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Class Schedule

For the week of… You should be working Due Dates

on: Module Title
Sept. 16 Plant Classification and Syllabus Quiz (required to
Nomenclature access course), Sept. 21
Introductory Post, Sept. 21
(See Discussions in course - not
Sept. 23 and Sept. 30 Plant Morphology and
Oct. 7 Gymnosperm Morphology Discussion Post #1 (See
Discussions in course), Oct. 8
Gymnosperm and Broad-Leaf
Evergreen Specia Plant List Midterm Exam, Oct. 10
Oct. 14 and Oct. 21 Deciduous Trees
Oct. 28 and Nov. 4 Deciduous Shrubs Discussion Post #2 (See
Discussions in course),Oct. 30
Course Assignment (See
Assignments in course), Nov. 7
Nov 11. and Nov. 18 Course Review Final Exam Nov. 23

Note: All discussions and assignments are due before 8:00 p.m. CST

Course Description
The official course description and prerequisites are in the Univ.
Course Learning Outcomes
By the end of this class, students should be able to:
1. Classify landscape plants by usage and scientific classification systems.
2. Describe how scientific and common naming systems for plants have been derived and are used.
3. Use a plant key to identify woody plants.
4. Recognize woody plants by their morphological characteristics.

Required Resources
1. Harris, James and Harris, Melinda. Plant Identification Terminology. 2nd ed., Spring Lake
Publishing, 2001. ISBN: 9780964022164.

See the “Required Readings” section in each module in Blackboard Learn for a detailed required
readings list and schedule.

Evaluation and Grading Scheme

Total 100%

Detailed descriptions of assessments will be in the “Evaluations” section in your course site.
Students must complete and pass all assignments and exams to pass the course.
Online Exams
Please note that online exams are viewed and treated the same as any other exam. Online exams are
tracked and monitored for irregularities.
Any collusion, collaborating, copying, cheating or any form of academic misconduct is a very serious
offence at the Univ and could result in suspension or expulsion from the university.
Submitting Assignments
You will submit your assignments using a variety of online tools. Instructions will be provided on how to do

Midterm and Final Exam

Check the Class Schedule for the date of the midterm for this class. T
The midterm for this class will be closed-book. The instructor will provide more detailed information
regarding exam components prior to the exam date. The online exam will be available during a 12-hour
period from 9:00 AM (CST) on the day of the exam until 9:00 PM (CST).

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