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Class 11th NEET

Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Pressure, Relative Density, Variation of Pressure with depth
Pascal's Law, Hydraulic Lift and Brake

1. If pressure at half the depth of a lake is equal to 2/3 Q R

pressure at the bottom of the lake then what is the

10 cm
depth of the lake
20 cm
(1) 10 m (2) 20 m P
(3) 60 m (4) 30 m S

2. Two bodies are in equilibrium when suspended in

water from the arms of a balance. The mass of one
body is 36 g and its density is 9 g/cm3. If the mass (1) 105 N/m (2) 2 × 105 N/m
of the other is 48 g, its density in g/cm3 is (3) Zero (4) Infinity
4 3
(1) (2)
3 2 6. The height of a mercury barometer is 75 cm at sea
(3) 3 (4) 5 level and 50 cm at the top of a hill. Ratio of density
of mercury to that of air is 104. The height of the hill
3. An inverted bell lying at the bottom of a lake is
47.6 m deep has 50 cm3 of air trapped in it. The bell (1) 250 m (2) 2.5 km
is brought to the surface of the lake. The volume of (3) 1.25 km (4) 750 m
the trapped air will be (atmospheric pressure = 70
cm of Hg and density of Hg = 13.6 g/cm3) 7. When a large bubble rises from the bottom of a lake
(1) 350 cm3 (2) 300 cm3 to the surface. Its radius doubles. If atmospheric
(3) 250 cm3 (4) 22 cm3 pressure is equal to that of column of water of
height H, then the depth of lake is
4. A uniformly tapering vessel is filled with a liquid of (1) H (2) 2 H
density 900 kg/m3. The force that acts on the base of (3) 7 H (4) 8 H
the vessel due to the liquid is
8. The volume of an air bubble becomes three times as
it rises from the bottom of a lake to its surface.
Assuming atmospheric pressure to be 75 cm of Hg
and the density of water to be 1/10 of the density of
mercury, the depth of the lake is
(1) 5 m (2) 10 m
(3) 15 m (4) 20 m
(1) 3.6 N (2) 7.2 N
(3) 9.0 N (4) 14.4 N 9. The value of g at a place decreases by 2%. The
barometric height of mercury
5. A siphon in use is demonstrated in the following (1) Increases by 2%
figure. The density of the liquid flowing in siphon is (2) Decreases by 2%
1.5 gm/cc. The pressure difference between the (3) Remains unchanged
point P and S will be (4) Sometimes increases and sometimes decreases

10. A barometer kept in a stationary elevator reads 76 16. Two vessels A and B have the same base area and
cm. If the elevator starts accelerating up the reading contain water to the same height, but the mass of
will be water in A is four times that in B. The ratio of the
(1) Zero liquid thrust at the base of A to that at the base of B
(2) Equal to 76 cm is:
(3) More than 76 cm
(4) Less than 76 cm

11. The pressure at the bottom of a tank containing a

liquid does not depend on
(1) Acceleration due to gravity (1) 4:1 (2) 2:1
(2) Height of the liquid column (3) 1:1 (4) 16 : 1
(3) Area of the bottom surface
(4) Nature of the liquid 17. A cylinder is filled with a liquid of density d upto a
height h. If the beaker is at rest, then the mean
12. Same as repeated Q. No. 8 pressure on the wall is:
(1) Zero (2) hdg
13. Same as repeated Q. No. 9 h
(3) dg (4) 2 hdg
14. The height to which a cylindrical vessel be filled
with a homogeneous liquid, to make the average 18. A jar is filled with two non-mixing liquids 1 and 2
force with which the liquid presses the side of the
having densities 1 and 2, respectively. A solid
vessel equal to the force exerted by the liquid on the
ball, made of a material of density 3, is dropped in
bottom of the vessel, is equal to
the jar. It comes to equilibrium in the position
(1) Half of the radius of the vessel
shown in the figure. Which of the following is true
(2) Radius of the vessel
for 1, 2 and 3
(3) One-fourth of the radius of the vessel
(4) Three-fourth of the radius of the vessel

15. A vertical U-tube of uniform inner cross section

contains mercury in both sides of its arms. A
glycerine (density = 1.3 g/cm3) column of length
10 cm is introduced into one of its arms. Oil of
density 0.8 gm/cm3 is poured into the other arm
(1) 3 < 1 < 2
until the upper surfaces of the oil and glycerine are
in the same horizontal level. Find the length of the (2) 1 > 3 > 2
oil column, Density of mercury = 13.6 g/cm3 (3) 1 < 2 < 3
(4) 1 < 3 < 2

19. A vertical U-tube of uniform cross-section contains

water in both the arms. A 10 cm glycerine column
(R.D. = 1.2) is added to one of the limbs. The level
difference between the two free surfaces in the two
limbs will be
(1) 4 cm (2) 2 cm
(1) 10.4 cm (2) 8.2 cm
(3) 6 cm (4) 8 cm
(3) 7.2 cm (4) 9.6 cm

20. A vessel containing a liquid has a constant 21. A liquid X of density 3.36 g cm–3 is poured in a
acceleration 19.6 m/s2 in horizontal direction. The U-tube, which contains Hg. Another liquid Y is
free surface of water get sloped with horizontal at poured in left arm with height 8 cm, upper levels of
angle X and Y are same what is density of Y?
1 Y X
(1) tan 1  
2 8 cm 10 cm
 1 
(2) sin 1  
 3
(3) tan 1  2 
(1) 0.8 g/cc (2) 1.2 g/cc
 2 
(4) sin   (3) 1.4 g/cc (4) 1.6 g/cc
 5

Buoyancy and Archimedes Principle,

Liquid in accelerated containers

22. When at rest a liquid stands at the same level in the 25. Find the pressure difference between A and B.
tubes shown in figure. But as indicated a height
difference h occurs when the system is given an
acceleration a towards the right. Here h is equal to

h a
hg 3hg
(1) (2)
2 2
5 hg
(3) (4) hg
L 2
aL gL
(1) (2)
2g 2a 26. If container is accelerated towards right with
gL aL acceleration a = g. Find pressure at A.
(3) (4)
a g

23. If equal masses of two liquids of densities d1 and d2

are mixed together, the density of the mixture is (1) P0 – 2 hg (2) P0 + hg
d1 d2 2d1 d2 (3) P0 + 2hg (4) P0 – hg
(1) (2)
(d1  d2 ) (d1  d2 )
d1 d 2 (d1  d 2 ) 27. A vessel containing water is given a constant
(3) (4)
2(d1  d 2 ) 2 acceleration a towards the right along a straight
horizontally path. Which of the following diagrams
represents the surface of the liquid?
24. The angle which the free surface of a liquid filled in
a container will make with horizontal if the
container is accelerated horizontally with (1) (2)
acceleration is
(1) 30° (2) 45°
(3) (4) None of these
(3) 60° (4) 15°

28. An ice berg of density 900 Kg/m3 is floating in 35. A cubical block is floating in a liquid with half of its
water of density 1000 Kg/m3. The percentage of volume immersed in the liquid. When the whole
volume of ice-cube outside the water is system accelerates upwards with acceleration of g/3,
(1) 20% (2) 35% the fraction of volume immersed in the liquid will
(3) 10% (4) 25% be

29. A log of wood of mass 120 Kg floats in water. The

weight that can be put on the raft to make it just
sink, should be (density of wood = 600 Kg/m3)
(1) 80 Kg
1 3
(2) 50 Kg (1) (2)
2 8
(3) 60 Kg 2 3
(4) 30 Kg (3) (4)
3 4

30. A silver ingot weighing 2.1 kg is held by a string so 36. Same as repeated Q. No. 30
as to be completely immersed in a liquid of relative
density 0.8. The relative density of silver is 10.5. 37. Two solids A and B float in water. It is observed
The tension in the string in kg-wt is that A floats with half its volume immersed and B
(1) 1.6 (2) 1.94 floats with 2/3 of its volume immersed. Compare
(3) 3.1 (4) 5.25 the densities of A and B
(1) 4 : 3 (2) 2 : 3
(3) 3 : 4 (4) 1 : 3
31. Same as repeated Q. No. 28

38. The fraction of a floating object of volume V0 and

32. Same as repeated Q. No. 29
density d0 above the surface of a liquid of density d
will be
33. In making an alloy, a substance of specific gravity
d0 dd0
s1 and mass m1 is mixed with another substance of (1) (2)
d d  d0
specific gravity s2 and mass m2 ; then the specific
d  d0 dd0
gravity of the alloy is (3) (4)
d d  d0
 m1  m2   s1 s2 
(1)   (2)  
 s1  s2   m1  m2  39. Pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted
 m1 m2  undiminished to every portion of the fluid and the
  
m1  m2  s1 s2  walls of the containing vessel. This law was first
(3) (4) formulated by
 m1 m2  m1  m2
   (1) Bernoulli (2) Archimedes
 s1 s2 
(3) Boyle (4) Pascal

34. A concrete sphere of radius R has a cavity of radius 40. A body is just floating on the surface of a liquid.
r which is packed with sawdust. The specific The density of the body is same as that of the liquid.
gravities of concrete and sawdust are respectively The body is slightly pushed down. What will
2.4 and 0.3 for this sphere to float with its entire happen to the body
volume submerged under water. Ratio of mass of (1) It will slowly come back to its earlier position
concrete to mass of sawdust will be (2) It will remain submerged, where it is left
(1) 8 (2) 4 (3) It will sink
(3) 3 (4) Zero (4) It will come out violently

41. A candle of diameter d is floating on a liquid in a 47. A metallic block of density 5 gm cm–3 and having
cylindrical container of diameter D (D >> d) as dimensions 5 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm is weighed in
shown in figure. If it is burning at the rate of water. Its apparent weight will be
2cm/hour then the top of the candle will (1) 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 gf
(2) 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 gf
(3) 5 × 4 × 4 × 4 gf
(4) 4 × 5 × 5 × 5 gf

48. A solid sphere of density  ( > 1) times lighter than

water is suspended in a water tank by a string tied to
its base as shown in fig. If the mass of the sphere is
m then the tension in the string is given by
(1) Remain at the same height
(2) Fall at the rate of 1 cm/hour
(3) Fall at the rate of 2 cm/hour
(4) Go up the rate of 1 cm/hour

42. An ice block contains a glass ball when the ice

  1 
melts within the water containing vessel, the level (1)   mg (2) mg
of water   
(1) Rises (3) (4) (  1)mg
(2) Falls  1
(3) Unchanged
(4) First rises and then falls 49. A hollow sphere of volume V is floating on water
surface with half immersed in it. What should be the
43. A large ship can float but a steel needle sinks minimum volume of water poured inside the sphere
because of so that the sphere now sinks into the water
(1) Viscosity (2) Surface tension (1) V/2 (2) V/3
(3) Density (4) None of these (3) V/4 (4) V

44. A closed rectangular tank is completely filled with 50. A jar is filled with two non-mixing liqudis 1 and 2
water and is accelerated horizontally with an having densities ρ1 and ρ2 , respectively.
acceleration a towards right. Pressure is A solid ball, made of a material of density ρ3 , is
(i) maximum at, and (ii) minimum at
dropped in the jar. It comes to equilibrium in the
position shown in the figure. Which of the
following is true for ρ1 ,ρ 2 & ρ3

(1) (i) B (ii) D (2) (i) C (ii) D Liquid 1 1

(3) (i) B (ii) C (4) (i) B (ii) A
45. Same as repeated Q. No. 28
Liquid 2 2
46. Same as repeated Q. No. 29
(1) ρ3 < ρ1 < ρ 2 (2) ρ1 > ρ3 > ρ 2

(3) ρ1 < ρ 2 < ρ3 (4) ρ1 < ρ3 < ρ 2 56. A liquid flows in a tube from left to right as shown
in figure. A1 and A2 are the cross-sections of the
portions of the tube as shown. Then the ratio of
51. A boat having a length of 3 metre and breadth 2
speeds v1 / v2 will be
metre is floating on a lake. The boat sinks by one
cm when a man gets on it. The mass of the man is
(1) 60 kg (2) 62 kg
(3) 72 kg (4) 128 kg
(1) A1/A2 (2) A2/A1
52. If the density of a block is 981 kg/m then it shall (3) A2 / A1 (4) A1 / A2
(1) Sink in water
(2) float with some part immersed in water 57. In a streamline flow
(3) float completely immersed in water (1) The speed of a particle always remains same
(4) float completely out of water.
(2) The velocity of a particle always remains
53. A wooden block, with a coin placed on its top, same
floats in water as shown in figure. The distance  (3) The kinetic energies of all the particles
and h are shown there. After sometime the coin falls arriving at a given point are the same
into the water. Then :- (4) The moments of all the particles arriving at a
given point are the same

58. The spring balance A read 2 kg. with a block m

suspended from it. A balance B reads 5 kg. when a
beaker with liquid is put on the pan of the balance.
The two balances are now so arranged that the
hanging mass is inside the liquid in the beaker as
(1)  decreases and h increases shown in fig. In this situation:

(2)  increases and h decreases

(3) both  and h increase

(4) both  and h decrease

54. Water is flowing through a tube of non-uniform m

cross-section ratio of the radius at entry and exit end B
of the pipe is 3 : 2. Then the ratio of velocities at
entry and exit of liquid is
(1) The balance A will read more than 2 kg.
(1) 4 : 9 (2) 9 : 4
(2) The balance B will read more than 5 kg.
(3) 8 : 27 (4) 1 : 1
(3) The balance A will read less than 2 kg. and B
55. Water is flowing through a horizontal pipe of non- will read more than 5 kg.
uniform cross-section. At the extreme narrow (4) The balance A and B will read 2 kg. and 5 kg.
portion of the pipe, the water will have respectively.
(1) Maximum speed and least pressure
(2) Maximum pressure and least speed 59. Same as repeated Q. No. 51
(3) Both pressure and speed maximum
(4) Both pressure and speed least 60. Same as repeated Q. No. 52

61. Same as repeated Q. No. 53 (1) Pressure (2) Density

(3) Volume (4) Flux
62. ‘Torr’ is the unit of:

Types of flow, Bernoulli's Principle

63. Two water pipes P and Q having diameter 2 × 10–2 67. The pressure of water in a water pipe when tap is
m and 4 × 10–2 m respectively are joined in series opened and closed is respectively 3 × 105 N/m2 and
with the main supply line of water. The velocity of 3.5 × 105 N/m2. With open tap, the velocity of water
water flowing in pipe P is flowing is
(1) 4 times that of Q (1) 10 m/s (2) 5 m/s
(2) 2 times that of Q (3) 20 m/s (4) 15 m/s
(3) times that of Q
2 68. The flow speeds of air on the lower and upper
(4) times that of Q surfaces of the wing of an aeroplane are v and √2v
respectively. The density of air is  and surface area
of wing is A. The dynamic lift on the wing is :
64. The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a radius R,
one end of which has n fine holes, each of radius r. (1) v2A (2) √2 v2A
If the speed of flow of the liquid in the tube is v, the (3) (1/2) v2A (4) 2 v2A
speed of ejection of the liquid through the hole is :-
12 69. An incompressible fluid flows steadily through a
vR vR
(1)   (2)   cylindrical pipe which has radius 2 R at point A and
n r  n r 
radius R at point B farther along the flow direction.
32 2
vR vR If the velocity at point A is v, its velocity at point B
(3)   (4)  
n r  n r  is:-
(1) 2v (2) v
65. Water from a tap emerges vertically downwards (3) v/2 (4) 4v
with an initial speed of 1.0 m/s. The cross-sectional
area of tap is 10–4 m2. Assume that the pressure is 70. Water is flowing through a non-uniform radius tube.
constant throughout the stream of water and that the If ratio of the radius of entry and exit end of the pipe
flow is steady, the cross-sectional area of stream is 3 : 2 then the ratio of velocities of entring and exit
0.15 m below the tap is : liquid is :-
(1) 5.0 × 10–4 m2 (2) 1.0 × 10–4 m2 (1) 4 : 9 (2) 9 : 4
(3) 5.0 × 10–5 m2 (4) 2.0 × 10–5 m2 (3) 8 : 27 (4) 1 : 1

66. Water flows through a frictionless duct with a cross- 71. An aeroplane of mass 3 × 104 kg and total wing area
section varying as shown in figure. Pressure P at of 120 m2 is in a level flight at some height. The
points along the axis is represented by difference in pressure between the upper and lower
surfaces of its wings in kilopascals is (g = 10 m/s2)
(1) 2.5 (2) 5.0
(3) 10.0 (4) 12.5
(1) (2)
72. Scent sprayer is based on
x x (1) Charle’s law
P P (2) Archimede’s principle
(3) (4) (3) Boyle’s law
(4) Bernoulli’s theorem
x x

Applications of Bernoulli's principle

(Torricelli's equation, venturimeter)

73. An incompressible liquid flows through a horizontal (1) Height of the liquid in the tube A is maximum
tube as shown in the following fig. Then the (2) Height of the liquid in the tubes A and B is
velocity v of the fluid is the same
(3) Height of the liquid in all the three tubes is
the same
(4) Height of the liquid in the tubes A and C is
the same

(1) 3.0 m/s (2) 1.5 m/s 78. A manometer connected to a closed tap reads
(3) 1.0 m/s (4) 2.25 m/s 3.5 × 105 N/m2. When the valve is opened, the
reading of manometer falls to 3.0 × 105 N/m2, then
74. Water enters through end A with speed v1 and leaves velocity of flow of water is
through end B with speed v2 of a cylindrical tube (1) 100 m/s (2) 10 m/s
AB. The tube is always completely filled with water. (3) 1 m/s (4) 10 10 m/s
In case I tube is horizontal and in case II it is
vertical with end A upwards and in case III it is
79. Air is streaming past a horizontal air plane wing
vertical with end B upwards. We have v1 = v2 for
such that its speed in 120 m/s over the upper surface
(1) Case I (2) Case II
and 90 m/s at the lower surface. If the density of air
(3) Case III (4) Each case
is 1.3 kg per metre3 and the wing is 10 m long and
has an average width of 2 m, then the difference of
75. Water is moving with a speed of 5.18 ms–1 through
the pressure on the two sides of the wing of
a pipe with a cross-sectional area of 4.20 cm2. The
(1) 4095.0 Pascal
water gradually descends 9.66 m as the pipe
(2) 409.50 Pascal
increase in area to 7.60 cm2. The speed of flow at
the lower level is (3) 40.950 Pascal
(1) 3.0 ms–1 (2) 5.7 ms–1 (4) 4.0950 Pascal
(3) 3.82 ms (4) 2.86 ms–1
80. A large tank filled with water to a height ‘h’ is to be
76. The velocity of kerosene oil in a horizontal pipe is 5 emptied through a small hole at the bottom. The
m/s. If g = 10 m/s2 then the velocity head of oil will ratio of time taken for the level of water to fall from
be ℎ ℎ
h to and from to zero is
(1) 1.25 m (2) 12.5 m 2 2
(3) 0.125 m (4) 125 m (1) √2 (2)
77. In the following fig. is shown the flow of liquid (3) √2 – 1 (4)
through a horizontal pipe. Three tubes A, B and C √2−1
are connected to the pipe. The radii of the tubes A, B
and C at the junction are respectively 2 cm, 1 cm 81. A cylinder of height 20 m is completely filled with
and 2 cm. It can be said that the water. The velocity of efflux of water (in m/s)
through a small hole on the side wall of the cylinder
near its bottom is
(1) 10 (2) 20
(3) 25.5 (4) 5

82. There is a hole in the bottom of tank having water. 87. A rectangular vessel when full of water takes 10
If total pressure at bottom is 3 atm (1 atm = 105 minutes to be emptied through an orifice in its
N/m2) then the velocity of water flowing from hole bottom. How much time will it take to be emptied
is when half filled with water
(1) √400 m/s (2) √600 m/s (1) 9 minute (2) 7 minute
(3) √60 m/s (4) None of these (3) 5 minute (4) 3 minute

83. There is a hole of area A at the bottom of cylindrical 88. A streamlined body falls through air from a height h
vessel. Water is filled up to a height h and water on the surface of a liquid. If d and D(D > d)
flows out in t second. If water is filled to a height represents the densities of the material of the body
4h, it will flow out in time equal to and liquid respectively, then the time after which
(1) t (2) 4t the body will be instantaneously at rest, is
(3) 2t (4) t/4 2h 2h D
(1) (2) .
84. A cylindrical tank has a hole of 1 cm2 in its bottom. g g d
If the water is allowed to flow into the tank from a
2h d 2h  d 
tube above it at the rate of 70 cm3/sec. then the (3) . (4)  
g D g  Dd 
maximum height up to which water can rise in the
tank is
(1) 2.5 cm (2) 5 cm 89. Water emerges out as a fountain from a vertical tube
(3) 10 cm (4) 0.25 cm at the rate of 3000 ltr/min upto height 10m. What is
the area of cross section of the tube ?
85. A tank is filled with water up to a height H. Water is (1) 35 cm2 (2) 40 cm2
allowed to come out of a hole P in one of the walls (3) 80 cm (4) 17 cm2
at a depth D below the surface of water. Express the
horizontal distance x in terms of H and D 90. A tank is filled with water upto a height 1m. A hole
is made at a distance 20 cm from top. Find, the
D horizontal distance from the base of the tank, where
H the water strikes the ground.

D( H  D )
(1) x  D( H  D) (2) x
(3) x  2 D( H  D) (4) x  4 D( H  D) (1) 60 cm (2) 80 cm
(3) 100 cm (4) 40 cm
86. A cylindrical vessel of 90 cm height is kept filled
upto the brim. It has four holes 1, 2, 3, 4 which are 91. According to Bernoulli's equation
respectively at heights of 20 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm and P 1 v2
h constant
50 cm from the horizontal floor PQ. The water g (B) 2 g
(A) (C)
falling at the maximum horizontal distance from the
vessel comes from The terms A, B and C generally called respectively:
(1) Gravitational head, pressure head and
velocity head
2 (2) Gravity, gravitational head and velocity head
(3) Pressure head, gravitational head and velocity
(1) Hole number 4 (2) Hole number 3 (4) Gravity, pressure and velocity head
(3) Hole number 2 (4) Hole number 1

92. A sniper fires a rifle bullet into a gasoline tank v2

(1) The water in the tube rises to height
making a hole 53.0 m below the surface of gasoline. 2g
The tank was sealed at 3.10 atm. The stored
gasoline has a density of 660 kgm–3. The velocity (2) The water in the tube rises to height
with which gasoline begins to shoot out of the hole 2v 2
is (3) The water in the tube does not rise at all
1 (4) None of these
(1) 27.8ms
95. A large tank is filled with water to a height H. A
(2) 41.0ms small hole is made at the base of the tank. It takes T1
(3) 9.6 ms H
time to decrease the height of water to ( 1) ;
(4) 19.7 ms 1 
and it takes T2 time to take out the rest of water. If
93. An L-shaped tube with a small orifice is held in a T1 = T2, then the value of  is
water stream as shown in fig. The upper end of the (1) 2 (2) 3
tube is 10.6 cm above the surface of water. What (3) 4 (4) 2 2
will be the height of the jet of water coming from
the orifice? Velocity of water stream is 2.45 m/s 96. A non-viscous fluid of constant density of 1000
kg/m3 flows in a stream line motion along a tube of
variable cross-section.

2.45 m/s

(1) Zero
(2) 20.0 cm
(3) 10.6 cm The area of cross-section at two P and Q at lengths
(4) 40.0 cm 5 m and 3 m are 40 cm2 and 20 cm2 respectively. If
velocity of fluid at P is 3 m/s then find velocity of
94. An L-shaped glass tube is just immersed in flowing fluid at Q.
water such that its opening is pointing against (1) 3 m/s
flowing water. If the speed of water current is v, (2) 4 m/s
then (3) 5 m/s
(4) 6 m/s
97. Repeat of 90

Surface tension

98. A flat plate of area 0.1 m2 placed on a flat surface 103. A square frame of side L is dipped in a liquid. On
and is separated from it by a film of oil 10–5 m thick taking out, a membrane is formed. If the surface
whose coefficient of viscosity is 1.5 N sm–2. The tension of the liquid is T, the force acting on the
force required to cause the plate to slide on the frame will be
surface at constant speed of 1 mm s–1 is (1) 2 TL (2) 4 TL
(3) 8 TL (4) 10 TL
(1) 10 N (2) 15 N
(3) 20 N (4) 25 N
104. The property of surface tension is obtained in
(1) Solids, liquids and gases
99. A thin liquid film formed between a U-shaped wire (2) Liquids
and a light slider supports a weight of (3) Gases
1.5 × 10–2 N (see figure). The length of the slider is (4) Matter
30 cm and its weight negligible. The surface tension
of the liquid film is :- 105. A thin metal disc of radius r floats on water surface
and bends the surface downwards along the
perimeter making an angle  with vertical edge of
the disc. If the disc displaces a weight of water W
and surface tension of water is T, then the weight of
metal disc is
(1) 2rT W (2) 2rT cos  W
(1) 0.025 N/m (3) 2rTcos W (4) W 2rT cos 
(2) 0.0125 N/m
(3) 0.1 N/m 106. A 10 cm long wire is placed horizontally on the
(4) 0.05 N/m surface of water and is gently pulled up with a force
of 2 ×10-2 N to keep the wire in equilibrium. The
surface tension, in Nm-1, of water is
100. Surface tension is due to
(1) 0.1 (2) 0.2
(1) Frictional forces between molecules
(3) 0.001 (4) 0.002
(2) Cohesive forces between molecules
(3) Adhesive forces between molecules 107. The force required to separate two glass plates of
(4) Gravitational forces area 10–2 m2 with a film of water 0.05 mm thick
between them, is (Surface tension of water is
101. Soap helps in cleaning clothes, because 70 × 10–3N/m)
(1) Chemicals of soap change (1) 28 N (2) 14 N
(3) 50 N (4) 38 N
(2) It increases the surface tension of the solution
(3) It absorbs the dirt
108. The dimensions of surface tension are
(4) It lowers the surface tension of the solution
(1) [MLT 1 ] (2) [ML2 T 2 ]
(3) [ML0 T 2 ] (4) [ML 1T 2 ]
102. If temperature increases, the surface tension of a
109. The force required to take away a flat circular plate
(1) Increases of radius 2 cm from the surface of water, will be
(2) Decreases (the surface tension of water is 70 dyne/cm)
(3) Remains the same (1) 280 dyne (2) 250 dyne
(4) Increases then decreases (3) 140 dyne (4) 210 dyne

Excess pressure in a soap bubble and a liquid drop,

Capillary action

110. A liquid drop of diameter D breaks into 27 tiny (3) 50 cm (4) 30 cm

drops. The resultant change in energy is, if surface 117. In a surface tension experiment with a capillary tube
tension of the liquid is T water rises up to 0.1 m. If the same experiment is
(1) 2 TD2 (2) 4 TD2 repeated on an artificial satellite which is revolving
(3)  TD 2
(4) None of these round the earth, water will rise in the capillary tube
up to a height of
111. Surface tension of a liquid is 5 N/m. If its thin film (1) 0.1 m
is made in a ring of area 0.02 m2, then its surface (2) 0.98 m
energy will be – (3) 9.8 m
(1) 5 × 10–2 Joule (2) 2.5 × 10–2 Joule (4) full length of capillary tube
(3) 3 × 10–1 Joule (4) 2 × 10–1 Joule
118. In a capillary tube, water rises by 1.2 mm. The
112. The radius of a soap bubble is r. The surface tension height of water that will rise in another capillary
of soap solution is T. Keeping temperature constant, tube having half the radius of the first, is :
the radius of the soap bubble is doubled, the energy (1) 1.2 mm (2) 2.4 mm
necessary for this will be (3) 0.6 mm (4) 0.4 mm
(1) 24  r2 T (2) 8  r2 T
(3) 12  r2 T (4) 16  r2 T 119. Water rises to a height h in a capillary at the surface
of earth. On the surface of the moon the height of
113. A capillary tube of radius r can support a liquid of
water column in the same capillary will be :
weight 6.28 × 10–4 N. If the surface tension of the
(1) 6 h (2) 1/6 h
liquid is 5 × 10–2 N/m. The radius of capillary must
(3) h (4) Zero
be :-
(1) 2 × 10–3 m (2) 2 × 10–4 m
–3 120. Repeat of Q.144
(3) 1.5 × 10 m (4) 12.5 × 10–4 m

114. If a capillary of radius r is dipped in water, the 121. Due to capillary action a liquid will rise in a tube if
height of water that rises in it is h and its mass is M. angle of contact is
If the radius of the capillary is doubled the mass of (1) acute (2) obtuse
water that rises in the capillary will be (3) 90° (4) 180°
(1) 4M (2) 2M
(3) M (4) M/2 122. Two capillary tubes of same diameter are put
vertically one each in two liquids whose relative
115. On dipping a capillary of radius ‘r’ in water, water densities are 0.8 and 0.6 and surface tensions are 60
rises upto a height H and potential energy of water dyne/cm and 50 dyne/cm respectively. Ratio of
is u1. If a capillary of radius 2r is dipped in water, heights of liquids in the two tubes h1/h2 is :
𝑢1 10 3
then the potential energy is u2. The ratio is (1) (2)
𝑢2 9 10
(1) 2:1 (2) 1:2
10 9
(3) 4:1 (4) 1:1 (3) (4)
3 10
116. A vessel, whose bottom has round holes with
diameter of 0.1 mm, is filled with water. The 123. Same as 111
maximum height to which the water can be filled
without leakage is :– 124. Repeat of Q.148
(S.T. of water = 75 dyne/cm, g = 1000 cm/s2)
(1) 100 cm (2) 75 cm

125. In a capillary tube experiment, a vertical 30 cm long (1) 4 cm (2) 20 cm

capillary tube is dipped in water. The water rises up (3) 5 cm (4) 4.5 cm
to a height of 10 cm due to capillary action. If this
experiment is conducted in a freely falling elevator, 132. The pressure inside a small air bubble of radius
the length of the water column becomes : 0.1 mm situated just below the surface of water will
(1) 10 cm (2) 20 cm be equal to [Take surface tension of water 70 × 10–3
(3) 30 cm (4) Zero Nm–1 and atmospheric pressure = 1.013 × 105 Nm–2]
(1) 2.054 103 Pa (2) 1.027 103 Pa
126. Radius of a capillary is 2 × 10–3 m. A liquid of (3) 1.027 105 Pa (4) 2.054 105 Pa
weight 6.2 × 10–4 N may remain in the capillary.
Then the surface tension of liquid will be : 133. Water rises in a capillary tube to a certain height
(1) 5 × 10–3 N/m (2) 5 × 10–2 N/m such that the upward force due to surface tension is
(3) 5 N/m (4) 50 N/m balanced by 75 × 10–4 N force due to the weight of
the liquid. If the surface tension of water is 6 × 10–2
127. A liquid does not wet the sides of a solid, if the Nm–1, the inner circumference of the capillary must
angle of contact is be
(1) Zero (1) 1.25 10 2 m (2) 0.50 10 2 m
(2) Obtuse (More than 90°) (3) 6.5 10 2 m (4) 12.5 10 2 m
(3) Acute (Less than 90°)
(4) 90° 134. Two capillaries made of the same material with
radii r1 = 1mm and r2 = 2mm. The rise of the liquid
128. What is the shape when a non-wetting liquid is in one capillary (r1 = 1 mm) is 30 cm, then the rise
placed in a capillary tube in the other will be
(1) Concave upward (1) 7.5 cm (2) 60 cm
(2) Convex upward (3) 15 cm (4) 120 cm
(3) Concave downward
(4) Convex downward 135. If the surface tension of water is 0.06 Nm–1, then the
capillary rise in a tube of diameter 1 mm is ( = 0°)
129. The pressure of air in a soap bubble of 0.7 cm (1) 1.22 cm (2) 2.44 cm
diameter is 8 mm of water above the pressure (3) 3.12 cm (4) 3.86 cm
outside. The surface tension of the soap solution is
(1) 100 dyne/cm 136. Same as 118
(2) 68.66 dyne/cm
137. A false statement is :
(3) 137dyne/cm
(1) Angle of contact  < 90°, if cohesive force
(4) 150 dyne/cm
< adhesive force
130. Excess pressure of one soap bubble is four times
(2) Angle of contact  > 90°, if cohesive force
more than the other. Then the ratio of volume of
> adhesive force
first bubble to another one is
(1) 1 : 64 (2) 1 : 4 (3) Angle of contact  = 90°, if cohesive force
(3) 64 : 1 (4) 1 : 2 = adhesive force
(4) If the radius of capillary is reduced to half,
131. Two soap bubbles of radii r1 and r2 equal to 4 cm and the rise of liquid column becomes four times
5 cm are touching each other over a common surface
S1S2 (shown in figure). Its radius will be 138. same as Q114

139. Same as 115

140. same as Q116


147. Surface tension of a liquid is 5 N/m. If its thin film

141. In a surface tension experiment with a capillary tube is made in a ring of area 0.02 m2, then its surface
water rises up to 0.1 m. If the same experiment is energy will be –
repeated on an artificial satellite which is revolving (1) 5 × 10–2 Joule (2) 2.5 × 10–2 Joule
round the earth, water will rise in the capillary tube (3) 3 × 10–1 Joule (4) 2 × 10–1 Joule
up to a height of
(1) 0.1 m 148. If one end of capillary tube is dipped into water then
(2) 0.98 m water rises up to 3cm. If the surface tension of water
(3) 9.8 m is 75 × 10–3 N/m then the diameter of capillary tube
(4) full length of capillary tube will be
(1) 0.1 mm (2) 0.5 mm
142. same as 118 (3) 1 mm (4) 2 mm

143. Same as 119 149. In a capillary tube experiment, a vertical 30 cm long

capillary tube is dipped in water. The water rises up
144. Shape of meniscus for a liquid of zero angle of to a height of 10 cm due to capillary action. If this
contact is - experiment is conducted in a freely falling elevator,
(1) plane (2) parabolic the length of the water column becomes :
(3) hemi-spherical (4) cylindrical (1) 10 cm (2) 20 cm
(3) 30 cm (4) Zero
145. Due to capillary action a liquid will rise in a tube if
angle of contact is 150. Same as 126
(1) acute (2) obtuse
(3) 90° (4) 180° 151. A capillary tube of radius r can support a liquid of
weight 6.28 × 10–4 N. If the surface tension of the
146. Two capillary tubes of same diameter are put liquid is 5 × 10–2 N/m. The radius of capillary must
vertically one each in two liquids whose relative be :-
densities are 0.8 and 0.6 and surface tensions are 60 (1) 2 × 10–3 m (2) 2 × 10–4 m
dyne/cm and 50 dyne/cm respectively. Ratio of (3) 1.5 × 10–3 (4) 12.5 × 10–4 m
heights of liquids in the two tubes h1/h2 is :
10 3
(1) (2)
9 10
10 9
(3) (4)
3 10

Viscosity, Stoke's law, Terminal velocity

Miscelleneous problems

152. A small drop of water falls from rest through a large 153. Two drops of equal radius are falling through air
height h in air. The final velocity is with a steady velocity of 5 cm/s. If the two drops
(1) almost independent of h coalesce, then its terminal velocity will be –
(2) proportional to h (1) 41/3 × 5 cm/s
(3) directly proportional to h2 (2) 41/3 cm/s
(4) inversely proportional to h (3) 51/3 × 4 cm/s
(4) 42/3 × 5 cm/s

medium then find the ratio of their terminal velocity

154. If the terminal speed of a sphere of gold 𝑣𝐵
in the medium.
(density = 19.5 kg/m3) is 0.2 m/s in a viscous liquid 𝑣𝐴
(density = 1.5 kg/m3), find the terminal speed of a (1) 1/4 (2) 1/2
sphere of silver (density=10.5 kg/m3) of the same (3) 4 (4) 2
size in the same liquid.
(1) 0.4 m/s (2) 0.133 m/s 162. A small sphere of radius ‘r’ falls from rest in a
(3) 0.1 m/s (4) 0.2 m/s viscous liquid. As a result, heat is produced due to
viscous force. The rate of production of heat when
155. Speed of 2 cm radius ball in a viscous liquid is 20 the sphere attains its terminal velocity, is
cm/s. Then the speed of 1 cm radius ball in the same proportional to :-
liquid is (1) r3 (2) r2
(1) 5 cm/s (2) 10 cm/s (3) r5 (4) r4
(3) 40 cm/s (4) 80 cm/s
163. The coefficient of viscosity for hot air is
156. The velocity of falling rain drop attain limited value (1) Greater than the coefficient of viscosity for
because of cold air
(1) surface tension (2) Smaller than the coefficient of viscosity for
(2) upthrust due to air cold air
(3) viscous force exerted by air (3) Same as the coefficient of viscosity for cold
(4) air current air
(4) Increases or decreases depending on the
157. Poise is the unit of external pressure
(1) Pressure (2) Friction
(3) Surface tension (4) Viscosity 164. A good lubricant should have
(1) High viscosity
158. Two rain drops falling through air have radii in the (2) Low viscosity
ratio 1 : 2. They will have terminal velocity in the
(3) Moderate viscosity
(4) High density
(1) 4 : 1 (2) 1 : 4
(3) 2 : 1 (4) 1 : 2
165. We have three beakers A, B and C containing
glycerine, water and kerosene respectively. They are
159. A sphere of mass M and radius R is falling in a
stirred vigorously and placed on a table. The liquid
viscous fluid. The terminal velocity attained by the
which comes to rest at the earliest is
falling object will be proportional to
(1) MR2 (2) M/R (1) Glycerine
(3) MR (4) M/R2 (2) Water
(3) Kerosene
160. A drop of water of radius 0.0015 mm is falling in (4) All of them at the same time
air. If the coefficient of viscosity of air is 2.0 × 10 –5
kg/(m-s), the terminal velocity of the drop will be
166. Repeat of Q.152
(The density of water = 1.0 × 103 kg/m3 and g = 10
167. The rate of flow of liquid in a tube of radius r, length
(1) 1.0 × 10–4 m/s (2) 2.0 × 10–4 m/s
l, whose ends are maintained at a pressure difference
(3) 2.5 × 10–4 m/s (4) 5.0 × 10–4 m/s
QP r 4
161. Two objects A & B of equal density and radius P is V  where  is coefficient of the
rA = 1 mm and rB = 2 mm are moving in same l
viscosity and Q is

1 173. A ball of density σ and radius r is dropped on the

(1) 8 (2)
8 surface of a liquid of density  from certain height.
1 If speed of ball does not change even on entering in
(3) 16 (4)
16 liquid and viscosity of liquid is , then the height
from which ball dropped is
168. In Poiseuilli's method of determination of coefficient
 (   ) r 
of viscosity, the physical quantity that requires 2 g (   ) 2 r 2
(1) 2g   (2)
greater accuracy in measurement is  9  9
(1) Pressure difference 2(  ) gr 2  (  )r 2 
(3) (4) 2g  
(2) Volume of the liquid collected 9  9 
(3) Length of the capillary tube
(4) Inner radius of the capillary tube 174. Eight equal drops of water are falling through air
with a steady velocity of 10cms–1. If the drops
combine to form a single drop big in size, then the
169. A viscous fluid is flowing through a cylindrical tube.
terminal velocity of this big drop is
The velocity distribution of the fluid is best
(1) 80 cms–1 (2) 30 cms–1
represented by the diagram
(3) 10 cms–1 (4) 40 cms–1
(1) (2)
175. Consider two solid spheres P and Q each of density
8 gm cm–3 and diameters 1 cm and 0.5 cm,
(3) (4) None of these respectively. Sphere P is dropped into a liquid of
density 0.8 gm cm–3 and viscosity  = 3 poiseuilles.
Sphere Q is dropped into a liquid of density 1.6 gm
170. Water is flowing in a pipe of diameter 4 cm with a cm–3 and viscosity  = 2 poiseuilles. The ratio of the
velocity 3 m/s. The water then enters into a tube of terminal velocities of P and Q is
diameter 2 cm. The velocity of water in the other (1) 1 (2) 2
pipe is (3) 3 (4) 4
(1) 3 m/s (2) 6 m/s
(3) 12 m/s (4) 8 m/s 176. Repeat of Q.154
171. When a body falls in air, the resistance of air
depends to a great extent on the shape of the body, 3 177. Spiders and insects move and run about on the
different shapes are given. Identify the combination surface of water without sinking because:
of air resistances which truly represents the physical (1) Elastic membrane is formed on water due to
situation. (The cross sectional areas are the same). property of surface tension
(2) Spiders and insects are lighter
(3) Spiders and insects swim on water
(4) Spiders and insects experience up-thrust
178. A tank is filled with water to a height H. A hole is
made in one of the walls at a depth D below the
(1) 1 < 2 < 3 water surface. The distance x from the foot of the
(2) 2 < 3 < 1 wall at which the stream of water coming out of the
tank strikes the ground is given
(3) 3 < 2 < 1
(1) x = 2 [D (H – D)]1/2
(4) 3 < 1 < 2
(2) x = 2 (gD)1/2
172. Water falls from a tap, down the streamline
(3) x = 2 [D (H + D)]1/2
(1) Area decreases
(4) None of these
(2) Area increases
(3) Velocity remains same
179. Repeat of Q.152
(4) Area remains same

180. Same as question no 153 188. Repeat of Q. 89

181. Same as question no 154 189. Same as question no 161

182. Same as question no 155 190. A small sphere of radius ‘r’ falls from rest in a
viscous liquid. As a result, heat is produced due to
183. The velocity of falling rain drop attain limited value viscous force. The rate of production of heat when
because of the sphere attains its terminal velocity, is
(1) surface tension proportional to :-
(2) upthrust due to air (1) r3 (2) r2
(3) viscous force exerted by air
(3) r5 (4) r4
(4) air current

184. Poise is the unit of

(1) Pressure (2) Friction
(3) Surface tension (4) Viscosity

185. Same as question no 158

186. Same as question no 159

187. Repeat of Q.160

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