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One of the most famous buildings in Colombia that has been known is the Monserrate Hill. It is the national emblem of the
capital of Colombia, an iconic place that you should know. More than 3,152 meters above sea level, rises the hill on which
the most representative religious temple of Bogotá stands while you see a great sample of biodiversity, and how to go up you
can go by stairs or by cable car.

TASK 10:
A: Hi Mike. Our work meeting starts at 10:00 and I need the reports. Could you ask Jack to bring them at 9:00?

B: What’s up Jennifer. My sister's birthday is tomorrow and I need some things. Would you ask James to bring balloons?

C: Hi Kevin. I have a computer at home and it is crashing. Would you ask Sam to help me repair it? please.

TASK 11:
Dear teacher

Each of us has decided to travel to Washington to improve our English and, above all, make new
friends. We would like to go in April because it is spring and the weather is excellent. Another
future plan would be to learn the British and Australian accent because their ways of saying a
word are very complex but good for learning. Another plan would be to go to the Smithsonian
Museum of Natural History where we cover the history of our planet.

Codigo: 1025322461

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