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Each Fishing Technique comes in three different levels: Novice, Adept, Expert

Those three techniques are the most basic techniques everybody starts with one of them: Still
Fishing, Fly Fishing and Arcane Fishing.

Some of the more unique, special and Advanced Fishing Technique can be learned through
passing down the knowledge from someone, learning from a fishing techniques manuals or
learn it magically. Each one of them can take a certain amount of time and resources, for
example the manuals will cost a 100 gold pieces each and you will need at least 10 long rests of
training to be Novice at them. And the Magical way to learn it would be much harder to get and
find it's also could be very expensive depends on the source.

Those types of fishing include: Relaxed Fishing, Dredging, Bomb Fishing, Ice Fishing, Net Fishing,
Rage Noodling, Spark Fishing, Taunt Fishing, Gator Style, Anemone Style, Bear Style, and
Crustacean Fishing.

Each fishing technique and is mainly based on one of the ability scores in D&D for example the
three basic techniques are based off: Wisdom for Still Fishing, Dexterity for Fly Fishing and for
Arcane Fishing it's either Charisma or Intelligence depends on the character’s spell casting
ability. For example from the Advanced Fishing Technique: Dredging and Rage Noodling are
based on Strength, Taunt Fishing on Charisma, Anemone Style is based on Dexterity because it's
around using Harpoons Crossbows a Spears and Arrows to and catch the fish.

Two new mechanics are introduced which are the Fishing Table Checks and the Fishing Checks,
the Fishing Table Checks is normally a flat D20 to see if they get a fish and which one it is. And
the Fishing Checks are used to see if they are able to catch the fish and it's usually a D20 plus
proficiency bonus plus any kind of bonus that is related to their Fishing Technique for example: a
level 1 character with Fly Fishing (Novice) and 16 in Dexterity will have 1d20 + 2 from the
proficiency bonus and a + 3 from the Fly Fishing (Novice) Dexterity modifier.

Here is 3 examples of how the different types of fishing techniques looks like and their general
power level:

Ability Score: Strength

The treasure of the fishing area is not the fish but for you- the discarded refuse. One angler's
trash is a dredger's treasure.

• Novice.

• Dredging Execution.
When you make a Fishing table check with a result of 8 through 16, you roll on the Junk
table. Any other roll yields you nothing.

• Adept.

• Dredging Execution.
When you make a Fishing table check with a result of 8 through 18, you roll on the Junk
table. Any other roll yields you nothing.

• Expert.

• Dredging Execution.
When you make a Fishing table check with a result of 8 through 20, you roll on the Junk
table. Any other roll yields you not

Arcane Fishing:
Ability Score: Spellcasting Modifier (Intelligence or Charisma)

• Novice

• No additional bonuses.

• Adept

Arcane Fish Scrying (Proficiency bonus/Long Rest)

• While you are Arcane Fishing, you may reroll a Fishing table check before determining
the result. You must take the new result.
• You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus. You regain
any expended uses when you finish a long rest.

• Expert
• Arcane Fishing Bonus
You gain a +1 technique bonus to Fishing checks.

Relaxed Fishing:
Ability Score: Wisdom

Still Fishers have spent much of their time out in peaceful Wilderness developed a technique to
focus all on one attention on the task, completely blocking out the world around them there is
only You the Rod and the Fish.

• Novice

• You gain a +1 technique bonus to Fishing checks but a -2 technique penalty to your
Fishing Table Checks, while you are Relaxed Fishing.

• Adept
• You gain a +1 technique bonus to Fishing checks but a -1 technique penalty to your
Fishing Table Checks, while you are Relaxed Fishing.
• Expert

• You gain a +2 technique bonus to Fishing checks but a -1 technique penalty to your
Fishing Table Checks, while you are Relaxed Fishing.

Bomb Fishing:
Ability Score: Intelligence

Explosive tactics define Bomb Fishing. Unleash fishing bombs to stun fish within a radius. Catch
multiple fish at once, but the blast disrupts the area for hours, preventing further catches. A
balance of explosion and yield.

• Novice

• Bomb Shockwave.
As an action, you can use a special fishing bomb to create a shockwave that stuns fish in
a 10-foot radius for 1 minute. Make a Fishing Check (Intelligence) against a DC of 12. On
a successful check, fish are stunned and unable to flee. You can catch up to two fish
within the radius. Fish caught this way are damaged, and their value is reduced by half
due to the explosion.
• Destructive Aftermath.
After using the bomb, the fishing area becomes disrupted and unusable for fishing for
the next 8 hours due to the disturbance caused by the explosion. No fish can be caught
in that area during this time.

• Adept

• Enhanced Bomb Shockwave.

Your bomb's shockwave radius increases to 15 feet. You can catch up to three fish
within the radius. Fish caught this way are slightly damaged, and their value is reduced
by 40% due to the explosion.
• Destructive Aftermath.
Same as Novice.

• Expert:

• Masterful Bomb Shockwave.

Your bomb's shockwave radius increases to 20 feet. You can catch up to four fish within
the radius. Fish caught this way are slightly damaged, and their value is reduced by 30%
due to the explosion.
• Destructive Aftermath.
Same as Novice.

Ice Fishing:
Ability Score: Constitution or Intelligence

• Novice:

• Frost Adaptation.
Your experience in cold environments grants you an advantage on your Fishing Checks
when fishing in icy waters. You gain resistance to cold damage.

• Adept:

• Frost Adaptation.
Your resistance to cold damage improves to immunity.
 Frosty Lure (Proficiency bonus/Long Rest).
You can create a unique bait from the resources of the snowy biome. When you use this
bait during your Ice Fishing attempt, you have advantage on the Fishing Table Check.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

• Expert:

• Frost Adaptation.
You can endure even the harshest cold environments without discomfort.
 Frostbite Mastery.
When you create a unique bait using Frosty Lure, you can expend a hit die to imbue it
with magical energy. When you use this enhanced bait during your Ice Fishing attempt,
you can roll the hit die and add the result to your Fishing Check.

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