Seven Actions To Defeat Goliath in Your Life

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Seven Actions to Defeat Goliath In Your Life
1. we are not fighting against flesh
12 “For we are not fighting against human being but against the wicked spiritual forces in the
heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age.
2. The Devil has come to destroy you but the Lord has come to give you life in all its fullness
JOHN 10:10
10 “The thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy. I have come in order that you
might have life – life in all its fullness
Satan attacks God’s people by:
 Directing governments: Daniel 10:13.
 Deceiving people: 2 Corinthians 4:4.
 Destroying lives: Hebrews 2:14.
 Persecuting the saints: Revelation 2:10.
 Preventing service: 1 Thessalonians 2:18.
 Promoting schisms: 2 Corinthians 2:10–11.
 Planting doubt: Genesis 3:1–5.
 Provoking sin:
 Anger: Ephesians 4:26–27.
 Pride: 1 Timothy 3:6.
 Worry: Matthew 13:22.
 Self-reliance: 1 Chronicles 21:1.
 Discouragement: 1 Peter 5:6–8.
 Worldliness: 1 John 2:16.
 Lying: Acts 5:3.
 Immorality: 1 Corinthians 5:1–2.

3. The Devil’s plan is to make you slaves

1 Samuel 17:8-11
8 “Goliath stood and shouted at the Israelites, What are you doing there lined up for battle? I
am a philistine, you slaves of Saul! Choose one of your men to fight me. 9 “If he wins and kills
me, we will be your slaves; but if I wins and kill him, you will be our slaves. 10 “Here and now I
challenge the Israelite army. I dare you to pick someone to fight me! 11 “when Saul and his
men heard this they were terrified.
4. Until you put an end to the Devil, he will always torture your life every day
1 Samuel 17:16
16 “Goliath challenged the Israelites every morning and evening for forty days
 I call all this Goliath
 So let’s fight Goliath that is in our life and family


1. 1 To Prepare for the Battle, You must know Your Goliath from God’s Perspective
1 Samuel 17:26
26 “David asked the men who were near him, “What will the man get who kills this philistine and
frees Israel from this disgrace? After all, who is this heathen philistine to defy the army of the living
2. 2 To Prepare for the Battle You Must Remember the Victories From Your Past
1 Samuel 17:34-36
34 “Your Majesty, David said, “I take care of my father’s sheep. Whenever a lion or a bear carries off a
lamb, 35 “I go after it, attack it and rescue the lamb. And if the lion or bear turns on me, I grab it by
the throat and beat it to death. 36 “I have killed lion and bears and I will do the same to this heathen
philistine” “All right,” Saul answered. Go and the Lord be with you.

 The man with leprosy was hopeless (Matthew 8:1-4).

 The centurion’s son needing healing and was helpless (Matthew 8:5-13).
 The paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8),
 the blind and mute (Matthew 9:27-34),
 the dead girl (Matthew 9:18-26), and
 Lazarus being raised to life (John 11:14-15, 38-44),

3. 3 To Prepare for the Battle You Must Put on the Armor of God

1 Samuel 17:40
40 “He took his shepherd’s stick and then picked up five smooth stones from the stream and put them
in his bag. With his sling ready, he went out to meet Goliath.

13 So put on GOD’s armour now! Then when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist the enemy’s
attacks; and after fighting to the end, you will still hold your ground. 14 “So stand ready with truth as
a belt tight round your waist, with righteousness as your breastplate, 15 “and as your shoes the
readiness to announce the Good News of peace. 16 “At all times carry faith as a shield; for with it you
will be able to put out all the burning arrows shot by the evil one. 17 “And accept salvation as a
helmet, and the word of GOD as the sword which the spirit gives you. 18 “Do all this in prayer, asking
for GOD’s help. Pray on every occasion as the spirit leads. For this reason keep alert and never give up;
pray always for all GOD’s people.

1. Put on truth as a belt tight round your waist

2. Put on righteousness as your breastplate
3. Put on peace as your shoes
4. Carry faith as a shield
5. Accept salvation as a helmet
6. The word of God as the sword
7. DO all this in prayers
8. Ask GOD for help
9. Pray on every occasion
10. Never give up
11. Pray always for all GOD’s people.

4. 4 As You Fight Your Battle, You Must Declare, “The Battle is the Lord’s”

1 Samuel 17:45
45 “David answered, “You are coming against me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come against
you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the GOD of the Israelite armies, which you have defied.

5. 5 As You Fight Your Battle, You Must Do What You Know to Do

1 Samuel 17:39-40
39 “David strapped Saul’s sword over the armour and tried to walk, but he couldn’t, because he
wasn’t used to wearing them. “I can’t fight with all this,” he said to Saul. “I’m not used to it.” So he
took it all off. 40 “He took his shepherd’s stick and then picked up five smooth stones from the stream
and put them in his bag. With his sling ready, he went out to meet Goliath.

6. 6 As You Fight Your Battle, You Must Complete the Task

1 Samuel 17:49-51
49 “He put his hand into his bag and took out a stone, which he slung at Goliath. It hit on the forehead
and broke his skull, and Goliath fell face downwards on the ground. 50 “And so, without a sword,
David defeated and killed Goliath with a sling and a stone 51 “He ran to him, stood over him, took
Goliath’s sword out of its sheath, and cut off his head and killed him. When the Philistines saw that
their hero was dead, they ran away.

7. 7 Move Forward with God-Given Confidence

1 Samuel 17:46-47
46 “This very day the lord will put you in my power; I will defeat you and cut off you head. And I will
give the bodies of the philistine soldiers to the birds and animals to eat. Then the whole world will
know that Israel has a GOD. 47 “and everyone here will see that the Lord does not need swords or
spears to save his people. He is victorious in battle and he will put all of you in our power.”

Philippians 4:9
9 “Put into practice what you learned and received from me, both from my words and from my
actions. And the GOD who gives us peace will be with you”.

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