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Contents e Introduction. ......© eRnatomical terms ._..@ eSkin-~ - | 2 © «Fascia (sup. & deep). .@ eMuscle..-- — @ eBones -~---..._ @ eo kigament « Cartilage iS ~ ® « Joints o Serous membranes. -F o Systems (cvs, resp,.... ete) Dr.: Khaled Milad “km* a ttn (Latin means diisection) + Anatomy ;15 2 Greek word means cutting up or (cutting through )((ang = through , tom cat , ¥ = forming noua) science of studying the structure, of Func land felabenship of a: fiereat forks of cur body fe each It is the the human bedy- The human body consists of. :- « Systems :~ formed of a group of organs. © Organs :- formed of different +tissues- e Tissue :- formed of cells. e Cell :- is the basic structural unit of the bedy - Cell + organelle > faaer msTe cule] ameleculenyeter) # Divisions of anatomy te (De Microscopic anatomy :-—» Histology. (2): Mactoscopic CGvoss) anatomy:- Divides into :- @ Regional anatomy :- e-g thorax, abdomen, upper Limb, Lower limb, head&neck, ... — ete- ©- Systemic anatomy :. e.9 ~Dermatology = integumentary system (skin) - Myclegy = Muscular system. - Osteology a Skeletal system. = Artheology = articular system Czoints) = Angiology = Circulatory system = Neurology = Nervous system. (a). Other subdivisions:. = Clinical Capplied) anatomy. = Surface anatomy. = Radiological anatomy. = Developmental anatomy C embryslogy)- em Anatomy the mest ancient (ald) sevence. em Ancient Egyptian preparation of mummies. = First human disection at Alexandria. we Middle ages Arab physicians preserved Knowledge Al-Birua’, IbnSina , Al Raze w= Revival modern mes Andreas Vesalivs Father Anatoay (‘De Fabrica 1526). = British parliament 1828 legalising dissection. @ Discovery of preservahves Fermaling wm Imaging i x-f0Ys > Radiclegy , sonejraphy us, MRI sO scar spects ‘ Plastination , vietual = Newer techniq reality. ues = Anatemy forms the basis foc the practice of medicine, and ik is important for se physicans, surgeons , dentists, physiotherapists , radiolegist, & others. ‘m Dissection , Prosections, Plastination , Pots or Jas , Bones , Living anatomy «surface anatomy = Scopes (endescepe, proctoscspe + bronc hascape)- we Emaging (x-ray @akast study , mat, CAT. radtaiscope ~ ek) m= Media (co. TU , video Tepes « 3D animations) + x Basic anatomical concepts te Body planes :- «median sagittal plane- * Paramedian sag. planes + Geronal (frontal) plane. + Horizontal (transv.) plane. @ Descriptive anatomical terms :- e Terms of position « Terms sf movement @ _ Basic anatomical structutes :- 2 Skin. o Fascia Couperfetal & deep): * muscle. 2 Bone. # Joint - @ Ligament~ « Cochlage. # syrouial Sheath.& bursa. emucens membranes « CVS. = bymphahe system: » Nefveus sptem ~The petsonestanding erect: supper limbs by the sides. wlower Imbs close together. « Face &Palms directed Porward. wall description of heman bedy are based on assumption that person is in anatomical pasihien- Q Median (oidsagittal) Plane + Vertical plane which divides the bedy into equal. naht and \eEt halves Casing in centre of body). Vertical plane which diuides the bedy inte unequal right and cht parts (parallel te median plane) + & Coronal _( Frontal) plane s~ 2 Vertical plane which divides the bedy into anterfor and posterior parts Cat right angle to median plane)+ @. Horizontal (transverse) plane. 3 + Transverse plane which Atvides the body into upper and bower parts (at right angle 40 Median & coronal planes). ({ Terms of position) -- e Anterior -on the front of body or near to it- zIn_embrye : called ventral . tIn_hand » called Palmar suc face ePosterisr :~ on the back of body of near to it ~In_embrye :- Called dotsal -In_hand: Called dorsal surface Osta Superior :- on top of body Chead) or near to i+- gIn_embrye : calleA cephalic or cranial - an Foot; catled dorsal surface. eInferior :- on lower pact of body or near ko it. (og Tn embryos. called caudal oIn foot: called Plantar surface. aMedial s. position nearer to the median plane than another ge lateral + position away From the median plane . e Intermediate ;- position between medial & Lateral poats. @Superficial :~ position nearer to bedy surface. @sleep :- the potion away from lady surface. z + poston gway From cavity of @ uiscus. Blotemal :- position nearer to cavity of @ viscus. esiddle :- between external & internal for superficial & deep. @proximal + position close to trunk or root of the Uimb. @Distal :- position away from trunk or root of the limb. e Ipsilateral s~ refers to the Same side OP the body e.g LePE hand Ke lePt Fook are psiloteral. eLontralaterals-veters to eppotite side of the body eg right hand KLeft oat are contralaterah. eUnileterals- stractuye occur on on side only eg spleen. eBileterals paired structures (having Rt XLL) eg Kidneys. eSupine: the bedy is lying on back (ventral surface up). eprone : the body it lying face dounward (ventral sucbace down), NB positions of bedy are anatomical. positiens ¥ Terms of position Q Supine pasition- Prone pasition. ‘xElexion : baling of goint anteriorly (in Knee bending potteriorty). % Extension:. Straightening the goint (reverse of flexion). “NO /e Both Flexion & extension occyre in sagittal plane. swale Lateral flexion of trunk occure in coronal plane x Adduction :- movement medially taward midhine « x Abductions movement Laerally sia frm midline. otekion: mavement of anterior Sungate ae a eet Bulgin movement of anterior suckace laterally. ~ REN teen of etek around ts wag 28 3 % Supinations Lateral rotation of Forearm Cpalm Pacing upward) % Pronation = Medial rotation of farearm ( palm facing dosnward). «NG (@CircumducHon:- Combination of Flevin, ext, add & abduchion x Inversion :- Medial rotahen of fart (Sale ating inward). wGversion :— laderal rotation of Foot (sole facing outward). % Elevation, moving up «Cay upper eyelid when apenigg the eye) % Depression» mauiag down: (eg depressing shoulder). + protraction:. mmeuiag anteriorly « (eg mandible & scapula). x retraction. moving posteriorly (backward). % Oppesitton :- mauing the thumb against another di reposition. moving the than back te aratnteal From sapien Creverse of eppssition). “NBC. Frotrusion= preteen / retrusion = vetractvon_) positon ao ‘=the arm is proximal to fexeacen/ hand distal te fovea: = Stemach anteror 4. pancreas: w external arotid artey & extemal +2 cmanial auty- @ Abduchon of Rangers & toes mean spreading & adduction mean drawing thom dngether. Cc intnd, lateral tlexion of trunk ‘supination of forearm ! ' / WW) I q 1 Nea? inversion of foot eversion of foot adduction of fingers ‘abduction of fingers adduction af thumb opposition of thump (7254 M andiitle finger | * extension of thumb Figure 1-3 Additional anatomic terms used in relation to movement. = Skin is the largest organ in the body, covers the entire external surface of bedy . m It represents 8% of body weight & about 2 m*, wilt is firmed of epidermis & dermis :~ epee = Got 9) =a Keratinized statified syramous epitheliom.&other cells Geotenosgte, Langerhans &emeriie <9) @ Ectedermal in origin: wa Thick in palm & sole » thin on front of acm & forearm: seetmis 1. Cacep layer) |= Dense CT. layer contains B-V Lymph a nerves- m Mesederma) in origin = Thinner on front than back & thinner in women than me BFiretine of A ham ml ena dang) 1. Protection of deeper shuctures (from abrasions, bacteria, £t9)s ZH forms interface bebeen bidy & its environment - Ba Sensation by newe endings (for pain touch, temp. -- et) 4- secretons of sweat, sebum, milk ( excretion a absorption. S- regulation of body temperature & bleed pressure. 6— synthesis & storage of Vitamin Dy Z— helps in lecomohen, manibulahion & socosexual ammunication B— provides imdeurdual dent feation , self image - 9~ Used in tveakment af ulcers & plastic surgery: Jo- helps in diagnosis A by Knowledge of dermatemes. TA- sHe of inteccommuniation in bath direckons. [Knowledge of dermateme & mjstomes smpertant in nourskgical examin] GF) intention = Skin has similar shucture with Some variation in thickness, streqgth, softness » Keratinizaton degree type , size « Flexibility & deyee of plgmentahon. @_ Thin hairy shia (hoirsute): = Covers the greater pact of the bedy. @ Thick hairless _skia (g/-brous): we thicker & contains frickon ridges W absent elbewhere, contains more suieat glands. = present in palms, soles & flexor surface of digits. = aS mucocutaneous gunchon. of tips , anal canal > urethral spening , glans penis & clitoris m Contains NO sueat gland & very thin epider mis. = {visible lines @ Wrinkle Wines :- (expression Woe of Face)» P & age, caused by ontroction of underlying muscles. e Papillary ridges Cfrickon ridges) i> on palms & soles and Flexor surface of digits —y Finger print @ Flexure (ysoint) nest wher the skin attached shoggly to underlying Pasian a3 on Flexar surface of palms & digits. Cat peint)- @ Skin crease :- pattern occur on Skin GB is polygons - they T surface aren of skin a permite Stretching & rewil. ined @Linvesible ines :- eLanger’s knes (lines of cleavage):- farmed of bundles of cellagen Pibers in perrallel rows ra dermis. = they ran longitudinally in limbs and eircumPerentially in the neck & trunk. = Incision along these Mines heal with minimal scar. we Appendages of skin 4. Nail. 2. Hair Khair Follicles- 3- Sebaceous glands - 4 Sweat glands. * Gites with no_hair 1-Palms & sole- 2. Sides of Pingers & toes K Feet. 3- Lips. 4. Glans penis . S- Clitoris. Me Sites with no _sueat glands :~ 1- Nail beds. R-Red margin of the lips- 3- Glans penis. 4. Clitoris Mie Skin tamacts CRetinacula cutis) » ~they exten From deep dermis to deep Fascia to Six kin win Palm it is dense than in dorsum of hand. NB:-Rule_of Nine (in Burns) whead kaeck 3% Front of trunk iay reach upper limb 9% ~ back 2 trunk (ay reach lower imb 187, + @xternal genitalia 1% SUPERFICIAL FASCIA (Subcutaneous Hisud)- eDefinition -A mixtute of Loose areolar & adipose tissues that connects the skin to deep Pascr'a. = Consists of adipose tissue & collagen tm Loose c.T. Sites of sup- Fascia with NO adipose tissue ;. 4. €velids . 2- Auricle of the ear. 3 Penis & ecretum- YL clitoris. S- nipple & areola of the breast ite: Sup. _fascra with Thick collagen :- 1- Palm of hand & sole of foot. Q- Scalp of head. 3- Back of neck. wFunction of Sriperf- fascia ». ng te an Acad “resreichon of 1. Allows mobility of skin on decp Structures. A eRe RZ PAssage For blood vessels &nerves to dermis of skin 3- Insulator layer over body (fat) Y- depat for Pood storage (fat) & gives body contours. NB: Ta abdomen the Superficial Fascia is differentiated into 1. cuter Pally layer. Z-deep membranous layer. + Superfrcral fascia may contain muscle as platysmna muscle in neck. qdoesndt conten tendon sbreast is a mediGed sweat Couadeiferaus) sland Ontroduchin Definition - =A membranous layer of Conneckve tissue investing the muscles & other deep structures. tt Names orm: deep fasci en the face :- It is absent Cexcept in some places) For Factal expression . oTn the necks. Lt is Pormed of 4 layers , and it affects the way of spread of infection. eIn the trunk: It iy thin film of areolar tissue that covers the muscles. eIn the limbs :. It sends @ septa to the bones and ‘vides the Limbo inte compartments eIn the Joints: e-9 wrist & ankle, forms retinacula which helds tong tendons in position. deep fascia anchored firmly to the periostium in some places 1. Invest the cheep structures te bene. 2- Gives origin Kinsertion of Some muscles. 3- Send Septa to bone forming compartments. 4. forms retinacule 42 held tony tendons. S- Protect pakm Ksvle by Forming palmer & plantar aponeuresis respeckyely (speneurosis i thickened deep fascia). NB. Subserous fase A type of Pascia Lemp muscles & serous membranes lining bedy cavikies ;Pendothoracie Pendeabdeminral Seendepelvic farecs Cthe last 2 called extraperiteneal fascia. Fascia: @ super Betal @deep @subsereus. QOltroduction BATHE muscle ie * scles :- skeletal (striated) (vo luntary) muscles, B_ Smooth (unstriated) (unvoluntary) muscles. CFlaid)(visceral). B- cardiac (striated) (unvoluntary) muscles - The skeletal muscles forms the main bulk of the body (about Hor of body weight) - -The total Number is 620 muscles. yi L (origin: usually ik is the proximal, Pixed attachment. @). Insertion : usually the distal, mobile attachment. elly:- the Gleshy part of the muscle. G.Tendon:- Non Pleshy part ,it is a cord of Filsrous tissue. Aponeurosis :- Plat tenden,(not always present). (Raphe :- tendon in aform of inkerdigitete fibers). we Types of skel : 1 Gepimysiom enuelape the muscle) according to function és. Prime mover:--The chief muscle responsible for an achion. = ey biceps brachii is a prime mover in Fleyion felbow (ZL Antagonist :- the mescle Oppesing action of prime mover: =eg triceps is antagonist to biceps BL Fixetor:. a muscle contracts isometrically to Stabilize prime mover -e9 fotator cuff muscles Fixeter for delat pine) H Synefgist:--Te prevent unwanted mavement in intermediate gaint. ~e9 Carpi muscles (Menor & extensor) Synergist for achon of long flexors of Pingers & Bens) @ According to _shape_ '- © Strap Cparatlet) = e-3 Sartorius muscle @ Strop with tendinuous intersection: eg rectus abdominis- @- Rhombsid :- 9 thombord minor & mayer @ Quadrilateral :. 25 pronater quadretous & thyre hyord- G@ Triangular = eg deltoid & temporalis . © Fusiform Cspindle) :- e:g biceps, lumbricals- @- Two, thee & Feur headed 1 e9 biceps, tricep! & quadriceps respectively Pennate (feather like) :- — muscle whose Fibers run obliquely to the Kine of put nd @_Unipennate - e3 flevor pulls longus & extensor digiterum longus. BL Bipennate :- tendon lies in centre & Bhecs fam 2 sides. eg vecus femoris i (Qe Multipennate :- a series of bipennate muscle - ey deltsid Gaiddte Gben) Dee I]. Circumpennate :- (type of mulkpennate where tendon in conte & Bibers frm all direchions) eg tibialis anterior. oF ms ENB z- penne ms is a type according te the diiection of Pbers Cobtique). = NB i mulhpennate has greatest power than other types but less range of movement GL According to colour 1 @ Red ms = eg soleus (contract slouly & surtain long time )- @ white ms ney gastocnemivs Ccantrac strongly & Fahyued quickly) @ Mred ms + mosk ms af bedy ale miked- uniarkcular :=e9 brachialis Biabeularr Biceps Multartalers Plexor intheon nds (D) According to NO. of { Epimysium is a dense layer of collagen, surrounds skeletal muscle, continuous with tendons ) + Metersunit: Amster neuron and all the muscle bers it supplies- wm Where fine control is unnecessary as in gluteus maximus motor neuren may supply aS many as 200 ms Fibers. wm where Fine contol is required as in small ms of hand or intrinsic eye ms, one nerve Fiber supply fen ms fibers m The place of enterance of nerve to the muscle- m Tt is about the mid-point of its cleep surface, this allows mevement E minimum interference = nerve trunk. NB. the nerve te a muscle is mixed z about 60% meter, 40% sensory & fame Sympathelics. wiieter Sbers sot hare =O Alpha ( larger) Fibers - derived frm lage cells in ANC =Q@- Gamma (smaller) Bbers:. from spinal cord. mecach of these Prbers divided inte brancher and each ends en a muscle fiber at “Moter end plate” =mylinated & arise from the Specialized sensory ending called spiggieg of tendon spindles: Muscle spindles: & tendon spindles — specathed sensory endings & stmuleted by tentea deaion in the muscle ae gives CAS information Aension within maicle +o maintain Non myelinoted % past +2 smooth ms in the wall of BV sepplying the mascle- = Puncher i2 regale tion of bleed flew 40 the muscle about degree oF posture & cencdinahion mA state of partial contructhon in resting state. = Since the ms fibers follow all_or none law C either fully contracted or relaxed) (as intermediate state) SQ—> to avoid ms fetigque only feo ms Frbers contracted in different dimes. m the degree of tension in ms is defected ley muscle Spindle x tendon spindle. NB Regarding types of ms. accarding to Function, many muscles cam act as primover ,antagonut » fixator or synegist , depending on movement to be acemplithed. te antagonist mast relax equal When prime mover Contracts , this brought about by nerve reflex iahibition, eg Quadriceps femoris is agrime mover jn _-knee extension to wnkoct biceps femoris Gemantageaist) must relax: = Consists of long spindle cells , present in the tubes of loedy 2:9 GIT & Strage organs as uninaty bladder , uterus. we may contract byPtcal stretching of Abert or byPnene fompulse From audonemic erver om hermenal shmule te = Consists oF Slated ms Kbers thet broach Kunite . wm Forms the myscerdium of heart frm which specalized cardiac muscle forms the conducking system of heart m= have spontaneous & rhythmical centra chon.

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