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Tutorial 7

What is the definition of ideology:

Ideology is a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or
political theory and policy. It can also refer to the set of beliefs characteristic of a social
group or individual.

What is the difference of Modernism and post modernism:

Modernism is a cultural movement that emerged in the late 19th century and lasted until
the mid-20th century. It was characterized by a focus on individualism, experimentation, and
rejecting traditional values and conventions. While Postmodernism emerged in the 20th
century as a reaction to the foundations of Modernism. It challenged the notion that there
are universal certainties or truths and opted for a more sceptical approach to reason that
questioned the idealist mindset of Modernism.

Why Post modernism reject modernism:

Postmodernism rejected Modernism because it believed that Modernism’s emphasis on

reason and idealism was flawed. Postmodernism argued that the world was too complex
and diverse to be understood through a single lens and that the idealist mindset of
Modernism was too limiting.

Tutorial 8

What is the definition of colonialism and decolonization:

Colonialism refers to the practice of establishing control over a territory and its people by an
external power, often for economic exploitation, political dominance, or cultural
assimilation. It involves the settlement of people from the colonizing country into the
colonized region, imposition of the colonizers' culture, institutions, and governance on the
indigenous population, and often the suppression or erasure of local cultures and practices.

Decolonization, on the other hand, is the process of undoing colonialism. It involves

reclaiming sovereignty, independence, and self-determination for the colonized territories or
groups. Decolonization seeks to dismantle the structures and legacies of colonial rule, both
politically and culturally, and restore autonomy and agency to the indigenous or colonized
Why we need decolonization especially in term of educational system:

Recognizes and integrates indigenous knowledge, languages, and histories into the
Affirms self-identity and pride by reflecting diverse cultural perspectives.
Diversifies education to provide a balanced understanding of history and societal norms
Ensures equal access to quality education, addressing disparities in resources.
Acknowledges historical injustices, fostering healing and reconciliation among diverse

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