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welcome back to the course

in the previous section we finished the

lesson on the elite virtual health

today we will learn about a very

familiar and realistic topic

that's how to get your gym occupation in


isn't it what you are asking yourself

all the time

part one is understanding the concept of

a dream occupation and its


in part 2 we'll talk about how to find

your gym occupation

and the third part will be the process

of reaching the dream life

first I will introduce you to the

concept of ikigai

ikigai is a Japanese term

in English we can roughly translate it

as dream occupation

this concept indicates an ideal job that

we often expect with combination of

multiple characteristics

now we will find out what conditions a

gym job must have and how to fulfill


usually we all want to find our dream

job and then use it to achieve the life

we dream of
but in reality most of us cannot achieve

that for many reasons including two

common cases which are

sometimes your dream job doesn't give

you a dream life

on the contrary sometimes a job which

you do not dream of can give you a dream


therefore you should choose to achieve

your dream life first

and then come back to fulfill your dream


that would be a better way

do you wonder what a dream job is

I will help you answer this question

a dream job is the one that has four


first is you like it

second is that it meets the current

social needs

third is you are excellent edit

fourth is you make money as much as

expected from it

satisfying these four criteria the

Japanese quality kigai and we call it a

dream job

this is a diagram showing the four

characteristics of ikigai

ikigai is the perfect state for a job

and dream life

however you will encounter quite a few

obstacles to reaching that state

why firstly the job you like and be good

at is because you are passionate and

work with that passion so you will be

wholeheartedly devoted to the job you


you will definitely Excel

however if you only do it for passion

without creating money and Society has

no need for it then you can't make a

living either

so experts have pointed out that people

who only work for passion are no wonder

of being poor

second the job you like and meets the

social need is called a mission

however you will not be rich with jobs

that you like and meet social needs but

do not help you earn enough money

for example jobs that only focus on

Research such as environment natural

resources Society religion Etc

experts have pointed out that those who

only do their missions will usually be

poor next mission if combined with

earning money is working

those are the jobs that Society needs

and help make sufficient money

for example you can make enough money to

live with the professions of doctor

nursing patient care

Etc but if you do not excel at your work

you cannot be wealthy

and the profession that help earn money

combined with Excellence is called being

an expert

for example doctors financial

consultants real estate brokers Etc

choosing a job is an art

because this process Witnesses a lot of

potentially arising problems

here are some illustrative notes with


jobs without social needs over time will


so if you choose those professions you

will easily be unemployed

for example Society had a high demand

for paper typing jobs in the past

but when technology developed and

computers and the internet replace

typing machines the industry of paper

typing disappeared

what about a job that you like helps you

earn money and meet social needs but you

are not good at it

then when the market fluctuates you will

be easily eliminated

for example the profession of pharmacist

or medicine broker

if you don't have business marketing or

communication skills and especially

don't have enough expertise in medicine

then you will be eliminated when better

people enter the market

as for a job that helps earn money and

meet social needs but you don't like it

you probably won't do it for a long time

and it's likely that you are going to


for example I have a friend

his family specializes in the Inland

Waterway transportation business with

large capacity boats

business runs smoothly and earns a lot

of money

but my friend is a mechanical engineer

he is only passionate about designing

industrial machinery and equipment so he

does not devote himself to his parents

Waterway transport

you can already guess the results

as for the job you like excel at but

can't make much money you can sustain

your life but might not become well off

for example you like making paper or

artificial flowers and are also very


but your output is not much and the

sales are inconsiderable

as a result the revenue is only enough

to cover basic living needs not make you


we should also bear in mind the three

factors that support the gym occupation

are having a heart talent and wealth and


the first is having a heart Factor

that means having the heart to help

people especially many many people even


but we should probably only support

about 100 people and then these 100

people can join us in helping millions

of other people

this is the real driving force

contributing to social change

you must also thoroughly understand your

industry or profession to amplify the

heart Factor

if you lack sufficient Insight you must

find people to help you

the second factor is talent and wealth

Talon means we must excel in our


and we must have enough money to work

for a long time and scale up our job

when necessary

finally the power factor

power means having physical strengths to

do our job for a long time

and there must be social relationships

to leverage us to get things done

we've talked a lot about the gym


what about the dream life

how to make your dream life a reality

the dream life is a roadmap to upgrade

each realm of life

we learned about the Seven Realms of

life in lesson 3 of the intermediate


if you forget you can review it

each realm of life will have

corresponding work and career conditions

typically we as humans always want to

move to the higher life Realms and close

to the top one the seventh Realm

because then we will have a truly

fulfilling life

so to achieve your dream life you need

some of the following conditions

first we must complete the four elements

surrounding the House of Seven

comprehensive wealth introspective

Health finance and social relationships

to achieve these four factors we must

perfect the seven inclusive worlds

including inner State personality virtue

wisdom capability physical health and


to complete the House of Seven

comprehensive wealth you must clarify

all the concepts related to that house

and thoroughly understand related

Concepts and reference systems

to understand related Concepts

thoroughly you must first have a

standard reference system including the

triangle of reality the formula of

original life and the human structure

these are the three reference systems

you have learned right from the basic

class of the course

if you forget you can review it at any


then we go from the standard reference

systems backward to the Seven Realms of

life from part 5 to part 1 as shown in

the diagram you are looking at

that is simply the process of achieving

the dream life

guys that's the end of the lesson

please take the time to evaluate whether

your current occupation is your dream


and to build the gym life like the

process we just learned please remember

to thoroughly understand all the

original Concepts reference systems and

the House of Seven comprehensive wealth

thank you for participating in today's


best regards and see you in the next

lesson to explore and clarify more about

the dream life

until then enjoy life

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