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1. ---- the current rate of deforestation, tropical 5. 11. Researchers announced today that they are
rain forests would virtually disappear as building a new facility dedicated ---- finding an
functioning ecosystems ---- 100 years.. effective vaccine ---- malaria..

A) About / for A) for / of

B) With / along B) in / over

C) In / among C) to / against

D) At / within D) from / on

E) By / on E) through / off

2. For decades, agricultural science has focused ---- 6. People’s performance on intellectual and athletic
boosting production ---- the development of new tasks is shaped by awareness ---- stereotypes
technologies.. about the groups ---- which they belong..

A) over / around A) about / at

B) by / among B) of / to

C) on / through C) from / onto

D) without / in D) with / in

E) of / against E) over / beyond

3. The capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman 7. Coral reefs are aragonite structures produced by
Turks ---- their young Sultan, Mehmed II, was a living organisms, found ---- shallow, tropical
landmark ---- various ways.. marine waters ---- little to no nutrients in the

A) over / for
A) in / with
B) from / on
B) on / from
C) across / about
C) of / into
D) against / at
D) at / below
E) under / in
E) over / through

4. Certainly, the earliest known reference ----

cricket ---- name is in the 1598 manuscript, the 8. Glycerol is a well-known example ---- a compound
Guildford Book of Court.. prone ---- supercooling..

A) about / on A) in / at

B) into / of B) of / to

C) to / by C) for / about

D) for / with D) from / towards

E) over / at E) with / through

9. Dramatic hormonal fluctuations that occur after 13. Plants are made up ---- eukaryotic cells and vary
de livery may contribute ---- postpartum greatly ---- size and shape..
depression ---- susceptible women, but causes of
the disorder are not fully understood..
A) by / among

A) before / about B) for / within

B) to / in C) out / from

C) during / of D) of / in

D) without / on E) inside / at

E) over / at
14. Decades of high utilisation of pesticides in China
has resulted ---- the environment being degraded
10. What economists are describing is different ---- a with serious damage ---- the structure and
recession, but Americans think the economy is function of ecosystems..
now ---- a recession and the number who feels
that way continues to grow..
A) in / to

A) than / on B) for / with

B) of / with C) of / by

C) to / over D) under / into

D) from / in E) behind / at

E) beyond / at
15. The ten years of the French revolution (1789-
1799) was marked ---- a violent force that
11. Even though oil has been ---- much of the overturned a century old monarchy and
violence and environmental degradation of the embarked ---- a journey for liberty and equality..
past century, the search ---- black gold
A) with / by

A) beyond / into B) against / of

B) over / about C) over / into

C) for / in D) by / on

D) without / at E) below / for

E) behind / for
16. Changes ---- forest ecosystems, particularly the
conversion from forest to other land uses and
12. While many people tend to visualize acid rain as vice-versa, are driven ---- the harvesting of forest
an occurrence marked ---- pure acid falling from products..
the sky, it is a pure misconception ---- their
A) in / by

A) with / about B) with / without

B) for / over C) among / for

C) to /of D) across / through

D) by / on E) over / of

E) under/ against
17. Not all catalysis ---- the cell is carried - 21. The effective use ---- strategies has been shown
--- exclusively by proteins.. to be critical ---- successful language learning..

A) of / about A) in / for

B) at / on B) from / on

C) within / out C) of / towards

D) from / off D) of / to

E) around / with E) at / over

18. There are many countries in Africa accused - 22. Language aptitude research is often criticized ----
--- human rights violations ---- the international being irrelevant ---- the problems of language
community and NGOs.. learners.

A) about / from A) in / within

B) of / by B) about / on

C) with / in C) for / to

D) for / around D) from / onto

E) on / over E) over / with

19. Silk, China's first great contribution ---- 23. Earth's solar system lies ---- the plane of the
civilization had been an important product of the Milky Way Galaxy, an average-size spiral galaxy
region ---- at least 1000 years before the Shang comprising ---- 100 billion stars plus gas and
dynasty and the beginning of recorded history.. dust..

A) below / at A) on / for

B) from / during B) below / on

C) to / for C) in / about

D) over / on D) of / over

E) with / about E) from / with

20. Keynesian economics emphasizes unemployment 24. Anxiety is often related ---- a sense of threat ----
resulting ---- insufficient effective demand - the learner's self-concept in the learning
--- goods and service in the economy.. situation, for example if a learner fears being
ridiculed for a mistake..

A) over / on
A) with / for
B) in / onto
B) to / to
C) for / at
C) about / against
D) from / for
D) into / over
E) about / at
E) at / from
25. Monopolies are characterized ---- a lack of 29. More than 3% of all deaths seem to be caused ----
economic competition ---- the good or service adverse reactions ---- medical drugs..
that they provide and a lack of viable substitute
A) from / into

A) by / for B) with / towards

B) about / in C) up / of

C) at / under D) by / to

D) from / on E) as / about

E) with / around
30. Beginning ---- 1979, Nigerians participated in a
brief return ---- democracy when Obasanjo
26. ---- the 1st century, Pompeii was one of a number transferred power to the civilian regime of Shehu
of towns located ---- the base of Mount Shagari..

A) at / into
A) Over / under
B) for /under
B) In / about
C) up / from
C) During / beyond
D) in / to
D) By / around
E) from / with
E) From / below

31. Acoustic levitation is a method ---- suspending

27. One of the most notable events in space matter in a fluid ---- using acoustic radiation
exploration in 2005 was the collision ---- July 4 of pressure from intense sound waves in the fluid..
the Deep Impact impactor probe ---- the short-
period comet Tempel 1..
A) of / by

A) with / in B) for / in

B) at / over C) towards / with

C) on / with D) on / after

D) in / over E) in / up

E) for / during
32. Japan has begun preparations to impose its own
set ---- economic sanctions ---- North Korea after
28. Industrial meat production and fish harvests the hard-line regime rejected a U.N. Security
have dropped the economic cost of animal Council resolution condemning its ballistic
proteins ---- recent decades, but much of that missile tests..
fiscal savings has come ---- the expense of the
A) with / into

A) over / for B) of / on

B) during / to C) in / for

C) for / up D) about / over

D) in / at E) up / from

E) through / from
33. ---- the surprise of the researchers, the study 37. Our volunteers work in direct contact ---- people
revealed that star birth was highest ---- those who need help..
clouds that lie within the heaviest dark-matter
A) with

A) About / over B) over

B) For / on C) of

C) To / in D) from

D) With / under E) for

E) At / upon
38. Pat’s job brings her into contact ---- the problems
people face when they retire..
34. Rivers offer two main advantages to a
developing civilization. They provide water to
irrigate the fields, and they offer the easiest A) with
method ---- transport for a society ---- paved
roads. . B) for

C) on
A) for / on
D) of
B) in / along
E) from
C) about / across

D) of / without 39. The last 20 years have seen enormous advances

---- communications technology. .
E) by / as
A) at
35. Even if her advice does not coincide ---- what you
want, I advise you to follow it.. B) over

C) into
A) in
D) in
B) on
E) from
C) for

D) from 40. World’s climate is affected ---- the gases and

particles forced high ---- the atmosphere during
E) with eruptions..

36. The president said that Mexico would continue to A) of / by

cooperate ---- the US in the fight against drugs..
B) on / under

A) for C) with / for

B) on D) at / behind

C) with E) by / into

D) from

E) of
41. There has been much objection ---- the term 45. The basis of totemism seems to lie ---- the world
because the word revolution suggests sudden, view of some societies that assume a specific
violent, unparalleled change, whereas the relationship ---- human beings and the powers of
transformation was, ---- a great extent, gradual.. nature..

A) about / with A) with / among

B) for / for B) over / by

C) of / from C) in / between

D) with / against D) on / through

E) to / to E) across / under

42. Dance is part of many systems of belief ---- the 46. The tradition of thought that gave rise ---- the
universe that deal ---- the nature and mystery of social sciences was based on the quest to
human existence and involve feelings, thoughts, understand the laws or regularities governing
and actions.. the emerging industrial societies ---- democratic
political regimes..

A) on / among
A) in / among
B) about / with
B) for / under
C) over / for
C) with / from
D) over / for
D) to / with
E) at / by
E) about / within

43. The term Industrial Revolution is usually applied

to the social and economic changes that mark 47. ---- the course of the 1960s and '70s, both the US
the transition ---- a stable agricultural and and the Soviet Union struggled to adjust to a
commercial society to a modern industrial new, more complicated pattern of international
society relying ---- complex machinery rather relations in which the world was no longer
than tools.. divided ---- two clearly opposed blocs..

A) from / on A) At / by

B) with / for B) Through / with

C) into / with C) Between / for

D) through / for D) In / into

E) between /to E) About / among

44. Although it is not commonly thought of as a 48. Nanotechnology deals ---- putting things
conservation science, paleontology is invaluable together atom-by-atom and with structures so
to our understanding ---- the environment and small they are invisible ---- the naked eye..
climate cycles that naturally exist ---- earth..

A) of / for
A) with / at
B) among / without
B) by / over
C) with / to
C) without / above
D) from / under
D) of / on
E) by / with
E) under / across
49. As it is obvious ---- its name, Global Warming is a 53. Such techniques are not available ---- middle-
global phenomenon with a number of effects ---- class families ---- modest savings, or to small
the global level.. business owners holding long-term capital

A) for / within
A) at / for
B) about / against
B) in / of
C) by / on
C) to / with
D) under / though
D) into / above
E) along / under
E) about / from

50. Vitamin deficiency anemia can be caused ---- the

deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid, which in 54. Near vision tasks need to be presented ---- a way
turn can be associated ---- a diet low in these that ensures that materials can be easily
vitamins and inability of the body to absorb accessible ---- handle..
vitamin B12 effectively..

A) by / for
A) with / for
B) in / to
B) without / in
C) on / from
C) by / with
D) of / without
D) from / on
E) through / at
E) of / by

55. City officials are considering building a path ----

51. The ancient Roman education aimed ---- give the public access ---- the ruins..
transforming a child ---- a strong, healthy,
religious and responsible citizen. .
A) for / of

A) by / for B) up / after

B) for / about C) in / on

C) at / into D) off / with

D) of / between E) to / to

E) with / through
56. You should abstain ---- food and caffeinated
drinks before the operation.
52. Nanotechnology will help us clean up existing
pollution and make better use ---- the resources
available ---- us.. A) for

B) with
A) up / of
C) between
B) out / with
D) from
C) for / from
E) among
D) to / among

E) of / to
57. Whatever the reason for a refusal, the church 61. A need ---- a better life and to be equal
musician has to abide ---- the publisher's participants in the nation's prosperity that was
decision.. so ruthlessly denied to the common man led ----
the birth of the French revolution..

A) of
A) of / into
B) by
B) to / towards
C) for
C) about / over
D) over
D) from / at
E) within
E) for / to

58. Your completed passport application should be

accompanied ---- two recent photographs.. 62. The ten years of the French revolution (1789-
1799) was marked ---- a violent force that
overturned a century old monarchy and
A) with embarked ---- a journey for liberty and equality..

B) at
A) with / onto
C) of
B) for / to
D) by
C) under / of
E) over
D) by / on

59. In 1492, when the Americas were discovered ---- E) from / about
Christopher Columbus, avarice and exploitation
of colonization soon found their way ---- the New
World.. 63. The study of the importance of literature and art
is definitely incomplete ---- the study of this
golden and divine period of history, which
A) by / to revolutionized the thinking and expression of
artists and art all ---- the world..
B) with / on

C) under / into A) with / at

D) about / of B) without / over

E) over / in C) in / on

D) of / through
60. The France we see today is firmly democratic and
republican ---- spirit, which is the result ---- the E) for / along
French revolution..

64. The Industrial Revolution was a dramatic change

A) on / at ---- the nature of production in which machines
replaced tools, steam and other energy sources
B) with / at replaced human or animal power, and skilled
workers were replaced ---- mostly unskilled
C) in / of workers..

D) for /about
A) of / by
E) off / by
B) about / into

C) through / among

D) from / over

E) in / with
65. The councillor should become acquainted ---- the 69. Ramaphosa's own transformation ---- tycoon has
principal officers from whom he can gain a disappointed some blacks, who accuse him ----
considerable amount ---- information and help.. desertion..

A) for / about A) for / about

B) with / of B) over / with

C) in / from C) onto / from

D) about / on D) of / on

E) among / by E) into / of

66. It took a while ---- me to accustom myself ---- all 70. Because ---- the increase ---- street crime, many
the new rules and regulations.. old people are afraid to leave their homes..

A) on / with A) for / on

B) into / over B) among / over

C) for / to C) of / in

D) in / at D) to / about

E) of / from E) with / by

67. Health problems resulting ---- air pollution are 71. Mere discriminations ---- account of race or color
mostly associated ---- the respiratory tract.. were not regarded ---- badges of slavery..

A) from / with A) on / as

B) in / about B) for / with

C) of / on C) from / for

D) into / for D) among / into

E) by / onto E) off / at

68. Democrats have blamed Republicans ---- the 72. Wild fluctuations ---- brain activity owing to
failure to reach an agreement.. changing environmental conditions would thus
put the rest of the body ---- severe risk..

A) for
A) on / for
B) of
B) about / of
C) from
C) into / against
D) about
D) in / at
E) over
E) over / to
73. The region was bitter cold ---- winter and was 78. Tibetan monks, who are experts ---- meditation,
composed largely ---- woodland tracts veined rid themselves of negativity ---- augmenting the
heavily with water.. brain’s gamma waves, which can be measured in
a lab..

A) on / for
A) of / from
B) in / of
B) on / about
C) at / over
C) for / through
D) with / from
D) in / by
E) by / to
E) at / towards

74. It reported that drivers' spinning ---- the radio

dial accounted ---- far more crashes.. 79. ---- 1992 and 1998, total lung cancer deaths in
the United States declined 1.6% per year, but
almost all of this decline was due to a decrease -
A) of / for --- 2.7% annually for men..

B) on / with
A) During / in
C) by / in
B) Through / at
D) without / of
C) Over / about
E) about / from
D) Among / under

75. Assuming voluntary labour in sport to consist ---- E) Between / of

half manual and half professional work gives an
average value per hour of £10.38..
80. According to the generally accepted plate
tectonics theory, scientists believe that Earth‘s
A) with surface is broken ---- a number of shifting plates,
which average ---- 50 miles in thickness..
B) for

C) in A) up / above

D) at B) at / for

E) of C) down / beyond

D) into / about
76. The committee is made up ---- representatives
from every state.. E) of / below

A) for 81. The United States government is about to start

monitoring the air ---- major cities for biological
B) on weapons ---- looking for bacteria and viruses in
the air filtres that now monitor pollution..
C) of

D) over A) of / on

E) with B) at / towards

C) out of / with
77. This behaviour is part ---- our genetic make-up
rather than our cultural conditioning.. D) in / by

E) from / through
A) in

B) for

C) from

D) of

E) on
82. Despite the official ban ---- demonstrations, 2008 86. Moreover, ---- its own statutes, the EU itself is
has seen Egyptians take to the streets ---- obliged to consult the trade unions ---- a number
massive numbers on several occasions.. of topics..

A) about / by A) under / on

B) for / with B) with / at

C) over / at C) from / for

D) of / through D) on / against

E) on / in E) to / over

83. The main attention at the World Economic 87. As it is obvious ---- its name, Global Warming is a
Forum, when it was not focused ---- China, global phenomenon ---- a number of effects on
centred on Africa‘s remarkable economic growth the global level..
---- the past couple of years..

A) from / at
A) in / with
B) with / of
B) on / over
C) under / into
C) of / towards
D) for / about
D) by / at
E) by / with
E) from / through

88. Whatever be the nature ---- economic downfall,

84. It is estimated that sulphur pollution costs China either recession or depression, the effects ----
early 45 billion dollars each year ---- lost the economy and financial market is more or less
productivity, health care and damage ---- forests the same..
and crops. .

A) of / on
A) from / at
B) in / over
B) in / to
C) under / of
C) under / of
D) for / among
D) over / through
E) at / between
E) by / for

89. Vitamin deficiency anaemia can be caused ----

85. ---- anxiety, depression is the most common the deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid,
psychiatric disorder and typically begins ---- the which in turn can be associated ---- a diet low in
20s, 30s or 40s.. these vitamins and inability of the body to
absorb vitamin B12 effectively..

A) In / through
A) of / on
B) Over / during
B) from / under
C) After / in
C) with / at
D) Through / by
D) into / for
E) By / for
E) by / with
90. Recurrence of symptoms of low iron levels in the 94. While many people tend to visualize acid rain as
body can be prevented to some extent ---- an occurrence marked ---- pure acid falling from
increasing the dietary intake ---- iron.. the sky, it is a pure misconception ---- their

A) at / without
A) for / of
B) by / of
B) by / on
C) from / for
C) in / about
D) for / against
D) over / with
E) on / with
E) without / into

91. Anaemia can be of several different types, and

each type ---- anaemia can be caused ---- 95. With increase ---- pollution levels, acid rain has
different factors.. become a major threat ---- human beings,
vegetation and water bodies..

A) of / by
A) over / for
B) for / from
B) at / against
C) with / into
C) on / from
D) under / with
D) into / about
E) over / about
E) in / to

92. The signs and symptoms of anaemia in women

are not very different ---- the symptoms 96. The Union of Great Britain and Ireland
observed ---- men.. finally came ---- force ---- 1 January 801..

A) with / for A) by / until

B) to / from B) at / at

C) of / at C) into / on

D) from / in D) with / through

E) on / by E) on / in

93. The ancient Roman education aimed ---- 97. The Union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
transforming a child ---- a strong, healthy, finally came ---- force ---- 1 January 1801..
religious and responsible citizen..

A) with / through
A) for / on
B) at / at
B) of / by
C) by / until
C) without / for
D) into / on
D) at / into
E) on / in
E) towards / about
98. ---- the past 50 or 60 years, this technique has
been widely used ---- varying degrees of

A) Over / with

B) By / on

C) At / about

D) For / from

E) Through / in

99. He is ---- many ways a typical teenager, sceptical

---- all authority..

A) on / to

B) with / through

C) by / from

D) in / of

E) at / about

100. The study of the importance of literature and art

is definitely incomplete ---- the study of this
golden and divine period of history, which
revolutionized the thinking and expression of
artists and art all ---- the world..

A) for / of

B) in / on

C) on / within

D) without / over

E) at / at

1 D 41 E 81 D

2 C 42 B 82 E

3 E 43 A 83 B

4 C 44 D 84 B

5 C 45 C 85 C

6 B 46 D 86 A

7 A 47 D 87 E

8 B 48 C 88 A

9 B 49 C 89 E

10 D 50 C 90 B

11 E 51 C 91 A

12 D 52 E 92 D

13 D 53 C 93 D

14 A 54 B 94 B

15 D 55 E 95 E

16 A 56 D 96 C

17 C 57 B 97 D

18 B 58 D 98 A

19 C 59 A 99 D

20 D 60 C 100 D

21 D 61 E

22 C 62 D

23 C 63 B

24 B 64 E

25 A 65 B

26 D 66 C

27 C 67 A

28 D 68 A

29 D 69 E

30 D 70 C

31 A 71 A

32 B 72 D

33 C 73 B

34 D 74 A

35 E 75 E

36 C 76 C

37 A 77 D

38 A 78 D

39 D 79 E

40 E 80 D

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