Class 1 SQL

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Class 1 SQL

Select*from ap.invoices;

Select invoice_id,invoice_total

from ap.invoices;

/*This is a comment*/

use ap;

Select*from invoices;

Select*from vendors;

Select max(invoice_total) from invoices;

Select min(invoice_total) from invoices;

/*identifying avg invoice total*/


MAX(invoice_total), MIN(invoice_total), AVG(invoice_total)



/* Aliases as cloumn name*/

select max(invoice_total) as maximum,

min(invoice_total) as minimum,

avg(invoice_total) as average

from invoices;

/* Where Clause*/

select*from invoices

where invoice_total>=1000;

/*Order By Clause*/

select*from invoices

where invoice_total>=1000

order by invoice_total

Limit 3;

/*exploring vendors table*/

Select*from vendors;
select count(distinct vendor_city) from vendors;

select count(distinct vendor_state) from vendors;

select*from vendors;

/*identifying vendors where address is null*/

select*from vendors

where vendor_address1 is null;

select*from vendors

where vendor_phone is null;

Class 2

use ap;

Select*from invoices

where invoice_total>=1000 and invoice_total<=2000;


select*from invoices

where invoice_total between 1000 and 2000;

Select*from vendors

where vendor_city="washington"

or vendor_city="New York"

or vendor_city="Dallas";

/*In statement*/

Select * from vendors

where vendor_city in

("washington","new York","dallas");

/*Group By*/
Select vendor_state, count(vendor_id) Numberofvendors

from vendors

where vendor_state not in ("NJ")

Group by vendor_state

having Numberofvendors>2

order by Numberofvendors desc;

/*Act on invoices table*/

/*Vendor_id and count of invoices*/

Select vendor_id, count(invoice_id)

from invoices

Group by vendor_id

order by count(invoice_id) desc;

Select distinct vendor_id from invoices;


Select* from invoices where

invoice_total> (Select avg(invoice_total) from invoices);

/*Another example of subquery*/

Select * from vendors where

vendor_id not in (select distinct vendor_id from invoices);


/*inner join*/

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices inner join vendors

on invoices.vendor_id=vendors.vendor_id;

/* difference between primary and foreign key- primary key is the unique key in its own table and
foreign in other table*/
/*left join*/

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices left join vendors

on invoices.vendor_id=vendors.vendor_id;

/*right join*/

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices right join vendors

on invoices.vendor_id=vendors.vendor_id;

class 3

use ap;

Select*from invoices

where invoice_total>=1000 and invoice_total<=2000;


select*from invoices

where invoice_total between 1000 and 2000;

Select*from vendors

where vendor_city="washington"

or vendor_city="New York"

or vendor_city="Dallas";

/*In statement*/

Select * from vendors

where vendor_city in

("washington","new York","dallas");

/*Group By*/

Select vendor_state, count(vendor_id) Numberofvendors

from vendors

where vendor_state not in ("NJ")

Group by vendor_state

having Numberofvendors>2

order by Numberofvendors desc;

/*Act on invoices table*/

/*Vendor_id and count of invoices*/

Select vendor_id, count(invoice_id)

from invoices

Group by vendor_id

order by count(invoice_id) desc;

Select distinct vendor_id from invoices;


Select* from invoices where

invoice_total> (Select avg(invoice_total) from invoices);

/*Another example of subquery*/

Select * from vendors where

vendor_id not in (select distinct vendor_id from invoices);


/*inner join*/

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices inner join vendors

on invoices.vendor_id=vendors.vendor_id;

/* difference between primary and foreign key- primary key is the unique key in its own table and
foreign in other table*/

/*left join*/
select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices left join vendors

on invoices.vendor_id=vendors.vendor_id;

/*right join*/

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices right join vendors

on invoices.vendor_id=vendors.vendor_id;

/*alias in sql with joins*/

/*inner join*/

use ap;

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total,v.vendor_id

from invoices i inner join vendors v

on i.vendor_id=v.vendor_id

order by invoice_total desc;

/* difference between primary and foreign key- primary key is the unique key in its own table and
foreign in other table*/

/*right join*/

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices i right join vendors v

on i.vendor_id=v.vendor_id;

/*case statement*/

Select invoice_id,invoice_date,invoice_total,

case when invoice_total>10000 then 'High Priority'

else 'Low Priority'

end as Priority

from invoices

order by Priority;
/*generate a case statement column for write off less than 1000 yes otherwise no*/

Select invoice_id,invoice_date,invoice_total,

case when invoice_total>10000 then 'High Priority'

else 'Low Priority'

end as Priority,

case when invoice_total<1000 then 'Yes'

else 'no'

end as writeoff

from invoices

order by Priority;

/*views- they are virtual tables with criteria, does not have physical existence, no physical table*/

/*tables are physical and views are non-physical*/

Create view Vendors1 as

Select * from vendors;

select*from vendors1

where vendor_state in ("NY","NJ");

Create view Vendors1_NY as

Select * from vendors

where vendor_state="NY";

Create view Vendors1_NJ as

Select * from vendors

where vendor_state="NJ";

Select* From ap.vendors1_ny;

/*drop statement*/

drop view vendors1_nj;

drop view vendors1_ny;

drop view vendors1;

Create table invoices_1 as

Select *from invoices;

Create table invoices2 as

Select invoice_id,invoice_date,invoice_total,

case when invoice_total>10000 then 'High Priority'

else 'Low Priority'

end as Priority,

case when invoice_total<1000 then 'Yes'

else 'no'

end as writeoff

from invoices

order by Priority;

drop table invoices2;

/*update command*/

Select* from terms ;

Create table terms1 as

Select* from terms;

Select* from ap.terms1;

update terms1

set terms_due_days=60

where terms_due_days=90;
/*creating table from scratch*/


Select* from ap.terms1;

use ap;

update terms1

set terms_due_days=60

where terms_due_days=90;

drop table terms1;

/*create database*/

drop database if exists cat;

create database cat;

use cat;

/*creating table from scratch*/

create table score

cat_id int primary key,

name varchar(50) Not NULL,

cat_score int Not NULL



insert into score(cat_id, name, cat_score)



insert into score(cat_id, name, cat_score)


("902","Alia Bhatt",38);

insert into score(cat_id, name, cat_score)


("903","Katrina kaif",52);

select*from score;
Class 4 SQL

use ap;

Select*from invoices

where invoice_total>=1000 and invoice_total<=2000;


select*from invoices

where invoice_total between 1000 and 2000;

Select*from vendors

where vendor_city="washington"

or vendor_city="New York"

or vendor_city="Dallas";

/*In statement*/

Select * from vendors

where vendor_city in

("washington","new York","dallas");

/*Group By*/

Select vendor_state, count(vendor_id) Numberofvendors

from vendors

where vendor_state not in ("NJ")

Group by vendor_state

having Numberofvendors>2

order by Numberofvendors desc;

/*Act on invoices table*/

/*Vendor_id and count of invoices*/

Select vendor_id, count(invoice_id)

from invoices

Group by vendor_id

order by count(invoice_id) desc;

Select distinct vendor_id from invoices;


Select* from invoices where

invoice_total> (Select avg(invoice_total) from invoices);

/*Another example of subquery*/

Select * from vendors where

vendor_id not in (select distinct vendor_id from invoices);


/*inner join*/

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices inner join vendors

on invoices.vendor_id=vendors.vendor_id;

/* difference between primary and foreign key- primary key is the unique key in its own table and
foreign in other table*/

/*left join*/

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices left join vendors

on invoices.vendor_id=vendors.vendor_id;

/*right join*/

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices right join vendors

on invoices.vendor_id=vendors.vendor_id;

/*alias in sql with joins*/

/*inner join*/

use ap;
select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total,v.vendor_id

from invoices i inner join vendors v

on i.vendor_id=v.vendor_id

order by invoice_total desc;

/* difference between primary and foreign key- primary key is the unique key in its own table and
foreign in other table*/

/*right join*/

select vendor_name, vendor_state, invoice_id, invoice_total

from invoices i right join vendors v

on i.vendor_id=v.vendor_id;

/*case statement*/

Select invoice_id,invoice_date,invoice_total,

case when invoice_total>10000 then 'High Priority'

else 'Low Priority'

end as Priority

from invoices

order by Priority;

/*generate a case statement column for write off less than 1000 yes otherwise no*/

Select invoice_id,invoice_date,invoice_total,

case when invoice_total>10000 then 'High Priority'

else 'Low Priority'

end as Priority,

case when invoice_total<1000 then 'Yes'

else 'no'

end as writeoff

from invoices

order by Priority;

/*views- they are virtual tables with criteria, does not have physical existence, no physical table*/
/*tables are physical and views are non-physical*/

Create view Vendors1 as

Select * from vendors;

select*from vendors1

where vendor_state in ("NY","NJ");

Create view Vendors1_NY as

Select * from vendors

where vendor_state="NY";

Create view Vendors1_NJ as

Select * from vendors

where vendor_state="NJ";

Select* From ap.vendors1_ny;

/*drop statement*/

drop view vendors1_nj;

drop view vendors1_ny;

drop view vendors1;

Create table invoices_1 as

Select *from invoices;

Create table invoices2 as

Select invoice_id,invoice_date,invoice_total,

case when invoice_total>10000 then 'High Priority'

else 'Low Priority'

end as Priority,

case when invoice_total<1000 then 'Yes'

else 'no'

end as writeoff

from invoices

order by Priority;

drop table invoices2;

/*update command*/

Select* from terms ;

Create table terms1 as

Select* from terms;

Select* from ap.terms1;

use ap;

update terms1

set terms_due_days=60

where terms_due_days=90;

drop table terms1;

/*create database*/

drop database if exists cat;

create database cat;

use cat;

/*creating table from scratch*/

create table score

cat_id int primary key,

name varchar(50) Not NULL,

cat_score int Not NULL



insert into score(cat_id, name, cat_score)



insert into score(cat_id, name, cat_score)


("902","Alia Bhatt",38);

insert into score(cat_id, name, cat_score)


("903","Katrina kaif",52);

create table score1

cat_id int primary key,

name varchar(50) Not NULL,

cat_score int Not NULL



insert into score1(cat_id, name, cat_score)



insert into score1(cat_id, name, cat_score)


insert into score1(cat_id, name, cat_score)



select*from score;

/*Union Query*/

use cat;

select*from score;

select*from score1;

Create table consolidated as

Select cat_id,name,cat_score from score


Select cat_id,name,cat_score from score1;

/*union all duplicate values cities will be allowed, whereas union takes only distinct values*/

Select* from consolidated;

/*Delete Statement- deletes record based on conditions*/

Delete from consolidated

where name="Sam";

/*Drop will delete all the table with all records whereas delete will drop certain records based on

Select*from consolidated;

/*Delete with like option*/

delete from consolidated

where name like "Al%";

Select*from consolidated;
/*Stored procedures*/

use ap;

Call GetPriorityInvoices();

Call GetVendorsbyState("NY");

Call GetVendorsbyState("NJ");

Call GetVendorsbyState("CA");

Call GetVendorsbyState("OH");

Call GetVendorStateCount("NJ",@TotalVendorsinState);

Select @TotalVendorsinState;

Call GetVendorStateCount("CA",@TotalVendorsinState);

Select @TotalVendorsinState;

/*input catid and output variable cat score*/

use cat;

select*from randomcatfile;

Call CScore ("P212A022",@CatScore);

Select @catscore;

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