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Breakup of a liquid jet

Lecture 3 : Linear stability analysis

Marie-Charlotte Renoult, INSA Rouen Normandie

28 septembre 2022
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Formulation of the problem

The problem

We study the stability of a liquid cylinder placed in an ambient fluid

subjected to a perturbation. We adopt the following assumptions :
1 The conditions are isothermal.
2 The ambient fluid has no density
3 The ambient fluid has no viscosity.
4 The length of the cylinder is infinite.
5 There is no gravity.
6 The liquid is incompressible.
7 The liquid is inviscid.
8 The perturbation is weak.
9 The perturbation is varicose.
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Formulation of the problem

The basic state

The basic state is the state before perturbation.
(F ) γ
ρ z

Figure – Representation of the basic state.

Characterisation of the basic state :

Velocity field : (u ∗ , v ∗ , w ∗ ) = (0, 0, 0)
Pressure field : p ∗ = γ/a
Surface position : rs∗ = a
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Formulation of the problem

The equations

Volume phase equations :

∇·v =0 (1)

ρ v,t + v · ∇v = −∇p (2)
Jump conditions :

u − wrs,z = rs,t at r = rs (3)

rs,zz 1
p = −γ 2 3/2
− 2 )1/2
at r = rs (4)
(1 + rs,z ) rs (1 + rs,z
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Formulation of the problem

The dimensionless equations

We choose the following characteristic scales :
lc = a for length,
tc = tR = ρa3 /γ for time,
vc = a/tc for velocity,
pc = ρvc2 for pressure.

With this choice, the dimensionless equations write :

∇·v =0 (5)

v,t + v · ∇v = −∇p (6)

u − wrs,z = rs,t at r = rs (7)
rs,zz 1
p=− 2 3/2
+ 2 )1/2
at r = rs (8)
(1 + rs,z ) rs (1 + rs,z
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Formulation of the problem

Remarks on the set of equation

By developing the set of equations in cylindrical coordinates, one obtains :
u/r + u,r + w,z = 0 (9)
u,t + uu,r + wu,z = −p,r (10)
w,t + uw,r + ww,z = −p,z (11)
u − wrs,z = rs,t at r = rs (12)
rs,zz 1
p=− 2 )3/2
+ 2 )1/2
at r = rs (13)
(1 + rs,z rs (1 + rs,z

The basic state is retrieved by replacing rs = 1 and (u, w ) = (0, 0)

in the previous set of equations.
The system includes a differential equation with a r -dependent
The system is non linear with respect to u, w and rs .
The system is linear with respect to variables z and t.
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Solving the eigenvalue problem

The method of solution

Solving the eigenvalue problem requires several steps :
1 The solution is decomposed around the basic state as follows :
0 0
u = u ∗ + u with |u |  |u ∗ |,
0 0
w = w ∗ + w with |w |  |w ∗ |,
0 0
p = p ∗ + p with |p |  |p ∗ |,
rs = 1 + η with |η|  1.
2 Since the liquid is inviscid and the basic state is irrotational, the
flow will remain irrotational at any time. The velocity field is thus
the derivative of a scalar potential, φ : (u, w ) = (φ,r , φ,z ).
3 The system of equations is linearized by eliminating the product
terms of perturbation quantities and evaluating the r-dependent
quantities at r = 1 on the free surface.
4 The solutions are searched under the form : φ(r , z, t) = f (r )e iKz+Σt
and η(z, t) = e iKz+Σt with K a real positive number and Σ a
complex number.
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Solving the eigenvalue problem

The method of solution

The set of equations depending on η and φ writes :

φ,r /r + φ,rr + φ,zz = 0 (14)

φrt = −p,r (15)
φzt = −p,z (16)
φ,r = η,t at r = 1 (17)
p = −η,zz − η at r = 1 (18)

Replacing the form of φ in Eq. 14 gives : r 2 f,rr + rf,r − (Kr )2 f = 0.

Introducing variable q = Kr , the equation becomes :
q 2 f,qq + qf,q − q 2 f = 0
This equation admits for solution : f (Kr ) = A0 I0 (Kr ) + B0 K0 (Kr ) with
A0 and B0 two constants to be determined. I0 and K0 are the zero-order
modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively.
Because the flow quantities are finite at r = 0, we must have : B0 = 0 .
Eq. 15 and 16 → p = −φ,t .
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Solving the eigenvalue problem

The dispersion relation

Eq. 17 and 18 define a system of two equations with four unknowns,
given K : A0 ,  and Σ = ΣR + iΣI .
A0 KI1 (K ) = Σ (19)
ΣA0 I0 (K ) = −(K − 1) (20)
This system is linear with respect to the unknowns.
By dividing Eq.19 by Eq.20, one obtains the dispersion relation :

I1 (K )
Σ2 = (1 − K 2 )K (21)
I0 (K )

K < 1 −→
q Σ > 0 : there are two real solutions
I1 (K )
ΣR = ± I0 (K ) (1 − K 2 )K and Σ±
I = 0.

K > 1 −→ Σ2 < 0 : there

q are two purely imaginary solutions
ΣR = 0 and ΣI = ±i II10 (K
± ± ) 2
(K ) (K − 1)K
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Solving the eigenvalue problem

The stability diagram

Re() Im()




0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0



Figure – The solutions of the dispersion relation.

Unstable regime Stable regime

with no oscillations with oscillations
0 1 K

Figure – Stability diagram.

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Solving the initial-value problem

The determination of the flow quantities

Solving the eigenvalue problem allows to write the solutions for the flow
quantities as follows :
iKz+Σ+ t − iKz+Σ− t
φ(r , z, t) = I0 (Kr ) < A+
0 e + A0 e (22)
 + −

η(z, t) = < + e iKz+Σ t + − e iKz+Σ t (23)

Unstable case : K < 1 −→ Σ+ and Σ− are real numbers. Previous Eq. 19

and 20 show that if the  coefficients are reals, the A0 ones are reals too.
Thus one obtains :
I0 (Kr )  + −

φ(r , z, t) = cos Kz Σ+ + e Σ t + Σ− − e Σ t (24)
KI1 (K )
 + −

η(z, t) = cos Kz + e Σ t + − e Σ t (25)

The flow quantities can be determined if the two coefficients + and −

are known.
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Solving the initial-value problem

The formulation of the initial conditions

To determine the two amplitude parameters, a set of two initial

conditions is needed. We can choose to impose :
pure deformation initial conditions
pure impulse initial conditions
a combination of these two types

We illustrate the method with a set of pure deformation initial

1 The surface deformation is varicose and sinusoidal.
2 The velocity of the free surface is zero.
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Solving the initial-value problem

The determination of the first condition

The surface deformation is varicose and sinusoidal :
η(z, 0) = rs (z, 0) − 1 = R +  cos Kz − 1 (26)
with  the dimensionless initial amplitude of the perturbation and R a
dimensionless constant. R is determined by applying the volume
conservation between the unperturbed cylinder and the perturbed one at
initial time. It can be found that :
R = 1− (27)

At first order in the parameter , Eq. 26 becomes :

η(z, 0) =  cos Kz (28)
Using Eq. 25, the first condition on the amplitude parameters is
obtained :
+ + − =  (29)
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Solving the initial-value problem

The determination of the second condition

The velocity of the free surface is zero :

ηt (z, 0) = 0 (30)

Using Eq. 25, the second condition on the amplitude parameters writes :

 + Σ+ +  − Σ− = 0 (31)

From the two conditions, we can deduce the expression of the amplitude
parameters :

Σ− − Σ+
+ =  and  =  (32)
Σ− − Σ+ Σ+ − Σ−

Since Σ+ = −Σ− = Σ , we finally have :

+ = − = (33)
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Solving the initial-value problem

The solution of the initial-value problem

The solution of the initial value-problem is :
I1 (Kr )
u(r , z, t) = Σ cos Kz sinh Σt (34)
I1 (K )
I0 (Kr )
w (r , z, t) = −Σ sin Kz sinh Σt (35)
I1 (K )
I0 (Kr )
p(r , z, t) = −Σ2 cos Kz cosh Σt (36)
KI1 (K )
η(z, t) =  cos Kz cosh Σt (37)





0 10 20 30 40

Figure – Surface shapes for t = 0, t = 5, t = 10.

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Effect of the rheology, the nonlinearities and of a magnetic field and fluid

Effect of the fluid viscosity

The fluid behaviour is represented by a newtonian model :

τ = 2µD (38)

with τ the extra-stress tensor, µ the dynamic viscosity and D the

strain-rate tensor. With additional parameter µ, we can build a viscous
time tv = ρa2 /µ and a dimensionless number
tc µ
Oh = =√ (39)
tv aργ

Dimensional analysis predicts : Σ = f (K , , Oh)

The dispersion relation is derived by linear stability analysis (Rayleigh
(1892)) :
  
! 2 2
2 2 I1 (K ) 1 2KL I0 (L) 1 2 I1 (K ) L − K
Σ + 2ΣK Oh 1 − + −  = K (1 − K ) (40)
  
I0 (K ) K K 2 + L2 I1 (L) L I0 (K ) L2 + K 2

with L a modified dimensionless wavenumber defined by : L2 = K 2 + Oh

Σ .
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Effect of the rheology, the nonlinearities and of a magnetic field and fluid

Effect of the fluid viscosity on the unstable mode

Figure – Figure 1 from Garcia & Gonzalez JFM 2008.

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Effect of the rheology, the nonlinearities and of a magnetic field and fluid

Solutions of the dispersion relation for Oh = 0.55

Figure – Figure 2 from Garcia & Gonzalez JFM 2008.

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Effect of the rheology, the nonlinearities and of a magnetic field and fluid

Stability diagram

Figure – Figure 3 from Garcia & Gonzalez JFM 2008.

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Effect of the rheology, the nonlinearities and of a magnetic field and fluid

Effect of the fluid viscoelasticity (Goldin et al. (1969))

The fluid behavior is represented by a linear viscoelastic model :

τ + t1 τ,t = 2µ0 (D + t2 D,t ) (41)

with t1 the relaxation time, µ0 the zero-shear-rate viscosity and t2 the

retardation time. With these additional parameters, we can build a time
scale tv = ρa2 /µ0 , an Ohnesorge number Oh0 , and two Deborah
numbers De1 and De2 :
tc µ0 t1 t2
Oh0 = =√ and De1 = and De2 = (42)
tv 0 aργ tc tc

Dimensional analysis predicts : Σ = f (K , , Oh0 , De1 , De2 )

The dispersion relation is derived by linear stability analysis :
  
! 2 2
2 2 I1 (K ) 1 2KLv I0 (Lv ) 1 2 I1 (K ) Lv − K
Σ + 2ΣK Ohv 1 − + −  = K (1 − K ) (43)
  
I0 (K ) K K 2 + L2
v I1 (Lv ) Lv I0 (K ) L2
v +K

with a modified Ohnesorge number and

Ohv = 1+De2 Oh0
L2 2 Σ
v = K + Ohv a
modified dimensionless wavenumber.
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Effect of the rheology, the nonlinearities and of a magnetic field and fluid

Effect of the non-linearities

There are several sources of non-linearities :
the cylindrical geometry. One consequence is the non linear
contribution on the mean value of the surface position at initial
time : !1/2
rs (z, 0) = 1 − +  cos Kz

the momentum advection. One consequence is the creation of

sub-harmonic modes : 2k, 3k etc.
the constitutive equation of the fluid. If we consider a nonlinear
viscoelastic model such as :
◦ ◦
τ + t1 τ = 2µ0 (D + t2 D)

with A = A,t + (v · ∇) A + W · A − A · W − (D · A + A · D) and
W is the rotation-rate tensor.

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