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1. Monopolies are characterized ---- a lack of 5. A computer is any device capable ---- carrying
economic competition ---- the good or service out a sequence of operations ---- a defined
that they provide and a lack of viable substitute manner. .

A) with / over
A) by / for
B) by / under
B) about / in
C) of / in
C) at / under
D) in / off
D) from / on
E) out / on
E) with / around

6. General relativity's impact ---- calculations

2. Coral reefs ---- the world are being degraded regarding gravity sparked dramatic revisions ----
rapidly, especially in developing countries, and cosmology that continues today..
there are widespread concerns ---- over-
exploitation of reef fisheries..
A) of / into

A) on / with B) through / at

B) througout / about C) with / over

C) at / over D) on / in

D) into / on E) for / around

E) along / by
7. New research may alter current ideas ---- how
our solar system originated, and the connections
3. Coral reefs depend ---- fish to eat the seaweeds ---- the solar system's early composition and the
with which the corals compete, and without such origin of life..
cleaning, the reefs decline as corals are replaced
---- seaweeds..
A) of / along

A) over / among B) towards / off

B) onto / between C) about / between

C) into / under D) over / by

D) on / by E) in / across

E) for / at
8. ---- studying sun-like stars, astronomers may
have solved a mystery ---- the composition of
4. Coral reefs are the largest living structures ---- comets..
Earth—the only natural communities distinctly
visible ---- space..
A) With / into

A) in / for B) At / of

B) over / out C) By / about

C) on / from D) After / within

D) around / to E) Along / onto

E) into / under
9. Coral reef ecosystems world-wide have been 13. ---- all ocean habitats, reefs seem to have the
subject ---- unprecedented degradation ---- the greatest development ---- complex symbiotic
past few decades.. associations..

A) to / over A) Of / of

B) of / through B) From / with

C) for /across C) Under / under

D) about /with D) In / over

E) on /along E) With / into

10. The major emerging threat to coral reefs ---- the 14. The effects ---- natural and human-induced
last decade has been coral bleaching and stresses on coral reefs may range ---- negligible
mortality associated ---- global climate change.. to catastrophic..

A) at / by A) of / from

B) within / against B) on / of

C) after / through C) by / against

D) above / over D) among / without

E) in / with E) between / into

11. ---- increased human population and improved 15. Coral reefs provide protection for harbors and
storage and transport systems, the scale of beaches, which are often found behind reefs
human impacts ---- reefs has grown because the reefs provide natural protection ----
exponentially.. heavy wave action caused ---- coastal storms..

A) On / of A) for / in

B) From / in B) against / off

C) About /over C) from / by

D) For / onto D) under / with

E) With / on E) in / with

12. ---- climate change, both rising temperature and 16. Coral reefs are home ---- a number of species of
falling ocean pH will have a mutually reinforcing, fish and other marine species, including many
negative effect ---- the ability of corals to build that we rely ---- for food and economic purposes..
their calcium carbonate skeletons..

A) for / onto
A) About / of
B) of / under
B) Through / for
C) among / for
C) Against / under
D) to / on
D) Over / of
E) between / around
E) With / on
17. Although corals are found ---- the world, reef- 21. Millions of people go every day ---- one place to
building corals are confined ---- waters that another ---- airplane, boat, train, or automobile..
exhibit a narrow band of characteristics..

A) during / with
A) by / from
B) for / though
B) out / by
C) from / by
C) throughout / to
D) in / above
D) over / in
E) with / between
E) with / below

22. Because of the emphasis many boys place ----

18. Mortality increase of coral reefs is related ---- athletics, early-maturing boys may have
deteriorating water quality associated ---- temporary advantages ---- their peers..
anthropogenic pollutants and increased sea
surface temperatures..
A) in / for

A) with / from B) under / of

B) against /by C) across / among

C) to / with D) with / beside

D) off / for E) on / over

E) in / with
23. Climate change has exerted a considerable
influence ---- the growth of corals and the
19. ---- the past 50 years, humans have put an development ---- carbonate mounds..
enormous amount of pressure on coral reef
environments ---- altering their waters and
tearing up their foundations.. A) of / on

B) over / into
A) In / within
C) upon / against
B) About / with
D) on / of
C) At / for
E) though / to
D) Of / on

E) Over / by 24. Present-day global warming and the resulting

acidification ---- the oceans pose a threat ----
coral reefs..
20. Coral reef bleaching is caused ---- various
anthropogenic and natural variations ---- the reef
environment.. A) of / to

B) in / among
A) with / at
C) from / about
B) from / under
D) over / on
C) for /along
E) under / against
D) by / in

E) among / by
25. Researchers discovered that coral reefs ---- sites 29. Coral reefs are especially vulnerable ----
with varying seasonal temperatures are more predicted climate change because they bleach
likely ---- survive the 'hot pulses' of Climate rapidly and dramatically in response ----
Change.. increased Sea Surface Temperatures..

A) under / from A) to / to

B) at / by B) for / against

C) into / off C) on / with

D) in / to D) from / by

E) on / about E) of

26. ---- knowing which fish are most critical to 30. Since a coral reef is made up ---- so many
maintaining coral health, resource managers different kinds of fish and invertebrate species,
could focus ---- protecting and enhancing the encounters ---- individual animals are common..
highest-impact species..

A) for / on
A) By / on
B) about / among
B) Within / for
C) at / inside
C) About / about
D) of / between
D) In / from
E) into / with
E) Over / against

31. The poor ---- developing countries are the most -

27. ---- natural conditions, a healthy coral reef can --- risk from climate change threats..
recover ---- natural disturbance such as
hurricanes, within 10 to 20 years..
A) of / about

A) About / for B) from / among

B) Over / though C) over / through

C) Under / from D) in / at

D) Against / despite E) on / without

E) Without / off
32. The impact ---- climate change on snow-driven
hydrology is quite different ---- rainfall-driven
28. Vast changes ---- the seas are destroying the hydrology..
world’s precious coral reefs ---- an
unprecedented rate and scale..
A) on / with

A) in / at B) over / to

B) with / across C) of / from

C) along / by D) upon / for

D) under / within E) into /among

E) on / among
33. Adapting ---- climate change both needs to build 37. The relationship ---- ecology and the economy
on conventional interventions and requires a has become increasingly significant as humans
major shift ---- thinking, planning and designing gradually understand the impact that economic
water investments.. decisions have ---- the sustainability and quality
of the planet..

A) for / under
A) of / among
B) from /on
B) on / for
C) to / in
C) in / around
D) with /over
D) between / on
E) into / about
E) over / up

34. The difference ---- the rocket used as a weapon

and the rocket used in spacecrafts is mainly ---- 38. ---- recorded history, people have realized that
the construction.. air is critical ---- life..

A) among / about A) In / within

B) from / with B) On / along

C) to / at C) During / by

D) for / into D) Though / for

E) between / in E) Throughout / to

35. Virtually all advances ---- physiology and 39. Because health professionals are among the
endocrinology in the late nineteenth and early most likely to be exposed ---- Ebola when an
twentieth centuries were based on vivisection — outbreak occurs, it is important for them to have
the experimental use of living animals to observe access ---- rapid antigen or antibody assays and
physiological processes ---- laboratory isolation facilities to prevent further spread of
conditions.. the virus..

A) over / behind A) of / in

B) about / at B) by/ with

C) of / on C) from / upon

D) along / out D) to / to

E) in / under E) about / into

36. All the issues in times of the crisis are closely 40. Currently, world population is increasing ---- 74
connected ---- people, that is to say, human million people annually; the growth rate is
factor is the key ---- solve the economic expected to continue falling ---- the foreseeable
slowdown.. future..

A) about / of A) about / for

B) with / to B) for / on

C) over / for C) in / around

D) on / from D) towards / with

E) across / at E) from / within

41. In the middle ages , the decline ---- power of the 45. Carbon dioxide has an important function ----
church led society to place more of an emphasis - maintaining the balance ---- radiation from the
--- the individual.. sun entering the atmosphere and radiation
leaving the Earth..

A) at / about
A) by / against
B) over / for
B) without / off
C) in / on
C) of / from
D) of / onto
D) in / between
E) under / upon
E) for / on

42. The most frequent reason ---- printing more

money is the existence ---- an unbalanced 46. The challenge ---- providing adequate food,
budget.. shelter, health care, and education for those
living in poverty ---- the world is formidable..

A) of / on
A) on / around
B) into / with
B) in / at
C) by / around
C) by / through
D) for / of
D) of / throughout
E) under / toward
E) with / on

43. Current estimates of the total number of species

---- Earth range from 5 ---- 30 million, of which, 47. National and international mechanisms and
the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment programs for the defense and protection of
notes approximately 2 million have been formally children should be strengthened in line ---- the
described.. provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the
Child, which has been ratified ---- almost every
country in the world..
A) at / under

B) on / to A) with / by

C) in / about B) under / for

D) over / into C) over / at

E) around / up D) on / across

E) with / into
44. The evidently close connection ---- language and
thought does not imply that there can be no
thought ---- language.. 48. Democracy and political freedom cannot flourish
---- ensuring basic standards of food, clean
water, health care, and education ---- all..
A) with / through

B) in / outside A) at / among

C) between / without B) in / around

D) about / over C) without / for

E) along / into D) among / at

E) into / through
49. Pollutants derived ---- automobile operation have 53. There is little doubt that an individual's success
begun to pose environmental problems ---- or failure ---- controlling potentially stressful
considerable magnitude.. situations can have a profound effect ---- his
ability to function..

A) to / about
A) in / on
B) by / at
B) about / of
C) for / over
C) for / under
D) from / of
D) through / upon
E) against / off
E) without / onto

50. Finding the right balance ---- cooperation and

competition has been the goal and bane of 54. The costs and benefits associated ---- producing,
Western politics ---- centuries.. distributing, and consuming goods and services
values determined ---- both buyers and sellers in
millions of independent, individual, and highly
A) between / for local decisions structures economic action in free
B) for / in

C) on / by A) with / by

D) off / through B) without / between

E) within / during C) from / among

D) at / to
51. ---- examining how individuals, households, and
businesses allocate resources, economics E) by / for
increases our understanding ---- human action on
both individual and communal levels..
55. The unprecedented growth ---- global population
that occurred in the 20th century was made
A) Through / out possible by the remarkable advances ----
agriculture, public health, and technology..
B) By / of

C) With / on A) around / of

D) During / into B) among / about

E) About / at C) in / in

D) between / around
52. The societies of the ancient world that made
substantial advances ---- knowledge and E) of / throughout
government were those in which specially
designated people assumed responsibility ----
educating the young..

A) of / for

B) about / on

C) over / through

D) in / for

E) on / without
56. The human body responds ---- stressors ---- 60. Every year there are changes ---- climate in
activating the nervous system and specific different parts ---- the world..

A) over / through
A) for / at
B) in / of
B) in / between
C) on / between
C) of / about
D) among / on
D) to / by
E) at / around
E) from / like

61. Oil consists of a closely related series of complex

57. With technological advances, scientists have also hydrocarbon compounds that range ---- gasoline
discovered a wealth of new species ---- areas ---- heavy solids..
assumed to be barren, previously inaccessible -
--- humans..
A) of / under

A) on / for B) for / over

B) in / to C) on / off

C) through / of D) with / into

D) among / about E) from / to

E) into / towards
62. ---- 2 percent of people in the United States
suffer ---- panic disorder during any given year,
58. Within a fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen are and the condition affects more than twice as
converted ---- heat and water, producing many women as men..
electricity ---- the process..

A) Of / for
A) from / over
B) On / under
B) through / under
C) Over / in
C) with / about
D) About / from
D) on / by
E) With / of
E) into / in

63. Agricultural economies with very little industry

59. Although his medical ideas were controversial, are subject to instability caused ---- such factors
Rush made many important contributions ---- the as the changes ---- the nature..
development of medicine ---- the United States..

A) with / at
A) of / at
B) from / on
B) for / for
C) by / in
C) into / with
D) against / of
D) from / among
E) through / for
E) to / in
64. Habituation, one of the simplest types of 68. The nature of a change is measured ---- the
learning, is the tendency to become familiar ---- a degree of disruption ---- the society..
stimulus after repeated exposure ---- it..

A) from / against
A) from / towards
B) without / on
B) for / under
C) by / in
C) against / of
D) at / among
D) with / to
E) on / for
E) through / along

69. ---- history humans have both affected, and been

65. Exit visas are frequently required ---- countries in affected ----, the natural world..
which unfavorable political, social, or economic
conditions have resulted in a marked rise ----
emigration.. A) About / on

B) Of / from
A) for / at
C) At / in
B) from / of
D) Throughout / by
C) across /for
E) Among / around
D) by / in

E) through / among 70. People are incredibly social beings, and we rely
heavily ---- our interactions with others to thrive,
and even survive, ---- the world..
66. Biodiversity refers ---- all plants, animals, and
microorganisms existing and interacting ---- an
ecosystem.. A) of / at

B) on / through
A) about / around
C) in / off
B) from / across
D) on / in
C) around / of
E) among / around
D) to / within

E) for / under 71. Recent research by the U.S. Agricultural

Department suggests that high concentrations -
--- salt make life difficult for the bacteria that are
67. Underdeveloped agricultural countries are responsible ---- spoiling food..
extremely vulnerable ---- changes ---- the
international commodity prices..
A) on / from

A) for / over B) with /in

B) against / about C) about / by

C) to / in D) of / for

D) over / from E) among / at

E) on / among
72. The ability to cope ---- stress has figured 76. The main driving forces ---- superstition are
prominently ---- psychosomatic research.. ignorance and fear ---- the unknown or

A) with / in
A) out / from
B) for / about
B) about / among
C) under / on
C) for / with
D) in / toward
D) behind / of
E) over / among
E) into / on

73. Phobic anxiety is distinguishable ---- other forms

of anxiety only in that it occurs specifically in 77. Studies ---- the acquisition of word order in
relation ---- a certain object or situation.. German have shown that most learners begin ----
a word order based on their native language..

A) on / with
A) at / around
B) into / over
B) after / from
C) from / to
C) inside / over
D) for / under
D) on / with
E) of / along
E) against / for

74. The outcome of starkly competitive behavior

leading ---- wars is clearly against the interests 78. A well-preserved settlement near the temple of
of states, and it is rational ---- them to seek more Edfu provides rare glimpses ---- the daily lives ----
desirable outcomes.. the ancient Egyptians..

A) to / for A) at / though

B) for / about B) over / during

C) on / towards C) into / of

D) over / against D) on / below

E) with / from E) back / after

75. Researchers may not be able to spot the 79. Lack ---- rain or much of it can influence the
universe's first stars in their telescopes yet, but amount ---- the crops..
that hasn't stopped them from taking a close
look ---- how those fireballs emerged ---- the
cold, dark days when the universe was young.. A) out / among

B) in / under
A) out / in
C) from / for
B) down / from
D) for / into
C) into / against
E) of / of
D) for / towards

E) at / from
80. ---- sociology, behavioral research focuses mainly 84. Death rates have fallen sharply in response ----
---- the behavior of people in large groups and improvement ---- health services..
social institutions, such as businesses, churches,
governments, hospitals..
A) from / along

A) About / under B) to / in

B) Of / like C) with / around

C) With / over D) for / about

D) In / on E) of / on

E) On / of
85. The works of the ancient Greek physician
Hippocrates commonly known as the Hippocratic
81. The most common system divides the world ---- Collection consist ---- about 70 works, ---- which
biomes based on the dominant plant life that only a relatively small number are possibly by
occurs ---- a certain climate.. him. .

A) at / with A) with / by

B) in / after B) among / in

C) into / within C) into / from

D) on / under D) of / of

E) around / of E) across / during

82. In healthy people, the body's own so-called 86. Hesitations and repetitions in speech are normal
natural flora of bacteria form a line of defense - ---- the ages of two to four, as speech is
--- mild infections, which may thus be taken care developing; they are usually gone by the age of
---- without further treatment.. six, except ---- occasional episodes that may
recur during times of stress..

A) for / about
A) through / with
B) with / over
B) among / from
C) towards / on
C) from / for
D) against / of
D) between / on
E) to / through
E) at / onto

83. Consuming too much water can put babies ----

risk of a potentially life-threatening condition 87. Ambitious plans ---- the expansion of the railway
known ---- water intoxication.. network have had to be abandoned due to lack -
--- funds..

A) about / without
A) in / of
B) over / for
B) on / about
C) on / by
C) from / in
D) at / as
D) for / of
E) along / against
E) over / on
88. Few sociologists will admit that a city is distinct - 92. In Denmark, compensation ---- injuries at work
--- a village merely ---- the number of its and occupational illnesses is entirely the
inhabitants.. responsibility ---- employers..

A) of / for A) with / to

B) from / by B) from / in

C) to / over C) over / among

D) in / though D) for / of

E) off / in E) on / between

89. Twenty-nine percent ---- parents whose children 93. Societies ---- written records preserved their
had allergies said their children suffer ---- a lack history through stories and myths passed orally -
of sleep.. --- one generation to another..

A) about /over A) in / through

B) by / in B) on / beyond

C) in / with C) without / from

D) among / for D) from /under

E) of / from E) off /about

90. Although it is clear that a close correlation exists 94. HIV differs ---- other infectious viruses in that it
---- carbon dioxide and air temperature, it is still dies quickly if exposed ---- the environment..
not known whether increases ---- carbon dioxide
cause temperature increases or vice versa..
A) from / to

A) among /on B) in / into

B) at / of C) on / towards

C) off / from D) among /over

D) into / out E) about / within

E) between / in
95. Though often misperceived as villainous
denizens of the deep, these top predators play
91. Currently, the most effective means ---- fighting an important role ---- preserving the balance of
avian influenza is the destruction of infected the ocean's ecosystems ---- keeping their prey's
birds or those ---- risk of infection.. populations in check..

A) for / in A) of / among

B) away / without B) without / along

C) against / out C) on / down

D) of / at D) in / by

E) off / from E) against / above

96. Irrigation required ---- many parts of the world 100. As to the possibility ---- the less-developed
can be a significant drain on water supplies in countries themselves influencing prices,
arid areas and, if improperly managed, can lead - circumstances vary from commodity ----
--- a buildup of salt deposits, which can severely commodity..
degrade soil quality..

A) from / with
A) for / into
B) for / along
B) by / out
C) of / to
C) from / from
D) about / into
D) in / to
E) over / on
E) at / into

97. There are costs associated ---- high-yield

methods, including a heavy reliance ----
pesticides and fertilizers..

A) by / upon

B) through / in

C) from / against

D) out / for

E) with / on

98. People with generalized anxiety disorder often

find that their worries interfere ---- their ability
to function at work or concentrate ---- tasks..

A) from / without

B) about / under

C) for / in

D) of / at

E) with / on

99. The precise moment ---- life’s first appearance -

--- the Earth is still uncertain..

A) at / within

B) during / for

C) of / on

D) by / above

E) with/ about

1 A 41 C 81 C

2 B 42 D 82 D

3 D 43 B 83 D

4 C 44 C 84 B

5 C 45 D 85 D

6 D 46 D 86 C

7 C 47 A 87 D

8 C 48 C 88 B

9 A 49 D 89 E

10 E 50 A 90 E

11 E 51 B 91 D

12 E 52 D 92 D

13 A 53 A 93 C

14 A 54 A 94 A

15 C 55 C 95 D

16 D 56 D 96 D

17 C 57 B 97 E

18 C 58 E 98 E

19 E 59 E 99 C

20 D 60 B 100 C

21 C 61 E

22 E 62 D

23 D 63 C

24 A 64 D

25 D 65 D

26 A 66 D

27 C 67 C

28 A 68 C

29 A 69 D

30 D 70 D

31 D 71 D

32 C 72 A

33 C 73 C

34 E 74 A

35 E 75 E

36 B 76 D

37 D 77 D

38 E 78 C

39 D 79 E

40 A 80 D

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