Bohr S Model

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Structure of an Atom


. The electron in the hydrogen atom can move around the nucleus in a
circular path of fixed radius and energy. These paths are called orbits,
stationary states or allowed energy states. These orbits are arranged
concentrically around the nucleus.

. The energy of an electron in the orbit does not change with time.
However, the electron will move from

a lower stationary state to a higher energy is emitted when electr on

stationary state when required moves from higher stationary
amount of energy is absorbed by the state to lower stationary state

This energy change does not take place in a continuous

. BOHRS FREQUENCY RULE: The frequency of radiation absorbed or emitted when transition
occurs between two stationary states that differ in energy by ∆E, is given by :

. The angular momentum of an electron in a given stationary state can be expressed as :

Where E1 and E2 are the lower and higher allowed energy states respectively

Thus an electron can move only in those orbits for which its angular momentum is integral multiple of h/2π that is why only certain fixed orbits are allowed.
. The stationary states for electron are numbered n =
1,2,3.......... These integral numbers are known as Principal
quantum numbers.

. The radii of the stationary states are expressed as Thus the

radius of the first stationary state, called the Bohr orbit, is
52.9 pm. Normally the electron in the hydrogen atom is
found in this orbit (that is n=1). As n increases the value of r
will increase. In other words the electron will be present
away from the nucleus.

Where a0=52.9 picometer

. The energy of a stationary state is its most important property. It’s given by —————>RH = Rydberg’s
Constant = -2.18*10^-18

When the electron is FREE from the influence of nucleus, the energy =zero. HERE the
associated stationary state is of Principal Quantum number = n = ∞ and is called as IONIZED
hydrogen atom.
When the electron is attracted by the nucleus and is present in orbit n, the energy is emitted and
its energy is LOWERED. That is the reason for the presence of negative sign i the above
equation as it depicts its stability RELATIVE to the reference state of ZERO energy and n = ∞.

What does the negative electronic energy (En) for hydrogen atom mean?
Energy of an electron in an atom is lesser than in an atom at rest.
Therefore energy increases and becomes more negative as it comes closer to the nucleus.
(Closer to the nucleus—>more stable energy level)
. Bohr’s theory can be applied similarly to the other atom with 1 electron — He+, Li2+, Be3+These ions belong to
hydrogen like species. Their energy of the stationary states are given by this expression.

. It is also possible to calculate the velocities of electrons moving in these orbits. Although we do not have a precise
equation, qualitatively the magnitude of velocity of electron increases with increase of positive charge on the
nucleus and increase of principal quantum number.
Where z is the atomic no
It can be seen that as Z increases , value of energy becomes more negative and that of radius
becomes smaller as the electrons are bound closer to the nucleus

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