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Means abolition of all sensations, i.e, touch, pain, posture & temperature with a state
of reversible loss of sensation & consciousness.


✓ Loss of sensation
✓ Muscle relaxation
✓ Diminished reflexes
✓ Unconsciousness.

1. Inhalation of nitrous oxide, ether.
2. Intravenous → thiopentone, ketamine.

Open drop method or Nitrous oxide through Boyle’s apparatus.

1. Boyle’s apparatus:
It consists of:
 Cylinders for N2O & O2.
 Pressure gauge – to know the amount of gas remaining.
 Pressure regulator – to regulate the pressure of gas used.
 Rotameter – to know the flow of gas.
 Vaporizer.

2. Endotracheal tube 2 3
3. Magill’s forceps
4. Mouth gag
5. Laryngoscope
6. Connectors
7. Laryngeal mask airway (LMA)
4 5

 Does not require laryngoscope for insertion.
 Does not cause irritation of airway.
 Less incidence of laryngospasm.
 In case of inability to intubate can save the life of the patient.

Ø Pharyngeal pathology
Ø Full stomach as it can cause aspiration.
Ø Bronchospasm.

► BP may increase
► Teratogenic effect.

1. Anesthetic agents

Volatile anesthetics Gaseous anesthetics Intravenous anesthetics

Ether: Nitrous oxide: Thiopentone:
⸙ Colorless volatile ꟹ Laughing gas. ♯ Ultrashort acting barbiturate.
liquid. ꟹ Non-inflammable. ♯ Causes hypnosis during
⸙ Muscle relaxation is ꟹ Non-irritant. induction of anesthesia.
good so used in all ꟹ Good analgesic but ♯ No analgesic effect.
abdominal surgeries. weak anesthetic agent. ♯ Non-irritant to lungs.
⸙ Safe. ꟹ Safest. ♯ Causes hypotension,
⸙ Irritant. ꟹ Better smelling. respiratory depression, less
⸙ Unpleasant. ꟹ Administered with 30- nausea & vomiting.
⸙ Flammable. 50% of oxygen. ♯ Rapid muscle relaxation.
⸙ Disadvantages: ꟹ Post OP ♯ Disadvantages:
Vapors are highly complications less. Shock may occur due to fall in
irritative to URT, BP.
causes nausea & Cyclopropane: Respiratory depression.
vomiting, increases ⸛ Highly inflammable. Recovery period is long.
secretions of all ♯ Dose: 4-7mg/kg.
Enflurane & isoflurane: ♣ Good analgesic.
♦ Non-inflammable. ♣ It causes dissociative
♦ Non-explosive. anesthesia.

♦ Non-irritant. ♣ Good for repeated use.
♦ Stable. ♣ Respiration not depressed.
♣ Used on dressing of burn,
incision & drainage.
♣ It can lead to hypertension,
apnea, laryngospasm.
♣ Dose: 2 mg/kg.

2. Oxygen
⁜ Given through Boyles apparatus.
⁜ In high concentration is respiratory depressant & also affects eyes.
⁜ Available in black & white colored cylinder.

3. Muscle relaxants
 During abdominal surgeries or in fracture reduction process, in addition to
anesthetic drugs muscle relaxants are also used.
 Scoline (Suxamethonium chloride) 50-70 mg → action for 5min.
 Flaxedil 80-120mg → action for 30 min.
 Curare 15-18mg IV → action for 45 min.
 Pavulon 6mg → action for 60 min.
 Neostigmine 2.5mg → antidote for curare.

♠ Premedication
♠ Induction
♠ Maintenance
♠ Recovery

⁂ Given 1 hour before surgery.
⁂ For sedation & relief of anxiety:
→ Pethidine 50mg
→ Morphine 10mg
→ Diazepam 10mg
→ Midazolam 1-2.5mg.
⁂ To suppress vagal activity → atropine 0.6mg IM.
⁂ To reduce vomiting → promethazine (phenargan) 12.5mg.

☺ Patient is preoxygenated with 100% oxygen for 3 minutes then induced with IV
thiopentone, given 4-5mg/kg.
☺ Patient less consciousness → induction is maintained by 67% nitrous oxide & 33%
☺ Scoline as IV → to relax muscles to facilitate endotracheal intubation.

Postoperative care
⁘ Immediate postoperative period is important & critical.
⁘ Patient may not fully conscious.

⁘ Patient should be kept in recovery room until he/she recovers from anaesthesia.

1. Care of respiratory system:

⁕ Oxygen supplement through mask, observation, proper positioning.
2. Hypercarbia.
3. Circulatory problems → Hypotension, arrhythmias, hypertension, cardiac arrest.
4. GIT → Vomiting, regurgitation, Mendelson’s syndrome.
5. Renal problems.
6. Other problems → restlessness, shivering, pain.

Monitoring of postoperative patient

 Pulse, temperature, BP chart.
 Breathing type.
 Level of consciousness.
 Urine output.
 Oxygen saturation & heart rate using pulse oximeter.
 Checking & encouraging limb movements.
 Skin-tongue colour for adequacy of oxygenation.
 Tongue for hydration.
 Cardiac monitor.
 Blood gas analysis in case of patient on ventilator.
 Serum electrolytes assessment.

1. Stage of Analgesia
2. Stage of Excitement
3. Stage of Surgical anaesthesia
4. Stage of respiratory paralysis

Stage of analgesia
• Stage is from giving of anaesthetic drugs up to loss of consciousness.
• Pain is diminished.
• Respiration & reflexes are normal.
• Used for minor operations like labor & for incision & drainage.

Stage of excitement
o Stage from loss of consciousness to regular respiration.
o Patient gets excited, involuntary movements occur, pupils are dilated, blood pressure
& heart rate increases.

Stage of surgical anaesthesia

▪ In this stage there will be shift of respiration from regular to irregular.
▪ BP goes down, muscle tone decreases.
▪ This stage is divided into 4 planes:-
1. Roving eye balls.
2. Loss of corneal & laryngeal reflexes.
3. Pupils starts dilating & light reflex loss.
4. Intercostal paralysis, shallow abdominal respiration.

Stage of respiratory paralysis
Irregular respiration.
BP drops down.
Pupils fully dilate.
Finally patient may die if situation is not treated properly.

$ Hypertension or hypotension.
$ Intra-arterial injection of the drug.
$ Myocardial depression & cardiac arrest.
$ Respiratory depression, airway obstruction, bronchospasm.
$ Nausea & vomiting
$ Hepatic or renal failure.
$ Hypoxia.
$ Drowsiness.


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