that you’re never too old for
school. As a 55-year-old freshman with zero college credits, Theresa had a steep road ahead of her
when she _____________________ at NYU School of Professional Studies. There had been a 38-year
gap since her last formal_____________________. She had no SAT scores, but she did have decades
of life experience from which to draw. "I'd been a business manager/outreach coordinator for a
prominent children's theater. I'd developed and managed a world-class Arabian horse farm. I'd been
heavily endorsed as a candidate for the Seattle School Board, lobbied the Washington State
legislature ________________________education issues, and ridden across the United States on the
Bicentennial Wagon Train. But I couldn't secure a minimum wage job. I was being screened out
_____________________________I had no college degree. "My B.A. concentration in International
Studies will bring my resume up to date and it'll maximize my earning
___________________________for the rest of my productive life. Has it
been________________________? Yes. Worthwhile? Yes. In fact, my personal standards are in sync
with the university's high bar."

3- Circle the suitable alternative : (4marks)

A Chance for every Schoolchild - WFP School Feeding Strategy 2020 – 2030

WFP estimates that about 73 million primary schoolchildren living in extreme poverty in 60
countries . In its strategy (2020 – 2030) WFP lays out its vision of working with governments and
partners to jointly ensure that all primary schoolchildren have (provision-ability-access) to good
quality meals in school, accompanied by a broader integrated package of services. It is important that
growing children are fully supported by good health and (nutritious-nutrition-nutritional) during the
first 1,000 days of their development, the critical window from conception to 2 years of age. That (has
been-was - was being) the development focus for the last decade, but we now know that is not
enough. If the early gains are to be sustained, then they need to maintain good health and nutrition
throughout the vulnerable periods (from-of-among) development that continue through to the early
twenties: the first 8,000 days of life. Most importantly, good health and nutrition need to be
sustained when children are being educated during school age and adolescence. This is an investment
that is necessary for all children and has its greatest returns for the most (mature-deprived-wealthy)
children and for girls,too. Healthy and well-(assessed-educated-nourished) schoolchildren learn
better. They also have better chances to thrive and fulfill their potential as adults. Ensuring that girls
and boys who are able and ready to learn (allows-allowed-allowing) countries to develop their human
capital and individuals. It (adjusts-strengthens-confines) community cohesion, stability and
productivity, and helps make people and societies more resilient in a rapidly changing world.

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