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Ref: 54008 51920

Year: 2021
OUID: 226701
Tax Calculation for 2020-21 (year ended 5 April 2021)
Income received (before tax taken off)
Pay from all employments £ 31,611.00
Profit from UK land and property £ 38,803.00
Total income received £ 70,414.00
minus Personal Allowance £ 12,500.00

Total income on which tax is due £ 57,914.00

How I have worked out your Income Tax

Pay, pensions, profit etc. (Welsh income tax rate)

Basic rate £ 37,500.00 x 20% = £ 7,500.00
Higher rate £ 20,414.00 x 40% = £ 8,165.60
Total income on which tax has been charged £ 57,914.00

Income Tax charged after allowances and reliefs £ 15,665.60

plus High Income Child Benefit Charge £ 1,010.00

Income Tax due £ 16,675.60

minus Tax deducted

From all employments, UK pensions and state benefits £ 3,821.00
Total tax deducted £ 3,821.00

Total Income Tax due £ 12,854.60

Page 1 of 1 Printed 27/07/2022

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