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welcome to the fourth lesson of the

second Advanced course

material wealth is anyone's legitimate


and it is also one of the seven

Interiors of the seven comprehensive


today's lesson will help you take a

standard concept of material abundance

and build a roadmap to Financial Freedom

a very interesting topic isn't it

let's get started

today's lesson includes the following

main ideas

part one

five indicators of financial competency

part two

five levels of Financial Freedom

and part 3 is the way to attract good


first let's find out what it means to be

materially rich

material wealth people people who have a

full and self-reliant material life

so how to become materially rich

a materially rich person is a person who

has a full and self-reliant material


first you must have a full inner feeling

about what you have

when you feel full inside you will have

a full feeling on the outside

besides you must be financially

competent that is capable of making

money to keep money and develop Capital


five Financial intelligence indicators

help you assess your ability to achieve

your desired financial goals

these are

first the ability to make money or in a

word the ability to earn more and more

money over the years

secondly protecting money besides

earning money you need to be able to

protect the money you make

third budgeting for money you also need

to have management skills and planning

to spend money meaningfully and


fourth using money leverage through bank

loans raising capital and borrowing

money from friends and relatives to

invest and develop a large and

sustainable cash flow

and fifth constantly developing

Financial thinking

by investing smartly you can double or

multiply the inherent amount

next I will help you learn the five

common levels of Financial Freedom

according to Tony Robbins book money

owns the game

these are level 1 Financial safety

level 2 Financial Security

level 3 Financial Independence

level 4 Financial Freedom

and level 5 absolute Financial Freedom

of course the higher the level the more

effort you have to put in

let's go through these Financial levels

one by one

the first is Level One Financial safety

at the first level you only need to have

a certain income enough to cover daily


such as utilities bills and expenses

imagine at this level you only have

enough money to cover your daily life

there haven't been any passive sources

of income

therefore if they are costs incurred or

if the work is difficult you will be

prone to a financial crisis

I recommend trying to keep your income

higher than your spending by cutting

back on unreasonable expenses and

building a clear monthly savings plan

the next level is Financial Security

this is a more stable period

at level 2 you need to have enough money

to cover life without working for at

least three years

during this time you still have personal

finances for essential expenses and

still have a surplus of money to cover

some other needs such as clothing food

and entertainment

in general if you are in this stage you

still do not experience too much

pressure on spending or debt

this is usually a time when your job is

interrupted such as losing your job or

reducing your payroll

during this period besides proper

consumption start researching and trying

to create other sources of passive


the third level is financial


when finances become safe and secure to

the point where you can survive without

active income your financial condition

is at level 3. that is financial


to make it easy to understand expect how

many years you will live and how much

money you need up to that point

please calculate the details with

specific numbers

when you have enough of this money

that's when you have Financial

Independence for life

during this period both primary income

and passive income have far exceeded

your expenses

it's easy to pay bills spend and you can

save an extra amount of money every


to be able to move to a higher Financial

level I recommend planning and setting

long-term financial goals

when there are five times the amount at

level 3. a congratulations

you have stepped up to level four

its Financial Freedom

your life at this level is already

financially controlled you have many

sources of passive income that bring

good results the savings are increasing

you live comfortably and easily because

passive sources of income have helped

you lead a luxurious life and do not

need to actively earn extra money

finally if you are at level 5 you have

gained absolute Financial Freedom

at this level you no longer have to

worry about money

because you are living affluent with

money from passive income as well as


this is when you can rest and enjoy life

this is indeed the highest form of

financial Freedom that almost everyone

dreams of

whatever level you're at always remember

health and family are top priorities

because this is the largest and most

valuable asset of each person

so how to attract a lot of good material

experts have studied and summarized the

following ways

first always keep the energy that is

grateful for what you own

sincerely grateful for the presence of


in particular you must have a strong

personality to connect with people

create Quality Social relationships and

borrow help from people to achieve the

material goals you want

second fostering good qualities is also

a way to gather good material

and finally constantly accumulate more

merits and blessings through seven


besides an outstanding concept I need

you to pay attention to his financial


this is a concept that is related to the

frame of reference for merit and virtue

by creating a financial Legacy you and

your next generation will gain lasting


Financial Legacy is the creation of

Merit building machines blessing life in

a sustainable and Lasting way for the

following Generations such as

invest in scholarship funds

building cash flow for educational

institutions for sustainable and

long-term development

building Financial funds to serve

nursing homes nursing the elderly


this machine is how you create

conditions for many others to join hands

to continue to create Merit and

blessings for life even when you are no

longer in this life

you probably know that material wealth

is only one of seven comprehensive


the path that we need to conquer is

seven comprehensive wealth

do not forget the remaining six wealth

on the way to material enrichment

these include

mental state helps us to promote the

best Karma available to us

quality helps us attract the best


personality helps us develop the best

Karma and connect with many people

personality with the capability will

help you reduce the problems that arise

in Social relationships

physical ability helps you limit the

problems that arise in health

physical ability material ability and

capability also helps you limit

financial problems

wisdom mental state and quality will

limit the problems that arise in the

inner heart

so we finished our lesson on material


let's try to check what Financial level

you are in

in the five ranks I have shared please

try to achieve at least level three

that's lifetime Financial Independence

so what are you waiting for plan and

find a way to achieve the amount of

money you dream of

finally I would like to wish you to

reach your Target on a financial level


goodbye and see you in the following


be sure to stay tuned

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