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minatas bed sate, a aad O arate sare ee Te = Meshes Se unt pee, in ee ERY sore ‘tere fs enelowd. fem. nveor received by te Victin frm ene, Kamath op Barta 14th Bizet NOT, eit ‘totus Weleaine,Thmcasing ich 19 sole FEB 16 1534 Acie. US CHT LTE, ot . us aren ions Seepage pins: 4 : a xh fii a oe f, sean eee Sy ‘De writer soumnlontet twine with your taibeny Wyo F Lt. * Adolph Bremer, the week preseding your release, Jour fetber Mae safe, = + ov queltetectionn, efenmnoess peat resonds Obey Pe gts MrsBrewery I have qucoeoted ‘any tines in the past on sone soufidentiol missions of grost magaitade, Tor governments, states ‘Douney, city tnt epecialy "Téa 8 treinel invistigntsry ant Z bey ee" etl Re she a oe nner a ie ew es Ee ea age iii ot" : ‘ fm Beal Rh. he FA (pengiiy mas ts pans Rar g hl «Tyan soiameet to fe enttitie, F baw te hastoy td boy AS tNoolptenenes gocasts (Deve Sany ove sp) Sed tr infoestiony "C BA,e An 4 hours, ‘you DAFINITE inforeation se to WHAT OAM) HUD Tor, and.» 2° for 071 rim, I mw pertioeariyy slo tneree ba 9 Tralee you ay vordy ent ou con look tp ny Seferencen int enoertais Wy setlly aoens ei it inplleey tbat 3 poUlO nore QOTIDENTIALLE for You ‘yon oalp end 50 one else, eepeeislly « newepeper, would be in the bargeias Lee WOT seeking MY notoriety. I worked for Dol tiatberehs {for fhe State of New Jereers for the International Hove Service, for weyers rage (Long in be nerice of “he Ante Mayor Anton Jyoeroek of Chicago tent only unleroover PERSMAL ent CONTIDITDL investigator ‘Waboea ebont gongs aetionelly in Shie oopsosey] and for wey sities aad erime angeatestionss 25h BT he tre me funt fear (4) weeks cungelletionmamaningethrty #f the ef of the ot delivered to you positive evidence thet will at eppretend tod conviot tbe men responsible for your kitoepings oF 8” Lesse show, thet Teen tad will Go oo a} the ohl of thy all0véed four eas roe wy cena tent Gandy ae. oie figure to be agreed upon beforehand, Ie aot, Tall remit all tot he actoel expenbos, T'te gasbling elet'r” Theg to acky in viev of my oredantiale and poet record, nt Leche of my Ueber wincerity of purpoee, thd inntte abilicy end tartein thin proposition, pr hsy® a soutber one $0 suskests I "T already lave & pretty Sellndefined itee ‘Tho spetahel, you ent how to get to then QUICKLTs I would want to 60 vo, s C167 nf one dare s terinftey positive goatary theres Tvs “ Buntey, Raepensfolly sat Maoerlgy 2. "es ne leds tambo sta ook EB Rit na seater a pee tte sora: eek "Beh aly yoctrel Ey alenioe Snes] eae Wipe es es - _— aw te he ong ma mr te ot kr OTe hy ap (a (orn) rev, 18, 2956 verti Division of Iorestigation 3. 8. De ‘of Fasten 11600 Beskers’ Buthding’ ‘Caieage, TUitnoie DIV2STOw ADVISES XONAR DOLL YO FWLYE FOURTEEK BHBEH PRINCTPAY SUSPECT paman XIDKF Io SGP IRPORATION PREVIOUSLY DIVELOPE DOTCATEE DoLL DELICATD NETH w BEMTZ ALERT RATES WO OFDAGE NRLLY BARNES DH ROSHERY rfAST savTHnA wo NST AUN: CoLPAL TASILNCTON SIPTBNGER NDOTEEE THIRTY TWO OD CLARA FRUMAN FOOSE RUEREABATTS YOUR OFFICE DivESTI ATO peor WEr ror wees sua neue 2 owas oft bus ert rate bg Div. mm bebieteson hes \ J United state coat ann RnR ae a) 4 L orn dee2,13,94, Dace of 2ovestigntion Sataeettee Shaner Tesbiaston,o. pesen Should some person have exple reason for Delieveing that they could turnin ot > were fe the Brener deal nd should do so and it proved they were right eee ee je RZ oF more manes of parties who 7 ° dangerous to tell all you thintpat pesaine QPMant| ob pe 23g eha re ow woutd trey wnoy who to tate it up HUOhrver xnontbe taal Saud Sl * HEATERS Sills ERUEE Nested Fe” you eas bel hierase at Sesetaraieae a Lema quite bitsy Jaw abigeing citizen as my Life ti Sone of us happen to know things thet we rather not And no fault of ours, We #11 want to see lawlesaneas atop as muck and ay son Po: we have to first be a bit selfish sone might say or rather’ i ent aay Hhaticharity beginy at home any way we Detter “do woue thintsng £0F°Olpe— selves first. ©. Lt seems to me that as bad as this larlessnesy 4e that a person who |< Should endanger thers lives enough to furnieh infermation that would Lead to the arrest and coviction of any one ‘should have enough “pay or be agmured of enough pay tXat ibey could Keep fron being mt on the spots ahould they ever be. found out on. 1 Tearned' Tong ago that {t doe not pay to talk and that aight now a, pereon should be more careful than ever and know what he ta doing and what De MIID get out of it. Bti11 1 am not one of the kind that is always harping op what we going to get out of 1t Mit es above this part te important from several reasons Selly we got to live and hard to extat these Kind of times ad mben and where 4 48 due At should be pata. AS xomrmon Yor reference’ss to who 1 am but not ax ¢o what 2 am driveing at, ALL.Snith Attorney and Mayor of Siloaneprings, Firet Bational bank of Genizy Ark or Siloameprings, Marion Wasson State Sank exaziner of Ark. fat 2 thine 1 know might not be worth to wuch time or trouble to tavestiga? But should it be it should be quick and f 4¢ Je nothing 1 get nothing Just comission tueiness no deal no pay, But it would have to be a. strict confident and tisinest deal from first to last to get me to risk oF start to do so, And 1 am writesng thie believeing that if 1 was in ceranteabion with the right ang properly sutherieed parties or party that souethind wortheuile might be Covad out if not not much cost. —— oe he ( (2 ¥ Tanoae City = 2 6 1934 P.M. |r" Bint heaes FEB ee GE 67 ote esrtain Rotel 12 Jesksoarille to ‘seoure the ald | = ER a ee ee | eiduaptag at Bourn pent, Larue bed frequenthy ao again allow a vittia to redvoe fhe out encunt af renee to be FILL be recalled ast im the Woolverton matter $50,000 was densnded Guat thie wes finally reduced to $8,000. Tt 10 ay underetant ‘he Breser cus the Eidnapers wpecifically afvised tn-ene, Roten thet no atteagt ebould be made by the Bremer fasily fmount apecified. Wit Heard te De ee making eontact 1m the Breoer Hidoaping, es. made stayenente Ghat be would alvays hve tie, : Bighmay and thet, the contact woul be made by Eo the Beadlggnte. “aeliy zeaareed to Lame caee. Ipecitic inetructions to. th ‘the beedLignts would be turned om ant ofr. ten, ima fa rapid sucenn arn also meatsouod that in ardar to stoid aay cunfuaton be Rigas pelat Readlignte with soos red substance when making s wontact of a higheya Larue X feel is significant. in Zmpgard to the Snqhent, eet: ila atatone Tiere Zod Lonoun wope used $0 fhesbligh Sage ae ited cece te ie ON aE RS NGiL he brood of sane, and alto thee the plate bes boon 2ocsted eri SPUD SIETIRE UE atte ar tappeee sit Os fount atten woe Rabe EEE 5 She‘nvone to place Laran at the soote of the trian. : : re, Kelly ‘iso inforuet we without being told the wetnod used in releasing Breaor) thet Larus had emphationi2y stated thet when Feleasing « Kidnap vietio after the pay off be would be left binéfolded feve dnetracted. to count up to's certain munber, She stated thet this wee he Sethoa aden inthe woctverton Eiduaping end thet Tarun always 1n6teated ue “having irked’ sineese 1K thip netbot! eireioseed in Scie nay. See ale aus tho pecesaary trowel to nis hom following the Felsases ‘Bee tockverton tas giver 0 fer this yerpowes tee eta? ele = ghe further advised as shown in wy Lott ‘eet Lavoe Ln partial to airplane trevel and that perhaps be di rented an aparineat io gt. Potersbarg before the instant kidaéptt Bie vite remined there in an attempt to show that he had bees be eonmlted. alien “wes xenhy toes 3 of the ransom mosey in ie possess Bremer abluction, as Be would ‘Borpugh search of the Hayes Gotel in an attempt to fing the ralscn wooe7, ong thie Line It will be noted in ay letter of reference thet ures Kellf:, - ‘States thet Frask Heyes receives 42700 of the Urechel ransom fron George Bates, and tridestly be han this money {a ba possession sonevbare at te. Dpresest ine, Also I wold suggest tat Prask Hayes be heyt unter surveil Eokce' $f euch astion appears pecqsnary in an effort to determine Wat pars 7 ‘Slower teleshoue be hove wan sgummionting with any of She gang outeléa of the olty of Chicago. It 0 Mra, Keliy's thought that be does pot ese” Sho telephobe at the botel er at hie Fesltence in view of the, Fast that thom pelts mignt Be trecedy.o eta ah , mma Bak ‘ With fygerd to the Los Wolverton web Hoyt, Mea. Kelly states shat abe roseabere now that Et Ooorge vere traveling on te main higueay, shioh she belioves 11 Seton Zolfet ant chicego going tomert Joliet, hat George pointed to's, ‘Sorerved Gh Woe Left telling ber thet Larueve brother'e House, were fosleerton wae Kept, was about three niles dow that particular road. Boe believes thet thie point ie about migway between Foliot and Chicago God thet there wan at that tins a goo! sized fruit tend on the corner of ‘fhe main Bighwey and thie road on the Left hant aide, she further atvised a» that one artyfcork alte Jopoe aot nt, who abe states tre voll know in chicago ent furtber states Chet arent vas ot one tim» arrested in Chicago or in the iamdiate vicinity GB, Ritterfesting ebarge, migat be taker {nto consideration as wuspects Foor tlasping. fheee S00 {oiividuale she states ere closely ke wer Pe teat oarty” in 2588 Genk rust 5.2 famosa pie Bt the. Kelly howe 12 Fort forth chy George 0 q to $00 ana Barnett Gsteraine Af tre. Burnette wes ith these dtetruetions and during Durcbaotd a Rat and at Shut tine, Tad'mes aot expected to zetura t Tor oly stater shat koa, Burnette 18 a Ee neck worior, Turner, Cork an¢ rect then left the Rally bows end Katarra trea then informed by Ovorge Telly that the es to arrange to Kidney Aun Buruette, Dut chat the. plan could pot De Sercied oct in view of her absenoe fron Tort Worth. Mra. Helly believes _fuat Gore and Trent have Deen davelved in wae Kidieping’ tn Chisago, si ‘res sllsgnd 40 bees tazen plase two of Shree years ago, But pba does aot Know the pose of the Victin or the dataile conversing se. 'ghe states shat ‘~ ‘Geange Kelly ie very wil soquninted with these tro 1nfsvideale and that 7) S7eEisa'a bitter feeling toverd Lo Trent wo uble crossed aim on some 7+! ‘Ula sne feels thet Telly, would furnish valuable information eotesrnine arith regard to fhe typoerlted used 2 'toe nolna icntgan, bask ronteny. milan ft ie believed do p winilar typemriter fo Mah. ications, DG Tor tofichors tn Bie preparation BY toe Suaece aoteey awed BC, EIU" ate thet aoe uune't one portanie Sprreiter 23 m0 Toons seca TUL AHeteter et the Ltatoed Botely Minscapebie, abost Yoo fears Beez. 5 vy deci ptestter inl ge noted in a] comeniention of february 40 tas 2, 2 2B a Tre harty Eran alien mubinfonnsy of Ghicngo, Sold Captain Marton < SE ESEiin ten atte potion tet, te oh {o'tes pollant beak robbery re S'frpecriter owawt ny Jecx{bevesport who Toeidad a6 she L2TPEEGES ee ™yuliy:seaten abst Junk Devonport Se «ery shoee_ abnisel HoMels Das gleter thet be was frequently enw fu Powkeeeste 2%. noosa of Zeck Peesetbove Bowel, she advised Sores thet me QUOT c¢. milte of rot Shout Aide perticdiar fyzeerivar ant she does fot Kiet TORRES yt eae nee ond ty berenare oe BebPapE age aoa re ee ee ee een ate le ae Peat “be un chlg.of to anfonutnen the cabs acntant ara “gait ini enavos tes ot Bef soobverten ioe. 20 Sogaed I eden eedch Whe uand So at Risoapie sn toe eae ie Chrysler sedan, Color Blacks naoed 7 ‘me sated tt Se nae of unter the nus of Be Oenamen froe Se tithe inser tay" an'cicege about Saptower ov ontober, 298, careter eal ree Toat Ketir pela ces Zor te cary She furter state gS seve DAY Fahy Me toe Coot inatoo-novor Company ot Port as tele LESSEE. the abore motor company 4 08 egnney for sr astat cg Mcunety ts truce thin perioular Oar fOr toe oolverten Soestity some ord care. purpome of heving r+ 70 Te wit be notes in ny sommntoetion dtrvoted ft. peu ottioe sated Feoronry Af oat s shipment of the Ped Piso ‘Sick wore need sn fluhignts by the bilapere Ja wiring ooateet reser mevter vat sont 87 the Filasloas Company An Debroi to Bs og, Brothers Cospany Dioorporatet, Mianecpeliey, Ritaepote, Mrs "age this mene Le very fantliar to BOT aad’ she believes What fon Denis yuisoeced gait atitke at wort for the vertouy eoabere of Aye : Thove'ttors.. te nipst be pignifuoantin Gaversining 10-309 iaaoee bagt spe te Fleinagate fare tabaci patna sere 7 Se Bee ae Penne tint By tet elas a Ho watevaopes such action’ Se veing Zaft to Sue Ajscresion of Shs oftine 7 LR, Ae CT a da oxtasoua CITY oPysox Case Gunna nm aL FUP O F eur ty mor °c mom tt see ee a paren nro a a a it one a ia He cat ven oscacn va, sre erro secire came Brot, sro PpouisTL577 am CORIDEETON GR KHLADCE DCL. ETOP SUGGS DIVES TSEHE rEiatrae e008 Ws YOR TNLE DS Che Pastal ead 496 37 GOVT COLLECT=FN CHARLOTTE NCAR 14 550? DIRECTOR= DIVISION OF INVESTIGATION US DEPT OF JUSTICE: PAANSOW DANK NOTE CIRCULARS RECEIVED AND MAILED BANKS TODAK ss vee oumne rae PT WIRE ONE HUNpRE a DISTRICT STOP PLEASE FORWARD IMMEDIATELY '0; AND ONE HALF BY TWELVE AND ONE HALF MANILLA EAVELORESS orgy Fea 16 4 REED ACTING. € Q - a . ¥ | moray FEB 17 1934 : FOIL FED? nBieaNpa: FoR eR. Ham gant? be, souder of $36 Daren cE StenGarde cele x totey at 1 otctoct Go: ewralag’ te Sxpusivon wetes to hes bees saklog Ze see tyrawettien note on the breeer Héseptac onaey the Zine T18 Eepiny Sipe aca the ovigipel cetorey chart fousd 1h comestion Tit efolat sooecy e€fZoaine, Wlhioun. Dr. sour Snforaet tha fe hte ontnien Sar tyoeettens ie tn Sere iy badly busted due to 3 Tie sjpeteftery and for fast Por aibing eonprtaoea, ‘Ee pn were Bot the deat specinone however, wet these notes wore ot prepared on the sone aachine an wan Sood in the prer-ration fof the Erener typenritven notes, He potuted out, Aoweyer, tat the cenezal arrazcesert of the sotes in te Breuer andfeam 1d ‘beydag Gonos iedicated that in ali probsbility they weve Prepared by the ute individuals, 2 e ee Respectfully, 2 ee at Seiistet cees, ‘please 'be ebviow ee er inesiave [rte eae Pentre mmrehapas ates as last wpe ta ate 2s A photosiatio ‘of this Yetter ae one ‘Yor your or fetefation Aneto ie eesLaed’epactostanie con a¥re fennee os Bisision of Inbestigation BLS. Bepetant sf Sontie FeO.bor 815, Bs FORWARD COPY LABORATORY TEST OF FLANNEL | SHIRT HEAVY UNDERWEAR AND SOCKS OUR COPY CANNOT BE READ: - Keo et 4 q 5 ¢ Bisision of Intestigation - HS. Bepetnet of Boar P. 0. nox 760, Chaetanet, Onto, ane wrt SE muvee we February 16, 1004 Director, Division of tnvestigstion, 1D. 8, Departnent of Justice, Weehingten, D- C+ Be: Unlnows Subjects Rivard CO Breer = Vietin mnurne Deer str: Reference sn sate to letter fran the Divisio to the ‘St. paul office deted Pebrucry 14, 1994, trmunittion to each of the orfiees sailce ted thereon ix copige of the photograph of three pi of cloming in contection with tao taste matters ‘Tee cony of whet appure to be a Lbsratory rwort dated yoorsery 14, 1054, wea alao received ty the Ciminnet! Office attached BD the phowerwohs of the CLOWAR. However, thie Toport 1a Dok Lectbles, Terefore, St 1a requented that another copy therwot be Aimmiened the Clneinaati Office immediately, ry truly youre, = Acting Special agent in Charge Ko Ms smrIce ATION ena MOE TWO DDS FOS : ; word Men Dsviston of Inventions: ‘Suite L = Potaral Dotiéing, Aanoas ctcy, tlesourt. 184 srs~ sgnertze ovpy a tbe priste of Ei bute : the Lanvae City, Kissourl, Police Departawt, ‘ton heeetved thet Eilbern ‘wad doen Bon Ms corm FDR por es cigs furtber, report to Special agent tn 0h Jaokaveville, Florian; thet Where vill by otber agents presents ‘that cor alt outside intents and purpoees TaRis has been appre: ~— ended as a Pugitive oa a Motor Taft Cate} thet Larue ie pot w© Antartioyed Fogarding tbe Zensen O1ty aaseayze, the Brewer 6. 1 naptna’ save, or sky otter maitere with the exoeption of ty mtr Za. ‘chefs cane while pereons otber that Diviaféa Agents xp present? Ko > ant snaros me sarod revit pe eb oe : ‘Atter sogutry 1 Vortation be would take would be $0 leer» Xanaee Vi97, sessarl,,"- a the Tek plane at 32101 Any thie date. Be departed at teat 1, Mane" Be wun to wrrive fn favhingten, Duibs"a8 1010). yobay AS 2. and Levee Sere at 30080 ake by Sastore dir Resepert, de bad " 2 aprave ta Jetksoavilie, Ylorida ‘a8 8:20 fe infomation received bere the qalcke _Snokaoorile $0 Bt. Petersdong to BY meets Of 45, overnight truss. yPeained that the featent brass” A yenias ‘be 2, camo ng wakeen Sis mole EER 25 gee ‘on anust 19) 1605, 3 Tore gos Tore, wach iglals ot Dee Hotues oe Lop dar tnvenntgatt ee wetNee x : ‘the ebive menticned'sbareanion dey Wt _. die forrvtedw3tn enr ge hte Satay othe en Soy Cheagy ee ftiees; one Sopy 18 Velag Curaiehel yok bareel baat antl jy te bing forearded to the Division. Bo levis ate eine set out NSomoens sot Sehesburgr Tiltuals, Wich owes aro ooforas We tb. Toute qtfises ‘Toe confession te oltg earefully exeainad Dy 40577 gh ofFied, end-all Savontteabion valeh nageécte a07, - sie i Pigg? © axsorocton Limbs BORD te (924) A ee-bbeteton torch : x Hee torr sean 3 Clears + Sie, |) eh dA Mie ed Tae / tan (corr) a : Statenehs of Dewey Beriovich, 200 Chastatue Parkway, “ Des Moines, Towa, June 11th, 20S1, texan in the Fort Des Moines Hotel, Des Moines, Tow Qe Mint Se pour nana? oo gaa Parenay, Des Ber oid are FOP Ag, Srytieeru ae Be you marist OPS Sree See eat BEA Rh pon seit 2S as SEE SUPRh PLD ie mrt oa ie guile bb a Tots ar pete laa os RS ES Pao cunms: 2 maa eter, nt tits mamas ine Bt, nei, ht at Fawr nae at Taiue, af that tine eabed wo if T sould 6-4 Tita pretend me that Tous not be called wo p sttanae dn BIO a gas ee ‘hore to bow an biz off ant oa for the tert your, and dough. i G16 40% avo it, at told mo Unt Re bat several Gtftereab propositions day view and anyone af Shon aight win up With Ay and. >” mela ata sone ser, “Aivut oak or ate Oe ead Perm? Maal 2 a ‘etober, Ellie LaRue etlled mt fo, 1 1930, ea ha eallod wi 69. ‘Rho Salosbone and be salted fin the Zirtwoot Rotedy) Det jolatsy Lem Ee ante uy to jm dom ant meet Bin, saloh 1 E10,” Be told np ba? a had som bot Donde and astel me if'T would Ginone of ofa E25: said "yan, fo gave no $6500.00 vera of Liberty Basde. “Zeige 2 ‘Shen wp to tie Tove bes Molaoe Betioaat Bat, andy got epprevtaately > or00.00 for then. Out of that movey Zoot 194.5 then went beck {Ba Kirevood Hotel ant I gave the movey to RiAie Iams’ z At that tha» fhe reason thst he ald only elve mo I i taase the stuff 41d not beloae to his ent that be tome mney off of 1t., Thon be eked a Af T sould Sore, told him that 1 thought T eould, but 42 des botaes, Tom, ay Ta Srepstation for onsing any exptat of boat fo'do and told Mim would ecm Sato Ghleag, Tiitnote, “T errangee 2-S7L-WAL on the belence of 1 PON eerrre ut ete CE Twenties & neve etter ‘could be back tn the aftersoon, ant Bovetose that afternoon ant T'was arrsrted. Reet ‘Jey Glickman, Bt, Peal, Windy, and seked hia 1f, 7 Be Bow Bitle Tata anit ba sald 16"). Tan Twat $0 BLP Hide" ‘randy at the fours House bat thie Met ans arranges Shfough Sty Latt, ofo Lion Tailoring Company, 944 Ceuar Bt., b> Pedi, uinaey -* 2. * and i eked 4f be inwy HAdie Lame, aad Af be coudé Looate iim faF Se. ‘Be told me he would if ne could, Dub that Re 414 20% tow Aimy Le. sand goat de woud snquire about Mim.’ Taaevar beard fran hia da'sse OS! ‘Fopavae 4 tet. Later litdebrande me arrested for the Ottumma, TBs Bank fob, and T'yont beck vo St. Paul to see 1f 1 gould be of Baly to Ma, ‘He and [have boon friends for twenty years, Later vow Tone to Ottume # company with 39, BCLdobrante ai We were all tres acresteg on Deo, Sis the dase ras dient seeds 27 Fate Te he woud inquire stomé Onlesbjeg, Nonsowtheand Peon >, glee {8 Lane ta boon trowaa Shares "qeuster deter Salt be ie'man able to iyara sbovt cane was tht Late hed Left Shire” svideseiy for Cube with « Darrel of many. after that T mace 80 > Fortier effort te locote bin aad I Know novhing eaout hia my. & “be you ines of say obSar‘pnesce is Bhon tie DS fa th oid te Lttple to ton anything hous Bie or Ate wbereaboutg? ‘A: Ta Burlington, Toma, Sere te Prot Webster, Gen Milliagson (Geabiat 54 Bootioeass) deed. Sueyae {Oeablar end Bostieggar) Jenee Myers, $00 4th tey Peoria, Tiizj Al Rabie, Onlesbang, Pex Olffon 4a-Riley “Gates burlington, foe, John Costeliny “Sereppr"y quer ia Noasreth {” 5 Galgebarey Tlis, be te Ervia'Seigh¥h, ant ae tn'in Teokshy fore; fuamelary siete ru fn Conta Bot ty uvarens He __ Jum Revved, woo Fuse « guobling house 4p ppriaatteldy Jus" gi" Wot tint of en eutonsbite dia you inst see Baste aiie drivingy S Peetart roetotery dark color (2840 392) bo You know where Fale Iatuste wife oF enild ta? i wos. Adio LaRue in Ulnnsevolts and Af ao, etete shat 8 Ltngesota played football up aed ne Sf T wanted te met som friende siad bi sho they were, end br ania the fellows who Todbed = ehearrpe here tpgebsinass EA ‘the Linooli, Mebrasia bank, snd then'T told bin (bat T id Sy ce rane Sed eh io at te Seah aa Rn at ie bea Sali ate ened tft oots mein h SRL BE ett nati ali peer fer bine peat er Br Ltd ee tata ss Gp ot tebe th pe TLE*SE aoe LH no on, Sone nite atte ono 2 a Eni retin att sd "acoehte a te entree sae pe ae tans rntboames Si sormeley aot al tune fe aih we tgs ey a ee Sl an'att gos te mie of the wag. eno artim onftomeh ‘Mo, be only mentioned that @ wooan who hed @ roadhouse ten miles out“ Tiathaagite PE hia lor ad met Ge otal on ee sf aumgamales Zin Sig shen ond mato the Seal eae am HS er chiar bole far aay oe elo one than atte amen BCID act pate sar arta Satay, aot Soo the bese ey, LEV A dna othe tte elt mania ae tap SEE Sine tune? Gtopstet “Saray AD SAT Matt Ratner thle tune ta male anaes Bib hagavier folie tppest pote ai ies “e Fon,” Top Titegerail het 800,000.00 ta Liberty Bont at thet bas Ay Ths, of ealt'ut Si Wai" br'tat neon" nagete ee a Bs TP. decane watt Gk elt ar te Paw floes cee Traits delete tty ele ty beasts poe Me FTTeeaane eater aarti reeasieg Wetted or NusD penton sean aoe nie ey ene Sota mene ot ate Bact teeny tay 6f your om Yoeate 2: Ty penta bate FrtcTpes fa wthonoe nite pried or state bai rnb Mir tia ates age: Fiaonte koe of aay sho ara dit at. tha grésent times = aeeee ENS: | Fi aae'Ws cot gou it'you toe ang'of the ollatiog olibd pegeane U2 Se tctyonerar beer of them and 42's Sroigh vow me ge Bowaré Lee, Wo sir. Bimard O'Bare, Ho oir. Jack BriVt, wo sire 23s ‘Thoms Bayse, Bo eit. Thomas Patrion Coanerd, No sif~ ‘Toots sdiari= Sf ~ Hour. Bertie Sheldon, fo wir. Babe Moras; Weir. Brule Boos, Ho air, Op about Alay, Yew ait. Be wenn local fellow for Des kines, (obler and bootleager and be mus arrested for e beak Job in Pallas Gounty, fom, and siss for mirder but me aogutttel. fe to now 4 asrore, 131 gasbling joint with a bes doioes mn eves Corey Jaak elutes, No ery Wy J. Lasbert, fo ‘Yon Folma or a nam sintlar, Bo sir. Joe Foster, Ho sir, ous Winkler, No sir. zldte Coots, Ho at Reyrond Bagent, I bave heard of Bz ao Detag « bank aan, bat just the fsouree Ido not reneaber, fobert Carey, alias Robert Hovherry, fo air, Bryaa Boltoay Wo sir. ©. C. Brunanms, No air. Conley from Martia Cloery, Ho air. tiga ots Shier of Poltes, g2. Peal. \'ta'g iar for aagboay unt Tas ose} piterter, Wo airy cee Sey Gant re ane * Sipelte ov ate aly tna te Eni ateens eee Smee oe Be fo oF ALL of these ‘bonds for $25,000,00 8 PAPE wa Dey Eiepoee “theme TALSTTA = ~ oo eieo, told me that they bad a ccnzeotion with Yew York aad that fhe men wes {a Purgpe tad thet these people were amiting Bim arrival. . Te vay belief that be reol eomuvctjon Se Gorton, Sumers tad Coaly Winnespolie soniection taut would have iat. 2%“ ‘on ancount Sf yatmneetaniors 1 aoi'altte tale inv sts wall yoo stare Firwt to Leck for Bis? wie ioe Aonsoth and Oe fea cenie witty = eae BPH Be 'you kaon Thome 2. Breusas or Pa pling? Lh be * oh ee Fa ES BI oie or srteriens: fa fhe sasbansdetian @2 Nee Didsaly BOS Beak hop e"etere enyehing tnt gop tase of or ave on Font niet tant WO die leafeelng nneiee foul ny 9 tose Sp tt Bisieaf tons : Eis neue ~ Tocte, you have aot anstionsey tant ere tel Sr te eae e Rovoeryy you voule te to mureata? all considerations Zevtrr io'you for wot laforantion You have alzealy rendered? “ 472 aire CB37 FEBI7 94 amps | ‘ab1as) GEaV aT aoe ad Peae 9 Wn tags tine arto aha Aas bntirber 9 1 iene go ioe Anning bas he. sentagint 5 Baan eerie ieee SE ie © eon Seon Main . ‘thtougn Talpn Morster, passenger agent, ‘nfon Bositte Be! for ageat to voptar’ fap soatustsr ae tcnia @BPy paseh ws Eortleat bose, by telephone 8 ta “ean perfected ami Contustor Cronta. ‘Tet takes to secure ali possible Saforaution relative 40" the pePW 3e- Sorted to have roan 10 aboard the trainee vas agvise6 ‘ast Poo Koonce fron te Portiaal office would board the Sein Jeter #8 Bie » BE See Saenger be Fe pu Rngeration sts Sauna, “x 12° apten dgene’ tens bctal 8 A: Bop pedo ‘ation, ovagen and Douro the Rertiaat Awe wi that points + sex, Subtagumatiy agiot reasived « telephone ka ah, Speck agent hs thangs Deas ot tov aopnlaey abieh oe anettoed Sy siesta pic etd amiga fe _patigrotenss on Sort RGU! Reltel nassrve totes fevited 67 We oD ‘Sie party ebort tbe ealn, Een a Ste ieorees bs ass buns ses fuseiaee infomation thet Juvey aasieyed exbeeeclsl smgat of fire aod 10 telipe ce j, Toara’se stein, ‘mois inforantion tat fo Recta es 2! SBT ntag oF Be Dae, ore THe a: z packs erased met Be Portia 2000 aroha. pOnauyhtecte ea tay Bo pee pe fis oo Parvin (Qreroa, This agent net the Portland foes woos errival is Pordant At 1:30 ans, Teorey JIM, go eurvotiinee spy Rednbeinet Pz GA¥39:3> fran the Tuion Statton, it being cheerved that be mat gt the tation ~ M8 cede arrears Runge = pe saeairZ male oy dtarnlne ode ties — ——— 7 Q e B.S. Buren of Investigation Boyett of Baten ‘32 Fosered Bosiaine, Biminghen, Alabaae, Februery i, 1954. Division ‘of Investiestion, U.S. Depertnent of Tustice, Washington, D. Ce Deer Sirs ‘This 48 to cunftre telephonic conversation with lire He Fe cheee, of Peorunzy 14, 1084, ae well as teleeren from tie sffioe, af 3 wiesing that Speciel Agecte R. Ai Austin and D. 0, Saith Bad doperied Dy plane from Bimainghan at 6:30 Pull for St. Petersburg, Florida, and > Let Special agent Chapson Fleteher tad Left Atiaate by sein at Pa after the converantion with i Clegg 1 was Learned that ‘aero wore no aizplane fecilition out of Atlanta, Ga, until thie after oan, and thet Special Agent Fletcher, bad be waited until then, would Bot ave bees able to seach St, Pateraburg Until tonight. However, by departing froq Atlanta vin the reilroad, he could leeve Atlante at ‘eat arrive in Sts Petersiurg a€ 12:60 Pull tolay, eoey eADIN ‘moe best train service out of Birainghan for St. Peterabure, Fisriga, would have been to dejart fro Bimainghas et 11:06 Pull, on Yourvory 14th, arriving An St, Petersburg et 4:50 Aut on February 16th. Efforts to secure plane facilities thraugh the Alsbana National Guard Tu, Snsamie® ae thal? plnnen for night flying were in the Rr ‘Teoamended by Cols Oy saith wat Re iit hh sees at Spent teen Beat Ueperns tne sistaran te Spprotesealy 00 Pat ahi Sy GE aS! Ge RS MT tetas oP Slam cE Antaatetar'ce bette of court, teat secon, BU Diecae ft attger hase to mabe meee ebeie foe kets ee Poterdond rloriees fv being petal nt taey mule aerve in Se Fe ee ee te ce iT Me Herrera a ao woven STL 473. Tt wap necessary to substitute Special peat Ds 0. Beith aK ig a phone conversation with ir, Clegg, Speosel agente aaith end auatin carried with then the fanchine qun and equipaest, ead Flot shot gun No, 360890 wanigned to thie office. Very eraty yours, He HalisaN, ket ia Special Agent tn Charee, ee-Jacksosriue. Dear aire ‘The Screen is in Feosipt of a letter fron Willian Geliagher, Tdentifiontion Ortiner te the eerice Lander Comty, A0stin, Berada, soples of Dereeith, Uogstner afth copias of the Barents Gated Hoveaber 5, 1938. r Bitision of Intestigation HB. Beprtant of Bets woo Maing, BE. “ February 16, 1934. eaes pain ui Qe xy Pay cabled froz sien york with regard to the brener clowing fant stated Sat cx, Constantine, machinery manutecturer in ew York, had sintad tet bo SGentitied by ir Je 3s Glamaer Rockford, 1itacie, ‘ho 18 also 3 damediavely forward Fegisterst air mi) to the Caleago office one of these socks ent Mis tafor-ation to thes. ‘7. My {a retaining the other sock in e future ffort te Adeatify sf an his éetriet, At the sae tine I inforcea “r, Mey thet the shirt given wrecer twee onroute to ‘len York end that if 4t would be necessary to cenvaas al] g ion would fornerd jLotogrejhe to the necessary guest Respectfully, Fecaved 708 Fab SUN. W. Wotton. = Tecogs 39 GOVT COLLECTeKx caicaso MLL 16 gpa? DIRECTOR DIVISION OF INVESTIGATIONS” US DEPT OF JUSTICE WASHDC#”~ German KIDNAPING DERWEAR WDENTIF LED LIST OF RETAIL} DEALERS OBTAINED Discosine FOLLOWING TOTALS wimcsora ILLINOIS SEVEN ONE CHICAGO NINETY STOP FOLLOWSs =e PONS e817 gg he BLS. Repastmna of stn 1216 etth Young Tower Velesaay ez Antonio, Tem February 26, 1954. ofa, DNs su zarS Division’ of Investigation, YU 0. BINED, Vietin Us 8. Departaent of Dustion, Hitnaping Washington, D.C. Dear airs c Retereuce 49 had 20 telegram of Fobroary 12, 1054, requesting ote vigorous attention to all esis in this Alstriet concerning ‘atte pois abies Eadie fame. Rite abject was arrested in tan Antonio, Texas, on Femuery 15, eh, by ity Detectives Zon Harrie ent Geo, Sieniebenh.” Se wan et at 'e carnival follower nf wus picked up as a mugpioions person. le tiv fingerprinted, Set Katonte Police Dopartoast 7O429 eal Go'oo Fewvions Fecord wea found und there wore no changes me againat him be wan Te 26 Leased.” Bo was picked op at a rooming house et 300 Madisea Street, Ban Antonio, Texas, |, te company : Feel sara poe alder et ¥ 4 oback on Martin Thoms Lycos failed to develop tint bo ms wroted ant ax tare wes uo Jocal charge aguinst hin be ws likerise ree Teaneds srprint record of Baymont Patsiek ales at that Sime re= Sievted thet as Worguns Hieioe Iedtens Suate Beferdevory, while serving’s ‘entence ef from 10 to’ 2] yours be escaped over the wall en Sept, £ly 1025, alah was held as en esceped prisonar Dovever he sued onto writ of habeas sorpus before Judge W. ¥. seCrory who fined kis bond at $4,000,00 whic swan promptly furn{ahed 4 cash and forfeited by Balad Quoted herewith are yervonal descriptions and records of the three adore meaitcoed individuss at the Sine of their arrest in San Antonio ant (esch subsequent record an bas Deen received by the Sui. Police Departaeat Tanti fication Bursa? we: nen OPT PI nee | £3 17 1934 wpe tenon [ey Rtevetor, #5 ‘oruary 16, 1954. \ DoLt, Walsh and Lyne hed oaty been in San Antonio « short time ‘tnd hat cam’ to Ban Antento togettars They all ieappeared trax Bex Antonio immediately after thie exreet. ity Detective Joo Rarria Yaow retired) atrised that he Bas aot sexo Doll alias Laie since the arrest in 1906, Detective Gecage Staten Reed Lore the Palsoe Depertaent hexy several yours age and hin present whereabouts 40 axioms, Gaiet wf Polloe Oven Lider eho was at the tim of the arrest of ‘Rees hrve men the Tentification man ef the Police Departmnt, finger~ Printed the thie, Ep renders then well and states that be would baow Doll er the other tro at any tine and har wever mean the three man since ‘hess arrest 8 1008, ‘the rooming Mouse at 505 Madison Street, Sex Antonio, bas changed ants 10 er 12 Sims since 1926 and no informticn of any Rind wus che ‘tained at that places / Yortunstely Ttentitivation Order fi2t4 was recently ia wuod on Doll shortag tim to be wanted for Vielation of the Rational stor Webiele ‘There Act, consequently no Geclomren were made to the Police hare Sear ‘cerning bie being « suspect in the Brensr exas, Bowever, the proper 6ome ‘acta at the Police Departaont ware told thet we are very anzivus to Accate Doll and 4f any informtion as obtained concerning him ar either ‘of the tyo other men arrested with kin in 1026, this cfioe aboald be Promptly advised as ne desired to place Doll whter surveillance befory faking Bun into custody. Xam attaching hereto ane photograph each of Doli, Walah ent Lyons at I en also furnishing the sane photographs with oopite of this letter te the Chicago and St, Paul afficens 126 te suggested that Posatbly Walsh ant Lyons are still conseeted with Doll and fer that reason it should pousibly be ascertained whether ‘OF not Lyons as George Miller is still contined tx the IiLinoie State Panis ‘Weutiery, an they any Aso be involved in the instant chase Proper contacts Inve been made through oertain mlareorid oonaso= tions as well an all of the promizest Rotel, tourist cme, garages ant aperteent houses in San Antonio Looking to the receipt ot any information concerning the poanihle 9 of Doll, Walsh or Lyons in San 12%! SOT Dhvatek ene the BE peal ofioe tli be promptly advieed by tales, evranry 28, tote phan ooncemaing any information received, mae (us 5 Jones, Chteage Bpeniad Agee - Bt, Pou Jecksonvilie PsSs ince Qietating the above Letter, telegram was received from. ‘he Director advieing that Boll wes in custoty 4a Bt. Petersburg, Jac, erso.2.01 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - FOIPA DELETED PAGE IMFORMATION SHEET Pagel with ete at thie location in he file. One or tre ofthe fllming statement, whe Jatt, explain this deletion, Delo te oxmptonin CACTI ‘eter avilable for rts yo, ‘ith no segregate oration pertained ony to thin pry with no reference to yu rth wbiet of your eqest. Infomation partine ony ta thin party. Your name is ed inthe tte only Docoments)origzting With the following goverment agencies) ewe orerind to Bom or dine espe 10 You. Paget refered for consultation othe following goverment agencies); ———_—__ =— ne the inforeatonorignsed with Un, You wil ity pen wt af ie wala to the FEL fealied Paris) withheld forthe following etn) For yor inoration: ‘The following number 6 tobe ube reference rogrting these pees: “50Gb G @) - Y.S. Borean of Inbestigation Bepartnent of Justice 1900 bankers BullAiog, Guiengey Tiitaotes S12 SM AT Director, Division of Iavestigntion, ‘Uu8» Dapartnent of Justice, ‘RECORDED: Masbineton, De Ce Feb 20 mola : UENO SUBTECTS, Bivard OP brane? With rererence to your telegram of Februmry 12, 1954, please bbe atvinad thot the Dilowing investigntion was ecedueted, Dear Sirs serra vr tet ate MAAR, ice med er, sateen cate lates MIRE, i ed er spar deere St sarees Bich sete let eye Nata acme tan eng ar SS, re Serene eile cape mk a ly ero pale ete eae eae eae cies sais snoctvane cmlratarurane ere ie te ese Arter 0 gutengo Post oftice without success, efforts ware mate 9 rocat ‘ge ‘ther former addresy, 1720 Worth LaSaZe Stronh, Qe mnich plagb Mavervion was had With ent ine. Chriss B Hauer, Apertzent SH, telephone, Diversey 9740, who stated chat Meg AMMBLar, wader Sho nene of icine Riller, Net been residing at «Ma aparteaserastil about Bhreo wecks ag and that abe then left for Florida, but thet her present ‘ddreso te uaxnowa; however, ty Hanes atates that they received « postal cent fron her ane Mon of thie card determined that 1t mes sort fre Miaat, Floride, on February 8, 1954, Tuts card Patricia otel, Fort Dellas Park, Mant, Flarid Letter way adéresued to the Jacksonville Ofrio 2054, requesting investigation at Kien! tn an effort to find 4 ‘oe naseye alao stated that they vare boléing a letter for : walsh wae dated Pobrenry 7, 1694, and epparcet ae rn, The retary addzess oe iby envelope fi ¥ oe nemo oF setter doen a vg pesmi? pons Beas 206 asa, masey avid that Jer, st mes nore $9 ber 2 vaxine 1Stiscy Bed or one of tro hokes apeut tafoes bet ‘len rereronces to Bis sane 4r@ aot ladicate thet she'tes very al Soteeineee wit hiey Qut richer thst ate Eige bax only theeeey iaiag Set bin two ox thase gjuce at Ruane City, Piseourie She wale tat 02 Soe cecaston, vst Lote 18/0’ aloes orte8 oy suey Bedhowy Serecence 20 Mitieepeetse in Letter foo the Kanwar city Ofdioe to the Puloege ottice dated septeaber 13, 1935, ta Sf Yeoae toe, sits hisses, et ale Or eaother seeneita MOPBGER® wat Langp teh Rotes"tn eaases olsy, et tuch stow Eade wes ualae the taae offtartio, Too Hepeye entd tant'RON Maller t+ the resent ioe te tery ach afraid t x & of nesting Laue or of cobvereine with Government ofticerss, ‘The Haneys ere fursiahed the addrene and telephone manber of the Chica Office, Ti prontect to inane thie orrice bmrdietaie ig she'event teat tnoy 7 Hecelve note datante tatamerion rerting ats wearers ‘The Raneys alec advised thet while in Chica: FF was very e Rleciiy stnege mute pati, esos inefnettete toruee of me | Drotors Blaze fotely ode torih bearton ‘steeds that Maxine Devia bas 1ikewien gros £0 Florine At Sho Deerbors Plana Hotel interview was had with IDM Stet Manager, "bo stated that Maxine Davis eft this hotel for Meat, Florida, fboue one week suid thet abe €14 not leave any forwarding eftress ‘toa. thet Der present wheresborte 1n Tani te unknowns We aleo advieed ‘that he A1¢ nop now any Maxine 1LlLor oF any acqualstance of as Devi by tne nane o°| ‘OF Moverss However, he se furnish the namee of poe RuthVisllaie of the saawhs operates the Wiauette Club om Rush Streat, su Chieu, wd one BettAiilieny residing at the Hotel Welton, 2019 vorth Dearborn Street, Chicnroy Potty Hiller te nai by Ii. Stes, ve bee very good friend of Waxine Davis Errorte to loeete Betty Mller et the Hotel wal ton have bee unavailing up to this tine, josover, Turther efforts v3? be mde te regard ia order that ined whether thie wonan knows anytbing Of the ereebouta of, sringesonta are presently Dying nade for a interview with Lots spoot|stacey, former omer of th ‘Tan, know hoodlum hangout, for inforaation regarding the possible nevesboute of TaRu = _ Sime the preparation of this letter, interview hes been had wit votty lier, mio adviaed chat she received a tolegran from Waring Devi fron the Patricia Hotel tz Ment, Florida 12, 1934," Batty lier atviaed that Maxine Davie’ an re in tank togerbery She aleo stated that in the er tie te an bea ae gate further tntoretion rearing the promat wharostouts of IMG ‘how she knows an imrine io22e¢, abe Will advise the COON? Price a poretoce of tue infuemcion ¢ telegras te toteg bag sont to the Jackeonville Offive advising thea of the fact thet Mueller wan in Mant on Yebrutry 12, 1094, at the Patricia Rot Loute "Doo" Stacey of Melrose Park, Tiiisois, today called ax tne onicngo Office and mae interviemd by Special hewsty Ty > ic, lata's J Mesoalfey nt ebich tine be advised that he 4fa not Env i ndar ber Sve mane, or eltases, nor Gi be know Eadie ‘uneblw to ddeceity the ploture of LaRue and although queationsd at great Longth ho won uuable Yo fursiah aay inforantion thet might be 2 68 falue to shie davestigntion, Nu i a. sah, acting amor Special Ageht in Charges co: gts Past : Jecksoneite 18 “aig of beng ut ews Seieurtos arecst ae susPetoremre, for te ‘x Chet fcnapings 18 43 38 & 2 FER 23 (036 |= asvonome (72 57 OY BO \s rf W/ a) ust 2a 47 1836 ‘tate sterift ¥. 0. Beato who adviend me that Kr, Int Bt, Lineols, Sabr., « Npavour County lipense tn Rabresta, Gio. Port : "that the Dale ded e Myatine gun Sounied eater the Aadhy Cheb votl 8? Patterson earried tro weapons on Me persons thet the roma bad a eout Srinmed with a beery Cor collar abt besty seffe and that she earriod a"eeail autoceste pistal in eect watts Doe Puts cans to Prensot ‘Dek, anf wore supponed © have boon’ in Kinmsapolin 58 st, Pal wesooy.. Patperson too wappeens to get antl at Deller, at Oklabons city, Oklaboes, anh the jeit rode elt abped ‘Ge sountey, perticularly Colorado and Houiane. "fultaowon bas ie {epelling secortein?-belioved 0 36 mized ‘boss fivalved with Sows Ain Boned Hood Steclton wise fa Fremmat and. Wlag 8,00 Spex Oty, Tome “Fathersoo's hoon An, scte to be ak BERG, Tem ety pt 3 to bis offic, Lr, Berton Jearsed that there mee bo reser’ of the Fegfetreticn of a Buick or any other oar in the pane of Ma. Patterson, Bobtielatterson, or Dobbie kriekaen in Deketa County, Bebreska, 12 Weleb douth Stout Clty te loca ted. Ay, Roseman stated thet be agpleped fn, Fatterson as a laborer at Fhitig, Lore, about 1022 an Uae the man mee Gamble nde reputed "dope addict, ho otatad tint be, ineelt, ou A TALeLIf ‘bot be ran My bunt Into 10 at the pide ent Me vor Foraiabed a franted eavelope acapiesion Ser mT Se erert euler meryons B82 > ‘post tions BO permanent address Dut bes felatives in Waiting, own) SLRSAatS oreytgreae buter Seve ten POT brasil $06 ala Bilpnoe ora tyende eo Fs yeh ee gH RV cote Pat ‘alias Bobbie Erickson, BS years} Big nie i bal mi rol ye las ms gana 3 FE es SaciaL est ‘Bepecat of Bator Bost ortion Box St Birmtnehen, labo ia Pooruary 15, 1954 Director, Diviesan oF Zavestigatio D's, Desaranent of Sustice Meeningten, Dios Fer Ganon aBI-0TS iwerd GD Breer - victim Kidneping Doar Sirs ssvining that one nuncred and Busters on the bank acres paid by tite office im order to compl afetricts There wore recefeod sn this office yooterday a shit fof thepe Liste and after finishing mailing then out Jostertay evening Tan Gotorsined That one hundred xt fifty additional Liste are needed Uireularize the balance of the Danke in the dietrict. ea) Ageat in Chares, HOF Fea 17 1934 eros ‘WIS 15 THE DIVN OF IWVEST wasH DC [RDEMARD IMMEDIATELY ONE THOUSAND ADDITIONAL CIRCULARS LISTING WUNDERS: os BREMER RANSDM NOTES . Pa “ ” eat We Ph Im Sete ert ep. tek fo. 15 Ta1s nev york caine yy ves ox crx recowen [7- ST Px, FEB 1 9 1934 igen actor were naousai et yaa CORED, KT YORK, | igor ante ag He Fosse Bay futher stvieed at ¥ bob hes % they are quite posttive that they beve never maufactared a paper having e Gesign of the character of tat deacribet. They mde avasiable to Agent wecples of their Present Line, and of the previous three yours, ant with yr. 0. J. Heanizce an exminstion wes made of ideo, but nothing could De foun’ witch would eves approxtante the desoristion of the danizh in fguestion, ae, Zounins eleo rede an exurinetion of verplon of Peper mde by © ausber of otver organizations in # further atteapt #0 Sgemtity he Secizel paper. Ho explained thet oc far an Bis om proict 18 conceraed he hes Kept no enaples of the product mate previous to the Inst four years, amt thet the only place he Knows whero tbey might now be fount would be et sone of tho woosk Reuans” advising thet the 1200, COFANT 42 Cheago, Iilinele cat tho HWY BOSCH COey Caicago, would Tuaccubteddy dave ave Lsble their sample boake for a number ef years, Weieh would coutein maples of the product of a number of nasufecturers, Rut that Af tbe correct anaple were identitiod 1 would be quite eesy ‘to aecortain the manufactures Mr. Hennings eles adviaed thet @ very large anount of cheep well peper so ald BY SEARS & ROSBIGE and by MOUTOMCRY RAPD, ant veccoted thet chack might be mae of their aanple booky ep well aa ‘toe chess on the manuteturersy Very truly youre, POG _ 8, B, KET, det ing Special agmt in Coareee ce st. pest (8) er York (2) Catone (2) Patlagadzticn Foernary 2, 2904, Eyvatel ageot te Charge, Pivisioe of Deresticatieny U.'8. Deparecant of Testing, : Pook eri eal, aseeotey peer sr Ue ccnsortion with peer Lavestiation imo the source of te Aething 2x G0 sone oxi tled caiaom Sahjente, Bomcrt Od treme, Aetiay Fitaaping, Gary are being Sane tok weer aeperate wre sn addi ticn fo she peetocreshe Previsasly feruiseed yar offiog alk bits, eoch aot consisting ef eis poolowerhs, of Wis eloiniag shoving Tarisus detailed ebarecveriation af Tas tune. T0 Le Nelieret wis Ghai ul bee eaelotaces be your egetts de Sorasing the Femiler (oF Shere articles ss previausly Sst leated Yoo maemfeetaree mae Deen dent fied and fares tien aion $8 non being enterted Wo ew Tork effin with « view te identifying the mer wf the sorts And a aire . Te pall erpear Sor Cree artisles of alotting, bovener, oers posothly puretesed at toe ees tise frou tee sere Feteder ame for thie Peasar Sarvnetigation Uysld provost Lmadintely tem Feeeiyt Of Lita Af doulare in your Gistricl she baatle the wafariecr 42 guoetions Nery tely rere, (oss wpe! s 2 a ttofe, Ramat es ee Silom eee | eer aonnserra| "este | 2-s0-s4 face Aiiveukee, 6 . trier tine Ore tere fount ia dei Jostenaton Large mun of belie tn deuonin. "320, $h0 and $5.00." Serial oes . numbers of biile fomd Sn possession of iat Ceiaverotts and Larva id not ecrreapoat With Breer anecs notes. 2 ® ar uum, Moco . etive John tridie, Mlmukes wth ages! oo 8 ye osceaione fa Relephoued the ger tat dust Ghieverottl bad been arrenied he previous BCE etle driving te Ford Ooucb of eae Bex EL fev aise exrestn, stenpting to Tecate Chicverostt, Seorge Semacte aot Joseph Schaal ‘Station number 40158 Sue allie street, MA wore interviewed, Mey “tated ~ ne - Yebrunry 8, 1054 they observed a Jur Coach veering « Hianesota 1ieense a3 Etsatextinnte and Bast bey Street, Maiwmikee; that GUaverottt wes ‘Slope in the car et thie tine; tat be Grove the car Wroug an arterial | ‘stop sign without etopoing; at Gey, Sehwarts and sebuals, fettomd | the oer to dst Bey and Lecaor and from Leaner to Bast Lincols before hey could tanpel Chiaveretet to atop the Ford Opseh; that upon azrestiag ‘iz they found « .S calibye autoratio Gols revolver aad nine Mundred sixty dollars ta bills of Hive, ten and twenty Seluer davoniuetions; Gat pon petne questioned abcat the autopottly be wen driving, chinverottt stated that sane Delonged to Bon Larson who was Alleged to be in Boom 909 of the Tower Building, Milwmukoe; het Bon Larson wus arrested a the given eddress and thet there wore found ou Bie $5.00, $20.09 and 420,00 denominations An the total sum of eight bandred ninety dolier otes in the instant ease, The writer ude pozplete Liat Of the forte) qusbers ent description of fe notes found 42 the possession of Chleverotts axe upc astarizasion of doting Special Agwat i CATED, FuAsSeite forwarded. the Liet of eeviel mushere of the notes to the Si. Paul office in ordor that sme night be compared with the List of erie aunbers of the notes worpriaing the ranear money in she Breney’ Kidneping ese. . Frank Propence, Ceptaio of Detectives, Milanukee, Hsccaain policy tapertoent, ton costarted ad's request wen made %o Bold bast Ehlerecotts ent Bon Varson vitnout alloeing ther ovteide comnts GEHL the seria sunbern of the notes could be chycked.” opiate Probenka stated thot be waild be unable to Delé suid sodtrigcele Elbeequeat to noon of Seburdey, February 3D, 1004." Agent appeared Setore G.S.cooiestover Floye &. Tenkine, ilwmitee, Waconsin ex Fevrincy 10, ioe at teh Cine « conpleiat wun filod agetast Govt Chieverottl charging ia with te Dossessien nae Alapeettion fj Gealliee Sedea, Noise #O0E,679, the property of EcRcoreves, Date, Kinnesote Ksoving the smme'to ave bon ttajen ead traneporte! An Tnterstete conefce, 0 e1¥% from Dovigjt, inaoects to adtoré, - { Viseosetay ‘Upon felting t aecr fron Bie St. Poul office by Do, Februery 10, {cia relative to the noten, teect mde Rurtiar arrencenle itn the polite depertiont to bold Bes areca until comutcation wan eeive, frm trate asl otters “a foleanan ms peor frag 52! = cial Arent te Cheige Bassi, Sts Poul 12 tar evening of Peoraesy 10, [Oui tn wuloh {9 sue oteted thet Qe mnters furatabed by agent aid boy covreepous ith tee motor of toy Bremer renwom nosey ane Mileeitee Police Depertoect mea Lanesletely notified to release wees Deo = 5 6 a eo Yarson upop faterviey advised Shes be resides to orml smytcey Mianesote (ox 481 rend Rapids, Rizaesotel: at be bee Bots 1s the tilegel Lisuor tusinane; Gat hie Stqucr operations Sivasisate Ais Srvellag betvene Gras apie, Muanestey Benieji, mranesotay Ninuoapohiay Minnvsote eed Hilvantoeseesonein; Siutids's4 alas « Gistritwtor of slot mashinees font Me parton? Bigger’ esa aiite safsten 1p pug teur Sle oF one bias, Fisuvaota; tet in tae vinter of LasarSs be wee engnand frucking fruit in Florida; thet hie parteer in this venture was oa ‘ner fen woo aow rerites du leteretiontl Pola, honawestsy tat te Minneapoite where to! Liquor; get seid epurineat ie located at fis Baet Firteents Strvet, aperteent miner 27, Kiamapelie, that dariag Bis Eue\felepnone calle are received by Gladys spreqve ed MLIy hargaaa seo Mive te the apertrect; tet the apartrert ia Tested i tbe name Of BAYsuneon;, tet da esmection sith Ee Aiguor operations, be, Sts‘Lareor, contacts Benny Isaes wo acte 4m the eeyeciiy of Drover for bootieggere} thet Benay Noses bes an office Ja 4 building in Misneepolie olen to Located oa mstington Servet; dat Texy volt, woo wee arrested in eonseotion Wit Qe Urechell Eidneping as an is also ecqueiated 9 io are moms en toe "Combination™; thet seid tnlividuale aleo Tetataie ofvices in the building in wate Benay Wo Ge tet Sceiiey end Bermey Borman were convicted in. the Urechell Hidsaping etse, bea Lareon steted thet be ia aot acqueinted With fay of these {adtviduele with the e100ption of Benny Moser According to han Laren, Bomy Woeee 10 Meted tn the Hin Selegore dizectory. With reference to the Breser Kiéaeping ease, Ben Larson dented ‘het he ie 1m posseenion of exy information waascrer. Re sated Get the money fount on Bin portcn wee reco(ved fron various Guetosere who were iniebted to his for Liquor. In axewer 0 @ specific question relative thefsto, Bin Larsos stated that be SResived Sout 2d fran Pete Andersen, Deniajt, Minnesota, sbous $200 from Hiner Ofen, Tatoruetionsl Palle, Binnoeote and about #75, Fran Waleod= CO=pbNii Deer River, Wianosote. “iio turther etatad that ecpert of the Roney yas eollectes by his exployeca end be ie uneble (oratate derioitely he pense of the individunle fron ween the nosey ‘Ben Larson eieined tet be id not know thet

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