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Nowadays, the extremely competitive job market has given rise to what's called the

'hustle' culture. While this is motivating young people to work hard to achieve
their dreams, it is also causing them to become increasingly self-centered. The
given claim suggests that the best way for a society to prepare its young people
for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling a sense of
cooperation amongst themselves rather than competition. I strongly support the
claim and argue that cooperation is always superior to competition when it comes to
the overall development of an individual or a nation as a whole. I have 2 points
that support my argument.

While competition might help an individual grow at a personal level, cooperation

will help an entire nation, or perhaps, the entire world grow. For instance, let's
say a company is facing a problem. In most cases, different individuals might have
different perspectives or ideas about the given problem. Cooperation among
individuals will help amalgamate all the different ideas and perspectives and
arrive at a much better proposal or solution to the problem. On the contrary, if
all the individuals in that company kept their ideas to themselves with the
apprehension that others might benefit from their ideas, the company, perhaps might
never be able to solve the problem. This holds true in all sectors- government,
industry, etc. Hence it is important for a society to place an emphasis on the
importance of cooperation right and instill the same in young people.

Nowadays, due to the circumstances in school and college, students are getting
accustomed to unhealthy and toxic competition between their peers. This is doing
more harm than good. Lack of cooperation among students is strongly hindering their
overall growth. Cooperation among students allows them to discuss various ideas
together, correcting the wrong/implausible ones and embracing the good ones. This
will not only bebefit the

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