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ბიზნეს ინგლისური

წინადადებების აწყობა pg 18
1. A really impressive advertising campaign.
2. A new customer relations department.
3. A highly competitive mobile phone market.
4. An incredibly successful product launch.
5. A loyal customer base.
6. An extremely thorough sales report.
7. An absolutely brilliant global campaign.
8. An increasingly competitive marketing environment.


Pg 7 c

Certainly! Effective communication involves more than just the words you use.
Here are some important things to consider when you want to communicate

1. How You Act and Look: Your body language, like your facial expressions and
how you use your hands, and the way you speak are very important.
2. Really Listening: When someone is talking to you, it's important to pay
attention and understand what they're saying. It's also good to ask questions
and show that you're listening.
3. Understanding Others' Feelings: It's important to understand how other
people feel and show that you care about their feelings. This helps build good
4. Knowing Different Cultures: Different people from different places may
communicate in different ways. It's important to be aware of this and be
5. Giving and Receiving Advice: Sometimes, you need to tell someone what you
think about their communication, and you also need to be open to hearing
what others think about your communication.
6. Being Clear and Simple: Try to make your message easy to understand. Avoid
using complicated words or sentences.
7. The Situation Matters: Think about where and when you are communicating
and who you're talking to. The situation can change how you communicate.
8. Building Trust and Belief: People need to trust you and think you're reliable to
communicate well with you.
9. Using Technology: Nowadays, we use technology like phones and computers
to communicate. Knowing how to use them well is important.
10.Understanding Emotions: It's important to understand your feelings and how
others are feeling. This can make your communication better.
11.Getting Feedback: Sometimes, it's good to hear what others think about your
communication and tell them what you think about theirs. This can help
improve how you communicate.

Good communication means using all these things in the right way, and it's
important to know that what's important can change depending on the

Pg 11 ex a

Title: How to Have Better Phone Conversations: Simple Tips for Tricky Situations

Have you ever been on a phone call and found yourself in a situation where the
person you're talking to is speaking too quickly or quietly, or you just can't
understand what they're saying? We've all been there. Effective communication
on the phone can sometimes be a bit tricky, but knowing the right expressions
to use can make a big difference. In this essay, we'll explore some common
phone situations and the simple words and phrases you can use to make your
conversations smoother and more productive.

1. When the person speaks too fast or too quietly:

 If someone is talking really fast or too quietly, it's okay to say, "Can you slow
down a bit?" or "Could you speak up, please?" This lets them know you're
having a hard time hearing them.

2. When you want someone to stop talking while you do something:

 If you need to do something while on the call, you can politely say, "I need a
moment to write this down. Can you wait for a second?" or "I want to check
something quickly. Can you hold on?" This way, you can do what you need to
without being rude.

3. When you don't understand a word/expression the other person uses:

 It's absolutely fine to ask for help if you don't understand a word. You can say,
"I don't know that word. Can you explain it?" or "I didn't catch that word. Can
you say it again or make it simpler?"

4. When you want to make sure of the spelling of something:

 Spelling is important, and you can ask, "Can you spell that for me, please?" or "I
want to make sure I get it right. Can you tell me the letters one by one?"

5. When you want more information about a subject:

 If you're interested in learning more about a topic, you can show your curiosity
by saying, "Can you tell me more about this?" or "I'd like to know more about
[the subject]. Can you tell me more?"

6. When the connection is not good and you can't continue the

 Sometimes, the phone connection is bad, and you can say, "I'm sorry, but I can't
hear you well. Can we talk again later when the signal is better?" or "The call is
breaking up. Let's try again when we have a better connection."

7. When you want to confirm some information:

 To avoid misunderstandings, you can ask for confirmation by saying, "I just
want to be sure I got this right. [Repeat the information]. Is that correct?" or "I
want to double-check. Did you say [repeat the information]?"

In conclusion, having successful phone conversations doesn't have to be

complicated. By using these simple expressions, you can make your calls more
effective, clear, and pleasant. Politeness, being clear about what you need, and
showing a desire to understand are key elements in making your phone
conversations better. So the next time you find yourself in a tricky phone
situation, remember these simple words and phrases to make your
communication smoother.

Pg 9 text analysis
This text is about using email for work. Email is good for productivity, but it can
also cause problems. It's helpful for sending information quickly and contacting
people far away. However, it lacks the personal touch of face-to-face or phone
conversations, leading to misunderstandings and emotional responses. Email
inboxes often fill up with unwanted messages, which can be a waste of time. So,
while email is useful, it should be used wisely and not overused.

Pg 16 diego della velle text analysis

In a fancy place in Milan called Palazzo Della Valle, Tod's Group is really good at
showing off a certain kind of Italian lifestyle to rich people around the world.
They care more about quality and tradition than making lots of things. They're
not like other fashion companies, they're all about luxury stuff. They think China
and India will bring in a lot of money in the future because more people there
want fancy things. Tod's most famous things are leather shoes and bags, and
they've been making them the same way for a long time.

The boss, Diego Della Valle, wants to make Tod's even bigger in the next five
years. He thinks it's important to be seen as an Italian company because they
believe in the Italian way of life. He doesn't think China can make really fancy
things like Italy because they don't have the same history and tradition. "Made
in Italy" doesn't just mean expensive; it means excellent.

Pg 152 track 4 text analysis

This text is about a frustrating experience with automated customer service
systems, like the ones with recorded voices that guide you through options
when you call a company. The author finds that these systems are designed to
keep you from talking to a real person who can help you. They describe the
difficulty of going through many menu options, not getting answers to their
questions, and not knowing how to reach a real person. The author is confused
about why the company has made it so hard to get help, even though it might
be more efficient for them. In the end, it raises questions about how companies
balance efficiency with providing good customer service.

Pg 152 track 2 text analysis

This text provides advice for companies dealing with modern communication. It
says that even with new technology, the basic rules of effective communication
remain the same. There are four important things to remember:
1. Keep your messages short and clear because people have limited attention.
2. Make sure your message is meaningful and not overloaded with too much
3. Listening is just as important as talking. Many communication problems
happen because people don't listen to each other.
4. Your message should connect with people on an emotional level to be effective.

The text also points out that while technology can help with communication, it
can also make things more complicated. So, it's important to use technology
wisely, following these communication principles.

Pg 153 track 3 text analysis

This text talks about how companies communicate with their customers. The author
believes that not all companies are doing a good job at it. They give two examples to
explain: one is Amazon, which they think communicates very well, and the other isn't
mentioned but is said to have poor communication.

Amazon is seen as a good example because when you buy something, they tell you what's
happening with your order. They also look at what you've bought before and suggest other
things you might like. This helps customers discover new products they might enjoy. The
author thinks Amazon is doing well because they use technology to understand what their
customers like and use this information to suggest products, making customers happy and
increasing sales.

In simple terms, the text is saying that some companies are getting better at talking to
their customers, like Amazon, which does a great job by using technology to suggest things
customers might want to buy based on their past purchases. This makes customers happy
and boosts sales. But not all companies do this well, and some don't communicate with
customers effectively.

Pg 153 track 7 text analysis

This conversation is between two people, Bill and Betty. Bill is not happy with a
report they received, and he's discussing his concerns with Betty. Here's a
simpler breakdown:

1. Report Understanding: Bill thinks the people who made the report don't really
understand how their company works.
2. Too Much Information: Bill is worried that they get too many weekly reports,
and it's too much to read and understand.
3. Hiring a Key Account Manager: Bill doesn't like the idea of hiring someone to
manage important customers. He thinks it will cost too much and that their
important customers prefer dealing with the people they know.
4. Customer Complaints: There's a suggestion to have the Customer Services
Department tell other departments when a customer complains. Bill is
concerned that this will make things too complicated with too much paperwork.
He prefers employees talking directly to each other.
5. Decision-Making: Betty agrees to talk about these issues with other people in a
board meeting to see what everyone thinks.

In simpler terms, Bill is not happy with the report and has concerns about too
much information, high costs, and complicated processes. They plan to discuss
these concerns in a meeting with others.

Pg 153 track 9 text analysis

To make products work well in different countries, there are two main ways.
One way is to have a single product and sell it the same way everywhere. The
other way is to change the product to fit each country's culture and traditions.

For example, there's a company called OneCafe that sells the same coffee
product worldwide. They set up in Uganda and use the internet to sell to hotels,
airlines, and stores in different countries. This is an example of a global

The second way is to adapt the product for each country. When a company goes
to a new place, they need to think about the local culture and customs. This
means changing how they sell and market their product to match what people
like in that place.

While some brands, like Lux soap, are known and sold everywhere, most
products are made to fit the local tastes and needs of each country.

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