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The tension between utopia and dystopia

Even if utopia and dystopian literary works are the result of different cultural periods,
there is a fine line between utopia and dystopia, as they remind us about the dichotomy
constituted by the good and bad elements that are part of the humanity. For us, good and bad are
intrinsically intertwined, and this strong connection takes me to the biblical vision of Heaven and
Hell, this antithetic organization have always influenced people’s manner to understand and
imagine the world and reshaped their mentality and moral values. Every dystopia contains pieces
of utopia, and every utopia can degenerate into a dystopia. Utopian ideals proved to be
unsustainable, they cannot las for a long period because the nature of life is unpredictable and a
perfect world remains a project that can never be achieved. Good and Evil are deep rooted into
our souls, they are inherited values or sins engaged in a continuously fight, and where is a fight,
there have to be a winner too. Sometimes, the moral values and the positive way of thinking win,
other times the evil and its destructive forces gain. This continuous confrontation proved to be
productive because a variety of authors depicted societies and portrayed worlds where humanity
has to live enchanted in a perfect harmonious order, or, on the contrary, is forced to survive.
People’s diversity of thought and ideology contribute to different societal structures and
dystopian impulse can be considered a necessity because it stimulates changes and forces people
to find solutions and to make progress.

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