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Special Webcast

Building A Coaching Culture Using

Better Conversations as a Foundation

March 21, 2023

© 2021 The Conference Board, Inc. |

Today we will be discussing:
▪ Why coaching for development?

▪ Impact Story: Building a culture of development

▪ CCL’s 4 core behaviors for better conversations

▪ Scaling and embedding coaching initiatives

▪ Lessons learned and key takeaways

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(via the Q&A box ) Resources

© 2021 The Conference Board, Inc. |

Today’s Speakers

Vicki Swisher George Hallenbeck Pam Burgess

Global Talent & Global Content Lead (Moderator)
Development Leader Center for Creative Senior Fellow,
Cargill Leadership Human Capital
The Conference

5 © 2021 The Conference Board, Inc. |

Why Coaching?
• Powerful, yet underutilized lever in development.
• The answers are within the learner and the coach is there to facilitate their
awareness and understanding.
• Taps into the power of the unsung 20% of the 70-20-10 rule for leadership

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Case for Change
• Explosive growth in the organization with larger spans of
control and complexity for managers and their teams
• Managers ill equipped to have meaningful conversations with
team members about performance and development
• Leadership development programs with limited integration of
coaching for participants
• Executive coaching applied inconsistently and only at the
highest levels of organization
• Overall, unclear definition of coaching

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Building a Culture of Development
Create an environment where every employee has equal opportunity
to learn and grow and help the organization to identify, develop, and
deploy talent that will drive toward achieving our mission.
The role of coaching in building a culture of development.

Moving From… To Achieve a Future Where…

Coaching has narrow utility and Every interaction is approached
focus, limited to new manager with a consistent coaching mindset
training and ad hoc external coach and coaching is broadly used as a
engagements. lever to support development.

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Building a Culture of …
• Organizational culture has become a
focal point for transformation efforts
and is seen as a key factor in
engagement and retention.
• Organization culture is multi-faceted
and can take many forms. What type
of cultural transformation is your
organization currently undergoing or

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Enter your response to… “Our
organization is currently
looking to create/enhance a
ANSWER culture of…”
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Coach – Mentor – Sponsor

A curious partner An
who empowers • Empathy individual with • Advice An individual who
• Support • Guidance has the power to
others to unlock • Self- expertise who • Instructions
untapped sources of Discovery
advises • Feedback advocate for
• Feedback
imagination, a person to someone’s work and
productivity, and help them develop overall career3
leadership1 their career2

1. Adapted from International Coaching Federation

2. American Psychological Association
©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved. 3. Harvard Business Review
Building Blocks To Realize Our Objective

Support Skill Building

Establish A Foundation
Build manager-as-coach capability to
Adopt a consistent coaching approach to
enable constructive, engaging and
deploy across organization
meaningful conversations

Expand Access Infuse Across Development

Scale professional coaching so the Embed coaching in development
maximum number of employees can programs and coaching support in stretch
benefit assignments

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Quick Poll: IP Licensing
Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing was a key component in helping scale
and embed the learning while tailoring its fit to the organizational
What has been your experience with incorporating IP Licensing into
learning and development solutions?
* No – What’s an IP license?
* No – Haven’t found the right opportunity
* Yes – Tried it on a few occasions
* Yes – It’s a standard part of our approach

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Quick Poll: IP Licensing
Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing was a key component in helping scale
and embed the learning while tailoring its fit to the organizational
What has been your experience with incorporating IP Licensing into
learning and development solutions?
* No – What’s an IP license?
* No – Haven’t found the right opportunity
* Yes – Tried it on a few occasions
* Yes – It’s a standard part of our approach

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Poll Question 1

Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing was a key component

in helping scale and embed the learning while tailoring its
fit to the organizational context.

What has been your experience with incorporating IP

Licensing into learning and development solutions?
• No – What’s an IP license?
• No – Haven’t found the right opportunity
• Yes – Tried it on a few occasions
• Yes – It’s a standard part of our approach

15 © 2018 The Conference Board, Inc. |

Poll Question 1

Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing was a key component

in helping scale and embed the learning while tailoring its
fit to the organizational context.

What has been your experience with incorporating IP

Licensing into learning and development solutions?
• No – What’s an IP license?
• No – Haven’t found the right opportunity
• Yes – Tried it on a few occasions
• Yes – It’s a standard part of our approach

16 © 2018 The Conference Board, Inc. |

Building Blocks

Establish A Foundation Support Skill Building

Adopt a consistent coaching Build manager-as-coach capability
approach to deploy across to enable constructive, engaging
organization and meaningful conversations

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Better Culture Starts With Better Conversations

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Conversations Are Ubiquitous & Essential

“ Effective leadership in a hybrid environment still requires the time-honored

skills many managers have or will need to master; however, certain leadership
competencies have become increasingly important in a hybrid work
environment. These are:
• Interpersonal skills
• Giving productive coaching/feedback
• Fostering an inclusive environment, and
• Leveraging the technology that allows connection and collaboration.

Effective Leadership in a Hybrid World of Work
Conference Board Report, December 2022
©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.
How Can We Have Better Conversations?
Think of a recent conversation you
had with a colleague (or friend or
family member) that was especially
meaningful and productive.
In the chat, list some of the
behaviors that you and the other
person engaged in that made this a
particularly good conversation.

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Communication Tips

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Building Blocks

Expand Access Infuse Across Development

Scale professional coaching so Embed coaching in development
the maximum number of programs and coaching support in
employees can benefit stretch assignments

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Scaling & Embedding

Scale professional coaching so the maximum number of

employees can benefit.

High-Volume Virtual Internal Coach Executive Coaching

Coaching Network • Enterprise leadership
• Role transition • Flagship development readiness
milestones programs
• Earlier-in-career • Stretch assignment
leadership support

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Support for People Leaders & Coaches
People Leaders
• Coaching through Better Conversations Yammer
• Better Conversations interactive guides tailored to various
contexts (performance support, career development)

Internal Coaches
• Learning Community for continuing education, best
practice and coaching resource sharing
• Regular network meeting to stay connected on cohort
programs, share learnings

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Measures & Outcomes

Coaching Access

YoY Increase Exceeded

Coaching Context Benchmarks

Coachee Satisfaction 67% Future Role

90+ NPS Internal

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Lessons Learned
• Build sponsorship up front
• Stakeholder management is key
• Enroll change agents
• Manage demand (internal
coach and coachee side)
• Ongoing support to ensure the
habits ‘stuck’

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

What are some of your
takeaways for the
culture transformation
your organization is
ANSWER trying to achieve?
©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.
Have a Better Conversation Today!
The opportunities for practicing and applying conversational skills are
practically unlimited as we are engaged in conversations with others
both inside and outside of work on a frequent basis.
Think of an important conversation you anticipate having with
someone very soon. Which of the LACE behaviors might be of particular
benefit in having this conversation?
• Listen to Understand – Listen for facts, feelings, and values
• Ask Powerful Questions – Ask “what…?” and “how…?”
• Challenge & Support – Give feedback and ask “why…?” and “if…?”
• Establish Next Steps & Accountability – Establish shared clarity

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

Poll Question 2

Think of an important conversation you anticipate having with someone very soon.
Which of the LACE behaviors might be of particular benefit in having this
• Listen to Understand – Listen for facts, feelings, and values
• Ask Powerful Questions – Ask “what…?” and “how…?”
• Challenge & Support – Give feedback and ask “why…?” and “if…?”
• Establish Next Steps & Accountability – Establish shared clarity

29 © 2018 The Conference Board, Inc. |

Poll Question 2

Think of an important conversation you anticipate having with someone very soon.
Which of the LACE behaviors might be of particular benefit in having this
• Listen to Understand – Listen for facts, feelings, and values
• Ask Powerful Questions – Ask “what…?” and “how…?”
• Challenge & Support – Give feedback and ask “why…?” and “if…?”
• Establish Next Steps & Accountability – Establish shared clarity

30 © 2018 The Conference Board, Inc. |

Thank you!
What questions do you have?

©2023 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

Upcoming Webcast Programming from The Conference Board

▪ The War for Talent in Asia (March 16, 2023)

▪ Building a Coaching Culture Using Better Conversations

as a Foundation (March 21, 2023)

▪ Reimagining Workforce Ecosystems (April 5, 2023)

View all our upcoming webcast programs at

© 2023 The Conference Board. |

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