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UNIVERSITY OF TUNIS ‫المعهد العالي لألعمال بتونس‬

Lab 2: CSS

Objective: Cascading Style Sheets describes how HTML elements are to be displayed. It is
about styling. So let’s make our previous website look better.

Given the html file “index.html”, write the necessary CSS code to make your web page looks
like the screen shot (final-layout.jpg). Here are some indications about your style file style.css.
For missing information, you have to figure by yourself what to do to reach the final

1. The background is black

2. The line height of all the web page is set to 1.5 and the font is "Segoe UI”.
3. The web page is placed on a container having 10px as inner space and 30px as outer
1. The title “bookig travel agency” is centered, its size is 22px and it is written in Arial font.
2. The menu is centered. Each element from the menu has a width and height set to 150px
and 40 px respectively, with a grey right border.
3. Remove the border of the table, and design it over the width of the page
4. The header of the table has the background color #d29f9f
5. All the cells should have as height 50 px and an outer space of 10px.
6. For the td cells, add an on mouseover effect by changing the background color to #f5f5f5;

7. The buttons don’t have borders and their paddings are set to 8px and 16px

Web Development (CS220) 1

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