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Subject CCDI

Grade 6
Stream General
Term 2
Year 2023-2024

*Note that Activities highlighted in GREEN are optional

Learning Outcomes
Chapter /
Activity/ Workbook
Week Unit Chapter / Module Overview Lexis / Key Words Coursebook Pages Assessment focus
Number SLO Code Subject Learning Outcomes (Main Outcome)

Apply Ohm’s Law.

Unit 1: electricity, electronics, charge, current, Examine the concept of resistance.
Introduce E-safety topic. Introduce students to Unit 1: Electricity and Electronics. Read through the unit overview, keywords and learning outcomes, Then move into Electricity and Electronics, and discuss Ohm’s Law , What are resistors?. Explain Questioning, self, group, and peer assessment, CCI.
1 Electricity and voltage, resistance, ohm's law, Electrical 6 - 36 6 - 27 Justify the changes that occur when components are added, removed or changed.
Electrical circuits. Explain the Schematic diagram and how to calculate Total resistance. modeling/demonstrating, quiz, and marking. CCI.
Electronics resistance, resistors, schematic Construct a simple parallel electrical circuit.

Questioning, self, group, and peer assessment,
robots, embedded system, microcontroller,
modeling/demonstrating, quiz, and marking.
Introduce E-safety topic 'Environmental sustainability'. Introduce students to Unit 2: Robotics and Systems with Robotics Project. Read through the unit overview, keywords and learning outcomes. Move onto What is an embedded system? and what is input module, output module, CCI. Simulate digital inputs and outputs in an embedded system.
39 - 54 29 - 34
Microcontrollers? and discuss Expansion shields. Then discuss the Components for Microcontroller; Input modules, output modules. After that Examine a simple embedded system. Then Move to Robots and robotics and explain what is a robot? components, sensors, feature, size, design, CCI. Outline the features that robots have in common with living systems.
Activities: 1, 3, 5
movement, application, robot, parts
Self-Study: 2, 4

computer systems, embedded

systems, microcontrollers, Questioning, self, group, and peer assessment,
modeling/demonstrating, quiz, and marking. CCI. Simulate digital inputs and outputs in an embedded system.
Recap the previous lesson. Then Explain Real-world applications. After that discuss Robot parts and components. Next move onto Control system and explain what is Actuators, discuss Components to sense, compute, and act. Then hardware, Robot, input, output,
2 Unit 2: 55 - 64 35 - 40 CCI. Outline the features that robots have in common with living systems.
2 move to Actuators in controlling robots. sensors, feature, size, design, Activities UNIT 1: 6, 7, 11 CCI. Examine the use of actuators in controlling robots.
Robotics and Systems
movement, application, robot, Self-Study: 8, 9, 10
parts, components, actuators

Questioning, self, group, and peer assessment,

actuators, DC motor, servo motor, modeling/demonstrating, quiz, and marking. CCI.
Recap the previous lesson. Describe The DC motors; and explain How DC motors work?. Move onto Servo motors, And discuss how to Controlling a servo motor. Next, move onto How robots use data to carry out a task?. Next go through unit 2 Examine the use of actuators in controlling robots.
3 direction, speed, robot, data, sensor, task, 65 - 71 41 - 46 CCI.
summary. Demonstrate how machines uses data to carry out a task.
collect, access data Activities: 12, 13, 16, 17
Self-Study: 14, 15

Questioning, self, group, and peer assessment,

modeling/demonstrating, quiz, and marking.
Introduce E-safety topic 'Body posture'. Introduce students to Unit 3: Robotics in Action. Read through the unit overview, keywords and learning outcomes. Start discuss what is Robotics in Action? And explain Automated Solutions. Then move to automated solution, flowchart, algorithm,
4 73 - 85 49 - 56 CCI. Program the actions of a robot in response to sensory input.
Algorithms and computer programs and how to Representing algorithms. Then explain Controlling a robot using programming constructs and how to Building a robot. RC car, kit, building, assembling
Activities: 1, 3, 4
Self-Study: 2, 5
Unit 3:
Robotics in Action
Questioning, self, group, and peer assessment,
modeling/demonstrating, quiz, and marking.
automated solution, flowchart, algorithm,
Recap the previous lesson. After that explain Decision Trees and explain the Programming of robot movements and explain how Robot actions to sensory inputs. RC car, kit, building, assembling, decision 86 - 88 57 - 62 CCI. Program the actions of a robot in response to sensory input.
Activities: 6, 8
tree, program, obstacle
Self-Study: 7, 9, 10


Questioning, self, group, and peer assessment,

Program the actions of a robot in response to sensory input.
RC car, radio controlled, flowchart, modeling/demonstrating, quiz, and marking. CCI.
Test the performance of the solution or model.
Recap the previous lesson. Start the lesson by discussing the Line follower robot (your RC car will move by following lines such as road markings). Then move to Radio control robot and explain how to perform Performance testing. After that explainn algorithm, program, performance testing, CCI.
6 89 - 99 63 - 71 Identify innovation areas in robotics.
Innovations in robotics. After that discuss Robotic Engineering. At the end go through the unit summary. program, code, test case, innovation, Activities: 11, 14, 15, 17, 18 CCI.
Examine career opportunities in robotic engineering.
robotics, career CCI.
Self-Study: 12, 13, 16

Questioning, self, group, and peer assessment,

Introduce the E-safety topic 'Cybercrimes'. Introduce students to Unit 4: End of term project. Read through the unit overview, keywords and learning outcomes. Move onto Systems development lifecycle and start discuss the Project brief, and discuss systems development lifecycle, modeling/demonstrating, quiz, and marking. Identify the requirements for the project.
7 100 - 112 73 - 81
What is an RC car?. After that explain the Planning stage. requirements, RC car, maze Demonstrate knowledge and skills to complete the project.
Activities: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Questioning, self, group, and peer assessment,

Unit 4: systems development lifecycle, modeling/demonstrating, quiz, and marking. Demonstrate knowledge and skills to complete the project.
8 4 Recap the previous lesson. Move onto Programming stage, then explain the testing stage. At the end go through the Self-reflection stage. 113 - 115 82 - 86
End of Term Project requirements, RC car, maze Evaluate the project and reflect on individual performance.
Activities: 8, 9, 10, 11

Questioning, self, group, and peer assessment,

internet of things, hardware, components,
modeling/demonstrating, quiz, and marking. CCI. Identify hardware and software components in a project that collects and exchange data.
Recap the previous lesson. Move onto Internet of things (IoT), then explain the four main components of IoT. Then move onto IoT hardware. After that explain the IoT software and the Applications of IoT. At the end go through the End of unit software, IoT, user interface,
9 116 - 127 87 - 100 CCI. Explain how a project uses hardware and software components to collect data.
summary. microcontroller, sensor, software,
Activities: 12, 13, 14, 21, 22 CCI. Select hardware and software components to collect and exchange data in a project.
application, device, wearable, system
Self-Study: 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 20

10 End of Term Assessment

11 Contingency Time: Catch up, revision and activity completion

12 Contingency Time: Catch up, revision and activity completion

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