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Título original:

Lic. Jorge Darío Díaz M.Sc. -
Coordinador Lic. Angela Alejandra
Lic. Freddy Hernan
Carrazco Lic. Miriam
Liliana Defaz
Lic. Joyce Shirley Narvaez Mgs.
Lic. Paulina Elizabeth Noriega
Lic. Carina Beatriz Pilapaña
Lic. Daniela Maribel Reyes
Lic. Jorge Alejandro Ruiz
Lic. Marcela Alejandra Saltos Mgs.
Lic. Tania Fernanda Santamaría
Mgs. Lic. Fredy Fernando Suarez
Lic. Leonor Alexandra Villavicencio


Comité editorial
Ing. José Luis Flores F. MBA - Rector
Mgs. Katalina Sarmiento -

Revisión de contenidos
Comisión Académica del IST Central Técnico

Diseño y
diagramación: Ing.
David Briones Quito -


Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, bajo las

sanciones en las leyes, la producción o
almacenamiento total o parcial de la presente
publicación, incluyendo el dise- ño de la portada, así
como la transmisión de la misma por cualquiera de
sus medios, tanto si es electrónico, como químico,
mecánico, óptico, de grabación o bien de fotocopia,
sin la autorización de los titulares del copyright.
Natural disasters,
Simple past tense: Emphasize Reading: Disaster
activity words, past Regular and irregular pronunciation of simple report, The grocery
UNIT 1 expressions used verbs, Past past regular verbs. store; A strange
talk about your continuous, short experience.
experiences and questions and Stories, Walking home
natural disasters at night. Writing about your last
employing the vacations.
simple past

Ordinal numbers, Preposition of time, Listening about Conversations listen

utensils and food imperatives. asking and complete,
words, customs, and giving directions, Dialogue-role play.
people`s customs,
UNIT 2 Past tense used to.
giving opinion about
TIME AND people.
WORKS Write invitations,
recipes, you and your
structures applied in
family customs,
different contexts.


Descriptive Comparative (er), Listen to Online articles,

adjectives, comparison of conversation to practice comparing carnivals,
collocations. equality (as-as) listening skills; tour in and people.
comparison of London, eating out.
Use inferiority (less- than Write and e-mailed
UNIT 3 Adjectives invitation.
Vocabulary will be ), superlative.
MARKETING PEOPLE applied in learnt Short, long and
irregular adjectives.
structures by solving
exercises and

Make comparisons.
Vocabulary: Future with Listen to the audio to Demonstrate
WILL, going to, practice listening skills. understanding in texts:
Landmarks, going to and will Make predictions,
Listen and write,
Expressions for mixed. Travel and adventure,
complete the
future. what will happen?
Use: Verifying information
UNIT 4 in a text, jokes,
Make predictions dialogue.,
DECISIONS, and talk about your
PREDICTINS future plan using Write predictions
AND FUTURE WILL and GOING about your life, write
PLANS TO. your immediate plans,
use future. With WILL
Give solutions to and GOING TO

Ask people about

their plans.

UNIT 5 Vocabulary: Present Continuous, Listen to conversations Demonstrate texts

to practice listening understanding: Our
THE FUTURE IS NOW Street sings Must/ Mustn`t ; skills: Write and plans for visiting
others. Should and Ought to
complete Galápagos, travel
Use: information round Hong Kong; tips
activities. to improve sleep;
To talk about
plans. Write about
transportation system.
Give advices, order
and suggestions. Write advices and
suggestions using

UNIT 1: My last vacation
Conversation. Read it and practice.

Karla: Hi! Tereza. How are you?

Tereza: Hello! I’m fine thank you. How about you?
Karla: I’m well.
Tereza: What did you do on your last vacation?
Karla: I traveled to Atacames; I swam in the beach.
At night my sisters and I went to dance in the huts.
Finally, my family and I visited “Tonsupa” beach.
Fernanda: Hi girls! What are you doing?
Karla: ¡Hi Fernanda!
Tereza: Hello! Karla and I are talking about our last vacation.
Fernanda: Ok. What did you do on your last vacation?
Tereza: I visited my family in Peru and I went to many museums there. Back in Ecuador, I went to Quilotoa
Lake and I enjoyed the view.
Karla: What did you do on your last vacation?
Fernanda: I went to Baños city. There, I met many people from different countries. I did many extreme
sports such as: rafting and canopy. Also I visited many waterfalls. Baños city is a beautiful place.
Tereza: How was your last vacation?
Karla: Very good! Because I spend it with my family and it was wonderful. How was your last vacation?
Fernanda: Excellent, because I was able to visit many places and I met new people. How was your last
Tereza: It was great because I visited my family and I got to know more about Peru.
Fernanda: I have to go. See you later!
Tereza: Bye!
Karla: See you soon!


The past simple tense expresses an action which started and finished at a specific time in the past.
Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one in mind.




Carolina watched Carolina didn’t watch. Did she watch? Yes, she did.

No, she didn’t.

I danced. I didn’t dance. Did I dance? Yes, I did.

No, I didn’t.

He cooked He didn’t cook. Did he cook? Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.

They worked They didn’t work. Did they work? Yes, they did.

No, they didn’t.


Most of the regular verbs end in –ed.

* We usually add -ed to the base form of the verb:

play + ed = played listen + ed = listened

open + ed = opened look + ed = looked

* When the verb ends with -e, just add -d. For example:

dance + d = danced arrive + d = arrived

close + d = closed live + d = lived

* Remember these spelling rules:

*You must repeat the last letter of some verbs before adding -ed. For example:

beg + ed = begged pat + ed = patted

grab + ed = grabbed rip + ed = ripped

nod + ed = nodded slam + ed = slammed

*Notice: these verbs above are all short verbs of just one syllable. They all end with a consonant such as
b, d, m, n, p, t, and have only a single vowel before the consonant.

* When the verbs end in –y, change the y to i before adding –ed. For example:

burry + ed = burried fry + ed = fried

cry + ed = cried dry + ed = dried

(Alexander, 1990)


* We pronounce as Id/ when the verbs end in ed:

Played /pleid/ arrived /araivd/ married /maerid/

* Verbs which end in the following consonants are pronounced /t/ in the past: p, k, f, s, ch, sh, x, th

Packed /pækt/ mixed /mɪkst/ watched /wɑtʃt/

* We pronounce as /d/ when the verbs end in the following consonants: b, g, j, m, n, l, r, w, v, z

Colored /ˈkʌl.ɚd/called /kɑːld/ loved /lʌvd/

(Group, 2018 )

1. Fulfilled the questions with the following verbs: listen, play, visit, cook & go.

Last weekend

1 a new place?

2 your grandparents?

3 football?

4 to hip hop music?

5 a turkey?

Ask and answer with a partner. Check ( ) or cross ( x ).


2. Complete the dialogue using simple past tense.

Vivi: you go to Carolina park last weekend?

Eddy: No, we .

Vivi: Oh! So you stay home?

Eddy: No, we . We visited the wax museum.

Vivi: Really! you learn a lot there?

Eddy: Yes, we . We learned about independence heroes.

Vivi: you like the museum?

Eddy: Yes, I . It was really interesting!

Vivi: What time it finish?

Eddy:It at 4:00pm.


3. Match the questions with pictures, write the questions and answers them.

1. you / clean your bathroom?

Did ? ,I .

2. your sister / pick up her toys?

, she .

3. your mom / work?

? , she .

4. your brother / study english?

? , he .

5. your mom / cook a meal?

? she .

4. Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the Past Simple.

walk like travel finish study

1. Lucas his birthday presents.

2. Last weekend, I in the mountains for 2 hours.

3. My brother Math for an exam.

4. They to the USA in 2016.

5. The film at 11:30 p.m.

happen hurry
5. Write the past form of the verbs in the box bellow. phone rob tell
carry enjoy
repeat the
live plan smile
consonant and add
+ -ed + -d (-y) + - ied stop study

happened robbed phoned Hurried

1. 3. 4. 6.

2. stopped 5. studied
To practice the
EXERCISE pronunciation of regular
verbs in past simple.
6. Read the text and underline the verbs in simple past.


(Council, 2018 )



7. What did you do last weekend?

Last weekend I ………………………………………………………………..…………………...







8. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the past simple:

1. Where (Tereza/live) in 2014?

2. Daniela (graduate) a couple of months ago.

3. They (not/ like) Maluma’s concert at all.

4. (you / study) a lot for yesterday’s exam? Yes, I .

5. Why (Mr. Rosero / punish) Xavier?

6. Juan (not / want) to tell the true to his girlfriend.

7. David (bake) a delicious cake for his son’s birthday.

8. (Martha/call) to her doctor? No, she .

9. Samantha _ (not/ dance) at the party all night.

10. Fernando (crash) his car last weekend.


9. What did you do yesterday? Put a ( ) or a (X )

Did you…. ( ) (X)

1. brush your teeth

2. listen to music

3. use the computer?

4. play basketball?

5. help at home?

10. Write questions about the previous activities and answer them.

6. Did you yesterday?

7. yesterday?

8. yesterday?

9. yesterday?

10. yesterday?



Avalanches can
reach speeds of 80
miles per hour in
as little as 5


11. Find and color 10 words related to disasters.


12. Choose the correct option:
to deal with them and droughts in all kinds of things don’t really have
Every time I turn on like the things on think there are more everyone suffers terribly

I don’t know about you, but I 1 natural disasters now than before.
2 the news there’s some kind of disaster. There are bushfires in Australia and California,
Earthquakes in China, hurricanes in Mexico 3 Africa. I’m sure global warming is creating
more natural disasters. I’m lucky. Where I live, we 4 natural disasters. I’ve never
experienced anything 5 TV. Japan has many natural disasters. They have earthquakes,
typhoons, flooding, volcanoes, and 6 . They are lucky they have the money

7 . There are countries in Africa that aren’t rich. When a natural disaster hits them,
8 .
(Banville, 2017 )

13. Read the article and share ideas with your classmates.

(Organization, 2016)

14. Read the article again and complete the chart



3. DATE 16/04/2016




The simple past form of some verbs does not end in –ed. Such verbs are called irregular
verbs. The simple past tense of some irregular verbs does not change at all.


break broke broken

come came come

cut cut cut



Alejandro sang. Alejandro didn’t sing. Did he sing? Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.
You swam. You didn’t swim. Did you swim? Yes, you did.

No, you didn’t.

Lorena ate. She didn’t eat. Did she eat? Yes, she did.

No, she didn’t.

Lola and James They didn’t drink. Did they drink? Yes, they did.
No, they didn’t.
Grammar chart by: Paulina Norieg,2019 ISTCT

15. Listen and complete the dialogue:
1. How your class today?
2. Mike a new cell phone.
3. The bell just .
4. I the dishes earlier this morning.
5. Janice the door.
6. The kids the box.

7. Someone my car.
8. Everyone a good time at the party.
9. They all the way from Rio de Janeiro.
10. A handyman Bill's window.
(Paul, 2020)


16. Look at the pictures. Then, write about what Mario did yesterday.Use the past simple.

at 1:00p.m. at 2:30p.m. at 4:00p.m. at 6:30p.m. at 8:00p.m.

do some excercise go to bed have lunch do his homerwork go home on his bike

1 2

3 4

17. Fill up in the blanks with the correct simple past tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1. I (not/ wake up) early, so I missed the taxi.

2. Mario is sure Valeria (broke) the window when she (do) the washing up.

3. Patricio (sell) his van last month.

4. (you/make) a lot of mistakes in the exam?

5. Everybody (sit) as soon as the play _ (begin).


What did you do last night? I went shopping with my friends.

Where did you swim last summer? We swam in the swimming pool.

What did she eat last weekend? She ate pizza and soda.



yesterday morning last night five minutes ago

yesterday afternoon last week two hours ago

yesterday evening last month six days ago

yesterday night last year a month ago

last spring a year ago

lastMonday ten years ago


18. Fill in the blanks with the correct past simple form of the verb in parentheses.


19. Talking about past actions

A. Tell your partner or classmates what did you do on your last vacation?

Ask your partner what they did on their last vacation.


20. Change the following sentences to the past simple tense. Remember that you have to use the word.
LAST instead of EVERY in the expressions of time

1. Ramiro comes here every week. last week.

2. Alex buys the newpaper every Sunday.

3. They go to Ecuador every year.

4. Mary sells new cars every month.

5. I write to Mariela every weekend.

6. They eat fish with salad every Friday.

7. Janeth gives a gift to her family every week.. _

8. My dog runs in the yard every Saturday.

9. The postman brings a letter every Monday.

10. We have a test every week.


21. Complete the sentences. Use the negative form of the u nderlined verbs.


1. He d rank juice but He beer.

2. Marisol f ound her bag but she her keys.

3. The children broke the window but they the door.

4. He h ad a shower but he breakfast.

5. My mother m ade a cake but she any pastries.

22. Match the pictures with the actions and write the Past Simple of the verbs.

take a shower ride a bike read the newspaper eat a sandwich do homework

6 7

8 9



23. Answer the following questions, with “YES”using the past simple tense of the verb.

1.- Did Jose choose the black tie?

Yes, Jose chose the black tie.

2.- Did Rosa hang her dress in the closet?

3.- Did the farmer feed his chicks?

4.- Did Santos write his father a letter?

5.- Did you make that table?

6.- Did the driver hear the policeman?

7.- Did Susana pay for your dinner?

8.- Did Pedro lose the soccer match?

9.- Did the student understand the question?

10.- Did Karen win the game yesterday?


24. Look at these questions and find the right answers.

(Laslo, Laslo, & Princz, 2018)


Past continuous is useful to indicate an ongoing action happening in a moment in the past.



She was sleeping. She wasn’t sleeping. Was she sleeping? Yes, she was.

No, she wasn’t.

You were drinking. You weren’t drinking. Were you drinking? Yes, you were.

No, you were.

We were running. We weren’t run. Were we running? Yes, we were.

No, we weren’t.

I was studying. I wasn’t studying. Was I studying? Yes, I was.

No, I wasn’t.

25. Ask and answer with a partner. What were you doing at 6 o’clock yesterday?

For more information click



26. Complete the sentences in the affirmative or negative form.

Valentina wasn’t feeling (not feel) well.
1. We (not talk)with her friends.
2. I (not play) the piano.
3. You (study) English.

4. The weather (not rain).
5. Valentina (listen) to music.

27. Read the table and correct the sentences. Write a negative and an affirmative phrase.
What time? Nancy Lorena and Daniel

18:30 – 19:30 Read work

19:30 – 20:30 Study have dinner

20:30 – 22:00 listen to a CD watch TV

At seven o’clock…
Nancy was listening to music.
Nancy wasn’t listening to music.

She was reading.

At eight o’clock…
1. Nancy was working.

2. Lorena and Daniel were studying.

At 18:30 o’clock…

3. Nancy was watching TV.

4. Lorena and Daniel were having dinner.

At 19:30 o’clock

5. Lorena and Daniel were studying French.


28. Complete the sentences with the correct form (past continuous).

1. When I called my friends, they (play) soccer.

2. I (prepare) lunch at seven last week.

3. My friends (walk) in the forest when it suddenly began to rain.

4. She (practice) the guitar when he came home.

5. She tried to tell him the truth but he (not/ listen) .

29. Write correct statements:

Your family members were doing different things yesterday at 6 pm. Write positive sentences in past

1. My cousin / read / a magazine

2. Carolina / buy / a new house

3. My best friends / write / a novel.

4. Xavier / not / watch / a romantic movie.

5. Marcela and Danny/ work / in her house

30. Samuel and his girlfriend Susi were at a restaurant during their lunch break. Make questions in the
past continuous to ask about them.

1. Where ?
We were sitting at the table by the flower vase.

2. What ?
We were drinking coffee and a glass of apple juice.

3. What Samuel ?
He was drinking the apple juice.

4. What Samuel ?
He was wearing a black suit and white shirt.

5. What Susi ?

She was wearing a white pullover and black jeans.

31. Complete the dialogues with negative forms of the past continuous tense.

Martha: Were you talking to Beatriz during lunch?

1. Silvia: I to anybody. I was alone.

Martha: Were you watching a basketball match when I phoned you?

2. Silvia: I TV. I was listening to music.

Martha: Was I wearing the blue tie at the party?

3. Silvia: You any tie, as far as I can remember.

Martha: Guess what I was doing between 5 and 6 o’clock?

4. Silvia: You anything, your sister told me.

Martha: When I met them, Samuel was buying some meat and Jill was buying drinks.
5. Silvia: I don’t understand why they things together.


32. We can use as, when, and while to indicate ‘during the time that’, to connect two events happening at
the same time:

1. I was having lunch James arrived.

2. I heard the doorbell; I went to the door.

3. Josue was washing her hair, I did my homework

4. She was at the baker’s I met Josue.

5. I was in the shop someone stole my bag.

6. I was playing, my mother called me. 7. Leaves fall autumn starts.

8. Sara broke her leg she was riding her bike. 9. I was driving to school, I crashed.

10. I was playing my mother was cooking.


33. Change the following sentences into a) negative form and, b) interrogative form:

1. Maritza was having a bath.

a. / b.
2. They were running down the road.
a. / b.
3. The soldiers were doing exercise.
a. / b.
4. Alicia was making the beds.
a. / b.
5. The children were watching TV.
a. / b.
6. The men were going to work.
a. / b.
7. The girls were studying for a test.
a. / b.
8. My mother was cooking a turkey.
a. / b.
9. He was sleeping all the day.
a. / b.
10. They were washing their clothes.
a. / b.

34. Look at Valeria’s diary. What was she doing at these times?

Monday 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. I have an appointment at the dentist’s

Tuesday 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. I play football with Cristian

Wednesday 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. I watch a movie

Thursday 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. I revise for an English test

Friday 7:00- 8:30 p.m. I do the shopping with Carolina

Saturday 11:00 – 12:30 a.m. I cook lunch

Sunday 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. I tidy the house with my brother

1. On Monday at 2:00 – 3:30p.m. she an appointment at the dentists.

2. On Tuesday between 4 – 5 p.m. Cristian and Valeria football.
3. On Wednesday at 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. she _ a movie.
4. On Thursday from 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. she for an English test.
5. On Friday at 7:00 o’clock Valeria and Carolina the shopping.

35. Make the past continuous (you need to choose positive, negative or question):

6. (he / cook)
7. (she / play cards?)
8. (I / not / cry)
9. (you / not / feel well)
10. (where / I / go when I met you?)


Last month I was on holiday in Ireland with my mum and dad. One day, we were driving through a
small village. It was time for lunch, so
we stopped at a restaurant.
It was a large, old building. We looked
through the window. There were lots
of people in the restaurant. They were
eating, drinking, and chatting. A
musician was playing the violin. But
there was something strange about
the people. They were not wearing
normal, modern clothes. They were
hats, jackets, and dresses from another century. We could not understand it. But we were hungry,
so we opened the door. When we went into the restaurant, everything was different.
The people were wearing normal clothes. The musician was not there- the music was on CD. It was
a very strange experience!

36. Now answer the following questions.

1- Who was Daniel on holiday with?

2- Why did they stop at a restaurant?
3- What were the people doing in the restaurant?
4- What instrument was the musician playing?
5- What was strange about their clothes?
(Adler, 2020)

37. Past Continuous: Travel mimes
Mime one of the actions below for your partner. You can repeat the action several times if you
wish. When you think they have understood, stop the mime, ask “What was I doing?” and let them
guess which action you were doing. Do not let them guess while you are still doing the action. If they
guess correctly, score one point and switch roles. If they guess wrong, you cannot try again with the
same one and must switch to a different sentence and try again.

*You were sunbathing. *You were leaning your seat back.

*You were packing your suitcase *You were putting your luggage onto the belt to be weighed

*You were pushing a luggage trolley *You were raising your arms so that you can be arched
*You were putting your bags into the *You were emptying your pockets
overhead locker

*You were putting your bags under *You were showing the passengers where the safety
exits were (as part of the safety announcement)
your seat.

*You were fastening your seat belt *You were putting on your lifejacket

*You were undoing your seat belt *You were putting on your oxygen mask
(Case, 2020)


38. Listen to the 2 stories and tick the correct statement:

The man's story The woman's story

1. 6.

a. The man was walking home. a. The woman was walking home on
the sidewalk.
b. The man was driving home.
b. The woman was walking home through
the forest.

a. It was early in the morning, 8 o'clock. 7.

b. It was dark. a. It was getting dark.

b. It was in the morning.

a. He walked through the sidewalk. 8.

b. He walked through the forest. a. The woman saw a lot of aggressive dogs.

b. The woman saw group of teenagers.

a. The woman was wearing black clothes. 9.

b. The woman was wearing white a. The woman felt comfortable to pass next
clothes. to them.
b. The woman felt uncomfortable to
pass next to them.
a. The woman was floating towards the
b. The woman was running towards
the man. a. They looked strange

b. They looked nervous

(ESL, s.f.)

UNIT 2: time and work
Extra information!


1. Look at the pictures and give your ideas.

2. Write the time.

It’s six twenty.
It’s nine o’clock. 9:00

It’s one ten.

It’s three thirty.
It’s two fifteen.
It’s four o’clock.
It’s seven o’clock
3. Match the times with the clocks.

( ) It’s eleven thirty ( ) It’s eight o’clock ( ) It’s a quarter past four

( ) It’s two o’clock ( ) It’s quarter to ten

4. What time is it? Write the time.


eleventh thirtieth
first 1st 11th 30th

second 2nd twelfth 12th

fortieth 40th
third 3rd thirteenth 13th fiftieth 50th
fourth 4th fourteenth 14th sixtieth 60th
fifth 5th fifteenth 15th seventieth 70th

sixth 6th sixteenth 16th eightieth 80th

seventh 7th seventeenth 17th ninetieth 90th
eighth 8th eighteenth 18th one hundredth 100th
ninth 9th nineteenth 19th
tenth 10th twentieth 20th


h tt

in + parts of the day, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening
seasons, months. in my free time
in December, in January
in summer, in winter, in fall, etc.
on + days and dates on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, etc.
on the weekend, on weekdays
on Tuesday morning, on Monday afternoon, etc.

at + times, certain parts of at six o’clock, at three-twenty, etc.

the day. at night, at noon

from - until + times, dates from 9 am

or periods. until 3 pm


5. Choose the right preposition of time to complete the sentences.

1) It’s at / on June 1st.
2) It’s on / in Friday.
3) It’s at / on five o’clock.
4) It’s from / on five o’clock at / until eight o’clock.
5) It’s in / on the morning.
6) It’s on / in weekend.
7) It’s at / in five sixteen.
8) I get up at / on six o’clock in / on the morning.

9) I stay up at / in 1 am in / on weekends.
10) I start work in / at 11:30 on / at night.

6. Complete the sentences with in, on, at, from and until.
1) Efren’s party is Tuesday 4:30.
2) The reading festival is February 1st. It’s the afternoon 2:30 PM.
3) The Jazz festival is April. It’s the morning 10:00 AM.
4) See you at the park Sunday!
5) The music festival is November 3rd 6:30 PM.
6) I get up
seven o´clock.
7) I get
six seventeen.
8) The art exhibition is June weekdays noon.
9) Mondays I go to my piano classes.
10) We travel to Manta weekends.

7. What’s on TV this weekend? Complete the conversation with the correct preposition: on or at.
Chris: Ana, what’s on TV this weekend?
Ana: Let me see. Hmm, (1) Monday, we can watch an action movie.
Chris: What’s it called?
Ana: It is called Terminator Salvation. And it is (2) half past two.
Chris: What about Tuesday and Wednesday?
Ana: (3) Tuesday (4) half past six, we can see a science fiction
movie, Avatar, and (5) Wednesday, a horror movie (6) eight o´clock.
Chris: No way! I prefer animated.
Ana: Oh, (7) the weekend there is an animated movie.
Chris: What’s it called?
Ana: Happy Feet 2. It is (8) half past two (9)
Saturday, and (10) five o’clock (11) Sunday.
Chris: It sounds perfect!

8. Complete the text with: in, on & at.
This year there are some cultural events in the city. First, the food festival is (1) April
11th. It is (2) the morning and there are different chefs from many countries. Second, the
“Inti Raymi” is _ _ (3) June. It is (4) the afternoon (5) 3:00. Third, The dance
festival is planned for three days _ _ (6) September. It is _ _ (7) night and there are many
choreographies from throughout the country. These are very interesting events you simply cannot miss!

9. Read this e-mail and write (T) if the sentences are true or (F) if they are false.

From: Kate Robinson

To: Carlos Cruz
Date: 21st August 2018
Subject: Greetings

Dear Byron,
It is really great here in Tonsupa. At the moment, we are sitting in a café with a beautiful view of the sea.
Joseph loves coconut milk, so he is enjoying it a lot. Every day we go sunbathing and later we go swimming
in the sea. The children like playing in the sand and later they will go swimming. The food is excellent. I'm
not very fond of ceviche, as you know, but I love fried fish and I eat it every day here! On Monday we went
to see birds and on a boat trip. The birds are so beautiful but I was a bit worried about the boat, because I
can't stand travelling by boat. I always get seasick. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go to Muisne.
We'll be back in Quito on the 25th. I'll call you when we arrive.
Kate and family

1 Kate is receiving an e-mail. F

2 They are resting and drinking.
3 First they swim and then they sunbathe.
4 Kate loves ceviche.
5 She eats a variety of seafood.
6 She was afraid about the boat trip.


10. Listen to the words below and underline the stressed syllables. Then practice saying the words in
pairs. accelerator windscreen steering wheel
mirror ignition engine tire

11. Tell your partner your daily routine using as many prepositions of time as possible. Use these
Would you like to… What time… ? When… ? It’s on…
It’s at… Great! I’d love to… Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t.

-At what time do you do


-At 7:00 o´clock.

12. Write an invitation to your party. Include: day, time and date.

Figure 1 imagen sin derechos de autor.

13. Complete the imperatives with the words in the box.

Come Open Turn Don't Look
Don't Read Talk Don't Don’t

1) here
2) your books
3) in pairs
4) to page six
5) at the board
6) make noise
7) disturb
8) come late
9) talk
10) the text

14. Change into negative the following imperatives.

1) Park here!
Don’t park here!

2) Buy me a piano.

3) Watch outside the window.

4) Visit me at 3 pm.

5) Listen to music every day.

6) Play soccer on weekends.

7) Go inside the building!

8) Take photos of that masterpiece.

9) Smoke inside the church, please.

10) Turn on the lights in the morning.

15. Label the traffic signs. Use the imperatives from the box.

turn right don’t go straight turn left go straight walk

don’t turn left don’t turn right


16. Match them correctly.

17. Read this e-mail and write (T) if the sentences are true or (F) if they are false.
From: David Moreno
To: Renata Miller
Date: 21st August 2006
Subject: Regards

Dear Renata,

We are having a wonderful time here in Ecuador. Yesterday we arrived in Quito. The weather is cool,
but we are enjoying ourselves. At the moment we are sitting in a café. Kate is drinking tree tomato
juice and reading the newspaper. She has just eaten a big plate of “fritada”, or fried pork. I'm not
very fond of fritada, but I love Ecuadorian soup. They are delicious.
Yesterday we went to the aerial tram in Cruz Loma where we had a spectacular view of the city. If the
weather is fine tomorrow, we’ll climb Pasochoa. Tomorrow, we plan to go downtown and then
dancing at night. I can't stand being in the hotel room on Fridays. Time flies! And soon we'll be back
home. I'll call you before we leave.
David and family

1 Renata is writing the e-mail.

2 The weather is hot.
3 They are resting and drinking.
4 Kate can't stand fritada.
5 David is fond of Ecuadorian soups.
6 The next day they are visiting Quito at night.

18. Listen to a scientist talking about one of the body’s systems. Choose the answer from the box.
the nervous system the circulatory system the respiratory system
the digestive system the excretory system

19. Write the instructions to prepare your favourite recipe.

20. Tell your classmate the instructions to prepare your favourite recipe. Start like this: “To prepare
… you need:…..”

Vocabulary: Lifestyle
21. Put a tick in the activities you used to do and order with numbers according to your opinion.
22. Classify the words from the box in the box map below. Add two more in each category. Then
compare with a partner.
beach cat collect books bird play soccer play video games café
rabbit pictures cinema pens barbecue





We use “used to” to express: habits , past routines
 Actions that happened in the past for a long time and are no longer happening now.
 Something that was true in the past, but it is not anymore.


 I used to live in Cuenca, but I don’t anymore. Now I live in Guayaquil.

 I used to ride a bicycle to school, but I don’t anymore. Now I drive a car.
 Did they use to visit their parents?
Yes, they did.
No, they didn’t.

simple form

23. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1) He used to / uses to play basketball.
2) Did you use to / used to go out with your friends?
3) Your parents use to / used to work there.
4) Margarita use to / used to be thin.
5) Did you use to / used to wear jeans?
6) I use to / used to ride horses when I was young.
7) I use to / used to collect books.
8) We use to / used to go to the supermarket every Saturday.
9) They use to / used to cook early.

10) You use to / used to study French, but not anymore.

24. Make any affirmative, negative sentence or question using ‘used to’.
1) I / sleep until 11.00 in the morning.

2) She / live in Cuenca?

3) They (not) / put their bags on the table.

4) He / clean his desk before leaving the room.

5) I / be married, but I’m not anymore. Now I’m divorced.

25. Answer the following questions.

1) Did you use to wear a watch?

2) Did you use to have a dog as pet?
3) Did your mother use to wear skirts?
4) Did you father use to watch TV.?
5) Did cars use to go faster than now?
6) Did you use to be good at Mathematics?
7) Did you use to wear glasses?
8) Did you use to walk to school?
9) Did you use to get to school on time?
10) Did you use to cry a lot at school?

26. Correct any mistakes in the highlighted phrases. Tick (✓) the correct sentences.
1) Where did you used to live before you moved here?
did you use to live
2) Jerry used to have a monkey, but now he has a cat.

3) I used to go to the gym on Saturdays.

4) Did you use to have long hair?

5) I use to walk to work, but now I go to work by bus.

6) Carol didn’t used to talk to me, but now she always says hello.


7) Do you use to get up late on Sundays?

8) Did you used to watch cartoons when you were child?

9) We didn’t use to stay in expensive hotels.

10) He use to have lunch at a restaurant.

27. Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.
Lost - Kontinuum

28. Read Sylvia's diary and put a tick (✓) in the correct information.

I'm exhausted. It has been a long workday! I had to get up and take the children to school.

That's not my duty but my husband's, but he had the flu and he couldn't go. He made lunch for

the family, instead. He didn't have to, but today was different. After I left the children I went to

work. I'm a trolley bus driver. I have to drive from 8.00 to 4.00 pm. I enjoy my job. It's exciting.

The only thing that bothers me is the traffic in the city. It is stressing. I hope Mario, my

husband, can go to work tomorrow. He is an electrician, but he doesn't like his job. He says

that he wanted to be a professional singer. He sings really well. He loves singing. He also loves

playing football, but he never has time to make lunch.

1 Mario usually doesn't have to make lunch. (✓ )

2 Sylvia works only at home. ( )
3 Sylvia usually takes the children to school. ( )
4 Sylvia's husband is not happy working as an electrician. ( )
5 Mario is sick. ( )
6 Sylvia still had to do things after dinner. ( )
7 Sylvia works eight hours every day. ( )
8 Mario doesn't like ball games. ( )
9 Sylvia is very tired. ( )
10 Sylvia likes to drive. ( )


29. In pairs, talk each other about the following questions. Give as much information as you
can. How do you feel about people and things in the past?
What did people use to do?
How did public services use to work?

30. Write a paragraph about things you used to do in the past.


Write a paragraph about what you used to do when you were a child, use as many prepositions as
you can. (70 words)


UNIT 3: Marketing People


In order to create comparisons using the comparative way of SHORT adjectives adds –er. Example:
Adam is taller than Stefan. For LONG adjectives, write more before. Example: She is more
intelligent than Jenny.

The word than is always used after the comparative adjectives.

For example: Jack is shorter than John.

A race auto is speedier than a scrambler.
Source:Grammar chart 1 by Carrazco Fredd,2019 ISTCT

Shorter Taller

Source: Imagen 1


Ways of adjectives Comparative of equality Example

Use a simple adjective As + adjective + as as smart as, as slim as, as big as

Be careful! Don’t use than: You are as intelligent as my brother.


Ways of adjectives Comparative of inferiority Example

Use a simple adjective Less + adjective less interesting,

less expensive

Use than: Your wife is less tall than my wife.

Source: Grammar chart 2 by Freddy Carrazco,2019ISTCT


1. Match with a line the comparative form then Match with a line the opposites.

11.Cheap shorter 1. High dry

12.Clear older 2. Young bad

13.Loud thicker 3. Small low

14.New slower 4. Cheap slow

15.Old clearer 5. Hot large

16.Rich richer 6. Wet cold

17.Short cheaper 7. Good old

18.Tall taller 8. Fast expensive

19.Slow newer 9. Short tall

20. Thick louder 10. Fat slim


2. Change the adjective to comparative and complete the sentences.

difficult busy high expensive slow

cheap dry clever beautiful good

1. A school bus is than a plane.
2. Ecuador is than Germany.
3. Life in a town is than life in Quito city.
4. The white wine is than champagne.
5. The Chinese language is than English.
6. Roxana is than him.
7. A Mercedes is than a Chevrolet.
8. The weather in Manta city is than Quito city.
9. This school year is than the last year.
10. Your new flat is than your old department.

3. Complete the comparisons using the accurate adjective type. There are distractors.

Expensive poor soft tall difficult large equality

as +adj+ as
funny modern good quiet better sweet slow

2. My father is as as my mom.
3. Your smart phone is as as mine.
4. Be careful. They are as people as bad people.
5. The girls are as as my old friends.
6. The books are as as the notebooks.
7. He feels as as each of you.
8. Quito city is as as Guayaquil city.
9. His hair is as as your hair.
10.Oranges are as sweetas tangerines.
11.Your car is as as mine.
4. Make comparisons using the terms given + the structure

Example: My apartment/ large/ his My apartment is as large as his.

12. Biology/ interesting/ history
13. Train/ fast/ airplane
14. Algebra/ difficult/ geometry
15. Batman / popular/ superman
16. Lemon/ short/ orange

17. Morning/ warm/ afternoon
18. Robin / big/ eagle
19. My neighbor/ friendly/ yours
20. Tiger/ dangerous/ lion
21. Bicycle/ expensive/ motorcycle

5. Put the correct form of the comparative adjective in the gap. T here are distractors.

Delicious funny bitter far bad sweet

expensive bright pleasant faint interesting large

22. This school is less than my old school.

23. Chevrolet car is less than Lamborghini car.
24. The red light is less than the white light in your room.
25. This song is less
than the next song
26.The dinner is less
than the food yesterday.
27.Orange is less than lemon.
28.The beer is less than soda.
29.Winter season is less than summer season.
30.This film is less than the book.
31. Ecuador is less than Brazil.

6. Make comparisons using the words provided and the structure less...than.

Example: My flat / large/ yours My flat is less large than yours.

32. House/ high/ skyscraper

33. France/ beautiful/ Switzerland_
34. My old shoes/ comfortable/ new shoes
35. Grammar/ difficult / spelling
36. Mozart / famous / Beethoven
37. Frozen yogurt/ fattening/ ice cream
38. Fruit juice / healthy/ coke
39. My apartment/ convenient/ yours

40. Big cities/ safe/ small towns
41. New York hotels/ expensive/ Tokyo hotels


(Carne, 2015)


7. Read each statement. Circle True (T) or false (F) according with the text.

1) Dennis thinks that reviews on internet are not so important in marketing. T F

2) The newspaper ads used to be more effective years ago. T F

3) Some marketing people have got a negative opinion of online reviews. F

4) Customers with problems are more likely to write reviews. T F

5) Online shoppers won’t buy stuffs if they see a negative review. T F


6) Positive online reviews are not so valuable.

TRACK 1.mp3

8. Listen Tour of London and select the right choice.

42. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this tour of London by bus.
a) Fantastic b) luxury c) amazing

43. We are going to visit all the sites.

a) amazing b) famous c) huge

44. The museum with wax models of people and celebrities.

a) Famous b) big c) friendl y

45. The London Eye, from which you can see the whole city on a day.
a) sunny b) rainy c) hazy

46. But there’s a café near the palace where you can get a cup of tea.
a) love b) lovely c) loved

9. Hear again and unscramble the places by enumerating.

47. Oxford Street

48. Madame Tussauds, Museum
49. Tower of London

50. London Eye
51. Houses of Parliament
52. Buckingham Palace
53. Big Ben
54. Tower Bridge
(British Council)

LESSON 2: COMPARATIVE https://bit.l



Ways of adjectives Comparative Examples

Short adjectives Kind + er Kínder, smarter

Adjectives ending in - Y Funny + ier Funnier, happier

Adjectives ending in – e Large + r Larger, closer

Adjective with two Big + ger Bigger, fatter

consonants and one vowel

Long adjectives More + important More important

Irregular adjectives: good – better old – elder/older

Bad – worse late - latter

Little/ few - less

Many/much -more

Far – farther/ further

Use than: my current lifetime is worse than when I was 20 years old.

You can use an adverb in the same way: My buddy steers more responsibly than me.

10. Write the comparative forms of the adjectives with More - er.


64. Amusing



(Garton, 2011)


11. Read and put True (T) or false (F) according with the text.

65.In Rio de Janeiro each carnival parade lasts around 24 hours.

66.At carnival time the hotels in Rio are more expensive than usual.
67.Carnival in Rio is longer than the New Orleans carnival.
68. The New Orleans carnival starts in February or March.

69. The carnival in New Orleans is less famous than the one in Rio.

70.The New Orleans carnival is the biggest in the world.


12. Write 10 sentences in comparative form according to the vocabulary below.

Smart old tall busy dark deep large windy hot rotten amusing

Rough playful small beautiful poor difficult quiet low empty ill

71. _










13. Fill the gap using the comparative way + than if it is necessary.
Example: Mary is quieter than Peter.

81.Modern automobiles are much more (expensive) old ones.

82.Do they think money is (important) good health?

83. This parka is (cute) that one.

84. My Toshiba laptop was a lot (big) my new one.

85.Petrol is high priced! I want a (efficient) vehicle.

86.Humanity thinks current lifestyle is (good) 15 years ago.

87.Media is a great deal (simple) it was 60 years ago.

88.The pollution in Quito city is much (bad) it used to be.

89.She loves (hot) weathers. Thus, she enjoys summer.

90. My early institute is a bit (far) my current one.

14. Circle the word to complete correct sentence.

1) My Sonny laptop is more efficient than your / than yours.
2) The white coat is warmer then / than the gray one.
3) Ellen buys nicer clothes than my /mine.
4) These houses are more / most expensive than ours.
5) Does your new stereo play music more loudly/ louded than your old one?
6) Harry’s motorcycle is faster than my /mine.
7) Orange juice is more healthy / healthier.
8) I want to introduce Emilia. She is my elder / more old daughter.
9) A sunny day is more beautiful than/ then a rainy day
10) The gold is more attractive / atractiver than the copper.

15. Unscramble each sentence in comparative form.

91.colder /Today/ yesterday /is /than.

92.bigger /is/ China /Italy /than.

93. is /her /younger /than/ brother/ She.

94. He /friend/ is /than /his /older.

95. His /than/hair/is/yours/longer.

96. yours /newer /My/ car/ is /than.

97. His/ is /than/mine/ bigger/ house.

98. cheaper /than/ Tea /is/ champagne.

99. are /than /We /Ana/ clever.

100. interesting /That/ film is /more /newspaper/ than/ the.

16. Read each sentence and correct these sentences.

101. Guayaquil city is more bigger than Riobamba city.

102. Water is more better for you than beer.

103. A plane ticket is expensiver than a bus ticket.

104. The weather in Ibarra city is worser then Ambato city.

105. The coast region is hoter as orient region.

106. Putumayo river is longer as the Napo river .

107. Guayaquil city is more warm than Santo Domingo city.

108. The weather in Australia is sunnyer than in Germany.

109. The river is more colder than sea.

110. Samsung smart phone is more good than Huawei smart phone.


17. Respond them according to your own data. Work in pair.

111. Which is harder, math or English?

112. Is it better to be rich and dumb or poor and smart?
113. Is it better to be rich and ugly or poor and beautiful/handsome?
114. Does technology make the world better or worse? Why?
115. Which game is more entertaining, Tetris or Angry Birds? Why?


Short adjectives clean + est cleanest, smartest

Adjectives ending in - Y easy + iest easiest, happiest

Adjectives ending in – e simple + st Simplest, Largest, closest

Adjective with two Big + gest Hottest, Biggest, fattest

consonants and one vowel

Long adjectives Most + charming Most charming

Irregular adjectives: good – best old – eldest/oldest

Bad – worst late - last

Little/ few - least

Many/much - most

Far –farthest/ furthest

ALWAYS USE THE. Example: My family is the cutest of all universe.



18. Write the Superlative forms of the adjectives with Most - est.

116. Busy
117. Dirty
118. Small
119. Sad
120. Cheerful
121. Comfortable
122. Bad
123. Good
124. Wide
125. Dim
19. Put the correct world in each sentence: than, of, in.

126. Who’s the tallest classmate class?

127. Her shoes are prettier mine.
128. Parachuting is the most exciting sport all.
129. Which is the coldest month the year?
130. Mr. Cevallos is higher Mrs. Benavidez.
20. Complete the text with superlative adjectives. Use THE if it is necessary.

young awesome clever thoughtful cheerful

funny thin organized talentful busy


21. Mark the superlative correctly.

131. My best friend Valery is the pretty / prettiest girl in the group, of course.
132. Fernanda is the more obnoxious / most obnoxious person in my class
133. Rose is the friendliest / most friendly woman that I´ve known.
134. Santiago is the most relaxed / relaxed partner whom I´ve worked
135. Do you got the loyalest / most loyal buddy?
136. Joseph is the lazy / laziest person.
137. The brightest / brighter person is Margot – my mother.
138. I don´t consider that she is the most stuck up/ stuckest up girl in the neighborhood.

22. Use the words in parentheses to complete the sentences in superlatives.

Example: C otopaxi is the most amazing snow capped mountain over the world

139. is _ (high /Mount Cotopaxi /mountain) on


140. is (the cheetah /fast / animal) in the


141. is (The Amazon River/ long / river) in

the world.

142. is (wide / ocean/ The Atlantic) on


143. is (small /Oceania /


144. is (large / animal/ the blue whale) on

145. is (cold/ Antarctica / place) on


146. is (Mercury /close / planet) to the


147. is (Yaca /fruit /big) in our


148. is (country/ Russia / large) on Earth.

23. Use the right superlative way.

149. The blue whale is (heavy) animal in the world.

150. Which is (big) Portugal or Spain?

151. He is (untidy) person in class.

152. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s (pretty) of them all?

153. Elvis Presley is one of (popular) rock singers ever.

154. Switzerland is one of (rich) countries in the world.

155. People in Africa are (poor) in the world.

156. Alexander the Great was (good) leader than Xerxes.

157. Usain Bolt is (fast) runner in this century.

158. What´s the (dangerous) animal in the world?

24. Read the clues and then complete the puzzle in comparative and superlative form.


1) Russia is (big) than China.

2) Cheetahs are the (fast) land 67


6) Great Wall of China is the

(long) man-made structure.

2) A rabbit is (fast) than a tortoise.

3) Elephants are the (big)land animal.

4) Blue whale is the (large) animal in the


5) Vatican City is the Worlds (small) state.

9) A beaver is (slow) than a tiger.

10) The three-toed sloth is the (slow) land


11) dolphins are (large) than mouse.


25. Listen Alfie and Daisy have decided to eat out tonight and choose the correct option.
159. You get the pizza in London

a) well b) best c) good

160. They’ve got more variety and the waiters!

a) friendly b) friendlier c) friendliest

161. It’s not the thought, but they’re so good!

a) cheapest b) cheaper c) cheap

162. I’ve just eaten the amazing pizza ever.

a) more b) most c) last

163. It was the I’ve ever had.

a) best
b) good c) well

164. The base ever, really delicious.

a) crispy b) more crispy c) crispiest

165. They use the cheese though. For me, it’s all in the cheese!
a) bad b) worst c) worse

166. Obviously it`s not as as the pizza you get to eat in Rome, but it’s absolutely fine!
a) better b) best C) good

167. It sounded so !
a) delicious b) rich c) good

168. Good idea, you can’t go with fish and chips.

a) wrong b) bad c) worst
26. Unscramble the phrases by enumerating

169. The pizza at La Bella Napoli isn’t as good as I remember.

170. The friendliest waiters!

171. I’m with Oliver and Alfie. We’re going to have a pizza.

172. Oh yes, they’re not bad. They use the worst cheese though.

173. You could have pasta?


Apartment elevator suite first floor flat for sale freehold garden
ground floor Landlord lift rent tenant yard room

27. Answer these questions: Which is the biggest flat in your neighborhood?
Which is the most expensive rent in your neighborhood?


28. Figure out the survey according to your data. Work in pair.

1) Do you get along with your parents?

2) Do you get in touch with your old friends?

3) Do you get together with your family on Christmas?

4) Do you get to know someone new this weekend?

5) Do you get ill easily?

29. Observe the images and make comparisons. Work in pair.

Imagen 2 fce/, Imagen 3 5/speaking-b2-first-fce/


29. Match the phrases. There are distractors.

174. If you buy enough of these, you should get one free.
175. These are gonna cost less at the weekend.
176. When you play soccer you always need to wear the right things.
177. Ask to this person if you need some help.
178. You gotta take these off before you enter this place.

Source: 6sampletext1-CambridgeEnglish
30. Fill in the information in Peter´s notes according to the invitations.

Source: Imagen 4 Sample test 1 Cambridge English

Imagen 5 Sample test 1 Cambridge English




Imagen 6 Sample test 1 Cambridge English
30. You have seen this ad in your school and you want to join the sport club. Email to Carlos and
response the queries given. (25 – 35 words).


To: Carlos

Imagen 7 by Carrazco hernan,2019ISTCT

UNIT 4: Decisions,
predictions and future plans
It is a famous or prominent object, landscape or city on the land which could help you for
knowing the localization.
1.- Complete the name of each landmark: Taj Mahal, Stonehenge, Statue of Liberty, Crist
Redeemer, Eiffel Tower, Middle of the World monument.

Eiffel Tower


AUXILIAR “WILL”: immediate decisions



Yes, I will.
will not /
I will Will I change car?
No, I won´t

Yes, You will.

will not /
YOU will Will you study?
No, You won´t

Yes, he will.
will not / 21. Shall is occasionally used
HE will Will he play? with I and we in very
No, he won´t formal British English.

Yes, she will. We shall be very happy to see you.

will not /
SHE will Will she dance?
(won´t) 22.
No, she won´t The short form ¨ll is used
mainly with pronouns and
in speaking.
Yes, It will.
will not /
IT will Will it work?
No, It won´t

Yes, we will.
will not /
WE will Will we pass?
No, We won´t

Yes, you will.

will not /
YOU will Will you rest?
No, you won´t

Yes, you will.

will not /
THEY will Will they eat?
No, you won´t

Source: Grammar chart 1 By Ruíz Alejandr,2019ITSCT


Affirmative: I will learn another language. Negative: She won´t be punctual.

We’ll go to the cinema They will not play basketball with them.

2.- Unscramble the structures.

Ex: he/will/next year/travel/to manta/

He will travel to Manta next year.

179. at/will/the 184. Paul/fix/ next week/ the

mall/Tomorrow/she/ car/will

180. will/they/get up/In 185. to/ the party/at night/won

the morning/late/ ´t/ go/they

181. won´t/go/to/In the 186. will/take/the bus/In the

evening/we/at Atahualpa Stadium/ afternoon/I

182. will/Xavier/home/ come back/ 187. we/ to Cuenca / Early in the


183. fly/will/to Galapagos

islands/In three days/Brayan/ 188. will/be/on/vacations/her/hap
py/ Darla

3.- Prognosticate about Stefanie´s new life. Fill the gap with will, ´ll or won´t.

Stefanie is from Germany. She moved to Quito last week with her parents. Stefanie
is 16 and she is good student, but she doesn´t speak much Spanish. What do you
think Stefanie´s new life in Ecuador will be like?

189. She learn Spanish very quickly.

190. Stefanie like Ecuadorian food.

191. Her friends in Germany write on her.

192. She forget Germany.

193. The atmosphere be a trouble.

194. Stefanie´s relatives concern her.

195. She feel homesick.

196. Stefanie get lost in Quito.

197. Stefanie´s grandma go to see


198. Her life be very different.

Imagen 1

Welcome to the Easy Yoga training!

I hope you´ll enjoy yoga. It won´t be easy but it

will be healthy and fun. At the end of this
training I´m sure you´ll feel the difference. You´ll
be happy and your whole body will feel good.
You won´t want to stop. Shall we start? I think
we´ll begin with some simple exercises. Don´t
worry, I won´t go too quickly. Any problems stop
the video and we´ll start again. Is that clear?

(Davis & Rimmer, 2011)

4.- Write the short form of each full form. If no short form is possible, put x.

Underline the correct option. This is a tutorial / fitness / music video.

199. I will endeavor relaxing.

200. Shall we sit down?

201. You will feel greater.

202. Will she enjoy it?

203. That will be good for you.

204. Shall I watch it once more?

205. I will not hear once again.

206. Will the coaching be costly?

207. I will stop the training videotape.

208. The coach will not redo it.

5.- Choose the option.

1. I expect my friend this yoga videotape.

a) will likes b) will liking c) will like

2. I´m sure time to do yoga.

a) she won´t has b) she won´t have c) she won´t be

3. A: to our new video now? B: yes!

a) Shall we watch b) We shall watch c) Shall we watched

4. A: Will I be great at yoga?

B: Yes, .
a) you will b) you won´t c) you do

5. I consider this yoga video. It´s too difficult.

a) I´ll stop b) I stop c) I´ll stopped

6. A: Will yoga be dangerous and boring?

B: No, .
a) it doesn´t b) I won´t c) it won´t

7. I think relaxed at the training ending.
a) I will be b) I won´t be c) I will

8. I think Yoga me a full-body workout.

a) won´t give b) will give c) will gives

9. I hope any equipment to make it

a) it won´t need b) I won´t c) I won´t need

10. A: Will Yoga help me to stay flexible and strong? B: Yes, .

a) I will b) it will c) it won´t

6.- Underline the correct option.

Freddy: What do you think? 1 shall/will Sunday be all right for the picnic?

Mary: Sunday 2 will / won’t be fine for me. But , wait…..Sunday is my dad’s
birthday. Freddy: Shall / Will we have the picnic tomorrow then?
Mary: Shall / Will we have enough time to buy the food?

Freddy: We 5 will / won´t need much, just some snacks. My mum 6 shall /will probably
make something nice.
Mary: Shall / Will I call everyone or 8 shall / will you do it?

Freddy: I 9 ´ll / won´t do it, it´s no problem.

Mary: Great. It 10 shall / will be a lovely picnic.

Freddy: I just hope it 11 ¨ll / won´t rain.

(Davis & Rimmer, 2011)

7.- The words in brackets ( ) are missing in the sentences. Set them correctly.
Listen and check.
Example: Do you THINK Clarita will win the race? (think)

209. Miss Watts, we have any homework tonight. (will)

210. I will start a diet next month. (definitely)

211. I think I´ll have any ice cream today. (don´t)

212. Manchester United will win the cup this year. (probably)

213. Don´t buy any food at the airport – it cost a fortune . (I´ll)

214. You can try phoning her this evening, but I don´t she will be at home. (think)

8.- Match the two parts of the sentences. Then complete the sentences with will, ’ll or won’t.

Listen and check.

215. Don´t eat so many cakes – you A have a snack.

I´m really hungry – I think I B be cold there.
Eat lots of salads – they C make you fat.
218. The sun´s shining and it definitely D rain today.
219. I don´t think people E have a lemonade
220. Take a warm pullover; it F get fat.
I´m thirsty so I think I G ever live on the moon.

9.- Make predictions according with the show time:
My life in 5 years.

My life in 10 years.

10.- Ask and write 5 future plans of your classmate. Work in pairs.

Use the expressions: next year, maybe, perhaps, the next vacation, tomorrow, in a month.
Ex: Perhaps, she will study at the University in Brazil.

11.- Pick the best choice.

Imagen 2 English Teaching Resources -Timesaver- Personality Quizzes page 29


12.- Match TO – PLAN
the landmark with AND
the place.

13.- Find the time expressions in future on the next puzzle.


13.- Find the time expressions in nTeS!xt zzle.
fu t u re o n t h e
G RA M M A RF A C pu



Affirmative: She´s going to get a scholarship in Europe.

You´re going to create a machine.

Negative: I am not going to travel to Atacames city, tomorrow.

They´re not going to travel by train.

14.- Complete the sentences on the chart and change into negative.

Ex: I´m not going to by a new cellphone.



Yes/No questions:

15.- Can you see what is going to happen?

walk his ladder.

fall down on a banana skin.

slip crash a manhole.

x drop their ball.
going fall off wet.

to steal into each other.

be their cakes.

get her purse.

Imagen 3 Timesaver Picture Prompts page 28 lose into a lamp post.


15. Use the table to complete the sentences a-j.

222. The girl who is waving

223. The man behind the old lady


224. The two bikes


225. The boy outside the burger bar


226. The delivery men


227. The window cleaner


228. The boy under the ladder


229. The boy who is coming out of the shop


230. The woman with the mobile phone


231. The two girls


16.- Observe the above image. Can you see other accidents that are going to happen?

Accident 1 Accident 2

17.- Make questions with going to.

232. Julia / change her school

233. Where / you / put that picture

234. What / you / buy for Felipe´s birthday _

235. Elian / play soccer / tomorrow

236. When / you / stop smoking _

237. Amalia / go to university

238. You / phone the police

239. Your mother /come and stay with

240. us She / buy that coat

241. What / you / tell the boss

18.- Write sentences. Use be going to and the words into parenthesis.

242. We stayed with our uncle last weekend.

(visit our cousins / next month)

243. She didn´t buy any lasagna at the

shops. (not cook pizza / this afternoon)

244. I started the course in November.

(finish the course / in May)

245. Did you type a message to the travel agent?

(no / send an email / tomorrow)

246. Last year they stayed with relatives in Italy.

(this year / stay with friends / in Holland)

247. Henry went white-water rafting in Colorado last year.

(go / sailing in Canada / next year)

248. She didn´t study English at secondary school.

(not study science / at university)

249. I didn´t do any homework last night.
(but / study / this weekend)

250. He took his driving test this last year.

(buy a car / next month)

251. Did they go a festival day before yesterday?

(no / take it / tomorrow)

19.-Rewrite the structures using the underline part.

252. I´m going to finish the course summer/ next.

253. He´s going to take his English test this/ later/ year.

254. We´re going to take the children to Disneyland the /next /week /after.

255. In/ years´/ three/ time I´m going to be a doctor!

256. They´re going to open the new tunnel years/ four /now /from.

257. I´m going to open a new bank account tomorrow/ after/ the /day.

258. Our grandparents are going to visit us in /time /weeks´ /two.

259. Is he going to go on a journey around Paris y ear /next? _-

260. They´re going to get a dishwasher spring /next.

261. They´re going to get married Saturday /next.


20.- Read Diego´s email and the statements below. Choose the option. True - false

Hi Emilia,
I´m writing this from work. As usual there´s nothing for me to do. It´s so boring here. I know this
company isn´t making money very much at the moment so I don´t think it has a very good future.
The manager doesn´t like me very much, and I really don´t like any of my colleagues. In fact I
think I might look on the Internet and see if there are any other jobs around here.
See you soon.

262. Diego´s going to stay in this job for several years.

263. The manager is going to give Diego a pay increase.

264. Diego´s going to look for another job.

265. The company is going to be successful in the future.

266. Diego´s going to make some good friends in the office.

KEY 14- 16 points = You´re a beach boy/girl. You´re going to the beach for your summer holidays.
11 -13 points = You like the beach, but maybe you´re going to go camping.
8 – 10 points = You´re going to do lots of different sport and hobbies on holiday.
4 – 7 points = You´re going to go sightseeing for your summer holidays.

22.- Fill the gap with going to and a verb from the box. Use short forms.
Listen and check.

hit be eat break down

1) “When I grow up, I 2) “Watch out! We

a singer.” that tree!”

3) “I here 4) “Everyone uses this photocopier – it

It´s too expensive.” .”

23.- Unscramble the structures. Listen and check.

267. going to are see that new film you ?

268. not at anything the shops going to buy today I´m

269. visit us your sister is going to next weekend ?

270. the exam take the children going to aren´t this


271. they our party are going to to some friends

272. tonight isn´t rain it going to

24.- Explain and write. What are you going to do this weekend? What aren´t you going to do this
weekend? Use your own information.

25.- Response the survey. Use “going to” with your own data.

273. How are you going to get home after class?

274. Are you going to do homework this evening?

275. What are you going to do for fun this weekend?

276. What time are you going to go to bed tonight?

277. What are you going to do tomorrow?

278. Where are you going to go on Friday?

279. What are you going to do on Carnival?

280. Where are you going to celebrate Valentine´s day?

281. Where are you going to be on the next vacation?

282. What movie are you going to watch on vacation?


26.- Change these sentences into questions (?) or negatives (x).

283. She´s going to do it soon. (?)

284. This film will be very exciting. (x)

285. We´re going to be late. (?)

286. I´ll need my passport at the hotel. (?)

287. Susan´s going to the party, so I´ll go. (x)

288. You´ll enjoy this book. (x)

289. It´s going to snow tonight. (?)

290. You´re going to be sick. (?)

291. Your parents will be angry. (?)

292. We´re going to win the match. (x)

27.- Choose the best form.

293. “Why are you wearing those

old clothes?” 298. “Don’t forget it’s a
“Because I will do / am going to do secret!” “Don’t worry, I will tell / am
the harvesting.” going to tell nobody.”

294. “I think I have fever.”

“Wait a minute. I will get / am going to get fever 299. “What do you want to drink?”
syrup.” “I’m not sure. Maybe I will have / am going to
have beer.”
295. “What time is Erick’s party?”
“I don’t know but I will phone / am going to 300. “Look how that lunatic is driving!
phone him.” She will kill / is going to kill someone!”
296. “Why are you buying so “I will get / am going to get her number plate.
much food?” Have you got a pen?”
“Because I will invite/ am going to invite some
relatives for lunch.” 301. Wow look at Diana! She will have
/ is going to have twins!

297. “I will spend / am going to 302. I promise I won´t tell / am not

spend a few days at my best friend’s going to tell her about the surprise party.
beach house. “

28.- Complete the jokes by putting will (´ll) or (be) going to in the gaps provided:

303. Darling. I want to see the world!

I give you an atlas for your next birthday, then.

304. I buy one of those small

Japanese radios.

But how will you understand what they are saying?

305. Waiter, there´s only one piece of meat on

my plate.

Just wait a minute, sir, and I cut it in two.

306. A motorist ran over and old lady´s cat and killed it.

I´m a very sorry, said the motorist. I replace your cat, of course. Very
well, but I hope you´re good at caching

307. What are you doing with that gun? I shoot you.

Why? Because you look like me.

I look like you? Yes.

Then shoot me!

308. How old are you now, Billy? Seven.

And what you do when you are big like your mother?

Stop eating chocolate!

309. Mummy, mummy! Where are you? cried a little boy at the beach.

Your poor boy, said an old woman. Come with me and I get you an ice cream
and then we go and look for your mummy.

310. I have some good news for you and some bad news.

Tell me the bad news first, doctor.

I amputate your legs.

And what is the good news? The man in the next bed wants to buy your shoes.

311. The British are planning to travel to the sun in a rocket next year, said a British

But, said an American scientist, as you get near the sun the heat will melt the rocket.

We are not stupid, said the British scientist. We travel at night.

312. A circus was visiting a small town in France. The lion tamer walked into a bar and
asked :

Do you serve Americans in here?

Sure, said the barman.

Okay, I have a beer for myself, and two Americans for my lion

(Woolard, 1999)
29.- Complete the jokes by putting these words or phrases in the gaps provided:

round Sleep Sober fly Wet

die Emergency Exit funeral long Looks

313. Waiter, will my pizza be ?

No, I expect it will be round as usual.

314. Tomorrow my name will be up in lights in every cinema in the

country. How are you going to do that?

Easy. I´m changing my name to

315. Two fish were swimming together in a river.

Look, said the first one. It´s starting to rain.

Quick. Let´s swim under the bridge, said the second fish, or we´ll

316. Do you think I´ll lose my

as I get older?

If you´re lucky!

317. The world will never come to an

end. Why?

Because it is ,

318. You´re ugly.

And you´re drunk.

Yes, but in the morning

I´ll be

319. The television will never replace the newspaper.


Because you can´t swat a with a television.

320. I think I´m going to lose my job in the flower shop tomorrow.

What for?

I sent flowers to a with the wrong card on them.

What did the card say?


321. I know what you´re going to do

tonight. All right then. What am I going

to do?

You´re going to of course!

322. Doctor help me. My heart is beating very quickly, and I feel terrible. I think I’m
going to

Nonsense. That´s the last thing you´ll do.

(Woolard, 1999)

30.- Use will or going to and the verbs in brackets.

1.- When we get home, we (have) fish and chip supper.

2.- I know they (feel) very sad if they lose the match.

3.- She’s already decided on his next summer holiday. She (do) a tour of Switzerland.

4.- She thinks that the Ozzy Osbourne concert (be) really amazing.

5.- “What are your plans for this evening?” I (meet) my friends and then go to my best
friend´s bachelor party.

6.- If you revise for the exam, I’m sure you (get) a great result.

7.- The forecast is bad for the next few days. It (be) very rainy.

8.- I can’t come on the march next week. I (look after) my niece.

9.- In the future, I think people (wipe out) many different animal species.

10.-He is buying some flour and baking powder because he (make) a cake later.

READING Who is he? Where is he going? What will happen?


Text taken from really learn

31.- Answer the following questions. Use the simple future tense.

1. Where will Bernardo travel today? When is the space shuttle going to launch?

2. What is the crew going to continue at the space station? What will they record?

3. Where will Bernardo´s family watch his videos? What will they see?

Text 2

32.- Match descriptions with words by writing down what it is.

astronaut outer space data space shuttle International

Space Station research experiment videos

323. It is the space beyond the Earth´s atmosphere. What is


324. It is the space beyond the Earth´s atmosphere. What is it?

325. Person who travels into space. Who is it?

326. It is a scientific test in order to discover or prove something. What is it?

327. It is a study of a subject by revising theories or facts. What is it?

328. They are visual elements employed in the transmission of reception of a televised

image. What are they?

329. It is a vehicle used to travel to outer space. What is it?

330. It is a satellite that orbits the Earth. What is it?

331. It is facts and statistics of information. What is it?

33.- Listen and complete with FUTURE forms.

Rude (Magic)
Saturday morning jumped out of bed and put on my best suit x1n
I got in my car and raced like a jet, all the way to you

I knocked on your door with heart in my hand
To ask you a question
Cause I know that you're an old fashioned man yeah


Can I have your daughter for the rest of my

life? Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know
You say I1 (never get) your blessing 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No'

Why you gotta be so rude?

Don't you know I'm human
too? Why you gotta be so rude?

2 (marry) her anyway

Marry that girl - Marry her anyway

Marry that girl - Yeah, no matter what you say
Marry that girl
And we3 (be) a family
Why you gotta be so rude?

I hate to do this, you leave no choice

I can't live without her
Love me or hate me, we 4 (be) boys
Standing at that altar
Or we 5 (run) away
To another galaxy, you know
You know she's in love with me
She6 (go) anywhere I go

(Noedan, 2017)

34.- Match the right solution with the problem.

1. I’ve lost my purse a) I’ll close the door.

2. I’m cold 10). you
b) I’ll help I’m find

3. I’m unhappy c) I’ll open a door.

4. I’ve got a stomachache d) I’ll make you a hamburger

5. I’m a little dry e) I’ll lend you some money.

6. My bags are very heavy. f) I’ll get you a pain pill.

7. I’m starving g) I’ll get you some hot chocolate.

8. I’m hot h) I’ll get you a freezing drink.

9. I’ve got no money. i) I’ll encourage you.

10. I’m exhausted. j) I’ll support you.

1) I’ve lost my purse.

2) I’m cold.

3) I’m unhappy.

4) I’ve got a stomachache.

5) I’m a little dry.

6) My bags are heavy.

7) I’m starving.

8) I’m hot.

9) I’ve got no money

Sara is asking Sarahi about her holiday plans.
I am going to
What are you going to travel…..
do on holiday?

35.- Ask 5 questions using be going to and ask to five classmates about their holiday plans. Write the
questions and their answers.







Survey Chart 1 By Villavicencio Alexandra,2019ISTCT

36.- Converse with a partner using these questions. Give your opinion on each statement. Remember
to ask each other follow up questions.

Do you think life will be

How do you think your
easier or more difficult for
country will change into 10
our children? How?

Do you consider space

creature will ever visit the
Will robots ever replace Earth? When? What will




■ We form the present continuous with to be in the present and an –ing verb.

Pronoun to be in the present -ing verb

I Am eating

you, we, they Are eating

she, he, it Is eating

Source: Grammar chart 1

English speakers often use the present continuous tense (subject + 'be' = verb-ing) to talk about future
arrangements. A future arrangement is a plan that you have decided and organized with another
person. It is used to speak about near future.

(, s.f.)

I’m flying to Paris next week with my brother. We’re visiting the Eifel Tower and eating crepes by the
river. We’re seeing the famous works of Art in the Louvre Museum. We’re staying in Paris for an entire

(English teaching resources timer picture prompts, pp.
q=English+speakers+often+use+the+present+continuous+tense+(subject+%2B+%27be%27+%3D+verb- ing)

2. Fill in the blanks with the verb in parenthesis.
a. I (go) to the supermarket tomorrow.
b. My sister (give) me her car when she gets her new one.
c. We (have) a barbecue on Sunday.
d. All my friends (come) to my party next week.
e. We _ (take) my niece to an Aqua park later today.
f. The metro (leave) in ten minutes.
g. We (not/go) to the zoo tomorrow.
h. On Friday I (not/go) to Rob´s party.
i. My teacher _(go) to school tomorrow.
j. Rhonda (not/ stay) in class on Friday.

3. Choose the best answer

1) Circle the correct answer
a) I’m going to a festival this weekend.
b) I going to a festival this weekend.
c) I’ll go to a festival this weekend.

2) Which word completes this sentence?

She coming to the party.
a) aren’t b) ‘s not c) not

3) Which question is correct?
a) What are you doing tomorrow evening?
b) What you are doing tomorrow night?
c) Where you going tomorrow night?

4) Which sentence does NOT use the present continuous in the correct way?
a) James is arriving at noon tomorrow.
b) We are taking the bus to school every day.
c) Tim is working now.

5) Which words complete this question correctly?

What time coming?
a) you are b) she’s c) is he

6) We to Scotland this weekend.

a) am going b) are go c) are going
7) Where Christmas this year?
a) are you spend b) are you spending c) is you spending
8) Louise until six o’clock this evening.
a) aren’t arrive b) isn’t arrive c) isn’t arriving
9) Why to the party on Friday night?
a) aren’t you coming b) are you come c) isn’t you coming?
10) We anything special tomorrow night.
a) aren't do b) isn’t doing c) aren’t doing

4. Use these words to write sentences. Use the present continuous.

1) I – not – go out – tonight.

2) I – meet – my friends – this evening.

3) Tom – not – come – to the party on Thursday.

4) My sister – get married – next December.

5) I – not – go to London – tomorrow.

6) I – stay at home – tonight.

7) I – go to the theatre – on Monday.

8) George – go to the dentist – on Friday.

9) Alice – go on holiday – to Mexico.

10) Bob – play football – on Saturday.

5. Read and complete the paragraph. Use present progressive form for future plans.

Our plans for visiting Galapagos

I am so excited about visiting Galapagos with my sister, Julia,
next week. We1) (fly) out on December
15th and we 2) (come back) on December
18th. We3) (arrive) at Santa Cruz island
on Sunday 15 . Over there we 4) (stay)
at Sueños Silvestres Hostel. We are part of Bartolome Tour. It 5)
(start) on Monday 16th. At 6:30 a bus 6)
us (pick up) from the Hostel. Then we
7) (travel) by bus or vans for 45 minutes approximately from Itabaca Canal, where
we 8) (board) the boat in which we 9) (sail) from the Itabaca
Chanel to Bartolome Island for 2 hours approximately. On Tuesday 17th we 10) (visit)
Charles Darwin island where we can sea turtles, dolphins, sharks, whales, iguanas, lizards, sea lions,
penguins, corals and the famous blue footed boobies which were the inspiration of Charles Darwin the
scientific to wrote about the evolution theory. On Wednesday 18th, we are staying in the Hostel until the
noon and then we are going to the airport to take our return fly.

img....0.KmiPLACoJOo#imgrc=1CC, s.f.)


7. Listening to the conversation between two friends and fill the blanks.

Hi! How are you?

1) I’m...............¡ What’s up?

2) We just have to……………… I have an important thing I need to tell you ……………….

Oh really!

3) free?

Let me think.

4) Well. I’m...............lunch with an important client on Monday.

5) the evening.

How about Tuesday?

7) I’m.....................the day off then, so I have lots of time.

Well maybe…. Oh no!

8) I can’t I’m …………………… Tom for lunch, and also, I’m................a meeting with my boss. I’ll be


9) I can’t...............on Wednesday I have other plans.

Ok. and what ……………. you.....................on Thursday?

10) I’m..............................up kids from school at 3pm, and what are your plans?

11) Well let see! I have yoga in the morning and..........................up my laundry at 1:30 then I’m
……………………… my parents at 2:30.

So why then we meet later in the afternoon ¿ Say 4 or 5.

12) Perfect! Let’ our favorite cafe.

13) It’s a.......................for meeting at 5pm at Jeff’s cafe. See you.

See you. Bye!

8. Work in groups. Use future form to talk about each picture. Share your ideas with the class.

We use MUST + the infinitive to talk about rules or obligations.
MUSTN’T is the negative form.
It is used as a modal verb when you want to show certainty, obligation
or prohibition, strong recommendation, necessity.

Positive Negative
Modal Use Forms Forms

must 1. That must be Jerry. They said 1. That must not be Jerry. He is
certainty he is tall with bright red hair supposed to have red hair

Obligation or prohibition You must use the seat belt. You must not swim in that river.
It's full of crocodiles.

must 1. You must take some time off 1. You mustn't drink so
strong and get some rest. much. It's not good for your

must . You must have a permit to

necessity enter the national park.
Grammar chart 2 (, s.f.)


9.- Match the picture with its name

seatbelt turn left no animals feed animals waste water feed animals turn right drop litter

10. Use MUST or MUSTN’T to fill in the spaces:

Example: It is cold. I m ust take my

gloves. It is not cold. I m ustn’t take my

1. It is raining. I take my umbrella.

2. It is not raining. I take my umbrella.

3. It is cold. I take my coat.

4. It is not cold. I take my coat.

5. It is sunny. I take my sunhat.

6. It is not sunny. I take my sunhat.

7. I am so sick. I see the doctor.

8. I am less sick. I see the doctor.

9. I am late. I hurry.

10. I am on time. I hurry.

11. Match the sentences with the pictures and fill in with must or mustn’t.

1) She turn left.

2) She use mobile phone at school.

3) She sleep at school.

4) She turn right.

5) She feed the animals at the zoo.

6) She fasten seatbelt.

7) She pick the flowers.

8) She drop the litter.

9) She waste water.

10) She brush her teeth.

(, s.f.)
12. Make sentences with must in positive (+) and negative form (-)

1) -/ Tom/ run fast

2) +/ They/ water the plants

3) +/He/ open the window

4) +/ I/ watch TV

5) -/You/ pick flowers up.

6) -/The children/ feed the animals at the zoo

7) +/It/ play outside

8) -/ We/ play in the street

9) +/ you/ drink milk

10) - /she/ destroy the books

13. Write two activities what you must do and mustn’t do in these places:


At the zoo

In the amusement park



15. Fill the gap with correct modal


16. Read the article with a classmate. Answer the questions and write a short paragraph
about transportation system in your country.


1) How is the Hong Kong Metro like?

2) What must you have to travel?
3.- What happened if you eat or drink in trains?
4) Where must you be located with respect to the yellow line?
5) What about bikes?
6) What mustn’t you do if you are asked to leave the train?
7) Can people play musical instruments at MTR?

17. Listen and complete.

1) during lessons.

1) You................................................................use your cell phone in class.
2) quiet.
3) quiet.
4) I ………………………………………………………..……………………..……………………… go.
5) You ……………………………………………….…….………………… listen to the teacher.
6) You …………………………………………..…………………….…………….……talk so loudly.
7) They ………………………………………………………………………… run in the .
8) You....................................................kick y our brother’s knees, it’s
9) polite at all times.
10) You...............................................................respect the rules of the game.
11) You......................................................................................................fight.
12) Wrestling is forbidden. hard.
13) You......................................................................bring a knife in your bag.
14) ………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………
15) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
16) go.

17) eat.

18) or drink in the museum of the castle, it’s forbidden.

19) We............................................................................knock at the door first.

20) Paul, you......................................................................fasten your seatbelt!

21) You........................................................................go to school on Wednesdays, too.

22) They........................................................climb on that statue, this is strictly forbidden, Sir!



We use should or ought to:

1. To give advice example:
- I think you should go to the doctor.
- You shouldn’t drink alcohol.
2. To show obligation or duty.
- You should wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle
- You shouldn’t smoke in here.
3. To show probability or expectation.
- They should be here soon.
- I believe 200 dollars should be enough for the trip.
4. We often use should with I think / I don’t think/ Do you think?
- I think the government should do more to help homeless people
- I don’t think you should work so hard.
- Do you think I should work so hard?
5. We also use should when something is not right or what we expect.
- I wonder where Lissa is. She should be here by now. (she isn’t there yet, and this is not normal).
- Those Boys shouldn’t be playing football at this time. They should be at school.
- I wonder where Lissa is. She should be here by now. (she isn’t there yet, and this is not normal).
- Those Boys shouldn’t be playing football at this time. They should be at school.
You can also use ought to instead of should in each sentence with the same meaning.
Ought to is considered as a semi-modal.
- Do you think I ought to apply for this job? (= Do you think I should apply for this job?
- Jack ought to go to bed so late. (= Jack shouldn’t go to bed late.)

The negative is formed by adding ‘not’ after ought (ought not to). It can be contracted to oughtn’t
to. We don’t use don’t, doesn’t, didn’t with ought to:
- We ought not to have ordered so much food.

- Not: We don’t ought to have ordered so much food.
- You oughtn’t to have said that about his mother.
- Not: You didn’t ought to have said that about his mother.
The negative of ought to is not common. We usually use shouldn’t or should not instead:
- You shouldn’t speak to your father like that. (preferred to You oughtn’t to speak …)
The subject and ought to change position to form questions. We don’t use do, does, did:
Ought she to call the police?
Not: Does she ought to call the police?
Ought we to be more worried about the environment?
Not: Do we ought to be more worried about the environment?
The question form of ought to is not very common. It is very formal. We usually use should instead.


18. Add these nouns and verbs to these sentences.

cat, mirror, ladder, person, shoulder, umbrella, should,

is supposed to, ought not, shouldn’t, should be, should

If you listen to the advice of a superstitious (1) …………………………, you (2) ready to pay
a lot of attention to what you’re doing each day. Be careful with that (3)..............................You’ll be told
that you (4) it indoors. When you’re walking along the street, watch out for a (5)
…………………………. You (6)............................careful not to walk under one. Did you spill any salt recently?
You know that you (7) ………………………… immediately thrown some of it over your (8)............................,
don’t you? And remember that you (9) ………………………… to be careless with a (10).............................,
because if you break one, you’ll have seven years of bad luck. However, if you see a black (11)
…………………………, that’s good, because it (12) lucky. (

19. Use the WORD BANK and write three sentences about the picture. First, write what is
wrong. Second, write what they should do. Third, write what they should not do.

Earache Flu Cough Headache

Toothache Backache Sore Throat 119


He has a stomachache.
He should drink some tea.
He should not eat candy.















26. (


20. Read and transform the tips to improve sleep into

suggestions, use should; shouldn’t or ought to.


1) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

21. Match the sentences on the left to the appropriate ones on the right.
1. My girlfriend always argues with me. a. I shouldn't go to bed so late.

2. She is not able to finish her dinner. b. I should prepare more thoroughly.

3. This movie is boring. c. I should wear thicker socks.

4. I think that dress looks awful on her. d. She should choose a different color.

5. This food is burnt. e. I should be nicer to her.

6. My feet are freezing! f. We should choose a romantic one.

7. I am really l ate for work today. g. She shouldn't order so much.

8. The iew isn't going too well. h. You shouldn't leave it in the so long.
interv oven

22. Read the sentence and choose the one option a-d, which best fits, the space.
1) I have a terrible headache. I
all that beer.
27. shouldn't drink
28. should drink
29. should drunk
30. shouldn’t drank

2) I am working, even though I feel ill. I

31. should stay at home
32. shouldn't go to work.
33. Shouldn’t stay at home.
34. should go to work

3) My kids are so spoiled. I should with them.

35. be stricter.
36. stricter
37. being stricter.
38. been stricting.

4) You don't believe me, but I am telling the truth. You should me.

39. believe.
40. believed.
41. to believe.
42. believing.

5) Danny married Wendy for her money. He thinks her friends ....
43. should warn her about him.
44. shouldn't warn her about him.
45. should to warn her about him.
46. shouldn't warnt her about him.

6) He isn't wearing his seatbelt, so he could be injured in the crash. He should it.
a) wear b) wearing. c) wore d) wored

7) I have a terrible headache. You ……. stay in bed.

a. should
b. shouldn’t
c. should to
d. no one

8) The game starts at three o’ clock. two thirty.

a. shouldn’t hurry
b. should leave
c. shouldn’t leave
d. shouldn’t hurry
9) I want to lose weight. You….
a. should stay in bed.
b. shouldn’t eat fruit.
c. should do some exercise.
d. should eat junk food.

10) He is always tired in the morning. He ….

a. should stay on bed late.
b. shouldn’t listen to quiet music.
c. should stay on bed early.

d. shouldn’t read on bed.
(, s.f

23. Imagine your best friend is visiting Guayaquil for the first time. Make the statements
below into advice. Use Should/Shouldn’t and talk to the class.

47. Know your bus number.

48. Have correct fare.
49. Tell someone where you’re going.
50. Give yourself plenty of time.
51. Take a transfer.
52. Ask the driver if they are going to your stop.
53. Know the name of your stop
54. Move back to let other people on.
55. Stand up to let elderly or disabled people sit.
56. Push and Shove
57. Distract the driver
58. Run in front of the bus to keep it from leaving without you.

1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
10) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
11) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
12) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

24. Listen and complete.
1) You............................................................................the storm.
2) the park.
3) He...............................................................................all day.
4) You..............................................................................on the table.
5) You..............................................................................on the chair.
6) the street.
7) the park.
8) I…………………………………………………………………………….…..
9) I ……………………………………………………………………………….
10) He...........................................................................a pop stars.

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