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Performance Class Preparation Form

Name ___________________________________________________
Year Group _______________________________________________

Song Title ________________________________________________

Background Questions:
1. Which musical is this song from? __________________________________________
2. In which year was the musical written?_____________________________________
3. Who wrote the music? __________________________________________________
4. Who wrote the lyrics?___________________________________________________
5. Name another musical written by the same person/ team: ____________________

About Your Character:

1. What is your name? ____________________________________________________
2. What causes you to start singing? _________________________________________
3. Where are you, and who are you with? Are you singing directly to someone or are
you alone and singing to someone in your head?_____________________________
4. What do you want? _____________________________________________________
Performance Class Preparation Form

7. List up to three FACTS that you know about your character:

8. List up to three QUESTIONS you have about your character, which are not answered
in the lyrics of the song:

Are you keeping the song in the context of the show? (circle) Y/N
If no, please explain what you have changed:

Please attach your annotated lyric sheet to this form.

Date of ATS Class (if applicable) _______________________________________

Date of Performance Class ___________________________________________

Signed by Staff Member _____________________________________________

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