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North Amman Area

In this issue: Show and tell

Show and tell Show and tell is an activity, where
students bring an item of personal
Implementation significance and share it with their
classmates. It encourages public
speaking skills and allows individuals
 Personal reflection
to express themselves through
meaningful objects.

Implementation Personal reflection:

 1. Preparation: Students are informed in “Show and tell classes
advance about the upcoming show and
help students develop
tell session. They are encouraged to
select an item from home that holds communication skills, self-
personal significance to them. confidence, and the ability
 2. Selection: Each student chooses an to connect with their peers
item to bring to class, ensuring it is through meaningful
appropriate for the school environment
sharing, It helps them to
and can be easily transported.
practice English about
 3. Presentation: On the day of the show
things they like.
and tell, students take turns presenting
their chosen item to the class. They
share why it's important to them, its
history or significance, and any I believe that students
interesting stories or facts related to it. must use English as a
 4. Q&A and Discussion: After each speaking language not
presentation, classmates can ask only with pens and papers.
questions or provide comments about
Students must acquire
the item. This fosters interaction and
engagement among students. speaking skills and break
the fear of the language.”
 5. Evaluation and Feedback: Teachers
may provide feedback on each student's Nida’a Banat, Baqa’a Prep
presentation, focusing on their speaking
Girls School 1
skills, organization, and the ability to
convey information effectively.

9th grade students at Baqa’a Prep Girls School 1

Safa’ Obeid A/English ES. North Amman Area

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