Retail Energy Management in Electricity Market Structure Challenges and Economic Aspects A Review

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Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20


Retail Energy Management in Electricity Markets:

Structure, Challenges and Economic Aspects- a Review
Hessam Golmohamadi1 · Reza Keypour1

Received: 8 May 2017 / Accepted: 4 November 2017 / Published online: 18 November 2017
© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017

Abstract In the rapidly growing global energy consump- the potential for economic inefficiencies through complete
tion, electrical energy plays the important role. Environ- modeling of retail electricity market.
mental concerns about air pollution, fossil fuels depletion
and energy crisis have led policy makers of energy systems Keywords Energy management · Demand response ·
to increase the portion of electricity in the energy portfo- Retailer · Electricity market · Uncertainty
lio. On the other hand, economic crises, especially in recent
years, have increased the electricity price. With decreased
purchasing power, end-use consumers are encouraged to
participate in Demand Side Management (DSM) programs, RER Renewable Energy Resource
e.g. Demand Response Programs (DRPs), to decrease their MG Micro Grid
electricity bills. In such situation, retail energy management VPP Virtual Power Plant
SG Smart Grid
attracts attention in both development and improvement.
DG Distributed Generation
This paper reviews the concept of retail energy management
WPP Wind Power Producer
in modern structure of electricity markets. The objectives
PHEV Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
of this study are: a) review techno-economic studies in
DRP Demand Response Providers
the literature to identify the main structure of retail energy CFaR Cash Flow At Risk
management; b) review the different retail market studies GAMS General Algebraic Modeling System
for assessing economic performance; c) present a com- MATLAB Matrix Laboratory
prehensive evaluation about the role of DRPs in retail DRExM Demand Response Exchange Market
energy management; d) carry out an extensive survey of RM Reserve Market
optimization approaches, mathematical modeling and opti- EM Energy Management
MT Micro Turbine
mization software about the retail energy management. This
FC Fuel Cell
paper provides a template for market participants to opti- PTR Price-Taker Retailer
mize energy management in the retail side of electricity RTM Real Time Market
markets. The proposed structure encourages the efficient DAM Day-Ahead Market
development of retail electricity market while eliminating IDM Intraday Market
FM Future Market
ARIMA Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average
VaR Value-At-Risk
 Reza Keypour CVaR Conditional Value-At-Risk RAROK Risk Adjusted Return On Capital
Hessam Golmohamadi
CHP Combined Heat and Power DER Distributed Energy Resources
MSF Market Share Function
1 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IGDP Information Gap Decision Theory
Semnan University, Semnan, Iran GA Genetic Algorithm
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PSO Particle Swarm Optimization (which has a great deal of uncertainty) intends to procure
LMP Locational Marginal Pricing some parts of its obligated energy through stochastic renew-
ETC Electrical/Thermal/Cooling demand able resources. Considering the increased use of RERs in
PMR Price-Maker Retailer the last decades, many studies investigate new approaches
to integrate the RERs into the electricity market. Roughly
speaking, there are three main attitudes for integrating the
RERs into the electricity market as follows [7]:
1. Wind generation is managed through the electricity
In the restructured electricity markets, retailers are profit- market as a negative demand. The Wind Power Pro-
based entities which purchase electricity from wholesale ducers (WPP) are paid a regulated tariff releasing from
market with volatile price and sell it to the consumers with determining bidding strategy and generation plan.
specified tariff [1, 2]. Owing to the uncertain nature of 2. Wind producers participate in electricity market. They
pool market price and the price fluctuation in the pool mar- are paid a clearing price of electricity market plus a
kets, uncertainty modeling is one of the main challenges of subsidy which is intended to strengthen the competi-
retailers. In addition, inherent uncertainty of clients’ con- tiveness of wind producers in the electricity market.
sumption in the power system increases the complexity of 3. According to a pure competitive rationale, wind pro-
problem [3]. Retailers can procure the consumers’ elec- ducers must bear the burden of the market as any other
tricity demand from different resources: (1) self-generating market participant [8]. Consequently, this situation is
facilities (2) market contracts and (3) wholesale markets. achieved by eliminating the subsidies in the previous
Literature Review on Fundamentals of Retail
Electricity Market In the modern structure of electricity market, the advent of
new profit-based entities, e.g. Demand Response Providers
Conventional self-generating facilities, including gas- (DRP) [9] and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Aggregators
fired/diesel engines, hydro turbines and energy storages (PHEVA) [10] raises topical issues in retail market studies.
are dispatchable resources with deterministic power out- Regarding the newly emerged entities, multi-agent model of
put. It means that there is no uncertainty in the power power systems makes it possible to study different agents in
output of these Distributed Generations (DG). Conven- an oligopoly electricity market and investigate new ways to
tional DGs are appropriate resources for retailers to hedge develop effective strategies in retail market studies.
against the uncertainties associated with electricity price
and clients’ consumption. On the other hand, Renewable Gaps in the Literature and the Contribution
Energy Resources (RER) as new self-generating facilities,
including wind turbines and solar photovoltaic sites, are not In the literature, many researches exist that study retail
dispatchable power resources. It means that there is a great energy management in the competitive structure of electric-
deal of uncertainty in the power output of these resources. ity market. To the best of our knowledge, no comprehensive
Due to uncertain nature of renewable energy resources, inte- review for the retail energy management has been reported
gration of them into power systems poses major challenges in the literature. Therefore, the contribution of this paper can
to the retail electricity market [4]. be stated as follows:
Regarding market contracts, retailers have access to dif-
(1) Providing a comprehensive review of technical and
ferent kinds of contracts to hedge against the electricity price
economic aspects of retail energy management in
uncertainty. Forward contracts, bilateral contracts, future
modern structure of electricity market.
contracts, call option, swing contracts and contracts for dif-
(2) Presenting an extensive survey of mathematical formu-
ference are the most common contracts in retail markets [5].
lation of the retail problem in terms of components,
In addition, different trading floors of the wholesale elec-
uncertainties, mathematical modeling, optimization
tricity market, including Day-Ahead Market (DAM), intra-
methodologies and risk analysis.
day/adjustment market and real time/balancing/spot market,
(3) Introducing the concept of retail energy management
are used by retailers for electrical energy procurement [6].
in presence of newly emerged entities, including DRPs
Integration RERs to the electricity market poses major
and PHEVAs.
challenges to the power system. The control, operation and
regulation of an electricity market that includes stochas- This paper concentrates mostly on retail energy manage-
tic renewable production facilities are actually different ment strategies in the future structure of electricity markets
than those of a market with only deterministic production emphasizing the integration of newly emerged entities to
facilities. The situation may be deteriorated when a retailer retail electricity markets. For this reason, first of all, a
Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20 Page 3 of 15 20

fundamental review of retail problem in the electricity mar- used by retailers to purchase their obligated energy. More-
ket is presented. In this section, an extensive review of over, regarding the wholesale contracts, future contracts [17,
retail market, including structure, components and mathe- 26, 29], forward contracts [16, 18, 23, 30], call option [23,
matical programming, is conducted. Secondly, the impacts 30] and swing contracts [25, 28] are typically used in dif-
of newly emerged entities, e.g. demand response providers ferent studies of retail market. In addition to the large-scale
and PHEV aggregators, in the retail market studies are power production facilities which participate in the whole-
investigated. To sum up, the main aim is to address the sale market, some retailers prefer to procure some parts
economic and technical aspects of retail energy manage- of their electrical energy through bilateral contracts signed
ment in the future structure of competitive electricity market with small-scale power generators. In this regard, intermit-
emphasizing increased use of sustainable energies. tent power production facilities, i.e. RERs, may increase the
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. complexity of retail problem due to the uncertain charac-
“Retail Electricity Market” presents the economic aspects teristic of output power [14, 32, 36]. On the other hand,
of retail energy management in the competitive structure some retailers prefer to procure their obligated energy from
of electricity market. We develop the model for both price- deterministic power production units, e.g. gas fired/diesel
maker and price-taker retailers. Moreover, pure and monop- engines, to hedge against the uncertainties associated with
olistic competition in the form of perfect and imperfect electricity price and clients’ consumption [16, 23, 30, 31].
retail electricity markets is presented. In “Fundamentals Owing to the recent advancements in electrical power
of Energy Management in Retail Market”, we provide an networks, new entities, including DR providers [37] and
extensive review of retail problem in terms of mathematical PHEV aggregators [38], emerged to increase the effi-
formulation. In this section, different parts of mathemati- ciency of power systems. Demand response is defined as
cal formulation for the retail problem are presented. “Retail the changes in electric usage by end-use customers from
Energy Management in Presence of New Emerged Entities” their normal consumption patterns in response to changes
introduces the concept of retail energy management in in the price of electricity over time, or to incentive pay-
presence of newly emerged entities, including DRPs and ments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of
PHEVAs, which can be an interesting subject for future high wholesale market prices or when system reliability is
research studies. jeopardized [39]. In order to coordinate different DR pro-
grams, DR providers [32] emerged in the smart structure
of power system. DR providers are entities which mod-
Retail Electricity Market ify the consumption pattern of end-use consumers through
DR programs. Generally, DR programs are divided into two
Retailers are profit-based entities which purchase electricity main categories [37, 40]: (1) price-based DR programs (2)
from wholesale market with variable price and sell it to the incentive/event based DR programs.
end-use consumers with fixed tariff. The main aim of retail- Regarding the price-based DR programs, DR is imple-
ers is to make more profit in the electricity market reducing mented through approved utility tariffs or contractual agree-
the financial risk of participation in the wholesale market. ments in electricity markets according to which the price
To achieve the aim, retailers should devise their plans for of electrical energy varies over time in order to encourage
two problems: (1) plan of purchasing electricity from the customers to adjust their consumption patterns [37]. These
wholesale market (2) plan of selling electricity in the retail programs are typically used to determine the consumption
market. Figure 1 describes the different sources of energy tariff for end-use consumers [17, 19, 23, 31]. Time of Use
procurement in the retail electricity market. (TOU) [41], Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) [42], Extreme Day
Pricing (EDP) and Real Time Pricing (RTP) [43] are the
Energy Management in Retail Electricity Market most common DR programs which are used as retail pric-
ing schemes. In the incentive based DR programs, a bonus
The wholesale electricity trading environment is supplied financial scheme is considered as a reward for customers
by large-scale production facilities, i.e. conventional (ther- to reduce their electric loads upon request or for giving
mal) generation units [11], renewable resources [12], aggre- the program administrator some level of control over the
gated DGs and storage devices [13]. The retailers can customer’s electrical equipment [37]. These programs are
procure electrical energy in the wholesale electricity mar- mainly used by DR providers to increase the efficiency of
ket through two different resources: (1) wholesale markets power system in term of cost and reliability. In addition
and (2) wholesale contracts. Considering the wholesale mar- to DR programs, voluntary and mandatory load curtailment
ket, Day-ahead Market (DAM) [14–28], Real Time Market programs are proposed in some studies to increase the effi-
(RTM) [17–29], Reserve Market (RM) [15, 21, 22] and ciency of retail market [14, 23]. Demand response providers
Intraday Market (IDM) [20] are the most common markets can aggregate different DR programs to reduce the demand
20 Page 4 of 15 Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20

Fig. 1 Structure of electricity Large-Scale Production Facilities

market from viewpoint of
retailers Conventional Production Facilities Renewable Resources

Wholesale Market
Wholesale Structure

Wholesale Market Wholesale Contracts

Real Time Market Day-ahead Market Future Contract Forward Contract

Intraday Market Future Market Call Option Swing Contract

New Entities Small Scale Production Facilities

PHEV Aggregators DR Providers Retailer Storage Devices Renewable Resources DG’s

Retail Market
Selling Tariffs End Users

TOU CPP EDP RTP User1 User 2 User N

Power Exchange
Data Exchange

level of retailers when the wholesale electricity price is high. generation are the most important renewable energy
Therefore, these entities can help retailers to optimize their resources which are used to procure the required
procurement costs. energy in the retail side of electricity market.
PHEV aggregators are one of the new market play- (4) Conventional distributed generation: thermal dis-
ers which coordinate DR programs for PHEVs as special tributed generation can be interpreted as a determinis-
demands [44]. The main aim of PHEV aggregators is to tic power generation for a retailer to hedge against the
enhance the power system stability and increase the social uncertainties associated with volatile electricity price
welfare through reducing electricity price. Regarding the and intermittent power output of RERs.
retail market, PHEV aggregators can coordinate charging (5) Storage devices: energy storage systems can be used
and discharging programs to reduce the procurement cost of by the retailers to be charged in lower prices during
retailers in the competitive electricity market. off-peak periods and be discharged in higher prices
To sum up, retailers are able to procure their obligated during peak periods. It is evident that the presence of
energy through two different sources: (1) real power produc- ESSs can flatten the profile of electricity price and
tion facilities, e.g. conventional and renewable generation help the retailer to propose competitive prices to the
units and (2) virtual power production facilities, e.g. DRPs end-use consumers.
and PHEVAs.
Considering the virtual power production facilities, new
Table 1 summarizes different sources of energy supply
market players, e.g. DRPs and PHEVAs, can supply some
for power system retailers. Regarding the real power pro-
parts of the retailers’ obligated energy. The DRPs can man-
duction facilities, the retailers can procure their obligated
age the consumption patterns of responsive demands during
energy from the following resources:
peak and off-peak periods. These entities can help the retai-
(1) Wholesale market: the wholesale electricity market lers to flatten the profile of electricity price/demand through
consists of different types of electricity markets, several Demand Side Management (DSM) programs. In
including, DAM, IDM, RTM and RM. addition, the PHEVA is a financial agent in the electric-
(2) Wholesale contract: the retailers can procure some ity markets which can manage charge\discharge pattern
parts of their obligated energy from the contracts of its consumers (PEVs). This agent can help the retail-
signed in the wholesale market. Forward, future, call ers to purchase (sell) deficit (surplus) of their energy from
option and swing contracts are the most common con- (to) the aggregated PEVs. The interaction of retail agents
tracts which are typically used in the retail electricity and PHEVAs can be an interesting issue for the future
market. researches.
(3) Renewable energy resources: distributed wind genera- To sum up, a brief survey of energy supply resources for
tion, photovoltaic solar sites and hydroelectric power the electricity retailers are presented in the Table 1.
Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20 Page 5 of 15 20

Price-Maker and Price-Taker Retailers

[32, 50]
Virtual Facilities
In the literature about the energy management in retail elec-
tricity markets, there are many different research studies

[33, 48, 49]

which consider the retailers as a price-taker agent [21–29].

Price-taker retailers (PTR) and price-maker retailers (PMR)
are exposed to different sources of uncertainty. Regarding
the price-taker agent, the retailers usually aim to maxi-
Storage Devices mize the profit considering the uncertainties associated with
electricity price and clients’ consumption [17]. Price-maker

[46, 47]
retailers, which are addressed in energy management prob-
lems occasionally [20], are exposed to more uncertainty,
i.e. the unforeseen behavior of other price-maker retailers.
This kind of uncertainty is due to the fact that a strate-
[16, 23, 30, 31, 45]
Conventional DGs

gic retailer should estimate the behavior of other competing

retailers, e.g. bidding strategies, in the competitive struc-
ture of electricity market to stay in business. Indeed, in the
EM problems with price-maker retailers, the influence of
different electricity bidding strategies on the electricity mar-
ket price should be taken into account by reproducing the
[32, 35, 36]

clearing process with the residual supply curves [20]. The

additional process may increase the calculation and time

burden of the EM problem. Figure 2 depicts a schematic

diagram about the role of PTR/PMR in an electricity mar-
[25, 28]

ket. Based on the figure, we can say that a PTR should


participate in the electricity market providing one-way bid-

ding strategies. On the contrary, a PMR should estimate
the behavior of other market participants providing two-way
Call option

[23, 30]

bidding strategies.

Monopolistic and Pure Competition in Retail Market

[17, 26, 29]

The main aim of deregulation in power systems is to pro-


vide an increasingly competitive environment for all market

participants. To achieve this aim, market players can partic-
Table 1 Different sources of energy supply for the electricity retailer

Wholesale Contract

ipate in different floors of electricity market. Market power

[16, 18, 23, 30]

is one of the serious challenges which may decrease the

social welfare of electricity markets. A general approach

to prevent from exercising market power by strategic play-

ers is to increase competition among market participants.
In the literature about the retail energy management, many

research studies have addressed the retail electricity market


with monopolistic competition (imperfect market) [14–17,

31–33]. In these studies, only one retailer is considered for
[15, 21, 22]

the problem. The logical reason for this structure is to avoid

increasing the complexity of the problem. On the contrary,

instead of monopolistic competition, there is pure compe-

tition (perfect market) in some research studies. In these

studies, two or more retailers are considered in the prob-

Wholesale Market

lem to enhance the retailers’ competitiveness [23, 29]. In

Real Facilities

such structure, each retailer is pressured to attract more con-


sumers in the retail electricity market. It is evident that if a


retailer cannot propose a competitive price to the clients, it

20 Page 6 of 15 Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20

Wholesale Market

Two-way Bidding Strategies

Wholesale Market

One-way Bidding Strategies Behavior Estimation


Behavior Estimation
Retail Market

Retail Market

(a) (b)
Fig. 2 Participation of a price-taker retailer b price-maker retailer (from viewpoint of PMR1 ) in the electricity market

may lose some big customers. Paper [30] uses Market Share an effective method to solve the problem. For this rea-
Function (MSF) to model pricing strategies of competing son, a stochastic programming approach is needed. In the
retailers. In this structure, each retailer generates a price stochastic programming, a set of scenarios is generated to
distribution, i.e. equilibrium prices are defined by a prob- parameterize the stochastic behavior of the main variables.
ability density function, indicating the range of prices that It is evident that the stochastic programming leads to a
the retailer may charge. The probability density function series of optimization measures with a degree of risk. As
according to which the retailer sets its equilibrium prices is a result, a risk analysis method is considered as one of the
defined as the market share function [30]. main parts of the stochastic programming approach, espe-
cially in a retail electricity market. Obviously, the stochastic
programming is a mathematical framework for modeling
Fundamentals of Energy Management in Retail the optimization problems that involve uncertainty. Model-
Market ing the mathematical problem, an optimization approach is
needed to solve the problem. In order to provide a tractable
In this section, a survey of technical structure of retail prob- model for the problem, a computer-based software with
lem is presented. The aim is to find out how a problem in appropriate solver is needed.
retail electricity market is formulated and simulated in terms To sum up, the key components of the retail problem in
of technical and mathematical structures. terms of technical and mathematical structures are described
as follows:
Structure and Components
(1) Type of uncertainties
(2) Mathematical modeling
Retailers are profit-based entities which aim to maximize
(3) Optimization solution
the profit under a controlled degree of risk. Considering the
(4) Scenario generation approach
fundamentals of retail electricity market, a retail problem
(5) Risk analysis
consists of two main parts: (1) purchasing electricity from
(6) Solver and software
the wholesale market (2) selling electricity to the end-use
consumers. In the next subsections, the aforementioned components are
Regarding the wholesale contracts, retailers should make illustrated.
decision about the kind and demand level of the contracts.
In the wholesale market, e.g. day-ahead market, volatile Uncertainties
electricity price may increase the complexity of the prob-
lem. Moreover, elastic/uncertain load characteristics of the Electricity price and clients’ consumption are the key uncer-
end-use consumers pose major challenges to the retailers. tain variables in the retail problem [17, 23, 28–34]. Volatile
Therefore, stochastic variables play an important role in electricity price in the electricity market, e.g. day-ahead
formulation of the retail problem. and real time markets, poses major challenges to the retail-
Because of the stochastic behavior of the main vari- ers. Regarding the uncertainty associated with the electric-
ables in a retail problem, deterministic programming is not ity price, different trading floors are considered in retail
Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20 Page 7 of 15 20

market studies. Day-ahead market [14], reserve market [21, management, a complete set of uncertainties which affects
22], regulation market [24] and real time market [25] are the the retail strategies should be discussed in the problem. In
most important trading floors in the retail market studies. conclusion, the results are reviewed in Table 2.
Generally, the more uncertain variables are considered,
the more complex problem is created. Some research studies Mathematical Modeling
address the uncertainties associated with the power out-
put of renewable energy resources, e.g. wind turbines [32] Decisions in the retail market need to be made with lack of
and solar energy systems [36]. Considering pure competi- perfect information; therefore, it motivates policy makers of
tion in the retail market, the stochastic behavior of other the retail market to use stochastic programming approach in
competing retailers is considered as a key uncertain vari- their decision making processes. The most common way to
able [29]. In order to estimate the behavior of retailers in model the problem with uncertain variables is the stochastic
a competitive electricity market, a Market Share Function programming. Regarding the retail problem, many research
(MSF) is devised to show the behavior of competing retail- studies use stochastic programming approach to model the
ers toward electricity price variations [30]. Table 2 describes problem mathematically [14–29]. Instead of the stochastic
the most important uncertain variables which are considered programming, some papers, especially in recent years, have
in research studies of the retail problem. As the table reveals, concentrated on Information Gap Decision Theory (IGDT)
electricity price and load level are the most important uncer- [16] and robust optimization approach [31] to model the
tain variables which are typically addressed in the retail retail problem. A distinguishing feature of the robust opti-
studies. In addition, due to the integration of renewable ener- mization is that the approach can reduce the computational
gies to the power systems, especially in recent years, many time burden of the retail problem considerably in contrast to
research studies discuss the use of RERs in the retail elec- the stochastic programming approach [31].
tricity market in the form of self-generation facilities. In First of all, in the stochastic programming approach,
this regard, the intermittent power output of RERs can be the number of stages is a key feature. Modeling the retail
interpreted as a main uncertain variable which can affect problem, the number of stages (e.g. single-stage, two-
the retail strategies. In a perfect electricity market with pure stage, three-stage and multi-stage stochastic programming)
competition, the retailer should forecast the behavior of depends on the number of decision making procedures dur-
other competing retailers to propose a competitive electric- ing electricity market performance. In the problem with
ity price. This approach can help the retailer to preserve and two supply markets, e.g. day-ahead and real time markets,
increase its customers by optimizing its tariffs. Consider- the stochastic programming is converted into a two-stage
ing the newly emerged entities, e.g. DRPs and PHEVAs, the approach [14]. However, considering more trading floors,
complexity of the problem may be increased. In this situa- e.g. forward contract, day-ahead market, intraday market
tion, the uncertainties associated with PEVs and responsive and real time market, the stochastic programming is con-
demands are added to the retail problem. Additional illus- verted into a multi-stage approach [28]. It is worth men-
trations about the role of DRPs and PHEVAs in retail tioning that in the stochastic programming with recourse,
electricity market are presented in “Retail Energy Mana- retailers are able to take corrective measures in each stage
gement in Presence of New Emerged Entities”. In order of the stochastic programming (correspond to each trad-
to conduct a comprehensive study about the retail energy ing floors of the retail market). Modeling the problem with

Table 2 The most important uncertain variables in retail market studies

Type Of Uncertainty Description

Electricity price – The most important uncertainty in the retail problem.

– It is composed of different market trading floors, e.g. electricity price of DAM, IDM and RTM.
Load level – The uncertain load characteristic of the end-use consumers is one of the most important
uncertainties in the retail problems.
– The elastic behavior of consumers toward the electricity price variations increases the
complexity of the retail problem.
Renewable output power – Wind and solar power are the most important uncertain variables for those retailers who
use renewable energy resources in their energy portfolio.
Behavior of retailers – Stochastic behavior of competing retailers plays crucial role in perfect markets with pure competition.
– The problem can be more complex when the retailers are price-maker agents.
PHEVs – In the retail problem with considering the PHEVA, the retail strategies can be deeply
affected by the stochastic behavior of PHEVs.
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more than three stages, the problem may be less tractable max-min bi-level structure of the problem is converted to
than expected. Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram about equivalent single-level optimization using Karush–Kuhn–
the three-stage stochastic programming with recourse for Tucker optimality conditions. Reference [54] presents a
24-hour scheduling in the retail electricity market. two-stage model for the energy pricing and dispatch prob-
Secondly, IGDT is based on quantitative models and pro- lem faced by a smart grid retailer who plays the role of an
vides numerical decision-support assessment; however, its intermediary agent between a wholesale market and end-
underlying theory is not a closed computational methodol- use consumers. The problem is modeled using linear robust
ogy. IGDT method maximizes the horizon of uncertainty optimization approach and is transformed to a mixed integer
and finds a solution that guarantees a certain expectation linear program (MILP) by jointly using the Karush-Kuhn-
for the objective. This method has practical advantage over Tucker (KKT) condition and the duality theory.
scenario-based approaches, i.e. stochastic programming. In
the case of retail energy management, an IGDT-based model Optimization Solution
determines optimal schedules in order to achieve a tar-
get profit, whereas scenario-based methods find optimal Decision-making problems can be adequately formulated
schedules based on a limited number of possible scenar- as optimization problems. Generally, if the input variables
ios. In addition, unlike scenario-based models, IGDT-based of the problem are deterministic, the optimal solution is
methods guarantee a predefined level of profit for the found by using the optimization methods directly. On the
retailer. In approaches where the stochastic variables are other hand, in the problems with imperfect data, stochas-
modeled using probability theories, distribution functions tic/robust approaches are needed to formulate the problem
are assumed and employed to model and measure trading mathematically before using optimization methods.
risk. In contrast, in the IGDT approach, neither a particular Due to the different formulations of the retail prob-
assumption about the nature of the uncertain parameter is lem, the mathematical structure of the problem can be
required nor any pre-assumption on the size of uncertainty in two different forms: (1) linear programming [18, 34]
is enforced [51]. and (2) non-linear programming [20–22]. Linear objective
Finally, in the robust optimization approach, the stochas- functions are usually solved using classical (mathematical)
tic variables are characterized by the so-called uncertainty optimization techniques, e.g. Benders Decomposition [18],
set, which the uncertain variables can take value in. Then, Branch and Bound approach [23], Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
the objective function is optimized in the worst-case point condition [29] and Duality Theory [33]. The non-linear
of these sets. In paper [52], the aim is to determine the objective functions are divided into two different categories.
optimal retail strategies, especially determine the optimal In the first category, the complexity of the problem and
selling electricity price, under worst-case realization of the constraints can be mitigated through mathematical reformu-
wholesale market price uncertainty. In this paper, maximiza- lation of the problem [29]. In these studies, the non-linear
tion of the retailer’s profit for the worst-case realization structure of the problem can be transformed into a linear
of the wholesale price uncertainty is stated as a min-max structure which is tractable and appropriate to be solved
problem. In paper [53], a robust optimization approach by using the traditional optimization techniques. In the sec-
is presented for determining the day-ahead bidding strate- ond category, due to the non-linear nature of the problem
gies of a large-scale hybrid electric energy company. The and great technical complexity, the classical optimization

Fig. 3 Three-stage stochastic

programming with recourse in DAM Electricity IDM Electricity RTM Electricity
the short term retail market price uncertainty price uncertainty price uncertainty

Stage one Stage two Stage three

Stochastic Programming
DAM Realization IDM Realization RTM Realization

Corrective Corrective Recourses

Measures Measures

Time Domain
1 24
Certainty Gain Effect
Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20 Page 9 of 15 20

approaches are neglected and heuristic search algorithms, Risk Analysis

e.g. Genetic Algorithm (GA) [21, 22], Particle Swarm Opti-
mization technique (PSO) [55] and Imperialist Competitive The aim of retail problems is to maximize (minimize)
Algorithm (ICA) [55] are used to solve the problem. the retailer’s profit (cost). Formulating the stochastic pro-
Note that the complexity of the retail problem (from lin- gramming approach, non-desirable properties of profit/cost
earity or nonlinearity perspective) depends heavily on three distribution function, e.g. the scenarios with high proba-
following factors: bility of low (high) profit (cost), can result in unfavorable
(1) The structure of retail market, e.g. the number of outcomes for the retailers. In order to reduce the poten-
wholesale market floors and contracts. tial risk, a risk assessment approach is needed. Table 3
(2) Type of uncertainties, especially the uncertainties asso- describes different risk assessment approaches in the litera-
ciated with renewable energy resources. tures. However, some risk indices are more common among
(3) Type of competition, i.e. monopolistic or pure competition. the electricity market studies. Regarding the economic prop-
erties of electricity markets, five risk assessment approaches
Scenario Generation are typically used in the retail problems as follows
Considering the retail problem with uncertain variables,
(1) Variance
the probability distribution of input uncertain data can be
(2) Shortfall probability
approximated by a collection of plausible sets of input
(3) Expected shortage
data with associated probabilities of occurrence which is
(4) Value-at-Risk (VaR)
called scenario. In order to generate scenarios for the retail
(5) Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR)
problem with a great number of input data, a computational-
based scenario generation mechanism is needed. Auto In addition, Risk Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC)
Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) is the and Cash Flow at Risk (CFaR) are the other important
most common mechanism to generate scenarios in the retail risk assessment approaches which are used by some energy
problems [23, 29, 30, 34]. ARIMA approach is based on service companies [26].
time series and consists of three parts as Auto Regres- The shortfall probability is the risk that an investment’s
sive (AR), Integration (I) and Moving Average (MA) which actual return will be less than the expected return, or,
makes it possible to measure the correlation between histor- more properly, the return needed to meet one’s investment
ical and forecasted data. Monte Carlo simulation approach goals. Regarding the expected shortage, the profit risk can
is typically used in the studies which the retailer is equipped be hedged by the simultaneously pursuing expected profit
with the intermittent self-generation facilities. In [14, 19], maximization and expected shortage minimization.
the Monte Carlo simulation approach is used to forecast Considering the risk assessment approaches, VaR and
the hourly wind speed for the distributed wind generation- CVaR are the most common risk indices in the retail
owning retailer. In addition, Roulette wheel technique, studies [17, 18, 28]. It is worth mentioning that VaR
which is based on the probable occurrence of stochastic does not control scenarios exceeding VaR whereas CVaR
variables, is used in some research studies to forecast the accounts for losses exceeding VaR. For this reason, CVaR
behavior of competing retailers [18]. Moment matching is is the most important risk assessment approach which
another successful method to generate scenarios for the is used in different studies of retail electricity market
stochastic optimization [56]. This approach can be used for [30, 34]. To sum up, the results are briefly surveyed in
retail problems with lack of perfect data. Table 3.

Table 3 Risk assessment

approaches in different studies Studies Risk index Risk Index Risk Value Explanation

[57, 58] Variance Var Var(x) x: variable

[59] Shortfall probability SF SF(η,x) η : pre-fixed value
[60] Expected shortage ES ES(η,x) α : reliability level
[61] Value-at-risk VaR VaR(α,x)
[62, 63] Conditional value-at-risk CVaR CVaR(α,x)
[64] Risk adjusted return on capital RAROK –
[65] Cash flow at risk CFaR –
20 Page 10 of 15 Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20

Solver and Software to induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale
market prices or when system reliability is jeopardized [66].
The energy management problem in retail market is usu- Besides, Demand Response Providers (DRPs) are newly
ally simulated using two advanced commercial software, emerged form of retailers which aggregate DR resources of
General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) and Matrix the multiple small customers [67] and can provide a sin-
Laboratory (MATLAB). Based on the different formula- gle operating profile by deployment of Advanced Metering
tions of the problem, different solvers are used to optimize Infrastructure (AMI) for DR resources same as a generating
the problem. CPLEX [14, 31, 32], DICOPT [15], CONOPT unit [68].
[17] and MOSEK [18] are the most common solvers which In retail electricity markets, consumers can adjust their
are used to find the optimized solution in the retail energy consumption according to the retailers’ offers and incen-
management studies. Besides, other commercial software, tives. In the technical literatures, different retail pricing
e.g. Dash Optimization Software Xpress, can be used to schemes are proposed to encourage the end-use consumers
obtain optimized strategies in the retail problem [18]. to participate in demand response programs.
In conclusion, Fig. 4 describes the most important tech- Generally, demand response programs are divided into
nical features of the retail problem. two main categorizes: (1) price-based DR programs and (2)
incentive based DR programs. Regarding the price-based
DR programs, the programs are typically used to deter-
Retail Energy Management in Presence of Newly mine the consumption tariff for end-use consumers. TOU,
Emerged Entities CPP, EDP and RTP are the most common DR programs
which are used as retail pricing schemes. In the incentive
In spite of the conventional retailers, two kinds of new retail- based DR programs, a bonus financial scheme is consid-
ers emerged in the modern structure of electricity market. ered as a reward for customers to reduce their electric loads
DRP and PHEVA are newly emerged entities which pur- upon request or for giving the program administrator some
chase energy from the wholesale market and sell to the level of control over the customer’s electricity-using equip-
end-use consumers. The main difference between the pre- ment. These programs are mainly divided into two main
viously mentioned retailers (traditional retailers) and the categorizes: (1) classical programs and (2) market-based
newly emerged retailers is that the new retailers can sell programs. Classical DR programs include Direct Load Con-
energy only to the specific loads (smart loads and PEVs) trol programs and Interruptible/Curtailable Load programs.
while the traditional retailers are able to sell energy to the In these programs, participating customers receive partici-
all end-use consumers. pation payments, usually as a bill credit or discount rate, for
In retail market studies, the traditional and newly their participation in the programs. Market based DR pro-
emerged retailers can be discussed in the form of separate grams include Emergency DR Programs, Demand Bidding,
agents. However, integrating the retailers into a same agent, Capacity Market, and the Ancillary services market. In these
the social welfare of retail market participants increases. programs, participants are rewarded with money for their
Demand Response (DR) are defined by the U.S. Depart- performance, depending on the amount of load reduction
ment of Energy (DOE) as the incentive payments designed during critical conditions [69–75].

Fig. 4 The structure of retail

problem from viewpoint of Model of Retail Problem
technical and mathematical
Uncertainty Formulation Optimization Scenario Risk Software

Stochastic Benders
Dash Optimization

Electricity Price
Programming KKT ARMA CVaR


Robust Branch-Bound

Load Level Monte Carlo RAROK

Duality Theory Roulette wheel CFaR
Renewable Power
IGDT Moment Matching

Rival Behavior PSO

Responsive Demand ICA CONOPT
Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20 Page 11 of 15 20

Table 4 DR programs in retail

market studies DR programs Category Description Studies

Incentive based DR programs (IBDRP) Classical DRP Direct control [69]

Curtailable programs [70]
Interruptible programs [71]
Market based DRP Demand bidding [72]
Emergency DR [73]
Capacity market [74]
Ancillary service markets [75]
Price based DR programs (PBDRP) TOU [76, 77]
CPP [78, 79]
ED-CPP [80]
EDP [80]
RTP [81, 82]

To sum up, Table 4 illustrates the most important demand market model in which elastic demands of consumers can be
response programs which are used in retail energy manage- traded at flexible selling prices offered by a retailer. In this
ment studies. paper, the retailer offers a selling price and the response of
Demand response providers can aggregate different DR elastic consumers toward the prices is investigated by using
programs to reduce the demand level of retailers when the price-based DR programs In [87] an approach is proposed to
wholesale electricity price is high. Therefore, this entity can determine day-ahead retail electricity price for elastic con-
help the retailers to optimize their procurement costs. Dif- sumers. In this research, real time pricing and dynamic tariff
ferent studies have been concentrated on the use of demand are used to study the response of the clients toward the retail
response programs in the retail electricity market. Paper price. In [88] a price-based demand response program is
[52] determines the robust values of retail electricity price proposed to facilitate the integration of Photovoltaic (PV)
for end-use consumers considering their participation in power in the distribution network and decrease the peak load
DRPs. In order to model the behavior of consumers against of power network. In addition, the integration of PHEVs to
the retail price, a combined demand function comprises of the electricity market can be facilitated by using DRPs in
linear demand function, potential demand function, loga- retail side of electricity market [89].
rithmic demand function and exponential demand function In conclusion, use of demand response programs in
is used. The results show that application of DR programs the retail electricity market has many advantages for both
can reduce the retail electricity price offered to the con- electrical network and market participants. Regarding the
sumers. In [83] dynamic retail pricing scheme is proposed electrical network, the use of demand response program can
to reduce peak loads and electricity bills for household con- facilitate the integration of intermittent distributed energy
sumers. In [84] the Stackelberg game-based DR algorithm resources and PHEVs to the electricity market. In fact,
is addressed to control the load of consumers in response to by giving the program administrator some level of control
the retail price offered to the consumers through real time over the customer’s electricity-using equipment, the power
pricing scheme. Paper [85] uses DR programs in the retail system operator is able to hedge against the uncertainties
side of an energy company to hedge against the uncertainty associated with output power of stochastic generation facil-
of wholesale market price. Paper [86] presents a novel retail ities. Considering the market participants, the retailer can

Fig. 5 The objectives of DRPs Facilitate the integration of stochastic resources, e.g. wind and
in retail electricity markets solar energies, to electricity network
Network-based Objectives
Facilitate the integration of PHEVs to electricity network

Reduce the peak load

Objectives of DRPs
Reduce the electricity price

Market-based Objectives Reduce the consumers’ electricity bills

Increase the payoff/profit

20 Page 12 of 15 Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20

W ho le s a l e S i d e
Day-ahead Market Intraday Market Real Time Market Day-ahead Market Intraday Market Real Time Market

End-use Consumers PHEVA Traditional Retailer DRP PHEVA
Coordination Coordination
Traditional Retailer DRP

Non-responsive Responsive Non-responsive Responsive

Consumers Consumers Consumers Consumers

(a) (b)
Fig. 6 The role of DRP and PHEVA in the multi-agent structure of retail market a individual form of retailers b integrated form of retailers

flatten the profile of electricity price offered to the con- Conclusion

sumers by using demand response programs. In addition,
the end-use consumers can experience a significant reduc- This paper addressed the issue of retail energy manage-
tion in their electricity bills through participating in demand ment in modern structure of electricity markets empha-
response programs. To sum up, Fig. 5 surveys the most sizing the increased use of Renewable Energy Resources
important objectives of DRPs in the retail side of electricity (RERs). First of all, the fundamentals of retail electric-
markets. ity market were presented comprehensively. In this regard,
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle aggregator is a financial structure, components, formulation and mathematical mod-
agent which manages charge/discharge of PHEVs. In the eling of the retail problem in the electricity market were
retail electricity market, the PHEVA can help the retailer also explored. Moreover, the stochastic optimization prob-
to flatten the profile of electrical demand through charg- lem, robust optimization and IGDT approach were dis-
ing (discharging) the PHEVs in off-peak (peak) durations. cussed. The literature studies were analyzed from viewpoint
Coordinating the operational plans of PHEVAs and retail- of market trading floors and wholesale contracts. Day-
ers, the retailers are able to propose more competitive price ahead market and real time market are commonly used
to the consumers. As a result, the profit of retailer increases in research studies of retail market. On the other hands,
considerably. In addition, the end-use consumers pay lower forward and future contracts attracted more attentions to
cost for their electricity bills. Therefore, the social welfare hedge against the electricity price uncertainties. Finally, the
of retail market participants, i.e. the retailer and customers, retail energy management in presence of newly emerged
increases. entities, i.e. Demand Response Providers (DRPs) and Plug-
It is worth mentioning that the newly emerged entities, in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Aggregators (PHEVAs), was
including DRP and PHEVA, can participate in retail elec- investigated.
tricity market individually. However, if the aforementioned To sum up, the conclusive findings of the research study
entities are integrated with the traditional retailers, the social can be stated as follows:
welfare of the electricity market increases. The reason is
that providing coordination between operation strategies of (1) Introducing the structure of retail energy management
PHEVs, responsive loads and traditional (non-responsive) in terms of components, mathematical modeling and
loads can increase the efficiency of power system in terms optimization methodologies.
of economic and technical aspects. To illustrate the prob- (2) Find out how to provide a mathematical model
lem, Fig. 6 illustrates the role of traditional retailers, DRPs to develop economic strategies in retail electricity
and PHEVAs in a retail electricity market. In order to show market.
the integration of the traditional retailers with the new retail- (3) Facilitating the integration of newly emerged entities,
ers, the figure is depicted in two subfigures. As the figure i.e. DRPs and PHEVAs, to the retail electricity market.
reveals, the traditional retailer, DRP and PHEVA can par-
Considering the research studies, the following results were
ticipate in retail electricity market in the form of separate
agents. However, in the multi-agent structure, the newly
emerged entities can integrated with the traditional retailer (1) Electricity price and clients’ consumption are the
to coordinate their operational programs. most important uncertain variables in retail studies.
Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy (2017) 2: 20 Page 13 of 15 20

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