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This Deed of Lease is made and executed on this day, the 30 th

December, 2023 at Hyderabad by and between

The Government of Telangana represented by its super

indent Engineer in I & CAD department, NSP, Nagarjuna
sagar, Nalgonda dist., Telangana-order issued Memo
no.1204/Estt./A2/2023 dated 29/11/2023 by special chief
secretary to Government, Dr.Rajit Kumar-

Hereinafter referred to as LESSOR which expression shall

mean and include their official representatives,
administrations and executors of first part


Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Kanha Shanti Vanam -509329

as Headquarters, Kanha village and Chegur Mandal, Ranga
Reddy District, Telangana, Through its Joint Secretary, Mr.
Vamsi Chalagulla,

Hereinafter referred to as LESSEE which expression shall

mean and include official representatives, administrations
and executors of second part

Whereas the Lesser above named is the true and absolute owner of
the land admeasuring Ac.5.00 belong to the Government of Telangana,
Department of Irrigation & Command Area Development situated at
opposite to Nehru Park, Hill Colony, Nagarjuna Sagar under the limits of
Nalgonda District open land under the administrative control of first part.

Whereas the lessee is representing Shri Ram Chandra Mission with

headquarters at Kanha Shanti Vanam village and Panchayat, Chegur
Mandal, Ranga Reddy District and rendering services to humanity of
spiritual training and yoga to the general public by way of rendering
meditations, yoga training, etc for better living in the society. The lessee
has approached the lesser to obtain the lease of the said land (hereinafter
referred to schedule land) for running Heartfulness wellness & Retreat
Centre, Yoga & Spiritual Education Centre, protection of environment
activities, conservation of forests, flora and fauna, tissue culture, water
harvesting and related areas of nature conservation and environment
development, engage in humanitarian aid, medical relief, establish,
conduct, maintain and support education in all forms. The Government
of Telangana has communicated its principle approval vide their Memo
No.1204/Estt/A2/2023 dt. 29/11/2023 to the lesser upon which the lessee
has agreed to lease out the same as per terms and conditions which are
mutually agreed upon by both the parties.

Now this Deed of Lease witnessed as follows:-

(i) The lease of the schedule land is in a for a period of 10
years from the date of this lease deed with an option to
extend the lease for further period with mutual terms and
(ii) The lessee agreed to pay an amount of Rs……… per
annum to the lesser.
(iii) The lessee has agreed to abide by all the instructions
concerning the grant of lease of schedule land to the
lessee by the lessor from time to time as per the
Government orders in force.
(iv) The lessee hereby renders the following services for the
Spiritual seekers in the schedule land for which the lesser
has agreed to permit the lessee.
(v) The lessee shall use the schedule land for giving spiritual
training and meditation, yoga training and Brighter minds
training etc to the seekers as part of mission objectives.
(vi) The lessee in order to accommodate various dignitaries
from all over the world will arrange accommodation in
the schedule land during the international and national
deliberations on special occasions, Mission formation day
(vii) The lessee shall also build kitchen for food and Prashad
for the visiting dignitaries from all over the world.
(viii) The lessee will also develop Nursery in and around the
schedule land for the purpose of greenery in the vicinity
(ix) The lessee will also run Wellness Therapy including
Ayurveda treatment for the benefit of all.
(x) The lessee shall not run the Ashram for any other purpose
other than the spiritual training and wellness as well as
above written aim and objectives, as Shri Ram Chandra
Mission is an NGO organization runs on the basis of no
profit and no loss. If found, the lessor has right to
withdraw permission for the continuation of lease with a
prior intimation of 1 year period.
(xi) The lessee agrees to pay monthly maintenance charges,
electricity and water charges from their own funds and
any other taxes imposed by the Government authority.
(xii) Both the parties agree that the initial lease period is for 10
years from the date of the lease agreement.

(xiii) Both the parties agree that in the event of further lease,
the same can be made on executing fresh lease deed on
fresh terms and conditions .
(xiv) That in the event of violation of any of the above terms
and conditions of lease, the lessor is at liberty to
withdraw the permission of lease by a written notice of
1year and the lessee shall vacate and hand over the vacant
and peaceful possession of the schedule land to the lesser
or their nominees. After conducting Panchnama .
(xv) The lessee is to engage in protection of environment,
conservation of forests, flora and fauna, tissue culture,
water harvesting and related areas of nature conservation
and environment development, engage in humanitarian
aid, disaster relief programme, medical relief, wellness
initiatives, establish, conduct, maintain and support
education in all forms and allow use of facilities to
support the above objectives.
(xvi) The lessee will build, construct cottages, Dormitories,
similar structure for staying facilities for the visiting
dignitaries from all over the world.
(xvii) The lessee will create permanent and temporary water
storage facilities, will create borewell pumping systems,
ground water borewells, water tanks, etc for fulfilling the
requirement of water for its premises.


All that open land admeasuring Ac.5.00 situated opposite

Nehru Park, Hill Colony, Nagarjuna Sagar under the Department of
I & CAD, Govt. of Telangana and bounded on

In witness whereof, the above-named parties have put their hands
unto this document on the day, month and year first above mentioned, in
the presence of the following witnesses

Witness LESSOR

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