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Science Time

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Lesson 10

How Do Animals Differ in

their Modes of
● Identify and describe the different modes of
reproduction in some vertebrates.
● Infer how animals reproduce sexually.
● Classify animals according to how they
● Describe conditions when animals undergo
internal or external fertilization and develop
awareness and concern for the protection of
Group the class into small groups and do
the short game about animal sounds.

The winner will get a prize.

Game: Produce the sounds of the
following vertebrate animals.
Simple Recall

What is the importance of Reproduction?

Reproduction is the life cycle of

It is the ability to make more of
their kind to prevent extinction.
Two Modes of Reproduction

1. Sexual Reproduction
2. Asexual Reproduction
Two Modes of Reproduction

1. Sexual Reproduction
Is a kind of reproduction which requires gametes or sex
cells from two parents or individual gametes.
Female gamete- egg Male gamete- sperm
2. Asexual Reproduction
Is the mode of reproduction where cells from only
parent are used and no reproductive organs are involved
What happens during Sexual
Sexual Reproduction

Female gamete
Male gamete
( egg )
( sperm )

( fertilized egg)


New Animal
Two Basic Ways of Sexual Reproduction
1. Internal Fertilization
It takes place inside the female’s body with the male delivering the sperm into the

Examples: pigs dogs, cows & birds

2. External Fertilization
-Takes place outside the female’s body.
The gametes are released into the watery environments and the fertilization takes place

At an appropriate stage, the egg hatch and simply swim away

Most aquatic animals such as fish, frogs produce through external fertilization.
The table below shows some animals which you may be familiar with—
their classes, habitats, the types of fertilization, and the development they
3 Methods of Reproduction of Vertebrates
Oviparity Viviparity
egg-laying live-bearing Ovoviviparity
● The development of the
embryo occurs outside ● Embryo ● Are those in
the mother’s body. develops inside which the
● The embryos are the mother’s development of
nourished by the body. an embryo
nutrients of the egg
● Nourished by inside an egg is
● They develop into the nutrients within the
young animals that carried in their mother’s body
look like their parents blood
● Born alive
3 Methods of Reproduction of Vertebrates
1. Oviparity
Oviparous Animals
● Chickens
● Birds- all birds
● Fishes- goldfish,tilapia
● Reptiles- turtles
● Amphibians-
Frogs Toads, newts,
● Insects
● Spiders
● Mammals- duck-billed
platypus, spiny anteater
3 Methods of Reproduction of Vertebrates
2. Viviparity
Viviparous Animals

● Almost all Mammals

● cats, elephants
● dogs, goats, kangaroos
● goats, cows, pigs,
● Koala, monkeys
● opossum

species of lizards
3 Methods of Reproduction of Vertebrates
3. Ovoviviparity

Some species of fish and


FISHES- tiger sharks,

hammerhead sharks,
sting rays, eagle rays, sea
lions, guppies and sharks

REPTILES- vipers, anaconda

garter snakes
Reproduction of Fish ( Oviparity )
● They reproduce through external fertilization.

● The female fish deposits or
release thousands of eggs in the water.
● The male swims immediately
over them to release the sperm.

Almost all fishes: goldfish, milkfish, tilapia

Reproduction of Fish ( Oviparity )
female fish

male fish
Reproduction of Fish ( Ovoviviparity )
● Female retains the eggs within her body waiting
for them to mature and then the youngs are born

- Sharks , guppies, tiger sharks, hammerhead

sharks, sting rays, eagle rays, and giant rays
Reproduction of Amphibians
● Reproduce through external fertilization
● Ex, frogs
● Lay thousand or millions of small, jelly-like eggs in
● Fertilized externally
● Eggs of frogs hatch into tadpoles
● They begin life in water breathing through gills
and eventually change into terrestrial adult.
● Undergo the process of metamorphosis

Metamorphosis- the process of transformation

 In almost all frogs, egg fertilization happens
outside the female's body instead of inside.
 The female releases her eggs and the male
releases his sperm at the same time.
 In order to make sure that the sperm reach the
eggs, the male and female get into a mating
posture called amplexus.
 The male climbs onto the female's back and
clasps his forelegs around her middle. Frogs can
stay in amplexus for hours or even days as the
female releases as few as one or as many as
several hundred eggs
Reproduction of Reptiles
● Reproduce through internal fertilization
- Lay eggs and babies grow inside the egg
- Ex. Turtles
- dig in the sand where they lay the eggs
- cover the egg with sand
- eggs incubated by the heat of the sand
- turtles are developed
- used their egg tooth to crack the
shell and come out
- swim into the sea
Note: other reptiles give
live birth
Reproduction of Birds

● Reproduce through internal fertilization

- Lay eggs with a hard outer shell
- Both birds and reptiles lay amniotic egg ( a
growing embryo )
- Lay 1-17 eggs at a time (depending on the species )
- Some birds lay two to four eggs only
- Birds sit on their eggs to keep them warm for the
embryo to live and grow
Reproduction of Birds/Chickens

Birds/chickens reproductive organs are: ovaries, oviducts with five parts: the infundibulum or
funnel, magnum, isthmus, uterus, and vagina.

Cloaca - . The cloaca or vent found on the rear of the body under the base of the tail in female
chickens has three functions. It serves as exit for feces and eggs and entry for sperm.
The chicken usually lays the egg about 24 hours after ovulation.
Reproduction of Mammals

● Reproduce through internal

- Undergo gestational period ( a period
from fertilization to birth)
- Can be as short as 12 days- Virginian
- 660 days ( elephants )
Kinds of Mammals
MARSUPIALS- the pouched animals

Ex. kangaroos, koala & opossum

-give birth to young as small as fetuses
after birth, their young crawl into their
mother’s skin fold or pouch
-from there, they get nourishment
-feed on their mother’s milk
-continue to develop inside the pouch
Kinds of Mammals

Ex. duck-billed platypus, spiny anteater echidna

-The lay eggs
_Eggs are incubated in a nest or specialized pouch.
- The young gets milk from the mammary gland
by licking her skin, however, lack nipples.

duck-billed platypus
Kinds of Mammals
Placental Mammals

Ex. dogs, cats, pigs, cows , giraffes, elephants,

horses, sheep…
-Their babies remain inside the uterus for a longer
period of time.
-The fetuses get nourishment from the blood of their
mother through a structure called placenta.
Assessment/ Oral Recitation

1. How do animals reproduce?

1. Sexually
2. Asexually
Assessment/ Oral Recitation
What are the two ways of Sexual

1. Internal Fertilization
2. External Fertilization
Assessment/ Oral Recitation
What are the methods of reproduction of
Vertebrates animals?

1. Oviparity
2. Viviparity
3. Ovoviviparity
Assessment/ Oral Recitation
What are the classifications of animals
according to how they reproduce?

1. Oviparous
2. Viviparous
3. Ovoviviparous

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