Laws of Motion. Byju's

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What you already know What you will learn

• Straight line motion • Newton's law of inertia

• Graphical analysis of motion • Fundamental forces in nature
• Projectile motion • Standard forces in physics
• Relative motion • Weight and momentum


The resistance of a particle to change its state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line is
known as inertia.
Inertia is observed in terms of the following:
1. Rest
2. Motion
3. Direction
Example: When you suddenly apply the brake on a car, you feel a jerk. This is because our body
has inertia and when we try to change it's state suddenly, it opposes the change.

Physical quantification of inertia

For translational motion, the body having more mass will have more inertia. Hence, mass is a
measure of inertia.

Newton's Law of Inertia

It can be stated as follows:

‘Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change
its state by the action of a net external force’. Newton's law of inertia is also known as Newton's
first law of motion.
There could be multiple forces acting on a body
in various directions as shown in the figure. The 𝐹1
resultant force of these multiple forces is the net 𝐹2
force. 𝐹3

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Net force

Net force is the vector sum of all the forces acting on
the body.
So, for a body as shown in the figure, 𝐹4
Vector sum of all the forces acting on it is, 𝐹1
F net = F 1 + F 2 + F 3 ....... F n


If the resultant force acting is zero, the state of the body will not change.
F net = F 1 + F 2 + F 3 ....... F n = 0
As Newton's laws revolve around force, let us understand force first.


Force: A push or a pull that changes or tends to change the state of rest or motion of a body.
SI unit: newton (N)
State of motion is defined by its velocity.

Examples of state of motion:

• At rest
• Moving with constant speed in the same direction (same velocity)
• Moving with constant speed but changing direction (changing velocity)
• Moving with non-uniform velocity (accelerated motion)

Effects of force on a body:

• Move a body or make a change in it’s direction of motion

• Stop a body or change its speed
• Break a body or change its shape

Force is a vector quantity

Because it has
• Magnitude
• Direction
• It follows the laws of vector algebra (addition, subtraction, and multiplication)

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Fundamental Forces in Nature

1. Gravitational Force

Any two bodies attract each other by virtue of their masses. This attractive force is known as
gravitational force.
Gravitational force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to
the square of the distance between them.
From the definition of gravitational force, the force between two bodies with masses m1 and m2, and
separated by distance r is, F ∝ .

m1 m2

Gravitational force is always attractive in nature.

2. Strong Nuclear Force

It acts between the nucleons, i.e., protons and neutrons, in a nucleus to hold them together.
• Strongest of all the fundamental forces
• Also known as effective nuclear charge, which means strong bonding between protons and

3. Weak Nuclear Force

The forces responsible for the neutron to change itself into a proton and vice versa to attain the
state of stability.
It is considerably a short-ranged force with a range much smaller than the size of a proton or a

4. Electromagnetic Force

• Electrostatic: Force between particles due to their electric charge

• Electrodynamic: Force generated due to the motion of the charged particles

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Standard Forces in Physics

Normal force

When we put a book on a table, the weight of

the book acts downwards due to gravitational
acceleration. To balance this force, the opposite
force that acts on the book is known as normal


Frictional force

• Acts only when there is a motion or

a tendency of motion between two Fext
• This is a component of contact force
that acts at the interface between f
the two surfaces in contact.

Tension in a string

When a string (or a rope) is being pulled from both ends, its resistance against any change in its
original composition is known as tensile force or tension.
• Tension is always pulling in nature.
• It always acts away from the tied ends.
• When a string is assumed to be ideal, the mass is zero and it has same tension throughout it's
(When a string is unstretched, we say it is slack and when it is stretched, we say it’s taut.)


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Contact Force

• When two bodies are in contact with each other,

they experience a force known as contact force.
• This force occurs due to the interaction of particles R⊥ = N
R(Contact force)
of the bodies with each other. (Normal force)
• These forces act in random directions that can
be resolved into two components, viz. along the Rǁ = f
surface of contact and normal to it. (friction force)
• Frictional force and normal reaction are two
components of contact force.
• Friction is the force that acts tangential to the
surface and normal reaction is the force that acts
normal to the surface.

Drawing contact forces

Example f
1. Let us consider the system of the wedge and block
as shown in the figure. Normal reaction (N) force acts
perpendicular to the common contact surface of the
wedge and the block. When there is a tendency of
motion between the wedge and the block, frictional
force ( f ) comes into picture, which acts tangential to the
common contact surface of the wedge and the block.

2. Normal reaction (N) between two balls

Draw a tangent at the contact point. Normal forces will N N
be acting perpendicular to the tangent as shown in the

Non-Contact Forces

When the two bodies experience a force even when they are not in physical contact with each
other, such a force is known as a non-contact force.

1. Magnets attracting each other from a distance
2. Gravitational force

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The force experienced by a body due to the gravity

near the surface of the Earth is known as weight.
Gravitational force is exerted between any two
bodies having masses, whether they may be the
size of planets or are microscopic.
The weight of an object of mass m near the surface
of the Earth is mg and it is directed towards the
centre of the Earth.
Generally, we take the direction of acceleration due
to gravity in the downward direction on the surface of the Earth.
Now that we have got the basic idea of forces, let us understand the terms related to Newton's laws
of motion.


Momentum is a quantity that is possessed by an object by virtue of its mass and velocity.
Momentum = Mass × Velocity
As it has magnitude as well as direction, it is a vector quantity. v
p = mv m
Direction of momentum is the same as the direction of velocity.

Two bodies (one heavier than the other) are moving with equal momentum. Which body has
greater velocity?

Consider two bodies as shown:
As we know that, p
The momentum (p) of two bodies is equal,
p = m1v1 = m2v2
⇒v∝m 1
Thus, as the velocity is inversely proportional to mass, the lighter
body will have more velocity.

Two bodies having the same mass are moving with velocities 10 ms-1 and 15 ms-1, respectively.
Find the ratios of their momenta.

Momenta of the two bodies are: 10 ms-1 15 ms-1
p1 = m × 10 ....... (i) m m

p2 = m × 15 ....... (ii)

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Dividing equation (i) by equation (ii),

p1 m × 10
p2 m × 15
p1 2
⇒ =
p2 3

Two bodies of masses 6 kg and 9 kg are said to p p

have equal momenta while in motion. Find out 6 kg 9 kg
the ratio of their velocity.

We know that,
p = mv
Also, the momenta of two bodies are the same.
m1v1 = m2v2
m1 v2 6 2
⇒ = = =
m2 v1 9 3
v2 2
⇒ =
v1 3

A particle of mass 2 kg is moving with velocity, v = (3𝑖 + 4𝑗 ). Find the magnitude and direction
of the momentum with the x-axis.

We know that,
p = mv
Thus, v
Momentum vector is,
p = mv
= 2 (3 𝑖 + 4𝑗 )
2 kg
⇒ p = 6 𝑖 + 8𝑗
Magnitude of the momentum,
p = √62 + 82 = 10 kg ms-1
Direction of the momentum vector with x-axis,
8 4
tan θ = =
6 3
4 x
⇒ θ = tan-1
⇒ θ = 530

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2 ms-1
A 2 kg

Two balls of masses 1 kg and 2 kg are moving with

velocity 4 ms-1 and 2 ms-1, respectively, along the
x-direction. Find their momenta. 4 ms-1
B 1 kg

We know, p = mv
pA = 2 × 2 = 4 kg ms-1
pB = 1 × 4 = 4 kg ms-1

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What you already now What you will learn

• Newton’s first law of motion • Newton’s second law of motion

• Momentum • Impulse
• Application of impulse

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

The rate of change of the momentum of an object is directly proportional to the net external force
acting on it and in the direction of the net external force.
 
Fext ∝ ….(i)
We know that,
 
p = mv
 d ( mv )  
p = mv
Substituting p in
= mv
equation (i), we get,
Fext ∝ 
  dt  d ( mv )
p = mvd ( mv ) 
Fext ∝ dv Fext ∝ dt
Fext ∝ dm(dtmv )
Fext ∝ dt  
Mass (m)dvis constant, dv
Fext ∝ m dt dvFext ∝ m
Fext= k ×dt m dt 
dv dt
Fext ∝ m
 dv dv
Fext= k × dt m Fext= k × m
 dt
dv dt
Fext= k × m ….(ii) (where k is constant of proportionality)
We know that,

 dv
a= 
 dv dt 
a =   dv
Fext =dtkma
Substituting a =
in equation (ii), we get,
  dt
Fext = kma ….(iii)  
Fext = kma
On putting = Fext 1= N , m 1= kg , a 1 ms −2 in equation (iii), we get,
1= k ×1×1
⇒k = 1
Put k = 1 in equation (iii), we get,
 
Fext = ma

SI unit of force is newton (N) = kg ms-1

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• Impulse can be defined as the average force acting on the body in a small interval of time.
 
Impulse, ( J ) = Favg ∆ t
• Impulse is a vector quantity.
Favg ∆ t
• Change in the momentum of an object along a
direction is also the impulse along that direction.
 u -u
A ball with an initial velocity (vvinitial ) hits the wall m m
and rebounds in the opposite direction with the y
same velocity.
  x
v =
final ( )
u −iˆ , v initial uiˆ
We know that,
 
p = mv

Thus, Impulse on the ball ( J ) is,
 
p=final mv=final mu −iˆ ( )    
J =∆p =p final − pinitial F ∆ t

 
pinitial mv
= = initial mu ( iˆ ) ( ) ()
J= mu −i − mu i = 2mu −iˆ
ˆ ˆ ( )
F (N)

• The area under the (F - t) curve gives impulse.

 
J = ∫ Fdt
t (s)

A cork ball of mass 300g has a velocity of 5ms-1. If the vf = 0 vi = 5 ms-1

ball comes to a halt after colliding with the wall, find the
magnitude of the impulse on the ball.

Given, Therefore,
 
0 ms −1 , vi − 5 iˆ ms −1 , m =
v f == 300 g =
0.3 kg  
    pi = mvi
Let p f bepi the final momentum of the ball and
p f pi 
be the initial momentum of the ball.
= ( )
pi 0.3 kg × 5 −iˆ ms −1

We know that,
  = ( )
pi 1.5 −iˆ kgms −1 .... (i)
p = mv

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  ( ) ( )
J =0 −iˆ kgms −1 − 1.5 −iˆ kgms −1
p f = mv f 
 J = 1.5 iˆ kgms −1
p= f ( )
0.3 kg × 0 −iˆ ms −1
Magnitude of impulse is 1.5 kg ms -1.

p= f ( )
0 −iˆ kgms −1 .... (ii)
We know that,
  
Impulse = ( )
p f − pi
From equations (i) and (ii),

F (N)
Calculate the impulse for t = 0 s to t = 8 s. 0
2 4 6 8 10 t (s)


Taking area under the (F - t) curve above the x - axis as positive, and below the x - axis is taken
as negative.
Area under the (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 4 s is the same as the area under the (F - t) curve
between t = 4 s to t = 8 s due to symmetry.
Let the area under the (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 4 s be A.
Then, the area under the (F - t) curve between t = 4 s to t = 8 s be - A.
We know that,
 
Area under (F - t) curve = J = ∫ Fdt
Total area under (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 8 s =
(Area under the curve between t = 0 s to t = 4 s) + (Area under the curve between t = 4 s to t = 8 s).
Therefore, impulse for t = 0 s to t = 8 s is zero.

F (N)
Calculate the impulse for t = 0 s to t = 8 s. 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
-5 t (s)

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Taking area under the (F - t) curve above the x - axis as positive, and below the x - axis as negative.
Let area under the (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 2 s be A1.
Let area under the (F - t) curve between t = 2 s to t = 6 s be A2.
Let area under the (F - t) curve between t = 6 s to t = 8 s be A3.
We know that
 
Area under (F - t) curve = J = ∫ Fdt
Impulse for t = 0 s to t = 8 s = Total area under (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 8 s.
A1 = × 2 × ( −10) =− 10 …..(i)
A2 = × ( 6 − 2) × 20 = 40 …..(ii)
A3 =( 8 − 6 ) × ( −5) =−10 …..(iii)
Total area under (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 8 s is A1 + A2 + A3
From equations (i), (ii) and (iii)
Total area under (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 8 s = (- 10) + 40 + (- 10) = 20
Impulse for t = 0 s to t = 8 s is 20 Ns.

The momentum vs time graph of a particle is A
F  30°
given. Calculate A .  dp
FB F=ext = tan θ
= slope
dt 30°
  t
FA = tan 30°
 
Solution FB
= ( (
= tan 60°  θ in B case is 90° − 30°
 
dp FA tan 30°
F=ext = = tan θ
slope =
dt FB tan 60°
 
dpA 1
FA =
= tan 30°
dt FA
  = 3
= ( (
= tan 60°  θ in B case is 90° − 30°
)) FB 3
FA 1
FA tan 30° =
= FB 3
FB tan 60°
= 3
FB 3
FA 1
FB 3

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F (N)

Calculate the impulse for t = 0 s to t = 10 s. 5
2 4 6 8 10 t (s)


Taking area under the (F - t) curve above the x - axis as positive, and below the x - axis as negative.
Let area under the (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 4 s be A1.
Let area under the (F - t) curve between t = 4 s to t = 8 s be A2.
Let area under the (F - t) curve between t = 8 s to t = 10 s be A3.
We know that,
 
Area under (F - t) curve = J = ∫ Fdt
Impulse for t = 0 s to t = 10 s = Total area under (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 10 s
A1 = 4 × 20 = 80 …..(i)
A2 = × ( 8 − 4 ) × ( −10) =− 20 …..(ii)
A3 = (10 - 8) × 5 = 10 …..(iii)
Total area under (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 10 s is A1 + A2 + A3
From equations (i), (ii) and (iii)
Total area under (F - t) curve between t = 0 s to t = 10 s is 80 + (-20) + 10 = 70
Impulse for t = 0 s to t = 10 s is 70 Ns.

x(m) m = 2 kg
The position vs time graph of a particle is given.
Calculate the impulse for t = 0 s to t = 10 s. 2 4 6 8 10 t (s)

Mass, m = 2 kg
Slope of the position vs time graph gives velocity of the particle at that instant.
Let the velocity of the particle be v1 between t = 0 s to t = 4 s.
Let the velocity of the particle be v2 from t = 4 s to t = 10 s.
Slope of position vs time graph from t = 0 s to t = 4 s is v1= tan θ

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  x 4 − x0  ˆ  10 − 0  ˆ
=v1 (=
tan θ ) iˆ  = i  = ˆ −1
 i 2.5 i ms
t −
 4 0  t  4 − 0 
Momentum of the particle from t = 0 s to t = 4 s is

2 kg × 2.5 iˆ ms −1 =
mv1 = 5 iˆ kgms −1 …..(i)
Slope of position vs time graph from t = 4 s to t = 10 s = v2 = tan θ
  10 − 10  ˆ
=v2 (=
tan θ ) iˆ   i ms
= −1
0 iˆ ms −1
 10 − 4 
Momentum of the particle from t = 4 s to t = 10 s is

2 kg × 0 iˆ ms −1 =
mv2 = 0 iˆ kgms −1 …..(ii)
The impulse for t = 4 s to t = 10 s is,
From equations (i) and (ii),
 
mv2 − mv1 =0 iˆ kgms −1 − 5 iˆ kgms −1 =− 5 iˆ kgms −1
Therefore, the magnitude of impulse on the particle is 5 Ns.

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What you already know What you will learn

• Force • Impulse • Newton's laws of motion

• Fundamental forces in nature • System
• Standard forces in physics • Free-body diagram

Newton's First Law of Motion (Law of Inertia)

It can be stated as,

'Every object will remain at rest or in uniform 𝐹n
motion in a straight line unless compelled to
change its state by the action of a net external
force, where net force is the vector sum of all the
forces acting on the object.' 𝐹4 𝐹1
First law gives a qualitative nature of force.
So, for a body as shown,
Vector sum of all acting forces is,
    
Fnet= F1 + F2 + F3 …….Fn 𝐹3 𝐹2

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

The rate of change of momentum of an object is directly proportional to the net external force
acting on it and is in the direction of the net external force.
Second law gives a quantitative explanation of force.
 
Fext ∝
We know that,
 
p = mv

 d ( mv )
Fext ∝
As mass is constant,

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 
dv For k = 1 (in SI unit),
Fext ∝ m  
dt Fext = ma
 
Fext = kma

Newton’s Third Law of Motion

It states that,
'To every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction.'
In other words, when one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously
exerts a force that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body.
The two forces in Newton's third law are known as the action-reaction pair.
Examples of action-reaction pair
1. Rocket is launched into space as it pushes the flumes of burnt fuel down on the ground.
2. Gun forces a bullet and bullet applies a recoil force on the gun in backward direction.
3. Tank pushes the shell and the shell pushes the tank back.
4. Swimmer pushes the water backwards and water exerts a force on the swimmer in forward
5. When you sit on a chair and push the table, the chair moves backward due to the reaction
force applied by the table.
 
In mathematical form, if a body A exerts a force on another body B (FBA), then B exerts a force FAB of
the same magnitude on A, and the two forces act along the line joining the bodies.
 

In the force FBA, the first letter in the subscript (B) specifies that this force is applied on the body
B and the second letter (A) specifies that this force is applied by the body A. Same notations
are followed for the forces throughout in this chapter.


 



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Conditions of action-reaction pair

N Action

The following conditions specify Newton's third law of motion:

1. Action-reaction pairs occur simultaneously.
2. These are opposite in direction.
3. They act along the same line.
4. Action-reaction pairs occur on different objects.
5. The action-reaction pair is equal in magnitude and has the same

Interesting fact
N Reaction
According to Newton's third law of motion, when you
apply force to push a box, the box also applies an equal
and opposite force on you. If the forces are equal and
opposite, then why don't they cancel each other and
make the resultant zero? How can the box move even if
there is equal and opposite force generated? Have you
ever thought about the logic behind this?
Well, from the third law, the action-reaction pair applies
force on two different bodies. Here, the box applies a
reaction force of the same magnitude on our hand and thus, the net resultant of forces on the box
is not zero. Due to the action force on it, the box moves forward.

What is System?

Two or more objects that interact with each other form a system.
Defining a system is very important because the forces applied on a body will cause motion on the
defined system.

Internal and external forces

If the action-reaction pair exists in the considered system, then it is known as internal force,
otherwise it is known as external force.

In the figure shown, you can't push Hence, you need to come out of the truck and push
the truck while you are a part of it. in order to move it.

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A passenger sitting inside the train cannot push the next seat because both of them are parts of the
same system. So, the force he is applying is an internal force. We know that there should be a net
external force to cause a body to move.
Similarly, you can't move a car sitting inside it and pushing it on the front seat. However, if you come
out of the car and push it, you may succeed since the force applied will become an external force.

Internal force cannot change the state of motion of the system.

All parts of the system will have the same

For example, consider a system as shown to
understand it further.

Consider the two boxes as a system. Then, the force applied by the boy is an external force on the
system. Due to this external force, all parts of the system move with the same acceleration.

Free-Body Diagram

It is the diagrammatic representation of a body that is

isolated from its surroundings, showing all the external
forces acting on it. F3 F1
Consider a block that has four forces acting on it. The
free-body diagram for this block is as shown in the figure.

Steps to draw a free-body diagram F2

1. Isolate the body from its surroundings (free body).

2. Assume the body as a point mass.
3. Draw all the external forces acting on the body, starting from the point mass.

The entire Newtonian mechanics is applied on a body considered as a point. So, always
take the body as a point while drawing forces in a free-body diagram. For visualisation,
the body can be drawn to a shape.

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Draw a free-body diagram for a book of mass m

kept on a table.


Weight of the book and normal reaction from the table are the
external forces acting on the book.
Hence the free-body diagram of book will be, as shown in figure:


Draw the free-body diagram of the block with mass m.

Solution N

There will be two forces acting on the block. Weight acting downwards
and normal reaction to it in the opposite direction.


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Draw the free-body diagram of block B of mass M. B

Solution N y
As this is a bit complex,
Follow these steps:
1. Isolate the body. x
2. Now, draw the forces acting on it.
This block has two contact surfaces. Hence, there will be two
normal forces perpendicular to the tangent at contact surfaces.
There will be one more force acting vertically downward due to
its weight.

m M

Two bodies A and B of mass m and M, respectively, are F B

being pushed by a force F towards the positive x-axis. A
Draw the free-body diagram of both the blocks.

Let the blocks A and B be kept in contact on a surface.
When force F is applied on block A, it pushes the block B
rightwards with force NBA . As a reaction, block B will push N N'
the block A with the force NAB in the left direction. These
forces, known as normal reactions, act normally to the
surface of blocks at their contact point.
Weight of both the blocks acts in downward direction. A B
There is normal reaction force from ground acting on
two blocks in vertically upward direction
mg Mg
Free-body diagrams of both the blocks A and B having
mass m and M, respectively, are shown in the figure.

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Two blocks of mass m and M are connected F

to each other with a massless rope and are m M
being pulled by a rope with force F. Draw
the free-body diagram of both the blocks.

The free-body diagrams of both the masses have been drawn separately and the tension (T) on
both the blocks due to the rope has also been shown in the individual free-body diagrams.
N1 N2


mg Mg

A point A on a sphere of weight W rests in contact with a smooth B

vertical wall and is supported by a string joining point B on the
sphere to point C on the wall. Draw the free-body diagram of the A


Here, the weight (W) of the body acts downward. Normal

reaction (NA) from the wall will be acting in the right direction. NA
Tension (TB) will act along the string length and away from
the body.

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Two spheres A and B are placed between two vertical walls
as shown in the figure. Draw the free-body diagrams of both
the spheres. A

For both the spheres, the weight will act
downward. A and B will push each other
along the perpendicular to tangent at
the point of contact. There will be a A B
normal reaction from the wall as well. NAW
Thus, the free-body diagrams for both
spheres will be as shown. NAB

mA g mB g

Draw the free-body diagram of the block.

For this body, there will be a N N F
force acting along the string θ
and weight acting downward.
There will be a normal reaction θ
from the ground in a vertically x
upward direction. Thus, the
free-body diagram will be as

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10 coins, each of mass m, are placed one over the other. Coins are
numbered from the bottom. Calculate the following:

(a) The force exerted by the fourth coin on all the coins above it.
(b) The force exerted by the sixth coin on all the coins below it.

10th 10th

(a) As the force is applied on the fourth coin by

the coins above it, it will exert an equal and
5th 5th
opposite force as a reaction.


As there are six coins above the fourth coin, they will exert a force of 6 mg on the fourth coin. In
return, the fourth coin will exert a force of 6 mg on the coins above it.
(b) Force exerted by the sixth coin on the coins below it will be the weight of all the coins above it.


Thus, the force is 4 mg by coins above it and 6th

mg as weight of itself. The total force will be
5 mg acting downward.

4 mg + mg

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What you already know What you will learn

• Newton’s laws of motion • Equilibrium

• System • How to write equations of motion for a
• Free body diagram system
• Impulse • Solving problems using FBD

Net Force

The vector sum of all the external forces acting on a system represents the net force on that


Vectorially, it can be written as,

      
Fnet = F1 + F2 + F3 .......Fn F4 F1
For n number of forces,
 i =n 
Fnet = ∑ Fi
i= 1
 
F3 F2


When the net external force on a system is zero, the ∑ Fx =0

system is said to be in a state of equilibrium.  

For the equilibrium, the net external force in all three
( )
Σ Fext
0 ∑ Fy =0

directions should be zero. ∑ Fz =0

Steps to write the equilibrium equations

Step 1: Identify the system.
Consider the case as shown in the figure. We need to find
the forces on the object of mass m. Hence, this object is α θ
considered as a system. m

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Step 2: Draw the free body diagram. T1 sin α T2 sin θ

There are the two different strings. T T2 T1 T2
Hence, there will be a different amount
of tension in them. There will be the α θ α θ
m m
weight of the body acting downwards. T1 cos α T2 cos θ
Drawing these forces will generate mg mg
the FBD for mass.
Now, select the coordinate system as shown and y
resolve the forces in these directions.
Step 3: Apply the condition of equilibrium.
Balancing forces in x-direction,
Σ Fx =0
⇒ T2 cos θ − T1 cos α =
Balancing forces in y-direction,
Σ Fy =0
⇒ T2 sinθ + T1 sinα − mg =

1.5 kg
Three blocks are suspended by a light string as shown in the figure. T2
What is the value of T1, given that the system is in equilibrium?
(Take g = 10 ms-2) 1.5 kg
4 kg

In all the blocks in the given figure, there will be only weight and tension as two external acting
forces. Let’s balance these forces for each block separately.
For the 4 kg block, For the 1.5 kg middle block, For the 1.5 kg top block,
T3 T2 T1
4 kg 1.5 kg 1.5 kg
m3 g m2 g T3 m1 g T2
Balancing forces in Balancing forces in Balancing forces in
vertical direction, vertical direction, vertical direction,
T3 = m3 g T2 m2 g + T3
= T=
1 T2 + m1 g
⇒ T3 = 40 N ⇒ T2 = 1.5 × 10 + 40 ⇒ T1 = 55 + 1.5 × 10
⇒ T2 = 55 N ⇒ T1 = 70 N

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50 N

Two blocks are kept in contact as shown in the figure.
Find the forces exerted by the surfaces (floor and
wall) on the blocks, and the contact force between A
100 N 20 kg
the two blocks. (Consider g = 10 ms-2) 10 kg

Let’s start with the 10 kg block. Similarly, on block B,
Here, the weight and the force of 100 N are There are reactions from block A, normal
acting. There will be a reaction force from reaction from the ground, an external force of
block B as well as normal reaction from the 50 N, and the weight and normal reaction from
ground. the wall acting on block B.
FBD of the 10 kg block is, Resolving the 50 N force in horizontal and
vertical direction,
Thus, the FBD of block B is,
NA 50 N
50 cos 30o
100 N NAB
10 kg 30o 50 sin 30o
NBA 20 kg
Balancing forces in horizontal direction,
∑ Fx = 0 mB g
⇒ N AB − 100 = 0
Balancing forces in horizontal direction,
⇒ N AB = 100 N
∑ Fx =0
Balancing forces in vertical direction,
∑ Fy = 0 ⇒ NBA − Nwall − 50 sin 30o =
⇒ N A − 100 = 0 1
⇒ Nwall = 100 − 50 ×  
⇒ NA = 100 N  2
⇒ Nwall = 75 N
Balancing forces in vertical direction,
∑ Fy =0
⇒ NB − mB g − 50 cos 30o =
 3
⇒ NB = 20 × 10 + 50 ×  
 2 
⇒ NB = 243 N

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A point A on a sphere of weight W rests in contact B

with a smooth vertical wall and is supported by a
Smooth 30 o
string joining a point B on the sphere to a point C on
the wall. Draw the free body diagram of the sphere A
and write the expressions for equilibrium.


There are three forces acting on the sphere: tension along the length of string, weight acting
downwards, and normal reaction from the wall in the right direction.
Thus, the FBD will be,

30 o


Resolving the tension along horizontal and vertical direction,
T y
T sin 30o

T cos 30o NA

Balancing forces in horizontal direction,
∑ Fx =0
⇒ N A − T cos 30° = 0
⇒ T cos 30°= N A
Balancing forces in vertical direction,
∑ Fy =0
⇒ T sin 30° − W =0
⇒ T sin 30° =W

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Draw the free body diagram of the block and write
the expressions along x and y directions.

Smooth surface


For this block, weight, normal reaction, and Along the x-direction, there is no counterforce
force F are acting on it. to balance F cos θ.
Thus, the FBD is, ∑ Fx =max
F ⇒ F cos θ = ma
Balancing forces in y-direction,
N θ ∑ Fy =0
⇒ N + F sin θ − mg =
⇒ N = mg − F sin θ
Resolving force F along x and y directions,
y N
F sin θ
F cos θ


Two Bodies in Contact

When two blocks A and B are in contact, in addition to the external applied forces and weight,
there will be an equal and opposite normal reaction between their contact surfaces.

F mA

mA g mB g

Let’s learn to solve these types of problems.

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25 N
A block is kept on a smooth surface and a force of 25 N 10 kg
is applied as shown. Find the acceleration of the block.

Smooth surface


There are three forces acting on this block: weight, normal reaction, and N
a 25 N applied force. a
Thus, the FBD of block is, F = 25 N
Along x-direction,
∑ Fx = max
⇒ 10 ax = 25
⇒ ax =
2.5 ms −2 mg

50 N

A block of mass 20 kg is kept on a smooth surface. A θ = 30o

force of 50 N is applied as shown. Find the acceleration 20 kg
of the block.

Smooth surface


There are three forces acting on this block: weight, normal reaction, and a 50 N applied force.
Thus, the FBD is,
Resolving force in x and 50 cos 30o
50 N N
y-direction, 30o
Along x-direction, 50 sin 30o
θ = 30o ∑ Fx = max 50 N
20 kg
⇒ 20 ax =
50 cos 30o

 3
Smooth surface ⇒ 20 ax =50 ×  
 2 
5 3
⇒ ax = ms −2

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Two blocks kept in contact experience a force of 100

N as shown. Find the acceleration of the 5 kg block 100 N 20 kg
and the normal reaction force between the blocks. 5 kg

Smooth surface


There is weight, the normal reaction from the ground, and the normal reaction on one block by
another block at their contact point. A 100 N external force is also acting on the 5 kg block.
Thus, the FBD of each block will be,
100 N NBA
5 kg
20 kg

mA g mBg
For the 5 kg block, Along x-direction,
∑ Fx = ma x
5 ax ...... ( i )
⇒ 100 − N AB =
For the 20 kg block,

∑ Fx =
ma x
NBA = 20ax ....... ( ii )
But we know that,
Thus, from equation ( i ) and equation ( ii ) ,
25ax = 100
⇒ ax =
4ms −2
Put it in equation ( i ) to get,
N AB = 80N

30o 100 N

Two blocks kept in contact experience a force of 100

N each as shown. Find the acceleration of the 5 kg 100 N 20 kg
block 5 kg

Smooth surface

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There are two external applied forces in addition to the weight and the normal reaction.
FBD for each block is,

100 N 100 sin 30o NBA


100 cos 30o
mA g
100 N mBg
For the 5 kg block,
Along x - direction,
∑ Fx =m ax
5 ax ...... ( i )
100 − N AB =
For the 20 kg block, Along x - direction,
∑ Fx =m ax
20 ax ...... ( ii )
NBA − 50 =
As we know that,
Thus, from equation ( i ) and equation ( ii ) ,
25ax = 50
⇒ ax =
2ms −2

Two blocks kept in contact experience a force of 100

N as shown. Find the acceleration of the 5 kg block 100 N 20 kg
and the normal reaction between the blocks. 5 kg

Smooth surface


Consider the two blocks together as a system. ax

As there is a 100 N external force on the SYSTEM

system, both blocks will move with the same
acceleration as a system.
Fnet = 100 N 20 kg
5 kg

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Along x-direction,
Fnet = msys × ax where, msys = mA + mB = 25 kg
⇒ 100 =25 × ax
⇒ ax =4 ms −2
Now, consider the 20 kg block as a system. 4 ms-2
We know the acceleration of this block. For
this block, the only external force will be the
reaction from block A. NBA 20 kg
Thus, along x-direction,
NBA = 20 × 4 = 80 N

Two blocks kept in contact experience forces of

100 N and 50 N as shown. Find the acceleration of 100 N 20 kg 50 N
the 5 kg block and the normal reaction between 5 kg
the blocks.
Smooth surface


Consider the two blocks together as a system.


100 N 50 N
20 kg
5 kg

Forces acting on the system along x-direction are: 100 N and 50 N.

Thus, along x-direction,
Fnet = max
⇒ 100 − 50 = (5 + 20 ) × ax
⇒ ax = = 2 ms −2
Now, choose the 20 kg block as a system.
2 ms-2
Fnet = max
NBA 20 kg 50 N
NBA − 50 = 20 × 2
NBA = 90 N

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Find the acceleration of the system

30 N 3 kg 5 kg
and the normal reaction between 2 kg
the blocks.

Smooth surface

Assume all the three blocks together as a system.

30 N 3 kg 5 kg
2 kg

Along x-direction,
Fnet msys × ax
⇒ 30 = (2 + 3 + 5 ) × ax
⇒ ax = 3 ms −2

Now, consider the 5 kg block as a system,

3 ms-2

NCB 5 kg

Along x-direction,
net msys × ax
⇒ NCB =( 5 ) × 3
⇒ NCB =
15 N
Now, consider the 3 kg and 5 kg blocks together as a system,
3 ms-2 SYSTEM

30 N 3 kg 5 kg
2 kg

Along x-direction,
Fnet = msys ax
NBA = ( 3 + 5 ) × 3 = 8 × 3 = 24 N

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Find the acceleration of the system

and the normal reaction between 100 N 3 kg 5 kg 30 N
2 kg
the blocks.


Consider all the three blocks together as a system.


3 kg 5 kg
100 N 2 kg 30 N

Along x-direction,
Fnet = msys ax
100 − 30 = (2 + 3 + 5 ) × ax
⇒ ax =7 ms −2
Now, consider the 5 kg block as a system.

NCB 5 kg 30 N

Along x-direction,
Fnet = msys ax
NCB − 30 =5 × 7
⇒ NCB = 65 N
Now, consider the 3 kg and 5 kg blocks together as a system.
7 ms-2 SYSTEM

3 kg 5 kg
100 N 2 kg 30 N

Along x-direction,
Fnet = msys ax
NBA − 30 = ( 3 + 5 ) × ax
⇒ NBA =
86 N

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Find the acceleration of the system

and the normal reaction between 20 N 5 kg 10 kg
2 kg 3 kg
the blocks.

Solution BOARDS
Consider all the four blocks together as a system.
Along x-direction, SYSTEM
Fnet = msys ax
= 20 × ax
20 10 kg
20 N 2 kg 3 kg 5 kg
⇒ ax =
1 ms −2

1 ms-2
Now, consider the 10 kg block as a system.
Along x-direction,
NDC = 10 × 1 = 10 N 10 kg

Now, consider the 5 kg and 10 kg blocks together as a system.

Along x-direction, NCB SYSTEM
Fnet = msys ax
NCB =(5 + 10 ) × 1 10 kg
20 N 3 kg 5 kg
⇒ NCB =15 × 1 2 kg
⇒ NCB =15 N
1 ms-2

Now, consider the 3 kg, 5 kg, and 10 kg blocks together as a system.

Along x-direction, NBA SYSTEM

Fnet = msys ax
NBA = ( 3 + 5 + 10 ) × 1 10 kg
20 N 3 kg 5 kg
⇒ NBA =18 × 1 2 kg
⇒ NBA =
18 N
1 ms-2

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What you already know What you will learn

• Newton’s laws of motion • Tension in string

• System and free body diagram • Problems based on selection of system

• Equilibrium

Tension in String

Assumptions to consider a string as ideal are:

1. Mass of string is negligible
2. String is inextensible
Consider that three masses are connected by two strings. Let the mass C be pulled with force F
in the right direction. This force will cause the strings to get in taut condition and tension will get
developed in them.

T2 T2 T1 T1
mA mB mC F

1. For ideal strings, tension is the same throughout the string. However, tension may be
different for different strings.
2. Tension always acts away from the body.

Two blocks connected by a string experience a 30 N

force of 30 N as shown. Find the tension in the 5 kg 10kg
string between the blocks.

(A) 5 N (B) 10 N (C) 15 N (D) 28 N

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As the surface is smooth, there is no friction and as nothing is mentioned about string,assume it to
be an ideal string.
Draw the FBD of the 10 kg block.
For this block, the forces acting on it are as follows:
1. Weight in downward direction
2. 30 N force applied in rightward direction
3. Normal reaction from ground opposite to weight
4. Tension due to string away from block
Assume coordinate axes in directions as shown. Thus, the FBD is,
Along y-direction, N
∑Fy = 0 y
N= 10 × g
Along x-direction, 10 kg
30 N
∑ Fx = max x
⇒ 30 −T1 =
10a x .....(i )

For the 5 kg block, FBD: N’

Along y-direction,
∑ Fx = max
⇒T1 = 5a x .......(ii ) 5 kg T1
Solving equation (i) and (ii),
T1 = 10N mg
a x = 2ms −2

Hence, option (B) is correct.

10 N

The figure shows two blocks connected 600

2 kg 3 kg
by a light inextensible string. A pulling
force of 10 N is applied on the bigger
block at 600 with horizontal. Find the
tension in the string connecting the two
1 2

(A) 5 N (B) 2 N (C) 1 N (D) 3 N


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The string is massless and inextensible. Hence, the string will carry equal tension along its length.
FBD for the two bodies are as follows:
For body 1, N1
Along x-direction, y
∑ Fx = max
⇒T = (2)a .....(i ) T
Along y-direction,
∑=Fy ma= y 0 x
⇒ N1 =
⇒ N1 =
20N .......(ii ) m1g
For body 2,
Along x-direction, N2
∑ Fx = max 10 N y
⇒ 10cos60 −T = 0
⇒ 5 −T =(3)a .......(iii ) T 600
Along y-direction,
∑= =
F y ma y
0 x
⇒ N 2 + 10sin60 =
3(10) 0

⇒ N2 +5 3 =
30N .......(iv )
Adding equation (i) and (iii),
5 = 5a
a = 1 ms-2
Now, from equation (i),
T = 2(1) = 2 N
Alternative way:
Consider both blocks together as a system.
FBD: 5 3N ax
Along x-direction, 10 N
Fnet = msys × a x SYSTEM
Where, 600
2 kg 3 kg
msys = mA + mB = 5kg 5N
⇒5= 5a x x
⇒ ax = 1ms −2
Now, consider the 2 kg block as a system.
msys × a x
⇒T =2 × 1 2 kg T
⇒T = 2N

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Two blocks connected by a string 30 N
experience a force of 30 N as 5 kg 10 kg
shown. Find the tension in the
string between the blocks.
Smooth surface
The string is massless and inextensible. Hence, the string will carry equal tension along its length.
Both blocks move due to the net external force of 30 N. As they are connected, the masses will
move with the same acceleration. Assume
x both the blocks together as a system.
FBD: ax
Along x-axis, y
msys × a× 30 N
⇒ 30 =(5 + 10)a x 5 kg 10 kg
⇒ ax = 2 ms −2
Now consider the 5 kg block as a system.
FBD: y
SYSTEM 2ms-2
∑ Fx = max T
⇒T =5 × 2 5 kg
= 10N

The figure shows three blocks a

connected by light inextensible
strings. A pulling force of 20 N is
5 kg 20 N
horizontally applied on the block of 3 kg 2 kg
mass 2 kg. Find the tensions in the
string connecting the three blocks.


The strings are massless and inextensible. Hence, the strings will carry equal tension along their
lengths. All blocks move due to the net external force 20 N. As they are connected, the masses will
move with the same acceleration. Assume all the three blocks together as a system.
Along x-axis, ax y

Fnet= ms × ax
5 kg 20 N
⇒ 20 = (5 + 3 + 2)ax 3 kg 2 kg
2 ms −2
⇒ ax =

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Now consider the 5 kg block as a system.

FBD: 2ms-2 y
Along x-axis, SYSTEM
Fnet= ms × ax
5 kg 3 kg T2
⇒ T1 = (5 + 3)ax
= 8× 2 x
= 16 N
2ms-2 y
Along x-axis, SYSTEM
= ms × a x
⇒T2 = (5) × 2 5 kg T2
= 10 N

The figure shows four blocks connected by light inextensible strings. A pulling force of 100
N is horizontally applied on the block of mass 2 kg. Find the ratio of tensions in the strings
connecting the four blocks.

10 kg 5 kg 100 N
3 kg 2 kg

(A) 3 : 2 : 1 (B) 12 : 9 : 6 (C) 18 : 15 : 10 (D) 7 : 5 : 3


The strings are massless and inextensible. Hence, the strings will carry equal tension along their
lengths. All blocks move due to the net external force 100 N. As they are connected, the masses
will move with the same acceleration. Assume all the four blocks together as a system.
FBD: ax y

10 kg 5 kg 100 N
3 kg 2 kg

Along x-axis,
net msys × ax
msys = mA + mB + mC + mD = 20 kg
⇒ 100 =
20 ax
5 ms −2
⇒ ax =
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Now, consider the 10 kg, 5 kg, and 3 kg blocks together as a system.

FBD: 5ms-2 y
Along x-axis, SYSTEM
Fnet = msys × ax
⇒ T1 = (10 + 5 + 3)ax 10 kg 5 kg T1
3 kg
= 18 × 5
= 90 N x
Now, consider the 10 kg and 5 kg blocks together as a system.
FBD: 5 ms-2 y
Along x-axis, SYSTEM
= ms × a x
10 kg 5 kg T1
⇒T = (10 + 5)a
2 x
= 15 × 5
= 75N
Now, consider the 10 kg block as a system.
FBD: 5ms-2 y
= ms × a x
⇒T3 = (10)a x
10 kg T1
= 10 × 5
= 50N
Thus, the ratio of tensions is,
T1 : T2 : T3 90
= = : 75 : 50 18 :15 :10
Thus, option (C) is correct.

A force of 60 N is acting on three blocks
along the surface of a fixed inclined plane. g
The angle of inclination of the inclined plane g
is θ = 37°. Find the normal reaction between g
the surfaces of the blocks. (Take g = 10 ms-2)
N θ

(A) 30 N, 10 N (B) 12 N, 14 N (C) 18 N, 15 N (D) 7 N, 5 N

90 - θ
The surface is smooth and an external force
of 60 N is pushing all blocks with the same
acceleration. For each mass, the weight is mg cos (90 - θ)
acting downwards. The component of weight
can be found as shown:
mg sin(90 - θ)

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As we know that,
cos (90 - θ)= sin θ
sin (90 - θ)= cos θ
Components of mass m can be written as follows:

θ 90 - θ
in mg cos θ
θ mg

For all masses, the component mg cos θ will be balanced by the normal reaction from the wedge.
As the motion is along the inclined plane, take the x-axis directed along the inclined plane in the
direction of force applied.Consider all the three masses together as a system.
msys × a x
Where, N
msys = mA + mB + mC = 6kg E M
⇒ 60 − (msys g )sinθ =
msys a x YST kg
S 1
As, kg
3 in
θ 2
θ 37
,sin37o s kg
5 )g 3

B 0
3 37

⇒ 60 − (6 × 10) × =6 × a x x
5 (m A
⇒ ax = 4ms −2

Now, consider the 2 kg and 1 kg blocks together as a system

For the selected system, the external forces will be:

1. Normal reaction from block A on block B
2. Weight of system acting downwards
FBD: s

Along x-axis,
F= msys × a x YST
⇒ N BA − (mB + mC )g sinθ = (mB + mC ) × a x kg
3 s in θ kg
⇒ N BA − (2 + 1) × 10 × =3 × 4 )g 2 C
+m kg
⇒ N BA = 30N 3 B

(m A
x 37

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Now, consider the 1 kg block as a system.

For the selected system, the external forces will be: s-2

1. Normal reaction from block B on block C 4m

2. Weight of system acting downwards ST
in kg
net msys × ax gs 1
m c
⇒ NCB − mc g sinθ = msys × ax kg C
⇒ NCB − 1 × 10 × = 1 × 4 kg
3 B
⇒ NCB = 10N y 0
x 37
Hence, option (A) is correct.

A force of 60 N is acting on a massless string

along the surface of a fixed inclined plane. The 60N
string is connected to two blocks as shown. g
The angle of inclination of the inclined plane is
θ = 30°. Find the tension in the string between
the blocks.(Take g = 10 ms-2) 4k

(A) 12 N (B) 30 N (C) 52 N (D) 40 N

The surface is smooth and an external force of 60 N is pulling all the blocks with the same
acceleration. For each mass, the weight is acting downwards. The component of weight can be
found from the triangle as follows:

90 - θ

mg cos(90 - θ)

mg sin(90 - θ)

As we know that,
cos (90 - θ)= sin θ
sin (90 - θ)= cos θ

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Components of mass m can be written as follows:

θ 90 - θ
mg cos θ
g θ
m mg

For all masses, the component of mg cos θ will be balanced by the normal reaction from the wedge.
Consider both the masses together as a system.
Fnet = ms × ax
⇒ 60 - (msg) sin θ = msax
θ = 300,sin θ = sin 300 = 1 2k
⇒ 60 - ((4 + 2) × 10) × = (4 + 2) × ax (mA + mB)g sinθ g
2 4k B
⇒ ax = 5 ms-2

Now, assume the 4 kg block as a system. s -2

5m N
Along x-axis,
T 60
= ms × a x
Fnet g
EM 2k
T − mA g sin30o =mA × a
T − 4g sin30 = 4×5 in
gs g B
T − 20 = 20 m A 4k
T = 40N
Ans: Option D x

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What you already know What you will learn

• Newton’s laws of motion • Block on an inclined plane

• System and free-body diagram • Vertical motion of block
• Tension in string • Pulley

Block on an Inclined Plane

Whenever a block is kept on an inclined plane, a N

normal reaction will be acting on it in a direction
perpendicular to the inclined surface. This normal
reaction does not balance the weight of the block - θ)
θ) ( 90
completely as these two forces are not in the same - sin
90 -θ mg
direction. Hence, there will be motion of the block in o s( 90
this condition due to unbalanced forces acting on it. mgc
Free body diagram(FBD) for this system can be mg
shown as follows:

As we know that,
cos (90 - θ ) = sin θ
sin (90 - θ ) = cos θ
Components of weight mg can be shown as in the given figure. Taking coordinate axes in the
direction of the inclined surface and normal to it is more helpful in these kinds of problems.


θ osθ
in gc
mgs -θ m
θ X

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Thus, Along x-axis,

Along y-axis,
∑ Fx =
Net force along y-direction
force along is zero.
y direction is zero. ⇒ mg sin θ =max
⇒ ∑ Fy =0 ⇒ ax= g sin θ
⇒ N − mg cos θ =0

= N mg cos θ

100 N
The figure shows three blocks connected by light g
inextensible strings. A pulling force of 100 N is 2k
applied on the block of mass 2 kg as shown.Find g
the ratio of tensions in the strings connecting the
three blocks. (Take g = 10 ms-2 and assume table 5k
to be smooth)

(A) 8 : 5 (B) 4 : 3 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 7 : 11


The string is inextensible and the surface is smooth. The blocks will move with the same acceleration
along the direction of the external force applied. Consider three blocks together as a system.
Along x-direction,
100 N
net msys × ax
⇒ 100 − ms g sin 530 =
10 ax tem g
s 2k
Since, ms = mA + mB + mc = 10 kg C
4 3k
100 − 10 × 10 × 10 ax
= B
5 (mA + mB + mC)g sin θ 5k
10 ax
⇒ 20 = A
y 53°
2 ms −2
⇒ ax = x

Now, consider 5 kg and 3 kg blocks together as a system. s 2

2m 100 N
Along x-direction, g
m 2k
= ms × ax ste C
Sy g
⇒ T1 − ( mA + mB ) g sin θ= 8×2 3k
⇒ T1 = 16 + 64 (mA + mB)g sin θ 5k
⇒ T1 =
80 N A
y 53°

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Now, consider the 5 kg block as a system.

Along x-direction, -2
F= msys × ax 2m
⇒ T2 − mA g sin θ = 5 × 2 T2 2k
m g
T2 10 + 40
= ste 3k
Sy B
T2 = 50 N g
mA g sin θ 5k
Thus, the ratio of the tension is A
y 53°
T1 : T2 = 80 : 50 = 8 : 5 x
Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

Vertical Motion of Block


• Motion in upward direction m1

Consider two blocks of mass m1 and m2 are tied by an
inextensible string. Let the masses be moving in an upward
direction with acceleration ay m2

For block m1,

Along y-direction,
= m1 × a y T
⇒ F − m1 g − T =
m1a y F
⇒ F = T + m1 ( g + a y ) ..... ( i ) m1
ay m2 ay
For block m2,
Along y-direction,
m 1g T m2g
T − m2 g =
m2 a y
T m2 ( g + a y ) ...... ( ii )

Substituting equation (ii) in equation (i),

F m1 ( g + a y ) + m2 ( g + a y )
⇒ F= ( m1 +m2 ) ( g + a y )
Considering the resultant acceleration to be an effective gravitational acceleration,
i.e., g + ay = geff
= ( m1 + m2 ) geff
T = m2 geff

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• Motion in downward direction m1
Consider two blocks of mass m1 and m2 are tied by an inextensible
string. Let the masses be moving in a downward direction with
acceleration ay .

For block m1,

Along y-direction, T
Fnet= m1 × a y F
⇒ m1 g + T − F =
m1a y m1
ay m2 ay
F m1 ( g − a y ) + T ...... ( i )

m 1g T m2g
For block with mass m2,
Along y-direction,
m2 g − T =
m2a y
T m2 ( g − a y ) ...... ( ii )

Substituting equation (ii) in equation (i),

F= m1 ( g − a y ) + m2 ( g − a y )
⇒ F= ( m1 + m2 ) ( g − a y )
Considering the resultant acceleration to be an effective gravitational acceleration,
i.e., g - ay = geff
= ( m1 + m2 ) geff
T = m2 geff


Three blocks are suspended by a light string as shown T2
in the figure. What is the value of T1, T2 , and T3 if the
whole system is moving up with an acceleration 1.5kg
of 2 ms-2 ? (Take g = 10 ms-2) T3


(A) 15 N, 8 N, 3 N (B) 36 N, 18 N, 4 N (C) 84 N, 66 N, 48 N (D) 24 N, 12 N, 8 N

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As the system is moving upwards,

g + ay = geff
For m3 = 4 kg block, T3

Along y-direction,
= m3 × a y 4 kg 2ms-2
T3 − m3 g =
m3 a y
⇒ T3 = 4 ( g + 2 )
⇒ T3= 4 (10 + 2 )= 48 N
Now consider m3 = 4 kg and m2 = 1.5 kg blocks together as a system
Along y-direction,
F= msys × a y 1.5kg
net 2ms2
( m2 + m3 )( a + g )
T2 = m2g
⇒ T2 = (1.5 + 4 )( g + a )
⇒ T2 =
66 N

Now consider m3 = 4 kg, m2 = 1.5 kg and m1 = 1.5 kg blocks together as a system


Along y-direction, 1.5 kg

2 ms2
= ms × a y m1g
T1 = ( m1 + m2 + m3 )( g + a )
1.5 kg
⇒ T=1 (1.5 + 1.5 + 4 )( g + a )
⇒ T=84 N

Hence, option (C) is the correct answer. 4 kg


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A pulley is a wheel that carries a flexible rope, cord, cable, chain, or belt on its rim. Pulleys are used
singly or in combination to transmit energy and motion.
Types of pulleys
Single fixed pulley: Axis of the pulley is fixed Single movable pulley: Axis of the pulley is
not fixed

Assumptions to consider for ideal pulley and rope systems
• The rope is massless and inextensible.
• The pulley is light, massless, and frictionless.
FBD of a pulley
• Tension always acts away from the body.
• The same tension will be carried throughout m1 T T
the same rope passing over the pulley. m2

Steps for solving problems for a pulley

Consider that two blocks of mass m1 and m2 are
connected by an ideal string and are kept over a
pulley as shown in the figure.


Following procedure is carried out to find the acceleration of masses and the tension in the
strings in this kind of a problem.
Step 1: a 1
Assume the direction of accelerations and m1 m2
draw an FBD for all the given masses. If
required, resolve the forces along the axes. a2
m1 g m2 g

Step 2:
Write the equations using Newton’s second law along each axis and for each block.
For block m1,
T - m1g = m1a1.....(i)

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For block m2,

m2g - T = m2a2.....(ii)
As the string is inextensible, both masses move with the same acceleration.
a1 = a2 …...(iii)

Step 3:
Solve the obtained equations.
Solving the three equations, we get, Acceleration of masses
 m − m1 
a= 2 g
 m1 + m2 

Tension in string
 2m1m2 
T = g
 m1 + m2 

After the blocks are released from rest, calculate the acceleration
of the system and the amount of tension in the string. (Take g = 10 ms-2)


(A) 2 ms -2, 24 N (B) 3 ms -2, 28 N (C) 2 ms -2, 14 N (D) 4 ms -2, 24 N


As the 3 kg block is heavier, it will go down. Hence, take direction of acceleration for the 2 kg block
upward and for the 3 kg block downward.

FBD for the 2 kg block FBD for the 3 kg block

Along y-direction, Along y-direction,
a T - 2g = 2a.....(i) 3g - T = 3a.....(ii)
2kg 3kg

m1 g m2 g
Solving equation (i) and equation (ii) simultaneously,
a = 2 ms-2 T = 24 N T T

Alternate way
2kg 3kg
As there are different masses on both sides of the pulley, a a
there is an imbalance in the system; and we know that net
imbalance results in the acceleration of a system. m1 g m2 g

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Acceleration magnitude is given by the following:

Supporting force is along the direction of acceleration and opposing force is opposite to acceleration.
supporting force − opposing force
total mass
30 − 20
⇒=a = 2 ms −2
=T m2 ( g − a )
⇒ T= 3 (10 − 2 ) N
⇒T =
24 N
Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

5 100
( Athe
For the given system, evaluate ) ms , −2
N , 20ofNthe system
35 acceleration
100 in each of the( strings.
and5the tension , 200Ng,=20
A )10ms −2(Take 10Nms-2)
(A) ms −2 , N , 20 N (B) 3 ms −2 , 3 N , 40 N
3 3 103 3
5 100
( A )10ms −2 , 200N , 20 N (B) ms−2−2 ,150 N , 40 N 5kg
(B) 3 ms −2 , 3 N , 40 N ( C) 53ms , 3N , 20 N
3 3 7
10 −2 200
(B) ms ,150 N , 40 N ( C) 520ms −2−,2 100N , 20 N
( C) 53ms −2 , 3N , 20 N (D) ms , 7 N , 40 N
7 3
20 7
(DC) 520msms−2−,2 , 100NN, ,2040NN (D) ms −2 , N , 40 N
( ) 7 3 7
3 7
20 −2 100
( )
Solution ms , N , 40 N
3 7
As the 4 kg and 6 kg blocks together are heavier, they will go down. Hence, take the direction of
acceleration for the 5 kg block upward and for the 4 kg and the 6 kg blocks downward.
FBD for the 2 kg block FBD for the 4 kg block FBD for the 6 kg block
T1 T1 T2

5 kg 4 kg a 6 kg a
5g 4g T2 6g
Along y-direction, Along y-direction, Along y-direction,
T1 - 5g = 5a.....(i) 4g + T2 - T1 = 4a.....(ii) 6g - T2 = 6a.....(iii)
Adding equations (i), (ii), and (iii)
(T1 − 5 g ) + ( 4 g + T2 − T1 ) + ( 6 g − T2 ) = 5a + 4a + 6a
⇒ 5g = 15a
g 10 −2
⇒a= = ms
3 3
Substituting the value of a in equation (i),
T1 = N
Substituting the value of a in equation (iii),
T2 = 40 N

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Supporting force − Opposing force

Alternate way Total mass
60 + 40 − 50 10 −2
As there are different masses on both the sides = a
of the⇒pulley, =
there ms
15 is an imbalance
3 in the system;
and we know that net imbalance results in the acceleration
And, of the system.
T1 T1 T1 m1 ( g + a )
= T2

5 kg 4 kg  10 6 kg
a a ⇒ T1= 5 10 +  a
 3
m1 g m2 g T2 200 m3 g
⇒ T1 = N
Acceleration magnitude is given by Also,
Supporting force − Opposing force T2 m3 ( g − a )
Total mass  10 
60 + 40 − 50 10 −2 ⇒ T2= 6 10 − 
=⇒a = ms  3
15 3 ⇒ T2 =40 N
T1 m1 ( g + a )
= Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
 10 
⇒ T1= 5 10 + 
 3
⇒ T1 = N
T2 m3 ( g − a )
 10 
⇒ T2= 6 10 − 
 3
⇒ T2 =40 N
After the blocks are released from rest, calculate the
(a) Distance covered by the 3 kg block in 2 s
(b) Speed of the 2 kg block after 3 s (Take g = 10 ms-2)



As there are different masses on both the sides of the pulley, there is an imbalance in the system;
and we know that net imbalance results in the acceleration of the system.

Acceleration magnitude is given by
Supporting force − Opposing force
2kg 3kg a=
Total mass
30 − 20
= = 2 ms −2
m1 g m2 g 5

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We know that,
Distance covered is given by,
s ut + at 2
Since the block was at rest initially, take the initial velocity as zero.
Hence, distance covered by the 3 kg block in 2 s is
s= 0+ × 2 × 4 = 4m
Speed is given as
v = u + at
Speed of the 2 kg block after 3 s is
v = 0 + 2 × 3 = 6 ms-1

In the given figure, find the expression of acceleration, the tension in m2

the string, and the amount of force exerted by the string on the pulley. m1
(Assume that the table is smooth)


Here, the weight of mass m1 is acting downward. This weight causes an imbalance and the system
moves. The weight of mass m2 will be balanced by a normal reaction, it is moving on a horizontal
plane, and it will neither support nor oppose the motion.

We know that,
Acceleration magnitude is given by, a
Supporting force − Opposing force
Total mass
As there is no opposing force, m1
mg − 0 a
a= 1
m1 + m2
⇒a= 1
m1 + m2
Tension in the string FBD for mass m1

Along y-direction, m1 a

m1 g − T =
=T m1 ( g − a ) m1 g
Tension can be found from the force balance of m2 as well a

Along x-direction, m2
T = m2a

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Force exerted by the string on the pulley

FBD of the pulley N
The tension force in string acts tangentially on the pulley.
As there are two tension forces at 90o to each other, the T
resultant force acting will be 2T
There will also be a normal reaction to the tension force
acting in the opposite direction.

A block A of mass 7 kg is placed on a frictionless table. A

A thread tied to it passes over a frictionless pulley and
carries a body B of mass 3 kg at the other end. What is
the acceleration of the system? (Assume the table to be B

smooth and take g = 10 ms-2)

(A) 100 ms-2 (B) 3 ms-2 (C) 10 ms-2 (D) 30 ms-2


Here, the weight of mass B is acting downward. This weight causes an imbalance in the system and
the system moves. The weight of mass A will be balanced by a normal reaction and as it is moving
on a horizontal plane, it will neither support nor oppose the motion.
We know that,
Acceleration magnitude is given by
Supporting force − Opposing force
Total mass
As there is no opposing force,
a= b
ma + mb

( 3 × 10 ) − 0
3 ms −2

Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

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What you already know What you will learn

• Block on an inclined plane • Tension in the string

• Vertical motion of block • Pulley-block system
• Pulley • Wedge-block system

A force of 100 N is applied on a 6 kg block that is connected to a 2 kg block with a uniform

rope of mass 2 kg.
(a) Find the acceleration of the system.
(b) Find the tension at point A, B, and C, respectively.
2 kg
Given that the rope is 1 m long and point B is A B C 100 N
the midpoint of the rope. 2 kg 6 kg
(Assume the surface to be smooth)

(A) 10 ms-2, 20 N, 15 N, and 10 N (B) 5 ms-2, 10 N, 5 N, and 15 N

(C) 20 ms-2, 30 N, 20 N, and 10 N (D) 10 ms-2, 20 N, 30 N, and 40 N


(a) Acceleration of the system

Given, masses of blocks: m1 = 2 kg, m2 = 6 kg
and mass of rope, mAC = 2 kg. a
 Considering the rope is inextensible, both SYSTEM y
masses will move together with the same 2 kg
acceleration due to the 100 N external force. A B C 100 N
2 kg 6 kg
Consider the masses and the rope together as x
a system.
Along x-direction,
net msys × a
⇒ F= ( m1 + mAC + m2 ) a
⇒a =
⇒a =10 ms −2

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(b) Tension in the string

Now, considering the 2 kg block and the rope 10 ms-2
together as a system SYSTEM y
Tension at point C :
A B C Tc
For this system, the only external force is the 2 kg
tension at point C. x
Along x-direction,
net msys × a
⇒ TC = ( m1 + mAC ) a
⇒ TC = (2 + 2) × 10
⇒ TC =
40 N
Now, considering the 2 kg block and AB length of 10 ms-2
the rope together as a system. SYSTEM y
Tension at point B :
For this system, only the external force is the 2 kg
tension at point B. As the point B is located at the
midpoint of the rope and the mass of the rope is
uniformly distributed, the mass of the length AB
will be 1 kg.
Along x-direction,
= ms × a
⇒ TB = ( m1 + mAB ) a
⇒ TB = (2 + 1) × 10
⇒ TB =30 N
Now, consider the 2 kg block as a system.
10 ms-2
Tension at point A :
For this system, only the external force is the
tension at point A. 2 kg
Along x-direction, x
= ms × a
⇒ TA= ( m1 ) × a
⇒ TA = (2 ) × 10
⇒ TA = 20 N
Here, tension in the rope along its length varies. This is because the force is utilised to move the
mass of rope as well.
Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.

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F = 100 N 4 kg

For the given system, evaluate the tension in the string.

(Assume the surface to be smooth and take g = 10 ms-2)
6 kg

(A) 36 N (B) 84 N (C) 64 N (D) 56 N


In this system, 100 N force is pulling it in the left direction and a 6 kg block will oppose this motion.
As there is an imbalance in the system and we know that net imbalance results in acceleration of
Acceleration magnitude is given by,
Supporting force − Opposing force
Total mass
100 − ( 6 × 10)
=⇒a = 4 ms −2 T
( 4 + 6)
6 kg a
From the FBD 6 kg block,
The block is moving vertically upwards. Hence, using the effective
acceleration formula,
T= m × geff
where geff= g + a, as the block is moving upwards.
⇒ T = 6 × (10 + 4 )
⇒T = 84 N
Thus, option (B) is the correct answer.

3 kg

For the given system, evaluate the acceleration of the

system and the tension in each of the strings. (Assume
2 kg
surface to be smooth and take g = 10 ms-2)

4 kg

20 40 10 20
(A) ms −2 , N , 20 N (B) ms −2 , N , 30 N
3 3 3 3
50 20 80
(C) 5 ms −2 , N , 10 N (D) ms −2 , N , 20 N
7 3 7

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As the surface is smooth and the 4 kg and 2 kg blocks together are heavier, the system will move
down. The 3 kg block is moving on a horizontal plane and it will neither support nor oppose the
For the 3 kg block For the 2 kg block For the 4 kg block

N T1 T2
y y y
3 kg 2 kg a 4 kg a

m1 g x m2 g x x
m3 g
Along x-direction, Along y-direction, Along y-direction,
T1 = 3a ........(i) T2 + 2g ‒ T1 = 2 × a ........(ii) 4g ‒ T2 = 4a ........(iii)
Adding equations ( i ) , ( ii ) , and ( iii ) ,
(T1 ) + ( T2 + 2g − T1 ) + ( 4 g − T2 ) = 3a + 2a + 4a
⇒ 6g = 9a
6 ×10 20
⇒=a = ms −2
9 3
Substituting the value of a in equation ( i ) ,
T1 =3× = 20 N
Substituting the value of a in equation ( iii ) ,
 20  40
T2 = 4  10 − = N
 3  3
Alternate way
As there are different masses on both the sides of pulley, there is imbalance in the system; and we
know that net imbalance results in the acceleration of the system.

N T1 T2
3 kg 2 kg a 4 kg a
m1 g m2 g T2
m3 g
Here, 2 kg and 4 kg block will support the motion and 3 kg block will neither support nor oppose
the motion.
Acceleration magnitude is given by,
Supporting force − Opposing force ( 2 + 4 ) × 10 − 0 20
a = = ms −2
Total mass 3+2+4 3

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T1 = 3 a
⇒ T1 =3 × N
⇒ T1 =
20 N
=T2 m3 ( g − a )
 20 
⇒ T= 4  10 − N
3 

⇒ T2 = N
Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

For the given system, arrive at an expression for the

following: m3
(a) Tension in each of the strings that connects the
blocks respectively
(b) Acceleration of the system (Assume m1 > m2 and
the surface to be smooth) m2 m1

As m1 > m2, m1 will move down, m2 will move upwards. As the strings are inextensible, the acceleration
will be the same for all the blocks. Block m3 is moving on a horizontal plane and it will neither
support nor oppose the motion.
T2 N T1
T2 T1
a m2 m3 m1 a
m2 g m3 g m1 g

Acceleration magnitude is given by,

Supporting force − Opposing force
Total mass

( m1 g − m2 g )
m1 + m2 + m3
For the block with mass m1 and m2, using the effective acceleration formula for vertical motion of
the block,
As m1 is moving downwards, As m2 is moving upwards,
T1 = m1 geff T2 = m2 geff
⇒ T1 = m1 (g ‒ a) ⇒ T2 = m2 (g + a)

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2 kg
For the given system, evaluate the magnitude of
tension in the string. (Assume the surface to be
smooth and take g = 10 ms-2)

3 kg

(A) 8 N (B) 10 N (C) 12 N (D) 14 N

As the weight of the 3 kg block acts downwards, the
system will move in the downward direction. As the T
2 kg
strings are inextensible, the acceleration will be the
same for all blocks. a T
As the 2 kg block is moving on a horizontal plane, it will
neither support nor oppose the motion, and the 3 kg
block supports the motion as it is moving downwards. 3 kg a
Acceleration magnitude is given by,
Supporting force − Opposing force
Total mass 3g
3g − 0
m1 + m2
3 × 10 − 0
=a = 6 ms −2
And T
As the 3 kg block is moving downwards,
For the 3 kg block,
T = m geff
3 kg a
Where geff = g ‒ a
⇒ T = 3 (10 ‒ 6)
⇒ T = 12 N
Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

For the given system, find the expression of
acceleration and tension in the string. (Assume the
surface to be smooth) m2

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On an inclined surface, we cannot predict which block goes Now, consider the m2 block
down and which one moves upwards. As the strings are From the FBD of m2 block,
inextensible, the acceleration will be the same for all the
blocks. T
For the FBD of mass m1 and m2

m2 a

a T
m 1

m2 a m2g
θ As this block is moving up,
m1 g sin θ 0 °-
9 m g T = m2 geff
θ 1 m1 g cos θ m2 g Where geff = g + a
Assume m1 g sin θ is more than m2. Then, mass m2 will move ⇒ T = m2 (g + a)
Acceleration magnitude is given by,
Supporting force − Opposing force
Total mass
m g sin θ − m2 g
a= 1
m1 + m2

For the given system, evaluate the tension in each
of the strings connecting the blocks. (Assume the 1 kg
surface to be smooth and take g = 10 ms-2) 30°

3 kg

(A) 12 N, 15 N (B) 10 N, 20 N (C) 15 N, 15 N (D) 10 N, 12 N


On one side of the pulley, there are 6 kg and 3 kg masses. As this is heavier than the 1 kg mass on
the other side, let the 3 kg block move downwards.

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T1 T2
a 3 kg 1 kg a

6g sin 30° 30°

m2 g m2 g

As the 1 kg block is opposing the motion,

Acceleration magnitude is given by,
Supporting force − Opposing force
Total mass
6 × g sin 30° + 3 × g − 1 × g
6 × 10 × + 3 × 10 − 1 × 10
a = 2 5 ms −2
Now, from the FBD of the 3 kg block,
As the block is moving vertically downward,
T1 = m geff
Where geff = g ‒ a
⇒ T1 = 3 (10 ‒ 5)
⇒ T1 = 15 N
Also, from the FBD of the 1 kg block,
As the block is moving vertically upward,
T2 = m geff
Where geff = g + a
⇒ T2 = 1 (10 + 5)
⇒ T2 = 15 N
Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

3 kg
For the given system, evaluate
the tension in each of the strings. kg
(Assume the surface to be smooth 10
and take g = 10 ms-2)
30° 2 kg

50 20 25 10 50 20
(A) N, N (B) N, N (C) N, N (D) 50 N , 20 N
3 3 3 3 7 7

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As the 3 kg and 2 kg blocks are moving on a horizontal plane, these masses will neither support
nor oppose the motion.
Hence, only the 10 kg block will cause motion along
the inclined surface in the downward direction and
it will support the motion. T1
Acceleration magnitude is given by,

Supporting force − Opposing force
0 kg
Total mass 1
10 × g sin θ − 0 − 0
10 + 3 + 2 30°
10g sin 30°
10 × 10 ×
a = 2 10 ms −2
10 + 3 + 2 3
From FBD of the 3 kg block,
Along x-direction, y
= ms × a a
T1 T2
⇒ T1 − T2 =3 × a ......( i ) 3 kg
From FBD of the 2 kg block, x
Along x-direction,
= ms × a y
⇒ T2 =2 × a .......( ii ) T2
2 kg
10 20 x
⇒ T2 =2 × = N
3 3
Substituting value of T2 in equation ( i ) ,
20 10
T1 − = 3×
3 3
⇒ T1 = N
Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

For the given system, evaluate the magnitude of

tension in the string. (Assume the surface to be 2m
smooth and take g = 10 ms-2)
m m

(A) 0° (B) 30° (C) 45° (D) 60°

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Let the tension in the string be T.

At equilibrium, the vertical components of tension in both the sides of the string will be balancing
2 m mass.
T T cos θ T cos θ T
m 2m m

mg 2 mg mg

From the FBD of mass m,

Along y-direction,
T = mg ……….(i)
From the FBD of mass 2 m ,
Along y-direction,
∑F y =0

⇒ T cos θ + T cos θ =
2 mg
As T = mg from equation ( i )
2 mg cos θ = 2 mg
⇒ cos θ =
⇒ θ = 45°
Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

A man has fallen into a ditch of Quasistatic process = Almost at equilibrium

width d, and two of his friends are
slowly pulling him out using a light
rope and two fixed pulleys. Show
that the force (assumed equal for
both the friends) exerted by each
friend on the road increases as the
man moves up. Find the force, when
the man is at a depth h.


The process is very slow (quasistatic). Thus, we can assume that the system (the hanging man) is
in equilibrium at every instant. Therefore, we can equate the forces for any component without
considering the acceleration (a → 0).

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FBD of the men pulling the fallen man is:


From FBD of the hanging man,

Balancing the forces in y-direction, 2T sin θ
T T y
2T sin θ = mg
θ θ
2 sin θ x
sin θ =
2T sin θ = mg 2 mg
2 d 
mg y + 2
T=  
sin θ of sin θ can be found from geometry
The 2value
sin θ =
y2 +   2
2 2 d 
y +  y
Since the string is massless, the tension in the string,
T = Force applied by each friend
T=F θ
Therefore, the force applied by each friend, at depth 2
d 
y = h, y2 +  
mg h +  

mg mg 2
F= = =
2 sin θ 2h 2h
h + 

As the man is pulled upwards, the angle θ decreases. Therefore the value of sin θ also decreases,
which implies that force exerted by each friend (F) increases (since F is inversely proportional to
sin θ).

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What you already know What you will learn

• Newton's laws of motion • Spring force, stiffness

• System and free body diagram • Spring balance and its types
• Tension in string • Spring balance on inclined plane
• Pulley-block system

Spring Force

Ideal spring is made from ideal string and spring

has a tendency to resist any kind of deformation
The restoring force of a spring that helps the spring
to regain its original shape is known as spring force.
This force is proportional to the deformation
produced in the spring and it always acts opposite
to original or applied force.
Restoring force can be written as follows:
  Fs
Fspring =
− kx =− kx xˆ ( ) x
Where x is deformation of spring due to the applied
force and k is proportionality constant commonly lo - x
known as spring constant. Negative sign implies
that it is an opposing force. Deformation can be x
either extension or compression.
Spring constant (k): It denotes the stiffness of the
lo Fs
spring and is a measure of inertia, which signifies
how difficult it is to deform the spring. Fext
Consider lo is the natural length of a spring.
Case 1: Let the spring be pulled with force Fext. Let lo + x
the extension of spring be x.
As the spring force acts opposite to the applied force, it can be written as follows:
Fspring = ― kx
Case 2: Let the spring be pushed with force Fext. Let the compression of spring be x.
As the spring force is acting opposite to applied force, it can be written as follows:

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F spring = - kx
For an ideal spring (massless), the restoring spring force, Fspring = Fext
In the given figure, two balls with equal mass are kept on two springs of the same length, yet the
change in length is different.
Here, spring force on spring one = spring force on spring two

lo lo lo - x2
lo - x1

1 2 1 2
F1 = F2
k1 (x 1 ) = k2 (x 2 )
⇒k1 > k2 (∵ x1 < x2 )
Thus, if the same force is applied on two springs and the value of spring constant
k is more, the spring is more stiffer and robust. It is also more difficult to compress
or extend it.
Stiffness: The stiffness of the spring signifies how difficult it is to deform the
Spring balance: It measures the restoring spring force that is equal to the tensile
force on the spring. This tensile force is equal to the weight of the hanging body
only under normal circumstances.
In the given figure, when the mass is hung to the vertical spring and the system
comes in equilibrium, the tension in the string will be equal to the weight hung
to it.

A k B
Block A and B of mass 2 kg and 4 kg, respectively
are displaced by 1 m each. What will be the 2 kg 4 kg
reading of the spring balance,

(a) When they are displaced in the same direction?

(b) When they are displaced in the opposite directions? (Assume the surface to be smooth)

(a) As the blocks are displaced in the same direction, there is no deformation in spring. Thus,
there will be zero spring force, as the spring force generates only when there is deformation in
the spring.
(b) When both blocks are moved by 1 m in the opposite directions, there will be a 2 m increase in
length of spring. i.e., x = 2 m
Thus, spring force, F = kx = 2 kN

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For ideal spring, the spring force will be the same throughout its length.

Find the extension in the spring when the system is in the equilibrium.


Let the spring elongate by length x. k

Then, the weight will be balanced by spring force.
Thus, Fs
= kx
Spring force = mg m
mg m
⇒x =

For the given system, find out the expansion in the spring.
(Take g = 10 ms-2)
5 kg k = 200 Nm-1

5 kg

(A) 1 m (B) 3 m (C) 1 m (D) 5 m

8 4 4 4

Given, k = 200 Nm-1
Consider the system without spring. The weight of blocks will be balanced by tension in string as

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Instead of string, spring is present in the problem.

Spring force = Tension in string
T = 5g
T = Fs T T
⇒ 5g = kx
5×10 1 5 kg 5 kg
⇒=x = m
200 4
Hence, option (C) is the correct answer. 5g 5g

For the given system, find out the expansion in the spring.
(Take g = 10 ms-2)
3 kg k = 200 Nm-1

5 kg

(A) 3 m (B) 3 m (C) 5 m (D) 5 m

8 16 16 8

Consider the system without spring. The weight of blocks will be balanced
by tension in string as shown. As the weight of blocks is different, the
system has a net imbalance in it. Thus, it will accelerate and block with
mass 5 kg will move downwards. Let the acceleration be a.
Then, ignore the spring and calculate the acceleration by using the
supporting and opposing force formula. T
Supporting force − Opposing force
a= a
Total mass 3 kg T

( ) =2 × 10 =5 ms −2
5 − 3 × 10
5+3 8 2
As the 5 kg block is moving vertically downwards, 5 kg a
Tension in string is as follows:
T = m × ( g −a )
 5
= 5 ×  10 − 
 2
= N

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T = Fs
= ⇒ where k 200 Nm −1
kx =
Now, as there is spring, the tension in the string  75 
will be applied force for the spring.  
⇒=x  2=  3
Thus, spring force = tension in string 200 16
T = Fs
Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
=⇒ kx = where k 200 Nm −1
 75 
 
2  3
⇒=x  = m
200 16

k = 100 Nm-1

For the given system, find out the expansion in the spring
and the acceleration of the block, if m1 = 2 kg and m2 = 4 kg.
(Take g = 10 ms-2)



g g g
(A) 8 m, (B) 7 m, (C) 4 m, g (D) 9 m,
15 3 8 2 15 14 3

Solution T
Here, as the 4 kg block is heavier, it will move downward.
FBD for 4 kg block is shown in adjacent figure: y
Along y-direction, 4 kg a
m2 g −T = m2a x
4 a ....... ( i )
⇒ 4 g −T =
FBD for 2 kg block is shown in adjacent figure: m2 g
Along y-direction,
T − m1 g =m1a
2a ....... ( ii )
⇒ T − 2g =
Adding equation (i) and equation (ii), we get, a 2 kg

(T − 2g ) + ( 4g −T ) =2a + 4a x
⇒a =
3 m1 g
Put this in equation ( ii )
g 8g
⇒T − 2g =2× ⇒T =
3 3

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The tension in the string in which the spring is attached will

be 2T. This tension will be balanced by the spring force. 2T
Since, Fsp = k ∆x ,
2T = k ∆x
Fsp = k∆x
⇒ ∆x =

= 3
2× 8 ×10 8
= = m
3×100 15 T T 2T
Thus, option (A) is the correct answer.

Types of Spring Balance System

For the ideal spring and string, the following combinations of springs can be formed.



m m

Here, mg weight is acting Here, mg weight will be Here, mg weight will be

downward. This will be balanced equally by both balanced solely by spring C.
balanced by tension in the springs. Thus, half of weight This weight will be balanced
string that will be equal to the will be equal to the spring by A and B equally, i.e.,
spring force, i.e., force in each force, i.e., mg
Reading of A =
Reading of A = mg mg 2
Reading of A =
Reading of B = mg 2 mg
Reading of B =
mg 2
Reading of B =
2 Reading of C = mg

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A block of mass 20 kg is suspended through two light spring

balances as shown in the figure. Calculate the
(a) Reading of spring balance 1.
(b) Reading of spring balance 2. (take g = 10 ms-2) 2

20 kg

(A) 10 kg, 10 kg (B) 10 kg, 20 kg (C) 20 kg, 20 kg (D) 15 kg, 5 kg

Solution T

Here, the weight will be balanced by the tension in string that is

equal to spring force.
Thus, 20 kg
Reading of spring balance 1 = 20 kg
Reading of spring balance 2 = 20 kg
Hence, option (C) is the correct answer. mg = 200 N

As shown in the figure, two equal masses,

each of 2 kg, are suspended from a spring
balance. The reading of the spring balance
will be (take g = 10 ms-2)
2 kg 2 kg

(A) Zero (B) 2 kg (C) 4 kg (D) Between zero and 2 kg

Here, one of the masses will try to pull the system
in downward direction and this will be opposed by
the other mass. These opposing forces generate the T T T
tension in the string.
FBD of given system is as follows:
Thus, 2 kg 2 kg
Fs = T = mg = 2g N
As the reading in balance shows mass, the option (B)
is correct. mg mg

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If m1 = 15 kg and m2 = 5 kg, then

what is the reading of the spring
balance. (Assume the system is in
equilibrium and take g = 10 ms-2)

m2 m1

(A) 100 N (B) 75 N (C) 50 N (D) 150 N

Consider the system without spring. The weight of blocks will be T T
balanced by the tension in the string as shown. As the weight of
blocks is different, the system has a net imbalance in it. Thus, it will
accelerate and block with mass m1 = 15 kg will move downwards.
Let the acceleration be a. 5 kg a 15 kg a
Then, ignore the spring and calculate acceleration by using the
supporting and opposing force formula.
Supporting force − Opposing force m2 g m1 g
Total mass

(15 − 5)×=10 100
= 5 ms −2
15 + 5 20
From FBD of block with mass 5 kg,
=T m2 ( g + a )
⇒ T= 5 (10 + 5=
) 75N
Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

Spring Balance System on Inclined Plane

Resolve the components of weight along and normal

to the inclined plane. Then, mg sin 𝜃 component will
be balanced by the tension in the string that is equal
to the spring force.
Reading of spring balance = mg sin 𝜃
mg sin 𝜃 𝜃 mg cos 𝜃


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A body of mass 5 kg is suspended by a spring balance

on an inclined plane as shown in the figure. Find the
spring balance measure. (Assume the surface to be
smooth and take g = 10 ms-2) 5 kg


(A) 50 N (B) 25 N (C) 500 N (D) 10 N

FBD of 5 kg block is as follows:
Here, mg sin 𝜃 component will be balanced by the T
tension in the string that is equal to the spring force.
Thus, 5k
Reading of spring balance = mg sin 𝜃
= 5 × 10 × 1
s i n3
= 25 N
5g 30o
Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

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What you already know What you will learn

• Newton's laws of motion • Constrained motion

• System and free body diagram • Constraint relations
• String, pulley, and spring • Pulley-block system

Constrained Motion

String / Rod Wedge

constraints constraints

Constrained motion happens when the motion of an object is restricted by external or internal

String constraint

Here, the block 2 will move down due to gravity.

As the string is continuous and connected to two 1
blocks over pulley, the block 1 will have to slide on
the surface in the right direction. The string acts as
a constraint on the block 1. This is because of the
string constraint.
The string constraints are as follows:
• The length of the string remains constant, i.e.,
string is inextensible.
• String always remains taut, i.e., it does not slack.

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Wedge constraint
Here, the block is kept on an inclined surface
of wedge. As one component of the weight
mg cos (90 - θ) is acting along the inclined plane, - θ mg cos (90 - θ)
the block will slide downwards on this plane. This 90
type of constraint is known as wedge constraint. mg
Here, the contact between the surface of wedge
and block can never be broken.

Rod constraint

Here, the two blocks will move in a straight line

and their displacement will be the same. This is Rod
because the end points of the rod are always A B
located at the same distance. This type of
constraint is known as rod constraint.

Constraint Relations

String / Rod constraints relation

Consider the blocks A and B connected through a

rod as a system. Let a and b be the points where
the rod is connected to the blocks. Let a force F SYSTEM
be applied on the system in the right direction.
vA vB
Since the rod is rigid, the displacement of points
x A and xB will be equal.
A a b
Thus, B F
x A = xB
Differentiating the equation with respect to time, xA xB
dx A dx B
⇒ =
dt dt
we know that,
dx dx
and B v B
dt dt
⇒v A = vB
Differentiating the equation with respect to time again,
dv A dv B Thus, we could relate the parameters using the
⇒ =
dt dt inextensibility constraint of string.
But we know that, So, the constraint relation in this case are x A = xB,
dv dv vA = vB, and aA = aB
and B aB
dt dt

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Find the velocity of end A at the instant when the rod is making
an angle θ with the horizontal. l
(A) vB sin θ (B) vB tan θ (C) vB cos θ (D) vB cot θ
θ vB


As the end B is sliding rightwards, end A will be

sliding downwards and both the ends will always
remain in contact with the surface. A (0, y)
Assume that the velocity variables and the
coordinate axes are as shown in the figure.
Let the coordinates of point B be (x, 0) and l
coordinates of point A be (0, y). y vA
In triangle AOB,
x 2 + y 2 = l 2 (Constant) θ
Differentiating with respect to time t , we get , vB
( ) +d (y ) =0
d x2 2 x B (x, 0)

dt dt
dx dy
Þ 2x + 2y =0
dt dt
dy æ x ödx
Þ - = çç
dt è y
÷ ()
÷ dt ....... i
dx dy x
vB , =
−v A and =cot θ
dt dt y
Putting in equation ( i ) , we get ,
v A = v B cot θ
Thus, option (D) is the correct answer.
Alternative way
Velocity components of the ends of the rod along
the length are as shown in figure. A
vA sin θ
As the rod is having a constant length, velocity of
all particles on the rod will be the same. Equating
vA - θ
the components of velocity of the end points of
the rod along the length,
θ B
v A sinθ = v B cosθ vB
O θ
v B cotθ
⇒v A =
Thus, option (D) is the correct answer. vB cos θ

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If the separation between the two points is constant, then their velocity and acceleration
components must be equal along the line joining them.

What is the acceleration of end B at the instant when the rod is l

making an angle 37o with horizontal.
(A) 1 ms-2 (B) 2 ms-2 (C) 3 ms-2 (D) 4 ms-2 4 ms-2


Rod is making an angle 37o with horizontal.
We know that the acceleration of end points of the A
rod along the length is the same.
aA cos 53°
( )
a A cos 53 = aB cos37
0 0
53° x

3 4 l
⇒ 4 × = aB × aA
5 5 37° B
3 ms −2
⇒ aB = 37°

Thus, option (C) is the correct answer. aB cos 37°

Wedge constraint relation

As the contact can never break and the bodies

are rigid, there is no relative motion along the
perpendicular to the contact surface. Thus, when
two rigid bodies are in contact their velocity
components, the perpendicular to the contact
surface are equal. v1 cos θ v2 sin α
v2 c α
Let the block have velocity v2 and wedge is moving os α
θ v2
with velocity v1 along the directions shown in the v1
figure. Along the normal, the component of v2 is θ
v1 sin θ
v2 cos α and the component of v1 is v1 sin θ.
v2 cos 𝛼 = v1 sin θ

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A rod moves vertically downward on the surface of the vA

wedge as shown in the figure. Find the relation between
the velocity of the rod and that of the wedge at any instant.
(A) vA = vB sin θ (B) vA = vB cot θ vB
(C) vA = vB tan θ (D) vA = vB cos θ B

Solution NEET

As shown in the figure, rod A can only move in

the upward and downward direction, while the
wedge is free to move in the horizontal direction.
Let vA and vB be the velocity of rod A and wedge
B, respectively.
We know that,
For wedge constraint, the velocity component A
along the normal to the surface is equal for the
wedge and the block.
Component of velocity of rod along normal vB
to wedge is vA cos θ. Component of velocity of (90-θ)
wedge along normal to wedge is vB cos (90 - θ). B
θ θ
vA cos θ = vB cos (90 - θ)
⟹ vA cos θ = vB sin θ [∵ cos (90 - θ) = sin θ] vB cos (90-θ)
vA cos θ
⟹ vA = vB tan θ vA
Thus, option (C) is the correct answer.

Pulley-Block System

Atwood's machine
A device in which two objects are connected by a string over a
pulley such that if one falls down, the other one rises, is known as
Atwood's machine.
In this system, the heavier objects will fall down and the lighter
objects will rise.
Consider the magnitude of displacement of two objects. x1
From inextensibility constraint of string,
x1 = x2
Similarly, as they are covering equal distance in equal time interval,
v1 = v2 m2
And x2 = x1
a1 = a2

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In the system shown in figure, block A is pulled towards the

right at a speed vA . Find the velocity of block B at the instant
when the string makes an angle θ with the horizontal.
(A) vB = vA sin θ (B) vB = vA cot θ
(C) vB = vA tan θ (D) vB = vA cos θ θ
A vA


As block A moves in the right direction, block B will

move down. We know that, for an inextensible string,
velocity components of the end points are equal
along the string.
Thus, take the velocity components of the end points. vA cos θ

Along the length of string, the velocity component of B

block A is vA cos θ and block B is vB.
Thus, θ
vB = vA cos θ A
Thus, option (D) is the correct answer. vA

• In case of rod constraints, break each and every parameter of motion along the length
of rod.
• For wedge constraints, identify the direction of normal, draw the normal components of
motion parameters along the normal line, and equate them.
• For string constraints, break down all the components of motion parameters along the
string and equate them. Also, the length of the string always remains the same as long
as it is taut.

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What you already know What you will learn

• Newton's laws of motion • Weighing machine

• Constrained motion • Frame of reference
• Pulley-block system • Pseudo force

Weighing Machine

A weighing machine measures the weight of the object kept on it. The reading of the weighing
machine is calibrated to give the mass of the object, which is calculated by the weight of the body.
This reading is in kg-f or kg-weight.
Example: if the reading shows 1 kg, it would mean the weight is 1 kg-f.

1 kg-force = 1 × g = 1 × 10 = 10 N
Where g is the acceleration due to gravity (g = 10 ms-2)
Technically, the weighing machine measures the normal reaction that it applies on the object kept
on it. This normal reaction is equal to weight in equilibrium condition.

Frame of Reference

Inertial frame of reference Non-inertial frame of reference

• Newton’s laws are valid. • Newton’s laws are not valid.

• In an inertial frame of reference, • In a non-inertial frame of reference,
the observer should be non- an observer will have non-zero
accelerating (aobserver = 0), i.e., the acceleration (aobserver ≠ 0).
velocity should be either zero or
constant. • Pseudo force (unreal force) comes
into picture.

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Ground (Inertial) Frame of Reference

N = mg N
In the ground frame of reference, normal reaction is equal
785 N to the weight that is the reading of the weighing machine.
The observer measures his weight on the ground as 785 N
as shown in figure.


Non-Inertial Frame of Reference

When the weighing machine is kept inside a lift and the lift moves upwards, the reading shown will
be more than the actual weight. When the lift moves downwards, the reading shown will be less
than the actual weight. Can this be an example of violation of Newton's law?
Actually, Newton's laws are valid when the observer is in an inertial frame of reference.
For the observers where Newton's laws are not valid, the frame is known as a non-inertial frame of

Lift moving upwards

(a) Observed by an inertial observer

Consider a boy of mass m standing on a weighing
machine. Now, consider the same system is kept
in an elevator at rest. As the elevator is at rest, the
reading is the same as measured in the ground 822 N
frame. When the elevator starts moving upwards, we a
get a different reading on the weighing machine.
When the elevator is moving upwards with
acceleration a, the weight measured by the weighing
machine will be
Along the vertical direction,
N - mg = ma
N = mg + ma
N = m(g + a) ………(i)
Hence, from equation (i), it is clear that N is not equal to mg here. When the elevator starts
moving upwards with an acceleration a, then the acceleration due to gravity (g) becomes
geff = (g + a), and due to this, N becomes mgeff. Here, the weight measured by the machine is
822 N.

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(b) Observed by the boy in the lift frame

The boy observes his own weight in the weighing
machine as 822 N when it is kept in an elevator that is N
moving upwards with an acceleration a.
So, for this case, 822 N
There is only weight and normal reaction, and with
respect to the lift frame, he is at rest.
Thus, balancing forces,
N = mg …………(ii) mg

This is not equal to the reading he had observed in the machine.

Also, he cannot explain this by writing Newton's laws of motion.
As the observer is in a non-inertial frame (accelerated) of reference, he can not apply Newton's
To make Newton's law valid for a non-inertial frame of reference, we have to consider an unreal
or imaginary force known as the pseudo force.

Pseudo Force

The pseudo force is an imaginary force that is applied on objects in

a non-inertial frame of reference to satisfy Newton’s laws of motion.
 N
Fpseudo = − msys anon-inertial frame
Negative direction implies that the direction of force is
822 N
opposite to acceleration of the system.
• It acts opposite to the direction of acceleration of
the reference frame. ma
• It is applied for the non-inertial frame of reference.
• There is no action-reaction pair.
Hence, for the observer in the lift, adding pseudo force on the observer will give the exact value
of the weight of the boy in the lift frame, which will match with reading of the weighing machine.
Along the vertical axis,
N = mg + ma
N = m(g + a)
Lift moving downwards

(a) Observed by an observer on the 738 N

ground frame of reference
Along the vertical direction,
mg - N = ma a
N = mg - ma
N = m(g - a) ………..(iii) mg

An observer from the ground measures the weight of the boy as 738 N, which is less than the
value measured by an inertial observer when the weighing machine was on the ground. It is
clear that from equation (iii) the normal reaction decreases by the value ma.

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(b) For the lift frame of reference (observed by the boy himself in the lift frame)
Here, the observer will feel that he is at rest with respect to
the lift as he has the same acceleration as that of lift.
Hence, pseudo force should be considered in this case.
Along the vertical direction,
N + ma = mg
738 N
N = mg - ma
N = m(g - a) ………..(iv) N
The observer inside the lift measures his weight as 738
N, which is less than the value measured by an inertial
observer when the weighing machine was on the
ground. It is clear from equation (iv) that normal reaction mg
decreases by the value ma.

A man weighs 80 kg. He stands on a weighing 5 ms-2

machine in a lift that is moving upwards with a
uniform acceleration of 5 ms-2. What would be
the reading on the machine? (g = 10 ms-2) ?

(A) zero (B) 400 N (C) 800 N (D) 1200 N

Solution Method 2:

Method 1: Lift (non-inertial) frame of reference

Here, the observer will feel that he is at rest
Ground (inertial) frame of reference with respect to the lift as he has the same
When the observer in on the ground, for him, acceleration as that of the lift.
Along the vertical Hence, pseudo force should be considered in
direction, this case.
N - mg = ma
5 ms-2 Along the vertical
N = mg + ma N
direction, N
N = m(g + a) N = mg + ma
= 80 (10 + 5) ? N = 80 (10 + 5)
= 1200 N ?
= 1200 N

mg ma = Fp
Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.

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The figure shows a pendulum
suspended from the roof of a truck that θ
has a constant acceleration a relative
to the ground. Find the deflection of
the pendulum from the vertical as
observed from the ground frame and
from the frame attached with the truck.

a g  g a
( A ) tan-1  (B) tan-1  ( C) sin (D ) sin
-1 -1

     
 g a a  g


Method 1: In the ground frame Method 2: Truck (accelerated) frame of

The observer will see the pendulum moving
in a backward direction and the system Now, if we solve the problem in the truck
accelerating in the forward direction. frame, Let the observer be in truck
Thus, using the pseudo force concept,
T cos θ y FBD of the pendulum
θ y
θ T T cos θ
a θ T
T sin θ x
Fpseudo = ma
T sin θ
mg mg
Along the horizontal direction,
⇒ T sin θ = ma ........(i ) Using the pseudo force concept,
 
Along the vertical direction, Fpseudo = − mobject a frame
⇒ T cos θ = mg ........(ii ) Along the horizontal direction,
Dividing equation (i ) by equation (ii ), ⇒ T sin θ = ma ........(i )
a Along the vertical direction,
tan θ =
g ⇒ T cos θ = mg ........(ii )
a Dividing equation (i ) by equation (ii ),
⇒ θ = tan−1   a
 g tan θ =
Hence, option (A) is the correct answer. g
⇒θ = tan−1  
 g

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What you already know What you will learn

• Newton's laws of motion • Previous year competitive exam problems

• Pseudo force from NLM

F (N)
The force F acting on a particle of mass m is indicated
by the force vs time graph shown. Find the change in 3
momentum of the particle over the time interval from
0 s to 8 s. 0
2 4 6 8 t (s)

(A) 24 Ns (B) 20 Ns (C) 12 Ns (D) 6 Ns

From Newton's second law of motion, Thus,
F =
∆p dp ∆p = A 1 − A 2 + A 3 ....... ( i )
∆t dt Where,
⇒ ∫ dp = ∫ Fdt 1
A 1 = × 2 × 6 = 6 Ns
Hence, the area under the F-t curve 2
gives change in momentum. Since A 2 = 2 × 3 = 6 Ns
the area is a vector quantity, the A3 = 4 × 3 = 12 Ns
area above the time axis is taken as Substituting A 1 , A 2 and A 3 in ( i ) ,
positive and the area below the time
axis is taken as negative. ∆p = 6 − 6 + 12
= 12Ns
Hence, option (C) is correct.

A body under the action of a force F = 6 i - 8 j + 10k acquires an acceleration of 1 ms-2. Find
the mass of this body.

(A) 10 kg (B) 20 kg (C) 10√2 kg (D) 2√10 kg

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F = 6 i - 8 j + 10k, a = 1 ms-2
Magnitude of force is,
IF I = √(6)2 + (8)2 + (10)2 ∵ Magnitude of vector, F = x i + y j + zk is, IAI = √x2 + y2 + z2
= 10√2 N
As, F = ma
m = F = 10√2 = 10√2 kg
a 1
Hence, option (C) is correct.

If a boy catches a ball of mass 150 g in 0.1 s moving with a speed of 20 ms-1, then find the
force he experiences.

(A) 300 N (B) 30 N (C) 3 N (D) 0.3 N

pi = m × v
Force is the rate of change of momentum.
vi = 20 ms-2
∆p pf − pi
F = where ,= =
pf mv f
0 as,=
v f 0 and=
pi mv i
∆t ∆t
pf = 0
⇒ F =
0 − 150×10−3 × 20 ) y
⇒ F =
30 N

Hence, option (B) is correct. x

A stone is dropped from a height h. It hits the ground with a certain momentum p. If the same
stone is dropped from a height that is 100 % more than the previous height, find the change
in momentum when it hits the ground.

(A) 68 % (B) 41 % (C) 200 % (D) 100 %

The ball is dropped from certain height h, the
velocity of the ball when hits the ground is,
u 2 + 2gh
As u = 0, 2h
v = 2gh
And p = mv
For the first case, ph = mv p2h = mv'
ph = m 2gh

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For the second case, height is 2h.

= 2g ( 2h )
p2h m= 2ph = (
As , ph m 2gh )
Thus, the percentage change in momentum is,
2ph − ph
=∆p × 100%
= 41 %
Hence, option (B) is correct.

Three blocks A, B, and C of mass 4

kg, 2 kg, and 1 kg, respectively, are
14 N
in contact and kept on a frictionless A B
surface, as shown. If a force of 14 N is C
applied on the block A, then find the
contact force between A and B.

(A) 2 N (B) 6 N (C) 8 N (D) 16 N

Assume all the three blocks together ax
as a system.
Along x-direction, y
F= msys × a x 14 N
net A B C
⇒ 14 = ( 4 + 2 + 1) × ax
2 ms −2
⇒ ax = x

Now, consider 2 kg and 1 kg blocks together as a system, ax

Balancing forces along x-direction, y
N BA = msys a x NBA 2 kg 1 kg
N BA = ( 2 + 1) × 2 = 6 N B C
Hence, option (B) is correct. x

A mass of 1 kg is suspended by means of a thread.

(a) The system is lifted up with an acceleration of 4.9 ms-2.
(b) The system is lowered with an acceleration of 4.9 ms-2.
Find the ratio of tensions in the first and second case. 1 kg

(A) 3 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 3 (D) 2 : 1

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This is the same as the vertical motion of blocks. When the block accelerates along the vertical,
then g becomes geff. For the ease of calculation, let 4.9 ms-2 be equal to a or g/2.
FBD of the block,

(a) T1 (b) T2
y y

1 kg x 1 kg x

geff = g + a, as the block is moving up. geff = g - a, as the block is moving down.
Thus, Thus,
T1 m ( g + a )
= T2 m ( g − a )
 g  g
⇒T1= 1  g +  ⇒T2= 1  g − 
 2  2
3g g
⇒T1 = ....... ( i ) ⇒T2 = ....... ( ii )
2 2
Dividing equation (i) by equation (ii),
T1 3
T2 1
Hence, option (A) is correct.


Three blocks with masses m, 2m, and 3m are connected by strings as

shown in the figure. After an upward force F is applied on the block of
mass m, the masses move upwards at a constant speed v. What is the 2m
net force on the block of mass 2m?


(A) Zero (B) 2 mg (C) 3 mg (D) 6 mg

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As the speed is constant, acceleration is zero. Fnet
v a=0
We know that, F = ma = m(0) = Zero
Alternative way: FBD of block with mass 2m,
Along y-axis,
Fnet = ΣF y =
ma y
As , a y = 0
F2m = 0
Hence, option (A) is correct.

A monkey of mass 20 kg is holding a vertical rope. The rope will not break
when a mass of 25 kg is suspended from it, but it will break if the mass
exceeds 25 kg. What is the maximum acceleration with which the monkey
can climb up along the rope? (g = 10 ms-2)

(A) 5 ms-2 (B) 10 ms-2 (C) 25 ms-2 (D) 2.5 ms-2

The string can hold a maximum of 25 kg mass.
As the monkey is climbing vertically upwards, geff = g + a
Tension is given by,
T – mg = ma
T = m(g + a)
The maximum allowable tension is,
Tmax = 25 × 10 = 250 N
⇒ T ≤ 250
⇒ m ( g + a ) ≤ 250
For limiting condition,
20 (10 + a ) =
a = 2.5 ms −2
Thus, for the rope to not break,
a ≤ 2.5 ms −2
Hence, option (D) is correct.

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Two masses are suspended from a massless pulley as shown in

the figure. Find the acceleration of the system when the masses
are left free. 5 kg

10 kg

2g g g g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 3 9 7

As the 10 kg block is heavier, it will go down. Hence, take the direction T
of acceleration for the 5 kg block as upward and for the 10 kg block as y
FBD for 5 kg block, 5 kg
Along y-direction, T x
T – 5g = 5 × a ……..(i) y
FBD for 10 kg block, 5g
Along y-direction, 10 kg a
10g – T = 10 × a ……..(ii) x
Solving equation (i) and equation (ii),
g 10 g
Hence, option (B) is correct.

Two blocks A and B of mass 3 m and m, respectively, are connected

by a massless and inextensible string. The whole system is
suspended by a massless spring as shown in the figure. Find the A
magnitude of acceleration of A and B immediately after the string
is cut.

g g g g
(A) g, (B) , g (C) g, g (D) ,
3 3 3 3

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Fs T
y y
Before the string is cut, the system is in equilibrium.
Hence, the acceleration is zero. 3m m
FBD of 3 m and m before the string is cut, x x
spring force, Fs = 4 mg
3 mg T mg
Along y-direction, Along y-direction,
Fs = 3mg + T T = mg
After the string is cut, the tension force will vanish but the spring force will remain the same.
4 mg
y y

aA 3m aB m
x x

3 mg mg
Along y-direction, Along y-direction,
Σ Fy = ma y Σ Fy =
ma y
⇒ 4mg − 3mg = 3m × a A ⇒ mg = m × aB
4mg − 3mg mg
⇒ aA = ⇒ aB =
3m m
g ⇒ aB =
⇒ aA =
Hence, option (B) is correct.

Find the velocity of end A at the instant when the
rod is making an angle 𝜃 = 60o with the horizontal as l
shown in the figure, given that the velocity of end B
is 10 ms-1.
𝜃 vB

(A) 10 ms-1 (B) 9.8 ms-1 (C) 5.8 ms-1 (D) 17.3 ms-1

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As end B is sliding rightwards, end A will be sliding downwards and both the ends will always
remain in contact with the surface.
Assume the velocity variables and the coordinate axes as shown.
In triangle AOB,
l 2 ( Constant )

( )+ ( )=
d x2
d y2
dt dt l
dx dy y
⇒ 2x + 2y = 0
dt dt
dy  x  dx
⇒− =  ....... ( i ) 𝜃 vB
dt  y  dt O
x B
dx dy x
= vB , =− v A and = cot θ
dt dt y
Substituting in equation ( i )
v A =v B cot θ
As, 𝜃 = 60o and vB = 10 ms-1
vA = vB cot 60o = 10 cot 60o = 5.8 ms-1
Alternative way:
Velocity components of the ends of the rod along the length A
are shown in the figure. vA sin 𝜃 = vA cos(90-𝜃)

Equating the components of velocity of the rod along the 90-𝜃

length, vA
v A sinθ = v B cosθ
⇒vA = v B cot θ 𝜃 vB
As, 𝜃 = 60o O 𝜃
vA = vB cot 60o = 10 cot 60o = 5.8 ms-1
Hence, option (C) is correct. vB cos 𝜃

A block of mass m is resting on a
smooth wedge of angle 𝜃 as shown
in the figure. The wedge is given an
acceleration a. What is the minimum
value of a so that the mass m doesn’t 𝜃
slide down?

(A) g sin 𝜃 (B) g tan 𝜃 (C) g cos 𝜃 (D) g cot 𝜃

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Using wedge frame (Non-inertial), a y
For the observer in the wedge frame, pseudo
force needs to be applied on the block in ma
the opposite direction of the motion of the c os
wedge. 𝜃
FBD of the block, 𝜃 x
Fpseudo = ma
Along x-direction,
mg sinθ = ma cosθ 𝜃
a mg
⇒ tanθ = s in
g 𝜃
⇒a = g tan θ mg
Hence, option (B) is correct.

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What you already know What you will learn

• Newton’s laws of motion • What is friction

• Equations of motion • Static and kinetic friction
• Relative motion • Limiting friction
• Constrained motion • Coefficient of friction

What is Friction?

• Friction is a force related to two surfaces in contact which

opposes the relative motion or tendency of relative motion Contact
between them. force
• When two bodies are kept in contact, electromagnetic
forces act among the microscopic particles between the
surfaces of the bodies. As a result, each body exerts a
contact force on the other. Contact force can be in any

R (Contact
R ┴= N force)
Friction is the component of the contact force that is parallel
to the surface in contact.
Normal reaction is the perpendicular component of contact
• Hence, frictional force acts along the surface of contact in
the direction opposite to the relative motion or tendency
R ││ = ƒ
of relative motion. (friction)
Reaction force on the ground
Microscopic view

On a microscopic level, every surface has irregularities

(projections and depressions). These irregularities cause
friction by two different mechanisms.
Interlocking Cold Welding
I. Interlocking
Projections of one surface lock into the depressions of another surface and hence, resist the
relative motion between them.

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II. Bonding
When two surfaces are in contact, only a few points touch each other. This implies that the
effective contact area decreases and thus the resultant pressure increases. Due to this, high
pressure bonds are formed at contact points that oppose the relative motion leading to friction.
This bonding can be of two types-cohesive and adhesive.
Cohesive force: Bonding between the same type of materials
Adhesive force: Bonding between different types of materials

Types of Friction

Static Friction Kinetic Friction

Friction between two objects Friction between two objects
when there is a tendency of when there is relative motion
relative motion between them between them

Static Friction

• When an object resting on a surface is pushed, it will start to move when the applied force is
greater than a particular value. Hence, there is a force developed which opposes the tendency of
motion. This force is known as static friction.
• Static friction is a variable-resistive force that is equal and opposite to the external force until it
surpasses the threshold of motion when the slipping starts. Hence, static friction is a self-adjusting

Limiting Friction

• The maximum possible frictional force between the two surfaces before the sliding begins is
known as limiting friction.
• If the applied external force exceeds the value of the limiting friction, then the slipping starts and
the nature of friction changes to kinetic friction.
Rest Just Slipping Slipping
Fext ( < ƒ l ) Fext ( = ƒ l ) Fext ( > ƒ l )

ƒs ƒl ƒk

• The magnitude of limiting friction is proportional to normal N

reaction acting on the contact surface.
Limiting friction ∝ Normal reaction Fext
( ƒs )max
f l ∝N
f l = µs N mg

Where 𝝁 s is the coefficient of static friction.

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Kinetic Friction

• Kinetic friction exists between surfaces in contact only when Relative

there is a relative motion between those two surfaces. motion
• The magnitude of kinetic friction is proportional to the normal
force acting between the block and the contact surface.

Kinetic friction is directly proportional to normal reaction. N v

fk ∝ N
f k = µk N

Here, 𝝁k is the proportionality constant known as the coefficient

of kinetic friction. mg

• Kinetic friction opposes the relative motion between objects. So, for an object, the direction of
kinetic friction is opposite to its relative velocity with respect to the other object in contact.

A force F = 10 N is applied on the block of mass 5 kg F = 10 N

as shown in the figure. Find the frictional force and 5 kg
acceleration of the block. (Take g = 10 ms–2)
(A) 30 N, 4 ms–2 (B) 10 N, 4 ms–2
𝝁 s = 0.6 𝝁k = 0.5
(C) 30 N, 0 ms–2 (D) 10 N, 0 ms–2


FBD of the block

N =mg =5 × 10 =50 N N

Limiting friction, f l = µs N = 0.6 × 50 = 30 N

ƒ F = 10 N
Fapplied < f l ⇒ Body is at rest ⇒ Static friction acts on the body 5 kg
∴ Acceleration, a =
0 ms −2
=f s F=
10 N mg
Option (D) is the correct answer.

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A force F = 50 N is applied on the block of mass 5 kg
as shown in the figure. Find the frictional force and F = 50 N
acceleration of the block. (Take g = 10 ms–2) 5 kg
(A) 20 N, 6 ms–2 (B) 20 N, 10 ms–2
(C) 10 N, 8 ms–2 (D) 10 N, 10 ms–2 𝝁 s = 0.4 𝝁k = 0.2


FBD of the block is:

N =mg =5 × 10 =50 N

Limiting friction, f l = µs N = 0.4 × 50 = 20 N

Fapplied > f l ⇒ Body slips ⇒ Kinetic friction acts on the body a

f k = µk N = 0.2 × 50 = 10 N N

Fnet = Fapplied − f k ƒ F = 50 N
5 kg
= 50 − 10 = 40 N

Applying Newton's 2nd law of motion, we get,

ma = 40 N

40 40
a = = 8 ms −2
m 5
Option (C) is the correct answer.

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What you already know What you will learn

• Static and Kinetic friction • Friction graph

• Limiting friction • Properties of coefficient of friction
• Coefficient of friction • Friction in connected blocks

Properties of Coefficient of Friction

Steel v Ice v
• Coefficient of friction (𝜇) depends on the nature
of surface of materials in contact. It is not
Wood Ice
defined for a material alone but for a pair of
material surfaces in contact. v v
For example, the coefficient of friction is different Steel Wood
for each of the pairs shown.
Rubber Ice

• Coefficient of friction (𝜇) is independent of the N N

area of the surfaces in contact.
For example, when a body rests either on its
bigger face or smaller face, the frictional force
remains the same.

• Coefficient of friction (𝜇) is independent of the f f

relative speed of the surfaces in contact.
mg mg

Friction Graph
Friction (f )

fl = 𝜇 s N Kinetic Friction

The graph plotted between the value of friction

fk = 𝜇 k N
c ti

force and applied force acting on a body is known


as friction graph. The friction graph is shown in the



Applied Force (Fext)

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From the friction graph, it is clear that the limiting friction force is more than the kinetic friction force.
Why is it so?
• In the previous session, we learnt that Interlocking Cold welding
interlocking and cold welding cause friction at a
microscopic level.
• When the object is at rest, it has both interlocking
and cold welding. So, both of them contribute to
static friction.
When there is a relative motion between the
surfaces, the bonds due to cold welding break
and hence, only interlocking contributes to
kinetic friction. So, the kinetic friction is less than
the limiting friction.
fl > fk
or µ s N > µ k N
⇒ µ s > µk

• This is why it is more difficult to start a relative motion between surfaces in contact than
maintaining the motion between them.

Normally, fl = 𝜇 sN and fk = 𝜇kN. However, if 𝜇 s and 𝜇k are not given separately in a question,
we can assume 𝜇 s = 𝜇 k = 𝜇given.

A force F = 2.8 N is applied on the block of mass 2 F = 2.8 N

kg as shown in the figure. Find the frictional force 2 kg
and acceleration of the block. (Take g = 10 ms-2)
𝜇 = 0.4

(A) 2.8 N, 1.4 ms-2 (B) 8 N, 1.4 ms-2 (C) 2.8 N, 0 ms-2 (D) 8 N, 0 ms-2


From the FBD of the block, N

N =mg =2 × 10 =20 N
Limiting friction, fl = µ sN = 0.4 × 20 = 8N
F = 2.8 N
Fapplied < f l ⇒ Body is at rest ⇒ Static friction acts on the body 2 kg
∴ Acceleration, a =
0 ms -2
=f s F=
applied 2.8 N
Option (C) is the correct answer.

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F = 50 N
A force F = 50 N is applied on the block of
mass 5 kg as shown in the figure. Find the
frictional force and acceleration of the block. 5 kg
(Take g = 10 ms-2)
𝜇s = 0.4 𝜇k = 0.2

(A) 12 N, 1.4 ms-2 (B) 10 N, 2.4 ms-2 (C) 15 N, 5.7 ms-2 (D) 13.3 N, 0 ms-2

From the FBD of the block,
Along the vertical direction,
N mg + F sin 300 F cos 300
5 kg
= (5 × 10) + (50 × 0.5) = 75N 300
Limiting friction, f l =µs N =0.4 × 75 =30 N
Force causing relative motion = F cos θ = 50 cos300 =43.3N F sin 300 F = 50 N
Along horizontal direction,
F cos θ > f l ⇒ Body will accelerate rightwards ⇒ Kinetic friction acts on the body
f k = µk N = 0.2 × 75 = 15N
Fnet = F cos θ - f k= 43.3 − 15= 28.3 N
F 28.3
∴Acceleration, a = net = =5.7 ms -2
m 5
Option (C) is the correct answer.

A block of mass 0.1 kg is pressed against a wall with 𝜇 = 0.5

F = 5 N as shown in the figure. Find the frictional F=5N
force and acceleration of the block. (Take g = 10 ms-2) 0.1 kg

(A) 0.5 N, 5 ms-2 (B) 0.5 N, 10 ms-2 (C) 1 N, 0 ms-2 (D) 1 N, 10 ms-2


Due to the weight of the block, it tries to move downwards. So, the friction acts upward to resist
the relative motion.

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From the FBD of the block, f

Along the horizontal direction,
N =
= F 5N F=5N
f l =µ s N =0.5 × 5 =2.5 N N 0.1 kg
Force trying to move the block = mg = 0.1 × 10 = 1 N
mg < f l ⇒ Block will not move ⇒ Static friciton acts
Acceleration, a = 0 ms -2 mg
f s = Force trying to move the block =1 N
Option (C) is the correct answer.

𝜇s = 0.5
A block of mass 10 kg is pressed against a
wall with F = 100 N as shown in the figure. F = 100 N 𝜇k = 0.2
10 kg
Find the frictional force and acceleration of
the block. (Take g = 10 ms-2)

(A) 50 N, 5 ms-2 (B) 50 N, 10 ms-2 (C) 20 N, 8 ms-2 (D) 20 N, 10 ms-2

From the FBD of the block,
Along the horizontal direction,
N F = 100 N
N F= 100 N
= 10 kg
fl =µs N = 0.5 × 100 = 50N
Force trying to move the block = mg = 10 × 10 = 100 N
mg > f l ⇒ Block will slide ⇒ Kinetic friciton acts mg
fk = µk N = 0.2 × 100 = 20 N
mg - f k = ma
mg - f k 100 - 20
=a = = 8 ms -2
m 10
Option (C) is the correct answer.

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In the given figure, if the blocks are moving F = 100 N

with a certain acceleration in the direction 4 kg 6 kg
of force applied, then what is the value of
tension in the string ? (Take g = 10 ms-2) 𝜇 = 0.5

(A) 40 N (B) 45 N (C) 50 N (D) 80 N


Shortcut method SYSTEM

Consider the connected blocks as a single system. F = 100 N

4 kg 6 kg
In the question, it is given that the blocks are moving
in the direction of force applied. 𝜇 = 0.5

Hence, kinetic friction is acting on the blocks.

Mass of the system = 6 + 4 = 10 kg

Normal reaction on the system, N = msys × g = 10 × 10 = 100 N
Kinetic friction on the system, f k =µk N = 0.5 × 100 = 50 N
Force applied - Kinetic friction 100 − 50
Acceleration of the system, a = = = 5 ms -2
Mass 10
From the FBD of the 4 kg block,
N1 a = 5ms-2
Along the vertical direction,
N =mg =4 × 10 =40 N
fk = µN= 0.5 × 40 = 20 N T
4 kg
Along the horizontal direction,
T − fk =ma 𝜇 = 0.5
T = ma + f k = ( 4 × 5) + 20 = 40 N
Option (A) is the correct answer.
Conventional method
From the FBD of the 6 kg block,
Along the vertical direction,
N1 =m1 g =6 × 10 =60 N
f k1 =µ N1 =0.5 × 60 = 30 N
T F = 100 N
Along the horizontal direction, 6 kg
F - f k1 - T = m1a fk
T = F - f k1 - m1a
T 70 − 6a ... ( 1)
= m1g

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theFBD of the
vertical 4 kg block,
direction, a
N 2 =m2 g =4 × 10 =40 N N2
f k2 =µN 2 =0.5 × 40 =20 N
Along the horizontal direction, T
4 kg
T − f k2 =
= f k2 + m2a 2

T 20 + 4a ... ( 2 )
= m2g
(2 × eqn ( 1) ) + (3 × eqn ( 2 ) )
⇒ 5T = 200
T = 40 N

Option (A) is the correct answer.

The figure shows three blocks connected

by light inextensible strings. A pulling force 60 N
5 kg 4 kg 1 kg
of 60 N is applied on the block of mass 1 kg
horizontally. Find the tension in the strings 𝜇 = 0.5
connecting the three blocks. (Take g = 10 ms-2)

(A) 40 N, 44 N (B) 40 N, 54 N (C) 30 N, 44 N (D) 30 N, 54 N


Shortcut method
Consider the connected blocks as a single system. SYSTEM
Mass of the system = 5 + 4 + 1 = 10 kg 60 N
5 kg 4 kg 1 kg
Normal reaction on the system,
N = msys × g = 10 × 10 = 100 N 𝜇 = 0.5
Limiting friction on the system =µs N = 50 N
0.5 × 100 =
Force applied (60 N) is greater than the limiting friction force. So, the system will move forward with
an acceleration a.
Force applied − Kinetic friction
Acceleration of the system, a =
60 − 50
= 1 ms -2

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Now, consider blocks of 4 kg and 5 kg as a system. a = 5ms-2

Let T1 be the tension in the string between the 4 kg
and 1 kg blocks. SYSTEM
Mass of the system, m2 = 5 + 4 = 9 kg T1
5 kg 4 kg
Normal reaction on the system,
N 2 = m2 × g = 9 × 10 = 90 N 𝜇 = 0.5
Kinetic friction on the system, f k2 =µk N2 = 45 N
0.5 × 90 =
Balancing forces along the horizontal direction, we get,
T1 − f k2 =
T1 = f k2 + m2a = 45 + ( 9 × 1) = 54 N
From the FBD of the 5 kg block, a
Balancing forces along the vertical and horizontal
direction, we get,
N3 =m3 g =5 × 10 =50 N T2
fk 3 =µ k N3 = 25 N
0.5 × 50 = 5 kg
T2 − f k3 =
m3a fk
= f k3 + m3a
= 25 + (5 × 1 ) = 30 N

Option (D) is the correct answer.

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What you already know What you will learn

• Static and Kinetic friction • Role of friction in walking

• Limiting friction • Friction in pulley block system
• Coefficient of friction • Angle of repose and angle of friction

Role of Friction in Walking

R (Contact force)
• When someone walks on the ground, the frictional
force helps them move forward.
• While walking, the foot presses the ground at an angle.
The ground in turn exerts a reaction force on the foot.

Force on the ground while walking

• The perpendicular component of this reaction force is R(Contact force)

the normal reaction and the horizontal component is R⟂ = N
the friction. This frictional force helps us move forward.
R∥ = f (friction)
• While walking forward, our feet have a tendency to
slip backwards. Hence, the friction acts in the forward
direction that helps us move in the forward direction.
Force on the ground while walking

Friction in Pulley Block System

• Conventionally, pulley block problems are solved by drawing the free body diagram (FBD) of
the blocks.
• In order to find acceleration of the blocks and tension in the string, a shortcut method can be

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Shortcut method
Opposing Force = f
Consider the two connected blocks as a single
system as shown in the figure.
Force supporting
Force supporting
Force supporting motion motion
motion of of system =
of system =
m2 gg
m22 g
Limiting friction=
= f
ff ll µ µ= N µ
µ m g
Limiting friction
Limiting friction= µ=
= sN
sN µsss m
m111 gg m2
If supporting
supporting force
> f
⇒ system
l ⇒ system will move
will move
If supporting force > f ll ⇒ system will move
⇒ kinetic
⇒ friction
kinetic friction
friction actsacts
⇒ kinetic Supporting force = m2 g
If supporting
If supporting force <
supporting force ⇒ system
< fff ll ⇒
⇒ system will will not
will not move
not move
If < system
⇒ acceleratio
⇒ acceleratio n
n =
= 0
⇒ acceleration = 0
If supporting force = ff l ⇒ system just start to move
If supporting force=
supporting force = f ll ⇒ ⇒ system
system just just start
start to
to move

⇒ acceleration = 0
acceleration =
⇒ acceleration = 0
Force opposing motion of system = frictional force =f
Force opposing motion of
opposing motion of system
system == frictional force == ff
frictional force
Supporting force -- Opposing force
Acceleration of
of the
the system,
system, aa =
= Supporting force force - Opposing
Opposing force
Acceleration of the system, a = Mas
Mas ss of
of the
the system
Mass of the system
m g −f
2g − f
= m22 g − f
= m +m
m111 +
m +mm222
m2 ( gg − a)
m2 (( g −
−aa ))
Tension in the string, =
= T
T =
m2 gg effective
Tension inin the
the string,
string, = T m = m
m2 g effective
2 effective 2

µ m1
For the given arrangement, find the minimum value of mass m1
for which the system remains in equilibrium. Assume pulley and
strings to be massless. (𝜇𝑘 = 𝜇 𝑠 = 𝜇)

m1 m2 m1m2 m1
(A) µ
(B ) µ
(C ) µ
(D ) m µ


As the system is under equilibrium, there is no relative motion. Hence, the static friction is acting
on the mass m1. Minimum value of m1 for equilibrium to happen is when maximum possible friction
is acting on m1. That is, the limiting friction acts between m1 and the floor.
From the FBD of block m1,
Balancing forces along the vertical and horizontal T
direction, we get,
N = m1 g
T= f =l µN= µ m1 g ... ( i ) m1g

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From the FBD of block m2,

Balancing forces in the vertical direction, we get,
T = m2 g T
From equation ( i ) , T = µ m1 g
µ m1 g = m2 g
m1 =
µ m2
If m1 < ⇒ Slipping occurs
If m1 ≥ ⇒ Equilibrium
µ m2 g
∴ Minimum value of m1 for equiibrium, m1 =
Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

Shortcut method

The system is at equilibrium and limiting friction acts between the block m1 and the floor.

Balancing forces along the vertical direction, we get,

N = m1 g N
N µ m1 g ... ( i )
f l µ=
As the system is in equilibrium, the blocks are at rest or
the acceleration is zero. m1
Acceleration of the blocks is given by the equation,
Supporting force - Opposing force m2 g − f l
a =
Mass of the system m1 + m2
a =0 ⇒ m2 g − f l =0
m2 g
or, f l = m2 g
From equation ( i ) , f l = µ m1 g
µ m1 g = m2 g
m1 =

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A block A of mass m1 rests on a horizontal table. A light string m1

connected to it passes over a frictionless pulley at the edge
of the table. From its other end, another block B of mass m2 𝜇k
is suspended. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the
block and the table is 𝜇𝑘. When the block A is sliding on the m2
table, what is the tension in the string?

( m1 + µk m2 ) g ( m1 − µk m2 ) g m1m2 (1 + µk ) g m1m2 (1 − µk ) g
(A) (B ) (C ) (D )
m1 + m2 m1 + m2 m1 + m2 m1 + m2

N a
Balancing forces along the vertical direction, we get,
N = m1 g T
f k µ=
= kN µk m1 g ... ( i )
Along the horizontal direction,
T − fk =
Substituting the value of f k from equation (i),
m1a ... ( ii )
T − µk m1 g =
m1 g
From the FBD of block m2,
m2 g − T =m2a ... ( iii ) T
Adding equation (ii) and equation (iii), we get,
( m1 + m2 ) a
m2 g − µk m1 g = m2 a
m2 g − µk m1 g
or, a =
m1 + m2
Substituting value of a in equation (iii),
m2 g
 m g − µk m1 g 
m2 g − T =m2  2 
 m1 + m2 
 m 2 g − µk m1m2 g 
T m2 g −  2
= 
 m1 + m2 

m2 g ( m1 + m2 ) − m22 g − µk m1m2 g )
m1 + m2
m1m2 (1 + µk ) g
m1 + m2
Option (C) is the correct answer.

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4 kg
A system of two blocks of 4 kg and 6 kg is shown in the
𝜇 = 0.5
figure. Find the tension in the string that connects the
block. (Take g = 10 ms-2)
6 kg

(A) 24 𝑁 (B) 36 𝑁 (C) 16 𝑁 (D) 42 𝑁


From the FBD of the 4 kg block,

Balancing forces along the vertical direction, we get,
N m
= 1g
= 40 N N a
fk = µ N
= 0.5 × 40
= 20 N
4 kg
Acceleration of the blocks is given by the equation,
Supporting force - Opposing force fk
Mass of the system
m g − fk
= 2
m1 + m2
m1 g
(6 × 10) − 20
4+ 6
= 4 ms −2
From the FBD of the 6 kg block,
Balancing forces along the vertical direction, we get,
m2a m2 g − T
= 6 kg a
=T m2 ( g − a )
= 6 (10 − 4 )
= 36 N m2 g
Option (B) is the correct answer.

m m
Evaluate the acceleration of the given system.

g g
( A ) (1 − 2µ ) (B ) g (1 − µ ) ( C ) (1 − 3µ ) (D ) g (1 − 2µ )
3 2

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Force supporting motion = mC g = mg

Force opposing motion A B
= f A + fB
fA 𝜇 fB
= µ N A + µ NB a
= µ mA g + µ mB g
= 2µ mg
Supporting force - Opposing force
Mass of the system
m g − 2µ mg
3m mc g
= (1 − 2µ )
Option (A) is the correct answer.

4 kg 6 kg

Find the value of tension in both strings for the 𝜇 = 0.5

given system.
10 kg

(A) 75 𝑁, 30 𝑁 (B) 55 𝑁, 50 𝑁 (C) 60 𝑁, 45 𝑁 (D) 80 𝑁, 25 𝑁


Force supporting motion = mC g = 100 N

Force opposing motion
4 kg T2 6 kg
= ( f k ) A + ( f k )B A B
= µ N A + µ NB (f k )A (f k )B 𝜇 = 0.5
= µ mA g + µ mB g
= (0.5 × 4 × 10) + (0.5 × 6 × 10) 10 kg
= 50 N C
Supporting force - Opposing force
Mass of the system
100 − 50 mc g
4 + 6 + 10
= 2.5 ms −2

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From the FBD of the 4 kg block, a

Along the horizontal direction, NA
T2 − ( f k ) A =
= ( fk ) A + mAa 4 kg T2
(f k )A
= µ N A + mAa
= (0.5 × 40) + ( 4 × 2.5) mA g
= 30 N
From the FBD of the 10 kg block, T1

Along the vertical direction,

mC g − T1 =
mC a 10 kg a
=T1 mC ( g − a )
= 10 (10 − 2.5)
= 75 N
mC g
Option (A) is the correct answer.

2 kg 3 kg
A system of three blocks of mass m, 3 kg, and 2 kg is
𝜇 = 0.5
shown in the figure. Find the value of m for which the
system starts moving. (Take g = 10 ms-2)

(A) 2 kg (B) 4 kg (C) 3 kg (D) 2.5 kg


Force opposing motion

2 kg 3 kg
= ( f k ) A + ( f k )B A B
= µ N A + µ NB (f k )A (f k )B 𝜇 = 0.5
= µ mA g + µ mB g
= (0.5 × 2 × 10) + (0.5 × 3 × 10)
= 25 N m
For the system to start moving, the force supporting
motion should be equal to the force opposing motion.
Supporting force = Opposing force mg
mg = 25 N
m = 2.5 kg
Option (D) is the correct answer.

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Angle of Friction (𝜶)
• It is the angle made by the resultant of normal
reaction and limiting friction with the normal reaction.
tan α = l Fext
µN 𝜶
= = µ
N fl
∴Angle of friction, α = tan −1 µ

Angle of Repose (𝜃) N

• It is the minimum angle made by an inclined plane

with the horizontal such that an object placed on
the inclined surface just begins to slide. fl

N = mg cos θ mg sin 𝜃
=f l µ=
s N µ mg cos θ
When the object just start to slide,
f l = mg sin θ
µ mg cos θ = mg sin θ
tan θ = µ mg cos 𝜃

tan −1 ( µ )
∴ Angle of Repose, θ = mg

m A
A body of mass m just starts sliding down on the 30°
inclined plane when ∠BAC = 30° as shown in the
figure. Find the coefficient of friction. C B

mg 1
(A) (B ) mg 2 (C ) 3 (D )
3 3


Angle of repose is the angle (𝜃) made by an inclined plane A

with the horizontal such that an object placed on the inclined m
surface just begins to slide.
Tangent of angle of repose gives the coefficient of friction.
Angle of repose , θ = 90 − 30 = 600 C 60° B

Coefficient of friction, µ tan
= 600 3
Option (C) is the correct answer.
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The coefficient of friction between two surfaces is 0.2. Find the angle of friction.

( A ) sin −1 (0.2) (B ) cos−1 (0.2) ( C ) tan −1 (0.1) (D ) cot −1 (5)


Tangent of angle of friction gives the coefficient of friction.

Let α =angle of friction,
tan α =0.2
1 1
cot=α = = 5
tanα 0.2
α = cot (5)

Option (D) is the correct answer.

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What you already know What you will learn

• Static, Kinetic, and Limiting friction • Friction on inclined plane

• Coefficient of friction • Combination of inclined plane and pulley
• Angle of repose and Angle of friction

4 kg 6 kg
If a block is moving with a certain acceleration in the 𝜇 = 0.5 T2
given direction, find the ratio of the tension in the strings
T1 , T2 , and T3. 5 kg
5 kg

(A) 2.5 : 5 : 2      (B) 3 : 5 : 2      (C) 5.5 : 7.5 : 9      (D) 6 : 2 : 1

Supporting force==m
Supportingforce mDDgg==((55××10
mCCgg++m 10))++((55××10
100NN T3
4 kg 6 kg
= ((ffkk))AA++ ((ffkk))BB A B
= µµNNAA++µµNNBB
= (f k )A (f k )B 𝜇 = 0.5 T2
= µµm
= mAAgg ++µµm
5 kg
== ((0.5
0.5××44××10 10)) ++ ((0.5 10))
0.5××66××10 C
Supporting forceforce−− Opposing
Opposing force
Acceleration,aa ==
Acceleration, 5 kg
Mass of
Mass of the
the system
system D
100 50
44++ 66++55 ++55
mc g + mD g
== 2.5 ms−−22

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From the FBD of block D,
T1 = mD geffective
5 kg
= mD ( g − a )
= 5 (10 − 2.5)
= 37.5 N mD g

Considering block C and block D as a single system,

T2 mass of system × geffective
( mC + mD )( g − a )
= 5 kg
(5 5) (10 − 2.5)
=+ a
= 75 N 5 kg

(mC + mD ) g
From the FBD of block A,
T3 − ( f k ) A =
=T3 ( fk ) A + mAa NA
= µ N A + mAa
= (0.5 × 40) + ( 4 × 2.5) 4 kg T3
(f k )A
= 30 N
T1 : T2 : T3 37.5
= = : 75 : 30 2.5 : 5 : 2 4g

Thus, option (A) is the correct answer.

5 kg
If the system is in equilibrium, find the maximum
value of m. 𝜇 = 0.4

(A) 2 kg      (B) 4 kg      (C) 6 kg      (D) 8 kg



The system is under equilibrium. At maximum value of m, limiting friction acts between the 5 kg
block and the floor.
Resolving tension in the string along the horizontal and vertical as shown,

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N 45°
T sin 45° T
From the FBD of 5 kg block, f1 45°
5 kg
f l = µ N = µ Mg = 0.4 × 5 × 10 = 20 N T cos 45°
𝜇 = 0.4
Along horizontal direction,
T cos 450 = f l
T cos 45 = 20 N ... (1)

From the FBD of block m,

T sin 450 = mg ... ( 2) mg
Dividing equation ( 2) by equation (1) , we get ,
tan 450 =
mg = 20
m = 2 kg

Thus, option (A) is the correct answer.

5 kg
For the given situation, what would be the acceleration of the
block and the magnitude of the friction acting on the block? 𝜇s = 0.8
𝜇k = 0.6

(A) 2 ms-2, 10 𝑁      (B) 1 ms-2, 20 𝑁      (C) 5 ms-2, 40 𝑁      (D) 0 ms-2, 30 𝑁

4 N
N = mgthe
From 370 =of50the
cosFBD = 40 N
× block, f
Force causing motion = mg sin370 = 50 × = 30 N
5 kg 𝜇s = 0.8
Limiting friction, f l = µ s N = 0.8 × 40 = 32 N 𝜇k = 0.6
∴ Force causing motion < Limiting friction 37°
s i n 37° °
⇒ Static friction acts mg s 37
Acceleration, a = 0 ms −2 37° m g co
Static frictional force, f = Force causing motion = 30 N
Thus, option (D) is the correct answer.

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0 kg
For the given situation, what would be the acceleration of the 1
block and the magnitude of the friction acting on the block? 𝜇s = 0.5
𝜇k = 0.2

(A) 2 ms-2, 10 𝑁     (B) 2.2 ms-2, 12 𝑁     (C) 4.4 ms-2, 16 𝑁     (D) 0 ms-2, 16 𝑁

Solution N
N = mg cos370 = 100 × = 80 N
kg 𝜇s = 0.5
Force causing motion= mg sin37 = 100 × = 60 N 03 10
𝜇k = 0.2
5 °
Limiting friction, f l = µ s N = 0.5 × 80 = 40 N n 37
∴ Force causing motion > Limiting friction mg 37°
⇒ Kinetic friction acts 37° mg co
Kinetic friction, f k = µk N = 0.2 × 80 = 16 N
Force causing motion − Kinetic friction
Acceleration, a =
60 − 16
= 4.4 ms −2
Thus, option (C) is the correct answer.

A block of mass 2 kg is placed on a fixed inclined plane as shown 2k
in the figure. The angle of inclination of the plane is 𝜃 = 30°. Find g
the minimum value of F such that the block does not slide. (Take µ=
2 3
g = 10 ms-2) 30°

(A) 5 3N (B) 10 3N ( C) 5 2N (D) 10 2N


When the minimum force required for equilibrium is applied, then the limiting frictional force acts
between the block and the inclined plane.
From the FBD of the block,

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N = mg cos30 + F = 20 × 0
+ F = 10 3 + F fI
2 F

f l µ=
= N
2 3
10 3 + F ... (1) )
As the block is in equilibrium, kg
1 mg
f l = mg sin 300 = 20 × = 10 N ... ( 2) s
2 in
Equating (1) and ( 2) , m
30° °

(10 3+ F =
10 ) os

(10 3 +F = )
20 3 mg

F = 10 3 N
Thus, option (B) is the correct answer.

If the given system is in equilibrium, find the value of the frictional

0 kg 4 kg
force on the 10 kg block. 1
𝜇 = 0.7

(A) 20 𝑁       (B) 30 𝑁       (C) 40 𝑁       (D) 50 𝑁



From the FBD of the 4 kg block, 4 kg

=T m
=Bg 40 N

mB g

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From the FBD of the 10 kg block, N T

Force down the inclined plane
3 kg 𝜇 = 0.7
= mA g sin 370= 100 × = 60 N 10 A
Force up the inclined plane = T = 40 N 37°
i n 37°
Hence, the force down the inclined plane is greater gs 37°
m A s
than the force up the inclined plane. So, the block will g co
try to move down the inclined plane. As the system is 37° mA g mA
under equilibrium, static friction acts up the inclined
Static friction, f Force down the incline − Force up the incline
= 60 − 40 = 20 N
Liming friction, f l = µ N
= µ mA g cos 370 )
=0.7 × 100 ×
= 56 N
∴ f < f l ⇒ The body is under equilibrium.
So, a frictional force of 20 N acts on the 10 kg block.
Thus, option (A) is the correct answer.

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What you already now What you will learn

• Static, Kinetic, and Limiting friction • Friction in block over block system
• Coefficient of friction

Double Block System

Force applied on the lower block Force applied on the upper block

Force Applied on the Lower Block

When an external force F is applied on the lower block

as shown in the figure, the upper block has a tendency to 𝜇2 m2
move backwards with respect to the lower block. However,
the static friction between the blocks resists the relative
motion and keeps them together. As the external force
m1 F
increases, the static friction also increases up to the limiting 𝜇1
friction. If the external force is further increased, relative
slipping occurs between the blocks and kinetic friction acts
between them.
What should be the maximum force applied on the lower block of mass m1 so that both the
blocks move with the same acceleration?
Limiting friction acts between the blocks of masses m2 and m1 when the maximum possible external
force is applied so that the blocks move together.
When the maximum force Fmax is applied, the blocks have a common acceleration as in the direction
of force applied.
From the FBD of m2,
f l µ= µ2m2 g as
= 2 N2
Also , m2a= f= µ2m2 g f l µ= µ2m2 g
= 2 N2
s l

as = µ2 g m2 g Also , m a= f= µ m g 2 s l 2 2

as = µ2 g

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Considering the two blocks as a single system,

From the FBD of the system, N1

= ( m1 + m2 ) g N1
= ( m1 + m2 ) g as
= µ=1 N1 µ1 ( m1 + m2 ) g fk
= µ=1 N1 µ1 ( m1 +mm2 ) g
Applying Newton's second law of motion, Applying Newton's second law of motion,

Fmax − f k = ( m1 + m2 ) as Fmax − f k = ( m1 + m2 ) as
m Fmax
𝜇1 values of1 f k and as
Substituting values of f k and as
Fmax − µ1 ( m1 + m2 ) g =( m1 + m2 ) µ2 g
Fmax − µ1 ( m1 + m2 ) g =( m1 + m2 ) µ2 g ( m1 + m2 )( µ1 + µ2 ) g
Fmax =
( m1 + m2 )( µ1 + µ2 ) g
Fmax = (m1 + m2)g

In a double block system, the maximum force that can be 𝜇2 m2

applied on the lower block so that the blocks move together is,
Fmax = ( m1 + m2 )( µ1 + µ2 ) g 𝜇1 m1 Fmax
max ( mcase: 2 )μ
1 + mIf µ2s =g 0, Fmax = (m1 + m2)μ1g is the maximum
force until which both blocks will have common acceleration
(= 0). Any value of F greater than this will cause the lower
𝜇s m2
block to slide.
the=( m1 + mis2 )(
ground µ1 + µ2 ) g
m1 Fmax
F= max ( 1 2) s
m + m µ g

𝜇s = 0.6 8 kg
What is the maximum force that can be applied on
the lower block so that both the blocks move with F
10 kg
the same acceleration? Smooth

(A) 108 𝑁      (B) 48 𝑁      (C) 180 𝑁      (D) 100 𝑁


Using the formula for the maximum force that can be applied on the lower block so that the blocks
move together,
( m1 + m2 )( µ1 + µ2 ) g
Fmax =
As the ground is smooth, µ1 0=
and µ2 µ s
max (m m22 ) µ ss gg
m11 ++ m
=( 88 ++ 10
= 10) ×× 0.6
0.6 ×× 10
== 108 N
Thus, option (A) is the correct answer.

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By the conventional method, N2

From the FBD of 8 kg block,
f l = µ s N2 = 0.6 × 80 = 48 N as
8 kg
Also , m2as = f l (m2)
f l = µ s N2 = 0.6 × 80 = 48 N
fl 48
as =
= = 6 ms −2 Also , m2as = f l
m2 8 m2 g
fl 48
= = = 6 ms −2
m2 8
Considering the two blocks as a single system,
8 kg
From the FBD of the system,
((mm11 ++ mm22 ))aass
10 kg
== ((10
10 ++ 88)) ×× 66 Smooth (m1)

== 108 N

(m1 + m2)g

𝜇s = 0.5 4 kg
For the double block system shown, what must be
the maximum value of F so that the blocks move with F
6 kg
the same acceleration Smooth

(A) 10 𝑁       
(B) 40 𝑁       
(C) 50 𝑁       
(D) 20 𝑁


Using the formula for the maximum force that can be applied on the lower block so that the blocks
move together,
( m1 + m2 )( µ1 + µ2 ) g
Fmax =
As the ground is smooth, µ1 0=
and µ2 µ s
(mm11 ++ mm22 ) µµss gg
== ( 44 ++ 66) ×× 0.5
0.5 ×× 10 10
== 50 N
Thus, option (C) is the correct answer.

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𝜇s = 0.5 4 kg
For the double block system shown, what must be
the maximum value of F so that the blocks move with F
6 kg
the same acceleration? 𝜇k = 0.2

(A) 30 𝑁       
(B) 40 𝑁       
(C) 50 𝑁       
(D) 70 𝑁


Using the formula for the maximum force that can be applied on the lower block so that the blocks
move together,
( m1 + m2 )( µ1 + µ2 ) g
Fmax =
1 µ=
k 0.2 and µ=
2 µ=
s 0.5
Fmax = ( 4 + 6 ) × ( 0.5 + 0.2) × 10
= 70 N
Thus, option (D) is the correct answer.

Force Applied on the Upper Block

When an external force F is applied on the upper block as shown

in the figure, the lower block has a tendency to move backwards 𝜇2 m2 F
with respect to the upper block. However, the static friction
between the blocks resists the relative motion and keeps them
together. As the external force increases, the static friction also m1
increases up to the limiting friction. If the external force is further 1
increased, relative slipping occurs between the blocks and kinetic
friction acts between them.
What is the maximum force that can be applied on the upper block m2 so that both the blocks
move with the same acceleration?
Limiting friction acts between the blocks m2 and m1 when the maximum possible external force is
applied so that the blocks move together.
Also, for both the blocks to move together, the limiting friction between the blocks should be
greater than the limiting friction between m1 and ground. Or else only the top block will move once
external force F exceeds Fmax.
When the maximum force Fmax is applied, the blocks have a common acceleration as in the direction
of force applied.
From the FBD of m2, N2
N2 = m2 g N2 = m2 g
f l µ=
= 2 N2 µ2m2 g f l µ=
= 2 N2 µm
2m2 g
2 Fmax
Applying Newton's second law of motion, Applying Newton's second law of motion,
Fmax − f l =
m2as Fmax − f l =
m2as ... (1)
Fmax − µ2m2 g =
m2as ... (1)
Fmax − µ2m2 g = m2 g

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From the FBD of m1, N2 N1 = m1 g + N2 = ( m1 +

f k as µ=
= 1 N1 µ1 ( m1 + m2
N1 = m1 g + N2 = ( m1 + m2 ) g Applying Newton's seco
f k µ=
= 1 N1 µ1 ( m1 + m2 ) g N1 = m1 g + N2 = ( m1 + m2 ) g fl − fk =
f k µ=
= 1 N1 µ1 ( m1 + m2 ) g µ2m2 g − µ1 ( m1 + m2 ) g
Applying Newton's second law of motion, 1
Applying Newton's second law of motion,
fl − fk = m1as (Given, μ2m2g > μ1(m1 + m2)g)
= as
( µ2 − µ1 ) m2 g − µ g
fl − fk = m1as 1
µ2m2 g − µ1 ( m1 + m2 ) g =
m1as m1
µ2m2 g − µ1 ( m1 + m2 ) g =m1as  ( µ2 − µ1 ) m2 g 
( µ2 − µ1 ) m2 g (1) ⇒ F=
max − µ2m2 g m2  − µ1 g 
as − µ1 g ( µ2 − µ1 ) m2 g −m  m1 
m1 =as µ11gg
( µ1 2 − µN11) m22 g
− µ1m2 g + µ2m2 g
Substituting value of as in equation (1), m1
 ( µ2 − µ1 ) m2 g  ( µ2 − µ1 ) m22 g
(1) ⇒ F=
max − µ2m2 g m2  − µ1 g =Fmax + ( µ2 − µ1 ) m2 g
 m1  m1

( µ2 − µ1 ) m22 g
− µ1m2 g + µ2m2 g Fmax =
( µ2 − µ1 ) 2 ( m2 + m1 ) g
m1 m1

( µ2 − µ1 ) m22 g
+ ( µ2 − µ1 ) m2 g
In a double block system, the maximum 𝜇2 m2 Fmax
Fmax ( µforce
= 2 − µ1 )
that2 (can
m2 +be )g
m1applied on the upper
block so that the blocks move together is,
m 𝜇1
Fmax = ( µ2 − µ1 ) 2 ( m2 + m1 ) g
(Applicablem μ2m2g > μ1(m1 + m2)g)
=Fmax µ s 2 only
( +when
m2 m 2m1 ) g 𝜇s
Fmax = ( 2m1 1 ) ( 2 + m1 ) g
µ − µ m m2 Fmax
If the ground m1
is smooth,
m2 m1
=Fmax µ s ( m2 + m1 ) g Smooth

𝜇2 = 0.4 F
1 kg
For the double block system shown, what must be the
maximum value of F so that the blocks move with the
2 kg
same acceleration? 𝜇1 = 0.1

(A) 3 𝑁       
(B) 4.5 𝑁       
(C) 6 𝑁       
(D) 3.5 𝑁



Using the formula for the maximum force that can be applied on the upper block so that the blocks
move together,

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( µ2 − µ1 )
Fmax = ( m2 + m1 ) g
= (0.4 − 0.1) (1 + 2 ) × 10
= 4.5 N
Thus, option (B) is the correct answer.
By the conventional method,
From the FBD of 1 kg block, N2 m
= =2g 10 N
1 kg
N2 m f l = µ2N2 = 0.4 × 10 F= max
= =2g 10 N (m2)
f l = µ2N2 = 0.4 × 10 = 4 N

m2 g

From the FBD of 2 kg block, N2 a

N2 s m
= =2g 10 N
N1 = m1 g + N2 = 20 + 10 = 30 N
f l = µ2N2 = 0.4 × 10 = 4 N
f k = µ1 N1 = 0.1 × 30 = 3 N 2 kg
N1 = m1 g + N2 = 20 + 10 = 30 N
m1a= fl − fk (m1)
s f k = µ1 N1 = 0.1 × 30 = 3 N
fl − fk 4−3 m1a= fl − fk
=as = = 0.5 ms −2 s
m1 2 N1
f l − f km g 4 − 3
=as =1 = 0.5 ms −2
m1 2

Considering both the blocks as a single system,

m2 Fmax
Fmax =( m1 + m2 ) as + f k
= ( 2 + 1) × 0.5 + 3
= 4.5 N m1
Fmax =( m1 + m2 ) as + f k
= ( 2 + 1) × 0.5 + 3
= 4.5 N

𝜇s = 0.4 F
1 kg
For the double block system shown, what must be
the maximum value of F so that the blocks move with
the same acceleration? 2 kg

(A) 3 𝑁       
(B) 4.5 𝑁       
(C) 6 𝑁       
(D) 3.5 𝑁

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Using the formula for the maximum force that can be applied on the upper block so that the blocks
move together
2 µ=
s 0.4 ; µ=
1 0
( µ2 − µ1 )
Fmax = ( m2 + m1 ) g
= 0.4 × (1 + 2 ) × 10
= 6N
Thus, option (C) is the correct answer.

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What you already know What you will learn

• Static, Kinetic, and Limiting friction • Problems on friction

• Friction in block over block system

A block of mass 10 kg is placed on a rough horizontal F = 100 N

surface having a coefficient of friction, μ = 0.5. If a m
horizontal force of 100 N is acting on it, then find the
acceleration of the block. (Take g = 10 ms-2) μ = 0.5

(A) 0.5 ms-2 (B) 5 ms-2 (C) 10 ms-2 (D) 15 ms-2


N = mg = 100 N N
Taking, μs = μk = μ = 0.5 a
f l = μN = 0.5 × 100 = 50 N
Fapplied > f l ⇒ Body will accelerate ⇒ Kinetic friction acts F = 100 N
ma = F − f k m
F − f k 100 − 50
=a = = 5 ms −2
m 10
Option (B) is the correct answer.

A block B is pushed momentarily along a horizontal

surface with an initial velocity v. If μ is the coefficient B v
of the sliding friction between B and the surface, μ
block B will come to rest after how much time? μ

µg g v v
(A) (B) (C) (D)
v v g µg

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Let m be the mass of the block. Kinetic friction retards the motion and the block eventually comes
to rest.
N = mg N
f k = μmg a v
f   µ mg 
Acceleration, a = − k =
− =− µg
m  m 
vinitial = v, vfinal = 0 B
vfinal = vinitial + at fk
v final − vinitial 0 − v v
=t = =
a −µ g µ g
v mB g
So, the block will come to rest after time, t =
Option (D) is the correct answer.

A conveyor belt is moving at a constant speed of 2 ms -1. A box is gently dropped on it. The
coefficient of the friction between the box and the belt is μ = 0.5. Find the distance that the
box will move relative to the belt before coming to rest on it. (Take g = 10 ms -2)

(A) 0.4 m (B) 1.2 m (C) 0.6 m (D) Zero


When the block is placed on the moving conveyor belt, initially the box is at rest with respect to
ground, and hence slipping occurs between the moving conveyor belt and the box. Due to this
slipping, kinetic friction acts on the box and causes it to accelerate in the direction of velocity of the
belt. Once the box achieves the velocity of the belt, the box comes to rest with respect to the belt.
Let m be the mass of the box.
N = mg a
f k = μN = μmg
f k µ mg
Acceleration, a = = = µ g = 0.5 × 10 = 5 ms −2
m m
Initial velocity of the box, u = 0 ms-1 m
Final velocity of the box, v = 2 ms-1
Using equation of motion, we get,
v2 = u + 2as
v 2 − u2 22 − 0
=s = = 0.4 m mg
2a 2×5
So, the distance travelled by the box before coming to rest with respect to belt, s = 0.4 m
Option (A) is the correct answer.

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On the horizontal surface of a truck, a block of a = 5 ms -2
μ = 0.6
mass 1 kg is placed (μ = 0.6) and the truck is
moving with acceleration 5 ms-2, then find the
frictional force on the block.

(A) 5 N (B) 6 N (C) 5.88 N (D) 8 N

From the FBD of block (Truck frame),
Pseudo force, Fs = m × aframe = 5 N
N = mg = 10 N
f l = μN = 0.6 × 10 = 6 N Fs = ma m
f l > Fs ⇒ No slipping ⇒ Static friction acts f
f = Fs = 5 N
Option (A) is the correct answer.

A block of mass m is in contact with the container C
as shown in the figure. The coefficient of static C m
friction between the block and the container is μ.
Find the acceleration a of the container that will
prevent the block from falling.

mg g g mg
(A) a ≥ (B) a ≥ (C) a ≥ (D) a ≤
µ µm µ µ


The block has a tendency to slip down due to self weight.

However, the friction between the container and the block
prevents the slipping.
From the FBD of the block (Container frame), Fs m N
Pseudo force, Fs = maframe = ma
N = Fs = ma
f l = μN = μma

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If the limiting friction is greater than or equal to the weight of the block, then the block will not slip.
f l ≥ mg
μma ≥ mg
Option (C) is the correct answer.

Consider a car moving along a straight horizontal road with a speed of 72 kmh-1. If the
coefficient of kinetic friction between the tires and the road is 0.5, then find the shortest
distance in which the car can be stopped. (Take g = 10 ms-2)

(A) 30 m (B) 40 m (C) 72 m (D) 20 m


When the brake is applied, the tyres slip on the road and the kinetic friction opposes this slipping.
Hence, the car will slow down and eventually come to rest.
Initial velocity of the car,
72 km h−1 =
72 × ms −1 =
20 ms −1
Final velocity, v = 0
Let ‘m’ be the mass of the car.
Kinetic friction, f k = μk N = μk mg
f 
Acceleration, a =− k  = − µk g =
− 0.5 × 10 =
− 5 ms −2
Using equation of motion,
v2 = u2 + 2as
v 2 − u2 0 − 202
=s = = 40 m
2a − 10
Option (B) is the correct answer.

The coefficient of static friction, μs, between the block A of
mass 2 kg and the table is 0.2 as shown in the figure. What μs = 0.2
would be the maximum mass value of block B so that the
two blocks do not move? The string and the pulley are
assumed to be smooth and massless. (Take g = 10 ms-2)

(A) 2 kg (B) 4 kg (C) 0.2 kg (D) 0.4 kg

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Block A has a tendency to move rightward due to the

weight of block B. However, the static friction between
the block A and the floor prevents it from moving. The
maximum mass of B at equilibrium is possible when the
limiting friction acts between the block A and the floor.
Supporting force = mB g
Opposing force = f l = μs NA = μsmA g = 0.2 × 2 × 10 = 4 N
At equilibrium, mB g = f l
fl 4
⇒ mB = = =0.4 kg
g 10 mB g mA g
Option (D) is the correct answer.

The upper half of an inclined plane of inclination 𝜃 is perfectly smooth, while the lower half
is rough. A block starting from rest from the top of the plane will again come to rest at the
bottom. Find the coefficient of friction between the block and the lower half of the plane.

1 2
(A) μ = 2 tan θ (B) μ = tan θ (C) µ = (D) µ =
tan θ tan θ



As the upper half is frictionless, the body will accelerate while sliding on the upper half. It is given
that the body will come back to rest at the bottom of the incline plane. So, while moving over the
lower half, the body undergoes retardation due to kinetic friction.
Let L be the length of the incline plane. N
Upper half sliding
Initial velocity, u = 0
Acceleration, a = g sin θ
L mg sin θ θ
Displacement, s =
v2 = u2 + 2as mg mg cos θ
v 2 = 0 + 2 × g sin θ × θ

v= gL sin θ

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Lower half sliding

Supporting force = mg sin θ
Opposing force = f k = μN = μmg cos θ
Fsupporting − Fopposing
Acceleration, a =
a = g(sin θ − μ cos θ) fk
Initial velocity, u = gL sin θ
Final velocity, v = 0 m

Using equation of motions, mg sin θ

θ θ
v = u + 2as
2 2 mg cos θ
0= ( gL sin θ ) + 2 g ( sinθ − µ cos θ )
μ cos θ = 2 sin θ
μ = 2 tan θ
Option (A) is the correct answer.

A heavy uniform chain lies on a horizontal tabletop. If the coefficient of friction between the
chain and the table surface is 0.25, then find the maximum fraction of the length of the chain
that can hang over one edge of the table.

(A) 20% (B) 25% (C) 35% (D) 15%



The weight of the hanging part supports the slipping, and the static friction between the chain
and table opposes the slipping. The maximum portion of the chain can be hung when the limiting
friction acts between the table and chain.
Let M be the mass of the chain, L be the total length of the chain, and x be the length of the portion
of the chain hanging.
Mass per unit length of the chain =
Mass of chain portion hanging =
(L − x ) M
Mass of chain portion on the table =

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 Mx  y=L−x
Supporting force =  g
 L  N
 M (L − x ) 
Opposing force= f=l µ N= µ  g
 L 
At equilibrium, Fsupporting = Fopposing fl

 Mx   M (L − x ) 
 L g = µ L
    x
⇒ x = μ (L − x)
my g
⇒ x (1 + μ) = μL
x µ 0.25
⇒ = = = 20%
L (1 + µ ) 1.25

Option (A) is the correct answer. mx g

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