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1 - Mission Briefing: Operation Desert Island Guardian

Date: N/A

Location: Coastal Desert Region - Nicosia Island, Syria

Mission Objectives: Defend Nicosia Island from Invading Enemy Amphibious and Naval Forces, as well as
Airborne Threats.

Background: In the volatile coastal desert region surrounding Nicosia Island, tensions have escalated to a critical
level. The island, a strategic gem in the Mediterranean, is coveted by multiple regional powers for its geopolitical
importance and rich natural resources. On (DATE TO BE DEFINED), a coalition of hostile forces initiated a large-
scale invasion of Nicosia Island.

The enemy force consists of eight amphibious assault ships, each carrying marine platoons and light armored
vehicles. These ships are supported by two frigates, two destroyers, and a total of twelve to fourteen MIG-21, MIG-
23, MIG,29 and MIG-27 aircraft. The objective of the invasion is to establish control over the island and its
resources, effectively shifting the balance of power in the region.

In response, a formidable multi-role squadron has been assembled for Operation Desert Guardian. Comprising F-
18C Hornets, F-15EX Eagles, F-16 Falcons, and A-10 Warthogs.

The mission is to thwart this imminent threat, deny the enemy a foothold on Nicosia Island, and safeguard its
strategic significance.

1.1 - Mission Objectives:

 Air Superiority Achieve and maintain air superiority over Nicosia Island. Engage and neutralize enemy
aircraft to secure the airspace.
 Locate and eliminate enemy amphibious assault ships and naval vessels to prevent the landing of hostile
 Provide close air support to friendly ground forces and ensure their safety during counteroffensive
 Defend key island infrastructure, including energy installations and vital facilities, to prevent damage and
ensure regional stability.

1.2- Execution:

 Air Superiority: The F-15EX Eagles will spearhead the effort to gain air superiority. Engage enemy
aircraft and establish a combat air patrol (CAP) over Nicosia Island.
 Anti-Ship Operations: The F-18C Hornets will engage enemy naval forces, prioritizing the destruction of
amphibious assault ships to disrupt the enemy's ability to land ground troops.
 Close Air Support: The F-16 Falcons and A-10 Warthogs will provide close air support to friendly ground
forces, focusing on coordinated strikes against enemy units threatening the island.
 Protect Critical Infrastructure: All squadrons must coordinate to protect critical infrastructure. In a
combined and coordinated effort all defending force squadrons will patrol and respond to threats as needed.
1.3- Support:

 Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C): An E-2 Hawkeye will provide early warning and
command and control functions, facilitating coordination and tracking of enemy movements.
 Refueling and Rearmament: KC-135 tankers will be on station for aerial refueling, ensuring your aircraft
stays operational.

1.4- Rules of Engagement:

 Positive ID: Ensure positive identification of enemy targets before engaging.

 Avoid Civilian Casualties: Take all necessary precautions to minimize civilian casualties.
 Protect Friendly Forces: Prioritize the safety of friendly ground forces.

1.5- Conclusion:

Operation Desert Island Guardian is a mission of utmost importance to defend Nicosia Island from an impending
invasion. Your skill, teamwork, and precision will determine the success of this operation and the safety of the
island's population. Victory in this mission will secure regional stability and safeguard vital resources.

2- Threat Assessment: Operation Desert Guardian

2.1- Enemy Forces:

 Amphibious Assault Ships (x8): The enemy possesses a formidable fleet of eight amphibious assault
ships. These vessels carry marine platoons and light armored vehicles, posing a significant threat as they
aim to establish a beachhead on Nicosia Island.
 Naval Vessels (x4): The enemy has deployed two frigates and two destroyers to provide protection and
support for their amphibious assault ships. These ships are equipped with anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft
 Airborne Threats (x14): The enemy's air wing consists of a total of twelve MIG-21 and MIG-29 aircraft.
These fighter aircraft are agile and armed with air-to-air missiles, posing a considerable challenge to our air
superiority efforts.
 Ground Threats (Unknown): The enemy has strategically deployed several grounds to air defense
systems restricting/compromising our theater of operations. Known enemy defense systems comprise but
are not limited to SA-13 Strela

2.2 - Enemy Strategies:

 Amphibious Assault: The enemy's primary objective is to land marine forces and light armored vehicles
on Nicosia Island. These forces will aim to secure strategic locations and establish control over key
 Naval Support: The enemy frigates and destroyers will provide anti-aircraft and anti-ship support to
protect their amphibious assault ships and maintain control of the coastal waters.
 Airborne Threats: The enemy's fighter aircraft will attempt to challenge our air superiority, engage our
aircraft, and disrupt our operations. They may also attempt to strike critical infrastructure on Nicosia Island.

2.3 - Critical Infrastructure:

 Energy Installations: Nicosia Island is home to vital energy installations, including oil and gas facilities.
Protecting these installations is critical to prevent long-term economic and environmental damage.
 Communication Hubs: The island's communication infrastructure is essential for coordinating our defense
and maintaining situational awareness.
 Transportation Hubs: Nicosia Island's transportation hubs, including its airport and ports, are key to the
rapid deployment of friendly forces and the resupply of essential goods.

2.4- Operational Challenges:

 Geography: The coastal desert terrain of Nicosia Island may limit the availability of cover and affect
visibility, making aerial operations more challenging.
 Limited Resources: While our squadron is formidable, we must manage our resources, including
ammunition and fuel, to ensure mission success over an extended period.
 Civilian Presence: Nicosia Island likely has a civilian population that must be protected, and civilian
casualties should be avoided at all costs.

Overall Assessment: The threat assessment for Operation Desert Guardian is significant. The enemy's combined
arms approach, including amphibious assault ships, naval vessels, and fighter aircraft, poses a multifaceted
challenge. Coordination, decisive action, and precise execution of mission objectives are essential to thwart the
enemy's invasion and protect the island's critical infrastructure. Success in this mission will hinge on our ability to
gain and maintain air superiority while simultaneously countering the enemy's naval and ground forces.

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